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MLP FiM: Return of the Nightmare Mists [CLOSED]
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#101 Posted: 02:18:28 21/07/2015
Bridle tilted her head. "Well we're running out of options and it seems like we aren't getting anywhere in this castle" she argued. "If it's a shield then i can do that, but we need to act before time runs out".
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#102 Posted: 02:20:32 21/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"We'd need to combine all our magic to make a strong enough shield, but you are right about time running out. The magic in this castle is fading, and the same with the Crystal Empire." Flash Photography replied. "I guess there would be some books about shields in one of the library rooms." She looked at the others. "Well, I'm in. We need to get rid of the mist once and for all."
"I'm in." Supercell called from the ledge of the wall.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:37:24 21/07/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#103 Posted: 05:29:42 21/07/2015
I nervously look toward the Kirin. What exactly is he thinking? It's kind of creepy how he is looking at me. I have already figured out some paths for us to take in our quest, but am unsure what my guards will think about this. After all my big sisters, Celestia and Luna are missing. Along with my aunt, Princess Twilight and several others, including the two captains of the Royal Guard, Midnight and Lightfoot. I may just have to map out some paths for them and communicate with them using my magic.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#104 Posted: 05:35:11 21/07/2015
Arthur smiled. "Im in too. I would love to assist in the quest." He said. Arthur watched the others waiting for the others to join them. He knew there had to be more who would join them but if no one else stood up to it they would have a hard time holding a strong enough shield.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#105 Posted: 07:11:12 21/07/2015
Arlon grunted. "If I'm going to die, I'd rather it be out there with a bit of dignity than waiting for it to get me in this prison."

He summoned a blank piece of paper and a pen, scribbling something down almost incoherently.

"And lucky for you mortals, despite having no right to, I have an idea; my... specialty, as it is, is breaking and rewriting the rules. If I can get at enough magic... reality isn't beyond my reach... effectively locking out the nightmares... just a small space is all I need."
self professed austGAYlian
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#106 Posted: 13:23:45 21/07/2015
Bridle smiled. "Good, i suggest we at least get working on some kind of shield, followed by a map of the land so we can draw up some routes and ideal places to search." Yodoichi was awake at this point. Her dragon familiar was still laying on her back. "If need be, fighting won't be an issue either".
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#107 Posted: 23:01:12 21/07/2015
Meanwhile as the other ponies prepare to go, I go to speak to my guards/companions. I am almost ninety-five percent sure that am to remain here. I am that precious to Equestria and Beyond. They will probably lock me inside my Aunt, Princess Twilight's castle until this whole this is over with and my big sisters, Celestia and Luna and or my Aunts, The Mane Six come to get me. Lightfoot and Midnight are also missing but they will most likely just return to their duties. They love what they do very much and have no idea where I am anyway.

"Excuse me, I say tapping my nearest guard/companion on the shoulder. Some ponies are planning on leaving this place on a journey to end this "mist." I would like to join them," I say, raking the ground with my hooves as I prepare for his or her as well as their reply, most likely a firm rejection.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#108 Posted: 01:38:51 22/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"A few days ago, I saw some maps in the closest library room on one of the top shelves." Flash Photography said, walking over to Arthur and Bridle. "Should we get them?"
Starsong stayed by Arlon, slowly picking up the book Flash Photography had left on the windowsill. "I didn't think you'd come with us," she said, looking up at him.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:07:11 22/07/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#109 Posted: 03:16:22 22/07/2015
"If I stay here, I'm going to die," Arlon replied forlornly, staring at the wall absently, "one way or another. I can't leave my family without at least saying goodbye."

Or sorry, he reminded himself miserably, frowning.

"Not when I've just made things up to them. Maybe they could fix this, if we could get to them... the Queen, my younger sister, was quite close with Celestia..." he paused. "I keep hearing about a 'Twilight Sparkle' being the resident princess here, but...? That surely can't be right... How could my niece be here, in this forsaken world? It isn't probable..."
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:16:52 22/07/2015 by ReshiramForever
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#110 Posted: 03:48:45 22/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"Yeah, Twilight Sparkle." Starsong nodded. "A while ago she became the Princess of Friendship after she became an alicorn. And then this crystal castle appeared in Ponyville shortly after. But now she's missing along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." She sighed. "I thought they would've been able to defeat the nightmare mist with their magic, but apparently not."
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#111 Posted: 06:35:28 22/07/2015
"'Friendship?'" Arlon shook his head in disbelief. "No, that's not right... my niece is the Stars. Friendship... How could have a Nightmare defeated three goddesses? I barely stood against Nio, even with using her magic against her... Unless- no, I remember Anarchy... the stories... but he was different? The Warden of Chaos..."

He laughed, though it sounded drawn out and weak. "I don't belong here... I really don't belong here, nothing makes sense, it all just... hurts. Do you know how it feels to be torn apart from your destiny? Imagine, your sense of what you are is the only thing that has remained at your side for two and a half thousand years, and now it's gone. Leaving nothing behind but regret."

Arlon's laugh took a slight turn for the maniacal. "It's not like anyone here believes me! Arlon Invictus, the Principal of Protocol! Why would anyone believe that I'm something more than what meets the eye, when I've heard whispers that I'm behind this Nightmare?"
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:40:27 22/07/2015 by ReshiramForever
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#112 Posted: 06:48:08 22/07/2015
"Whoa, whoa, hold it right there. Are you sure about this little prince? Your big sisters, and most of your Aunts as well as the Captains and many others, have gone missing. I don't know what we would do if you went missing as well. I think we should ask your Aunt, Cadence about this. We'll have to communicate with her through magic though. Come on, inside little prince and to your chambers, we will contact her in there," the guards says firmly, stepping inside as I make my way back to my chambers. They briefly pause as they meet the rest of the group. They tell them what the situation is and what may or may not happen, before all of them march toward my chambers.

My Aunt Cadence, would probably want me with her, rather than alone here, but I'm not sure that is going to happen, so most likely I will be remaining here, with my companions/guards watching over me. As my companions arrive at my chambers, I let them in, closing the door behind them. My horn glows as I touch the large mirror beside my bed, to communicate with my Aunt Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#113 Posted: 08:46:21 22/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Wyrstel, I roleplayed as the guard, since I thought you wanted someone else to, but nevermind, I edited my post.

Starsong sat down on the other side of the hallway from Arlon, staring at the crystal floor. "They must have gathered a lot of negative energy and planned to take down the princesses before they invaded 3 months ago," she murmured.
After Arlon spoke, the light blue pegasus shook her head. "I definitely can't imagine what it's like. I mean, sure, I was worried about receiving a talent that wouldn't lead to my true destiny when I was a filly, but that's different, of course." Her dark-blue travelled upwards and rested on the older kirin. "As much as I'm confused about your past, obviously since I don't know any of it, I believe you're something more and I don't believe that you're behind what has happened to Equestria."
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#114 Posted: 11:35:47 22/07/2015
Arlon shook his head numbly, stating in a broken whisper, "not in this Equestria..."

Turning over a piece of paper, the one that had the Harmonic runes scrawled on it, and began to sketch. He only spent a couple of minutes on it, his magic occasionally brightening and sparking before waning again into a flat glow, before the kirin staggered to his hooves shakily, moving over to Starsong.

"Tell me; how much does this look like Twilight Sparkle?"

The sketch was in an odd style - while a pleasant effect, his strokes scratchy and straight, with very little curves and a hint of abstractism. The style aside, the subject was accurate almost to a fault, even managing to have been coloured despite the pen having had black ink. The alicorn mare was nearly identical to the Princess that all of Equestria would've known, aside from the pink in her mane, tail and cutie mark being replaced with a bright blue.

"My niece's name is Twilight Invictus, though her foster family... her foster family was house Sparkle. I would say I regret being the reason why she wasn't with her biological father, but really, I don't. I want to know who this doppelgänger is."
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:46:04 22/07/2015 by ReshiramForever
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#115 Posted: 20:04:52 22/07/2015
Bridle looked at everyone. "Yeah, the maps would be a good idea, i'll go ahead and set up a spell run for the shield" she quickly spawned a piece of charcoal and began drawing the runes. She altered a few with ancient text to make the effects stronger.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#116 Posted: 23:06:54 22/07/2015
Arthur smiled and watched. As he studied her writings he took notice of a slight mishap and carefully fixed it. He smiled. "I didnt realize i wasnt the only one who knew a few things about this. But in a match i think you have me out smarted." He said chuckling.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#117 Posted: 23:47:47 22/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"Shouldn't we check a few books to see if we can find any spells that will make a shield spell longer?" Flash Photography asked uncertainly, looking at Bridle and Arthur. "Granted, you may have a lot of knowledge about spells, but I still think we should check some books in the library. I also asked if we should get some maps...but you two seem to have ignored me." The white unicorn sighed.
Starsong watched Arlon as he moved closer and showed her a sheet of paper. She looked at the sheet and saw a sketch of Twilight Sparkle, except it apparently wasn't her. "That sure looks like Princess Twilight Sparkle, except the mane colours are different." She tilted her head, surprised. "I didn't know there was another Twilight Sparkle, and another Equestria," she murmured. She then looked up at Arlon. "All I know about the Twilight Sparkle here is that she lived in Canterlot, moved to Ponyville, and became the Princess of Friendship. I wasn't exactly a friend of hers, so I don't know much about her."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#118 Posted: 00:53:01 23/07/2015
OOC: You can role play my companions/guards if you would like, Spyro-Gamer. I need someone to be my Aunt Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor at the moment.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#119 Posted: 01:01:10 23/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: I did before, thinking you wanted someone to, but it's okay, you can roleplay the guard. I'll roleplay Princess Cadance and Shining Armour for now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#120 Posted: 01:15:51 23/07/2015
OOC: Well sorry about that. I'll be my companions/guards.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#121 Posted: 02:07:45 23/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: It's alright. ^^; And okay.

In the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence was sitting on the throne in the castle. Her tired purple/pink eyes were resting on the crystal floor in the throne room. She heard the large doors open and she looked up slowly, seeing Shining Armour walk in.
The white stallion smiled at the princess and then noticed a large mirror in the corner of the room begin to glow. "It seems someone is trying to communicate with us." He walked over, slowly lifted the mirror with his magic, and made it float over to Cadence's throne, setting it down in front of her.
The princess slowly leant forward and touched her horn on the glass.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#122 Posted: 02:16:07 23/07/2015
"Hi, Aunt Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor, I uh... Need to ask you something. I want to..." I am quickly interrupted as my companions/guards break the silence. Stepping back I remain in the view of my Aunt and Uncle, but do not speak. Nervously raking the ground with my little hooves, I wait for the meeting to start between the two groups.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#123 Posted: 02:36:07 23/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"Hello Astrello," Princess Cadence smiled weakly. "It's been a while since I've seen you. What is it?"
Shining Armour stayed beside Cadence, remaining silent.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#124 Posted: 02:54:28 23/07/2015
OOC: i mentioned the maps before in a previous post

Bridle chuckled at Arthur. "A fellow scholar, i expect nothing less." She looked at the other pony. "Yes, the maps please, don't worry about the spell books, i have them over there...Arthur...could you be a dear?..." She asked, refering to the books set aside.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#125 Posted: 02:59:48 23/07/2015
"...Student to the reigning monarch, sent to Ponyville to cast down the Nightmare?" he asked slowly, one of his ears twitching. "Later ascending to her true birthright... Friendship, and the Stars and Wishes... Alicorns are born. So very rarely made, and even then, it comes from merging mortal and divine souls together... no, that doesn't really matter. Most are bound to a mortal coil, so that they're allowed to grow... How did alicorn come about from demigod, might I ask myself?"

He drew back, still staring at his sketch, before crumpling the sheet into a ball and setting it aflame.

"If the gods are against us, who can be for us?" Arlon asked himself, wing stubs twitching. "Such is the way of Titans and Nightmares..."
self professed austGAYlian
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#126 Posted: 03:07:29 23/07/2015
Arthur nodded. He trotted over to the books and looked through them. "Some of these books have maps... But there are some pages missing from one or two of them it seems.. Is there an atlas anywhere?" He asked
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#127 Posted: 06:04:05 23/07/2015
"Beg your pardon, little prince, but your Aunt and Uncle and us need to talk. Why down you go lay down by the mirror so they can still see you? As soon as you are ready we can start," my companions/guards say.

I nod in response to their proposal and lay down on the floor beside the mirror. I worry about my big sisters, Celestia and Luna as well as the others that have gone missing, but I want to physically help if I can. However I also understand the worry and fear that the others share about me going missing as well.

"Alright, this is the issue, your highnesses, my companions/guards start. Your nephew, the little prince, Astrello, wants to go out and search for a way to defeat "The Mist." Already his two big sisters, Celestia and Luna, The Mane Six, Midnight and Lightfoot as well as others have gone missing. Much of Equestria is in a panic and I fear that if he, the last of the Royal Siblings, the rulers of Equestria, goes missing well..." The guards wait for my Aunt and Uncle to respond. They feel bad about keeping me here, but they care dearly for me and it is their duty to keep me safe.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#128 Posted: 13:49:59 23/07/2015
Bridle looked around. "Section 'C' i believe is where the maps are" she said, finishing a few more runes and using others from the books. "The shield rune should be completed soon, i hope most of you are combat ready. Chances are there are creatures lurking about. Especially since this place is untouched..."
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:50:42 23/07/2015 by Sam15
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#129 Posted: 15:23:54 23/07/2015
Arthur trotted off to the said location and began shuffling through books trying to find a map that was up to date but most were to old and lacked current terrain. He sighed and continued still he found several scroll maps that pieced together making a large map. He smiled and laid them all out and began putting together the map.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#130 Posted: 00:00:19 25/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Supercell flew into the library and hovered above Bridle. "I'm definitely combat ready!" she said, demonstrating a few fighting moves in the air.
"I can help too." Flash Photography muttered, trotting after Arthur. She picked up the older maps with her magic and placed them on a nearby table, unfolding them.
Princess Cadence cleared her throat. "May I remind you that Shining Armour and I are still here?" She paused for a moment and then continued. "Now, Prince Astrello is royalty, so I don't see why he can't chose to go on this quest himself. Granted, it is dangerous, but as long as he has a plan, or if he's going with a group of other ponies who have a plan, I would allow it."
"Cadence, are you sure?" Shining Armour asked uncertainly.
Princess Cadence nodded. "Even though there is a risk of him being taken, along with other ponies, if he goes with ponies, this may be our only chance to save Equestria from the mist."
Starsong watched as the crumbled ball of paper was set on fire by Arlon. "I guess if we find her on our quest, you can see her and ask her things yourself," she said, rather quietly.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:33:42 25/07/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#131 Posted: 10:14:24 25/07/2015
My companions/guards shake their heads. Tossing their various colors of manes and tails, they look from one another to me resting form. Then turning to the mirror again they speak.

"No, your highnesses, we know that you and Shining Armor remain. The issue is the "Royal Siblings", Celestia, Luna and Astrello. The "Sun, Moon and Stars." Already his two big sisters, The Sun and Moon, Celestia and Luna are gone. He is glowing light in this darkness, but if you believe that he should be able to go, then we will allow him to do so. It is not that we wanted to keep him, we care for him and our duties are to protect him, keeping him safe, away from harm. Turning to me, they gently nuzzle me with their heads. You may go on your quest, little prince, but please be careful."

I smile and nod, nuzzling them back and for a brief time we embrace. Gathering my saddlebags, I grab some items and place them inside. Reaching toward the table, I pick up my necklace with a sun and the moon in the middle and stars wrapped around them, placing it around my neck. My deep, dark midnight blue eyes gleam as I wave to Aunt Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor as well as my companions/guards. I start the long climb down to the main chambers, where the others are surely waiting.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#132 Posted: 13:34:44 25/07/2015
Bridle finished all the writing for the spell then took a breath. "Alright, Yodoichi...You ready?" She asked her dragon familiar. "Absolutely" they both lined up on oposite ends and started pouring their magic into the incantations on the floor. "Stand back everyone" . There was black and blue lightning shooting all through the glyphs and markings on the floor. This process probably takes the longest, and a spell like this requires alot of energy. For Bridle, it could possibly take all her magic power simply to have it ready to cast. Yodoichi did the same, using her fire to supply magic to the circle as well. The room lit up to a mix of flashing colors from both the lightning and the fire. One might even say it was astonishing and impressive to say the least.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#133 Posted: 13:56:02 25/07/2015
Arlon noted Starsong's subdued tone, but said nothing about it. He took to pacing about the hallway, occasionally glancing out the window with a flick of his draconic tail, his ears twitching as if with irritation.

"Can you hear it?" he asked eventually, stopping and cocking his head to look over at Starsong. "She's... calling for help? It's familiar. I've heard it before, but I can't place the time."

He contemplated his own words for a moment, before staring up at the ceiling as he felt a surge of magic. His antlers glowing silver, Arlon pulled what discarded remnants he could towards himself, a slight shimmer dancing about his mane for a few seconds.
self professed austGAYlian
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#134 Posted: 22:14:44 26/07/2015
Arthur pieced together the map and then rolled it up and took it out to where every other pony was and watched Bridle and her summon. "wow...." into the runes written on the floor. "wow...."He was thoroughly impressed since he had never seen such a spell prepared in person before.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#135 Posted: 23:17:59 26/07/2015
As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I simply nod to the others. Finding a seat in a lone chair, I sit and relax. My deep, dark midnight blue eyes gleam in the light as I watch the others.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#136 Posted: 01:49:27 27/07/2015
Bridle poured out her magic for what seemed like forever. The magic writing intensified with a glowing blue lining. Suddenly, all the lightning stopped. The rune was finished. "T-there....done". She smiled at her work, panting before she stumbled, nearly falling over.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#137 Posted: 02:43:36 27/07/2015
Seeing this I gallop over and using my magic, levitate Bridle over to the chair I was relaxing in. Setting her down in the chair, I sit down in a nearby chair to watch over her. Draping a warm blanket over her, I relax in my chair, remaining alert but, still too shy to speak.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#138 Posted: 08:31:59 27/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: This roleplay is on pause for 2 weeks.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:54:27 12/08/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#139 Posted: 02:44:20 11/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Starsong blinked, looking over at Arlon. "Who? Princess Twilight?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

Supercell narrowed her eyes and flew over to Flash Photography. She hovered beside her and was about to open her mouth to speak, but Flash Photography spoke first.
"Feeling ignored by them?" The white unicorn asked, glancing over at Arthur and Bridle.
Supercell paused and then nodded.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#140 Posted: 03:20:13 11/08/2015
Bridle had recollected herself, yet was still dizzy. All of her magic energy was drained from powering the spell. "I-i think i need a moment...". Her breathing was heavy as her legs shook from the mild exhaustion.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#141 Posted: 17:51:55 11/08/2015
Arthur heard Flash Photography and his ears fell back. He turned and walked over to Supercell feeling foolish. "I-im sorry for making you feel neglected...." He said his voice was sincere. "Would you forgive me?" He asked. After a moment though he heard Bridle and looked back at her. He was a bit worried that she had worked herself to hard.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#142 Posted: 22:31:26 11/08/2015
Arlon hesitated, before shaking his head. "No. Someone else. Hyperborean, I believe... haven't heard anything like it here. Almundra? No, no..." With a snide smirk, he added, "Not that I've met anyone overly important here, but, I think you get the gist."
self professed austGAYlian
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#143 Posted: 01:00:34 12/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Flash Photography looked up, seeing Arthur, her magic still unfolding the large ancient maps. Her ears twitched and she then nodded. "I forgive you. I guess we're all too focused on preparing right now." She looked back down at the maps. "I'm not sure these old maps will be any help, but we can look at them anyway. There might be some routes that we don't know about."

"Hm. Well, I can't hear anything." Starsong murmured. Still sitting down, the pegasus stretched out her wings briefly before folding them back, looking out the window as she did so. She then looked back at Arlon. "Do you need to prepare for the journey? I can also help you if you want."
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#144 Posted: 03:37:27 13/08/2015
Arlon waited, before responding. "Not exactly. I brought nothing here with me, and I don't need to bring anything when I leave."

'So now you're acting humble? I don't believe it. How far have you fallen, again, Announcer?' The voice was all too familiar, echoing at the back of his mind. Arlon ignored it, considering it insanity to listen to himself. What did it matter that it sounded exactly like his old host? Just ramblings expressed in a slightly different form.

Arlon's ear flicked with irritation. Phantom calls for help and scornful little brothers didn't do well for him patience-wise, at least.

"I would like to know what's going on upstairs, though. That was the best feed I've hand in months. I feel almost-"

'Stealing the remnants of a spell? Wow, you're desperate.' Ideas added derisively, cutting across Arlon's words. Again, he ignored it.

"-well, hydrated, at this stage. I'd go a little further, though. Even without domain, if I just had magic, I'm sure a lot of this could be made easier. Millennia of knowledge pays off, doesn't it?"
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:38:28 13/08/2015 by ReshiramForever
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#145 Posted: 06:14:06 13/08/2015
"True.. Let me know if you find anything." Arthur said kindly then quickly went to Bridle helping to stabilize her by standing close by. "Careful. That was pretty impressive."
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#146 Posted: 18:11:46 13/08/2015
Bridle giggled and leaned on him. "Thanks, it was alot harder than i thought it would be...". After a while she laid down to regain some of her strength and magic. "The spell is ready to be activated and should be strong enough to keep the mist away while we travel..."
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#147 Posted: 18:59:27 13/08/2015
"You should be careful young one. Some spells could have literally drained you and you could have to wait weeks or even months to recover or some could even kill you. Please just be careful, all of you, with how you use your magic. It is pretty impressive though," I say with a little smile.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#148 Posted: 22:40:16 13/08/2015
Arthur looked over at the Stalion and smiled before looking back to bridle. "It seems im not the only one whose attention you caught." He said softly before looking for a pillow for her to rest on instead of the cold floor.
Sam15 Blue Sparx Gems: 754
#149 Posted: 22:44:25 13/08/2015
Bridle blushed. "I appreciate your concern, and your appreciation...i just need a fee minutes and i'll be fine" she rested her head as her breathing steadied and her energy began to replenish. Fortunately for Bridle, her magic replenishes rather quickly. Yodoichi was on Bridle's back, asleep for the same reason.
"Why do you humans place so much value on housing your souls in your bodies? It's a complete mystery to me."
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#150 Posted: 00:49:01 14/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Starsong was silent for a moment. She then stood up and began to beat her wings quickly, lifting herself off the ground and up to Arlon's height.
"Upstairs is where my current room is in this castle, so we can go up there." Starsong said, hovering in place. "And I suppose being alive for a millennia would give you a lot of knowledge. I suppose Princess Celestia has quite a lot of knowledge...if she's even lived for a millennia." She paused. "Anyway, the stairs are over here." The light blue pegasus pointed at some stairs that were situated at the end of the hallway. She slowly flew over to them and waited at the bottom for Arlon to follow.

"I'm just not quite sure where we are heading." Flash Photography murmured, peering at the maps.
Supercell looked over Flash Photography's shoulder, but became bored quickly and went off to fly around the library.
Flash Photography picked up the maps with her magic and padded over to Arthur. Tapping him on the shoulder with a rolled up map, she spoke. "Uhm, where exactly are we heading again? Or do we not know that yet?"
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