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#1 (1/2) - Skylanders: The Next Battle [CLOSED]
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#101 Posted: 23:55:37 26/02/2012
Green Bean Machine
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#102 Posted: 00:00:43 27/02/2012
*gasp* You said it again! But i'm afraid i didn't hear, COZ IT GO- you already know...
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#103 Posted: 00:06:16 27/02/2012
Why do we keep making references from the blow to up tv commercial?
Green Bean Machine
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4238
#104 Posted: 00:10:23 27/02/2012
Coz it's awesome, COZ IT BLOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#105 Posted: 00:12:18 27/02/2012
This is getting repetitive oh well "let's go skylanders" zook

Why does nobody seem to like ghost writer and boomer hmmm
Green Bean Machine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:06:31 27/02/2012 by zook it up
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#106 Posted: 09:53:23 27/02/2012
^ Where did you get this idea from???
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#107 Posted: 11:59:25 27/02/2012
when ever i go to a store if they have anything it is always boomer i have no idea but nobody buys him poor oh poor boomer id buy him but i already got one poor boomer smilie
Green Bean Machine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:29:08 27/02/2012 by zook it up
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#108 Posted: 13:49:04 27/02/2012
Boomer? Well, he IS a troll. Dunno, i think most people prefer dragons to trolls :S
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#109 Posted: 15:52:17 27/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: miniquiny999
I don't know. You said it wasn't Ripto.

I said the SHADOW wasn't Ripto.


Hex woke up.
"W-where am I?" she slowly asked.
Danny smiled. "Glad to see you've snapped outta it. You're in my house."
Hex looked confused. "Snapped out of what?"
Terrafin walked in. "You mean you really can't remember?"
Hex nodded her head side-to-side. "I can't remember anything after arriving here. All I remember about here is seeing this strange shadow, then losing control of my body - and my mind. It was like I've been missing for years."
Danny thought. "Speaking of missing, where's Flameslinger?"
Bash walked in. "Dunno, I thought he followed us after we found out that Hex attacked the school."
Hex gasped. "I attacked a school? I-Is it destroyed?"
Danny nodded. "It wasn't you who destroyed it though. Boomer did. But then again, it's really a good thing."
"Because now we have more time to search for the others."
Chop Chop yawned. "Are we ever going to see Dr. Umbra?"
"Right," Dany said, "Let's go."

Danny, Hex, Terrafin, Chop Chop, and Bash walked out of the house. Boomer soon followed saying:
"I really got to. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boooooom!" He he he YEAH!"
They walked up to Umbra's house.


"What was that?" Terrafin asked.
"Dunno," Danny said. "But we better go check it out. I think it came from his back garden."
Umbra was lying on the floor. He looked weak. Danny and the Skylanders then ran over to him.
"What's going on?" Hex asked.
"They've stolen my helicopter." Umbra said.
Danny looked up. He saw Flameslinger and Trigger Happy tied up in the copter, but it soon flew off.
"Did I just see Flameslinger and Trigger Happy tied up in the helicopter?" he asked.
"Yep, sad to say." Umbra said. "I tried to save them, but they were too strong."
Boomer walked up to him. "They?"
Umbra sighed. "The shadows. An evil group working for that idiot Kaos."
"shut up" a voice quietly shouted.
"What was that noice?" Terrafin asked.
"What noice?" Umbra nervously said.
"It sounded like someone saying shut up."
"You must be hearing things. I didn't hear it."

"Great." Danny said. "Now how will we find the others?"
Umbra thought. "Check the news."
They all walked into Umbra's house.
Hex stared at Umbra. "You look... familiar."
"We'll," Umbra nervously said, "I am a famous scientist."
Danny turned on the TV.

"Recent weather reports show a terrible lightning storm in London. As well as that, a weird blue thing in a cloud has been ssighted in the middle of the storm. To make matters worse, a weird black dragon is also attacking London, in a confused matter. We will bring more of this story as it continues."

"I'll send you to London." Umbra said.
Danny and the Skylanders nodded.
"Seems like Lightning Rod and Spyro." Terrafin said. "I told you something was strange with Spyro."
Umbra looked at Terrafin briefly, but the quickly teleported them to London.


What's wrong with Spyro?
Why is Rod attacking London?
Why is Umbra acting nervous?
Why am I asking so many questions?

Find out, in the next chapter!
Bring the Fanta
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:16:09 27/02/2012 by TheSpyrofan12
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#110 Posted: 19:31:42 27/02/2012 | Topic Creator


They had arrived in London.
"Definately a storm caused by Lightning Rod." Terrafin said. "I'll search for Spyro. I have a few questions for him - like why he left the beach when yous arrived."
"Right!" Chop Chop said. "I'll come with you."
Danny nodded. "Me, Boomer, Hex and Bash will go calm down Rod."
"Grrr... I saw him somewhere!" Lightning Rod angrilly shouted. "Where is that freak?"
"Rod! Why are you doing this?" Bash asked.
"That dragon has to be here somewhere!" Rod said, completely ignoring Bash.
"He he he." Boomer said. "I'll handle this!"
He threw some dynamite a Lightning Rod. This caused him to fall to the floor - and the storm immediently stopped.
"Rod, why were you doing this?" Danny asked.
Rod got up. "That Spyro hit me with fire, and I kinda lost my temper - it's a rare occurance!"
Hex sighed. "What about the time when it was too hot on the beach?"
"Or when you didn't have any ketchup left?" Boomer added.
Bash walked up to him (yes, he's slow). "Or when..."
"Fine! Enough!" Rod angrilly interupted. "Maybe I do lose my temper quickly."
"We should go find Terrafin and Chop Chop," Danny said. "Hopefully they've found Spyro."
"Look! There he is!" Chop Chop said.
"Right!" Terrafin said. "Let's go get him!"

Spyro looked around. "Blarf, rawr, ralws!"
He was running around like crazy - like he had lost control of his body and mind!
"Stop this Spyro!" Terrafin shouted. "Where's my fi..."
"Terrafin!" Chop Chop interrupted.
"Whoops, sorry."

Danny and the others ran towards them.
"I'll get you now!" Rod shouted. He then struck Spyro with lightning. Then, as if by a special sort of power, Spyro split into two!
There were two Spyros - one looked normal, while the other kept its dark form he was previously in.
"Whew" Spyro said. "Thanks for that."
The dark form nodded. "Yes, thanks. It's great to finally be free! I've never wanted to be stuck in his body with no control. In fact, I'm not really evil! Oh, I'm Dark Spyro."
"Great..." Danny said, quite confused.
The others were all confused too.
"Wanna hear my secret?" Dark Spyro said. He leaned towards Danny and whispered to him: "I collect pens."

Awkward Silence

A man ran towards them. "You must know about them then. But to be sure... tell me the code!"
Danny (who was still confused) then said, "I'm portal, 32-8-5"
"Great! Follow me all of you!"
They all followed the man - who was for some reason running quite fast.


Alright, I'll say what's wrong with Umbra soon, okay?
Bring the Fanta
Dragonlover00 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1188
#111 Posted: 20:20:02 27/02/2012
Yay. Awsome chapters.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#112 Posted: 20:21:09 27/02/2012 | Topic Creator
I'm trying to include little jokes here and there - like Dark Spyro colecting pens smilie
Bring the Fanta
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#113 Posted: 20:36:35 27/02/2012
is this gonna be like equator's story? are they going to find zook? why do i keep asking questions? will i ever stop asking questions? ? ? ?
Green Bean Machine
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#114 Posted: 20:39:34 27/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Yes and no.
They will find Zook soon.
I dunno.
Probably not smilie.
Bring the Fanta
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#115 Posted: 20:42:40 27/02/2012
when are you going to write the next chapter the suspense is killing me
Green Bean Machine
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#116 Posted: 20:45:10 27/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Today as already had two in a row!
Bring the Fanta
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#117 Posted: 20:46:11 27/02/2012
ok great storys
Green Bean Machine
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#118 Posted: 21:42:57 27/02/2012
DARK SPYRO COLLECTS PENS?!?!?! What a twist! smilie
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#119 Posted: 22:51:11 27/02/2012
not just pens exploding pens that get BLOWN UP this is getting old
Green Bean Machine
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#120 Posted: 23:12:21 27/02/2012
what did ya say? Didn't hear ya... CAUSE I GOT MY FINGERS IN MY EARS!!!!
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#121 Posted: 00:17:12 28/02/2012
twist haha
Green Bean Machine
Cynder134 Gold Sparx Gems: 2044
#122 Posted: 08:15:53 28/02/2012
I collect… pencils.
For real XD
Why am I back
SkylandersBoy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1129
#123 Posted: 16:02:27 28/02/2012
Wanna hear my darkest secret? I play Skylanders!!!!
Swap Force is just plain awesome!
I'm not related to the SkylanderKids.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#124 Posted: 16:18:29 28/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Later today: The rest of the Fan Skylanders will appear (that I've chosen)


"Here he is!" The man said.
Danny and the other Skylanders were all exhausted. Why? Because they just had to run over HALF of London!
"Hi." Drobot happily said. "Glad to see the boots work."
"This is the one sent to find the Skylanders," the man said. "His name is... um... err..." He leaned over to Danny and whispered, "What's your name?"
"*pant* It's *pant pant* Danny." Danny said - in exhaustment.
Drobot smiled. "Hi Danny. I see you've found Chop Chop, Hex, Boomer, Rod, Bash, Terrafin, Spyro, and... who's that?"
"I'm Dark Spyro!" Dark Spyro exclaimed. He leaned over to Drobot. "I collect pens."
Bash sighed. "Drobot, Do you think you'd be able to make a strong helicopter?"
"Because we need to travel around the world to find most of the others."
"Hmmm... I might be able to, but I'll need some help."
Danny thought. "Umbra could help!"
Umbra walked into his basement. He then sighed. "Master, I don't think I'll be able to keep my secret any longer."
Kaos walked out of the shadows. "What happend?"
"Hex might soon remember that I hypnotised her, Spyro will be bound to remember what I did to him, and it's only a matter of time till they find Cynder. And let's not forget what you said a while ago..."
"Sorry, but you shouldn't have called me that! Anyway, contact Malefor and tell him to send one of the Legendaries over, that should stop them."
"Right away!"
Danny and the Skylanders had made it back. They went to Umbra's house.
"Umbra?" Danny shouted.
Umbra came running up from the basement.
"Oh, you've found Rod, Drobot, Spyro, and Dar... I mean, who's this?


"I see." Umbra said. "Well, we should get to work right away!"
Spyro and Dark Spyro stared at Umbra.
They both then said, "You look familiar..."
Umbra nervously replied: "Well... I've never seen yous before..."
"Anyway," Danny started, "I'll go contact Hugo and tell him about the Skylanders we've found."


Short, sorry.
But there will be Sky Troops later today.
Bring the Fanta
Dragonlover00 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1188
#125 Posted: 17:04:17 28/02/2012
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#126 Posted: 18:37:46 28/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Grrr... I had to re do this.

New Fan Skylanders added:
Brackish Water & Angel, by CatAmber
Blatof, by SkylandersBoy
Cyraa, by parisruelz12



The Sky Troops were waiting in the Ruins.
"Here they are." Mage said. He had just landed with a monkey, a bat, and two dragons.
"Can we help you?" Alchemist asked.
"These four wanted to join you're Sky Troops team." Mage replied.
"I'm Brackish Water!" the monkey said.
The bat flew over to them. "I'm Blatof."
The sea dragon walked over. "I'm Angel."
"And I'm Cyraa!" the other dragon said.
"Well, see ya!" Mage said.
"Wait!" Alchemist shouted.
"Would you like to join the Sky Troops?"
Mage gave a small smile. "Alright. But if I get the chance, I WILL work alone."
"Great!" Hugo exclaimed.

A Mabu ran over to them. "Help! The village is under attack by dinosaurs!"
Alchemist gasped. "Let's go!"
The Sky Troops landed in the Mabu Village (which had JUST recently finished being restored).
Crush was there, destroying the buildings. The was a green dinosaur there too, he had a lazer cannon on his back.
"Hey Gulp," Crush shouted, "Why are we even doing this?"
"Because Ripto said that if we do, then we'll be fed for once!" the green dinosaur replied.
"But shouldn't we be allowed food anyway?"

Legendary Chop Chop walked over to them. "Come on, we need to find that elixir. It mut be here somewhere."


L-Chop Chop, Crush and Gulp turned around. Alchemist threw a potion over at them.
"You don't have to do this ya know!" he shouted. "Yous can help us fight the evil that ous call master!"
Legendary Chop Chop thought for a minute and quietly said to himself, "Maybe he's right..."
"Sorry" Gulp said, "But this is what we need to do for food."
"Yeah!" Crush said, "We can't just stop."
"Right." Alchemist said. "Time to fight!"

The Sky Troops battled with Crush and Gulp, whil L-Chop Chop just standed there thinking.
Malefor came out of the shadows. "What are you waiting for? FIGHT THEM!"
L-Chop Chop sighed. "No. I refuse to follow you any longer!"
Malefor stared evilly at L-Chop Chop. "Traitor! Now you shall share the same fate as those pesky Skylanders!"
Then, he magically teleported L-Chop Chop to earth.



I'll talk about the battle soon, I have to go now.
Bring the Fanta
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:17:03 28/02/2012 by TheSpyrofan12
Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
#127 Posted: 20:55:06 28/02/2012
L Chop Chop turns to G Chop Chop. Good Chop Chop smilie
Flip a coin.
If you get heads, I am dead.
If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#128 Posted: 20:57:44 28/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Yeah, but he's still called L Chop Chop.

Just wait till Danny and the Skylanders find him - it'll be funny!
Bring the Fanta
Dragonlover00 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1188
#129 Posted: 21:11:32 28/02/2012
Can't wait until then.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#130 Posted: 21:12:43 28/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Won't be for a while though:

It'll be late this week/early next week smilie
Bring the Fanta
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#131 Posted: 21:37:36 28/02/2012
how are crush and gulp suppose to take on all of the skytroops i lost count of how many there were a while ago
Green Bean Machine
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4238
#132 Posted: 21:41:43 28/02/2012
Oh gosh that's already HARPing(Head full of Action Role Play) in my head...
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#133 Posted: 19:49:27 29/02/2012 | Topic Creator
@zook it up, there are 16 Sky Troops (not counting Alchemist sice he's a Lost Skylander)



"GO!" Malefor shouted.
L-Bash and L-Trigger Happy ran out into battle to help Crush and Gulp.

Blatof flew over to Gulp. He sent out a Moon sonar - which immediently confused Gulp.
"Whoa!" Gulp said, "I'm all dizzy."
He looked to his right and saw a dragon. He then shot an energy ball at it.
"Hey!" L-Bash shouted. "Watch it! You nearly hit me!"

Ember, Agent 9, Hunter, Sgt Byrd, and Equator were battling Crush. Agent 9 began charging his lazer, then at max power, he shot Crush.
"It'll take more than that to get me!" he shouted. He then swung his club and knocked out Agent 9.
Hunter and Sgt Byrd then went to hit Crush with their arrows and rockets. But missed. Well, they hit something - Gulp. This snapped him out of confusion.
"Thanks for the help!" Gulp yelled (since he was at a distance).
Equator then shot a magma rock at Crush. This knocked him to the floor. Ember then followed up with her solar fire breath. Well, Crush was down after this.

L-Trigger Happy was fighting Mage, Angel, Alchemist, and Twister. L-Trigger Happy shot out EXACTLY 576 golden bullets, which ALL missed. Alchemist drank a potion. He the transformed into a bigger, badder Alchemist - who let out a strong punch which sent L-Trigger Happy flying. When he landed, which is when Mage horn dived into him. L-Trigger Happy went back for more though. That was when he was knocked down by Twister's tornado spin, then knocked out by Angel's wave attack.

L-Bash was up against Cyraa, Cyclone, Ghost-Writer, and Slasher. Ghost-Writer threw some mechanical pencils at L-Bash, which he easilly dodged. Then Cyraa used her sleep breath on him - which had no effect on him. L-Bash then fought back with a massive tail swipe - which knocked out Ghost-Writer. Cyclone then attacked with a blast of wind - and Slasher finnished him off with his drill tail. L-Bash rolled away.

Gulp was stuck in battle against Blatof, FireFox, Brackish Water, and Groak. Groak shot out a blast of air, followed by Brackish Water's waterball. Blatof then used his Moon radar again, and finally, FireFox knocked him away with a fireball.
"Gah!" Gulp shouted, "I'm outta here!"
He then ran off, with Crush and L-Trigger Happy following behind.

A mabu ran towards the Sky Troops.
"Thank you!" he said. "Do you think you'll be able to get rid of them permantely?"
Alchemist sighed. "Hopefully."
Hugo (who stayed in the corner, terrified, while the others were battling) walked over to Ghost-Writer.
"He really needs a Healing Elixir." Hugo exclaimed.
Ghost-Writer was badly hurt.
The mabu ran off. "I think there's some in Double Trouble's hut!"
The mabu entered Double Trouble's hut. He looked over at the shelf. Eight items were missing. There was also a note left there. The mabu picked up the note and ran towards the Sky Troops.
The note said this:
"I 'borrowed' some items. Hope this is okay. I needed more stock. You probably don't know me. Find me in the Troll Factory if you need me.


For those who want to know:
Sky Troops list:
Magic: Cyraa, Mage
Earth: Slasher, Twister
Water: Angel, Brackish Water
Fire: FireFox, Equator
Tech: Sgt Byrd, Agent 9
Undead: Ghost-Writer, Blatof
Air: Cyclone, Groak
Life: Hunter, Ember

Yes, I changed the name
Bring the Fanta
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:51:39 29/02/2012 by TheSpyrofan12
Dragonlover00 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1188
#134 Posted: 19:58:36 29/02/2012
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#135 Posted: 20:39:53 29/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Gonna carry on with a few more Sky Troop chapters


The Sky Troops split into two teams.
Cyclone, Hunter, Agent 9, and Slasher travelled to the Troll Factory to find Moneybags, while the others stayed behind to protect Ghost-Writer (except Hugo - who HATES hime) and the mabu. Mage also left, but this was to find the 'wimps' who ran off.

It took the eight an entire day to make it to the Troll Factory. This was because they had to battle countless Trolls.
Hunter looked down. "Hey! Is this a diamond?" He picked up a gem.
Cyclone looked at it. "Probably."
Agent 9 and Slasher were far ahead.
"Hey! There he is!" Agent 9 shouted in exitement.
The four ran over to him.
"Hello," Moneybags said. "Oh! It's yous again."
Slasher walked up to him. "Can we have the items back?"
Moneybags thought. "One diamond per item."
"This place is full of them! But I can't seem to find any."

The four spent another day exploring the Factory, but luckily found seven more diamonds.
"Great!" Moneybags screamed, as he snatched the diamonds from them. He then ran off, leaving a bag behind.
Hunter walked upto the bag and looked in it.
Inside, there were:
  • A Hidden Treasure,
  • Ghost Swords,
  • Anvil Rain,
  • Sky-Iron Sheild,
  • Winged Boots,
  • A Sparx Dragonfly in a bottle,
  • A Time Twist Hourglass,
  • And a Healing Elixir.

  • Sparx was tapping on the bottle. "Let me outta here! I've been trapped in here for THREE YEARS!"
    Hunter put everything back into the bag, and the four travelled back to the Ruins.
    They had made it back (after another day had passed). Ghost-Writer was still alive (errr.... dead). Hunter gave him the Healing Elixir.
    Ghost-Writer jumped up. "I feel alive again! Even though I'm really not... Now to write out another piece for my friends!" He ran over to the Core of Light and started writing on it.
    The Sky Troops all laughed.

    Gurglefin, Flynn and Cali walked over to them. They had a strange dark smoke coming from them. They also had red eyes.
    "Surrender now!" Gurglefin exclaimed.
    "You dare disobey our master!" Cali shouted.
    "Kaos and Malefor are much better looking than ME OR YOU!" Flynn cried.

    Hugo thought for a second. He remembered the last call he got from Danny. He mentioned Hex behaving in a similar way - with the red eyes.
    Hugo gasped. "They've been possessed by an evil force!" he cried.
    "No! Really?" Alchemist sarcastically replied.

    "Prepere to DIE!" the three shouted at once.


    If you read one of the previous Chapters, you'll prbably know who did that to Gurglefin, Cali, and Flynn.
    Bring the Fanta
    zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
    #136 Posted: 21:59:27 29/02/2012
    Note to self ALL scientists are EVIL!
    Green Bean Machine
    Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
    #137 Posted: 22:17:01 29/02/2012
    FLYNN said someone was better looking than him? He MUST be possessed smiliesmilie
    Flip a coin.
    If you get heads, I am dead.
    If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
    zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
    #138 Posted: 13:28:50 01/03/2012
    What are they going to do? oh no i am so scared how those 3 are going to do what? i have a feeling this fight will not last very long
    Green Bean Machine
    TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
    #139 Posted: 17:16:26 01/03/2012 | Topic Creator
    ^You're right! But it's not how you'd expect...


    "Prepere to DIE!" the three shouted at once.
    The Sky Troops prepared for battle. But then, all of a sudded, Gurglefin, Cali, and Flynn created some shadow balls - which knocked out the Sky Troops (Alchemist and Hugo too) instantly.
    Hugo woke up. He looked around. Him and all the others were chained up in a cave. To make matters worse, their mouths had been taped - so they couldn't call for help (or chew their arms and legs off).
    Malefor walked in. "Fools! Master Kaos and Dr Umbra will be here soon... with some more victims. Soon, we'll rule the world!" Malefor gave an evil laugh.
    Glamshanks walked in. "How could this possibly fail?" he sarcastically said.
    Ripto, Crush, and Gulp walked in.
    "Yes Malefor," Ripto started, "But, what'll we do with these pests?"
    "We'll see what Kaos wants with them."
    Malefor and Kaos walked out. Soon after, L-Bash and L-Trigger Happy ran in (still being chased) ran in - followed by Mage.
    "Die weakl..." Mage started. "What's happening?"
    "Mfff... Mrffphh.." Hugo said (he can't talk since his mouth is covered).
    "Right..." Mage said "I'll get ya outta there." He then tried to get Hugo off the chains, but it was no use.
    Crush and Gulp stood there.
    "Hey, Gulp" Crush said. "Are you also getting tired of being bossed around all the time?"
    "Yeah." Gulp replied. "We should quit working for Ripto."
    "And we should help the Sky Troops!"
    Crush and Gulp ran over to help. It was still no use.
    L-Bash sighed. "Maybe their right..." He then ran over to help - guess what? Still no use.
    L-Trigger Happy walked over to them. "Ya ain't gonna do it like that ya know. You gotta use these!"
    He held up some keys.
    The five of them then freed the Sky Troops (and untaped their mouths) - then they all went off to find Ripto and Malefor (not to mention Gurglefin, Cali, and Flynn).


    It had been one week since Drobot and Umbra started working on the helicopter - and now they're finished. Over the time, Danny and the Skylanders had found Zap (in a nearby aquarium), Zook (in a nearby park), and Ignitor (in a nearby castle).
    "Whew..." Drobot said, "Finished!"
    "Yes," Umbra said, "Now to get... NO!"
    L-Spyro ran out of the house giving a piggyback ride to Kaos.
    "Whoo-hoo!" Kaos shouted. "Umbra, are we ready to capture the Skylanders now?"
    Drobot and Umbra stared at him.
    Kaos opened his eyes. "Fudge"
    Drobot quickly ran over to a button which said: "Panic button."
    A loud siren went off, and Danny and the Skylanders ran towards Umbra's house.
    Umbra sighed. "Why did I install that?"

    "So, you're working for Kaos, huh?" Ignitor said.
    "Prepare to fight!" Zook shouted.
    "Err... What they said!" Zap said.
    Danny facepalmed. "Ok, time to fight then."

    L-Spyro threw Kaos off his back. "I QUIT!"
    L-Spyro shot out some fire at Umbra and Kaos. They fell to the floor instantly.
    Danny and the Skylanders ran onto the helicopter.
    "Don't worry," Drobot said. "It's strong enough to carry all of us - even Bash!"

    "Noooo!" Kaos screamed. "You's better not be heading to the portal in the Bermuda Triangle!"
    Umbra slapped him on the head (no, not his GIANT FLOATING HEAD, just his head).
    "Oh, right" Kaos said, as he realised what he said. "But you'll never beat Cynder! She's guarding the gate which covers the portal!"
    Umbra slapped him again. "Why don't you just give away all our secrets?"
    "Like how Umbrata Esse in Latin means 'Shadow being', or how Umbra in Latin means 'Shadow?"
    Umbra slapped him yet again. "SHUT UP!"

    The helicopter took off.
    Umbra sighed. "Don't worry, I have a plan!"


    It's coming to an end!
    Bring the Fanta
    Dragonlover00 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1188
    #140 Posted: 20:17:21 01/03/2012
    Crazy Kaos smilie.
    Equator Blue Sparx Gems: 515
    #141 Posted: 21:06:25 01/03/2012
    You just LOVE copying dontcha? smilie Ah, well good chap. anyway. Lol, L-Spyro smilie
    Flip a coin.
    If you get heads, I am dead.
    If you get tails, I am dead within a week.
    zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
    #142 Posted: 22:01:21 01/03/2012
    yay zook
    Green Bean Machine
    TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
    #143 Posted: 16:31:22 02/03/2012 | Topic Creator
    Do ya know what time it is?
    It's time for...


    Kaos was rubbing his head. "Did ya have to hit me that hard?"
    "No." Umbra replied. "But at least the plan worked. Now Cynder will kill those brats. But only after they discover that we planted a fake portal there."
    "Oh yeah! Where is the real one again?"
    Umbra facepalmed. "You're standing next to it."
    "Oh, right. I hope this plan works..."


    The helicopter landed.
    "You sure this is it?" Zook asked.
    Hex got out of the helicopter. "Looks creepy"
    Danny walked out. "I think it is. Let's look around."
    Everyone else walked out.
    "We need to find the portal ASAP!" Drobot said.
    Danny thought. "Is it a round grey thing with ancient language on it's side, with a weird glowing top?"
    "Yeah! That's it. Have you seen it?"
    "It's over there." Danny pointed to the right.
    Boomer jumped up and down. "Yay! We can go home! Let's go."
    "Wait!" L-Spyro exclaimed. "What's that?"
    L-Spyro walked over to a body. It was L-Chop Chop - he was lying down.
    "Get down." L-Chop Chop said.
    Danny and the Skylanders kneeled down.
    "L-Chops," L-Spyro said, "What's going on?"
    "Not sure, but Cynder's been transformed into a huge monster - who's trying to kill anyone who dislikes Kaos."
    "Guess you're on our team then!" Danny said.

    A huge, black dragon flew over to them. "Time for you's to die!"
    "Darn," Danny said. Everyone looked at him. "Alright! I won't say it again."
    Spyro gasped. "Cynder's been transformed into her old evil form again!"
    "That would explain what Malefor said about 'the something special' for us" Hex said.
    Dark Spyro walked up to Cynder. "I collect p..." But Danny pulled him back before he could finish.
    "Alright! Let's battle!" Wrecking Ball shouted.
    Danny and the Skylanders stared at him.
    "Where's you come from?" Lightning Rod asked.
    "I've been here the whole time!" Wrecking Ball started. "I helped out L-Chop Chop because he gave me food."
    "Nevermind that," Bash said. "It's time for battle!"

    Cynder shot out some shadow breath at the heros. Luckilly, they dodged it. Spyro used his electric breath - but Cynder was unharmed.
    "Maybe we should try attacking all together." Chop Chop suggested.
    Thre three Spyros used their ice breath, then Bash and Terrafin shot some rocks at her. Zook sent out some vines, the two Chop Chops used their swords, Hex created some energy orbs, Rod used some lightning, and Ignitor used his flame attacks. Then Boomer, Drobot, Zap, and Wrecking Ball followed up with dynamite, lazers, lightning, and the tounge attacks.
    Cynder was weakend, but she still wasn't weak enough.
    Then, out of nowhere, a fire arrow hit Cynder in the neck. She was stunned. The Spyros and Chop Chops thought. The three Spyros used their convexity breath at the Chop Chops, who reflected it with their sheilds - that knocked Cynder out.
    Cynder transformed back to normal.
    "Urgh..." she said. "Where am I?"
    "Long story." Danny said. "Let's head out to the portal"
    "I wonder where that arrow came from." Wrecking Ball said.

    There were some shadows behind them in the bushes.
    "Good job," one said. "Let's go get those villains!"


    What will happen next?
    I dunno, I still needto think about it smilie
    Bring the Fanta
    TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
    #144 Posted: 19:39:47 02/03/2012 | Topic Creator
    Remember back at chapter 10 when I said about the 'epic plot twists'?
    Well, it'll get into more detail soon enough. (e.g. when Danny and the Skylanders make it back to Skylands). Also, a bit is here too.
    Any way...


    "What? It's fake?" Danny shouted in anger.
    "'Fraid so." Drobot replied. "I'm thinking that Kaos and Umbra said it was here so they could get Cynder to destroy us."
    "Wouldn't that mean that..." Spyro started, "Umbra has the REAL portal?"
    "Guess so," Danny replied. "Let's go!"
    They arrived back at Umbra's house to find a big surprise. Kaos and Umbra were lying on the floor - unconsious.
    "What happened here?" Terrafin asked.
    "Urrgghhh." a shadow emerged from behind them.
    "Wait, something's thouching my shoulder." Danny said.
    "Same here." Chop Chop said.
    "Now I'm scared." Spyro said, who also had something touching his shoulder.
    "Who are you?" Drobot asked (who also had something touching his shoulder).

    Slam Bam walked forward. "Hi guys!" He was the one touching their shoulders.
    "Slam Bam!" Spyro said. "Glad you're okay!"
    "Yeah!" Slam Bam replied. "Glad you came back Danny. What happened to the others?"
    "Huh?" Danny thought for a second. "I don't know what you're talking about."
    "Oh, right." Slam Bam replied. "The portal's over there." He pointed to the right.
    "Great!" Ignitor exclaimed. "Let's go!"
    All 18 of them stepped on the portal.


    "Is this it?" Danny asked. They had ended up in a cave.
    "Yes." L-Chop Chop replied. "This is Malefor's cave."
    Cynder looked around. "Hey, who's that?"
    Crush and Gulp walked in, followed by Mage, Equator, Blatof, Slasher, Twister, Ghost-Writer, Cyraa, Brackish Water, Angel, FireFox, Groak and Cyclone.
    "If Crush and Gulp are with them..." Spyro started.
    "Then they could be the enemies." Danny finished. "But we can't be too s..."
    Before Danny could finish, the Skylanders ran into battle.

    "Hey!" Gulp said, "The Skylanders are here! And they've found the two legends sent too earth."
    "Great!" Cyclone said, "now to..."
    But then, Rod shocked them with lightning.
    "If they're gonna attack us," Mage started, "then we'll have to fight back!"

    Danny stepped back from the action. Dark Spyro stepped back as well.
    "Dark, why aren't you battling?" Danny asked.
    "Well, I don't like to fight much. I mainly like to collect..."
    "PENS, I know!"
    "Hey, they may need help. I'll go help them!"

    Gulp shot some energy balls at them, which badly injured Rod, but he hit back with some lightning, which hit everyone.
    "WATCH OUT!" Danny agrilly shouted - trying to get back up on his feet.
    Cynder shot out some poison at Ghost-Writer, but it was deflected back by Equator's magma balls. Blatof then tried to use his moon sonar on her, but was knocked back by Slam Bam.
    Crush was trying to hit Spyro with his club, but ended up being knocked back by Wrecking Ball's tounge.
    Cyclone ran towards Zook - who was shooting mushrooms at Mage. She then used some wind attacks to blast him back, where he got hit by Twister's earth spin.
    The two legends battled fiercly with FireFox and Groak. Dark Spyro ran in to assist with his flame charge. Drobot ran in to help by using his lazers.
    Slasher and Cyraa ran towards Terrafin, Bash, and Zap. Slasher hit them with his claws, and was nearby knocked out by Bash if Cyraa didn't knock him out of the way.
    Hex shot Angel with a skull. She would have hit back, but was knocked away by Chop Chop's and Ignitor's swords.
    Brackish Water threw a water ball at Boomer - who then BLEW IT UP!
    Unfortunatelly, this blast was soo strong, most were injured.

    Hugo, Alchemist, Ember, Hunter, Sgt Byrd, Agent 9, L-Bash, and L-Trigger Happy ran in.
    The Skylanders and Sky Troops stopped fighting.
    "What's going on here?" Hugo asked.
    "They attacked us!" Cyraa replied.
    "Well we saw Crush and Gulp with yous, so we thought..." Spyro said in embarrisement.

    Equator looked left. "Brother?"
    Zap looked right. "Brother!"
    The two ran towards each other.
    Zap smiled. "I haven't seen you in years!"
    "About 10 years it's been!"
    The two hugged.


    "Hmm... I understand now." Danny said. "So Crush, Gulp, L-Bash, and L-Trigger Happy didn't like the way they were treated, so they help yous out."
    "Yep, that sums it all up." Hugo said.

    The Skylanders and Sky Troops turned around...


    Whew, Long chapter is long.
    Anyway, expect the final chapter soon.
    Bring the Fanta
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:13:20 02/03/2012 by TheSpyrofan12
    zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
    #145 Posted: 23:02:10 02/03/2012
    This really is like equator's story but nobody dies; and zook is in it
    Green Bean Machine
    parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
    #146 Posted: 02:19:33 03/03/2012
    Dark Spyro has a weird obsession for Pens...I wonder if thats why I keep finding them on my desk. smilie

    (Cyraa is clumsy, don't forget that. smilie)
    looks like ive got some things to do...
    SkylandersBoy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1129
    #147 Posted: 09:38:11 03/03/2012
    Great history, but I think that the Sky Troops should appear more, and every character of the Sky Troops should have his own heroic moment.
    Swap Force is just plain awesome!
    I'm not related to the SkylanderKids.
    TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
    #148 Posted: 09:47:17 03/03/2012 | Topic Creator
    ^ Yeah, I'll try to include something like that in a sequel
    EDIT: Nearly there!


    The Skylanders and Sky Troops turned around, and saw Malefor and Ripto.
    Ripto laughed. "I didn't think the plan would really work!"
    "Of course it would!" Malefor said. "It was Umbra who thought of it!"
    "So what are you going to do now that we're here?" Danny shouted.
    Malefor smiled. "Glad you asked." He pushed a button. All of a sudden, an earthquake occured. When it was over, a giant robot jumped out, smashing most of the cave!
    "This is PLAN K!" Ripto shouted. "Eliminate all of the Skylanders!"
    Malefor sighed. "Actually, it's Plan L..."
    "Whatever! Now Robotic Chaos! KILL THE SKYLANDERS!"
    The robot nodded. He then threw a giant punch - which most escaped unharmed. Spyro charged at it. The robot then sucked him in, and spat him out into some spikes. This mad Cynder angry, so she went into the shadows to attack Robotic Chaos, but she was sucked in too. He spat her out into a pile of magma.
    "Help!" Cynder screamed. She was slowly burning up in the Magma. Hunter, Agent 9, Slam Bam, Ignitor and Chop Chop ran over to help her out, but Robotic Chaos knocked them into the magma too. Equator juped in after them. Since he's a lava dragon, he can easilly swim in magma and lava, so he barely managed to help them out.
    They were all lying on the floor burning up.
    "If only Double Trouble was here!" Hugo shouted. "He'd be able to help."
    Robotic Chaos knocked everyone back - only Danny, Drobot, Wrecking Ball, and Slasher escaped the attack.
    Zook and Groak ran towards Robotic Chaos. Zook shot out some mushrooms, while Groak shot out a blast of heated air. But Robotic Chaos wiped them off as if they were bugs.
    Zap ran towards Equator.
    "Are you alright?" Zap asked.
    "Yeah, just give me a moment to rest." Equator replied.
    Robotic Chaos threw a punch.
    "We don't have a moment!" Zap shouted as he pushed Equator out of the way.
    Zap took the full blast of the punch, and the damage taken was near fatal.
    "Zap!" Equator shouted as he ran towards Zap.
    "Don't worry about me brother, just carry on fighting." Zap weakly said.
    Equator nodded and went to help the others out in the battle.

    Ghost-Writer ran towards Robotic Chaos to try to use his erase attack - but it didn't work (what do you expect? It's not a drawing). Cyraa tried to use her sleep breath on it - but she missed and ended up hitting Boomer instead. Of course he had a troll bomb in his had at the time...


    Boomer fainted.

    Drobot walked up to Danny. "Follow me,"
    Drobot walked out of the cave. Danny, Wrecking Ball, and Slasher followed.


    Next chapter will be the last!
    The next part (2/2) will be where:
    They go to find the others.
    Bring the Fanta
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:46:06 03/03/2012 by TheSpyrofan12
    zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
    #149 Posted: 12:30:35 03/03/2012
    Let guess me guess is this going to be like equator story again Ghost writer should use his eraser to erase the robots legs so it will fall down
    Green Bean Machine
    TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
    #150 Posted: 12:47:41 03/03/2012 | Topic Creator
    Nope, Ghost-Writer can't erase the legs (because the robot isn't a drawing smilie).

    Edited chapter 25.

    Next chapter will reveal the 'epic plot twist' that isn't really epic!
    Bring the Fanta
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