Quote: kaosmumishotQuote: UncleBobQuote: PlordigianMost of us will agree that Trap Team is the first game in the series (since Spyro's Adventure) that has flat-out required buying more product to have access to the whole game.
It's like the expansion packs don't exist.
An SSA gamer had to buy $100 worth of expansion packs to play the entire game.
A Giants gamer had to buy $150 worth of expansion packs to play the entire game.
SWAP Force requires $100 worth of expansion packs to play the entire game.
There's a word running deep in this thread. That word is "entitlement".
I am entitled. I am entitled to put my foot down and stop being ripped off. I am entitled to expect to 100% the main game without being forced to buy more and more figures with - for me at least - the exception of expansion packs.
Yes they have always been around, representing crap value for money, with the exception of the original ones in my opinion. But I personally accept that I have to buy expansion packs. And I did buy Trap Team expansion packs. I just didn't buy their additional stinking Trap Masters.
if you HAD bought "all the expansions", the trap masters you need for the soul gems in question, wouldn't be "additional purchases" since the Light/dark expansions COME with them... and you wouldn't be complaining about not being able to get them/having to buy them when you already consider their purchase mandatory to get the full experience through the simple fact that you feel that the expansions, which the trap masters you need COME IN, are "obligatory"
I don't consider it obligatory... but I still bought the expansions anyway... (I always love the concept of light/dark elements, especially when added later, besides, the trap masters look cool, and well, dragons speak for themselves... [I got the L/D expansion packs with the starter, back when they were rare-ish, would you believe that I found the Dark at gamestop, but wasn't going to buy because If I couldn't get light, I'd rather buy both at Toysrus.com simultaneously to minimize the odds of a mixup? good thing the Target next door had the Light Expansion/a friend convinced me to nab it

and then, the next Wednesday, I went to gamestop to get some EE, that was the day the spring break sale ended, see...? but their label machine was wonky, and showed the old price, so they had to sell the two ee's for $40 instead of $50, also, they were a mess, so they hadn't finished "shelving" their BRAND NEW shipment of Kaos traps... maybe not as lucky as I thought at the time, {there's more of them going around now, right?}, but still kinda lucky, since I planned to go the day before, but had to defer it til that day...])
Then, last week, they had Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 remix, Spotlight, AND blackout ALL in stock [I was NOT going to buy one core w/o the other, and there were plenty of opportunities for one or the other, and I've been waiting for them to stock KH2.5 for MONTHS, {Its pre-owned, but I wasn't expecting a new disc... just hope it has the original label/case... (and that its the "Greatest Hits" version to match my 1.5 mix [do they have one of those for 2.5 yet? D:])}],