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Draconia School Remake [CLOSED]
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1201 Posted: 22:34:48 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet raised her head and looked around the battlefield. She noticed Zen about to do something with Nitro's body. She shrugged and said nothing. She didn't really care. After all, Nitro was dead. The gem was broken and the guards were free. Scarlet didn't care what happened to Nitro's body now.

Scarlet looked up at the castle walls and wondered what she should do with the remaining structure. The old king was dead and there were no more servants. Perhaps it was best that this place become nothing more than a pile of rubble. She certainly didn't want anything to do with it. As for the treasure hidden within the castle, perhaps that should be buried and left alone. But she didn't really care about any of that either.

All Scarlet wanted to do now was leave this all behind her and move on with her life. Perhaps she could find another reason to live that didn't involve revenge. Scarlet then started to stand up. Her legs were shaky at first and she had to pause a moment to balance herself. She spread out her wings to steady herself until her legs stopped shaking.

Now she wondered if she should just leave while the others were distracted. They likely wouldn't care one way or another. After all, it wasn't like she was friends with any of them. It would be relatively easy for her to teleport out unnoticed. Although she had been dead for a moment. Perhaps she should wait until her full strength returned before she tried using her powers.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1202 Posted: 00:27:06 18/12/2013
Icestorm saw Scarlet rise while he was on the ground. "You're alive Scarlet ?! H-how did you survive the wounds?"
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1203 Posted: 00:51:12 18/12/2013
His form was stabbed by Zen's tail, and his body slowly was sucked dry like a straw in a bottle, the knowledge and power he was absorbing from this corpse was interesting, what Nitro lacked in brute force he seemed to make up for it in wide array of skills perfected for deception.

Despite not going the way he wanted the whole experience still counted as a victory to him, he had finally found the perfect mass of land to take over!. Demolition of smaller buildings almost begun immediately by the masses of Swarm, it seemed he had complete control of this derelict castle and had every intention to renovate it.

"It be a shame to kick you out when your all got boo boo's and hoo hoo's, tell ya what you chill here for awhile till your ready to hit the road but stay too long and I'll roast you off...except for you Scarlet your welcomed here anytime"
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1204 Posted: 02:44:45 18/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"How I survived is not really that important." Scarlet said to Icestorm. She then turned to Zen. "Nice to know I'm welcomed in my family's castle. Though I suppose it's just an old building now. However, I don't intend on staying here for long."

Scarlet wanted to leave, but wasn't sure if she had recovered enough from before. She decided to test out her powers. She tried to teleport, and only managed to travel a couple of feet. She sat down afterwards, a little tired from teleporting. She would have to wait until she reached full strength before she could leave the castle.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1205 Posted: 06:26:02 18/12/2013
Aretis looked at Zen, then Scarlet, and then Nitro's body. Did his spirit leave? I was too distracted to see it. Maybe it already did. He sighed. Alright, time for me to finish the final thing. He turned around and began walking away. The direction he was headed seemed to be toward the old and broken down dungeon. Who knows what sorts of horrors would be in there after all this time.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1206 Posted: 06:26:12 18/12/2013
Behind Scarlet came more minions each passing and carrying equipment totally taken from the was clear they had been busy since the event and no telling the state of the school now. The way his forces were reworking the area and taking all these equipment did not bode well, he was up to something and this was just the forging of a flickering flame that would soon burn into an inferno. Then there was those eyes following everyone as if waiting or watching for them to do something unexpected...

As for Zen himself he seemed to be walking over to Scarlet "So your going to just distance yourself and leave your birth-right?, for someone who was devoted to your father you sure are doing well letting some abyssal horror take over the place when you stated he was no doubt going to make you the next in-line"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:27:08 18/12/2013 by Jackson117
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1207 Posted: 21:00:24 18/12/2013
Icestorm slowly got up yet again for his will was still just as strong as it was. He slowly limped his way to where Scarlet and Zen were. "Zen if you're implying that you're going to be ruler you're dead wrong." He said as he stoped to chatch his breath. In his weaken state he was extremely weak and wounded.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1208 Posted: 01:22:54 19/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"The castle was never really mine, I was simply allowed to live here. My father had favored Nitro ever since he took him in. I would only end up with the castle after they both died. But there's really no point in staying here. I'm the only living relative and all the servants are gone. All the castle is now is an old relic. Even the land is boring and lifeless. Take the castle, keep it, destroy it, I don't care. I never had any attachment to the place." Scarlet huffed.

She then stood up and turned away. She didn't have enough strength to teleport at the moment, and the same was probably true for flight as well. She wished she could go ahead and leave, but that didn't seem to be possible at the moment. However, she didn't like the idea of waiting around. So Scarlet started to head out of the courtyard. She at least had enough strength to walk and could leave the castle that way.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1209 Posted: 01:41:22 19/12/2013
Icestorm's legs were a bit shaky from standing but he keept his strength up as best as he could.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1210 Posted: 05:52:25 19/12/2013
Aretis walked down, a little afraid. The two energy dragons beside him smashed into him and joined his power. He felt himself brimming with energy. And he walked forward. Through the rusty iron cages full of bones both alive and dead. He kept walking into the darkest places of this dungeon.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1211 Posted: 16:35:36 19/12/2013
A stone form of Alzandor appears beside her, created from fallen rubble. He wraps an arm around her and supports her with his form. His eyes glisten in the light as he speaks.

"Here lean on me Scarlet. It's at least something that I can do for you. So now that you have completed your mission what are your plans now, dragoness," he says leading her over to a place to sit down and rest.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1212 Posted: 20:37:02 19/12/2013
Icestorm saw Alzandor suddenly reappear. He wondered why he had appeared again. He started to limp his way to Alzandor but in the process his body could no longer hold himself up and fell yet again and this time went unconscious from the strain on his wounded body.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1213 Posted: 01:02:01 20/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet snarls a bit and backs away from Alzandor. "I don't need your help, and I don't want to rest. I'm leaving this castle. I've done what I have set out to do, and there is no reason to stay here. I just want to leave." She says sternly. Scarlet then walks around him, heading towards the courtyard exit.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1214 Posted: 06:21:42 20/12/2013
Aretis's eyes widened as he turned around suddenly. It moved! He rushed back through the dungeon up the stairs and into the courtyard. Alzandor was there by Scarlet. There he is! Aretis snarled in fury and anger, charging right at Alzandor, and he looked flippin' mad. Aretis, mid run, partially ripped one of the scales from his own chest and extracted the Luosambiat from him. "Face retribution you vile, venereal beast!" He shouted.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1215 Posted: 06:56:41 21/12/2013
Alzandor is taken back by this but nods, letting go of her. As Aertis moves toward him and shouts he frowns. His eyes glisten brightly as speaks.

"You are a fool young dragon. Speak with your sister. She is the only one who has seen my true self. She is the only one who knows what I am inside." Crystal tears fall from the stone face as Alzandor wants to help but they will not allow him to. Then the figure crumbles and becomes rubble once more.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1216 Posted: 06:59:24 22/12/2013
"Let my sister go!" Aretis shouted. "Your soul fragment, I have. You won't escape away this time, Alzandor!" He lifted high the orb. Piece by piece, the magnetic pull of the Luosambiat was pulling the cast away fragments from far reaching places back together, trying to rebuild Alzandor's soul back together first. The overflow energy of the twin dragons finally subsided and ceased to exist any longer. Aretis realized that once he pulled Alzandor back, he could no longer count on outside energy to face this dragon. He has to defeat him alone.

Kiarae was still in a strange place she knew not of. The information of that strange dragon who kept touching her was still clearly in her head. She couldn't get rid of it! And her mind processed the knowledge she had and was trying to formulate a plan to get herself out of her nightmare. Aretis, please be careful. I'll be working from this end, but don't do anything to endanger your mission, your sole purpose in life. She prayed.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1217 Posted: 05:04:13 23/12/2013
A image appears beside Aretis and Kiarae. Both of them are images of Alzandor. The one near Aretis stands in front of him, shaking its head.

"Young dragon, you cannot repair my soul that way. Also that is not a fragment of my soul, only a fallen tear. As for your sister, I have never had her, Aretis. She has always been free to go where she will. I am just a friend nothing more."

The image beside Kiarae, just sits and watches her for several minutes. Tears steam down his face but he says nothing. He waits for Aretis's sister to decide whether to approach him or not.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1218 Posted: 05:21:23 23/12/2013
As Aretis confronts Alzandor Icestorm starts to come to and trys to get up but his wounds are too great for his body to handle. He just lays there in great pain and watches Alzandor's and Aretis's conversation.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1219 Posted: 18:58:00 23/12/2013
"No one violates my sister and gets away with it you pedophiliac beast! Your lies and deceit will not win me over. I've seen how you've touched my sister. I've seen the fear in my sister's eyes. And now, she's trapped in a nightmare she won't wake up from. And this is the other reaon: You are a rogue soul, wreaking havoc upon the living world. You're very existence here is abnormal. As guardian of the Luosambiat, I will put you back where you belong." Aretis growled, his fury and anger against this creature increasing. "And all I need is a part of you to pull you here." And with that, the orb glowed, and indeed it was so. In a flash of light, Alzandor's scattered soul was pulled and pieced together in front of them.

Kiarae walked in the opposite direction the crying dragon. She was unsure of what to do, but approaching that one seemed like a not-so-wise choice.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1220 Posted: 20:52:22 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Just upon exiting the courtyard, Scarlet paused and glanced back. She saw the confrontation between Aretis and Alzandor. She saw how Aretis was fighting for his sister, just as she had been fighting for her father. The young dragon had helped her to defeat Nitro and break the gem. Now that she didn't have a mission or purpose, she wondered what to do. Should she simply leave and ignore others' problems? or should she return the favor of someone who had helped her? It wasn't required of her, he didn't ask for her help, and yet she still wondered if she should at least make the offer. Perhaps in doing so, she could find a new purpose.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1221 Posted: 21:19:58 23/12/2013
Icestorm's eyes shot open upon hearing that Aretiswas a guardian of the Luosambiat, "Wh-what did you say?" Icestorm asked.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1222 Posted: 23:12:01 23/12/2013
Blue quickly moved to before Scarlet " I hope you do not think about leaving just yet..... i hope you remember we two have a deal, and now when Nitro is dead my part of the deal is done.... which means that i am waiting for my payment" Blue said making a mean look at Scarlet

Red walked closer to Icestorm " Lets get you up now, i will help you" Red said and started to lift Icestorm up
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1223 Posted: 23:44:52 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet looked at Blue and sighed. "There is bountiful treasure within the castle, hidden away and guarded by traps. Although not particularly easy to get to, it would more than pay for your service. Though some rare and magical items may have a curse put on them in case of thievery. Just help yourself to anything that you find, but be careful what you touch, as grabbing the item may cause some sort of side effect. I hope you will find that satisfactory." She stated dully. Scarlet then walked around Blue and headed out of the courtyard at a leisurely pace.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1224 Posted: 01:16:54 24/12/2013
Aretis looked at Icestorm. "It's my duty to guard the bridge between the spirits of the dead and the living. The world where the spirits and souls of dragon stay, and the world where the living reigns." Aretis looked at Scarlet. "Though, I will admit. My training to be a guardian was never completed. My father, the previous Guardian.....he didn't expect our time to be so short. But, that doesn't mean I won't take on the responsibilities of who I am. Now's time for me to uphold my commission." He said. This dragon has 200+ more years of experience on me. But my rage and anger has filled me. I cannot and will not lose.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1225 Posted: 17:19:06 24/12/2013
Icestorm looked at Red as he helped him up. "Thank you my friend." Icestorm tryed to put weight on his left back leg but it hrt him to do so. He instead just keept the injured leg off the ground. He looked at Aretis. "I've heard of you guys before. Though most of what their powers are mysterious but from what I saw the power of the guardian between the spirit and living worlds is very strong." Icestorm said. "But that's what my parents said to me. They said aura dragons and the guardians of the Luosambiat were very similar in the way they gain their mysterious powers." He said.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1226 Posted: 18:32:04 24/12/2013
"Sadly....they are no more..." Aretis looked back, full of hatred at Alzandor. "The small village where I lived, the small place where the Luosambiat was no more. Armies of dragons, greedy for power, ready to ravish the world with their own evil schemes. My people were massacred. I was still young when my father's head laid before me. My training, incomplete. I was chosen to be the next guardian, but my training would never be finished. All that's left is me, and my sister." He said slowly, not even shedding a tear as he said so. He wouldn't show weakness here. Not before a battle.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1227 Posted: 00:11:12 25/12/2013
"I feel your pain Aretis for I to am the last of my kind. I to was young when my parents died and all that was left of the aura dragons was me and only me." Icestorm said looking down.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1228 Posted: 06:34:39 25/12/2013
The image of Alzandor shakes his head.

"I have done nothing to your sister, Aretis. I understand that she is all you have left, so you are very protective of her. I mean none of you any harm. Perhaps in time you will come to trust me, young one. Your sister will help you see the truth."

The image beside Kiarae transforms into a young dragonling beside the bodies of many dragons. In his claws is a book of magic. He is chanting a spell with rivers of tears falling down his cheeks. The bodies of those around him do not even stir.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1229 Posted: 07:40:43 25/12/2013
"Done nothing? Done NOTHING? Don't give me that pile of crap. I saw exactly what you did. Don't deny it. Or do I have to spell out everything for you, demon!" Aretis began circling Alzandor's reforming body. "You took her from me. Not only that, but you've endangered every young dragon in that school. Save your breath. Stop acting all pitiful and weak. You'll get no sympathy from me. You know what you did. Now, you'll have to pay the consequences of it!" Aretis began charging up, clutching the Luosambiat tightly as it began to glow. Again, a glow that was not an element at all, but spiritual energy arose and concentrated itself so densely it could actually be seen by the naked eye.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1230 Posted: 23:50:59 25/12/2013
"Aretis!! Stop! If you kill him you may not be able to get your sister back!" Icestorm said trying to calm Aretis. "Plus the Luosambiat shouldn't be used for revenge!" He said as he limped his way to Aretis. "I'm shure your sister will say the same thing." He said.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1231 Posted: 22:01:40 26/12/2013
"This isn't revenge. It's justice!" Aretis growled at Icestorm. "How would you feel if you had someone that you cared for physically violated? Huh?" He retorted back. "If you ever had, then you would know that the fire I have will never be quenched. I'll never be able to walk away from this, and forgiveness isn't an option."
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1232 Posted: 22:41:41 26/12/2013
The image beside Aretis shakes his head.

"I never took her. She was lost and I found her as well as protected her, nothing more. You can choose to believe me or not, but I know your sister believes it. In fact if she looks deep inside herself, your sister feels she can trust me. Perhaps in time you will as well. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. If you truly think I violated your sister, the image stand face to face to Aretis, then punish me as you will. I will not run or fight you, he says standing before Aretis. I do not fear death!"
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1233 Posted: 00:59:56 27/12/2013
"I feel your rage Aretis and I will not stop a guardian of the Luosambiat from seeking justice but before you do that justice tell him to bring back your sister before killing him." Icestorm said.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1234 Posted: 02:44:13 27/12/2013
"Do what you will Aretis but your sister will not allow you to kill me," the image of Alzandor says.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1235 Posted: 05:25:17 27/12/2013
If anyone had paid attention by now the creatures not partaking in the construction had gathered to surround the courtyard, it didn't look like they were allowing anyone to escape and furthermore blocking the exit path was a hooded masked dragonkin standing next to a shell looking alot like Zen as if it was shredded skin. Behind the figures in the surronding castle area multiple minions were trying to set up the looted magical equipment and the barrier generator gem whilst others tended to construction and...what appeared to be some sort of portal device?.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:26:52 27/12/2013 by Jackson117
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1236 Posted: 05:49:03 27/12/2013
Icestorm's aura senses alerted him of the creatures now surrounding them in the courtyard. He couldn't fight if they attacked now due to his wounds he received in battle aganst Nitro. All he could do is keep a careful eye on them. "Guys we've got bigger problems than Alzandor. Look!" Icestorm pointed to the creatures surrounding them.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1237 Posted: 05:52:18 27/12/2013
"Oh, I won't kill you." Aretis growled. "But I'll never forgive you. I saw how you were...were....stroking her, you pedophiliac beast. You think you're protecting her by taking her away from her only surviving brother? By taking her away from the only dragon she could depend upon for safety and security? But Icestorm's right. Release her from her nightmare, and I'll....I might let you live....barely." He growled.

Kiarae was very afraid. Spells meant danger. Danger means death. And a crying dragon too. Her emotions were just stirring up within her. She just didn't know where to turn in this nightmare. Nightmare. This is just a nightmare. But the forces manipulating me are real. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, putting a protective, mental barrier around herself. After all, she had been trained slightly in her mental telepathic powers at least enough to know how to defend against mental attacks. Here, in dreams, the shield would be most strongest.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1238 Posted: 06:45:06 27/12/2013
"I never took her away from you, you foolish young dragon. As for the nightmare she may or may not be in, I do not know if I can, but for the sake of you two, I will try. At least you have each other, I lost all of it," he says bowing his head. Summoning all the power around him, he struggles through the black mists in search of Kiarae. All the effort starts to make his stone form begin to crack. Every minute the crack grow and spread.

Back with Kiarae, the little dragonling drops the book with a loud thud. Rivers of tears fall down his silent face. Burying his head into his claws he weeps alone.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1239 Posted: 16:09:48 27/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet was just about to leave the courtyard, when she noticed all the creatures around. They were also blocking off the exits. Now she couldn't escape without using her powers, and she wasn't sure if she had rested long enough to be able to use them. For the moment, about all she could do was bide her time. Still, she wondered what these creatures were up to. What were they doing to the castle? Just what exactly was Zen planning?
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1240 Posted: 14:00:18 28/12/2013
One of the bodies of Nitro's Guard got up despite having half his head gone and slowly shape-changed into a creature looking akin to Zen before decomposing. "Zen really was unique, he was the first of his kind to be created to having half of my power" What he didn't want them to know really was he also lent his emotions to the bio entity to fully test it leaving the figure of course half dead and much without other emotions, not to mention the bio entity half-way through the mission of gathering knowledge on the school itself slowly baked up plans for it's own...too bad his creator and other half caught up to the bio entity and ceased him once and for all, which reminded him to stomp on the former shell on Zen turning it all into dust. "Enough about him, your all special or rare specimens and I'm afraid your going nowhere"
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1241 Posted: 20:12:26 28/12/2013
"You're the one who released that foul mist in the school. You're the one who released spectre's and ghouls on the grounds and into this world. You—" Aretis turned around looking at the creature behind him. "What did you say?" He asked. Great. Now these guys are gonna try and hold me prisoner here?'s not my day.

Kiarae's eyes softened for a moment and she wanted nothing more than to comfort that poor dragon. Alas, she knew all too well what mind games are for. And so, she merely closed her eyes and would not let her guard down.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1242 Posted: 04:56:44 29/12/2013
Icestorm looked at the creature. His mind raced. He was afraid at what it'll do in his weaken and wounded state. "What do you want with us?" He asked.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1243 Posted: 14:08:18 29/12/2013
"Does it matter? You children really should get going back to school, Scarlet on the other-hand has her fate ultimately up to me least she wish to be hunted by bounty hunters or law enforcement"
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1244 Posted: 15:34:52 29/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet snarled and took a step forward, narrowing her gaze. "And who are you to decide my fate for me? What business do you have controlling my life? And as far as being hunted goes, I've been hunted before. But now I have no reason to really be concerned with my life, since I no longer have a purpose. And no one else is going to be choosing a purpose for me." She said, sternly.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1245 Posted: 02:51:19 30/12/2013
"If you're thinking about sending bounty hunters or law enforcement after her you've got another thing coming!" Icestorm said. "Even in my wounded and weakened state I can still give a good and nasty fight!" He said blowing a puff of smoke through his nose.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1246 Posted: 02:51:39 30/12/2013
"So you aren't concerned about it?" As soon as he responded those words the figure rushed towards her alongside two of it's minions, arm reached out to grab her by the neck.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1247 Posted: 03:00:12 30/12/2013
Icestorm quickly used his wings to rush towards the creature's arm and chomped on it very hard. He then shook his head tearing the creature's arm off and through it at the creature's minions. "I told you not to underestimate me!" He said.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#1248 Posted: 03:22:12 30/12/2013
The arm itself sprung alive like a sentient creature after impacting on a minion crawled off and made way to the attacker and all the while the figure had not even flinched and instead changed direction to attack grab Icestorm with his other hand. He wasn't expecting the child to attack to be honest and now under his better judgement muttered in a emotionless monotone manner "Cease hostility now or face charges"
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1249 Posted: 03:25:40 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Scarlet teleported herself to the other side of the courtyard, giving herself some distance between them. She stood her ground, but she still hadn't quite fully recovered from earlier events, and wouldn't be able to defend herself forever.

"I can take care of myself. You shouldn't underestimate me." She snarled. Although she was in no mood to fight, she would not give in. she figured she could muster up just enough strength to stay alive, if she had to fight.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1250 Posted: 04:45:51 30/12/2013
Icestorm quickly used his tail spike to stabbed the creature's hand multiple times trying to make it let go of him. "GAH!! Le-let me go!" He once more bit the creature's hand and in the process tore off one of its fingers. ""Let me go or I'll tear off another finger!!"
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