

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12101 Posted: 02:25:57 26/12/2013
Once the challenge is over and I start posting the ending stuff, please do NOT post in the topic. I want the ending, final results, credits, and WAVE O' TEXT to follow in consecutive posts. If one of your posts just so happens to fall in between them, I'm going to have to delete it. So you've been warned in advance. Thanks. ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12102 Posted: 02:30:11 26/12/2013
So after you post le results you may not post?
This oughta be gooood

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12103 Posted: 02:32:11 26/12/2013
Okay HIR. I will remember that.
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#12104 Posted: 02:55:38 26/12/2013
*waits patiently*

*taps foot furiously*
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12105 Posted: 03:04:54 26/12/2013
I m anxious

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12106 Posted: 03:15:24 26/12/2013
I only have 2 submissions, jeez. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#12107 Posted: 03:23:27 26/12/2013
S7 may not start right away.... There'll be a little break between 6 and 7....

(I'm only barely half done with 7 ok?!?!)
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#12108 Posted: 03:26:22 26/12/2013
Gay 4 GARcher
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12109 Posted: 03:27:52 26/12/2013
^Waiting on 1 submission. Could take awhile. *shrug*
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#12110 Posted: 03:28:49 26/12/2013
*blink* but...I posted 2 other things before that and they're gone...@__@ AM I going crazy????
Gay 4 GARcher
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12111 Posted: 03:29:24 26/12/2013
Quote: DragonCamo
*blink* but...I posted 2 other things before that and they're gone...@__@ AM I going crazy????

No. They're way off-topic and I used witchcraft to send them away. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12112 Posted: 03:31:18 26/12/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: DragonCamo
*blink* but...I posted 2 other things before that and they're gone...@__@ AM I going crazy????

No. They're way off-topic and I used witchcraft to send them away. >.>

HIR admitted it! He is a witch! And he, Colress and Miles will take over darkSpyro! Oh no!
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12113 Posted: 03:31:28 26/12/2013
My money's on chained skull not submitting in yet.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7027
#12114 Posted: 03:45:28 26/12/2013
I'm preparing some Season 8 ideas, if that's still in need of a host.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12115 Posted: 03:50:14 26/12/2013
Quote: Ash Starkindle
Quote: HIR
Quote: DragonCamo
*blink* but...I posted 2 other things before that and they're gone...@__@ AM I going crazy????

No. They're way off-topic and I used witchcraft to send them away. >.>

HIR admitted it! He is a witch! And he, Colress and Miles will take over darkSpyro! Oh no!

He was a necromancer the whole time? Son of a witch! (Witchcrafted away)

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12116 Posted: 04:38:07 26/12/2013
HIR changed his avatar! Well, if they take too long, can't you eliminate them?
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#12117 Posted: 13:56:23 26/12/2013
Sorry for inconvenience I couldn't be on yesterday working on the questions right now
What do I even write here? Lmao
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12118 Posted: 14:43:50 26/12/2013
THat means soon HIR will have the answers!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#12119 Posted: 14:59:09 26/12/2013
Just Sent mine in finally
What do I even write here? Lmao
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12120 Posted: 15:00:39 26/12/2013

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12121 Posted: 16:55:52 26/12/2013
Good luck fellow competitors!
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#12122 Posted: 17:10:23 26/12/2013
I guess i'm not getting a season den :|
Gay 4 GARcher
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12123 Posted: 21:56:07 26/12/2013
Hopefully HIR is okay in this other country...
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12124 Posted: 03:26:15 27/12/2013
Good luck everyone!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12125 Posted: 04:01:14 27/12/2013
I don't have enough time to get everything together now. I hopefully should later on in the day. In any case, when I'm ready to post the finale, I'll make a preemptive post. After that time, please don't post anything in the topic until I say to. Otherwise, it will probably get deleted.

In the event of a tie, your overall performance in the game thus far will serve as the tiebreaker. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12126 Posted: 04:07:33 27/12/2013
Okay! Can't wait!
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12127 Posted: 04:08:24 27/12/2013
Uh...sorry for post, but, isn't 15 a cool number for a finale?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12128 Posted: 07:43:23 27/12/2013
Finale time. Any posts after this are subject to deletion. ^.^

Dr. Grodus swooped around through the air, dodging the laser fire from chained skull and shots from Ninpire's pistol. His hand glows with dark matter and he fires a multitude of beams along the ground. One manages to hit Ninpire and knocks him back a little. "Muh ha ha ha ha! Yes, YEEEES! I didn't realize how much fun it is to HURT you."

"Grrr, hold still!" chained skull snarls as he shoots more lasers toward the robot. A few manage to hit him, but they barely phase him. He swoops around and his hand glows with dark matter again. He shoots several shadowy wisps of energy into the air. They strike the ground and cause shockwaves of dark energy to ripple out. The heroes jump over them, Bruce and Zephyr firing at Dr. Grodus and managing to get in a few hits. However, Ninpire is struck by the last shockwave and careens off the edge of the space station, falling into space.

"Did you really think that YOU stood a chance against ME? You're just as foolish as that imbecile Bowser!" Dr. Grodus taunts as he attempts to dodge fire from chained skull, Bruce, and Zephyr. Several shots get through, causing Dr. Grodus to stagger backwards. "DC! Initiate the DOOOOOOM BEAM!"

"Right away sir." DragonCamo calls over the intercom. "Stand clear." The lasers on either side of the heroes converge on a glass prism aboard an outcrop of space debris and the laser reflects right toward the heroes.

"Run for it, Rookies!" Zephyr calls as they begin to spring around the station's outer perimeter, the laser giving chase. Dr. Grodus hovers along side them and his hands glow with dark matter. He thrusts them toward the ground and an electric wave ripples out. The heroes jump over it.

"Some heroes YOU turned out to be. YOU'RE NOTHING! Just some miserable humans who got LUCKY!" Dr. Grodus rants as he generates several more electrical waves. Everyone is able to successfully dodge them, including Ash. Eventually they arrive back in front of the space station and the laser dies down, boxing the group in once again. "So, that's how you want to play it?" Dr Grodus sneers as he creates two dark vortexes on either side of him. The vortexes fire out bizarre purple lightning. The heroes duck and run around to avoid them, but chained skull is struck in the stomach and sinks to his knees.

Ash pulls out the bucket she used on Antastom and chucks it toward Dr. Grodus, yelling, "Meanie-head!" The bucket strikes him upside the head and his face contorts in anger.

"Grr. DC! Atomize these little punks. Fire the DOOM BEAM again!" He orders.

"Right away sir." DC responds. "Stand clear." The lasers are sent toward the glass dome and reflect back at the heroes.

"Oh great. More high-falooping technology. This just isn't my day." Bruce grumbles as he breaks into a run.

"Ha haaa! The four of you are pathetic." Dr. Grodus snorts as he generates more electrical waves. chained skull, still weary from the earlier attack, is unable to jump over them all, and gets knocked back into the giant laser. He's instantly vaporized. Ash remains completely unharmed. Dr. Grodus notices this and shouts, "DC! Increase the output to TOTAL OBLITERATION!"

"Uh oh!" Zephyr gasps. The laser's intensity suddenly grows so strong it begins firing out in random directions, destroying the platforms of the outer perimeter. "Jump for it!" Zephyr shouts as he, Bruce, and Ash leap forward onto the floating debris. Dr. Grodus's UFO appears and he flies over to it. The threesome spots this and they leap over to it, landing safely atop the UFO. They see DragonCamo sitting in a turret control unit, much like kardonis had.

"Do something you idiot! They're still alive!" Dr. Grodus hisses.

"Yes sir. Activating autopilot." DragonCamo replies.

"Autopilot engaged." A female AI announces. DragonCamo rotates the turret toward the threesome and fires out a steady laser while Dr. Grodus creates electric shockwaves along the ground.

"Just THINK of what I can do with the Rift Ripper. Any universe I want will be MINE! I'll have access to every resource imaginable. Everything will be within my grasp. My armies will sweep across and eliminate ANYTHING IN THEIR WAY! AND NOBODY WILL BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THE MULTIVERSE IS MINE TO CONQUER! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Dr. Grodus rants. The heroes completely ignore this and focus on hitting him. Ash produces a golf club out of nowhere. "What the... where did you get a golf club?!"

"FOUR!" Ash yells as she gives it a hardy whack.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Dr. Grodus screams, not having enough time to react to the attack. The golf club connects, knocking the robot's head clear off its shoulders and sending it hurtling into space. "THIS ISN'T THE END, DO YOU HEAR ME?" Dr. Grodus's head yells at it soars off into space. "I'll return EVEN STRONGER! And bring the universe to it's kne-..." His threats are cut off when an asteroid rams his head, carrying him away from the heroes. They all turn to DragonCamo, sitting in the control panel.

"Oh, dear, hmm... this is quite an issue." DragonCamo says, grinning sheepishly. "I'll just... uh..." He presses a big red button on his control panel and the turret he's sitting in ejects, soaring off into space.

"Core ejection detected. All navigation is offline." The female AI announces.

"There's nothing steering this thing? What are we gonna do?" Bruce cries.

"Remember? We just need to use our imaginations!" Ash giggles. She squints her eyes and presses her arms together, mumbling, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home..."
Mushroom Kingdom

In another bright flash of light, Bruce, Zephyr, and Ash appear in the middle of the desecrated Toad Town. They all look around. "Alright, Rookie! You did it." Bruce exclaims.

"Did what?" Ash gawks, turning her head to the side in confusion.

"Err, I dunno..." Bruce replies, suddenly looking very confused.

"Confound it, Bruce. Did ya even take yer remembering pills this morning?" Zephyr groans.

"Maybe! I, uh, just don't remember." Bruce states with a shrug.

"Well, this is certainly one heck of an ending." A deep voice calls out. The threesome look over to see a charred, comically blackened Bowser approaching them. His shell his cracked, he's missing a horn, his snout is broken, and he's covered in mud, twigs, and leaves. "So, it's all over?"

"You betcha!" Zephyr exclaims. "Dr. Grodus played ya like uh... um... a durn thing that gets played with." Bowser collapses down on the ground, causing Ash to giggle and jump up and down excitedly.

"Let's do this again!" She cheers.

"NO!" Bruce, Zephyr, and even Bowser yell simultaneously.

Ash Starkindle has won the game! She was the Double-Checker!
chained skull takes 2nd place! He was the G-Enterprises Mole!
Ninpire takes 3rd place! He was the Sheriff!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12129 Posted: 07:43:49 27/12/2013
Credits Music

Notes, Ltd.
In association with darkSpyro Productions
And Dark Land Interactive Media



Ash Starkindle as the Ditz
chained skull as the Mole
Ninpire as the Sheriff
CommanderGame as the Seasoned Veteran
Seiki as the Geek
willspyro as the Witch Doctor
Cynderfan507 as the Good Girl
parisruelz12 as the Ace
Troll Slug as the World's Worst Secret Agent
scratchking22 as the Quiet Guy
prextail202 as the Lawyer
slambam104 as the Angry Old Man
Thepokeman as the Little Kid
Sleepy0429 as the Average Joe
weebbby as the Stoned Guy
BrutalBash101 as the Master of Waaa
hardcoreignitor as the World's Worst Shadow Thief
Bash28 as Not-Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth
somePerson as a Bomb
MagicFizz as "Sir Not Appearing in this Season"

Bruce as a Grumpy Old Man
Zephyr as a Grumpier Old Man

DragonCamo as the Butler
kardonis as the Evil Minion
The Southern Yoshi Tribe
The Koopalings
The Kremling Krew

Bowser Koopa as the Big Bad

Dr. Grodus as the Bigger Bad

Zip Toad as Himself

Sound Department
Audio Director


Chase in the Clock ~ Boris Salchow
Into the Nexus ~ Michael Bross
Warship's Interior ~ Boris Salchow
Fighting the Troops ~ Boris Salchow
The Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler ~ Boris Salchow
Tabora ~ David Bergeaud
The General's Pupil ~ Boris Salchow
Pride of the Battleplex ~ Boris Salchow
Arena ~ David Bergeaud & Niels Bye Nielsen
Maktar Arena Boss ~ David Bergeaud
Axiom City ~ Boris Salchow
Neurox Plaza ~ Boris Salchow
Bypass the Defense Grid ~ Boris Salchow
Pollyx Industries ~ Boris Salchow
VX-99 ~ Boris Salchow
The Dead Planet ~ Boris Salchow
Containment Grid ~ Boris Salchow
Proteus VII ~ Michael Bross
Refinery Key Node ~ Michael Bross
Boss of the X-Nauts ~ Y.Hirano
Vapedia ~ Boris Salchow
Green Thunder ~ Naoko Mitomi
Brobot L-Type ~ Naoko Mitomi
Carina ~ Boris Salchow
Valkyries ~ Boris Salchow
Cassiopeia ~ Boris Salchow
Risking Everything on This Stroke ~ Hitoshi Sakimoto
Drophyd Assault 2 ~ David Bergeaud & Niels Bye Nielsen
Kerchu City ~ David Bergeaud & Niels Bye Nielsen
Antasma's Theme ~ Yoko Shimomura
The Final Antasma Battle ~ Yoko Shimomura
Nefarious Space Station ~ Boris Salchow
The Battle for Time ~ Boris Salchow
Smuggler Radio ~ Michael Bross
Credits ~ Boris Salchow


VP of Public Relations

King of the Boos
King Boo

VP of Survivor Nostalgia

VP of Excessive Caps Use
Sgt. Bringsda Payne

VP of Bizarre Cameos
Zip Toad

VP of Pic-a-nic Basket Consumption
Yogi Bear

Legal Representatives
Phoenix Wright
Apollo Justice
Athena Cykes

Marketing Director
Businessman Ratooey

Goldbob, Esq.
The Koopa Troop
The Secret Society of X-Nauts
The First National Bank of SCIENCE

Role Ideas From
Forum Mafia Wiki

Question Generation Assistance
Super Mario Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
Shoryuken Wiki
Fallout wiki
F-Zero wiki
Burke's Information Technology for the Health Professional

No Yoshis were intentionally harmed in the making of this production. The ones that were harmed probably deserved it.

Co-Produced by
Zip Toad

Produced by
Clippy (©Microsoft Corporation)
Bowser Koopa

Directed by

Executive Producer

Inspired by
Total Drama series
The Ratchet & Clank Future trilogy (©Insomniac Games/SCEA)

Adapted for darkSpyro by

©2013 Notes, Ltd. and darkSpyro Forums. No rights reserved.

Survivor darkSpyro will return...

1) A. Tylenol is Acetaminophen, not Ibuprofen. Advil is the most well known brand name ibuprofen.
2) B. The other answers are the actual mayors of their respective cities.
3) C. According to a report back in 2010. That was what I had looked at. @.@
4) D
5) E. The show in question is House, MD. There were 2 other doctor shows (B = Grey's Anatomy, A = Scrubs) and Law & Order: SVU (C & D).
6) A. Good Feel did assist in developing some Street Pass stuff for the 3DS, but it doesn't count.
7) B. The director is David O. Russel
8) C. They're likely experiencing a heart attack, so this would be the best course of option. If the person was allergic to nitroglycerin aspirin could also help.
9) D. Robert de Niro is married to Grace Hightower.
10) E. I loved the show. Pity it never lasted long.

And yes, the ABCDE pattern was entirely intentional. No one picked up on it. ^.^

Ash Starkindle
1. E
2. B*
3. C*
4. D*
5. A
6. A*
7. B*
8. E
9. D*
10. E*
Score: 7/10

1. E
2. B*
3. B
4. D*
5. E*
6. A*
7. A
8. E
9. C
10. C
Score: 4/10

chained skull
1) B
2) B*
3) C*
4) E
5) B
6) A*
7) B*
8) E
9) D*
10) B
Score: 5/10
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12130 Posted: 07:47:05 27/12/2013
Role PMs
You are the Average Joe!

Like the name says, you’re just a normal, run-of-the-mill guy. There’s nothing that makes you stand out in the crowd, but you’re okay with that. Unfortunately, that means you have no special abilities. So you’re going to have work doubly hard to make sure you stay in the game. But on the bright side, people won’t be that suspicious of you, which might allow you to fly under the radar.

You scan as INNOCENT and you do not have an alternative win condition.

chained skull
You are the G-Enterprises Mole!

A genre-savvy individual, you realized long ago that Dr. Grodus was the one pulling the strings in this operation, and that he’s just biding his time before he offs Bowser. Itching to join the winning side, you enlisted in the Grodus Troopers. When Dr. Grodus got word of a band of heroes forming to stop Bowser, he chose to implant you within their ranks. Your pull with Dr. Grodus gives you access to the following ability:

The Encyclopedia of Relatively Limited Knowledge! This Nobel Prize-winning piece of literature has the tools you need to navigate the Mushroom Kingdom. You may use this ability during a challenge to automatically gain correct answers, but there is a maximum of 2 questions per challenge and you do NOT get to pick which ones they are. You have 10 correct answers that you may use this for. If you want to use it, PM me before a challenge starts. This ability expires at the Final 5. Used on 10 questions: days 3, 6, 7, 9, 10.

You scan as GUILTY and you have an alternative win condition. In order to fulfill it, you must see to it to it that the heroes kill Bowser Koopa. You can do this by surviving long enough into the game. If you succeed, you will be granted a new BONUS ABILITY! Failure to do this will result in Dr. Grodus ANNHIALATING you, so don’t screw up. Reached Day 10.

UPGRADE: The Starman
This is a one-use guaranteed victory. You automatically win the challenge and, thus, get immunity, without putting in any effort. It can only be used until the Final 4.

Troll Slug
You are the Interpol Agent!

A tough, no-nonsense individual, you have served with the International Police since your diaper days… except for the part where that’s completely illegal. Okay, you’re actually a rookie amongst the Interpol force. Desperate to prove yourself, you signed up for the most dangerous assignment possible. Here’s the situation: Interpol has intelligence suggesting there is mole hidden amongst the heroes looking to put an end to Bowser’s reign of terror. To find the mole, you have the following ability:

The Guilty Gear Xrd! In addition to looking like a promising fighting game, it has the ability to scan other players. In doing so, you will receive a GUILTY or INNOCENT rating. People who scan GUILTY are likely suspects for the mole you’re after! How do you scan, you ask? It’s simple. During the Night Phase, you will submit the name of the player you want to scan along with your vote for that night.

You have an alternative win condition. In case this wasn’t clear (and if it isn’t, maybe your superiors were right to worry), you have to eliminate the mole. If you’re still in the game and the mole is outed, you will fulfill the condition and receive your official Interpol Gun! Best of luck, Agent. *salutes*

You are the Nixon!

You’re a Tricky Dicky! You like to get the upper hand by any means necessary. A flawless, dominating victory is the only satisfying conclusion for you. You might want to avoid places that start with “Water,” and end with, “Gate,” however, as you have a rather bad history with them. Your skullduggery will consist of the following ability:

Wacky Wally’s Wonderful Wiretap Machine! Sometimes wiretapping is the way to go. Hey, there’s no Constitutional right to privacy, so there’s no rule saying you can’t listen on someone. You can use this to listen in on another player. You have 2 listens for the Day Phase, where you will be informed of any answers they submit. You also have 2 listens for the Night Phase, where you will be informed of who they vote for. Additionally, if they use an ability while you’re wiretapping, you will be informed of this. Perfect to get the dirt on your adversaries! This ability expires at the Final 5.

You scan as GUILTY and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Nerd!

You love technology more than other people. Shh, don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. You spout memes and 1337-speak like you were a giant, 8-bit fountain. And you love to reference those classic video games. Sure, you can navigate the inside of a computer better than you can worm your way into a special someone’s pants, but you’re gonna sit atop a Fortune 500 company someday. Your tech skillz grant you the following 2 abilities:

1. The Data Miner! You can find anything about anyone, given enough time. And that’s just what you plan to do. This ability can be used 5 times before the Final 6. During the Night Phase, you may, along with your voting choice, pick a user to scan. You will learn the role of the person you scan, if they have an ability, and if they have an alternative win condition. Sure, it’s not much, but you can use it to get a leg up on your opponents. Used 3 times: Night 3, 5, 6.
2. Hack it Up! Hoo boy, this one’s sure to cause some trouble. This is a ONE-TIME ability that expires at the Final 9. It can be used by PMing me at any time. That Night Phase, every single vote, including yours, will be randomly cast. There’s no guarantee this won’t backfire, and if you use it, you will be unable to vote the following night. Used Night 7.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Guardian Angel!

A mystical creature from the heavens that is eternally kind to all. Sure, your angel friends have taken advantage of that generosity, and people rarely thank you for your kindness. But the creatures on the surface of the earth appreciate you. And that’s what matters! (Although a little recognition would be nice…) When you got word that Bowser Koopa had taken over the world, you knew you had to help. Your generosity takes the form of this ability:

Saving Grace! You do not have the ability to vote. Before you gasp, let me explain. During the Night Phase, you will pick a player to protect. If said player gets enough votes to be eliminated, you will save them from the elimination, and the game will continue as if nothing happened. If you reach the Final 5, this ability will expire and you will be able to vote again.

You scan as INNOCENT and have an alternative win condition. Your task is to save 2 people from being eliminated. If you do, the Supreme Angel Council will recognize your accomplishments, and may give you a little upgrade. ~_^

You are the Waluigi!

WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Waluigi is back, now Survivor is funny again. Waluigi likes this game, so Waluigi will stay here for awhile. Don’t like it? TOO BAD, WALUIGI TIME! Oh, right, Waluigi has an ability to tell you about.

Waluigi Hates This! Things are boring when they go as planned, so Waluigi likes to make mischief to spice it up! WAAAAHHH! Every Night Phase, in addition to choosing someone to vote for, Waluigi will PM that loser HIR a target to Hate. If that player receives any votes, Waluigi will randomly redirect 1 of them to another player. Also, if the player uses an ability that night, Waluigi will randomly redirect the ability from its intended target. Waluigi loses this power at the Final 6, though.

Waluigi scans as ????? and has an alternative win condition. Waluigi can fulfill it by successfully redirecting 3 people. Waaaaaah!

(If you have any questions, let me know.)
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12131 Posted: 07:48:17 27/12/2013
Role PMs (cont.)
You are the Attorney!

Your faith in your client is unshakable. You trust in them, no matter what happens. What does this have to do with fighting and evil overlord like Bowser Koopa? Nothing! But you heard that a lawyer friend of yours fought against legendary superheroes. So surely you can defeat Bowser, right? Your meager Attorney’s Badge gives you 2 abilities:

1. OBJECTION! This is a 2-use ability that expires at the Final 5. You can use this at the end of a Day Phase or during a Night Phase to reset the day! Didn’t do well on a day’s challenge? Do it over! In order to use this, you must post the following image in the game topic: Used 1 time: Night 4 to restore day 4.
[User Posted Image]
2. HOLD IT! Are you worried about making a deadline? Then extend it with this 3-use ability that expires at the Final 5. During a Day or Night Phase, simply PM me “HOLD IT,” and indicate how long you wish me to extend the day or night by, max of 4 hours. Used 1 time: Day 3.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Double-Voter!

Oy. You were that kid. You know; the one who always insisted on being the banker in every Monopoly game so they could sneak themselves money when no was looking? Man, that’s annoying. But, cheaters never quit and quitters never cheat. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Anyhow, your ability is pretty self explanatory.

Double-Vote! Up until the Final 7, you will have 2 votes. The voting results will always be rigged to NOT reflect this ability, so as to keep it a secret. However, you can only pick one person to vote for. That person will receive both of your votes. Additionally, if you acquire Immunity, this ability will not work.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Scientist!

Good news, everyone! I’ve managed to design some exquisite new potions. And I want to test them on you, for science! During the Night Phase, in addition to casting a vote, if you want to test one of your potions, you will PM me the user(s) you want to use the potion on. The potions will expire at the Final 7. You have 4 potions, and they are:

1. The Red Potion. Made from the rare Gurthorgian Snooze Berry, it will put a player to sleep for an entire Day Phase, making them miss the challenge.
2. The Yellow Potion. Made from 100% Polyester, this potion will unknowingly cause 2 players to switch places. They will be unable to use any of their abilities, and they will submit answers/votes for the player they are impersonating, instead of themselves. They will be entirely unaware of this.
3. The Orange Potion. A dash of saltwater and a pinch of Mike’s Hard Lemonade resulted in a potion that will temporarily merge 2 players together. They will be forced to cooperate for that day, and if one of them just so happens to get eliminated, BOTH of them are out! They will be informed of this change.
4. The Skull & Crossbones Poison. You don’t remember what you put in this potion. As such, it has a 50% chance of failing. But if it’s successful, it will cause the potion drinker to enter a deep trance that lasts an entire Day Phase. During that time, they will be silenced and their answers will be the exact same as the previous day’s challenge, although they won’t know that last part.

You scan as SCIENCE and have an alternative win condition. That condition is to successfully use all 4 potions in order to make a valuable contribution to science. Doing so may net you another potion. So go forth and earn a victory for science!

You are the Bomb!

People always told you that you had a fiery temper. So you decided to take it too far and turn yourself into a living bomb! Wait, that’s not very healthy. Umm, err, remind me not to make you mad. Well, it turns out that this is actually quite lucky for you. You see, it is pretty easy to get a win with this role. First off, let’s discuss your ability:

KA-BOOM! If you are eliminated, you will explode, and take the last person who voted for you down with you. Talk about crazy revenge schemes! Of course, your bombs diffuse if we reach the Final 5.

You scan as GUILTY and have an alternative win condition. It’s simple: explode. So, you stand a good chance of winning… one way or another.

You are The Jack of All Trades!

A cunning individual who was always talented at everything they attempted. You have a lot of skills that you can put to good use. All of these abilities are one use only and expire at the Final 5, but they should help in a pinch:

1. A doublevote. Self-explanatory; let me know the night you wish to use it. Used night 2.
2. A protect: If you use this, you are protected from an elimination for 1 night only. Used night 8.
3. A banana: Wait, what? Actually, you can use it to distract everyone at the start of a Day Phase, giving you early access to the questions. Handy and nutritious. Used day 7.
4. A rolescan: You can use this to figure out the name of the role a player has. PM me who you want to use it on.
5. The Newer & Improved(er) Snatch-O-Matic 3000.3: Lets you steal a vote from a player it and use it as your own. Results will be rigged to make it look like they made the vote.
6. A lookup: Gives you 2 automatic correct answers in a challenge. You do not get to choose which questions you get right. Used day 8.
7. A track: If you choose to track a player, you will see the answers they submit for a challenge, who they vote for, and if they use an ability

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Sheriff!

YEEHAW! Slap me upside the knee and call me a Yoshi’s uncle. You heard about an adventure to stop Bowser, and you’re the roughest, toughest lawman on this side of the Mushroom Sea. You’ve got a special ability too, partner:

Hogtie ‘Em! This ability has 5 uses and expires at the Final 5. During the Night Phase, in addition to voting, you may choose to PM a target for this ability. The target will be tied down with your incredible lasso abilities, rendering them unable to vote or carry out an ability for that night. Used 3 times: nights 2, 5, 9.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Ghost!

When something’s strange in the neighborhood… you’re probably the cause of it. You dislike being dead, and take it out on the living by terrorizing them. Your ghastly, paranormal nature comes with an ability:

Now You See Me…! You have enough spectral energy to do this 5 times up until the Final 5. PM me if you want to use it. It will go into effect during the Night Phase and turn you invisible. While you’re transparent, any votes cast in your direction will “miss” and the results will be rigged so the votes appear “lost.” Additionally, any abilities that target you may miss. Used 2 times: nights 1 & 2. 1 vote missed.

You scan as INNOCENT and have an alternative win condition. In order to pass on to the next world, you have to make a total of 10 votes miss using your transparency. Good luck! Eee hee hee hee!

You are the Barkeep!

A solitary individual, you’ve gained years of wisdom by hearing the troubled stories of patrons. You dedicate yourself to the tap with all your heart. You have the following ability:

Open Shop! This is a 2-time ability and… hoo boy, it’s a doozy. You can choose to open your tavern to your fellow players. In order to do this, you may PM me at any time up until the Final 6. If you use this, you will cancel the Night Phase. There will be no votes cast, and no elimination. However, as a consequence, all players (including you) will start the next day with terrible hangovers, so the questions will appear scrambled and jumbled, with words missing. Additionally, this cannot be used consecutive nights.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12132 Posted: 07:49:11 27/12/2013
Role PMs (cont.)
You are the Shadow Thief!

You’re the best in the business, see. Ain’t no cops out there that can catch you. So you always get away with your loot. Bowser’s been making life as a Shadow Thief difficult,, so you have agreed to help out the heroes. But, in reality, you’re looking to loot them. Your thievery takes the form of this ability:

Steal an answer! This is a 5-use ability. You may PM me the person you want to steal from at any time. During a Day Phase you will steal 2 answers from another player. You do not have control over which answers these are. Great if you have no confidence in your answers for that day.

You scan as GUILTY and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Tiebreaker!

A stickler for the rules, people always turned to you to settle any arguments that they had. As such, you feel you are qualified to help lead the heroes against Bowser Koopa’s reign of terror. After all, a band of misfits can have a lot of disputes. And disputes need to be settled. You negotiate the following ability:

Break That Tie! In the event of a challenge or elimination vote resulting in a tie, you can A) pick the tiebreaker question or B) cast the tiebreaking vote, depending on the situation. The only time this will not work is if you are one of the people in the tie. Don’t let that power go to your head.

You scan as INNOCENT and have an alternative win condition. It is to settle a total of 3 tiebreakers. One tie broken: night 3.

You are the Tracker!

You’re a bit of a sleuth. Well, actually you’re an amateur, but that’s not going to stop you. You’re going to try to investigate everything to the best of your ability, which is:

On the Scent! Every night, in addition, to submitting a vote, you may pick a user to track. In doing so, you will learn who they vote for and if they use an ability or not.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

Ash Starkindle
You are the Double-Checker!

You’re a very careful individual who tries her hardest not to make any mistakes. It doesn’t always work, but you’re hoping that your attention to detail can help the heroes fell King Bowser. Your cautiousness grants you the following ability:

I Call a Redo! This is a 5-use ability that expires at the Final 5. Please PM me if you want to use it. This ability will give you feedback on the answers you submit for a challenge. I will tell you the number of answers you got wrong, and which ones you got wrong. This allows you to go back and change your answers before the deadline. Pretty nifty, eh? It pays to pay attention. Used 1 time: Day 6.

You scan as INNOCENT and have no alternative win conditions.

You are the Supernatural Expert!

A master of all things paranormal. Sure, the occasional person may laugh at you, but your dedication to all things superstitious never wavers. Amidst one of your daily Ouija board readings, you got word from the spirits that a ghost had joined the ranks of the heroes opposing Bowser Koopa. Anxious to rid the heroes of the bad juju, you joined the team. Your supernatural senses give you the following ability:

Consciousness Scan! Every night, in addition to submitting a vote, you may pick a player to scan. By scanning them, you will learn if they’re living or dead.

You scan as INNOCENT and have an alternative win condition. It’s pretty simple: find, and eliminate, the ghost. If the ghost is eliminated, you will be graced with a supernatural “upgrade.” Happy hunting! Condition fulfilled Night 7.

You have 3 hexes at your disposal. These hexes allow you to "possess" a person for either a day phase or a night phase. If you possess them during the day, you submit the player's answers. Meaning you can completely screw up a challenge for them. If you posses them during the night, you will submit the player's vote and, if they have an ability, you can choose who they use it on. You have until the Final 5 to use your hexes.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12133 Posted: 07:54:52 27/12/2013
Day Phase Log
Day 1
MagicFizz leaves the game
Challenge won by parisruelz12, who wins immunity.

Day 2
Sleepy0429 wins immunity.

Day 3
chained skull looks up 2 answers
Troll Slug is disqualified and loses vote for Night 3
Seiki wins immunity

Day 4
Thepokeman wins immunity
Prextail202 objects and resets the day
weebbby loses the challenge and is eliminated
willspyro wins immunity

Day 5
Thepokeman loses the challenge and gets eliminated

Day 6
chained skull looks up 2 answers
Ash Starkindle double-checks her answers
Ash Starkindle wins immunity

Day 7
chained skull looks up 2 answers
chained skull wins immunity

Day 8
parisruelz12 looks up 2 answers

Day 9
chained skull looks up 2 answers
parisruelz12 wins immunity

Day 10
chained skull looks up his last 2 answers
chained skull wins immunity
chained skull achieves alternate win condition and powers up

Day 11
Seiki wins immunity

D’ayyy 12
Seiki and chained skull win immunity

Lucky Day 13
Seiki, chained skull, CommanderGame, and Ninpire can’t participate in the challenge, as they’re depressed from the Guardian Angel
Ash Starkindle wins immunity

Day 14
CommanderGame loses the backup tiebreak and is eliminated

Night Phase Log
Night 1
Cynderfan507 protects prextail202 (Nothing happens)
weebbby double-votes BrutalBash101
scratchking22 disappears (Nothing happens)
willspyro scans Bash28 (RESULT = living)
BrutalBash101 hates Sleepy0429. CommanderGame’s vote redirected to parisruelz12 and, due to immunity, is thus cast for CommanderGame
Troll Slug scans Sleepy0429 (RESULT = innocent)
somePerson explodes and kills Bash28, fulfilling win condition
somePerson(5): prextail202, willspyro, parisruelz12, Seiki, Bash28
hardcoreignitor (4): somePerson, slambam104, Ninpire, BrutalBash101
BrutalBash101 (4): weebbby, chained skull, Troll Slug
Thepokeman (2): hardcoreignitor, Ash Starkindle
CommanderGame (1): CommanderGame
Cynderfan507 (1): scratchking22
willspyro (1): Thepokeman
Ash Starkindle (1): Sleepy0429
Not voting (1): Cynderfan507

Night 2
Cynderfan507 protects Ash Starkindle (redirected to willspyro)
weebbby double-votes BrutalBash101
parisruelz12 double-votes hardcoreignitor
Troll Slug scans CommanderGame (RESULT = innocent)
Ninpire hog-ties Sleepy0429, his vote is invalidated.
willspyro scans Sleepy0429 (RESULT = living)
BrutalBash101 hates Cynderfan507. Troll Slug’s vote randomly redirected to CommanderGame.
scratchking22 disappears (1 vote is lost)
hardcoreignitor voted off
hardcoreignitor (5): Ash Starkindle, BrutalBash101, slambam104, (scratchking22), parisruelz12, Ninpire
BrutalBash101 (3): Seiki, weebbby, CommanderGame, (hardcoreignitor)
Cynderfan507 (3): chained skull, hardcoreignitor, Thepokeman
CommanderGame (2): willspyro, Troll Slug
Seiki (1): scratchking22
Lost (1): prextail202
Not voting: (1): Cynderfan507, Sleepy0429

Night 3
Seiki name scans CommanderGame
willspyro scans Ninpire (redirected to CommanderGame, RESULT = living)
BrutalBash101 hates willspyro
weebbby double-votes BrutalBash101
Cynderfan507 protects CommanderGame
Troll Slug scans Cynderfan507 (RESULT = innocent)
Thepokeman breaks the tie with BrutalBash101 as the loser
BrutalBash101 (3*): weebbby, chained skull, CommanderGame
Sleepy0429 (4*): Seiki, Ninpire, prextail202, Sleepy0429
CommanderGame (3): slambam104, Ash Starkindle, BrutalBash101
Thepokeman (2): parisruelz12, Thepokeman
Ash Starkindle (1): scratchking22
parisruelz12 (1): willspyro
Troll Slug (1): Troll Slug
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507
*Indicates eligible for tiebreaker. BrutalBash101 lost the tiebreak.

Night 4
Troll Slug scans Seiki (RESULT = innocent)
willspyro scans Troll Slug (RESULT = living)
slambam104 listens in on Seiki
Cynderfan507 randomly protects Seiki
Sleepy0429 (4*): CommanderGame, slambam104, Seiki, Sleepy0429
Ninpire (4*): Troll Slug, Ash Starkindle, willspyro, Ninpire
CommanderGame (2): parisruelz12, scratchking22
prextail202 (1): prextail202
chained skull (1): chained skull
Thepokeman (1): Thepokeman
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507
*Indicates eligible for tiebreaker. Sleepy0429 lost the backup tiebreaker.

Night 5
Seiki role-scans Ninpire
Ninpire hogties Troll Slug
Cynderfan507 protects CommanderGame
Troll Slug scans Ninpire (no result, hogtied)
willspyro randomly scans chained skull (RESULT = living)
slambam104 (???): slambam104, HIR*
Ninpire (5): Seiki, scratchking22, chained skull, Ash Starkindle, willspyro
Troll Slug (2): Ninpire, CommanderGame
Seiki (1): parisruelz12
prextail202 (1): prextail202
parisruelz12 (0): (CommanderGame)
Not Voting: Cynderfan507, Troll Slug
*Eliminated due to long streak of inactivity

Night 6
Cynderfan507 protects Troll Slug
willspyro scans Ninpire (RESULT = living)
Seiki role-scans parisruelz12
Troll Slug scans Ninpire (RESULT = innocent)
Ninpire hogties Ash Starkindle
prextail202 (3*): parisruelz12, CommanderGame, prextail202
Ninpire (3*): chained skull, scratchking22, willspyro
Troll Slug (1): Seiki, (Ninpire)
parisruelz12 (1): Troll Slug
chained skull (1): Ninpire
Not Voting: Cynderfan507, Ash Starkindle
*Indicates eligible for tiebreaker. prextail lost due to long streak of inactivity.

Night 7
Seiki hacks the vote. All votes randomized!
Troll Slug scans scratchking22 (RESULT = innocent)
willspyro scans Ash Starkindle (RESULT = living)
Cynderfan507 protects Ninpire
willspyro achieves alternate win condition and his role upgrades
scratchking22 (2*): Troll Slug, parisruelz12
Ninpire: (2*): Ash Starkindle, scratchking22
CommanderGame (2*): Seiki, Ninpire
willspyro (1): willspyro
Ash Starkindle (1): CommanderGame
Seiki (1): chained skull
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507
*Indicates eligible for tiebreak. Seiki broke the tie by choosing scratchking22.

Troll Slug scans parisruelz12 (no result, drinking at CG’s bar)
parisruelz12 protects herself (fails, drinking at CG’s bar)
Seiki can’t vote due to hacking Night 7
Seiki role-scans Troll Slug (no result, drinking at CG’s bar)
CommanderGame opens his bar
parisruelz12 (5): Troll Slug, willspyro, CommanderGame, chained skull, Ninpire
Seiki (1): parisruelz12
Ash Starkindle (1): Ash Starkindle
Not Voting (2): Cynderfan507, Seiki
Rigged result: Not Voting (9): Cynderfan507, Seiki, Ash Starkindle, parisruelz12, Troll Slug, willspyro, CommanderGame, chained skull, Ninpire

Night 9
Cynderfan507 randomly protects willspyro
Troll Slug scans chained skull (no result, hogtied)
Ninpire hogties Troll Slug
Troll Slug (4): parisruelz12, Seiki, Ninpire, CommanderGame
Seiki (2): Ash Starkindle, willspyro
Ninpire (1): chained skull
chained skull (0): (Seiki)
Not Voting (2): Cynderfan507, Troll Slug

Night 10
parisruelz12 uses the Newer & Improved(er) Snatch-O-Matic 3000.3 on Ash
Cynderfan507 randomly protects Seiki
parisruelz12 (3): Seiki, Ninpire, CommanderGame
Ash Starkindle (2): parisruelz12, Ash Starkindle,
Seiki (2): willspyro, chained skull
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507

Night 11
willspyro uses a hex on Ninpire (fails, drinking at CG’s bar)
CommanderGame opens his bar
Cynderfan507 protects chained skull (fails, drinking at CG’s bar)
Ash Starkindle (4): CommanderGame, Seiki, Ninpire, chained skull
CommanderGame (2): willspyro, Ash Starkindle
chained skull (1): DQ
Cynderfan507 (1): DQ
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507
Rigged result: Not Voing (7): Cynderfan507, CommanderGame, Seiki, Ninpire, chained skull, willspyro, Ash Starkindle

Night 12
Cynderfan507 randomly protects Ash Starkindle
willspyro (6): DQ, DQ, CommanderGame, Ninpire, Seiki, chained skull
Cynderfan507 (5): DQ, DQ, CommanderGame, Ninpire, Seiki
Ninpire (4): DQ, DQ, Ash Starkindle, chained skull
CommanderGame (2): Ash Starkindle, willspyro
Ash Starkindle (1): willspyro
Not Voting (1): Cynderfan507
Ash Starkindle gains immunity for the next day due to Cynderfan's protection

Alright, you're free to post now with any questions you might have. ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#12134 Posted: 13:38:52 27/12/2013
Holy carp, early on, a BUNCH of people usedeir ability on me smilie
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#12135 Posted: 14:58:56 27/12/2013
I only used my ability on BB101 because of prextail redoing the day/night 4. >.>
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#12136 Posted: 15:08:25 27/12/2013
Darn, I lost.

I now realize that cynderfan was actually trying really hard in this game and I thought s/he was inactive
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:09:52 27/12/2013 by Ninpire
somePerson Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8741
#12137 Posted: 15:19:37 27/12/2013
"I won Survivor in an unconventional method!" ^.^;
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#12138 Posted: 15:26:16 27/12/2013
So many people using abilities and I'm just drinking at the bar
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#12139 Posted: 16:54:30 27/12/2013
Quote: Ninpire
So many people using abilities and I'm just drinking at the bar

1 more Ninpire?
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#12140 Posted: 18:18:57 27/12/2013 Ash won..
Gay 4 GARcher
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#12141 Posted: 19:56:37 27/12/2013
Quote: DragonCamo Ash won..

Does that surprise you?
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#12142 Posted: 20:03:10 27/12/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Ninpire
So many people using abilities and I'm just drinking at the bar

1 more Ninpire?

No that was the worst beer I've ever tasted
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12143 Posted: 21:35:29 27/12/2013
Called it!
ash won
(does dance)

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12144 Posted: 21:53:27 27/12/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Ninpire
So many people using abilities and I'm just drinking at the bar

1 more Ninpire?

I'll take one!

Wow, thank you for protecting me CF. smilie

Did I vote scratch out by mistake? Whoopsies, I must have been drunk that day. smilie
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#12145 Posted: 21:59:52 27/12/2013
Quote: Troll Slug
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Ninpire
So many people using abilities and I'm just drinking at the bar

1 more Ninpire?

I'll take one!

Wow, thank you for protecting me CF. smilie

Did I vote scratch out by mistake? Whoopsies, I must have been drunk that day. smilie

That was seiki's advanced hacking
BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1757
#12146 Posted: 22:12:30 27/12/2013
I guess I can admit something. Earlier on I formed an alliance with CG, planning to hear who he was voting for and each night redirect his vote, and if I could gain his trust, his ability.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12147 Posted: 22:17:29 27/12/2013
Where is scratchking anyways?
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7027
#12148 Posted: 22:50:52 27/12/2013
What do those DQ votes mean?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12149 Posted: 22:55:19 27/12/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
What do those DQ votes mean?

Later in the game, people who were disqualified in challenges (usually due to not submitting anything) received extra votes in the night phase.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#12150 Posted: 23:12:56 27/12/2013
Thank you HIR for hosting us. Here is some trivia from us!

If the answer is wrong, I MOST LIKELY AM NOT RESPONSIBLE.

You have 48 hours.

1) (Troll Slug) What is the square root of -1?

2) (Bash) What is the rate at which velocity changes over time?

3) (Ninpire) In Sword Art Online, what is Asuna's real name?

4) (Paris) In Ouran High School Host Club, which main character is actually a girl?

5) (Cynderfan) When does the Soul Eater anime diverge from the manga?

6) (slambam) In the history of Carthage how many Punic wars were they involved with?

7) (BrutalBash) In what year was the Konami Code first used, and what game was it used for?

8) (MagicFizz) How many prime numbers are there in between 10 and 30?

9) (Thepokeman) What Pokèmon Generation was Aipom released?

10) (Sleepy) Did Gamera ever face Godzilla?
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