

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Ruin A Wish [CLOSED]
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#1101 Posted: 13:25:25 07/09/2012
You get one more gem, but everyone else gets 500 more, so everyone outranks you.

I wish my waffles had more vitamins...
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1102 Posted: 17:33:42 07/09/2012
They have more sweets

I wish I started this page smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#1103 Posted: 18:47:02 07/09/2012
The page explodes.

I wish my language was the only language used on the internet.
Bring the Fanta
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1104 Posted: 19:06:16 07/09/2012
No-onellama canllama understandllama itllama

I wish I was a llama
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#1105 Posted: 19:07:38 07/09/2012
Llamas become extinct.

Illama wishllama Illama wouldllama stopllama speakingllama likellama thisllama.
Bring the Fanta
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#1106 Posted: 19:29:37 07/09/2012

I wish for wishing.
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#1107 Posted: 19:30:10 07/09/2012
Wish failed.

I wish for Pokemon!
Bring the Fanta
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#1108 Posted: 19:56:23 07/09/2012
Such awesome wishes like that cannot be ruined.

I wish for error 404 not found.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#1109 Posted: 20:20:09 07/09/2012
So much everything is found that it kills you.

I wish for no boredom ever again.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1110 Posted: 20:44:00 07/09/2012
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#1111 Posted: 00:52:40 08/09/2012
I wish for the power of self teleportation!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1112 Posted: 10:17:22 08/09/2012
i steal it! HAHAHA!!!!

i wish i was the purple dude in my avi
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#1113 Posted: 13:27:51 08/09/2012
Since you didn't specify which purple guy, you become neither.

I wish for a big fish.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1114 Posted: 15:33:55 08/09/2012
you have a big spider

i wish i had a gun
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#1115 Posted: 15:40:48 08/09/2012

You get a plastic knife...

I wish for absolutely anything or nothing or something.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1116 Posted: 15:43:20 08/09/2012
(yay you''re back! smilie)

you get STUFF

i wish spyro was red
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#1117 Posted: 15:46:22 08/09/2012
He's so red that he dies of blushing...

I wish I completed a 14x14 rubicks cube
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1118 Posted: 15:47:06 08/09/2012

i wish i had a burger
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#1119 Posted: 15:54:19 08/09/2012
There's a rat in it....

I wish I could take back my teleportation ability from Jaggedstar.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1120 Posted: 15:57:52 08/09/2012
She summons her jagged stars and they cut you to ribbons before you get near her

I wish i was the queen of dS
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#1121 Posted: 16:01:07 08/09/2012
Everyone rebels against you in a violent revolution.

I wish for a glass of regular, non-lethal tea.
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#1122 Posted: 16:32:12 08/09/2012
The tea magically levitates out of the glass and then kills you...

I wish people had as much creativity as me.
VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6808
#1123 Posted: 18:04:58 08/09/2012
Nobody. All we will boring, and that includes you.

I wish there was more cheap stuff in the world.
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#1124 Posted: 18:10:24 08/09/2012
Everything is so cheap that they're not even useful.

I wish Queen Chrysalis would be mah friend!
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#1125 Posted: 18:13:03 08/09/2012
You die...

I wish deoderent was a weapon in the army. smilie
VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6808
#1126 Posted: 16:29:51 09/09/2012
The will be very soon. But you'll burn in their prototypes. And then not used that weapon.

@SilentButDeadly. She can be friends with everyone. While it is good changeling. But it will be difficult to achieve. I would take that risk. ha ha ha

I wish to be in December and to have many things. Many videogames release, MLP: FIM Season 3, finish college, holidays, christmas, many gifts...
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#1127 Posted: 16:31:18 09/09/2012
It never happens...

I wish I had a Dog Turd Cannon!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7970
#1128 Posted: 16:32:55 09/09/2012
You have a pigeon turd gun

I wish for

Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1129 Posted: 20:07:58 09/09/2012
You get... NOTHING!

I wish Pokemon Black and White II were out now.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1130 Posted: 21:07:13 12/09/2012
Well to bad, it's already out.

I wish I had international calling so I can talk to JStar on the phone.
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1131 Posted: 21:08:05 12/09/2012
You can only call the queen of england

I wish i was a cat
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1132 Posted: 21:09:17 12/09/2012
Too bad, you're already a human.

I wish I can be with JStar in person.
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#1133 Posted: 21:16:42 12/09/2012
Jstar turns out to be a robot.

I wish spyro and sonic woudn't leave.
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1134 Posted: 21:30:08 12/09/2012
He won't!

I wish that I was red!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1135 Posted: 21:30:59 12/09/2012
You turn purple

I wish i had a brain
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1136 Posted: 21:40:58 12/09/2012
You already have one

I wish that Hunter didn't smile when she had her fake mugshot!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1137 Posted: 21:49:13 12/09/2012
Too bad i did smilie

I wish ultimatemarvel didnt have an avi
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1138 Posted: 21:55:10 12/09/2012
To bad, deal with it!

I wish hunter would actually go back to normal status!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1139 Posted: 21:56:52 12/09/2012
She wont

I wish i could stop listneing to this song
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1140 Posted: 22:20:32 12/09/2012
Well you're not!

I wish that I had some chocolate milk!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1141 Posted: 22:49:58 12/09/2012
Its strawberry milk

I wish i didnt have to read two chapters
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1142 Posted: 22:54:32 12/09/2012
Well now you get over 9000!

I wish for nothing.
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1143 Posted: 22:55:34 12/09/2012
You get something

I wish i had a sword
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1144 Posted: 23:01:17 12/09/2012
It turns out to be plastic smilie

I wish the cat would stop bothering me!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1145 Posted: 23:01:59 12/09/2012
It doesnt stop

I wish my dog wouldnt be dead
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Ultimatemarvel Ripto Gems: 195
#1146 Posted: 23:04:43 12/09/2012
It's alive and well in your memories!

Dang it, now I can't take a crap in peace because now the cat will always bother me! Noooooooo!

I wish that the weekend was here so I can talk to JStar on Skype!
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#1147 Posted: 23:05:39 12/09/2012
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8209
#1148 Posted: 02:05:13 13/09/2012

I wish I was more social.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6808
#1149 Posted: 11:24:18 13/09/2012
So why do you speak with a mannequin? You will not be social that way. You're alone.

I wish my breakfast, lunch and dinner.
SpyroSC Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#1150 Posted: 11:25:26 13/09/2012
You starve from lack of food.

I wish that I had a pet dragon.
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