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Shining Light (legend of Orion. Private) [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1151 Posted: 22:39:38 10/05/2019
As soon as Icestorm took off-- Raclaw proceeded to do the same, catching up alongside the funny image of Kasidra/Icestorm. Chester, who seemed perfectly happy in the air, remained safely secured upon Raclaw's back via the two leads connected to both sides of his collar. Risar watched as the dragons took off, pleased that they would get a chance to stretch their wings. He found it curious how willing dragons on the Enduring Legacy were when it came to allowing others to ride them. Some even willingly gave themselves, such as the case between Raclaw and Latnok. He understood the bond between owned and owned well thanks to his past, but he hadn't had a choice whereas Raclaw could've esially chosen a different path such as complete 'freedom.'
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:44:06 10/05/2019 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1152 Posted: 22:44:31 10/05/2019
Angora was quite surprised to hear Neo talk. It's been so long since he last talked to her she had almost forgotten the sound of his voice.
"Training... how can you train for something like that?" she wondered, not seeing a way. Did she talked to animals and wait for them to respond. Wait for those powers to activate.
"Never mind. Yeah, I... I want to talk to Veris for a while." she said,maccepting his proposal. She really looked forward to talking to Veris without Raclaw's help. That way, they could hold a more private conversation.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1153 Posted: 22:46:45 10/05/2019
"I sure hope so..." Kasidra said quietly, before Icestorm took off. She held on tightly to the rope, thankful that her gloves would protect her hands. The take off was bumpy, like he said, and the tiefling had her eyes closed during that part. However, once they were in the air and leveled off, the ride got smoother. Kasidra opened her eyes and looked around. "Okay, not too bad so far..."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1154 Posted: 23:32:23 10/05/2019
With the prey seemingly completely unaware or indifferent to Veris, he had no problem simply catching one in his jaws and swallowing it after a few bites. He looked back at Angora with a bit of satisfaction, having had a "hunt", if it could be called that. "Easy prey!"

Ilasi would eventually, after some wandering around, find Maverick on the deck. She had looked in most of his usual hangouts, but failed to find him before - perhaps she simply missed him. Oh, well - better late than never. "Hey, Maverick!" she called out to him once she found him. "We were planning to go back out to the island today, right?"

Latnok and Sere were invited over and escorted into what could best be described as a visitor's lounge. The symbol of a man's face transitioning into an insectoid face could be seen on some parts of the wall. Wait... Latnok thought, that symbol looks familiar... where have I seen it?
"Please, have a seat," one of the guards offered. The two sat down on a chair weaved out of a very soft yet solid fabric. A human priest in ceremonial robes came in shortly after.
"Blessings be upon you, visitors. I will be our representative for today," the priest said.
"That's fine," Sere said. "So could you please explain more to me about this idea of containment?" Sere had other questions - but this matter was too important to him to pass up for now.
"Of course," the priest said. "As you perhaps know of by experience, gods see the world as nothing more than a plaything - willing to satisfy any whim they may have at the cost of lives which are essentially meaningless to them. How did either of you feel, having to work with the most unqualified individual you could have imagined in order to stop the creature known as Darkmatter?"
Latnok and Sere were both temporarily shocked. So they did know what happened. "How do you know about that?" Sere asked.
"We know many things..." the priest answered. "We have eyes in many places. Some you may know of. Some you may not. But, back to my question - how did it feel?"
"How it felt was frustrating," Sere answered. "I wanted to believe that the great Galaxy Dragon had a shred of an idea what he was talking about, but Angora resisted our efforts at cooperation throughout the entire journey, and was nothing more than a load we had to carry because he deemed it necessary. He could've picked anyone off the street if he wanted someone with actual compassion, not someone who would entertain the whim of letting the world die."
"So you see where we are coming from," the priest said. "Did he care about the people here? If he did, it wasn't a priority of his - his priority was propping up your troll friend as the next messiah because he felt like it. He claimed her moral soundness made her the most qualified to wield the necessary weapon, despite her being morally bereft - except where it came to opposing you. Once you took a stance on something, then she suddenly had the morals to oppose it. And what of the dragolet, Shade? Rather than care for him, he saw fit to let the creature be, and look at how many have died as a result."
Latnok and Sere kept listening. As much as they might not have wanted to admit it, the priest had a point about Orion.
"Is this the god you think is right for us? Or do you think that perhaps a new world order would suit things better? Though you may not agree with the feasibility of us uniting the world... surely you can agree that we are better off not having to deal with Orion? Having a god who serves his people, instead of the other way around? We have already established as much here - we have very recently freed this entire island. No god may influence it. He cannot see what happens here - our actions will continue under his nose. We will spread such protection to the rest of the world - and one day, when we have a new order established, our god will serve us better than Orion ever did. I do not need your answer right now - I just need you to think about it. Hear our words. Consider them for yourself. And when the time is right, make the decision you need to."
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:54:15 10/05/2019 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1155 Posted: 00:04:48 11/05/2019
Maverick wasn't sure about going back to the island today, even though he was open to the idea of a stay.
"Well, we can go if the ship is not leaving the island today. We can take on the blacksmith's offer and stay the night." Maverick said, not wanting to disappoint her. Still, he felt entitled to say what he was planning.
"Hey Ilasi, have you seen señor Laszur? Since señor Latnok and el capitán are away, he's the next person I can talk to. There's also señor Risar, but I'm not sure if I can ask permission to him about this. Oscurito hasn't talked to me or Angorita for a while. I wonder if they can finally allow him to speak to us, or maybe just me for the time being." Maverick stated, wanting to share the concern with Ilasi. It's been a long while since he's talked to poor Shade. He believe the wait was enough. Regardless on what he did, it was just too harsh to forbid a genuine friendship for so long.

Quote: A Guy
With the prey seemingly completely unaware or indifferent to Veris, he had no problem simply catching one in his jaws and swallowing it after a few bites. He looked back at Angora with a bit of satisfaction, having had a "hunt", if it could be called that. "Easy prey!"

Angora gave a wide smile when she listened to Veris speak. It was working.
"They are, aren't they? One would think they would make a tiny bit more effort to survive." Angora said, wanting to surprise Veris with the knowledge that she could finally understand him. She wasn't fazed by the fact that he seemed happy with showing her some bloodied teeth to show his contentment for the hunt.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1156 Posted: 02:39:45 11/05/2019
Ilasi shook her head at Maverick's question. "Laszur is a galud. Chances are, he's sleeping right now," she answered. "He was up yesterday for a while, if I recall correctly." Still, she was curious to see if Shade would be granted more freedom - even if she was sure the answer would be a resounding "no."

Veris gave back a surprised look. Did Angora just understand what he said? Or did she just guess at his meaning? "Can... can you understand me?" he asked hesitantly, as he maintained his heading.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1157 Posted: 02:58:17 11/05/2019
Maverick nodded, not dismissing the possibility.
"Si I know, nocturnal. I was hoping he would be awake though, given he's sometimes up during the day to adapt to the crew's time, but I suppose you're right. I guess Oscurito can wait for a little while more. I just wish it could be done as soon as today. Poor Oscurito has been limited enough as it is. I know it has been hard for you to see him with other eyes, but I'm very grateful how much you're trying to defend him and see the good in him. It has been hard I know, but gracias so much for not leaving me and Angorita alone in this ordeal." Maverick said sincerely, giving his girlfriend a kiss and a soft, fluffy bear hug, wanting the mermaid to know just how grateful he was for all her help and support.

Angora gave him another warm smile, nodding.
"Yes Veris. I can. And look. No Raclaw. It's only temporary of course. You know Neo? The spirit that helps me? He's granting me the ability to talk to you for a while. Not sure for how long the effects will last, but we might as well enjoy it. He says I do have the ability to talk to others like you, but I need a lot of practice to do it on my own." Angora kindly explained, with a happiness that one would think she was giggling with every word.
"It's just you and me now Veris. Whatever you want or need to say, you can say it. While we're flying, or while we walk, whatever you want. I'm all yours and all ears." Angora commented, not hiding how ecstatic she was that she could finally communicate with the wyvern without no outside source... well, not in the way as before at least.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1158 Posted: 03:35:15 11/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“How are we doing back there Kasidra?” Icestorm said as he flapped his wings a few times before letting himself glide.

Meanwhile Crystal was patrolling the island. Even though Sere disliked her she still kept a secret eye on him and the cult on the island speaking new world order. She didn’t trust them.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1159 Posted: 16:13:18 11/05/2019
"Uh, hanging in there," she replied, her voice sounding a bit shaky. Kasidra was looking all around, taking in the sights from being up so high, and feeling the wind in her face. It was sort of exciting and exhilarating, being up so high and seeing the world from a new perspective. At the same time, there was also the fear of falling off of Icestorm and falling to her death. Although, she tried not to think about that possibility. The tiefling had to admit, though, that Icestorm was as strong as he claimed, being able to carry her this far up. "It is pretty amazing up here, though," Kasidra added, her voice sounding less shaky now.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1160 Posted: 17:05:50 11/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“It is. This is what it means to be a dragon. Well in my case a Dwarf Kaiju/dragon hybrid. We see this view every time we take flight.” Icestorm said as he took gentle flaps of his wings. “Though I do wish Shade could join us.”

Shade looked up at the dragons taking flight. He got up a little and looked up. “Oh I wish I could fly again. That would make me truly happy.”
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:06:12 11/05/2019 by Spyroconvexity
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1161 Posted: 18:45:19 11/05/2019
Ilasi blushed as she reciprocated Maverick's displays of affection."He was given another chance... what he did cannot be undone, but I want to hope that he can eventually find some way to redeem himself. That day may never come... but it shouldn't stop us from at least trying. I just don't know what it'll take others to forgive him. You saw how Leoquin feels about the whole subject - and I can guarantee you that he wouldn't be unusual in that regard."

Veris picked up his pace absentmindedly, ecstatic that Angora could finally understand him. What were some things he wanted to say before...? "My human always seems worn out these days. I'm glad you can at least spend time with me! Where do you want to go? Do you know any games?" Veris was going to take full advantage of this opportunity while he still had it.
I'm just... a guy...
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1162 Posted: 18:57:52 11/05/2019
There was much more that Sere wanted to know - but he would leave those questions for another time. "So we are looking for three individuals. Two adult fur dragons and a member of the Ardent Guardians, appearing as I or Latnok here do. Would you happen to know anything about htem?"
The priest paused for a few moments to consider the question. "I as an individual? I do not - my matters are mostly pertaining to this island. But there are many on this archipelago - and if any of those you are requesting are here, there is no doubt that someone would know about it. Perhaps even one of us - we as a whole possess an abundance of knowledge, even if individuals do not always have access to that knowledge. In our attempts to research life to bring us further to our goals, we may very well have come across someone we found most unusual."
Sere himself paused for a moment to consider the answer. "Thank you, good priest," Sere said as he got up to leave, Latnok getting up with him. "I believe we are done here for today."
"We will meet again," the priest said confidently. "Pray consider what we have presented to you - and be ready to make the right decision when the time is right."

Sere and Latnok were escorted off of the premises by the guards, who gave them well-wishes as they left. They traveled in relative silence, each thinking about what they had heard the priest say. They would soon arrive back at the ship - with nothing much left to do here but be prepared for departure the next day.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1163 Posted: 19:05:37 11/05/2019
Maverick nodded, understanding the predicament.
"I know. What Oscurito did is horrible and can't be undone, but he can try to redeem himself and make up for the action. I know some may take a long time to forgive him, and some may be unable to, but all we can do is hope for the best and help him. What he did was really bad, but at least he didn't do it on purpose. Of that I'm certain. All we can do now is help him control those powers... or maybe... just take some of it away if necessary. I'd hate if we had to resort to something like that... but... I'm willing to bet even Angorita will agree to that if there's no other choice..." Maverick said gloomily, knowing that, while a last resort, depriving Shade from his powers may have to be necessary if they wanted to avoid any more deaths.
"Anyway, like I said, I'm grateful that you're helping us. If it becomes too much though, I'll understand. I don't want you to be stressed or sad by this whole situation. You've done so much already." Maverick said as he held her hands, wanting her to know that if she felt like leaving it all behind, or at least take a rest from all the support, he wouldn't be mad or disappointed.

Angora shrank her shoulders, not knowing exactly what games would please Veris.
"I'm not sure. I've... never played much games before. I mean, I use to play pranks on Shady and Maverick, but I don't think that counts. And doesn't seem like the best activity for us anyway..." Angora pondered with some sadness, wanting to take advantage of this moment just like Veris.
"Perhaps you can say what kind of games you'd like. Or maybe we can just talk? It's your moment Veris, and I want to please you however I can." Angora assured, happy about being able to understand Veris but at the same time uneasy about the spell and when will it wear off. She hoped Neo would keep her with the ability for at least a couple of hours, more than enough time to get to know the wyvern better and say whatever things they would not talk about in other's presence, namely Raclaw and Latnok.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1164 Posted: 21:02:20 11/05/2019
Quote: Spyroconvexity
“It is. This is what it means to be a dragon. Well in my case a Dwarf Kaiju/dragon hybrid. We see this view every time we take flight.” Icestorm said as he took gentle flaps of his wings. “Though I do wish Shade could join us.”

Shade looked up at the dragons taking flight. He got up a little and looked up. “Oh I wish I could fly again. That would make me truly happy.”

"Wow... You're pretty lucky then," Kasidra said. "I've never been this high up before. Never ridden a dragon, or really anything, before either." She paused. "It's pretty amazing, though... I could probably get used to something like this."

She looked down at the ship, seeing Shade on the deck. "It's a shame. I mean, I heard he did some terrible things, but to keep him grounded like that? He can't even fly and stretch his wings for exercise? That just seems like a bit much. Even prisoners are allowed breaks."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1165 Posted: 21:13:15 11/05/2019
Raclaw happily took to the skies-- using Chester as an excuse to stretch his wings and even get a few fun maneuvers in. He would of course keep the precious cargo in mind, but felt secure in the sense that the harness would hold and keep the little Beagle safely in place. "We should do this more often!," Chester barked excitedly as Raclaw rose high up in the air and dove to about Icestorm's level. As he leveled out and allowed himself to glide alongside Icestorm and Kasidra-- he looked at the grounded Shade and hoped that the dragolet would one day gain more freedom. Even under the care and 'ownership' of Latnok, he was still very much a free dragon and had no limitations on when he could fly. Shade, however, was a very different beast with much more limitations. "Shade does have his moments, but unfortunately-- the law struck down hard on him. He's made mistakes and has done some terrible things, but is at least on the path of redemption and perhaps to eventual freedom.," Raclaw said having heard the last part of the conversation.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:57:15 11/05/2019 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1166 Posted: 21:27:43 11/05/2019
Veris slowed down as he thought about what he wanted to do next. "My human would play games with me by creating shadows or throwing balls of light and having me try to catch them," he explained. "There was also a game where there were several rings set up along the mountains, and he would make me fly through them in a pattern as fast as I could. He would also just have me fly really fast to see if he could hit things on the ground with spells. I don't know many games besides things like that..."

The dragons high in flight didn't escape Sere's notice; he was rather satisfied that Veris was getting some exercise. He would retire to his room for now, and maybe get some sleep; only for now, though. Laszur, in the meanwhile, was waking up in his cabin.
Ilasi was about to say something to Maverick, when she noticed Sere passing by. "Greetings, captain!" she said swiftly.
"Greetings, Ilasi. If you are done with your tasks, you are off-duty until tomorrow," Sere told her, before walking back into the ship. At the same time, Laszur stepped out, face veil on - he would see what there was that he needed to do today.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1167 Posted: 21:55:03 11/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“Yah it is unfortunate. But I do hope he is able to fly one day on his own.” Icestorm said. “The best we can do is hope.”
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1168 Posted: 22:25:16 11/05/2019
Kasidra was quiet for a moment, while she stared blankly ahead in thought. "Well... Everyone has a past," she said in a somewhat serious tone. "Some people make mistakes and do terrible things, but that doesn't necessarily make them evil. The circumstances for each person are different. Sure, some choose that life of evil willingly and can't be redeemed. While others..." She paused, "are forced into that sort of life for one reason or another." Kasidra grew quiet again, making it difficult to tell what all she might be thinking. Although, if it were possible for someone to sense emotions, they may feel a great deal of guilt and regret coming from the tiefling.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1169 Posted: 22:31:47 11/05/2019
Maverick did a brief greeting to the captain as well, wanting to make the request but he seemed fatigued and eager to rest, so he didn't dare to speak to him. He let him leave without saying anything and slightly disappointed... until he saw Laszur. Maverick decided he couldn't miss this opportuny
"Señor Laszur! Señor Laszur, my apologies for bothering you... I was wondering if... you know, you can allow me and Angorita to speak with Shade? Or... maybe just me to begin with. And allow me to play with him or something, under your supervision of course. I'm not dismissing the possibility of the collar needing to be activated." Maverick said respectfully, wanting Laszur to understand was all he wanted was for him and Angora to interact and occasionally play with the heavily limited Shade, without interfering with the galud's training or methods at all.

Quote: A Guy
Veris slowed down as he thought about what he wanted to do next. "My human would play games with me by creating shadows or throwing balls of light and having me try to catch them," he explained. "There was also a game where there were several rings set up along the mountains, and he would make me fly through them in a pattern as fast as I could. He would also just have me fly really fast to see if he could hit things on the ground with spells. I don't know many games besides things like that..."

With Veris explanation, it was clear to Angora that these games were mere training exercises.
"Sounds like a lot of magic involved. I may have magic... but... I'm not every good at it. I should've practiced more. Sorry Veris..." she apologized as she tried to think what would be the best game for them.

It didn't take her long to have an idea.
"I think I know what we can do. Not sure if you'll like it, but let's give it a try. Have you seen my orange shield? It's pretty much the only magic I can nail flawlessly. I can rebound with it and it can roll like a ball to make me faster. You can try to catch me while I roll and rebound around. Don't worry about hurting me. The shield can protect me." Angora assured, not enormously open about being hunted, but her shield was the only magic she trusted, so if Veris bit or clawed her, the shield would prevent any injuries.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1170 Posted: 23:04:17 11/05/2019
Raclaw could feel the guilt and regret coming off Kasidra, although he wouldn't make this featureset of his abilities immediately obvious. "Shade-- Shade has or at least has had trouble controlling his powers. The result has not always been pretty and had led him onto the path that he is walking now. It is unfortunate yes, but it is also necessary so that he can be reintegrated into society in one form or another. Some of us dragons have it easier than others and sometimes one's power can be too much to handle at times.," began to explain thinking of Shade's situation and comparing it to that of his own. He just hoped that Kasidra didn't compare his collar's similarities to Shade's and didn't think that he also couldn't control his powers. Chester reminded deadly silent, letting the dragons and riders talk in peace.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:04:54 11/05/2019 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1171 Posted: 00:33:56 12/05/2019
Veris was interested in this potential game, yet doubtful.
"Are you sure this is okay?" erisk asked Angora trepidatiously. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me... we are friends. Are we? I don't know how my human would feel." Despite all they've been doing so far, Veris was still Sere's wyvern at the end of the day, and was loyal to him...

Laszur gave a mental sigh as Maverick came with his question as soon as he got up. "Shade's training requires that he break his reliance on you and Angora," Laszur clarified. "In order to do that, he must avoid both of you. Otherwise, his reliance will persist. We must set a precedent - that he must do as he is told, and that your company, or that of Angora, will not be something he can count on."
Ilasi subconsciously looked away. She was afraid of Laszur saying as much. The Silent Spear were known for their loyalty, and Laszur wasn't likely to bend the rules unless he saw some way it could help him accomplish the mission better.

As Sere retired into the cabin, Latnok looked up at the sky - there was Raclaw and Chester, there was Veris and who seemed to be Angora, and there was ...Icestorm and Kasidra? That didn't look safe at all. He would have to keep a watchful eye...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1172 Posted: 00:56:14 12/05/2019
Maverick sighed sadly, disappointed by the outcome but nevertheless understanding Laszur's point of view. As much as he hated to admit it, he noticed throughout the time that Shade's overly strong instincts to protect him and Angora is mostly what brought the worse in him.
"I... I guess you're right señor. Sorry for asking. But por favor, if Osc... Shade succeeds in his training and we're finally allowed to interact with him, let us know." Maverick asked, knowing that was the best he could do for now. While he was sad for Shade, he was left with the peace of mind that at least he tried to do something. The sooner Shade realized he had to control his powers, instincts, and above all, temper, the best it would be for everyone.

Quote: A Guy
Veris was interested in this potential game, yet doubtful.
"Are you sure this is okay?" erisk asked Angora trepidatiously. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me... we are friends. Are we? I don't know how my human would feel." Despite all they've been doing so far, Veris was still Sere's wyvern at the end of the day, and was loyal to him...

Angora nodded with a smile, finding it adorable how much Veris cared for her.
"Of course we are. Besides, your human won't scold you. With how much you care for me, he'll know you wouldn't have done it on purpose." Angora stated, knowing Sere wouldn't care if something happened to her anyway, but she decided not to mention that to Veris.
"Besides, I trust my shield, and if there's a small chance it fails, I'm much sturdier than I look. Why, I was heavily chewed by a manticore once and nearly eaten by it and many other creatures. That's the reason I wear clothes, to hide the scars..." Angora said, doing a brief pause. Trolls used little to no clothes, but she began using them in order to hide all the permanent injuries and blend in more with society.

"I've had a few scary experiences, but I'm very resistant. Now come on, play. Don't worry about me. I owe you so much Veris. Before Maverick was back into my life, before Shady's loyalty, I had you. You were always consoling me and keeping a close eye on me. I don't know why you like me so much, but I'm grateful, and I would do anything for you." Angora assured, wanting Veris to know how she felt before her ability to talk to him faded away. The wyvern helped her so much in those Darkmatter days whe nobody else wanted. Raclaw tried of course, but he could never really stood up to Latnok back then, so the wyvern was all she had.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1173 Posted: 02:10:14 12/05/2019
"Okay. I will try to learn this game!" Veris said to Angora - satisfied that his efforts to cheer her up in the past had worked. Roll, roll... they needed a spot on the ground. The island had much foliage making discovering such an area from above somewhat difficult. "Is that a good place?" Veris asked, motioning his head in an effort to point to the location, though he had trouble communicating what he saw - a rocky slope with a slight decline which became sharper as it went down.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1174 Posted: 02:26:58 12/05/2019
"Slopes, space... yeah, I think that could work. There's no signs of civilization nearby, and it seems like a good place to rebound, yeah, that could be it. We could talk as we play. Now fly down gently. We don't want to crash." Angora said as she waited for Veris to land, looking forward to have a conversation with him as he played. She was feeling very proud of herself. She doubted Sere would be willing to go to such extremes to keep Veris entertained.

She loosened her harness as Veris went near land, using his tail as a slide to go to the ground, though she soon regretted the action. His skin was pointier than Shade's.
"Oof, bad idea. Anyway, we're ready, aren't we. Behold..." Angora said as she activated her shield, finding to her delight and relief she could still do it flawlessly even after her visit to Shepherd's mysterious realm.
"Alright then, are you ready? Catch me if you can." Angora challenged, using the shield as a hamster ball to gain speed. With every rock and slope, the shield would gain attitude and rebound like a beach ball. Playing this game without a shield? Deadly no doubt, but this was the only ability that hasn't failed her. Not only would Veris improve his hunting by chasing such a speedy objective, it would give him a very thorough exercise, something he completely lacked in that dark enclosure.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1175 Posted: 02:42:57 12/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm looked at Angora and Veris land. “Raclaw I think we should let them play. I need to stretch my wings. Well if my passenger does mind.”
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1176 Posted: 02:44:08 12/05/2019
Quote: redwes
Raclaw could feel the guilt and regret coming off Kasidra, although he wouldn't make this featureset of his abilities immediately obvious. "Shade-- Shade has or at least has had trouble controlling his powers. The result has not always been pretty and had led him onto the path that he is walking now. It is unfortunate yes, but it is also necessary so that he can be reintegrated into society in one form or another. Some of us dragons have it easier than others and sometimes one's power can be too much to handle at times.," began to explain thinking of Shade's situation and comparing it to that of his own. He just hoped that Kasidra didn't compare his collar's similarities to Shade's and didn't think that he also couldn't control his powers. Chester reminded deadly silent, letting the dragons and riders talk in peace.

"I see..." Kasidra replied. "That definitely sounds like it isn't entirely his fault then. If he got his powers under control, he might actually be a really good dragon." She glanced over at Raclaw, noticing his collar. She remembered that Shade had one, too. At first, she thought this was merely a sign of ownership, but what if the collar symbolized something more? Were they magical? Did they have abilities? The tiefling wasn't sure. Was it alright to ask? "Hey, Raclaw," Kasidra began, "what about the collars? Do they do anything or mean anything?" She wasn't going to assume or ask anything specific, allowing the fur dragon to explain in whatever way he was comfortable.

Kasidra glanced at Icestorm briefly. "No, I don't mind. You can fly all you like, just don't drop me."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:45:35 12/05/2019 by Cynder09
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1177 Posted: 02:59:01 12/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm smiled. “Don’t worry I won’t.” Icestorm said.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1178 Posted: 15:49:58 12/05/2019
Veris, though confused at first, was soon enthralled by this new game - dropping Angora, then chasing her down before finally catching up to her and picking her up in his mouth or limbs. He was very, very careful not to swallow - that would be a most unwelcome end to this game of theirs.
Veris would occasionally mix it up by throwing a maneuver, such as a barrel roll or a screw twist. "This game is very fun!" Veris said, like a child at a circus. "I haven't played anything like this before! I think my human should learn this game."

With the captain having passed, Ilasi turned her attention to Maverick. "Well, my dear, I think we're clear to go now," she suggested, subtlety somewhat lacking. She had no more business at the ship - and had no company there at the moment that she would particularly miss.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:51:05 12/05/2019 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1179 Posted: 16:20:04 12/05/2019
Angora was beyond pleased that Veris was so happy. She had never seen him like this before. If Sere thought she was a failure, he would clearly think different if he saw how much his beloved mount has raised his spirit.
"I can tell him about it. Maybe he'll get you a ball sturdy enough for you. Or I can check if there's a toy like that in the nearby town. In the meantime, I don't mind if it has to be me." Angora said with a smile, knowing that this just the kind of activity Veris needed. She didn't mind if she had to be the toy for now. This way, not only would he get a healthy exercise and improved hunting skills, but his times in the enclosure would be easier to handle. She hid the fact that it was quite scary for her when he caught her in his mouth, but she knew he was being very careful with her, plus her shield was providing flawless protection from his bites. And with every catch, Veris would drool over the shield, making it very slippery and harder to catch, thus increasing the challenge.

Maverick's sadness soon vanished when Ilasi talked to him.
"Let's go then. Seems like the ship will be here for one more day, so let's take advantage of this day. Maybe we'll take on the blacksmith offer on staying in town, and who knows? Maybe we'll get more gold. I'm planning to get a toy for Owcurito to ease up those lonely moments." Maverick commented, very enthusiastic about returning to town. Sere didn't say if he had the rest of the day off, but with his big cooking earlier, he believed it was enough for now, although if he did get a scold, he already knew what to say.
"Have your weapon ready Ilasi? The island is beautiful, but it's not wise to trust it." Maverick asked, determined to be on a much higher guard than yesterday. Tongueans weren't the only concern anymore. He still remembered the snake that almost devoured Ilasi and wasn't going to take anything they encountered for granted.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1180 Posted: 18:52:31 12/05/2019
"I see..." Kasidra replied. "That definitely sounds like it isn't entirely his fault then. If he got his powers under control, he might actually be a really good dragon." She glanced over at Raclaw, noticing his collar. She remembered that Shade had one, too. At first, she thought this was merely a sign of ownership, but what if the collar symbolized something more? Were they magical? Did they have abilities? The tiefling wasn't sure. Was it alright to ask? "Hey, Raclaw," Kasidra began, "what about the collars? Do they do anything or mean anything?" She wasn't going to assume or ask anything specific, allowing the fur dragon to explain in whatever way he was comfortable.

"The collars--," Raclaw began to explain pondering the best words. "The collars help manage our powers, albeit in different ways. My collar allows me to access stored energy from years past and is actually capable of boasting my abilities. Shade's collar, a different and more advanced model of my own, is instead insteaded to do the opposite; to keep Shade's powers in check. Both collars are capable of responding to commands-- although the commands do vary and Shade's collar carries a much harsher and more expanded selection of commands. In addition, each collar is capable of being modified and is also able to link a collared dragon to.. their respective human ..via a powerful mental bond. This bond allows Latnok and I to share and expand upon our abilities making us stronger and more capable together. My own collar also carries a couple unique quirks, but that is the gist of it.," he then said opting against using the word owner. He knew that Latnok would insist that he still a free dragon, despite the fact that the collar claim did indeed make him an owned dragon.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1181 Posted: 19:11:10 12/05/2019
"Interesting..." Kasidra replied, once hearing the explanation. "So your collars are different then? And Shade has his because of what he did in the past, right? And you have yours because of... Your abilities?" she asked, more hesitantly. Maybe these collared dragons were more than just pets to their people, and were collared for reasons outside of ownership. Still, Kasidra was curious about this mental bond as well. "What about that mental bond? How does that work exactly? Is your respective human just whoever collared you?"
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1182 Posted: 19:57:01 12/05/2019
"I.. I was collared at a young age due to a dragon/human social experiment, but now carry it in part because of my abilities yes. Latnok and I-- we chose each other, but I actively made the decision to become claimed. The bond between us links us and partly merges our minds. We become closer as a result, become more in sync with each other, and are able to merge our powers in creative ways. For instance, I can understand canine and now so can Latnok.," Raclaw responded glancing back at the secured Chester with a smile.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:02:04 12/05/2019 by redwes
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1183 Posted: 20:10:29 12/05/2019
Kasidra simply stared at him for a moment, trying to wrap her head around everything she was hearing. It all sounded kind of complicated, but it was also pretty interesting. "Wow... That's... That sounds pretty amazing, actually. Not only do you get to share abilities, but it sounds like you get to share so much more with each other. You must feel pretty lucky to have a bond like that with someone," she said quietly. There was a mix of loneliness and jealousy coming from her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1184 Posted: 20:20:42 12/05/2019
Angora continued activating the shield, being both a spectator and part of the action. Veris was having such a good time he even appeared to be panting with so much exercise. He seemed exited all the time, except when he picked her with his mouth. It was touching how careful he was, perhaps a little too careful.
"You shouldn't worry about me Veris. It's really quite alright. Whether you hurt me on purpose or not, I'll always forgive you. Why, if we're ever without food or in the middle of starvation, I'd even be willing to offer myself to you if it means helping you a little." Angora commented, wanting to demonstrate just how much she loved Veris, and how strong her loyalty and appreciation for him was.

At the island, Maverick and Ilasi were heading to town again. Fortunately, they didn't encountered any hostile wildlife, though they were very wary of caves and holes. Maverick wished Angora could be here with them given she had to miss the last trip, but she was taking care of Veris, and he has noticed how happy that makes her. With him as a navigator and cook and Angora as the caretaker of the captain's mount, it seems like they finally had a stable job, and if Angora did great work, she could finally be treated better. All that would be left was for Shade to complete his training and control his powers, and perhaps afterwards, they could all finally be happy.
"We're near. I remember this trail. Come on Ilasi. I'll carry you the rest of the way. I don't want you to get too tired." Maverick said as he carried his girlfriend, as gentlemanly as ever. He would always carry her when she got wet and her tail returned, but he didn't want those occasions to be the only ones. He wanted to be the best boyfriend he could be.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1185 Posted: 20:32:16 12/05/2019
"Yeah-- I have to say that I feel pretty lucky. It's not very often that you find someone like that. It's a feeling that is hard to describe, but is an amazing feeling once you do eventually experience it.," Raclaw said looking at Kasidra with a look of sympathy.. having read the emotions coming off the newcomer. "Someday, we all find someone.," he then said trying to reensure her.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:34:58 12/05/2019 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1186 Posted: 20:37:05 12/05/2019
As embarrassed as she could be sometimes, Ilasi was fully welcoming of Maverick's gesture. It was a perfect display of his affection - and, more importantly, was a form of reassurance. The touch assured Ilasi that Maverick was hers - and not some other woman's.
Ilasi tried to put those thoughts out of her mind. Of course Maverick was hers. He had told her how much he loved her. There was no need for insecurities... was there?

"Don't make me do that," Veris said, his mood somewhat lowered by the thought. "My human has always said that I should eat him without leaving a trace if he dies... but I don't like that. I can't eat other 'good' people when they die, but he wants me to eat him? I can only eat 'bad' people. But my human is good. You are good, too... but I don't think my human likes you. Who can I eat? If he is good, why can I eat him, but not other good people?" The thought of eating things was so much more than that to Veris in this particular situation - there was an apparent connection between morality and the right to eat, though there were some thing that confused him. Two things were certain - he was told not to eat "good" people, and Angora was "good", as far as he knew. The situation with Sere, however, confused him.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:37:46 12/05/2019 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1187 Posted: 21:00:24 12/05/2019
Maverick and Ilasi were greeted by the blacksmith's children, and while some of the citizens recognized them, they at least have them some space. The large blacksmith was very happy to see them again and offered them a vacant room in his shop, which was also his and his family's house. Despite being small, it had enough space for Ilasi and Maverick, and they were welcomed to sightsee whenever they wanted, whether it was to sell more stuff or just explore their humble town and their surroundings.

Angora was shocked and embarrased by Veris' reaction. This wasn't the reaction she was expecting. She wanted Veris to see just how much she cared for him, but she seemed to have only confused him even more. She did recall the time when Sere did say Veris should eat him in case he perished against Darkmatter.
"I guess... only the Guardians can be eaten by their wyverns when they die? I suppose... it's their last good deed for them? I don't understand your human and his society's policies, but I guess what Sere means to say is that it's ok to eat good people only after they die? Not sure if that extends beyond the Guardians... but... I can ask him..." Angora said with some hesitation, now getting confused herself. Veris did eat that prisoner, but he was bad and already dead. What about dead good people that weren't Guardians?

"Sorry to have brought it up Veris. Didn't mean to bring such an uncomfortable subject. If you're tired, we can stop for today. I'll get you some lunch and a large bucket of water when we arrive to the ship. Who knows? Maybe Sere will make me your official caretaker, and once he sees how happy and vital I'm keeping you, he'll finally like me." Angora contemplated, still wondering why Veris liked her so much when his master didn't, but that was a question she wanted him to answer in his own time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1188 Posted: 21:28:32 12/05/2019
In exchange for the hospitality, Ilasi provided the blacksmith a tonic which would do well to help relieve soreness and injuries from repetitive motions - such as the type likely to be incurred by prolonged metalworking. It really did amaze her that there was so much hospitality to be had outside Aelinon's borders. Now, there would be work for tomorrow. But for the moment, she and Maverick could just enjoy the time.

Veris' somewhat confused look soon turned into a smile as Angora mentioned potentially having Sere assign her as his permanent caretaker. She had been a blast to have around so far, and took very good care of him when Sere had been too busy. Though he didn't at all resent Sere, he was somewhat saddened.
"My human likes me. Maybe if he sees that you like me, he will like you too!" Veris suggested. To him, it made perfect sense.

Evening came as the sun started its slow descent from the sky, with Latnok having decided to do the cooking for now. As good a time as any - Kasidra had seen Maverick's cooking, so now there would be his; Maverick was also not on board at the moment. Latnok toiled away in the kitchen, dicing up the fish Leoquin had caught, enhancing the cooking and heating with his own magic. With some seasoning set in, the food was ready.
Latnok brought the food to the deck, before announcing as loudly as he could for all who were interested in eating to get their food. Many did, not wanting to miss Latnok's cooking.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1189 Posted: 22:45:25 12/05/2019
The day was marvelous for Maverick, choosing between selling stuff and sightseeing. This was such a perfect place to have peace. The evening was beautiful, filled with oil lamps and fireflies. Some townsfolk gathered around a small fountain near the blacksmith's ship to pray for a plentiful and happy life, something they apparently did every day. This place was so fantastic, Maverick was even starting to wonder if he should continue his travelling merchant life and continue seeing the world or just settle to a place like this for the rest of their lives. A life of adventure. A life of peace. Choosing between them was so hard, and something in between looked too impossible with everything that has happened.

Angora figured Sere knew she liked Veris, and the other way around, so why was it hard for him to like her and treat her decently? Because of her good intentioned insubordination? Her past behavioral problem? Veris could be her last hope of gaining at least a tiny bit of respect.
"We shall see..." she had replied to Veris back then as they headed to the enclosure. When Angora brought food and water to Veris, that was the time she lost her ability to speak with him. It was so disappointing. She wanted to así him so many other questions, but at least she knew enough. Veris cared for her, and saw her as a friend, which was more than she could ask for.

For the rest of the day and until the evening, Angora drifted between attending Veris and helping the skeleton crew with the repairs. Hooefully Sere and Latnok would notice, although she never looked around to make sure. She just went around choosing between chores and killing time, occasionally wondering what will happen next, but above all, if she should take Shepherd's offer...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx [online] Gems: 8830
#1190 Posted: 00:06:53 13/05/2019
The dragons and riders had continued their joy flight until ether Icestorm or Kasidra had called it quits. Raclaw realised that he had never talked his bond with Latnok to ether Icestorm or Kasidra in such detail before, but it didn't make a difference. He was Latnok's dragon and Latnok, regardless of what the world considered him/Latnok, was his human. The bond that connected them was very much real-- and the two companions would only continue to see each other as friends or rather best friends. He may have been an owned dragon now, but he was still free in his own way. There was no point in hiding it; the collar would always invite such questions and he would do his best to describe their rather unique bond and how such an bond had become a heartfelt possibility. And as for the collar, he was glad to wear it. Very rarely could he ever recall taking it off. It.. it was precious to him.

As evening came to be and the food was ready-- Raclaw was naturally one of the first having always looked forward to Latnok's cooking. Chester wouldn't be far behind and the two would be one of the first to receive their meals. "Smells good Latnok!," the fur dragon said as he received his bowl. He let the aroma seep up his nostrils as Chester did the same. The beagle, with his very receptive sense of smell, no doubt couldn't wake to dig into the magic delicious-smelling fish. Magic-enhanced cooking was a thing to behold.. and soon happily devour.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:07:47 13/05/2019 by redwes
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1191 Posted: 00:36:16 13/05/2019
After the flight with the dragons was over, Kasidra retreated to her new room on the ship and stayed there for the remainder of the day. The tiefling had nothing else planned, and very little to do, so she simply rested in her room. She figured she had enough excitement for one day, after riding such a small dragon. Thankfully, she hadn't fallen off at any point during the ride. As fun as that was, it was also sort of scary, and the tiefling wasn't sure if she wanted to do something like that again, at least not so soon.

Although, it was the fur dragon's words that stayed on her mind throughout the day. Kasidra thought about what he had meant by that. The way he spoke, it was almost as if Raclaw knew somehow. That he had somehow sensed what she was going through, and tried to reassure her in a subtle way. Kasidra figured that idea was crazy and impossible. How would he have known? Was it because dragons were sort of like animals? Could they sense that somehow? The tiefling wasn't sure, but she thought she had heard about animals having that ability. Maybe dragons had something similar? Kasidra decided to push the thought out of her mind for now. She wouldn't have an answer for that anytime soon, she figured.

As the tiefling grew hungry, she left her room to see if anyone had prepared any meals for the evening. The aroma led her to the deck, where she saw Latnok serving food. Kasidra walked over to receive a plate for herself.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1192 Posted: 02:13:24 13/05/2019
Latnok was kneeling, setting up a tray for his furry friends in the usual manner, when Kasidra came along. He would stand up shortly after putting food in a bowl for Chester. As he did, Latnok thought about perhaps getting something custom-made for Chester, better suited for his snout - and with his name engraved.
"Good evening," Latnok said to Kasidra as she approached. "Please help yourself. This is my cooking - quite a bit different from Maverick's." Latnok had, as usual, put his heart and soul into the food. The well-being of those he was in charge of was his top priority - and the food reflected that.
I'm just... a guy...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1193 Posted: 02:23:57 13/05/2019
"Good evening," Kasidra replied. "Thank you. I can't wait to see how yours is," she said as she grabbed a plate. The tiefling sampled the food, eager to taste it. "Mmm, this is even better than Maverick's!" she complimented. She didn't know how such a feat was possible, given how great Maverick's cooking was, but Latnok had clearly exceeded it somehow.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1194 Posted: 02:32:49 13/05/2019
Latnok couldn't help but give a huge, satisfied grin as Kasidra showed preference for his food. Though Maverick did more of the cooking nowadays, Latnok refused to be usurped in the cooking department, considering how much care he had taken to get it as good as he had - it was a skill he specifically trained himself in to keep the morale of his squad high.
"Thought you'd like it," he said pridefully. "Now, as far as drinks are concerned - we have a variety of alcohol, and we, of course, have purified water."
I'm just... a guy...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1195 Posted: 02:43:30 13/05/2019
"Oh, water please," Kasidra stated between mouthfuls of food. She happily gobbled up the food with a grin, savoring each bite. She couldn't even remember the last time she had anything anywhere near this good. It wasn't often that she got to enjoy quality food.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1196 Posted: 02:49:16 13/05/2019
Latnok poured the tiefling a glass of water as she continued to assault her food, honoring him with her great show of enjoyment of his cooking. He handed it to her when she had her hands free for a moment.
Once most of the interested crew seemed to have been served, Latnok grabbed a dish himself, sitting down to be closer to Chester's level. When Latnok was distributing food, he always made sure to eat last - at least when the situation allowed it.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1197 Posted: 02:50:09 13/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade soon came up to get his food. “Good evening Latnok. May I have some food?”

Soon Icestorm approached Kasidra. “Good evening! So? How did you like the flight today?”
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1198 Posted: 03:03:15 13/05/2019
Kasidra took the glass of water and took a few sips. She was about to continue eating, when Icestorm approached her. "Hey, good evening," she greeted. "Oh, it was fun, if not also a bit nerve-racking," she admitted. "I still mostly enjoyed it, though. Thanks again for letting me ride."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1199 Posted: 03:21:48 13/05/2019
After a few chores, Angora finally decided to help herself with some food, hearing when Kasidra said Latnok's cooking was better than Maverick's. She didn't take that very well, but decided to remain silent about it. Maverick was an artist when it came to his dishes, and he didn't need any magic to get it done. He cooked the food with his own merit, which is why Anglra still believed his food was better. But she was hungry. She took a small platter before walking away from the group, doubting Latnok in particular would want her company.

At the town, Maverick and Ilasi were seeing the lights, both the natural and artificial. The night was theirs.
"You know Ilasi... I... I'm not sure if... we could settle in a place like this. I mean, I want to explore the world and keep being a traveling merchant. Perhaps there are places even more beautiful than this one... but... the world has gotten so dangerous. I... don't know what's the best thing to do." Maverick said gloomily, still stuck between settling in some peaceful place or explore the risky world.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1200 Posted: 10:19:33 13/05/2019
Latnok handed Shade some food as he requested. "Sure. Here you go," he said. "I haven't heard anything bad about you today. Keep it up."
"As for you two... have your fun, but make sure to have a proper harness next time," Latnok sternly cautioned. "Especially with someone as small as Icestorm. It's really easy to fall off if you're careless.. We'll never be able to see everyone come back in one piece - but we have to make sure that we have as many as we can return home one day."
Latnok observed as Angora walked up and took a platter. He didn't bother her about it for the moment.

"I've never been far from soldiers or warriors myself..." Ilasi said, completely understanding what Maverick meant by a dangerous world as she hugged him tighter. "A place like this - people are so hospitable, there is so much to learn about this place... but what happens when we have seen it all here? Will we still be satisfied here? Will we decide it's better to leave?" Ilasi didn't mean for her question to be rhetorical - she was legitimately wondering herself.
I'm just... a guy...
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