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Dead By Night (Apocalyptic Steampunk RP) [CLOSED]
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#101 Posted: 04:49:32 01/08/2015
"They arent family of blood and No. None of us are medics. Just skills we have picked up to survive." Anna said taking a drink.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#102 Posted: 05:42:40 01/08/2015
drinking his own trying not to look like an alcoholic "ah, im even more impressed then" he looked down embarrassed "heh, shouldnt have hesitated on taking the bullet out, should have been able to help him more. but alls well that ends well." he took another drink.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#103 Posted: 07:34:55 01/08/2015
My deep, dark midnight blue eyes glisten in the light as I listen to Taku. As he finishes speaking, I nod, letting him know, I understand. I reach into my trench coat and remove what I owe, plus a generous tip. Grabbing my hat, I place it over my head, and politely tip my hat to Sal, before standing up with my AK-47 still in its case, against my chest.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#104 Posted: 05:12:54 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sorry bout that guys. I've been a bit busy lately.

"Too be honest i would say anything, but on this planet no one can promise you that" The Man replied and then said "But i can promise you alot of money, and by a lot i mean 55,000 gold Dyneres each" The man said with a grin and very loudly so everyone in the bar could hear, and almost all the civilians were looking at him too. "55,000 Gold Dyneres For whoever is willing to help me take the Train Of Heat!" The man shouted out. At first almost all the civilians in the bar were interested because of the pay, but when The Man mentioned it was for taking The Train Of Heat all looked down at their drinks and the bar hushed.

Dyneres was the currency of the planet. It was used almost everywhere but 3 or 5 small villages which still preferred animal Furs and skins or livestock. Dyneres were 4 different metal coins. The first was made from Tungsten and had serveral different lines running all over it that were distinctly placed and the lines were also made of copper and the only way to tell if it was real or not was to drop it in water and it was designed to glow if it was real and a T insignia in the middle of it. The 2nd was made from Glass, thick plastic glass that is, and to tell if it was real or not you had to look through it. The goverment made the glass coin with special elements that made it so when you looked through, you could see through the dark and there was a huge G watermark on it. The third was made of Steel and was just plain with a red "S" on it. To test if it was real or not was to simply try and bend it, no one knows how but it was impossible to bend it. Fake ones, even made with steel as well were bendable. The last was shiny gold with no letter on it, bust instead said in a small inscription "We Know". As same as the steel coin, it is indestructible. They each had their value and names aswell. Tungsten was know as the "Weak Dynere", Glass as the "All Seeing Dynere" and Steel was the "Invincible Dynere", with the Gold Dynere just being the gold dynere but goverments called it the "Groundbreaking Dynere". The W Dynere was worth 1, 5 for the A.S Dynere, 20 for the I Dynere, and 50 for the Gold Dynere. Even with that backstory whenever people used the currency they simply referred to all Dyneres the same and used numbers instead such as "Heres 50 in Dyneres" so when The Man said "55,000 Gold Dyneres" he mean't 55,000 in Gold Dyneres.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#105 Posted: 06:06:39 02/08/2015
Anna stopped hearing the abnoxiously loud man mention the amount and then what he wanted and thought then turned on her bar stool. "And how exactly do you plan to take the Train of heat?" She asked interested in the pay mostly.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#106 Posted: 06:18:54 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Its simple. I need a team. A big skilled team" The Man replied "I would say my plan but out in the open is not the best idea when your about to commit something illegal. Lets just say" He leaned back "I have people with things that will be ready to place them when i and whoever decides to take the job are ready" "Will we have to kill anyone?" Patrick asked The Man to which he replied "No, no we don't, my plan will get us through without having to take away the breath of anyone" Patrick was lost in thinking for the decision he was given.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#107 Posted: 17:37:40 02/08/2015
Daniel looked at his old ****ty bag full of old equipment, looking at the man "youll need a medic, with a train like that there is no way that no one will be hurt, get me some better equipment and let me get my armour from storage, and ill be your medic." if i can get that pay, ill be able to start my own organization finally be able to help people he thought to himself so sick and tired of being one man trying to do his job alone. the fact that anna and more people helped him renewed his vigour for the job and re-lit his passion to help others. "what do you say? New equipment and payment as promised?"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#108 Posted: 20:49:30 02/08/2015
Anna smiled. "Count me in. Oh and my brother Deniel will probably accompany me as well." She said. "Ill just need a while to get back to my home and get my equipment." She added ordering another round of drinks.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#109 Posted: 23:11:06 02/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"You all can have the equipment you need. I have a locker room full of stuff before we take the train if you need it." The Man replied to Daniel and then turned to Anna "We take the train day after tomorrow, i'll be waiting here til your all ready"

Patrick then said "I'll join in too" and turned back towards the bar and walked up to it and said "Saluul, can i have my equipment back please?" Saluul pulled up a back pack and his shotgun from under the counter and handed it to him as Patrick gave Saluul 10 Dyneres in return "Thanks" Patrick said and put his backpack on and put his shotgun in a really long holster that it fit perfectly into which was attachted to his backpack. He then walked back up to The Man and said "I'm ready" and then turned back towards the bar and took a seat.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#110 Posted: 23:26:44 02/08/2015
I say nothing as I hear this offer. I am a criminal and outcast of society, hated and despised by all but, those who know me. I have no interest to risk my life for such pursuits, unless it is truly worthwhile in more way than one. I turn the safety of AK-47 back on as I head toward the doors of the bar.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#111 Posted: 01:23:12 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
The Man called out to Jaer noticing his weapon. "Wait you!" He yelled. "Perhaps theres something besides money you might want?" He yelled again at Jaer.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#112 Posted: 02:33:05 03/08/2015
Tyga chuckles, "For 55,000... I'll do it alright. Won't find a better snake, or better fighter in this city."
Turtle Power.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#113 Posted: 03:09:04 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Well welcome to the group" The Man replied.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#114 Posted: 04:43:59 03/08/2015
Anna heard tyga's 'no one better' comment and laughed having a slight buzz. "I highly doubt that."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#115 Posted: 06:01:04 03/08/2015
I flip around and turn the safety of my AK-47 back on as I sit down. I gaze at the group but unable to speak I turn to my only friend, Taku. Perhaps he can translate for me. For now however I simply listen to what "The Man", has to say. As I sit however, the group can see just how heavily armed I am.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#116 Posted: 07:31:03 03/08/2015
Tyga takes the contract and smiles, "I'll be sitting at my table until things calm down." When he walks away he glances at Anna, "Don't test me, witch."
Turtle Power.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#117 Posted: 15:45:34 03/08/2015
Anna froze at his comment then stood up.

Deniel had just walked through the door to hear the comment and looked at Anna. "oh sh-.."

"Learn to hold your tongue. You dont know who your talking to." She said storming towards the front door and leaving. "Come deniel we are going home. This place disgusts me." She spoke.

Deniel looked at Tyga and glared at him before following Anna out the door.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#118 Posted: 17:34:29 03/08/2015
Daniel looked at tyga "you really know how to make friends dont you?" thinking he was going to snap at him next he crossed his arms his under hand though, took hold of his pistol in such a way that you wouldnt know he was doing it by just looking at him.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#119 Posted: 19:30:22 03/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Ahh, already everyones becoming great friends" Patrick said noticing the contract in Tyga's hands and just remembered he was suppose to grab one and walked over to The Mans table and grabbed one whilst The Man chuckled at the fighting, and the fact that Patrick forgot to grab one. Patrick then walked back to the bar counter and asked Saluul for a pen with a ink bottle to which he supplied once again from underneath the counter. Patrick signed the contract with the pen and folded it into his back pocket. Saluul poured a drink for a woman at the other end of tne bar and then slid back in style to the other end and put the pen and ink away then continued on his work.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#120 Posted: 20:25:34 03/08/2015
OCC: Why would Daniel except Tyga to snap on him if their friends?

Tyga chuckles, "You know me, Always been good with the ladies." He sits down at his table, "So what brings you back Danny?"
Turtle Power.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#121 Posted: 22:24:25 03/08/2015
(because Daniel is kinda drunk and drunk daniel is paranoid Daniel.)

Daniel takes another swig and relaxes a bit, grabbing one of the contracts he signs it and hands it back to the man "I daniel of sound mind and body..." and he takes another swig without finishing he statement. no longer in the pressence of an appropriate female he started drinking more and more.

(Remember he is an alcoholic just not on the clock smilie)
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#122 Posted: 22:47:31 03/08/2015
Tyga smiles, "Take a sit at my table. Don't want you Falling down, do we?"
Turtle Power.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#123 Posted: 23:58:35 03/08/2015
Daniel stumbled a bit to tygas table his pistol dropped from his holster and hit the table the engraving "Riviter" was etched on the the barrel "oh damn..." he stared at his gun for a bit and took another drink.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#124 Posted: 00:32:00 04/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Saluul noticed Daniel and yelled out "Hey! Holster your weapon! I ain't running a gun show!"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#125 Posted: 15:00:22 04/08/2015
"Sorry sal, fell out again." he picked it up and fumbled with it back into its holster "Hey can ya get me another bottle?" he put his hand on the table and tried to put together a full thought but he couldnt barely see straight let alone think.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#126 Posted: 15:57:16 04/08/2015
Anna was stopped by Deniel on the way back to the camp. "You still want to go on that mission?" He asked.
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"Cause you forgot the contract..."
Anna stopped and face palmed and turned around. "Can we stop back at the camp then go back for it? We just gotta run.. Im gonna change.." She smirked.
Deniel shook his head smiling. "Alright. Lets go."

The two and their small group ran back to their camp and deniel and Anna put on their favorite attire. They gun runner suits. Both fully equipped they went back to the bar and Anna walked in first her face not visible due to her helmet and same for Deniel. (His sheet is up on my original character post if anyone is curious.) They walked over to the man who was in charge of the heist and took a contract. Anna looked over at Daniel and sighed seeing how he had over done it with alcohol.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#127 Posted: 20:21:06 04/08/2015
"im gonna need my better equipment" Daniel slurred as he walked out the bar throwing the rest of his pay sloppily on the bar. He walked out to his home and opened an old copper storage locker where a metal suit was hidden. "there you are my beautiful metal baby" he put the thing on and put his normal attire over it, he looked bigger but other than that with the helmet and visor down he looked mostly normal. a small voice chirped in his ear "Hello user Daniel, it has been three-hundred and sixty-four days since last acquisition, welcome back to the medi-suit 3.4 pain-killer at max capacity, surgical equipment at standard levels, all equipment counted for" Daniel smiled as he put the visor and helmet up seeing his own vital signs and three empty slots for others. still pretty drunk he hobbled back to the bar and put the helmet down.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#128 Posted: 03:15:27 05/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Are you all ready hen?" The Man asked "If so, place down your contracts" He said standing up.
Patrick stood up and gave a farewell to Saluul, tossing him 2 Dyneres, then placed his contract on the table to the right of the empty pile of contracts "I'm ready"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#129 Posted: 03:17:33 05/08/2015
giving himself a quick slap to sober himself up he puts his contract down "im ready"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#130 Posted: 04:09:00 05/08/2015
I watch the group, unsure what to do. Do any of them, know sign language, other than Taku? Reaching into my trench coat, I pull out a pad and write on it. I let "The Man", know that I am mute. I also ask him what he means. Money is nice, but what I really want, money cannot buy.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#131 Posted: 04:22:21 05/08/2015 | Topic Creator
The Man replied "Yes, i know sign language" he sat up and said "Well what is it you want? After all, i might be able to supply you with whatever it is you need"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#132 Posted: 05:26:40 05/08/2015
Using sign language again, I tell him that the truth is I don't know. I will take the money as well though. I feel empty and hollow.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#133 Posted: 05:38:02 05/08/2015 | Topic Creator
The Man replied "Well maybe you will find something that will fill you on this job. And welcome to the group" The Man said handing Taku a contract.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#134 Posted: 06:05:58 05/08/2015
Deniel put down Anna's and his contracts and then sat back down watching them. Anna had taken off her helmet again and was drinking a cup of water not wanting to get drunk before the heist.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#135 Posted: 06:12:07 05/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Patrick took a look around the bar at all the people he noticed putting down the contracts and he mumbled to himself "All these people coming together. I wonder why we are taking this train"
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#136 Posted: 08:03:51 05/08/2015
Tyga signs his contract and runs it over to the man. He hands it to him and rushes back to his table, "So me and Danny are going to jack us a train. It's about time we went on an adventure together."
Turtle Power.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#137 Posted: 19:24:09 05/08/2015
finally sobering up his drinking habits made being drunk a short experience for him. "Haha, well us and our plethora of interesting colleagues" Daniel got his Composure back "I got my medi-suit on so once I get the standard equipment that you said you had, ill be good to go."
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#138 Posted: 05:20:20 06/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Time for us to go then if everybody is ready" The Man said standing up, which you could hear a faint whistle when he did. "As i said before, you might find whatever it is you need if ya join us." The Man said to Jaer as he walked past him and out the saloon doors. Patrick stood up to folloe, but didn't want to follow to closely but lagged a bit behind just incase anything happened.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#139 Posted: 06:16:21 06/08/2015
Anna and Deniel got up. Deniel ended up further ahead and Anna lagged behind to make sure Daniel was alright. She walked over to him and lightly tapped on his med suit. "Not to shabby doc" she said holding her helmet under one arm her big guns on her back and hip. Her spear was in a condensed mode on her thigh making a soft tapping noise with each step.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#140 Posted: 06:51:16 06/08/2015
Tyga throws on some combat armor from the cashe and follows the man. "He's not a Doctor. He's a medic." He snorts.
Turtle Power.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#141 Posted: 16:56:44 06/08/2015
I shrug and follow the group. I am ready in case anyone tries anything. My AK-47 should be enough to deter any funny business, but if not I have my Beretta, my axe and knife. I hope there aren't any problems because I would hate to kill someone unnecessarily.
jokerstix66 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#142 Posted: 18:05:10 06/08/2015
"true im no doc, but with this tech i can preform like a doctor." picking up some clean medical tools he shrugged "I got this from my best friend before he passed, well, I guess I should say it was in his will." he pressed a button on his neck and a full helmet and visor came on "im going to mark you so I can keep an eye on your vitals, its the one thing I DO have over doctors, I dont need a fancy room and spread sheets to do my job." he looked at anna, "how are you holding up? you seemed upset earlier." he sounded worried.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#143 Posted: 19:29:39 06/08/2015
"Tch, just got a little butt hurt is all. Im not like other girls you see here... My father is... well i guess i am too so is deniel... We are gun runners... We have never had the easy life and i was never giving the chance to be.. well.. a girl... I dont appreciate being so undermined by people who dont know me... Or my past.." She said.

Deniel looked back at her and smirked a little. 'So the medic cracked the anna shell.. Nice..' he thought glad to see her talking freely to someone other then him or their father.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#144 Posted: 00:18:49 07/08/2015
Tyga grins, "Ya didn't storm out because someone undetermined you. You just had to pop off with a comment and I responded."
Turtle Power.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#145 Posted: 03:30:06 07/08/2015
Handing the man my contract, I simply nod, silently, cocking my AK-47. My deep, dark midnight blue eyes gleam in the light as watch the others. My long golden hair blows in the wind and shines brilliantly as the rays of the morning sun.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#146 Posted: 03:52:43 07/08/2015
Deniel heard Tyga and stopped pulling out his gun aiming at his nose the barrel inches away fron Tygas face. "Id learn to leave my sister alone or youll get on my bad side and you dont want that bud." he said.

Anna rolled her eyes and pushed the gun down. "Relax hes trying to be a jerk cause he thinks he will get laid that way. Sorry hun but im not a ****" She said flicking tygas nose and continued walking staying next to Daniel. She rather enjoyed his company.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#147 Posted: 05:41:14 07/08/2015 | Topic Creator
The Man nodded at Jaer folding his contract and putting it into his pocket and then turned towards the others "Do i need to take all you childrens guns away?" The Man asked as a carriage with another connected to it rode up. Patrick chuckled at The Mans question as he climbed into the empty second and The Man then said "All of you will ride in the second carriage. We are heading out to a town far on the outskirts that the train will we reach the day after tomorrow" The Man said turning to the Carriage Driver who was an African American man with his right eye looking like King Midas touched it but instead of turning into gold it was copper and the copper eyelids were closed and he wore a hat with a simple shirt, no shoes and raggedy dress pants "We Must reach the town before sundown" The Man said to the Carriage Driver climbing into the first carriage and closing its door.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#148 Posted: 05:52:02 07/08/2015
"What? Afraid of moonlight are we?" Anna asked hearing the person mention sundown.
Deniel looked at her and saw a familiar glint in her eyes. She loved the moonlight even though it was unhealthy.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#149 Posted: 05:53:34 07/08/2015 | Topic Creator
"Well. If it will make you much scarier for the rest of the team. Then Yeah, i am." The Man shouted out from his carriage.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#150 Posted: 07:08:59 07/08/2015
Tyga chuckles, "I just think it's funny your sister thinks she can start something and not expect me to finish it. Also, I also find it humorous that she assumes I'm interested in her. Which is laughable."

Tyga climbs into the second carriage, "Alright. Let's get to it."
Turtle Power.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:27:35 07/08/2015 by HerrMythology
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