((Sorry I was gone >.<
Anywhere I could jump back in?))
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > DarkSpyro: Character Catastrophe REDUX
Emerald Sparx
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#101 Posted: 19:04:29 23/05/2016
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#102 Posted: 19:09:26 23/05/2016
(not much has happened really so go ahead and continued from were you were)
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Emerald Sparx
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#103 Posted: 19:35:40 23/05/2016
I, Meanwhile, had been watching the strange group of individuals grow, from a distance of course. I had hidden in the trees, spying on the strange lot of characters. I just hoped not to be spotted so soon, I needed some time to investigate before approaching..
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#104 Posted: 19:43:19 23/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[Sorry to keep you waiting!]
I nodded. If both me and Austin had become these characters, who was to say that there weren't others, too? And if that was the case, then this had to be more than some freak occurrence. "I think we should look around; whatever's going on, I doubt we'll be able to solve this ourselves" I said, then started off, not going any particular direction, hoping Austin would follow along, open for whoever- or whatever -to come across us.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#105 Posted: 20:51:52 23/05/2016
As I watched, I saw that the fox had started to wander off. Perhaps I could talk with this one, alone. I'd much rather talk to a single individual than an entire group. I decided to carefully follow him, to see where he would wander off too, however, I wasn't as sneaky as I probably should have been, and i accidentally broke a tree branch. I went to go and hide, though the user turned fox probably saw a flash of purple as I dashed to hide in another tree.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Platinum Sparx
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#106 Posted: 21:25:09 23/05/2016
Storm walked back to Shadmé and sat down. "Might as well stay here," Storm sighed. "They want to explore the volcano. Volcanoes have lava. Lava is molten rock. Molten rock burns. So, back to the armor?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Diamond Sparx
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#107 Posted: 21:25:35 23/05/2016 | Topic Creator
An ear twitched at the snap of a tree branch, and I saw a sudden brief flash of purple as I froze. Save for Austin, I was all alone, so the sound of something else making noise put me on guard as Foxtail's survival instincts kicked in. "Who's there?" I barked in a calm but firm voice masking some fear, my bushy tail twitching nervously.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#108 Posted: 21:53:38 23/05/2016
I glared, dammit, he spotted me. Netherless, it was pointless to hide anymore. I jumped down from the trees and landed right in front of the canine. I probably looked pretty menacing to him, but, it couldn't be helped. I looked down at the tiny fox in front of me. "Do not be alarmed, I do not wish to hurt you, I merely need information about this area," I stated, though the eerie, menacing aura soon went away as 4 hamsters popped out of my scarf. I chuckled, "I can tell you wish not to hurt me if i do not hurt you, the 4 Dark Devas of Destruction can tell me that," I added, referencing to how calm the 4 rodents acted.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#109 Posted: 22:21:40 23/05/2016
I stared from a distance, my flippers crossed. So, There are more people here... I said, jumping up, and coming down next to Gundam(did I saybit correct, prex?). "Just checking in..." I calmly said. "Any idea where we are?" I ask the him.
Emerald Sparx
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#110 Posted: 00:10:27 24/05/2016
I quickly ran up to Foxtail. I knew that Asriel had no powers, especially in this form.
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#111 Posted: 07:13:09 24/05/2016
I arrive at the top of the volcano and I looked back at the forest 'there's a great view from here... What do we do now?'
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Gold Sparx
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#112 Posted: 13:57:22 24/05/2016
I dive into the lava. "well I'm taking a lava bath. after that we go back down. we aren't the only ones that ended up like this so we should search for others."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#113 Posted: 14:48:35 24/05/2016
I dive into the lava as well "no wonder brachydios' live in volcanoes! And yeah I suppose we should look for others" Out of instinct I look around seeing if anyone or anything else is here, it seems not.
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StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769 |
#114 Posted: 06:09:48 27/05/2016
OOC: Room for one more?
Name: Greeny Gender: Female Character 1: Tracer Character 2: Spider-Gwen Character 3: Sayaka Miki Character 4: Evie Frye Character 5: Hinoka Character 6: Yang Xiao Long Personality: Fun loving and generally hopeful, unless circumstances are especially bleak. Doesn't take mush seriously. Very sarcastic. |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#115 Posted: 07:00:26 27/05/2016
I place slime onto the side of the volcano and the wall and it explodes 'I'm starting to get used to the slime' I place more slime on destroying another layer.
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Gold Sparx
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#116 Posted: 14:38:23 27/05/2016
"I suggest you stop. if you keep it up you're going to cause a hug lava flow and kill everyone below us." I say.
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#117 Posted: 21:49:03 27/05/2016
After hearing this, I immediately stopped blowing it up 'we better hope that the remaining rock doesn't brake' whilst silently worrying a lot
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Emerald Sparx
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#118 Posted: 18:31:58 28/05/2016
Awaiting a response from the fox, as I heard it speak earlier, I soon found the Greninja that I had encountered earlier. I looked at it, and responded to the question it had just asked me, "No, I was asking around to see if anyone else knew." I said, "Hopefully these other individuals are not in the same situation as we are."
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#119 Posted: 19:35:36 28/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[Sorry guys, things have been a little crazy these last few days.]
[Accepted StriderSwag] I will admit, the imposing figure that had suddenly appeared before me gave me a scare, jumping about a foot into the air. But then some of that fear was lost when the hamsters popped out of the guy's scarf. What did he call them? The Dark Devas of Destruction? And they're... rodents. That's the best thing I've heard all week! Then again, he sounded serious, so I stifled a laugh. I heard him talk to- is that a Pokemon? Man, this day's getting weirder by the minute. Am I on something? Unlikely, I don't do drugs. Anyway, the way the mysterious man talked gave me the impression that he was lost. "Uh, I hate to be the one to tell ya this, pal," I started tentatively. "But we're just as lost as you. Yeah. No idea what's going on." I gave a sheepish grin.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Gold Sparx
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#120 Posted: 20:41:20 28/05/2016
I chuckle "relax now and enjoy the lava bath okay kid." (fun fact I'm graduating from highschool this year on June 1st)
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Emerald Sparx
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#121 Posted: 03:27:16 29/05/2016
((Mind if I change a few characters?
I'd like to change Tyrone to Fuyuhiko and Spoofy to Nagito if that's ok? :3)) "...I see," I said to myself, "This is rather unusual, why would this happen though...?" I then asked myself, thinking for a bit. I was totally clueless on this. Not deciding to reveal my true identity yet, I decided to still play along as being Gundam Tanaka. "Anyhow, you may call me Gundam, Gundam Tanaka," I responded, and before long the hamsters hid back in my purple scarf. "And as I mentioned earlier, those were the Four Dark Devas of Destruction, they merely have to keep a temporary form as such in order to be able to walk this Earth, as they are beings that reign from the depths of Hell after all," I then added, probably making a fool of myself, but hey, that's Gundam for ya. "A pleasure to meet another ally."
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Emerald Sparx
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#122 Posted: 16:10:24 29/05/2016
I carefully walked up to Gundam. "Hi there! My name is Austin, but I guess right now I'm Asriel Dreemur" I said with a nervous chuckle
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Emerald Sparx
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#123 Posted: 16:15:22 29/05/2016
I blinked, Austin? That name seems...Familiar...
I needed to know more about this.... "....You say you were known as 'Austin' before and now you are 'Asriel Dreemur'? How...peculiar...." I added, "So, you were not a goat creature before all of this?" I then asked, thinking further, "What were you before then?" I asked, I was having fun keeping my true identity a secret...
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#124 Posted: 16:32:45 29/05/2016 | Topic Creator
"Yeah," I nodded. I was glad Austin cleared it up so I wouldn't have to. "My name's Evan, but I've somehow turned into my OC, Foxtail Zerda. We both used to be human before." I took a deep breath, about to drop a boatload of exposition. I get the feeling I'm going to be doing this a lot...
"So basically what happened was I woke up in the middle of this forest here, no idea how I got here, and I found myself feeling really off balance, I tried walking, but I just kept falling back on all fours and then decided 'Screw it, I going on all fours today' and then I noticed something sneaking up on me so I chased it around until I crashed into a tree and I saw that it was a tail, and then I thought 'But wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense, what's this thing attached to?' and I realized that it was attached to me, and that I had somehow turned into a fennec fox, so then I started running around and I heard someone scream, so I ran and tripped on a branch and I found Asriel, but then it turns out that it's not Asriel but my friend Austin, so we talked for a bit, then I started walking, then you scared the crap outta me, then when I realized you weren't gonna hurt me if I didn't hurt you, I told you everything I knew, and here we are now." Pant... pant... I think.... that's about everything....
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#125 Posted: 19:46:13 29/05/2016
I took more time to take in the information that the others had to present. "Ah, so you both are not in your original form?" I asked curiously, same situation as me. That was when, this all just seemed way too familiar to me, I couldn't keep up my complete act for now, I had to reveal something. "I, to, am in the same problematic situation, I suppose anyways." I added, and smiled, "I'd rather keep my own info to myself for now, but, are any of you familiar with 'DarkSpyro.net'?" I asked.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#126 Posted: 02:40:10 30/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Wait... did I hear that right? Did this guy seriously not only say that he was in the same situation as Austin and I, but he also name dropped DarkSpyro.net!? I just blinked in disbelief. "Y-yeah... My username's Skyhunter..." I barely managed to say in my flabbergasted state. "Why do you ask...?"
[Oh yeah, your new characters are approved BTW, Prex ![]()
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:45:37 30/05/2016 by Skyhunter
Emerald Sparx
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#127 Posted: 02:52:41 30/05/2016
I blinked, "S-S-SkyHunter?!" I asked, shocked, "Unbelievable! To think I'd meet up with a username I recognize!" I then added, still wide eyed at the sudden discovery, "Erm...Would you..uh, believe me if I was...female before all of this happened?" I then added, unsure how the others would react, but other than that, it was just plain awkward for me, a 5'1 teenage girl to be trapped in the body of a very tall 17 year old male.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769 |
#128 Posted: 05:56:40 30/05/2016
I knew I was in some kind of mess the second I woke up.
As my eyes adjusted, everything seemed... orange. The forest? Orange. Grass? Still orange. Sun? I'm sure you can guess. It was like that song about that guy and everything's blue and he's blue and the trees are blue and- I think I'm going crazy. I sat up and looked around. Now that I took a second, I realized everything WASN'T orange. It was just some tint, making everything look slightly orange. I could see fine, but it seemed like I was wearing something. I touched my face to see what was there, only to realize I was wearing gloves too! What the hell was going on? I looked down to see a body that definitely wasn't my own. Small leather jacket, weird white device thingy, orange pants... Was I Tracer? Nope, that's impossible. Things like that don't happen in real life. I opened my mouth and let out a small noise to test if my voice came out. Spoiler alert: it didn't. I quickly covered my mouth out of shock. To each side of me were Trace- uh... my guns, laying in the grass. I quickly picked them up and stood up. After a moment, I heard some voices not too far away. Something something darkSpyro... Something something Skyhunter... Hey! I know him! Maybe he knew something about all this. All I had to do was get over there and talk to him. It'd be a perfect time to try out my powers anyways, since the voices weren't too far away. I stood there and took a breath. This could either go very well, or very poorly. I started into a light sprint before thinking really hard about being over there. In an instant, I blinked into the middle of the conversation. Downside, I forgot to stop running. Just as soon as I entered, I slammed headfirst into a tree and fell back to the ground. "Gah... That hurt..." I groaned. I'd have to get used to these powers... and the British accent... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:57:13 30/05/2016 by StriderSwag
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#129 Posted: 11:48:19 30/05/2016
((I might change some characters, not sure))
I leaned against a tree, listening to the conversation with my arms crossed. I looked up at the mention of DarkSpyro, but unlike the otthers, I felt uncomfidant with telling my username. It was more fun if they'd guessed. "I asume you all are from beyond my location, if so. Aformative." I said. "I am honest, I am in a similair situation. Unfortunally, I am not quite sure if I should spoil who I am..." I was speaking so out of myself, no way they could guess who I was, unless they knew me inside out... |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#130 Posted: 14:57:18 30/05/2016
'Uhhh... How do we get out? You have wings so you're fine but I don't even have hands' I look around seeing if there is a cave to get out but I don't see any. Lava is nice when it's not killing you.
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Gold Sparx
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#131 Posted: 16:26:25 30/05/2016
I pick him up and set him out of the lava.
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Emerald Sparx
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#132 Posted: 16:58:58 30/05/2016
OOC: am I too late? If not...
Name: Cal Gender: Male Avatar1: ![]() 2: ![]() 3: ![]() 4: ![]() 5: ![]() 6: ![]()
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!" |
Blue Sparx
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#133 Posted: 18:12:51 30/05/2016
Varedis looked over as Darkspyro was mentioned, "Am I correct in assuming that ALL of us are forum-goers on DS here?" he perked up
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US) |
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769 |
#134 Posted: 23:34:46 30/05/2016
Quote: sprocketrocket
OOC: Can there be two of the same? I'm already Tracer... |
Diamond Sparx
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#135 Posted: 00:07:07 31/05/2016 | Topic Creator
[I'll allow it. Accepted Sprocket.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#136 Posted: 00:20:28 31/05/2016
I sit around wondering why nobody has noticed me yet, as I get up I say " Hi I'm sprocketrocket" shyly.
"When your beard is getting weird, Beard Spray! For men!" |
Emerald Sparx
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#137 Posted: 14:48:48 31/05/2016
"Yeah, my name on there is Eyebrawler, but mostly people call me Austin or EB" I said "Does anyone know what happened?"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Diamond Sparx
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#138 Posted: 03:55:09 02/06/2016 | Topic Creator
"Yeah, sure, why not?" I shrugged, looking up at the stranger. "That's not the weirdest thing I've heard today." It was a little saddening, really; you know you're in for an undesirable experience when a guy saying that he used to be a chick isn't the weirdest thing you've discovered about your situation. I mean, I had woken up in the middle of nowhere as a completely different species, met not one, but two fictional characters, one of which happened to be my best friend, and had just heard the name of a relatively obscure site I frequently visit come out of the mouth of a total stranger. Honestly, I was inclined to believe anything at that point.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#139 Posted: 10:36:33 02/06/2016
This was the time I decided to cave in and tell my username. "Does....Uh....Prextail202 ring a bell..?" I asked, pulling my scarf up a little tiny bit to hide the slight blush on my face, it was embarrassing to say such a username out loud. First of all, it had numbers, and second of all, it was spelled wrong. Not to mention it was from a old series not a lot of people recalled. It was just overall childish. I really wished to have been able to at least take the numbers away from it and add a capital letter at the start, but alas, I couldn't even do that.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Shagaru Magala
Blue Sparx
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#140 Posted: 13:11:11 02/06/2016
'Well that was convenient' I look down at the forest 'shall we go see if there are more people' I say to the dragon while standing at the top of the volcano.
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Gold Sparx
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#141 Posted: 15:24:46 02/06/2016
I nod and climb out "lets go. the sooner the better."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Diamond Sparx
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#142 Posted: 20:25:42 02/06/2016 | Topic Creator
"Prex? Is that you?" I asked, daring forward with my conclusion. She mentioned darkSpyro, says she was female, is an anime character, and mentioned the username of another good friend of mine- it all fits!
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769 |
#143 Posted: 20:52:24 02/06/2016
"Prex?" I asked excitedly, as I popped up off the ground.
"PREX I KNOW YOU TOO!!" I blinked over to the user, but ended up crashing into her. Him? Man, this body thing is confusing. "Sorry about that, I can't really control where I land yet... but it's me, Greeny!" |
Emerald Sparx
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#144 Posted: 22:09:22 02/06/2016
I couldn't help but crack a small smile when he had mentioned my web nickname, I knew that nickname all too well. "...Yes, It's me, Prex," I said with a small smile, "Sorry about acting in character earlier, I really couldn't help myself," I then responded, and then sighed, "Plus I really cant get used to hearing Gundam's voice when I'm speaking out of character, It's just awkward...In fact this whole situation is just really weird.."
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#145 Posted: 22:59:17 02/06/2016 | Topic Creator
I laughed a short laugh. "Yeah, I know what ya mean. It feels weird talkin' with Foxtail's voice without tryin' to." It was nice to meet another of my Internet friends- well, I would say "in person", but there didn't really seem to be anything "in person" about any of this. Indeed, Prex, Felis, whatever you want to be called. This situation was too weird. Yet it also seemed strangely familiar...
I didn't have long to dwell on that thought before yet another person popped out of the blue and collided with her. It made me flinch and a short bark of alarm escaped my throat. The character in question fell into the same category as Asriel, a character I recognized despite never playing their game, in this case in was Lena Oxton, AKA Tracer from Overwatch. I could only assume it was another user, as she announced herself as "Greeny". "Uh, hi there?"
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#146 Posted: 01:08:32 03/06/2016
((Just to give you guys an idea of how much of a voice change lil ole me had to put up with, You should heard Gundam's voice in this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBOkbD2P2po )) I smiled, "Heheh, You're lucky to at least be the same gender you were before," I added, "This is just really weird for me, but then again you're a whole different species, I guess each situation has it's pros and cons," I explained, and I couldn't help but get a massive rush of Deja-Vu from this as well. I was suddenly given a shock as another individual suddenly bumped into me, and exclaimed my usernickname. They said something about being 'Greeny'? I felt really bad, because for the life of me I couldn't remember who this was. But that was normal for me, I was a severely forgetful person.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#147 Posted: 01:32:12 03/06/2016
Quote: BlackWing116
Quote: BlackWing116
((I appearantly am thin air...)) |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:33:18 03/06/2016 by BlackWing116
Emerald Sparx
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#148 Posted: 15:41:13 03/06/2016
I looked around before seeing someone leaning against a tree. "You said you are having the same problem too? Well, I'm Austin, although you would probably think I'm Asriel based on voice and appearance. Who are you?"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Diamond Sparx
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#149 Posted: 00:42:32 06/06/2016
I snapped myself out of my statue imitation and nodded rapidly at Storm. Casting the huge dragon- ShadeTheDragon, a name I recognized- a small glance, I tried to ignore the clutter of conversations and new arrivals around me. So we weren't the only ones in this kind of situation, after all!
As curious as I was about all this, I found that I could barely discern anything. There was just too much going on at once, and I could barely track who was who at this moment. Trying to let the buzz fade from my brain, I crouched to my knees and smiled at Storm. Hopefully my smile, strained at the edges from the stress, wasn't too noticeable as uneasy... "B-back to the armor," I agreed, looking over the armor pieces once more. Lava didn't seem too agreeable to me, either. Scorched Feathers had taught me how deadly fire was to angel wings... I recalled the Kid Icarus in-game event with a shiver. I hoped we didn't face anything too dangerous here. So far, besides the crowdedness, there seemed to be nothing threatening. I hoped it remained that way. "Allow me to slide these pieces over your limbs, like a vest," I proposed, after picking up one piece and feeling its weight. "I don't think it'll be too difficult. You'll be able to handle your powers in no time!"
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce! |
Platinum Sparx
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#150 Posted: 01:58:54 06/06/2016
"Thanks," Storm said, lying down. "Maybe once we're done we could look around? I don't think all of the cool places have to be in volcanoes. What is in volcanoes anyway? A lot of lava?" She laughed. "Melted rock has to hurt. Especially if you have wings and no fire protection. I know there was something where someone got their wings half-burnt off. Maybe a couple of somethings." She curled her wing in awkwardly. "And let's stop talking about this because even thinking about getting my wing burned hurts."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
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