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Draconia School Remake [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1301 Posted: 12:02:52 15/01/2014
ooc: I won't be on as much because of college. So my posts maybe few.

Icestorm got Scarlet's telepathic signal and he began to use his dark matter breath on the weak points of the wall. As each breath hit the wall a kind of silence was heard just shortly before a loud explosion.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1302 Posted: 18:28:30 15/01/2014
Images of Alzandor move swiftly as the castle collapses. They seize Icestorm and Aertis pulling them both away from the destruction. Then they become one image that stands beside the two, with sweat falling down its form.

Kiarae finds a beautiful glowing amulet that changes color within her palm. Scratched into the amulet is a message to her and Aertis. The amulet connected to the silver and blue chain, is two dragon laying down together. The message on the back of the dragons says:

"Young dragonlings, keep each other safe, you don't know what you have lost, until you have nothing. I do not wish for that to happen to you. Aertis, Kiarae, may your bond for one another and your love for one another never fade. Take care you two."
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1303 Posted: 19:22:01 15/01/2014
ooc: Icestorm is on the outside of the castle.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1304 Posted: 21:26:10 15/01/2014
Aretis began to run from the back of the cellar towards the front when he felt Alzandor moving him away, and he hadn't completed collapsing the pillars! Only two had collapsed, and quite magnificently at it. Aretis growled in rage, his body giving off a quick light pulse to release Alzandor's hold on him. Aretis leaped to where he left off, but was now a precious couple seconds late! As the castle collapsed, and as he collapsed the pillars into the ground, he noticed that those precious seconds were all it took. Aretis saw the castle collapsing before him, and it crumbled and crashed, blocking off his only escape path out of the castle! There was very little time left before he would be squashed flat!

Kiarae blinked at the amulet as she looked at it, and for a second, her defenses wavered just a little, and then she blinked and closed her paw around the amulet again. Her eyes blinked back as she looked skyward. She smiled. "I know what I've lost. That's why I hold on..." And, since it was a dream, she clenched her fist and crushed the amulet, and then threw the pieces to the four winds. "...and I'll never let go." She sighed and then surrounded herself back into her mental fortress.

Aretis's life flash before his eyes....well, almost. He cried a little at the fact he was about to die. And so, he did the only thing he could do, He dug. Just like when he disappeared with Scarlet. He manipulated the earth, and not a second too soon. He dug under just as a slab of concrete fell on top of him, Actually pushing his dragon butt into the hole he just made. However, the place he dug through made him fall right to where the dungeon was. And no one could now save him from the hell-on-earth he has come face to face to. The monsters, the spirits, and just the full brunt force of the sinister aura left Aretis knowing this was certain death if he stayed here. Some of the monsters were already being freed under the bent rusty bars and collapsing stone. Others were waking up, as if they had been locked up and made dormant, never to awaken again. Well, so much for that. Aretis shot through as fast as he could, avoiding the debris, trying to avoid the monsters (a monster had reached out and clawed his right flank, ripping off scales and drawing blood) until he reached a....what looked like to be a giant trapdoor with a lever on the side of it. Aretis looked behind him, noticing the dark monsters rampaging, letting out blood-curdling cries of either death or freedom. He pulled the lever with all the strength he had in him. The trapdoor opened. He fell down, down, down.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:35:22 15/01/2014 by Dragon-outcast
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1305 Posted: 21:49:17 15/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet watched as the castle collapsed before her eyes. She figured that Icestorm should be safe from the debris, since he was outside, but she was worried about Aretis. He hadn't surfaced yet, which meant he had likely been buried by the debris. Scarlet began to pace, thinking. She could teleport to him and bring him out safely, but now she wasn't sure where he was, or if she could reach him. She didn't have time to try digging him out without being certain of his location. She decided to try contacting him, although chances were that he was unconscious.

Aretis, can you hear me? Where are you? Are you alright? Did you escape the debris? Answer me, young dragon. I can get you out if I know where to look.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1306 Posted: 22:26:49 15/01/2014
Aretis heard Scarlet's voice in his head, but his mind was still recovering from the horrors and the shock that overtook him. He could barely think, let alone speak. Ugh....Sorry......Alzandor.....messed....plan......the dungeon.........I fell. Don't go. They've.......been.....unlea— And suddenly the connection was cut short. Aretis hit the ground feet first, but his limbs gave way beneath him as he collapsed and was knocked out. Ugh, hell of a day.....Kiarae......I'm sorry..... He said before letting it take over him.

ooc: I'm going to assume that it's now nighttime considering these 27 pages have all happened in a day.

It was dark. Mounting a rescue party would be foolish. You couldn't even see. Morning would have to come if anything was to be done. Aretis was stuck unconscious for the night.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1307 Posted: 02:07:32 16/01/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: Yeah, close enough. I mean, all of this has happened in a day, so it should be about night time by now.

Alzandor? The dungeon? Messed plan? What? Aretis, what are you saying? What's happened? Where are you? Did you end up underneath the castle?

Scarlet waited a moment for an answer, but none came. This only worried her more. Something terrible must have happened. He had to be in trouble. There was only one thing to do now.

Aretis, answer me! Dang it! Hold on, I'm coming to get you!

Scarlet decided to go after him, even if it might be dangerous. It was late, and there were surely monsters in the dungeon, but she didn't care. She couldn't just leave the young dragon to rot down there. With her powers, she figured an adult dragon such as herself should be able to get to him without too much trouble. Although she would have to find his exact location first. She wouldn't be able to teleport directly to him without knowing where he was. So she would have to start at his last presumed location, the dungeon.

Scarlet took a deep breath and then teleported herself to the entrance of the dungeon. Behind her was a door that led to a now collapsed tunnel that would have led back up to the castle. It was dark, and she couldn't see. Scarlet could hear movement coming from the darkness, as well as numerous animalistic sounds. She would have to thread carefully. The monsters surely knew of her presence, but she was determined to find Aretis. Scarlet then took another deep breath and let out a bright line of fire. The fire breath lite up the room and scared off a creature that had been closing in on her. All Scarlet could see were several cages lined up, with bent and broken bars, and monsters running about. Some were fighting each other, some were trying to escape. Others were keeping their distance from the flames, but wanted to close in to kill Scarlet.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1308 Posted: 04:32:23 16/01/2014
Aretis was still down below, unconscious and with a gash on his right flank that was still oozing with dragonblood.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1309 Posted: 23:50:33 16/01/2014
OOC: Sorry I forgot to say that the images of Alzandor were made from all the debris, including the pillars. Thus the pillars were destroyed as the images were formed. Aretis had not need to go back. Also Alzandor is evil in the way that he has no problem shedding blood to get what he wants or desires.

The great stone dragon image of Alzandor roars at the sky but does not leave Icestorm's side. The great dragon of stone lays down and guards the young dragonling. The amulet that Kiarae crushed appears beside him. Shaking his head the dragon waves his claw over it and it transforms into two separate necklaces for Kiarae and Aretis. Then he waves his hand again and the necklaces vanish into his form for safe keeping. Gazing at the tired dragonling beside him, he drapes one of his mighty wings over him for warmth. The stone dragon easily vanishes within the terrain. Invisible but still nearby, he watches over Icestorm.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1310 Posted: 00:00:48 17/01/2014
Icestorm turned around to the direction of the dragon that disappeared. He was ready to fight if needed. "I haven't forgotten what you've done demon! I shall not let my guard down!" Though his leg was still injured due to the battle with Nitro he could still use his elements.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1311 Posted: 00:26:17 17/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet exhausted her fire breath, unable to keep it burning forever. As the fire died, the monsters closed in on her. Unable to see them coming, they leapt at her and tore at her scales with sharp claws. She cried out in pain as they attacked her. Scarlet then turned her tail and wings into big claws that latched onto the monsters on her back. Her new claws pulled them off, but they tore off some of her scales. She threw them against the wall and ran off into the dark, her wings and tail shifting back as she ran.

As Scarlet ran, she tried to dodge monsters that she couldn't see. She kept trying to breathe out a stream of fire, but only managed to get embers and a fireball at the most. The fireball was enough to give her a temporary light to the other side of the dungeon. However, there was still no sign of Aretis. She couldn't find him in the dark, with no fire to guide her, while also fighting off monsters.

Suddenly, she lets out a cry as a large beast pounces on her back and pins her to the ground. She couldn't see the monster, but she could feel how powerful it was. She could feel it's hot breath on the back of her neck, saliva dripping from it's mouth. It opened it's jaws, ready to sink it's teeth into her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1312 Posted: 00:32:47 17/01/2014
"SILENCE, the stone dragon says drawing himself to his full height and advancing toward the injured dragon with its icy blue eyes glaring down at him. It's razor-sharp claws scrape across the ground and the ground shakes as it moves. Then the dragon pins Icestorm beneath his claws. I've killed many a dragon, who have dared challenge me. Don't think I won't kill you because you are so young. Age matters not to me. Now, he says releasing Icestorm, rest dragonling, you need it. Then a small cloud appears beside Icestorm before vanishing, and Kiarae appears beside him. She is sleeping right now and is unharmed. Give my regards to others. Oh and by the way you are all being hunted as I speak. Have fun trying to outrun your nightmares," its says laughing. With that the stone dragon takes to the air and vanishes.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1313 Posted: 01:06:29 17/01/2014
Just as the dragon disappeared Icestorm sensed that Scarlet was in danger. He used his dark matter breath to quickly make a hole through the rubble and into the dungeons. As he broke through the dungeon wall light from the moon poored in and he saw faint outlines of the beasts. Icestorm used his light breath and lit up the entire dungeon and temporarily blinding the beasts pinning Scarlet down. "Hey you! Get off her!" He said.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1314 Posted: 04:19:19 17/01/2014 | Topic Creator
The monsters paused in their movements as the light blinded them. It had been so long since they had seen something so bright. Once their vision returned, they focused their gaze on the young dragon that had entered their domain. Several beasts closed in all around Icestorm. They were ready to pounce at any moment, sharp claws and teeth ready to be used.

With the beast on Scarlet's back distracted, the dragoness used that opportunity to strike. She turned her tail into a blade, and thrust it into the monster's back. It let out a howl in pain, and then its body went limp. Scarlet then flicked her tail, sending the body flying. She stood up slowly, groaning. She was missing a few scales, and blood oozed out of her wounds. Scarlet saw that Icestorm was here and that the beasts were now focusing their attention on him.

"Icestorm, we have to get to Aretis. He's down here somewhere. I think he's in trouble. He mentioned something about Alzandor. We have to find him, but there are so many monsters." As she said that, more monsters started to close in on them.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1315 Posted: 05:47:15 17/01/2014
"I'll keep the monsters at bay while you lead the way to where Aretis is!" Icestorm said as he vaporized one of them that lunged at him with his dark matter breath. "Now come on I can't keep this up for long especially after using a lot of my energy in that light burst."
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1316 Posted: 06:25:59 17/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"But I'm not sure where Aretis is. I tried contacting him, but I didn't get a clear answer, and I think he's unconscious now. I just know that he mentioned Alzandor, the dungeon, and that he fell somewhere. But I don't know where that is." Scarlet explained. She then shot a fireball at a monster that was getting too close.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1317 Posted: 15:01:43 17/01/2014
By now all remaining Swarm forces had successfully escaped and rallied back to the main force, the fact the castle itself wasn't in debris yet allowed for additional MIA battalions to make it back safe and sound.

Now all that remained was for the castle to blow or for the sleeping behemoth to arise...but not until the castle itself was destroyed, but it wouldn't be long until the monsters found it and provoked the creature to unleash high hell upon them.

Small tremors were beginning to be made as sounds of screeches followed by loud chomps and silence echoed by the would be best to get out before the tremors themselves became worse.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:07:43 17/01/2014 by Jackson117
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1318 Posted: 17:45:50 17/01/2014
"He said he was going to take out the pillars in the cellar. We should go there and retrieve him." Icestorm said as he used his earth element to knock back a few monsters.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1319 Posted: 10:49:47 19/01/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: I'm sorry, guys, but I'm just not in the mood for roleplaying right now. I've just been feeling sort of depressed, so I may be inactive for a bit. I don't know when I'll feel better, or when I'll feel like roleplaying again. I just sort of need a break. Sorry, again, but life happened, and it's something I just have no control over.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1320 Posted: 17:01:56 19/01/2014
ooc: It's ok I'm shure everyone will understand. smilie
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1321 Posted: 18:05:07 21/01/2014
OOC: I understand Cynder09 I suffer from depression as well. I await your return. Just take care of yourself ok.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1322 Posted: 18:34:02 21/01/2014
OCC: I came back for few days and now i have again been away. Well i do not want to drop out of this rp, so i will not do it and i will try to be more active in the future. And what comes to your post Cynder09, i do understand more then well. I will put one post anyway, so i will get my characters back to action and so i will be ready for the future. Take care.

Red had been following everything that had happen in the few last moments, he saw Blue and went to him " What are you going to do ?" Red asked
"Well leave of course, i have some gold coins which i guess is my payment from this mission, i have nothing i must do in here anymore"
Blue answered.
"You saw what happened, there might be wounded even dead dragons which just where our partners in a fight, and you will just leave them like this?" Red said with really angry voice.
" Well first of all there is no partners for me, there is just the employer with the money, nothing else. And now when my job is done and i have my payment, there is nothing for me in here." Blue said and left
"Fine then just leave you coward! I will go to help them like any true dragon would do!" Red shouted after Blue
"Whatever!" Blue shouted back.

After Blue was gone Red started to look for Icestorm and Scarlet .
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1323 Posted: 08:47:36 25/01/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: Okay, I'm feeling somewhat better, and might be able to get back into this, or at least try to. I'd hate for the rp to die or something because of my absence. So I'll try to continue posting while I'm kinda in the mood for it. Thanks for understanding, guys. I appreciate you all being so patient.

"But the cellar is above the dungeon, and is likely caved in by now. We wouldn't have much luck finding Aretis there. If he did fall somewhere, my bet would be that he's down in the dungeon. With all these monsters around, he could be in a lot of trouble. We have to find him quickly." Scarlet then created a wall of fire that blocked off a few monsters.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1324 Posted: 17:33:21 25/01/2014
Icestorm noded in agreement with Scarlet. "Is there a weak spot in the dungeon floor I can use my dark matter breath on to quickly get to the cellar?" Icestorm asked as he used his light breath to blind a beast and then killed it with a stab of his horns.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1325 Posted: 05:09:26 27/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Icestorm, the cellar is above us, and the castle collapsed on it. We have to blast through a lot of debris to get there, and we would likely only cause a cave in on the dungeon. I doubt Aretis is there. Whether he finished his part or not, he would have been smart enough to avoid getting buried. And he mentioned falling somewhere. I think he's down here. But there's no time to discuss this, we have to find him. There's no telling how much time we actually have before it's too late. Now despite all the monsters, I'm going to check down here for him. If you want to risk burying yourself in the cellar, than be my guest." Scarlet explained as she knocked a monster away with her tail. She then turned to explore the dungeon, breathing fire at any monster that got too close.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1326 Posted: 03:08:43 28/01/2014
Icestorm noded but he didn't want to risk a collapse so he followed Scarlet and gave her backup.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1327 Posted: 04:17:47 28/01/2014
Aretis was still unconscious and bleeding. The big cavernous hole he fell into seemed to be shaped in some sort of twisted arena. There seemed to be holes like windows lining the edges of the walls. The ground was flat without many big rocks or obstacles. It was a flat battleground. There was even a little protrusion that looked like where a king or someone of high authority could sit and be at the forefront of the entertainment, however twisted it was.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1328 Posted: 08:17:36 28/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet searched the dungeon, but so far, only found monsters. The beasts were keeping her from focusing too much on finding Aretis, because she was busy fighting them off. There were just too many creatures running around, all hell bent on killing the dragons that had wandered into their prison. Scarlet had about enough of these pests getting in her way. She wanted to take them out, but there was no telling how many monsters there were to kill, and it would be a waste of time to fight them all while Aretis is likely hurt somewhere. Scarlet just wished she had a clue or something that would help her find him faster. At this rate, what with all the monsters slowing them down, they may get to Aretis too late.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1329 Posted: 19:28:11 28/01/2014
Red saw the hole made by Icestorm which led to the dungeons. First he could not notice anything, but when he listened carefully he could hear the sound of fight which came from Scarlets and Icestorms attempts to get rid of the monsters. Red started to run towards the sounds.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1330 Posted: 00:51:25 29/01/2014
OOC: Forget it! You guys do your own thing. I will see whether I leave this rp or not. Right now I just don't think I can write.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 07:06:39 29/01/2014 by Wyrstel
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1331 Posted: 01:35:32 29/01/2014
ooc: You have to make a character sheet before introducing a new character.

"Did you see that? It was carrying Aretis in its claws." Icestorm said quite alarmed.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1332 Posted: 05:15:11 29/01/2014
ooc: Not to mention you have to get said character APPROVED by either the GM or the co-GM, which would be me before you start using it. And I'm not sure you understand what you've done. Oh yeah, just smash a hole in the ground! Obviously it's hollow! There's no way that there would be tons and tons of dirt and stone down there. And absolutely no way could there possibly been the cellar as the only entrance down to where my said character is. *sarcasm* Oh look at that, a female healer who can BREAK THE FRIGGIN EARTH. Totally not godmoddy or mary-sue'ish at all.

Not to mention, your character sheet is incomplete. The GM can overrule me on this, but as for me, I say unaccepted.

I'm sorry. But as of right now, I'm pretty upset at you Wystrel. And I'm trying to let my anger out slowly and rationalize it so I don't scar you for life.

But to prove a point, I don't really want to post until what I have against Wystrel is resolved.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1333 Posted: 12:38:05 29/01/2014
Ooc: Go easy on Wyrstel now. Just saying.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1334 Posted: 17:26:27 29/01/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: ??? I feel like I came in at the end of a conversation and only got part of the story here. I clearly missed something. Obviously some posts were deleted. Based on what I've read, though, no character can be used unless D-o or myself has accepted it. I wasn't here, and have no idea who or what this character is, so I obviously gave no thumbs-up on a new character. So why was a new character added in my absence? I don't see anywhere that said character was approved, and the sheet is even gone now. So there shouldn't be any new characters.

Now, Wyrstel, I've been pretty lenient with you thus far, and I shouldn't have been. You can't just have your characters do whatever they want. You can't be in several places at once and solve everyone's problems with a wave of your hand. It's unfair if your characters have so much more power compared to everyone else. And no problem should be solved so easily. It defeats the whole point of a plot if problems can just magically go away. Now if you want to stay and improve on your skills, then you can. I won't kick you out of the rp if you want to improve. But this ends here. You're not in charge. You can't just do whatever you want. Godmodding isn't allowed here, and I should have been more strict on that in the past. So from here on out, either you follow the rules and improve, or I'm going to have to get serious here. I'm not going to put up with chaos in my rp anymore.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1335 Posted: 21:14:14 29/01/2014
OOC: I did just see the end of things too. But i will tell my opinion now about what i have seen. I put it shortly, play by the rules. If you do not like the rules you can always talk with the one who made those. But the one in charge makes the dicisions. Braking the rules just like that will not leave to anything else then just hard feelings.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1336 Posted: 03:59:09 30/01/2014
ooc: Ok guys leave Wyrstel alone!! He's been through a lot in real life. (Not going to mention what unless he wants to himself or gives me permission to tell.) So please guys go a little easy on him. Now back on topic and back to the RP please.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1337 Posted: 06:25:06 30/01/2014
ooc: I won't leave him alone, unfortunately to say. Okay, so he's been through a lot in real life, I'll take that into consideration. But everyone lives life. I'm not going to be ignorant to the fact that he may have a hard time and stuff, but that doesn't justify what he is doing. It doesn't make a wrong, right. Now, as mad as I am, I'm willing to help Wystrel see his mistakes and problems in a logical sense without letting my feelings get in the way. But I do not want to RP with a rampant deus ex machina godmodder who doesn't respect the rules of this RP.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1338 Posted: 16:07:24 30/01/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: I am trying to go a little easy on Wyrstel, but I'm not going to be a pushover about my rules. I'm sorry he's going through things in real life, but it doesn't excuse breaking the rules of an rp. I lost my best friend, but it didn't change the way I role play. I am willing to help him improve so that he can stay, and he needs to respect the rules. And I need to do a better job of enforcing them, no matter how gentle I may choose to be in my approach. But for now, since he's not online, let's drop the subject and continue. No sense discussing this in his absence. So we will continue where we left off, before this mess, with Scarlet and Icestorm down in the dungeon, and Aretis wherever he was last. We will ignore what happened with Wyrstel's characters for now, at least until he returns and decides if he wants to stay.

Scarlet extended her claws into daggers and slit the throat of a monster that had lunged at her. As she paused to look for Aretis, she slashed at another with her tail. She didn't see the young dragon anywhere, and she was beginning to think that they were too late to save him.

"Do you see him anywhere?" She asked Icestorm. "I don't see Aretis at all. I don't even see any trace of him. What if the monsters already got to him? What if there's nothing left but a pile of bones? We could be down here for quite some time, fighting off monsters, and searching for someone that may not even be alive. This could all be pointless." Scarlet growled in frustration. She then took her anger out on a beast by breathing fire at it, roasting it alive.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1339 Posted: 19:05:09 30/01/2014
OOC: I'll stay in for now, but I don't know how long I will stay in, especially with this kind of reception. Spyroconvexity you can tell the others about some of what has happened to me if you want.

An image of Alzandor appears beside the unconscious form of Aertis and wraps around him. Summoning whatever strength it brings him to Scarlet and Icestorm. The image remains beside the two, but does not speak. It's eyes glistening brightly in the light of Scarlet's flames.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1340 Posted: 23:48:49 30/01/2014
OOC: I am ready to continue too. Continuing this discussion is not going to lead to any kind of solution. Lets just try to play by the rules and have fun, that is the point of rp:ing after all right?

Red heard the sounds of fight coming closer to him, so he knew that he was getting closer to Icestorm and Scarlet ..... on the other hand, he had the feeling that he was followed... He looked around, but could not see anything. So he decided to keep going towards the sounds.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1341 Posted: 02:48:09 31/01/2014
ooc: I'd rather not tell them Wrstel. I'm a little irritated right now and I don't think this is the right place to tell them. And Cynder09 I'm sorry for your loss. smilie

"Keep up your hope Scarlet! Aertis is in here somewhere!" He then used his dark matter breath to vaporize yet another creature. His aura sense then sensed Aertis's was nearby but there was another aura that seemed familiar. "Scarlet! I sense him! He's down the hall! " He rushed ahead of Scarlet bashing through a few creatures that were in his way.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1342 Posted: 04:26:42 31/01/2014
OOC: That's fine Spyroconvexity.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1343 Posted: 23:21:06 31/01/2014
ooc: I won't be heartless, or try not to be at least. As a fellow Rp'er, I'm inclined to respect you. But it isn't the reception you should be worried about here, it's the fact that there are major flaws in your characters themselves that make them quite unfair and well, honestly killing the story here.

And a fair reminder of where Aretis is just so that everyone isn't confused. isn't confused. Aretis went into the cellar, the dungeons. So, End of Cellar/Dungeons —> Large Trapdoor —> Fell through trapdoor —> Unconscious inside a giant arena.
Scarlet and Icestorm are battling monsters in the Cellar/Dungeon if I see correctly.

Aretis stirred very little, his body relaxing a little more than it had before as if he had been visiting a nice dream of some sort. He took no notice of Alzandor or even realized that he was trapped in a giant arena.

Kiarae was still trying to break through the wall of nightmares that kept her inside her coma. She fought with all her mental strength to break free, occasionally tossing and turning in the nurse's bed. Her mental strength was quite formidable and her mental link with Aretis told her she needed to break free and rush to her brother.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1344 Posted: 00:59:27 01/02/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: If I recall correctly, Aretis was in the cellar, and dug a hole to avoid being crushed to death, and then wound up down below in the dungeon. So the cellar and dungeon are two separate locations. Than he fell through the trap door and ended up in the area. Scarlet and Icestorm are still in the dungeon, and have to find the trap door first. Well, there would be other ways to get to the arena, but based on where they are, the trap door would be the quickest.

"Are you sure?" Scarlet asked as she quickly followed after Icestorm. "What if it's just more monsters that you're sensing?" She questioned. She had her doubts that they would even find Aretis at this point.

Scarlet tried to think of anything that might be helpful. She never journeyed down to the dungeon enough to memorize the layout. She just knew that the prisoners stayed there. She remembered something about a foolproof plan to prevent them from escaping, but couldn't quite remember what it was. All she thought of was that the arena was located down below.

Suddenly, Scarlet came to a dead stop, her eyes wide with realization. "The arena! Of course!" She gasped. She couldn't believe that she didn't think of it before. "It's quite possible that Aretis fell down there. To prevent escape, there's a trap door somewhere that prisoners will fall through. They end up down below, where the king has them fight to the death for their freedom, but then breaks his promise and kills them all anyway." Scarlet rambled on in thought. She was then quiet a moment. "But where is that trap door?" She wondered, looking around for it. She was too being thinking to pay attention to the monsters at the moment.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1345 Posted: 05:01:59 01/02/2014
Icestorm turned around sensing Aretis's aura was very close. "I know it's his aura! I can sense that he is close!" He then used his light breath and for a breef moment it was bright enough for Scarlet to see the trap door.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1346 Posted: 12:13:24 02/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Scarlet looked all around, and then she saw it. The trap door. Just as monsters lunged at her, Scarlet made a break towards the door. She bolted to it, vicious beasts trailing after her. She reached the trap door and glanced back to see that the monsters were about to catch up with her.

"Icestorm, come on! Hurry!" She cried out. The monsters were closing in on her now, surrounding her on all sides. She tried to claw at them, but they dodged and lunged at her. They held on with their claws and ripped into her skin with their teeth.

As Scarlet tried to shake them off, one of the beasts accidentally hit the lever that triggered the trap door. The floor opened up beneath them and down they fell. The monsters clung for dear life, preventing Scarlet from using her wings to fly. Several others jumped down after them, still intent on killing the red dragoness. Scarlet let loose a scorching flame thrower as she fell, burning any beast that fell after her.

She hit the ground with a thud, and the monsters quickly picked up where they left off, tearing into her flesh. Scarlet then lite her own body on fire, burning the monsters. They yelped in pain and fled for their lives. The fire dissipated, and Scarlet laid there, bleeding.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:16:02 02/02/2014 by Cynder09
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1347 Posted: 22:34:06 02/02/2014
Icestorm quickly ran to where Scarlet and the monsters fell and dove into the hole. He used his wings to slow down his decent. "Scarlet where are you?" He then saw her scorched and wounded body laying just a few feet away. "Scarlet!" He quickly ran to her side and put his paw on her scorched body. "This may sting a little. Don't give up on me now." Icestorm said as he let out a deep breath and a kind of green light wave went from his feet to the paw that was touching Scarlet's side. Icestorm let out a loud yell as he used his earth element to heal Scarlet's body. After a few minutes Icestorm took his paw off her body and fainted weakened from using a lot of his strength to heal Scarlet's body.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1348 Posted: 23:49:24 02/02/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: The fire actually wouldn't have burned her scales, since she's part fire dragon, and therefore impervious to flame. However, Scarlet was also torn and bleeding at the time, so the fire would have made her wounds worse, but it wouldn't have burned her scales. And just out of curiosity, how did he heal her with his earth element?

Scarlet groaned slightly and slowly opened up her eyes. She raised her head and grunted as she sat up. She looked all around her, taking in her surroundings. Scarlet had never actually seen the arena with her own eyes, but knew of its existence. It was about what she imagined it to be.

As she looked around, she noticed Aretis and Icestorm, both appearing to be unconscious at the moment. Scarlet felt much better, and noticed that her wounds were gone. She figured Icestorm must have healed her somehow.

Then she heard growls and roars coming from above her. Suddenly, more monsters came falling through the trapdoor. They were about to land on top of her. Scarlet teleported to the other side of the arena, dodging them.

The monsters took notice of Aretis and Icestorm, seeing the defenseless dragons. Scarlet shot fireballs at them to get their attention. It worked and they started closing in on her. More monsters jumped down after them, and it seemed like they just kept coming. Scarlet feared that they wouldn't be able to escape the beasts this way. They were just relentless in their hunt.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1349 Posted: 00:30:19 03/02/2014
ooc: Oh I never thought about that. Oh Icestorm's earth element is able to heal wounds it's kind of hard to explain exactly how but it's similar to the life elements ability to heal.

Icestorm's unconscious body then began to glow a faint blue color indicating that his aura form was beginning to awaken and slowly recharge his strength.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1350 Posted: 00:58:38 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: I think I get what you're saying. Like using life force from the earth itself or something. Sort of how a tree can get the nutrients it needs through its roots. At least that's my understanding of it.

Scarlet backed herself against the wall. The monsters closed in on her. She appeared to be trapped. She briefly glanced at Aretis and Icestorm, then looked back at the monsters. She could tell that Icestorm would be up again soon.

The beasts lunged at her. She ducked and jumped from side to side to avoid them. She growled at slashed at them with her claws and tail. Scarlet was only trying to keep them busy momentarily. The monsters quickly jumped back as she breathed out a line of fire. Then they moved forward again once the fire dissipated.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
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