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Toys for Bob vs Vicarious Visions
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#101 Posted: 21:41:30 30/08/2014
Well, the idea was never bad,but it was so badly excecuted that I'd rather have the stock picture. VV is far from having good art, but that doesn't mean that having alternate art for certain parts of the game should never happen. The problem is that the closest to official alternate artworks we got are the pictures from the Mask of Power series and some sketches I-Wei posts on his blog. It is a little excessive to have 2,3 official artworks per character per Series, but they could always have an unlockable artwork gallery so people could look at sketches and different poses for the characters. Previous Spyro games had collectibles related to that several times, and darn if I didn't prefer going after those rather than alternate characters or buffs.
(What I need is never what I want)
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#102 Posted: 21:51:28 30/08/2014
Quote: Tigorus
Dude I was kidding (and I thought quite clearly exaggerating)...I even said my reason was immature and posted the video showing they didn't promise...although I do remember other videos but that's the only one I could find. They've done very well at not promising anything frankly. They are very vague and leave a lot open to interpretation...a lesson I'm sure they learned from Activision.

Totally agree. Bottom line is we get out of this franchise what we want and for my money I feel V.V. has put up the most in the improvement category and based on Swap Force I felt the franchise was evolving...even if I did want to KILL Rufus. I am still mystified why this franchise is still afraid of being online. Activision knows a thing or two about online gaming and the fact that Infinity is doing it and Skylander's is still off line is a real head scratcher.

Sorry about that...scratching my head with online as well. Technically I should commit to my statement last time and stay offline with the game. That's how important that feature is to me (in addition to great execution). I guess I'm saying no with at least another 50% figure purchase reduction and frankly I won't be supporting traps.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:51:44 30/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#103 Posted: 00:10:18 31/08/2014
TFB appeared to be more close to the lore/story of Skylanders and the concept of bringing the toys to life than VV. That's just my opinion.

I can expect the story in Trap Team to a little better than Swap Force, some plot twists and in-game character depth.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#104 Posted: 00:20:41 09/09/2014
VV didnt do the wii version Beenox did

Mind this is my own opinion not trying to piss people off, but people on this forum love to take personal issue with stuff.

It seems like VV pushes for more game changes. Now that I think of it what has Tfb. Yes they did invent the series and that was a huge achievement and deserves lots of credit but what have they really done since then. Giants was not a brilliant idea when it comes to the toy side. Was watching one of the interviews and started laughing. Tfb guy was talking and hes like a list of our skylander innovations The trap stuff, the swappers, the lightcores. And then he just ended. So Giants apparently don't even make the cut for them. Story wise giants was better than the first. But still a few chapters were really weak, notably the ghost ship lvl and, I love the Wilkins one of my favorite levels but why where they there? That chapter could have not existed what so ever and how would the storyline have changed. Flynn fixed the ship, or should I say Cali would have fixed the ship. They had a new canon, but they could have that stolen from the troll house lvl. It was really unneeded. The same thing with cuthroat carnival. A lot of filler, little plot.

Donatron has a very valid point. What plot in SSA? it was basically a lure to see if people would buy this. Activision didnt think it was going to do that well. That's why we had that hell for 6 months of nothing on the shelves. VV had a better story line, it was similar to SSA where collect the spirits. But that wasnt all it was about, rescue the chieftess, find a way to get through the blizzard get the shinny thing and help the elves, etc. They also added a lot of new stuff with the missions and score mode etc. What did TFb add to giants? skystones. Thats a game that take no brain to beat once you get you a few good stones. 1 strategy to beat all players. Quigly is the only real difficult player in that game and thats cause hes cheap using the same stone not that the game actually gave him a real strategy.

Yes Tfb only had a year for giants, so tt may be their first real comparison to SF. but without nostalgia and the toys imo kinda SSA sucks. How many people would still play the game if they got rid of all the toys? Without Spyro slapped on? Would people really play it? I heard many complain about the 3ds sf because of the lack of characters.

It makes me uncomfortable that TfB fought the jumping so hard. That means to me they are heavily looking for ways to advance the toys but not the gaming side. The gameplay needs a lot of changes if this series wants to survive the next gen of kids. Skylanders is not perfect. Older gamers will leave if nothing is changed. TFb think they can rely on new kids to replenish the market but kids are understanding technology younger and younger. They are not as stupid as tfb seems to think. Yes in the 90s it was very rare for a young kid to be a computer or game wiz. Now 4 year olds and younger are figuring it out vide ogames. Next gen children will not be amused by this series for long. They will have long past the lvl of difficulty VV might be the savior for this series if they fight for the push in gameplay.

Or what they could do. TFb designs the toys, VV does the games and they have heave interaction with each other. But that would mean swallowing pride and working with somebody else on your baby TFb.
I think the Opposite TFB does better things with the game and the toys and VV does better things with creativity and innovation of the game. I like them both so its a tie.EDIT i ilke VV better with gameplay and TFB better with the toys side
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:01:31 09/09/2014 by skylandersspyro
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#105 Posted: 00:34:26 09/09/2014
Every time someone implies VV's character design is good, a Sphinx gets called a cat and probably harms whoever did that.
(What I need is never what I want)
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#106 Posted: 00:57:21 09/09/2014
Toys for Bob has better art style, stories, character designs, NPC characters, attack balance/speed, and gameplay (It's really satisfying to kill enemies in Ssa and Giants)
But Vicarous Visions has better lighting, graphics, physical toy ideas, Playable character personalities, and difficulty (you get to use more than three attacks before the enemies die keeping it fresh, THANK GOD)

The last things for both companies are most important. If they can have satisfying enemiy kills and enemies that aren't extremely weak in Trap Team that would be awesome
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
Echo2VX Gold Sparx Gems: 2918
#107 Posted: 02:48:52 09/09/2014
I favor TFB much more.
My opinion:
TFB: More attention to detail
VV: Looks pastic and cluttered
TFB: Seems to target all ages
VV: Seems to target younger ages
TFB: Epic chompies, appealing characters
VV: Not-so-epic chompies, Rufus...
The flaw for me:
TFB: Too Easy
VV: A challenge if you wish for one
I assume that TFB will still include the same difficulty concept though.

I still find myself playing through SSA quite often, simply because it looks beautiful.
Giants barely went downhill from SSA, so it still looked good.
I expect TT to look as good as Giants, but I hope it challenges what was accomplished with SSA.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:52:46 09/09/2014 by Echo2VX
Epicscratch42 Green Sparx Gems: 328
#108 Posted: 11:26:02 09/09/2014
Quote: Bifrost
Every time someone implies VV's character design is good, a Sphinx gets called a cat and probably harms whoever did that.


Scratch is definitely not a sphinx with wings. Where is her HUMAN face?
Tuff Luck and Scratch are the best Skylanders ever! smilie smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#109 Posted: 12:24:54 09/09/2014
Quote: Epicscratch42

Scratch is definitely not a sphinx with wings. Where is her HUMAN face?

Well, it's inspired by one by it doesn't actually need to be a human face so it's not downright terrifying(also the mask does the job. You also don't see Gill Grunt having a lot of gigantic teeth to mimick deep sea fish). But VV really needs to get some glasses for the dev team if they can look at dragon feet,lion tail and flamingo wings and call it a cat with crystal powers.
(What I need is never what I want)
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#110 Posted: 16:16:25 09/09/2014
I hear people say they like the faster pace of SSF
The only thing is the only thing thats faster is the enemies some characters have attacks that are too slow to not get hit. Use Chop Chop or Drill Sargeant and you'll see how slow they are n Swap Force
TFB keeps much better balance
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
skylanderaddik Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#111 Posted: 19:45:21 09/09/2014
I agree with most of you since TFB is the creator of this game of course we like their games better. I personally enjoyed the first 2 games swap force was a great game because we got some of the things we wanted like jumping and the graphics were just sweet. I hope that for the franchises sake this game is not just about the toys and they amp up the gameplay. TFB is great at putting the story together, but VV seems to cater more to the fans by creating content that is more gamer focused. There were some things that I could have lived without in all of the games as well, such as the vehicle levels but I agree that VV has the ability to move the franchise forward as far as creating gameplay that would cater to both adults and children. Honestly I think that the smartest thing for Activision to do would be let TFB focus on the toys and VV focus on the gameplay. Both companies are great but just like any company they have their strengths and weaknesses. I think if they really worked as a team and put their heads together the Skylanders Game could continue to be the best in the TTF category. That being said TFB "Show Me The Money!"
Check out my sites:,,, instagram@skylanderaddicts
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#112 Posted: 21:21:00 09/09/2014
GUYS. Why does everyone love Vicarious Visions Gameplay? I applaud them for introducing jumping but everything else sucked. Like I say the character attacks for old skylanders are TOO SLOW and the enemies are way faster than them. The only other good thing they did was introduce a better difficulty system.
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
truegamer64 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1334
#113 Posted: 21:33:28 09/09/2014
I think TFB has MUCH better upgrades then VV. The Swappers and new cores for SWAP Force had half of their upgrades as dealing more damage. But, I think VV made better characters.
Epicscratch42 Green Sparx Gems: 328
#114 Posted: 00:22:48 10/09/2014
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Epicscratch42

Scratch is definitely not a sphinx with wings. Where is her HUMAN face?

Well, it's inspired by one by it doesn't actually need to be a human face so it's not downright terrifying(also the mask does the job. You also don't see Gill Grunt having a lot of gigantic teeth to mimick deep sea fish). But VV really needs to get some glasses for the dev team if they can look at dragon feet,lion tail and flamingo wings and call it a cat with crystal powers.

Yeah, I was overreacting. (She is my favorite, after all.) Well, I still like her design, I just wish they could call her species something that actually represents what she is.
Tuff Luck and Scratch are the best Skylanders ever! smilie smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie
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