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Draconia School Remake [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1351 Posted: 04:13:58 03/02/2014
ooc: Yah kind of like that.

After a few minutes a kind of ripple of light blue light came from Icestorm and spread throughout the area. (kind of like pond ripples.) Icestorm's eyes then opened. He slowly got up trying to regain his bearings. Icestorm then saw Scarlet was dogging the monsters attacks. "SCARLET GET DOWN!!" He then entered into his aura form and used his aura breath on the creatures. Icestorm's aura breath completely destroyed the creatures around Scarlet and partly destroying the wall behind Scarlet.

ooc: First page post! Also tell me if I'm overdueing it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:15:07 03/02/2014 by Spyroconvexity
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1352 Posted: 06:53:39 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: That's fine. Random creatures and unimportant wall structures are okay to destroy.

Knowing the attack was coming, Scarlet completely teleported herself out of harms way. She reappeared behind Icestorm in time to watch the destruction. The monsters didn't even realize what was going to happen until it was too late to do anything about it. The partly destroyed wall opened up a new area to explore. However, it was too dark to tell what this new room was.

Scarlet glanced back at the trap door to see if any more monsters would follow after them. It seemed as though the beasts caught the performance, because instead of jumping down into the area, they backed away from the trap door. Most let out a defensive growl before whimpering in fear as they fled.

For a moment, Scarlet was relieved, thinking the creatures now knew to fear dragons. However, her relief soon died. She glanced back into the darkness of the newly discovered room as she heard the sound of slow, heavy footsteps, along with a low, rumbling growl. Whatever it was that was approaching them, it sounded huge.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1353 Posted: 07:59:44 03/02/2014
Red was still running to the way where he had heard the sounds, from but now there was nothing like that any more. He was pretty surprised that he had not seen any monsters for so long time, but he was pretty sure it was because of they where after Scarlet and Icestorm. Finally Red made it to the place where the trap door was. He knew there was monsters in there by the sounds but he could not see them. Then the attack by Icestorm gave him enough light so that he could see the trap door. He quickly ran towards the door dodging few monsters, then he hit one which was just trying to enter there with his tail. Before he jumped in he saw the monsters going away. When he landed to the arena he saw Scarlet and Icestorm " Finally i found you two, are you alright?"
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:30:25 03/02/2014 by cyndego
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1354 Posted: 21:47:16 03/02/2014
Icestorm was in his aura form and looked up to see Red was coming. "Yes we are but now is not the time to converse. We've got bigger problems on our paws." He looked back at the hole he made.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1355 Posted: 22:08:35 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"Get ready. There's no telling what this thing is. Don't let your guard down." Scarlet warned. She stared into the darkness, waiting for the creature to emerge.

The heavy footsteps grew louder as the creature got closer. Then a large beast stepped out through the hole. It was a bipedal creature that was taller than Scarlet. It was rather bulky, with a large, round belly. Its legs were short and thick, with big, black hooves.

It had four massive arms, and five sharp claws on each hand. It almost didn't appear to have a neck, its round, chubby head just sitting there on its shoulders. It had only one, big eye, a pig-like snout, and a mouth full of sharp fangs. It also had large ram horns.

There was a row of thick plated spikes going down its spine, starting from its head and going down to its very short tail. The creature was slate grey in color, with many of its body parts being a shade of grey.

After stepping out through the hole, the creature let out a low groan as it looked around the arena. Its single eye spotted the dragons, and it stared at each of them for a moment. It blinked, as if puzzled by the sight of them. It then groaned once more as it scratched its backside with its claws.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1356 Posted: 01:23:03 04/02/2014
Aretis had regained consciousness at this point. Waking up and staring straight into a giant four-armed cyclops-ish minotaur was not exactly the best waking call. Aretis, bleary eyed and groggy realized that Scarlet was there, facing the monster. Icestorm and Red were there too. He looked back at the beast and wobbily got up, inching himself over to the wall where he could support himself and lean against it. He cauterized the gash on his flank, making it sting and burn quite a lot. His vision turned red from the pain and it was hard to see, but quickly his mind began working faster and faster, starting up and formulating his own strategy.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1357 Posted: 02:03:11 04/02/2014
"Easy everyone we do not want to make it mad." Icestorm said keeping his guard up.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1358 Posted: 04:14:15 04/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"Well, that's an understatement. Even the other monsters seemed scared of this thing." Scarlet replied. Her muscles tensed up as she stared at the monster.

The creature noticed Aretis get up and move over to the wall for support. Then it glanced back at each of the others. The beast then started scratching the back of its head, as if lost or confused.

It then sniffed the air and took notice of one of the burnt monster bodies laying around. The creature went over to the body and picked it up in his claw. Then it tossed it up in the air and caught it in its mouth. Within moments, the beast had eaten the dead monster, bones and all. Then he scratched at his belly and looked around the arena for another one.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1359 Posted: 06:51:05 04/02/2014
"Well the good thing seems to be that we are not the main course. If you ask from me, we should just retreat slowly while that thing eats the other monsters. The trap door is still open above us. But if we have to fight, its only weak spot seems to be the eye" Red said first looking at the trap door above and then turning his eyes back to the monster.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1360 Posted: 20:37:53 04/02/2014
"That's a good idea Red but for one thing.....attacking the creature. I'm not at full strength due to me using my aura breath and nether is Scarlet from her fighting, the same goes for Aretis. None of us except you are able to battle if we attempt to attack its eye." Icestorm said. Then his aura form suddenly left him and a ripple of blue embers went from his body and across the field in all directions. Icestorm collapsed but he stayed conscious and tryed get back up but he couldn't. "And that's exactly what I was saying."
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1361 Posted: 23:14:39 04/02/2014
"Well my plan is that lets try to get out of here now, if the creature attacks you all go, and i will keep it busy for so long. I am the only one now who is at full strength like you said. If we do nothing it will attack for sure after some time." Red said still keeping his eyes strictly on the monster.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1362 Posted: 01:22:35 05/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"I may not be at full strength, but I'm still a skilled and experienced adult. If I have to fight, I can. But it would be wise not to anger this creature at all." Scarlet said as she watched the beast eat another burned monster.

"I do have the ability to teleport, though, and I may be able to get us all out of here. However, to teleport all of us outside at once would drain a good bit of my remaining energy. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but I've done so much today already." She sighed out of fatigue as she sat down. She didn't take her eyes off the creature, but she did seem tired.

"But we can't stay here, and going back out through the dungeon isn't the best idea either. There are still other monsters that wish to kill us. And I'm not all too familiar with the arena, so I'm not fully aware of any secret passages leading outside."

The creature was too preoccupied with eating the dead monsters that the dragons provided for it to even care too much about the dragons themselves. It seemed to be ignoring their presence completely now, so long as it had something to munch on.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1363 Posted: 03:13:05 05/02/2014
"Well we better find one because that thing will be finished soon and we'll be the only things in here for it to eat." Icestorm said.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1364 Posted: 03:24:18 05/02/2014
Aretis watched the monster and then turned to the right and realized something. He couldn't move his right wing. It was completely limp and wouldn't respond to his movements, as if paralyzed. He couldn't fly out of this hole now. Aretis grimaced and looked back to the monster. He looked around at the cavern.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1365 Posted: 04:18:15 05/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"I suppose we could try creating our own exit, if we have the strength to do so. But there's also the risk of attracting the attention of the beast and upsetting it." Scarlet sighed as she tried to think of another way out, without having to get in any danger. It didn't seem like avoiding trouble was an option at this point.

The creature continued to eat dead monsters, and the food supply was quickly disappearing. It took the beast very little time to eat the other monsters, and it made use of its multiple arms in order to eat several at a time. The creature paused for a moment to gaze up at the trap door, hoping that more snacks would fall down into the arena.

Scarlet watched the beast. "Maybe we can use the big guy there to our advantage. He likes eating the other monsters, right? Well, let's give him what he wants. We can thin out the crowd and distract him, hopefully giving us an easy way out without having to fight any of them."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1366 Posted: 04:59:06 05/02/2014
"How are we going to do that? The other monsters ran away from it and they won't come near the trapdoor." Icestorm said.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1367 Posted: 09:57:37 05/02/2014
"Well that is what i have been trying to say. If there is anyway to avoid a fight with that thing, we should try it. But even if you are the only adult here, i still believe that i am the fastest of us, when not counting your teleport of course. So if we have to play some time against that thing, it is job for me. But if we do not want to fight in anyway, we should do something and fast, because when those monsters have been eaten we will be next. Your plan of using that thing against the other monsters sounds good, but do you have a ready plan which tells us how exactly we are going to do that?" Red said to Scarlet " And when looking around it seems that Icestorm and Aretis are not in a health to travel right now." Red took a little brake and thought " You said that normally you could teleport us all out of here right Scarlet? So if there would be one less to take away from here, would that chance things? I can found my own way out, if you just can take others out of here, i will keep that monster out of your way for so long". Red said not letting his eyes out of the monster.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1368 Posted: 16:41:44 05/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"When we first went into the dungeon, those other monsters hunted us down and fought to the death. I thought perhaps I could trick them and lure them down here to be eaten. They certainly seemed hell bent on following us before. We just need to make them think that the big guy isn't around. Obscuring their view of him should work. Then we just reveal the beast and leave him to eat. If that doesn't work, we could force them down here. I noticed they didn't care much for fire. They avoided it every chance they got. If we cornered them with the flames, they would have no choice but to either get burned or get eaten." Scarlet explained.

"Teleporting myself and two others would still drain my energy. It is a combination of extra passengers and the distance traveled. What with the castle being destroyed, the nearest safe point would be outside the ruined building. That's a bit of a ways off from where we are now. If I teleport us out, which I can still do, it may very well leave me too tired to do anything else. And with Aretis and Icestorm having difficulty moving, we would be sitting ducks, if anything decided to come after us. However, I'm much too tired to teleport us any further." She answered.

The creature was still eating dead monsters, and was almost done with the remaining bodies. There would soon be nothing left for him to munch on.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1369 Posted: 21:20:33 05/02/2014
"We should do something quickly because that thing is almost done." Icestorm said.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1370 Posted: 22:12:19 05/02/2014
"Well your plan sounds good Scarlet, but those other monsters run away when that thing came here, so the problem is that those are now between us, the exit and this big one here. And yea you are right Icestorm we have to do something soon." Red said
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:12:40 05/02/2014 by cyndego
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1371 Posted: 00:54:02 06/02/2014
Aretis grimaced still trying to open his wing. He blinked. "I can make illusions still. However, I can only show an illusion to one monster at a time. Which means, I'm going to trick the big monster. I think I can hold an illusion to keep him distracted enough."
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1372 Posted: 03:15:29 06/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"That sounds like a good idea. You keep the big guy busy." Scarlet said to Aretis. "But we still have the smaller ones to worry about, and they're blocking the exit. I'm going to try to chase them down here with my fire element. It worked on them before. If that doesn't work, then I can at least keep them at bay while the rest of you get out of here. But we have no time to waste. It's time to take action." She said.

Scarlet then spread out her wings and took off. She flew up towards the trap door. There currently weren't any monsters around it. The big creature was down to the last two dead monsters, and it would only take it a moment to finish them.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1373 Posted: 05:37:16 06/02/2014
"Well that is something, so i guess we will try that. Can you two fly out?" Red asked from Aretis and Icestorm.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1374 Posted: 19:30:13 06/02/2014
"I'll try but my aura form took a lot out of me. I can barley stand up as it is." Icestorm said as he tryed to stand up but his legs gave out on him and he had to use his wings to catch himself. "I don't think that's happening any time soon." He said.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1375 Posted: 16:59:40 07/02/2014 | Topic Creator
The creature finished off the last monsters, but was still hungry for more. It turned around and looked at the dragons. It made a low, rumbling growl that almost sounded like the word, 'hungry.' Then it began moving towards them at a rather slow pace. It didn't look like it was able to move very fast at all.

Meanwhile, Scarlet was up in the dungeon. For once, the monsters weren't attacking her, but were instead trying to avoid her. They knew very well what was in the arena and what would happen if they ended up down there. Scarlet had to track down the monsters and try to force them out with her fire element. So far, it wasn't working so good. The monsters would just go from one hiding place to the next, while avoiding Scarlet and the trap door.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1376 Posted: 01:15:31 08/02/2014
Aretis limped towards it, channeling his powers of light here. The dim light made it kind of hard to do this, but soon he had an illusion going as he focused on the massive beast's eyes. He made everyone invisible to the beast and instead, the illusion was that he was surrounded by dead monsters around him. One might be because of the shape of a rock or an out-cleft of some sort.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1377 Posted: 02:37:51 08/02/2014 | Topic Creator
The creature stopped and looked around in confusion when it saw the dragons disappear. It didn't understand how the dragons suddenly vanished. The next thing it noticed was that dead monsters were suddenly everywhere. The beast grinned and clapped his hands together. Then it walked over to one of the dead monsters and picked it up. The beast gobbled it up in one bite, and didn't even seem to notice or care that it was eating a rock.

Scarlet stopped to take a breather, a little worn out from chasing after the monsters. Her plan was failing miserably. They wouldn't go towards the trap door at all. They were just too scared of the big monster to even risk picking a fight with Scarlet. It made her wonder about what the beast was really capable of, and the possibilities made her nervous. Regardless of what the beast could do, her plan clearly wasn't working. Scarlet would have to try something else.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1378 Posted: 09:37:55 08/02/2014
An image of Alzandor watches as the group fights but does nothing. He will not act till one of them needs or asks for it. They do not trust him yet so he remains close but far away.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:05:27 13/02/2014 by Wyrstel
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1379 Posted: 17:18:51 08/02/2014
Ooc: That just made it boring Wyrstel.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1380 Posted: 22:12:49 08/02/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: Wyrstel, you pretty much just defeated the purpose of an interesting plot. Having our characters fight for their lives and try to escape on their own, even when weakened, is part of the fun. It makes the story exciting when there are conflicts that need to be solved. Having Alzandor come to the rescue all the time is just too easy, and not as interesting. If it was that easy to get out, then there's no point to the arena, the dungeon, and all those monsters.

Plus, the castle already collapsed when it was attacked by dragons. The building itself has crumbled. The only thing left standing is the dungeon and the arena, which would mostly be underground anyway. So there's really nothing left to collapse at this point.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1381 Posted: 00:43:43 15/02/2014
ooc: Not to join in on the "bagging on Wystrel train" But honestly, what I have to say is I really dislike the fact that Alzandor can appear anywhere and anytime. Not only that, but he can interact with the world as a spirit and basically do what he wants. Think about it. You have a character that's a ghost that can basically teleport anyone anywhere he wants to. Teleport to saftey? Sure. Again and again and again. Okay, so now what? Now what happens after that? We all live happily ever after? Whoops, no more conflict! No more plot! No more story. Looks like the RP's dead. Nothing going on. We can't create any sort of conflict, because it's solved before it gets there. Stuff like that can kill an RP just like it's probably killed 80% of all the RP's here. 'Cause no one understands how to construct a fun story. Everyone just wants to be the resolution. The conflict solver. The hero. The one who sets everything right.

And back to the actual story.

Aretis was concentrating really hard to keep up his illusions, but he was too exhausted. He constantly had to show the big monster new monsters to eat, but his ability was falling fast. If only they could maybe get to the other side of the arena. Maybe there was another way out. This plan wouldn't keep up for long!
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1382 Posted: 21:04:55 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet knew now that she had to give up on her plan. The monsters simply refused to do what she wanted them to. Still, she realized that they weren't bothering to attack her at all, even while she sat there. They really weren't willing to take risks anymore. Scarlet thought that maybe they could use that to their advantage. If they won't attack, then the group should be able to just go right past them and leave.

So Scarlet headed to the trap door and flew back down to the arena. She landed by the others, and kept a close eye on the creature that was currently busy eating rocks. "We have to get out of here now. My plan isn't going to work the way I thought it would. The other monsters won't attack at all, so maybe we can slip by them now. But we should hurry before something does decide to attack us." She whispered to the others.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1383 Posted: 02:13:17 16/02/2014
"But I can barley move as it is Scarlet." Icestorm said.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1384 Posted: 09:58:33 16/02/2014
At the top of the surface teams had already begun construction on the *fort* using the many stolen equipment or gems from the castle and School. Those that were not busy constructing were sweeping the area to eliminate any monsters and assimilate their generic code to benefit his army. He looked down at one underground tunnel-way where no doubt everyone went to party...that was where he and his forces would go to finish off the remaining monsters and secure his new...*land*.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1385 Posted: 22:55:52 16/02/2014
Red smiled a bit " That is something which i can help you with, all my physical training has given me pretty much power. So what i am trying to say is that i can carry you out. And if Aretis has the same problem, i think i can do it for you both at the same time. At least we have to try that." Red said.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1386 Posted: 02:05:11 17/02/2014
Icestorm noded. "As long as your strength lasts."
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1387 Posted: 06:12:04 17/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"I might have enough strength left to carry one of you to the surface, if Red requires assistance." Scarlet offered. "Although, I rather not teleport all of us at once, unless absolutely necessary. Doing so would drain my remaining energy. Still, we haven't got much time left. We need to get out of here as quickly as we can, while the monsters aren't attacking."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1388 Posted: 22:04:26 17/02/2014
"My wing is broken. Red, even if you could carry us all out, we'd be so much dead weight that we would all be vulnerable to any attack that comes our way. Those monsters would tear us apart in minutes as soon as we're out of the range of this giant monster." He gritted his teeth and went back to concentrating. All being said, any plan they take would be a risky one. There's no guarantee all of them could make it out alive. But whatever they did, they had to do fast. My power is draining. It's at it's limits. Soon, I won't be able to fool this beast anymore. And if that happens, I'll be completely powerless too.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1389 Posted: 06:17:21 18/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet was quiet for a moment as she tried to think of the best plan to get them all out safely. It seemed that any idea was risky at this point. There seemed to be no way to make sure that everyone would get out alive. They were weak and tired, with vicious monsters all around them. They weren't in any condition to fight now, but did they have any other choice? Their chances of survival looked slim.

Scarlet let out a heavy sigh as realization hit her. There was really only one safe bet. "I'll get you all out of here. I will use what little remains of my strength to teleport you to the surface. I will likely pass out afterwards due to a lack of energy, but we may have no other choice. We can't stay here, and fighting isn't wise now. I can at least get us as far as the surface. After that.... We will have to rest until our strength returns."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:19:42 18/02/2014 by Cynder09
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1390 Posted: 18:15:44 18/02/2014
"I can transfer some of my remaining strength to you to help as well Scarlet." Icestorm said.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1391 Posted: 01:36:41 19/02/2014
Red nodded " Yea that is true Aretis. Scarlet your plan sounds good, Well at least it is the best one we do have. And When we are out, i Will still be able to battle, so if anything tryes to attack us When you three are trying to rest i can help with that."
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1392 Posted: 03:40:11 19/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"Alright." Scarlet nodded. "Just give me a moment to gather my strength." She said to them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, channeling every last bit of her energy. In her current state, it would likely take everything she had left to get them out.

While Scarlet was preparing herself, the large creature had stopped eating rocks. Either it was satisfied, or it somehow realized it had been tricked. The beast turned to face the dragons, and it seemed to notice them again as it roared angrily.

Scarlet heard the roar and it startled her. She opened her eyes and looked up, noticing that the monster had turned its attention to them. Its single eye started to glow red and a powerful aura surrounded the beast. Scarlet's eyes widened as she realized that the creature was preparing for an attack. She had to hurry.

Suddenly, a bright red beam of energy fired from the beast's eye. The blast hit the ground in front of the beast and ripped through the arena, tearing the structure apart and causing debris to fly everywhere. The blast was headed straight for the group of dragons as it powered through the arena.

Just as it appeared as though the group of dragons would be hit, they vanished from the arena. The group reappeared on the surface, near the collapsed castle. Scarlet had succeeded in teleporting them. However, after doing so, she fell to the ground, unconscious. She had no more energy left.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1393 Posted: 05:06:09 19/02/2014
It wasn't long before every minion upon witnessing the nearby flash all became alert and lighted up like a Christmas, he cancelled a instinctive reaction by the scouts to rush to the scene stating he would personally do it himself whilst the remaining begun making a underground tunnel because it occurred to him, using those monsters could work as a fake trap door.

Nearing the flash it became obvious most of the group had survived however it seemed many were injured or sound asleep, "Taking a nap I presume?"
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1394 Posted: 06:02:10 19/02/2014 | Topic Creator
After a few moments, Scarlet slowly started to regain consciousness. She moaned quietly as she opened her eyes. She could see a figure standing above her, and she heard a voice. "...Zen....?" She muttered. Scarlet tried to raise her head to survey the area, but she felt too weak to move at the moment.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1395 Posted: 06:11:25 19/02/2014
Aretis's moment of concentration and power snapped as well, and the beast noticed them. He gasped, his heart racing. Scarlet's teleport saved them just in time. His legs felt weak and shaky. "Ghh....." He groaned, bleary eyed as he looked at Zen. Curse it all....what we didn't want to run into....
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1396 Posted: 08:58:55 19/02/2014
Hearing that name struck a cord inside of him, imagine if you had split yourself into two with the purpose of the other was to spy only for that half of you go rogue and refuse to become "complete" with the other to restore your original state. ..or maybe it was the other way around, maybe the other stated his polar was a traitor and devised the whole janitor that schemes persona for something grander. But now that both parties were back to one it didn't matter anymore he was just happy to be him again.

"That name Scarlet my dear belongs to a traitorous janitor that stole my identity, please call me Drenyz"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:59:28 19/02/2014 by Jackson117
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1397 Posted: 12:14:56 19/02/2014 | Topic Creator
"Well, excuse me for not knowing the difference... I've had kind of a rough day...." Scarlet muttered as she continued to lay still. She hoped she was in no real danger, as she was too weak to defend herself right now.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1398 Posted: 19:04:10 20/02/2014
"What do you want from us Drenyz?" Icestorm said with a worryed tone in his voice. "I hope he doesn't attack us." Icestorm thought to himself.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1399 Posted: 23:48:23 22/02/2014
Aretis quietly processed this new information. So it isn't Zen. Still, I can't get over that face. But considering how he acts, I wouldn't trust him any more than Zen either. So when Icestorm spoke up, Aretis patiently waited for an answer, his body working to recharge his lost magic.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1400 Posted: 01:53:53 23/02/2014
"Well what I want is for to all leave if you don't like what I have to offer but I'll tell you later, at this stage that would be rude to demand considering your physical states, so I'll allow you to rest and if you consent heal you via unnatural means and once your all patched up and if you reject my offer..."

At that time his body language was relaxed and his tone of voice was almost happy or full of himself but it sooner grew into a icy cold stare, his body language changing to a intimidating pose and his voice full of venom and hatred.

"Get out of my sight"

I guess he didn't take rejection well.
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