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emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5398
#14401 Posted: 00:07:25 17/11/2017
Quote: emeraldzoroark
So I’m at the final boss in Superstar Saga...
And the fight is Satan. Not the boss, the fight.

Welp, I beat the game. I died 5 times in the whole game and all of them were the final boss.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#14402 Posted: 00:09:04 17/11/2017
Bifrost, you need this in your life
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14403 Posted: 00:21:20 17/11/2017
Quote: Bryman04
Bifrost, you need this in your life

I'm not into anime culture enough for this man, I'm just a simple casul that watches whatever action anime is popular 3 years after it comes out

Edit: Anthony Burch is the writer. ProZD can't save that, I'm out.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:09:03 17/11/2017 by Bifrost
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14404 Posted: 21:02:13 17/11/2017
There is an NPC in EOV called Ghai the Fiery. And a mission called Spooky Scary Skeletons.



Just completed the 3rd Stratum, now on 4th. If my calculations are correct, I should complete the game within a week.

I'm planning on taking short breaks between Statums on dS, other than that, I'll hopefully become much less inactive - I want to blaze ahead on EOV, get it done as quickly as possible, without any or minimal distractions. I like it better this way.


I should keep my more depressing thoughts in Personal. I don't have any particularly "personal" thoughts - I'm as open as a book for anyone on here who wants to listen, no secrets to hide from you all - but I doubt anyone wants that kind of crap interrupting the sorts of thoughts posted here.

Not that this place isn't depressing, it can be far from it when someone starts an argument, then it devolves into a massive ****storm of hate. But they seem to enjoy that, seeing something more along the lines of my thoughts is probably not something they want to see.


That's the entire concept of the Dreamchildren. Calling them "unlikely heroes" or "heroes who don't want to be heroes" is a major understatement, it's much more than that, it's this gift they have that makes them so effective in defeating Tobias - the only people who can defeat Tobias. It is their gift that makes them immune to most of Tobias' abilities.

With how they're represented in the lore, the basic concepts of Dreamchildren and Tobias both appear much more supernatural than they are, but a deeper look into them show that they are much more realistic. I do not intend to build around them with the idea of making them seem supernatural, I want to make them appear as realistic and down-to-earth as they really are, but just the basic idea screams of supernatural. Blurring the lines is my best option, to walk the line between being full-on supernatural and just being down-to-earth.

The Dreamchildren and Tobias are both very real. They are based around two very real things, one of which (the inspiration for Tobias) can be found almost everywhere in the real world. And that's what makes him so realistic.

The inspiration for the Dreamchildren, however... perhaps it is not as common. Still relatively common, but if it was any more common than it already was, the Dreamchildren wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting a concept as they are.

Furthermore, anyone can be a Dreamchild. Everyone has the potential to defeat Tobias, it is not locked out from anyone, the way to become a Dreamchild is rather simple actually.

All in all, I will admit, the basic concept is incredibly cheesy and cliche. It's like something you'd find in a kid's book, but once again, it is composition that must be noted. How it is used. This is why the concept is more advanced than the archetype often found in kid's books - because I have made it so, made it into something beyond that archetype. Built upon it, not just took it for what it was.

And now, this otherwise generic archetype has grown into becoming a vital asset to a large epic spanning various worlds, all connected by the Dreamchildren and their battle against Tobias.


Composition, deception, momentum... many things must be considered when making a story or idea. Do not focus on a single thing or concept. All of it is important in creating a masterpiece, and in order to truly realize the zenith of potential, no idea should even be considered a masterpiece by yourself.

Look at your ideas and find all ways they can be criticized. Change them. Continue, and eventually, you will be one step closer to making a masterpiece.

Or you may not want to make a masterpiece. This is a good idea, and I think this approach is the only true way to make a masterpiece, to not let vanity or desire defect your vision.

But if you desire a masterpiece, or if you do not, there is only one piece of advice that is always important - analyse all that is important. Every stylistic choice, all thematics, how it all comes together, and so forth. Prioritize what you deem most important, and focus on that, if there is not enough time to properly incorporate the other virtues.

Rushing ahead with things unknowing of what you want or what is deemed most important is never a good idea. Plan ahead, with virtues and priorities in mind.
No fate. Only the power of will.
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14405 Posted: 00:56:35 18/11/2017
I had another dream a few days ago. I didn't see Elysium, but it had a similar feel to Elysium, that overall feeling of deja vu was there.

Well, not exactly deja vu. My dreams don't feel like that, not exactly. Deju vu implies that it would feel like I've been there before, but it doesn't feel like I've been there before - it feels more like I am right there and right then, but at the same time, I'm not. Real, but not real, that's probably the best way I can describe it.

A few interesting things to note here.

1) I seen a person that I definitely did not recognize - no blurry image effect here, this person was definitely not someone I have seen before.

2) I seen a place that I very barely recognized as a road that used to be near my school. However, the perspective of this was unique - the last possible time I could have seen it was several years ago now, and given the circumstances, I think it was highly unlikely that I did see it from this perspective.

3) I remember crying in my dream, which is something I very rarely do IRL, since I have a quick temper and usually get angry instead. This crying felt more emotional, as if I was genuinely sad and not angry.

4) I remember seeing two rooms (possibly three, though I only visited two IIRC) that I also don't remember seeing before. They vaguely remind me of scenes I have previously visited in my dreams, but the geography was off, so I'm not so sure if they were the same.

Come to think of it, the first room was quite untidy, so it may of been connected to a similar place I visited in Elysium Wave (though that place wasn't in Elysium itself, also IIRC). However, once again, the geography is off - it lacked the "ether" (weird chaotic substance, kind of like a huge cloud with various objects inside) that could be seen in certain parts.

Like 1, this place was definitely not somewhere I recognized, no blurry image effect.

5) In 4, there were two people - a boy and a girl - who seemed to know each other, like family. I didn't see their faces enough, but they reminded me of the twins (Serena and Oswald) who appeared in Elysium Wave, in the office dream with the folder.

I should also note that I seem to be on good terms with these twins, assuming they're the same who appeared in Elsyium Wave. Even though the contents of the office dream were quite odd, they seem to be on the "good side", whatever that is. They're my (imaginary?) friends, at least... I think.

That's about it. No idea if this could start a new wave. Despite 3, it seemed to have a happier feel to it than Elysium, I'm not sure what this could mean. And I don't even know why I was crying either, that's another thing. I think it was connected to 1.
No fate. Only the power of will.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14406 Posted: 01:27:55 18/11/2017
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8457
#14407 Posted: 13:38:05 18/11/2017
Best cosplay I've ever seen

[User Posted Image]
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Beemo Gold Sparx Gems: 2966
#14408 Posted: 16:27:58 18/11/2017
I need to catch up on all of my shows. ._.
"You're always dancing down the street, with your suede blue eyes"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14409 Posted: 18:03:50 18/11/2017
ultra necrozma can kiss my ass

- - -

usum spoilery stuff
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:30:33 18/11/2017 by ZapNorris
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#14410 Posted: 20:45:30 18/11/2017
doot doot date day
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#14411 Posted: 20:51:28 18/11/2017
Quote: Riolu-Blue-247
doot doot date day

Are you cheating on your waifus
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#14412 Posted: 21:11:29 18/11/2017
Quote: Crash10
Quote: Riolu-Blue-247
doot doot date day

Are you cheating on your waifus

It's not cheating if they're all in on it smilie
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14413 Posted: 22:14:30 18/11/2017
Well, I completed two floors today. Technically one and a half, but I'm counting by stairs found, not percentage of map filled.

I'd say that's an accomplishment. I was only expecting one a day, but I managed to get through these floors quite well.


I really want EOIV, that demo was awesome. IMO it showed more promise than EOV, although EOV is the only one I own right now.

Maybe I'd try to get it for Christmas... but then again, I don't think I truly want anything, not even EO. That probably sounds ultra-edgy, but I honestly just don't want anything anymore. I guess I'm just content with what I have now. And besides, I don't deserve anything either, I haven't been at all productive recently.

Well, maybe I have been a little more productive and can be, what with Forest Dungeon, and I clearly have the capacity to make more (potentially better) games. But would it really be worth it, if nobody cared or could care about them? I'm not a good person, plain and simple, no matter how much I try to deny it.

"Good" is entirely subjective to one's own perspectives. But in my perspective, I am not "good".


I think I'll spend a little time now doing a little more research into PM. It really doesn't matter anymore - I tried researching into its uplifting side to make me feel a little better when my suicidal thoughts started, but that didn't work - though I want a short break now anyway, might as well learn something, even if it won't help much.

And maybe a little bit of basic Japanese too, if I can. Most of the bands I'm interested in sing in Japanese, so it'd be nice to know their lyrics, even if not a lot of it.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12375
#14414 Posted: 03:17:20 19/11/2017
i ****ing hate selling cigarettes so much if you smoke **** you especially the ones who throw fits when i card them
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#14415 Posted: 03:21:44 19/11/2017
"What would Martha Stewart say?"

"**** Martha Stewart!!!"
Rise and Shine Ursine
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14416 Posted: 04:51:26 19/11/2017
literally THREE SHINIES today



Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:40:56 19/11/2017 by ZapNorris
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#14417 Posted: 07:36:22 19/11/2017
Doot doot date day done
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14418 Posted: 16:42:02 19/11/2017
well today's off to a good start, just got shiny grumpig AND floatzel.
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14419 Posted: 21:52:33 19/11/2017

"That silly pig Tosche is good, but I am both smarter and better."

I like when bands like Kamelot put things such as this before certain songs. It feels creepy and can set up the next song really well if executed well.

The Zodiac is my favourite song on Poetry for the Poisoned so far, and it probably will stay that way. Dear Editor is a creepy setup for a creepy song, and that makes it even better.

"No... Then I broke her neck
Her twisted china white facade"

Not creepy as in being the next The Shining or whatever, but there are many ways to be creepy on different levels. Like beauty.

Beauty is entirely subjective to the eye of the beholder. I see beauty as being a scale of perfection rather than sexual attraction - a beautiful song, a beautiful picture, and so forth. Beauty is not something I use to describe any kind of sexual attraction. Creepy is a kind a beauty.

And I know The Zodiac is not particularly creepy, but it is beautiful enough to so far be my favourite song on Poetry. Besides, I don't get scared easily, so I'm perhaps not the best judge of what is particularly creepy.


One floor today. So far - just one floor. I'll go back in a minute and see how much further I can reach.

I am on F25 now. Close to the end. Then onto Hey Pikmin!, maybe watch a few of my favourite movies and do some other stuff to make me remember those old feelings I once had. Kind of like nostalgia.

And then...? I'm not sure. I do not think I am prepared to wait much longer for something that may never happen, and if it did, I may not even be good enough. I tried with Fes, and it just did not work like I imagined.

The thoughts - and the Otherworld (inc. Elysium) dreams - started earlier this year. I have been contemplating a long time.

Is the Otherworld real? Is there something going on, and if so, what is it? I do not think I am the only one who gets these kinds of dreams, but perhaps one of the few who has managed to put together connections. Even for an overimaginative mind like mine, I do not believe that I would be capable of single-handedly building an entire world as detailed as this. Especially in my dreams when I am unconscious, most dream stories I hear are more chaotic and discordant.

If it is real, how do I get there? This is the most interesting question. And if I do, what... well, what do I do? Is there something that needs to be done? I sense an intimidating presence in the Otherworld. I do not know what it is, what it intends to do, or how to stop it from doing such.


I've never fallen in love with another person, no.

I've found fictional characters attractive though. I don't think this is a good thing, that the only people I have fallen in love with are fictional. That's just weird and oddly depressing.

I don't want to fall in love with a real person either. With me, I highly doubt any of my relationships will end well. Best to avoid that kind of feeling whenever possible.

I tend to make friends with girls more often than I do with boys, however.


I don't see most of my posts in this topic (and Personal) as being single posts, instead, I see them as multiple posts put together. Better than posting multiple times in a row, though I might of done that occasionally when nobody else has posted for a while - I have a tendency to make topics, even stickied ones, become inactive for a while after posting. Regular topics just die, though stickied topics are always up there, so they still get posted in.

I guess my posts must either be really bad, or leave you speechless. Maybe both.


"What am I supposed to do with it, spank her?"

Dammit Lili, I play videogames to slay goblins and ****, not get horny. Well, there are some games where I can do both, and that's even better.
No fate. Only the power of will.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#14420 Posted: 01:26:28 20/11/2017
Lucie Pohl (Mercy) said she loved my hair.

My life has peaked.
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14421 Posted: 01:55:36 20/11/2017
Why am I trying to make yet another Fes game that nobody will play? Well, it will allow me to test out this new combat idea I've had for a while. I'm interested in seeing whether or not I can make it work because, if it does, it could be very useful later on.

Perhaps the first time I'm trying out something relatively innovative with Fes. Of course, there are many "gimmick" games uploaded already, but this is really the only idea I have that could actually change the entire flow of gameplay without feeling gimmicky. Hence why I consider it innovative - if it works, it could even change RPGs that don't rely on gimmicks and/or not constricted by Fes' limitations.

It might not work, it might have been tried/done before, or any other thing may go wrong. It probably will. I do not believe that I will be able to innovate the entire genre, I am just a 16yo with a bad designing tool, all I am doing is trying out a combat system I deem relatively innovative. Knowing me, it will likely go unnoticed anyway.

I'll use that old "Waves" concept idea I had, and use this to expand upon it. Although part of Project King, I always intended for it to be the first idea to use if I had the chance. Quite simple, simple enough to not be much of a loss if someone steals my idea.


I don't see why I am still worried about building upon ideas. It doesn't matter anymore, I don't think they will ever be used for anything of note. Even most of my Fes ideas go unused, which is saying a lot, given that Fes is so basic.

But I do. I do build upon these ideas, even if they will never be published or get noticed, simply because I have nothing better to do. Says a lot, really.


Having friends, people who care about me (and me unto them), is a nice feeling. But that sort of thing never ends well, so perhaps it is best if I try to avoid it. Nor does the chance ever arise. So yes, I do believe I am better alone.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#14422 Posted: 02:17:38 20/11/2017

geezus jiminy crickets christ
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:24:11 20/11/2017 by Bryman04
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14423 Posted: 15:07:21 20/11/2017
My favourite Kamelot songs so far would probably be (in no particular order):

Center of the Universe
Fallen Star
The Zodiac
Descent of the Archangel
March of Mephisto
End of Innocence
Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)
Once Upon a Time

My overall favourite... I'm not sure. Possibly Forever, but Once Upon a Time is great too.


F25 is pretty tough, ****ing Hex Steeds being paired up with Fire Ants, especially when they can both OHKO Ixia. And the others don't have much chance either - Setsuna has got OHKO'd way too many times also. This is getting bull****.

Maybe I should just skip trying to finish EOV and move onto Hey Pikmin! already? I might do that if I get enough party wipes, this is starting to get ever so mildly infuriating.

I can't grind either. Well, not much - two more levels and I've hit the cap. I don't think those two levels will help me much either.


I'm going to try listing every "uplifting" PM song I've heard, in no particular order. This is going to be a long list.

Lost Horizon - Everything they've done pretty much.
Freedom Call - Everything they've done pretty much.
Power Quest - Everything they've done pretty much.
Blind Guardian - The Grand Parade
Emerald Sun - Scream Out Loud
Aethra - Never Too Late
Powerwolf - We Are The Wild
Bloodbound - Dragons Are Forever
Gloryhammer - Heroes (of Dundee)
Sabaton - Back in Control
Galneryus - Angel of Salvation
Crystallion - Burning Bridges
Melodius Deite - Novelist
ReinXeed - We Must go Faster
Stratovarius - Darkest Hours
Dragonforce - Wings of Liberty
Rhapsody - Wisdom of Kings
Sabaton - Back in Control
Sonata Arctica - Flag in the Ground
Nostradameus - One for All, All for One
Helloween - Eagle Fly Free
Dragonforce - Judgement Day
Galneryus - Raise My Sword
Stratovarius - Eagleheart
Masterplan - Spirit Never Die
DragonHarp - Let The Dragon Fly
Sabaton - Metal Crue
Myrath - Believer
Theocracy - Light of the World
Dragonforce - Tomorrow's Kings
Olympus Mons - Through the Ice and Snow
Revolution Renaissance - Dreamchild
Timeless Miracle - Gates of Hell
Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low
Edguy - Lavatory Love Machine
Sabaton - Metal Machine
Dragonforce - Fields of Despair
Nightscape - Higher Than Life
Sonata Arctica - The Cage
Ayreon - Journey to Forever
Masterplan - Heroes
Powerglove - Gotta Catch 'Em All (Ft. Tony Kakko)

And... that's all I can remember right now. I built up quite a collection when those thoughts started, it seems.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:10:08 20/11/2017 by AmbushFan
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5398
#14424 Posted: 18:58:30 20/11/2017
Welp, there’s gonna be a parent teacher meeting next week..

AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14425 Posted: 21:09:38 20/11/2017
Yeah, I should probably give up on EOV now. I got up to F25 and that's about it.

Not just that most of my guild members can get OHKO'd, but the zero-gravity puzzles are crazy difficult too. I always end up getting caught in stalemate with those Plague Demons, which I can't fight because they're even tougher than the random encounters. Doom Lightning always OHKO's one member and they're resistant to arm binds.

I've already started Hey Pikmin!. I'm only 5,000 away from the goal of 30,000. If I try hard enough, I think I should be able to complete it in a few days. I've already got about 750 in just under an hour.

After completing Hey Pikmin!, maybe I'll watch Highlander again. That was a good film. Possibly also play a few Kirby games again, they were my favourites. I would also play Skylanders, but since I don't have access to my Xbox right now, that will not be possible. Perhaps the 3DS games instead.


As much as I hate to admit it, I am once again a dS user. One who does more than just posting crap to Random and Personal. So maybe I should open my guestbook and inbox again? I doubt anyone has anything to tell me or discuss anyway.

I think I'd just keep my guestbook open this time. Unlike my old account, in which my guestbook is locked, but my inbox still open. I wonder how many messages I have recieved? How many hate messages, how many asking for a return (unknowing that I am back), and so forth?

I do not know if I became infamous to the point where my username became a banned word of sorts, or if I was just so easily forgotten. Could of been either, though the last time I seen someone other than me mention Qcumber, the thread got closed within the hour.

Anyway... should I open it? Not sure. It likely won't make any difference.
No fate. Only the power of will.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#14426 Posted: 23:33:15 20/11/2017
I want a Kingdom Hearts movie that has the exact same plot as Shark Boy and Lava Girl
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#14427 Posted: 23:48:35 20/11/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
I want a Kingdom Hearts movie that has the exact same plot as Shark Boy and Lava Girl

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by this?
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#14428 Posted: 00:19:14 21/11/2017
Quote: kardonis
Quote: TheToyNerd
I want a Kingdom Hearts movie that has the exact same plot as Shark Boy and Lava Girl

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by this?

A dumb kid thinks up the entirety of Kingdom Heart’s lore and travels to the fantasy world of Disney mixed with anime to escape his reality
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14429 Posted: 00:52:20 21/11/2017
As long as there isn't an equivalent to the waking up song.
(What I need is never what I want)
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14430 Posted: 01:18:37 21/11/2017
Quote: Bifrost
As long as there isn't an equivalent to the waking up song.

hey, "Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream" was an absolute banger
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#14431 Posted: 02:29:59 21/11/2017
They just nerfed Moira

Are you ****in kidding me?
Rise and Shine Ursine
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12375
#14432 Posted: 02:48:39 21/11/2017
ever realize you're born for someone else's personal development and then you're expected to become apart of society despite never agreeing to your own birth and the only thing keeping you alive is guilt and the heavy emotional and financial toil it would take on the people surrounding you
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8741
#14433 Posted: 03:14:48 22/11/2017
everybody thinks theyre above average at something
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#14434 Posted: 17:45:08 22/11/2017
I have concept art for a game

However, the school has blocked Imgur, sooooooooo
Rise and Shine Ursine
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14435 Posted: 18:24:09 22/11/2017
really love my man buzzwole
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#14436 Posted: 01:02:44 23/11/2017
Every episode of The Big Bang Theory(to my understanding because i don't have any hecking time to watch this show):

Leonard: am a dork

Penny: am hot

Howard: lol i look like discount paul mccartney

Rajesh: idk man but im indian soooo

Sheldon: YA'LL MIND IF I.... NOMINATE US FOR SOME EMMYS??? B̨ͣ̌́̾̎ͪͤͣ͊̎̋̔̋ͮ͏͏̸̲̙̹̭̜̞͉̱̺͙̼͎͞A̋̽ͦ̏̓̌̅ͨ̓̀̎̽̿̍ͤͯͦ̏͘҉̢̛͖̘̼͎Z̨͕͉̼̺͍̬̜̤̳̝̲͐̀͌̃ͫͥͥͯ͛ͯͨͥ̓̕ͅA̧̡̡͖͈̟͎̺͎̹̯̳̻̹̠͎̬̙̺͔̘͕̾ͥͨ̓̆̔͒̇̿̉ͬ̒͘͢M̏̎͂̓̌͛̍͠͏҉̳̤̣̭̞̹̻̜̰̥͎̞̻̱̟̠̤B̷͔̝̘͚͉͉ͤͫͫͯ̂͊ͯ̅͠L̴̮̘̦̥̞̩̖̻͈̯͚̬͙̣̦̙̼̈̐ͪ̽͐͌ͤ͑̃ͥ͒̏̇̾ͮ̚̚̕͝Ȩ̵̲̹͖͙̺ͤͣ̂̊̋̉ͮ̆

Since 2009, The Big Bang Theory has been nominated for 46 Primetime Emmy Awards (including the Creative Arts Emmy Awards), more than any other award it received. Jim Parsons has been nominated for more Emmy Awards than any other cast member in the show for his role as Sheldon, and is the only main actor to win one. In 2010, Parsons won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series, and then an Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series in won for a second consecutive year in 2011. Furthermore, he won the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series again in 2013 and repeated in 2014. However, the show has only won nine Emmy Awards in total. -Wikipedia
Cool cool.
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14437 Posted: 01:16:16 23/11/2017
I feel like every last post on a page goes unnoticed. Dunno, probably because most people usually go to the newest page instead, I guess?

I have no evidence to support this theory.
No fate. Only the power of will.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#14438 Posted: 01:30:24 23/11/2017
What were we talking about, again?
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#14439 Posted: 01:34:45 23/11/2017
10/10 coincidence.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14440 Posted: 01:40:25 23/11/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
What were we talking about, again?

We were having a detailed conversation about the future of manking in the event of a nuclear war.


Yes, colonizing Mars is certainly an option, but I don't think it's a desirable outcome. Think of it this way - if his theory is correct, then we could risk a second war, and we don't know what kind of technology they would have. Maybe even more devastating then nuclear weaponry. This is far from a desirable outcome, so I am fully against the idea.

If we had enough time to search for a better planet, colonizing that one may be our best option.

But really, the basic solution is simple - don't start a nuclear war. We would be using weapons beyond our understanding, that could potentially wipe out the entire population (unless the underground theory is also correct), and that is, of course, too dangerous a possibility.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#14441 Posted: 13:26:31 23/11/2017
Cuphead made samba more enjoyable to listen to than musicians that get paid millions during Carnaval
(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#14442 Posted: 14:40:57 23/11/2017
I saw a super cheap Wii U because of Black Friday deals and I'm now feeling sad I have no way to buy it.

Quote: Bifrost
Cuphead made samba more enjoyable to listen to than musicians that get paid millions during Carnaval

ARMS feelings.
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14443 Posted: 16:40:28 23/11/2017
So, I just read the plot for Kamelot's The Black Halo...

Ariel: *long speech saying that Mephisto has not control over him and will never take his soul*
Ariel: Hey, I've done it! I've found the meaning of life!
Mephisto: lol


Dr. Evil
Twin Demons

Mephisto is by far the most unlikeable villain, so making him the main villain of Part 1 is a good idea. Silver could be the villain of Part 2, and Tobias himself becomes the main villain in the final part, where the heroes team up to defeat him and his minions. Just like my original idea.

Dr. Evil and the Twin Demons could show up as side villains, I don't see them as being intimidating enough for main villains. I like the idea of Mephisto returning near the end of Part 2/beginning of Part 3 to kill off Dr. Evil himself, then returning to major villain status.

Really, Mephisto is my trump card when it comes to villains. As long as I don't overuse him, he is really the only character who poses a true threat to the heroes, besides maybe Tobias. I'll certainly need to think more about how he is used in order to show this well.

Silver is interesting too, but he's like the polar opposite of Mephisto. Whether or not to make him a rival or minion of Mephisto is a good question... maybe both? That would work well, given their personalities and statuses.

Tobias? Well, he's not got an interesting personality. His entire gimmick revolves around that. So, in a way, he is interesting... because he isn't interesting. Well, not all my characters need to become hallmark villains that completely reinvent an archetype. So I can't say they're all "the best", and perhaps Tobias is not "the best" either.

Still making him the main villain. His status demands it, there is no chance that he could become a minion to someone such as Mephisto. Although...

Now, onto the other villains: Kyle, Olivia, Maisie, Frost, Vessel.

Kyle is much like Silver, but with a less depressing backstory, not as insane, and not past the point of no return. He can be redeemed. Serving only as a villain for Blood & Thunder, I don't see him showing up much elsewhere, and I intend to have him reach his redemption by the end of that. So it is entirely possible that he shows up alongside the heroes during the fight against Tobias in Part 3, depending on how his redemption goes.

Olivia is Tobias' puppet. She has gone by many names in her attempt to escape from him and find the Book, but of course, she fails... temporarily. Tobias catches her, and soon enough, she is under his control. But she eventually breaks free, and defeats him alongside the other heroes.

Maisie had close ties to Silver, and after he was killed, she turned to Tobias for help in revenge. After blackmailing Frost into helping her also, she manages to get the heroes into what seems like a checkmate, a point where Tobias has finally won. But...

Frost. As said, he was blackmailed by Maisie. Originally a hero, and one of the most important assets in defeating Tobias. So, of course, his defeat left the heroes in a very dire situation. But...

But. No spoilers here, not if I eventually release the full story in some form. I've probably already revealed too much honestly, if there is anyone here who even reads this crap.

I'm mostly doing this to reflect on what I've done so far, to see what works and what doesn't. I try to be vague to disguise the more important details, and most of the characters I talk about don't use the true names I've given them.

Vessel. Haven't talked about him yet either. He only shows up at the very end, even after Tobias is defeated, in what is an epilogue of sorts. He's one of Tobias' minions, technically, and all of his minions must first be defeated before Tobias himself is gone for good. So that's why Vessel must be defeated. No personality at all here - he never talks at all. He only has one goal, to seek out and kill the Dreamchildren. He is invisible to most, so the Dreamchildren wouldn't notice him even as they were being killed, but there is a way to find him. Only one character can find him, and it is this character who must find him and defeat him before anyone is killed.
No fate. Only the power of will.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8741
#14444 Posted: 08:35:41 24/11/2017
that very pleasant feeling when you get a sleep dart and somebody on your team thinks its a free shot so you die instead
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#14445 Posted: 17:44:49 24/11/2017
why is tobuscus relevant again
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#14446 Posted: 17:50:20 24/11/2017
Y'know I had forgotten about him until now. Thanks...
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#14447 Posted: 17:51:31 24/11/2017
What's Tobuscus?
No fate. Only the power of will.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#14448 Posted: 04:02:35 25/11/2017
Quote: AmbushFan
What's Tobuscus?

Isn't he some ****ty youtuber?
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#14449 Posted: 04:15:54 25/11/2017
Quote: Seiki
Quote: AmbushFan
What's Tobuscus?

Isn't he some ****ty youtuber?

Pffft, no. He's THE ****ty youtuber. He's made a lot of trash to get that title.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
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