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DarkSpyro Avatar Mishap (Continuation from previous topic) [CLOSED]
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1351 Posted: 09:27:39 27/04/2014
With Lyv still in hold, Itsuya starts to look around. "They must've gone here..." she says as she carefully helps Lyv get over.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1352 Posted: 13:45:48 27/04/2014
Emdahs grinned. "I knew you would approve. Now, all that needs to happen is for us to" It turned to us and I shuddered.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1353 Posted: 13:49:03 27/04/2014
I stand up, and try to walk om, trying to follow the tracks. I, hoever, pass out right in an open field which was the training spot for many.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1354 Posted: 16:02:52 27/04/2014
Dexeros smiled. "I'm not sure if it's the same for every Dark Lord, but you would have something to wrap the two in shadows, and then you'd fuse them together, along with you." He said.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1355 Posted: 16:11:36 27/04/2014
[[I'm litterly the easiest bait in this world]]
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1356 Posted: 16:24:37 27/04/2014
Lightmé narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "What?" Emdahs snarled. It strutted over and peeled back the rope covering my doppelgänger's mouth.

"There are more of us," she said. Emdahs glanced at her again. "So?"

I was surprised to see the coldness in her eyes. "Get them first."

No. She was going to give our friends away! And for what, the chance to live separately a few minutes longer? Coward! I thrashed, signaling I was not okay. But Emdahs grinned, sensing my outrage. "Hmmm..." it thought allowed. Emdahs sent one final look our way. "I'll go. But don't try anything. Dexeros is watching." It unfurled its wings and took off down the hall and, presumably, out of the castle.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1357 Posted: 16:26:23 27/04/2014
Dexeros looked through the mirror, turning it in his castle, which turned it on the other castle so he could see them. "Like he said. I'm watching."
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1358 Posted: 16:28:15 27/04/2014
I just lay there, a duck flies by and finds it fun to sit on my head. "Kwaah!"
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1359 Posted: 17:45:01 27/04/2014
Emdahs made its way to NINJAsk quickly, chuckling near-silently about how unaware she was. It opened its hand and shot out a spear, which caught the duck and pinned it to a tree. Grinning, Emdahs waved it's other hand and bound NINJAsk in the dark, inescapable rope the Lightmé and I were in.

At the castle, I was glaring at Lightmé. I wanted to attack, but of course couldn't move. She just watched me warily.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1360 Posted: 17:47:14 27/04/2014
I can't do a thing, being more of a sleeper right now. "No mom, no bed yezzzz.... Nom nom..."
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1361 Posted: 18:06:30 27/04/2014
"Perfect," Emdahs whispered. It grabbed one of the ropes and pulled NINJAsk to the sky, wondering if it should look for some of the others. Deciding not to waste this opportunity, Emdahs continued its flight towards its hidden castle.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1362 Posted: 18:10:07 27/04/2014
I just hang and bung there.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1363 Posted: 19:25:47 02/05/2014
I gestured to the cloth over my mouth. Lightmé glared at me, and I returned her stare. It struck me how scary it was to look at someone with almost your same features. You knew every dimple, the curve of the lips, the pursed eyebrows...
Sighing in resignation, Lightmé hobbled over to me. Grabbing the cloth around with her teeth, she yanked back, allowing me to finally speak.
"You're a traitor," I spat, malice glowing in my eyes. The other angel shrugged. "So? It bought us some time." Leaning in to my ear, she added quietly, "Besides, they're too smart to get caught. We'll have time to think of something. Dexeros will get bored, I'm sure."
But I wasn't so sure.

Emdahs continued its trip into the trees, NINJAsk secure in its grip.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1364 Posted: 19:36:03 02/05/2014
"Hhmmrg..." I look down suprised I was in the air, held by someone, but I was to weak to look up or do a thing, aside from breathing and being alive. All I still can do is wait and hang.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1365 Posted: 19:45:45 02/05/2014
I realized I still had my bow. Emdahs had not taken it from me- it'd grabbed me too fast. Although, Lightmé didn't have hers. There had to be something I could do...
But wait! There was! Not with the bow, but even better.
My cape went over the rope, meaning I could remove it easily. So could Lightmé. So if we took them off and threw them over the viewing portal, Dexeros wouldn't be able to see what we were up to!
"Lightmé!" I hissed. She came over and I told her my plan. She nodded, slowly. "But...what about the guards outside?"
"Then we'll do it fast. Quickly before Dexeros cries out for them. I'll be able to use my bow to cut the rope."
Lightmé nodded, seeing no other option. She unhooked her cape, doing the same with mine. She then tossed them over, as planned. Both of them were able to cover it perfectly.
"Now!" I said, and she stumbled back. I narrowed my eyes. "Don't try anything. I have the bow."
Shaking her head, she worked to free myself and her as well. I was able to grip the bow and use it to cut the remaining ropes. Both of us paused and looked around for another way out besides the guard-infested one.

Emdahs squinted as its castle came into view. Looking down, it realized that NINJAsk was awake. It then grinned. "Well well well. Your surroundings look much different now, hmm? What should I do with you, I wonder."

OoC: Now that's an RP post! smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1366 Posted: 19:51:03 02/05/2014
((Gotta say it truly is. Man I'm jealous! I cant get long posts, only on my computer.))

"Urgh..." I try to move or escape, but moving was too much for me. I gave up.

((How bad I wish I had more to type but phones....
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1367 Posted: 20:11:28 02/05/2014
OoC: Hehe! I'm on my phone! smilie

"Weakling," Emdahs snorted. It approached the castle faster and faster, only screeching to a halt a few inches away from the wall, sending NINJAsk dangling extremely close. "Hmm, maybe I should take you to the torture chamber...that would be extremely fun to watch, heh heh..."

"Here!" I pointed to a small, hidden door behind the portal. Wasting no time, we snuck in, relieved to find it unlocked. "I wonder if Emdahs knows it's here?" Lightmé wondered. "Staying here could be risky. If it knows it is, then Emdahs will come in, find us missing, determine we haven't escaped through the front because the guards aren't dead, and know where we are. Heck, even if it doesn't know, it may have enough sense to know we're still here. It will then proceed to explore the room and find us."
"Ugh, Lightmé! Now's not the time for...all...that." I was staring in wonder at a map that was in this room. Oh. Speaking of the room. It wasn't large, probably three-fourths of the size of the last room, and twice as dark. But the map in front of us was huge and somehow emanated light. It was a map of this whole land! I continued to stare as I identified where we had first spawned in, and the lake.
But there were also pulsing purple dots. They were scattered around, only a few of them near us. I had no clue what they meant. One thing I was able to identify, though, were two red dots. One was where we were now, and one was a fair distance off, on a cliff. They were the locations of each Dark Lord's castle, most likely. This meant...we could find Dexeros and separate him from Rickorio! My heart thumped at the thought. I hadn't quite realized how much I missed him.
"Lightmé...we gotta memorize this map and get outta here!"
"Or..." the angel smiled suspiciously, "do this!" She reached up and plucked the map from the wall. I flinched, as if it were gonna explode or something. It didn't, and even continued to emanate light.

OoC: Sweet Palutena...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1368 Posted: 22:41:06 02/05/2014
((Wow....well, Dexeros/me is in for a surprise! smilie))

Dexeros jumped back in surprise as the mirror went black as he saw the two prisoners toss their cause on it. Then he came to his senses. "Guards!" He yelled through the mirror. "The prisoners have escaped!" He yelled. He deactivated his mirro as he ran outside of his room, grabbing a few guards as he ran into the courtyard of his castle, and, while still holding the guards, flew into the air and began to fly towards Emdahs's castle.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1369 Posted: 23:10:34 02/05/2014
OoC: You bet! >:3 I've been waiting for you!

Lightmé started to head back to the door, only to hear Dexeros' voice. "Uh...probably shouldn't..." I warned. "Guards will be coming." She nodded, and we began exploring the room again. There had to be a way out...
We heard the loud, angry sounds of disturbed guards. We quickly and as quietly as possible began barricading the door with chairs, tables, whatever was in the room. As we did, I realized that part of the floor was dirt. This must've been an unfinished room!
"Psst. Lightmé." She whipped around. I pointed to the floor. "We have no choice. Let's dig." The angel grumbled, but came over. "How? No shovels."
"Use your hands!" I hissed impatiently. I grabbed my bow and began hacking away at the dirt. She sighed and joined me when she could. Soon, we had a decent start to a tunnel out. Lightmé grabbed some furniture and scattered it around the room as well as on top of the hole so it looked completely unsuspicious.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1370 Posted: 23:42:26 02/05/2014
Dexeros saw the castle in his view as he flew at ten times the speed of a dragon, reaching the castle faster than any plane could've. "Shut up you idiots!" He yelled at his soldiers he was carrying as he landed, getting them to their feet as he walked into the castle, even under the protests from the guards. "Shut up you fool." He said, silencing the soldier with a cut to his throat with one of his spider legs. He ran into the room, busting open the door and looking at the guards currently in there. "Where the hell are they?!" He yelled at them.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1371 Posted: 23:57:08 02/05/2014
"W-we don't know, Sir!" a guard yelped. "Th-they slipped under our noses! I'll go organize a search!" He sprang away, calling to other guards. Soon, there were many running around the castle looking for us.

Emdahs had seen Dexeros swoop in. And he hadn't looked happy. Still holding NINJAsk, he swooped in after Dexeros. "What is the meaning of this?" it asked calmly.

I heard even more activity, and began digging faster. Luckily, the soil was wet and came apart easily. Lightmé was beside me in the dark tunnel. Now that things were on top of our tunnel, it left us dark but safe. Her map, of course, glowed. "Okay..." she said as she checked it. "We're currently digging a tunnel to Dexeros' castle. We still have a long while to go, though, before we're out of the boundaries of this castle and can break to the surface."
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1372 Posted: 06:04:12 03/05/2014
No! I don't want this! Let me gooo! I sighted. Thinking was something I could do but talking wasn't even an option. What was the use of it anyways? I've died once, I can die another time. I hope...
I suddenly get my feeling back in my legs and arms and start to squirm a bit. Still too weak tough.

[[Lyv@: Itsuya pulled you into the forest in look for us. Do something with that.]]
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1373 Posted: 15:57:18 03/05/2014
Dexeros nodded. He looked at Emdahs as it walked in. "Emdahs. As you may have heard, your two counterparts have escaped. Your idiotic guards left them in here by themselves, and they escaped. I came as fast as I could and brought some of my best guards." He said gesturing to the three guards he brought. "Search." He told them. They immediately began to ransack the room, looking for hiding places.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1374 Posted: 16:06:44 03/05/2014
"Hey!" I yell with my last power I have. "They went outside! Now take me instead! Have fun!" My voice sounded chaotic, but I wasn't so sure. Of course I knew I was flat out lying...
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1375 Posted: 16:28:18 03/05/2014
Emdahs' eyes narrowed to slits. All of its own guards around it backed up in fear. "Find them," it hissed to its guards slowly. Somehow, the sound was terrifying to the guards, and they tripped over themselves to find us. Emdahs then heard NINJAsk and shook the user in its grip. "Hmmph. You actually saw them escape or are you playing me for a fool?"

Lightmé and I continued to dig. It was hard work, though, and I leaned against the wall for a small break. "I can't believe we've gotten this far," I sighed. My heart was pounding.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1376 Posted: 16:33:14 03/05/2014
Play it cool... "No! Trust me! I saw them in the trees wen I was midair with you I swear! Forget them for now and take me! I cant even move the half of my body!"
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1377 Posted: 16:35:47 03/05/2014
Dexeros rolled his eyes at NINJAsk. "You just showed up with Emdahs. There's no way you could've seen them escape. They escaped a good while ago." He said, looking at one of his own guards. "Sir! I think we found something!" It yelled, having moved the mirror in search and found the room. "Go in and search!" Dexeros yelled at it. It nodded in fear and ran into the room.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1378 Posted: 16:38:02 03/05/2014
"Now then! I confess, I lied! Now punish me."

((0.2 *wink wink*))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1379 Posted: 01:21:18 04/05/2014
OoC: Don't find meeee! ;~;

"Dexeros is correct," Emdahs grumbled. "And we will punish you...or maybe execute you. It depends on how useful you'll be." It turned to Dexeros. "I have a plan to propose to you. In private. But we have to get rid of this dead weight first." It shook NINJAsk again. "I'd love to take you to our prison...but I don't trust guards anymore."

Our break over, we continued to dig. I glanced to Lightmé. "I wonder...should we try to dig other paths to confuse them if they find us? It'd be extra work, but..."
Lightmé blinked in thought. "It depends on how close they are to finding us. I'll walk back to the start of the tunnel and listen." She turned around and headed back. I was amazed at her stealth; she made no sound when she moved. I continued digging as quickly as I could, not really caring the blade was digging into my palm and making it bleed.

Lightmé stepped forward, listening carefully. Wow. This tunnel is long. As annoying as she is, Shadmé has done some alright work. As she walked, thoughts circulated in her head. Why am I working with her, anyway? Well...I suppose I don't want to lose my freedom. I've seen Dexeros, er Rickorio...whatever his name is. I don't want to be that. And the only way to maintain my sanity is to be with her...for now. As soon as we're out of danger, I'm bolting.
Soon, she realized she was reaching the end of the tunnel. True to her fear, she heard the click of the door opening aboveground. Guards! She frowned, and started doing the first thing that popped into her head. She ripped her clothes and threw some pieces on the floor. Kneeling over, she kneaded the ground and stuck some rocks out to look like bones. Then, inhaling sharply, she slashed her arm and dripped some blood into the dirt. Once it met her approval, she backed up and formed a wall from the remaining moist soil. She was now on the side that I was digging. From the guard's view, if they were to find this, it wouldn't look like a tunnel. It would look like a hole, and it would look like us two angels had scuffled, burying ourselves in the mud. She began limping back to me.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1380 Posted: 01:30:15 04/05/2014
((They were going to! smilie))

Dexeros looked at Emdahs, a big grin on his face. "Torture would be nice." She said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

The soldiers in the room began ransacking the place, eventually finding the hole. They looked down and saw that there was blood, and bones. "Great....they got away and killed themselves." A guard muttered, getting up and beginning to walk towards Dexeros and Emdahs.


Ugh....where am I? Wait.....this is new. What are these things wrapped around my legs, and why can't I move?! I start to squirm What the hell is happening? Where was I last? no no no no no no! I can't be one with those freaks! I begin to look around my surroundings and notice what appeared to be a dark version of me in the same condition, and Araknos as well. In between all of us, connecting us were these appendages made of that same substance that had turned me into Darkwing at one point. Great....we did become just how to get out.... I soon quickly found out I was covered in the stuff, and I had my legs and arms also held by it. Great...

((Also, Dexeros is not huge. We are subconsciously wrapped up in here.))
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:31:15 04/05/2014 by Rickorio
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1381 Posted: 02:01:59 04/05/2014
OoC: YES! You're conscious! ^.^

Lightmé had frozen at the sound of the voice, and only waited for the guards to go away to start moving again. Oh my Hades, it worked! Shadmé will owe me big-time for that.

I was continuing to dig in the dark, the lack of light from the map surprisingly not bothering me one bit. I heard someone coming and I whirled around, bow bared. Thankfully, it was just my doppelgänger. She wore a face of triumph being illuminated by the map. The result looked quite eerie, but I shrugged it off. "Well?" I turned around and continued digging while listening.
She chuckled. "I did it. I closed off the tunnel and made it look like we died." She showed me her self-inflicted wound. "They won't be coming any time soon, I hope. Either way, you should get moving."
I nodded and knocked chunks off the wall. "May I see the map, quick?"
Lightmé let me see it. We were nearly out of the castle range! Struck with new determination, I began digging once more.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1382 Posted: 06:19:33 04/05/2014
I just wait. I have my legs and arms-for what they're be-back. As long as I don't get the feeling back in my chest I;m fine....I hope...again.... What will they say if I say I have died already? Gonna try.
"Umm... not to be a big pain in the butt.... but I already died once... Does that matter?"
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1383 Posted: 12:47:14 04/05/2014
((Yeah, that's step one of freeing myself! smilie))

Dexeros looked at the guard as it walked out of the room. "What's going on? Gt back in there! He yelled at it. The guard just looked at the ground. "They killed themselves." Dexeros looked at the guard. "Bring me their bodies. I can use them to bring them back." He said. "Yes sir!" The guard said, going back into the room.

((I may or may not have just ruined Lightmé's plan. smilie))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1384 Posted: 12:49:51 04/05/2014
[[You ruined it]]

No answers... damn...
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1385 Posted: 14:28:45 04/05/2014
OoC: Oh frick. smilie Lightmé and I have to make a break for it now! Unless the guard doesn't see the wall, hmm.
Also NINJAsk, I'm surprised there's no reaction to our death... smilie

"Almost there!" Lightmé muttered, looking at the map. "We're so close that you might even be able to start digging upwards instead of just over now."
"Awesome!" I looked at my hands and, only now did it hit me that they stung from all the times if worn them down and cut with the blade. My eyes watered at the sudden wave of pain. Could I do this? Or could I take a risk and let Lightmé use my bow to dig? If I did and she had bad intentions she could threaten me or run off with it. I decided not to and got back to work, now using a leg to kick at the walls and make the dirt crumble more.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1386 Posted: 14:32:39 04/05/2014
I came to realise. "No! No no no no! They CANT be dead! Let me go!" My voice became more chaotic.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1387 Posted: 14:34:34 04/05/2014
((MUAHAHAHAHA! smilie))

The guard jumped down the hole and landed straight on the 'bones.' They crumpled to dirt under his feet. "What the..." He says, messing with the dirt. "Hey! They faked their deaths!" He yells back up. He begins to feel around on the walls for a hole or something. Then he pushes through the wall Lightmé had put up and fellas into the tunnel. "Get down here! I found a tunnel!" He yells up.

((You're screwed! smilie))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1388 Posted: 14:36:50 04/05/2014
I squirm again, hoping I finnaly get to be released from the ropes.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1389 Posted: 15:04:31 04/05/2014
OoC: OhCrapOhCrapOhCrapOhCrap

Emdahs turned to NINJAsk, its eyes gleaming. "You're coming with us. You know them so well you'll be able to tell us where they've gone." The dark being started to head into the next room.

Lightmé heard yelling. "They found us!" she hissed. "They must've found out that it was faked!"
My eyes widened, and dirt went into my eye. I rapidly blinked it out and dug quickly. "Help me, then!" I whispered, and my doppelgänger came up next to me, scratching at the ceiling. Within a few swipes it cracked and collapsed, raining dirt on us. Eww, dirt went down my clothes! But there was no time for that- I took a deep breath. "Quick, Lightmé. I'll boost you up. Then you can pull me up." I was so terrified it didn't occur to me what I'd just done to myself. The light angel nodded, and I held out my hands. She stepped up, grabbed the ledge, and hoisted herself up.
"Now me!" I pleaded, and she looked down at me. A small smile flicked over her face. "What if I said no?"
Cold terror gripped my heart. What had I DONE?! "T-then I'd say...if you leave me to die, you'd die too. N-now hurry!" I could hear the pounding of feet as the guards came down the tunnel. Lightmé sighed and grabbed my arms, jerking me up. Surprised, I stepped out the side and we both were able to struggle out. "Thanks," I panted. Lightmé kicked me. "No time for that!" I got up, breathing heavily, and knocked some dirt down the hole.
"Fool! Stop trying to divert them. Just run!" Within seconds, she was gone. I blinked and then jogged after her, still worn out.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1390 Posted: 15:08:56 04/05/2014
I hang down a bit, my mouth shut as my feeling in my chest came back. Something bad hurted me. I started to scream loudly. It just got worse as I feel more pain. I scream in pure panic.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1391 Posted: 15:11:39 04/05/2014
The guard who was unlucky enough to be right there began to cough as the dirt went all over him. He gasped in pain as Dexeros's sword went through his chest. "Fool." He said, jumping out of the hole and looking in the direction they were running. His two other guards jumped up and he ordered them to get them.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1392 Posted: 15:25:26 04/05/2014
"Aaargh!" I scream loudly.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1393 Posted: 17:02:36 04/05/2014
That sounded like NINJAsk! Oh Palutena... I lagged behind a little, wondering if I should help. The rustle of guards running through the brush confirmed my decision, and I decided not to head back yet. When I lost these guards, which should be easy- they're just dumb guards, right?- I'd circle back for her. But now…
"Lightmé!" I gasped, trying to take in more breath. She was much farther ahead of me, and didn't even look back. "What?"
"I know you probably will say no, but…" I was remembering the time when Lightmé was sealed up inside of me. Her powers allowed me to fly. If she'd be willing to sacrifice herself, she'd give me energy and the ability to fly out of here. Without it, we were screwed.
"If you…lend me your power, I can get us out of here."
At that my doppelgänger snorted. "You think I trust you? You wouldn't release me afterwards. I know how much you hate me, you know. Whenever we're around each other, I can sense your tension. Our connection, you know?"
I ran through and around a few bushes, hoping to throw our pursuers off. "I can put that aside! Do you want to die?"
Lightmé shook her head. "I've given you enough chances. You're on your own, Shadmé." With that she spread her own wings and took off into the sky.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1394 Posted: 17:07:22 04/05/2014
I just helplessly scream.

((My holder should be droven nuts by now smilie))
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1395 Posted: 17:10:22 04/05/2014
((Which is Emdahs. Dexeros is no where near you. smilie))

Dexeros flew into the air after Lightmé. "You get the flightless one!" He yelled at the guards, giving them some of his own energy so they would have the chance to capture Shadmé.

He, meanwhile, had caught up to Lightmé and got in front of her. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, his spider legs coming out from his back.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1396 Posted: 17:15:20 04/05/2014
((*Usual screeming*)
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1397 Posted: 18:15:25 04/05/2014
((I just had an awesome idea for my comeback from the grave! The answer is somewhere on my profile! Anywhere!))

I looked around at my surroundings, and tried to think of a plan to get out of here. Then I realized something. Hey! I'm no longer my avatar! I'm me again! Woo hoo! Wait....I'm technically Dexeros....dang it.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1398 Posted: 20:17:33 04/05/2014
OoC: I don't know! O.o Is it in your likes?

"Would you STOP!!" Emdahs had enough of the user's constant screaming and smacked her against the ground. "I'm going with those guards to capture Shadmé. If you won't shaddup I'll make you walk instead of carrying you place to place." Emdahs flapped its wings, grabbed the roped NINJAsk from the ground and tailed Dexeros' guards.

I stumbled over a root but could feel adrenaline pounding as I heard the whoosh of wings joining the guard's chase. I just had to keep moving, had to escape...
Lightmé. I growled, feeling power surge through me at the thought. Although the rational part of my mind insisted it was good we were separate so Emdahs wouldn't catch us, I still would not recover from the sting of her words.

Lightmé paused as Dexeros swooped in front, then spun around in a different direction as his legs unfolded. She flapped her wings swiftly, trying to escape. She didn't even know where she was going, as long as it was far, far away.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1399 Posted: 20:22:05 04/05/2014
((Look near the top.))

Dexeros laughed, flying after her. He had caught up to her and was flying above her at this point. "You think you can escape. How cute." He said, poking at her every now and then. "I'm gonna have fun with you." He said rubbing his hands together.


I squirmed around, trying to escape.
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