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CinderLover's Art Topic [CLOSED]
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1151 Posted: 04:22:11 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: O.O *pokes at D-o* How ...???

Eve: ha! *glomps Losi* How do you FALL for that!?
Lacy: *somehow appears* She has learned well in the art of random! *vanishes*
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1152 Posted: 04:25:17 10/05/2011
Losi: Ack! *falls over* Heh heh...idk...
Me: *whispering* Shush CL! It's to add effect and fear at Raya....
Jalorda: *goes off*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1153 Posted: 04:31:48 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL & Raya: ... *fall over with laughter*

Eve: LOL, okay, enough of the goofing off! Let's get going! *bolts off*
Lacy: *appears* Taught well!!!!!! *fades away*
CL: O.O ?????????????????????
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1154 Posted: 04:33:40 10/05/2011
Losi: !!! Wait for me! *rushes after Eve*
Me: *kicks a grenade at CL and Raya, puts hands in pockets and walks off*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1155 Posted: 04:36:19 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Cl: kicks grenade away* Come back here!! *takes out over-sized scythe again and rushes after D-o*

Eve: YOU go faster!! smilie
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1156 Posted: 04:41:38 10/05/2011
Me: *walking calmly away, appearing to not notice CL* *grenade explodes confetti on Raya*
Losi: I'm not very good on urban terrain!!! *pants trying to catch up*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1157 Posted: 04:44:26 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Eve: Fine, ya' big baby. -slows down to a quick trot-

CL: *swings scythe at D-o*
Raya: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!! *attaches self to ceiling, fur fluffed out from shock*
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1158 Posted: 04:47:12 10/05/2011
Me: Ooh! A quarter! *bends over dodging the scythe and picks up quarter* *leg swings up and kicks CL*
Losi: *catches up* Thanks....
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1159 Posted: 04:54:07 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: *grabs D-o's ankle and shoves him off balance* Jerk ...

Eve: smilie
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1160 Posted: 20:53:26 10/05/2011
cynd: Thank Arceus!Arceus is dead!Woohoo!smilie
Jake: Ey,cynd,ya think that Eve and Losi...mates?
cynd: Don't bug me with that stuff!I wanna kill,not talk about LOVE!I'm going to help CL kill D-o with Splash!*throws Pokeball into the air,then catches it and runs after CL and D-o*
Jake: *sighs* What do you two think?
Fern: It would be just disghusting to love your relative.
Kaede: Well,not if you kill them after.That'll help.
Jake: Nobody understands,do they?
Kaede: Look,pal.Me an' ol' Fern here know nothing about love.Ask someone else.
Jake: Everybody is too busy being insane-
Kaede: And destroying the world...
Fern: And being evil...
Kaede: Oooh,and being random,too!
Jake: -to care about love.
Abyss: *appears* Everyone left me alone over there.
Kaede: Flare was the first one!
Jake: I HELPED Flare by taking her somewhere.Arceus,Kaede.

Skyburst: *comes into a cave* Well,here it is!
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1161 Posted: 22:06:46 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Flare: I ... am very wet ... *is somehow completely drenched*
Lacy: *holding a metal bucket behind her back, trying to look innocent. Failing at looking innocent*

Raya: Hey, everybody around here is messed up! Get used to it, peoplez!
(random) Psyduck: WTF? Who are you people??
CL: Um, w-we're the .. ha-happy candy company! W-We're passing out free- Free samples! Right!? Free samples of our great new candy!
Psyduck: Ohhhhh ... that's okay then! *walks right by the carcasses of dead legendaries, humming with her eyes closed.

CL: Anyway, are we gonna break D-o's arm, or what??
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1162 Posted: 23:12:55 10/05/2011
Me: *does push up and get's back on feet* Hmm....maybe there's more around here... *searches the ground for more money*
Losi: >.> *looks at cynd2000 charas*Guys, you do still know I'm emo and like to kill things on a rage.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1163 Posted: 23:36:56 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: *sweat drop*

Eve: ... You're making me want to hurt things, Losi. Cute things ... Like Skitties and Lillipups. OMFG, Skitties are adorable!! smilie
Ivy: *sweat drop*
Eve: OMFG!!! HI!! *glomp Ivy*
Ivy: Sh-t!
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1164 Posted: 23:39:51 10/05/2011
Losi: ...Lillipups don't look cute...I like togepi better...oh, hi Ivy!
Me: *sees none* Aww...there aren't anymore...
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1165 Posted: 23:54:33 10/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: ... You SERIOUSLY have to go scrape around the streets for quarters? smilie

Ive: Yeah! Now get Eve, the little freak of nature off of me!!! smilie
Eve: But your mane is soft! smilie
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1166 Posted: 23:57:16 10/05/2011
Me: Nope. It's just fun to pick up money. Now I can flip for stuff let's see....oh: Heads, I take the scythe you almost killed me with, Tails I don't. *flips coin and catches* HEADS! *grabs sycthe*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1167 Posted: 00:12:08 11/05/2011 | Topic Creator
My scythe!! smilie *takes back scythe* I never agreed to that! Plus: MY. SCYTHE. (again smilie)
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1168 Posted: 00:18:11 11/05/2011
(smilie) Me: Hang on just a sec. *snatches scythe back* *smashes scythe on knee then drops the pieces in front of CL* There. All done.
Losi: what?
Jalorda: lalalalalalaaaaa
Losi: smilie
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1169 Posted: 00:28:14 11/05/2011 | Topic Creator
(Epic 'noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!' expression) CL: ... I must go turn something cute ... into pieces ... *walks away*

Ivy: GET EVE OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!!!! smilie
Eve: Your mane is SOFT!! Like a cloud, if clouds weren't made of water ... smilie
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1170 Posted: 00:36:05 11/05/2011
Losi: *pulls Eve away* Eve...
Me: *Holds up Jalorda* This work?
Jalorda: whothewhatnow?
Losi: Hey! That's my line!
Jalorda: Well, I stole it. What's going on?
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1171 Posted: 00:41:47 11/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: *turns around* Hmm ... maybe ... *picks up a large shard of metal* this will be painful to watch, D-o.

Eve: *struggling* EEEEEEHHHHHH!!! smilie
Ivy: *clasps paws together in prayer* CL .... pleasedon'thurtme,pleasedon'thurtme,pleasedon'thurtme,pleasedon't hurtme,PLEASEDON'THURTMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1172 Posted: 04:40:43 11/05/2011
Jalorda: Don't you dare! *slaps CL on face with tail then slithers away*
Me: Drat...aand there goes that....
Losi: C'mon Eve...let's go....glomp D-o or something. *gently tugging*
Me: I heard that!
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1173 Posted: 04:54:48 11/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Eve: *shrugs* Okay! *randomly clomps D-o*

CL: Damn ... *sigh* Nobody lets me have any fun anymore ... smilie
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1174 Posted: 21:47:37 11/05/2011
Skyburst: *glares at Lacy* Don't do that!She evolved from a Flareon!

Jake: Yeah,right!Softie.
cynd: *claps hands loudly three times* EY!THIS IS ART,RIGHT?WE NEED SUM ART,CHOP CHOP CHOP!
Fern: Yes,the 'chops' just made it too exciting,cynd.smilie
Abyss: What are we talking about here?
Kaede: Idk.These people are being totally random.
cynd: Just statin' the truth.How about a request?I'm tempted to ask you for something,but it would just ruin all of my ideas.
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1175 Posted: 21:56:36 11/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Lacy: *stares at Skyburst with a O.O expression as she dumps another pail of water of Flare*
Flare: ... I ... am very wet again ...

CL: Damn, I need to get my scanner to work so I can show you lot some DECENT pictures!! D:< *bangs fist on scanner top repeatedly*
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1176 Posted: 00:26:00 12/05/2011
Losi: *glomps D-o*
Me: Aah! G-Get off!
Losi: No!
Me: ...fine... *stands there getting glomped*
Jalorda: YOU CALL KILLING A CHARACTER THAT WILL PLAY A BIG ROLE FUN CL!!!! the stories are are insane...
Me: Oh, guys, give a warm welcome to my friend Ctix. He's from my school.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1177 Posted: 00:31:30 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: *pauses banging on scanner* ... Um, hi? *continues to beat at the scanner furiously* Who the hell is this guy?

Raya: Some made-up person. Right, and ... *randomly glomps D-o*

Eve: ... *chews on D-o's arm*
CL: Oh, yeah, and YES! When did you FINALLY realize it!? *eye twitches insanely*
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1178 Posted: 01:46:15 12/05/2011
Me: Oww...Eve! You can glomp, but no chewing! *shakes Eve off* *sighs and walks to lava pit* Delivery Mr. Boiling lava!
Losi: !!! *gets off D-o instantly*
Jalorda: *face/tail*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1179 Posted: 01:49:14 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Raya: ... You really want me to kill you. *bites D-o's neck and leaped off, shoving D-o into Mr. Boiling Lava* Dumb ass ...
Eve: ... mmm yummy ... *starts to roast an Oran Berry over Mr. Boiling Lava*
CL: WHOO!! LAVA PIT! *leaps in*
Raya & Eve: !?
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1180 Posted: 02:11:15 12/05/2011
Me: Woah! shorty! You're alive! Wait...or we're both dead. *falls in lava* I'm a dragon dumbells. Hence my name. I don't get hurt by lava... *turns into dragon and starts flamethrower everybody* Oh, hi CL. Enjoying the pool?
Losi: Aaaah! *runs away*
Jalorda: *slithers under rock*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1181 Posted: 02:11:37 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
OMFG!!!!!!! *glomp shorty* I never noticed!

And yes, we do that a lot! More of instinct.


*goes back to beating on scanner* WORK, DAMN YOU!!
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1182 Posted: 02:21:54 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
I don't have any new stuff. smilie MY SCANER ISN'T WORKING SO I CAN'T UPLOAD ANY DECENT PICTURES!! smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

Well, I guess I can whip SOMETHING up ...
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1183 Posted: 02:32:00 12/05/2011
We're just messing around. No biggie.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1184 Posted: 02:36:01 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
... I HAVE NO IDEA, shorty!! It's ... a fusion ... >smilie New art, like, in a few minuets!! smilie DON'T DIE!!
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1185 Posted: 02:37:29 12/05/2011
yaaay! more art to comment on!
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1186 Posted: 03:22:49 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

EPIC FAIL SHADING!! smilie *fist pump*
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1187 Posted: 21:48:34 12/05/2011
Skyburst: *growls and uses a mix of darkness and fire on Lacy*Go away if you wanna be like that!*crouches and gets ready to fight*

cynd: WOOOHOOO!*leaps into the lava pit to glomp CL* SUM ART!
Abyss: *face/paw* They both died.
Fern: No,I don't think they did.Now,c'mon!We gotta get ready to take the plan into action!
Kaede: How do we make 'em do it,though?That's what I have been trying to answer.
Fern: Nyte has the answer.Now,let's all go.
Kaede: No!I wanna stay here and be random!PLEASEPLEASEPLASE!*is begging*smilie
Fern: Fine,but if you're not prepared,I'll smack you with a stick.
Kaede: *eyes widen*Say no more!I'll get prepared!
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1188 Posted: 22:05:46 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: *glomps cynd* Isn't this a nice pool!? They even tinted it a lava red!

Lacy: *evades attack* You're asking to be crushed.
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1189 Posted: 22:10:56 12/05/2011
Skyburst: I was made to kill.You don't even want to know HOW I was made.

cynd: Yeah,it is!I luv it!You think it's because we killed all those legendaries?*gets out,takes a dead Lugia,and squeezes the blood out of it,putting it in the lava pit* *gets back in* Isn't this even more awesome?smilie
Fern: They.Are.CRAZY!
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1190 Posted: 23:00:00 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Lacy: You don't even WANNA know how I kill things.

CL: Yes .. hold on, must get some Red Gyrados blood in here, too. *gets out, takes dead Red Gyrados, and squeezes it's blood into pool.* *gets back in* mmm ... salty.
Eve: I have been mentally scarred ... for life ...
Raya: WHOO!! BLOOD POOL!!! *squeezes some Zapdos and Suicune Blood into pool* HELL YEAH!! *jumps in*
CL: Ah, blood pools are great ...
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1191 Posted: 23:04:31 12/05/2011
Me: *turns back to human* *looks down into the pool* Y'know guys, in about 5 seconds, the lava is going to harden and you'll kinda be stuck there. Losi?
Losi: On it! *uses blizzard, cooling the lava
Me: Hmm...that was faster than I expected. Great job!
Losi: *glomp D-o*
Me: Down boy...
Losi: smilie
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1192 Posted: 23:10:59 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Jesus Christ, D-o! What's your problem!? Ouch ...
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1193 Posted: 23:21:30 12/05/2011
Skyburst: *sighs*Just try.You'll find that it's harder to do than you excpected.

cynd: *takes random Chimchar and makes it do Flamethrower,then kills it and squeezes its blood into the lava pit*I wanna rock and roll all nite!smilie
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#1194 Posted: 23:26:13 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator
CL: That was epic, cynd. smilie *randomly turns on IPod Touch, plugs in ear buds and starts to listen to a random song*

Lacy: You are stupid. I can say that with certainty.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1195 Posted: 23:27:46 12/05/2011
Me: I'm outa it today. Got to go kill things. *goes over to army of pokemon trainers then kills them and crushes all their pokeballs, freeing the pokemon* die...evil trainers...
Losi: >.> I'm going to hide under the rock with Jalorda.
Me: *takes out sword and starts chopping trainers* *disembodied arm falls into lava pit*
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
cynder2000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2277
#1196 Posted: 23:36:26 12/05/2011
cynd: OH,YEESH!*dives for the arm* *comes back up and starts chewing it* Ey,throw another one down for CL!These things are BEYOND tasty!

Skyburst: No,I'm not.I was born to kill,I'm telling you.I was created,not my Arceus.You'll see.Once cynd tells.
(Avatar made by CinderLover!smilie)
"In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity."
I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible...
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#1197 Posted: 23:45:44 12/05/2011
Me: *Tons of disembodied parts are catapulted into the pit, filling it to the brim*
Losi: smilie
Jalorda: Dang...I'm happy I'm not a trainer.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
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