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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1351 Posted: 15:29:10 20/09/2015
Ok now that's just stupid. If you don't like the cars FINE, but even in quantity SC has more, good replay value or not.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:29:29 20/09/2015 by Bifrost
griswoldthunder Gold Sparx Gems: 2953
#1352 Posted: 15:38:13 20/09/2015
I had to go to two different Best Buys to get the Dark Edition for the Wii U. Nothing was on the floor at either store. Nothing was already on the floor at Target either.
WAAA Red Sparx Gems: 72
#1353 Posted: 15:42:36 20/09/2015
Gamestop had all of wave 1 nothing else, but that's ok cause i'd rather be able to have the supercharger/partner vehicle together. Only figures i didnt pick up were SS Terrafin and the Sea Shadow vehicle

Superchargers Online Racing streams!!
TOlofter Yellow Sparx Gems: 1021
#1354 Posted: 15:57:28 20/09/2015
I got an official response from Activision about the Stat Stickers. Although they did not give a reason as to why, they said "Unfortunately after further investigation the starter packs will not have [stat sticker sheets]". :/

Strange how the variant of Hot Streak has it but the actual original Hot Streak does not...
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#1355 Posted: 15:57:54 20/09/2015
Are there quests or any stat boosters?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1356 Posted: 15:57:55 20/09/2015
Alright,two minutes to eshop update(if it follows daylight savings time, god please do so). Got a bunch of stream archives and LPs already loaded so I don't see time pass too much while it downloads.I'm still hopping between digital version thread,glitch thread and here, but it's full on spoiler shield mode now.

Quote: wreckingballbob
Are there quests or any stat boosters?

There are NPC quests and Supercharged Challenges,but not sure if it's what you mean. Don't know about stats.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:58:50 20/09/2015 by Bifrost
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1357 Posted: 15:59:09 20/09/2015
For the ones who have curiosity, Nintendo World Report TV posted videos with gameplay of the online mode, Quests of Donkey Kong and Bowser and gameplay of
Spell Punk Library
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:00:12 20/09/2015 by Crash10
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1358 Posted: 16:00:31 20/09/2015
So, most of the tracks in Racing are just previous levels from other games, but with slightly changed up themes and different names. For example, Trollympic Village (Seriously) shares it's general aesthetic with Troll Home Security from Giants, but with an added ice theme to it as well.
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TOlofter Yellow Sparx Gems: 1021
#1359 Posted: 16:02:48 20/09/2015
In the Starter packs, is this version of Stealth Elf on any of the packaging or inserts? I've only seen the Battlecast cards which have her as S1.

[User Posted Image]
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1360 Posted: 16:02:52 20/09/2015
Figures Beenox would want to use old models and level sets since they don't really have to create their own stuff this time.

(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:03:14 20/09/2015 by Bifrost
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1361 Posted: 16:04:57 20/09/2015
No, Bifrost, it's more like Crash Team racing, similar themes but with new spins on them. I mean, it's what I wanted from a Skylanders racing game.
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Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1362 Posted: 16:05:17 20/09/2015
Quote: TOlofter
In the Starter packs, is this version of Stealth Elf on any of the packaging or inserts? I've only seen the Battlecast cards which have her as S1.

[User Posted Image]

(At least for now) the're will be no cards of revemped SuperChargers, only their original version.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1363 Posted: 16:06:50 20/09/2015
Quote: Bionichute
No, Bifrost, it's more like Crash Team racing, similar themes but with new spins on them. I mean, it's what I wanted from a Skylanders racing game.

I played only a bit of that,but yeah. It's news spins,but they still save weeks of modeling time by using existing assets like titlesets.

Oh man almost forgot to put a US zipcode. Ok, 15.5gb (it got smaller?) going, I'll probably be still here of course but as soon as this game is fired up I'm out to speedrun.
Uh... good,the USB has a ton of space filled for some reason, more wasted time. Out of the way, Pikmin 3.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 16:11:08 20/09/2015 by Bifrost
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1364 Posted: 16:09:45 20/09/2015
Just as you're talking about reusing assets, this happened:

[User Posted Image]

Yeah. From what I can tell, this is a 100% original level. Doesn't even use the Golden Queen's Temple textures or anything.
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TOlofter Yellow Sparx Gems: 1021
#1365 Posted: 16:09:51 20/09/2015
Uuuugh, I want to go out and get this today because I have trade-in credits but I do not know what to get?!?!?

Do I go for the Wii U or PS4? I've warmed up a lot to Spitfire and the Nintendo boys are more so Amiibo than they are actual Skylander figures. I think I'mm gonna go PS4.
Camo Lover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1109
#1366 Posted: 16:12:19 20/09/2015
Just go for what ever seems right.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5461
#1367 Posted: 16:14:14 20/09/2015
Guys! Where are the variants, we want to know!
TOlofter Yellow Sparx Gems: 1021
#1368 Posted: 16:15:48 20/09/2015
Quote: Camo Lover
Just go for what ever seems right.

Agreed! PS4 it is.

If I wanna play as DK or Bowser I'll play their games on Nintendo.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:16:26 20/09/2015 by TOlofter
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1369 Posted: 16:18:34 20/09/2015
Great,my PC can't read the USB. Time to stick it back in the WiiU, reformat it,whatever.

So close,yet so far... YES IT'S FORMATTED! IT'S ON! I can't even tell what was eating up a whole 10gbs,but screw it, I can't read it anyway.

Sorry for venting so much about my experience just to get this game. If it's any consolation,I'll be waiting a while, it can't even find an estimate time.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 16:22:33 20/09/2015 by Bifrost
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8332
#1370 Posted: 16:24:43 20/09/2015
So far so amazing!
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#1371 Posted: 16:27:08 20/09/2015
Wow, this game is amazing. Best skylanders game so far, definitely amazing. I love this. The amount of detail on the characters also is CRAZY! The gameplay looks beautiful, and is a lot of fun. Really loving this game. smilie
Spread those positive vibes
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1372 Posted: 16:42:19 20/09/2015
A level themed after a snowy mountain and a volcano, with two ice and fire themed dragons acting as obstacles. Looks like someone on the production of Racing is a fan of Banjo-Tooie.
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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1373 Posted: 16:44:02 20/09/2015
Quote: Bionichute
A level themed after a snowy mountain and a volcano, with two ice and fire themed dragons acting as obstacles. Looks like someone on the production of Racing is a fan of Banjo-Tooie.

But is there a McJiggy's at the end? :>
(What I need is never what I want)
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1374 Posted: 16:57:34 20/09/2015
Off to go get the game now. Don't expect much from me for about a week, aside from some info about Racing.
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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1375 Posted: 17:00:40 20/09/2015
See you when you come back, Bionichute :3 I'll still drop by during breaks since I want to fill my friends in who aren't on DS frequently about the story, but I'll stop rambling here once the download is done.
(What I need is never what I want)
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#1376 Posted: 17:07:17 20/09/2015
Just finished buying everything for Superchargers! Got a lot more then expected. Got the Dark Starter Pack, Stormblade, Fiesta, Dive-Clops, Steel Plated Smash Hit, Legendary Hurricane Jet Vac, Crypt Crusher and Sky Slicer. Bye now. TIME TO PLAY!
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:07:35 20/09/2015 by Luminous35
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5421
#1377 Posted: 17:16:25 20/09/2015
This game is incredibly fun so far. Doesn't look like there are any on foot bonus missions or arenas that I can see, though. That's my only negative. The adventure mode and side content with vehicles are all awesome to play and highly polished. Granted, it's pretty standard to the kart racing genre when it comes to the actual racing (but the open segments are completely different, which is a nice change of pace), so basically if you love it in other kart racers you'll love it here (but if not...then not).

The 3DS version is about what you'd expect. It's a kart racer with Skylanders, with a very simple story. Oddly enough, it seems that this version requires more figures than the console version (since there are vehicular elemental gates that unlock paths on the map screen). So you'll need a vehicle of every element to unlock every path. You don't need to buy a land or sea vehicle to access land and sea races however, since you are provided a default car and boat if you don't have any scanned.

I really hope they keep DK and Bowser around for the next game. I'm guessing TfB will bring back arenas and on foot bonus missions, and I'd really love the chance to put their move sets to the test in those.
Boop me if you see this.
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#1378 Posted: 17:20:19 20/09/2015
I've got all of Wave 1 except for the combo packs (so far, no one had them), didn't get Terrafin because I'm waiting for the combo pack (same for regular Jet Vac, though I did get Legendary), got Nitro Stealth Stinger. Just need Steel-plated Smash Hit, Frightful Fiesta and DE PS3 starter pack to finish.
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#1379 Posted: 17:24:17 20/09/2015
Wii gameplay
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:29:04 20/09/2015 by skylandersspyro
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1380 Posted: 17:40:05 20/09/2015
Wow, the Racing version looks too much like Diddy Kong Racing. You can even see your opponent's face after hitting then.
I expected a little better graphics for the Wii, but this looks good.
Also, Pandercastle Skyride uses Junkyard Isle music. Interesting.

I never know the the alternative games (3DS version, and now, Wii) have Portuguese language.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:48:05 20/09/2015 by TTD
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#1381 Posted: 18:06:51 20/09/2015
Better Graphics? are you nuts? this looks better then Swap Force and Trap Team on the Wii.
what even is this site anymore lmao
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1382 Posted: 18:09:02 20/09/2015
Managed to get everything I wanted, which consisted of the Dark Starter Pack, and Sea Shadow. Haven't opened them yet because I am currently eating.

In Racing, news, the Pandergast cars are hilariously bad, and even have their own elemental icon, despite not actually having an element
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Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5461
#1383 Posted: 18:18:20 20/09/2015
What do those "Pandergast Elements" look like?
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1384 Posted: 18:21:06 20/09/2015
It's just his top hat.

Racing has a track type called DANGER ZONE


//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2753
#1385 Posted: 18:26:01 20/09/2015
I'm really loving Hurricane smilie so far, and smilie 's kinda...... ehhhh.. He's not bad, just kinda ehhh...., at least so far, maybe I need more time to play as and upgrade him.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1386 Posted: 18:31:38 20/09/2015
Oh hey, my Dark Wii U edition came with Battlecast cards! Neat!

Oh. They're in french.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:32:19 20/09/2015 by Bionichute
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5461
#1387 Posted: 18:32:12 20/09/2015
Quote: ExcitonKnight
I'm really loving Hurricane smilie so far, and smilie 's kinda...... ehhhh.. He's not bad, just kinda ehhh...., at least so far, maybe I need more time to play as and upgrade him.

Hurrican Jet-Vac? Where did you find him? First Nightfall and now him, where are they?
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2753
#1388 Posted: 18:33:18 20/09/2015
Quote: Deja Vu
Quote: ExcitonKnight
I'm really loving Hurricane smilie so far, and smilie 's kinda...... ehhhh.. He's not bad, just kinda ehhh...., at least so far, maybe I need more time to play as and upgrade him.

Hurrican Jet-Vac? Where did you find him? First Nightfall and now him, where are they?

Legendary Jet-Vac's available at launch
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1389 Posted: 18:37:14 20/09/2015
Neat thing I noticed about the poster, due to the starter characters not coming with stickers, they actually filled in all Starter Pack characters names so you don't need a sticker to show you got them.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5461
#1390 Posted: 18:38:38 20/09/2015
Quote: ExcitonKnight
Quote: Deja Vu
Quote: ExcitonKnight
I'm really loving Hurricane smilie so far, and smilie 's kinda...... ehhhh.. He's not bad, just kinda ehhh...., at least so far, maybe I need more time to play as and upgrade him.

Hurrican Jet-Vac? Where did you find him? First Nightfall and now him, where are they?

Legendary Jet-Vac's available at launch

Ohhhhh, I thought you found the regular one in the double pack with Jet Stream.Well, I just still hope to find a working Nightfall.
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#1391 Posted: 18:41:19 20/09/2015
Anyone can tell a little bit of their online Co op experiences?
what even is this site anymore lmao
TOlofter Yellow Sparx Gems: 1021
#1392 Posted: 18:52:11 20/09/2015
I ended up just getting Dive Clops and Stormblade today for characters. Saw Smash Hit variant at BB, but not interested in that version. Definitely the least exciting release day for any of the game thus far. Hardly anything to buy and does not seem to have the hype all the previous games had. No stores I went into even had demos.

I ended up NOT getting a Starter Pack. Within 2 weeks it will probably go down at one of the stores. Otherwise Black Friday will be here before ya know it and it will be 50% off. Figures were sorta free for me, just traded towards them.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1393 Posted: 18:56:22 20/09/2015
I got one of everything except the PS3/4 or Xbox/Xbox one starter packs, and of course Golden Hot Streak.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1394 Posted: 18:56:31 20/09/2015
Getting Spitfire out of the box was terrifying, it felt like he was gonna break at any second.

I might nickname him "Springfire" because of how fragile he is.
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Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5421
#1395 Posted: 18:59:59 20/09/2015
Quote: Bionichute

In Racing, news, the Pandergast cars are hilariously bad

Yeah, not to mention how Pandergast keeps going on about how awful and beat up and smelly they are.

They weren't particularly subtle with their "you can technically use these, but we REEEAAALLLY want you to buy our toys instead" tactic.
Boop me if you see this.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1396 Posted: 19:08:54 20/09/2015
Quote: Kevin16
Better Graphics? are you nuts? this looks better then Swap Force and Trap Team on the Wii.

YES! I'M NUTS! Just kidding. I know that this the best that we have in the series for a long time. But, I feeling that Spyro's Adventure (and Giants, I think) had a better overall quality. But it's just my feeling.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1397 Posted: 19:12:27 20/09/2015
I got the 3DS version, and I can confirm that there are no other new variants shown in the game character list besides the ones we already discovered. Only L-Astroblast, L-Roller Brawl, and L-Hurricane Jet-Vac. Easter Thrillipede isn't shown though.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#1398 Posted: 19:15:37 20/09/2015
If he isn't shown,then probably they learned for once to leave secret holiday variants out.
(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1399 Posted: 19:18:17 20/09/2015
Quote: Bifrost
If he isn't shown,then probably they learned for once to leave secret holiday variants out.

Hope that you're right. But also hope that we will don't have any new Hot Streak variants.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8332
#1400 Posted: 19:19:57 20/09/2015
They're likely leaving all unknown varients out this time, like in Giants.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
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