

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10901 Posted: 01:36:56 21/11/2013
Bowser Town, Mushroom Kingdom

"It's... Bowser!" DragonCamo gasped, as he and the other returned travelers stepped away in terror. The Koopa King stood before them, arms crossed, wearing a big, sinister grin.

"W-What did you do you... uh... mean mean meany head!" Ash cried.

"Grah ha ha ha! I just did a little redecorating with the place." Bowser bragged, cackling sinisterly. "Don't you like it. I think it's an upgrade from what it used it to look like." He continued.

"We're not going to let you get away with this." Paris boldly stated.

"What are you talking about?" Slambam interjected. "I fully intend to let him get away with this." He leaned over and whispered, "Because he's scary."

"OMG! We will pwn j0u so hard, n00b." Seiki added. Bowser smirks and raise a curious eyebrow. Out from behind him floats a half dozen robot sentries. They have circular bodies topped by glass domes containing a mess of wires and circuits. Three electronic eyes lie in the center of their transparent skulls. Each one is floating in the air using strange, metallic, electrified tentacles. They lack arms, instead having blasters on each one.

"Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Bowser cackled once again. "What was that about stopping me?"

Underian sighed. "I knew that this whole thing was a bad idea."

Before anyone else got a word in edgewise, Bowser pointed a single claw at the humans and shouted, "Seize them all!" The robots all respond by pointing their blasters directly at the large group.

Play & Repeat

"RUN FOR IT!" Pika screams before the robots open fire. Blasts of plasma stream across the area as everyone makes a frantic dash away from the Koopa King. Ash, Seiki, BrutalBash, slambam, DragonCamo, Paris, somePerson, and CG bank for a nearby desecrated forest. Rand is immediately struck in the gut by a plasma blast and sinks to his knees.

"Goodbye, cruel world!" He gasps as he collapses onto the ground, dead on contact. Beside him, Morris and Sparxis are each struck in the back.

"Damn... I was 48 hours away from retirement." Morris groans as his last breath departs him. Likewise, Sparxis falls to the ground, her body cold and motionless. The robots float there as the escaped heroes disappear into the destroyed forest. Bowser stares at them and his eyes flash with anger.

"Don't just float there, bolt brains, get after them!" He roars, stomping his left foot repeatedly like an angry toddler throwing a temper tantrum. One of the robots turns to face him and responds in a mechanical, emotionless voice.

"It would not have hurt to say 'please.' We have feelings to." Another robot immediately floats in front of the one that spoke.

"No we don't. We are robots. We are not designed to feel." It rebuts.

"Then how do you explain Fred crying when we watched The Notebook last weekend?" The first robot inquires.

"That was not crying. It was a minor plasma fuse leakage." The second robot responds.

"ARRGH!" Bowser loudly groans, startling the robots. "This is 'Bowser's Super Awesome Kickass Robot Army," NOT the debate club. Kill those humans!" He orders, clenching his fists in anger. The robots quickly float off toward the forest. Bowser smiles mischievously as they disappear. "Wonderful! They'll be dead in minutes. Now, time for a little 'Bowser Time.'" He walks back off toward the large building shaped like his upper body.
Toad Town Forest

CG leans against a tree, panting from all the running. "Th-This is terrible. What was Bowser doing there, anyway?"

"Maybe he was throwing a party!" Ash suggests.

"Are you nuts?" somePerson glowers. "He tried to kill us. Something fishy is going on." He grumbles.

"Don't tell me you want to get to the bottom of this?" Slambam worries. "My heart can't take this after all that stuff in space."

"Leik, it will be teh awesomesauce!" Seiki interjects. "My followers on DigiAdventurer.nerr will not believe teh stuff I'm getting to do." The conversation is abruptly cut off as the voices of the sentries pick up again.

"You cannot hide. Come out wherever you are." One robot calls.

"We come in peace." Another one blatantly lies.

"Quick! We've got to move." DragonCamo orders in a hushed whisper. They all turn and start to run deeper into the forest. A laser blast whizzes past him and he jumps in surprise.

"Do not be alarmed. We are simply here to kill you." One of the robot states over the laser explosions. The small group quickly picks up the pace, and they notice the slope of the ground starts to increase.

"Oh, nice going, DC." somePerson hisses. "You led us to a hill! They're going to catch us at this rate."

"Not if I can help it!" Paris confidently proclaims. She scoops a large rock off the ground and hurls it at the closest robot. It strikes the robot right in the glass dome and it sputters backward.

"Oww, not cool." It proclaims.

"That was sweet." The robot beside it states. "We should be friends." It says.

"No way. You're trying to kill my friends." Paris growls. He turns around and sprints to catch up to the others. They continue to run until the trees give way. DragonCamo skids to a halt and sticks his arms out to stop the others. They all look out and realize they've climbed to the top of a cliff.

"Nice work, DC." somePerson sarcastically congratulates. "You've doomed us all!"

"This is so not going in my blog post." Seiki mumbles dejectedly.

"Man, this bites." BrutalBash sighs. "...Wah."

"What was that last part?" CG asks.

"Nothing." BrutalBash lies innocently.

"Well what are we going to do?" Slambam cries.

"Go ahead..." A new, extremely high pitched voice, interjects. "...JUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!" They all turn around to see the six robots floating behind them. Standing in front of them is a taller, slender, skeletal robot with navy blue plating. Like the sentries, it has a large glass dome, exposing gears in its head and a small satellite rotating about. It walks toward the humans and clasps its hands together, laughing maniacally.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10902 Posted: 01:37:17 21/11/2013
"Who are you, n00b?" Seiki asks, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"DOCTOOOOOOOR Grodus!" He proclaims, raising one hand in the air in triumph. Nobody responds. A couple of crickets can be heard. "Oh come on. Maniacal evil genius? Surely you've heard of me?" They all shake their heads. "I was in The Thousand Year Door!" He shouts, stomping a foot and clenching his fists. "And now I'm working for King Bowser."

"We're not going to surrender to you!" DragonCamo courageously exclaims.

"To me? Ha ha ha ha ha!" Dr. Grodus laughs off the declaration. "I'm not doing anything." He states, feigning innocence. He taps a robotic finger against his glass head. "Unless, of course, enslaving the people of the Mushroom Kingdom to conduct EVIIIIIIIL scientific experiments on them counts as 'anything.'" He turns to them, grinning maliciously. "Does it?"

"You better back off right now, or we'll beat you like we did that creepy voice in space." Paris proclaims.

"You, beat me? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!" Dr. Grodus shouts in response. "From where I'm standing, I'm already winning! Bowser has complete control of the world, and I, his loyal assistant, have the freedom to do WHATEVER I WISH. Muh hoo ha ha ha ha ha ha!" He turns away from the group and walks back to one of the robots. "Ready the Orb of Instantaneous Incapacitation." He orders. The robot pulls out a tiny sphere, which floats over to the humans.

"Ha! You think I'm scared of a little pebble?" DragonCamo scoffs. He raises his fists into a fighting stance. "BRING IT O-..." The orb opens up an a surge of electricity races through all the humans. They collapse unconscious in an instant.


"Ha ha ha haaaaaa! How was THAT for EVIL?" Dr. Grodus brags. The robots completely ignore him. He turns to them. "Bring them to Koopacatraz! They will make excellent minions for Bowser." The robots salute Dr. Grodus and float down to pick up the unconscious humans. They fly off back toward Toad Town as Dr. Grodus laughs maniacally.

darkSpyro Presents

In association with Dark Land Media Interactive

And Notes, Ltd.

Survivor: The Return of the Revenge!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10903 Posted: 02:07:11 21/11/2013
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8741
#10904 Posted: 02:13:12 21/11/2013
There are dicks and there is somePerson.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10905 Posted: 02:38:47 21/11/2013
Quote: somePerson
There are dicks and there is somePerson.

And there are Troll Slugs.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#10906 Posted: 02:41:26 21/11/2013
I saw The Thousand Year Door Mentioned.
You better not have any more questions about that game HIR, you made enough of those back in season 3 e___e
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10907 Posted: 02:42:19 21/11/2013
I probably won't. But it helps with the context of the flavor text. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10908 Posted: 02:46:49 21/11/2013
OMG I can't wait!

Can I befriend that stork that tried to kill my in S4 in the Flavor Text? smilie
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#10909 Posted: 03:10:50 21/11/2013
Yey, DC lived! <3
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10910 Posted: 03:13:44 21/11/2013
Quote: Seiki
Yey, DC lived! <3

You've only spectated the game on S4.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#10911 Posted: 03:43:23 21/11/2013
am I late ?
Thepokeman Blue Sparx Gems: 590
#10912 Posted: 05:02:02 21/11/2013
Can't wait to play!
Eruptor100 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1446
#10913 Posted: 06:40:53 21/11/2013
Can I be co-host?
Stick em up!
Credit to big green
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10914 Posted: 12:07:40 21/11/2013
Quote: King_Pika
Related to that, please do not ask to host a season
We're not in the habit of planning that far in advance, and spamming the topic or HIR's PM inbox will ultimately not help your case. If you have a proven track record of being an active participant in the topic we may give you a chance at some point.

And I do not do co-hosts, for reasons demonstrated last season. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#10915 Posted: 16:45:59 21/11/2013
Wait, so whats my personality again?
Gay 4 GARcher
Eruptor100 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1446
#10916 Posted: 19:40:48 21/11/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: King_Pika
Related to that, please do not ask to host a season
We're not in the habit of planning that far in advance, and spamming the topic or HIR's PM inbox will ultimately not help your case. If you have a proven track record of being an active participant in the topic we may give you a chance at some point.

And I do not do co-hosts, for reasons demonstrated last season. <.<

Ok, I got it
Stick em up!
Credit to big green
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#10917 Posted: 19:55:30 21/11/2013
still here smilie smilie
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10918 Posted: 20:08:36 21/11/2013
What's my personality?
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#10919 Posted: 21:33:00 21/11/2013
Nintendo theme i`m guessing? smilie
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#10920 Posted: 00:35:51 22/11/2013
I thought this was starting today?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10921 Posted: 00:57:48 22/11/2013
Play & Repeat
Dusky Valley, Dark Land
5 weeks later

A small group of people stand on a clifftop overlooking a large metal fortress lying in a lava-filled valley. Small specs are floating around the outskirts of the building. They can be faintly made out to be Bowser's sentry robots. "So, is this the place?" One of them, Prex, asks.

"I believe so. I am getting a most distasteful mojo from that building." Willspyro responds in an otherworldly tone of voice, causing Prex to jump slightly. "It is the kind of sense that only despicable evil can manufacture, mon."

"Drop the premonition stuff, maaaaaaan, you're creeping me out." Weebbby responds in his scratchy, relaxed tone of voice.

"So, pardners, we're gonna head in and bust 'em out, right?" Ninpire ponders aloud.

"Err, quick question everyone." Chill interjects. "What are we busting, exactly?"

"Don't you remember?" Troll Slug gasps. "Bowser took those guys who stopped that evil creature in space and locked them away in here." He explains. "They could be our only hope to take down Bowser."

"Ohhh... he put them in that scary prison?" Cynderfan parrots. "This is terrible. Bowser's run a muck of everything these last few years." She sobs.

"Precisely." Chained skull murmurs. "Which is exactly why we need them out. Bowser must be eliminated."

"Well then let's stop the lip flapping and wrassle us up some heroes!" Ninpire shouts excitedly. He starts forward when Bash grabs him and pulls him back.

"Not so fast, my impulsive friend." He cautions. "My sensors detect a large presence of robots."

"Wait, what sensors are you talking about?" Sleepy asks.

"The ones I just invented, of course." Bash states with a hearty chuckle. Everyone else falls down, anime style.

"Then how do ya reckon we can sneak in?" Ninpire asks. He looks around at his companions, but no one seems to have any suggestions.

"Like, we should just surrender, man." Weebbby sighs. "We're all, like, dust in the wind. You know? Why waste our time if we're just gonna get creamed, maaaaaaaaaan?"

"That's no way to think." Troll Slug says. "We've just got to think positively!"

"About what?" Prex skeptically inquires.

"Something super duper great." Troll Slug responds with a childish grin. "Like, uh, I don't know, something blowing up nearby to distract all the robot guards so we can sneak in!" His statement is followed by the sound of explosions from one of the hills overlooking the valley. The robots on patrol are all startled and they start to float toward the source of the explosion. Everyone turns and stares at Troll Slug with wide eyes. Troll Slug looks down at his hands, then back up to the sky and shouts, "I MUST USE THIS POWER FOR JUSTICE!"

"Alright, enough celebrating, let's get a move on." Scratch growls in a deep, throaty voice as they fan out toward the prison.
Koopacatraz Prison

"I can't believe someone was dumb enough to leave the keys in the door, see. It's like these guys is begging for someone to come in and mess da place up." HCI snickers, looking around. The walls are navy blue and coated in a strange, glowing metallic alloy. Security cameras line the wall, but whatever explosion just transpired miraculously knocked out the power, prompting Troll Slug to scream about using his power for justice for a second time.

"For the love of Yoshis juggling Fuzzies, boy, stop it with the yelling." Ninpire scolds.

"Sorry, can't help it. I'm a yelling kind of guy." Troll Slug states with a childish grin.

"Hey, I think I found them." Prex shouts from around the corner. The others sprint after them and, sure enough, Prex is standing in front of the humans that had been captured several weeks back.

"Who are j0u people?" Seiki asks.

"Probably more of Bowser's minions come to give us janitor duty." somePerson hisses. "I ain't scrubbing another toilet!"

"No, no, we're here to spring ya from the joint, see." HCI murmurs.

"Waaaaah! We're saved!" BrutalBash gleefully exclaims.

"They're not saved yet, everyone." Bash speaks up. "It appears their containment cell is sealed by a Trinium Light Wall. Any physical contact with it will cause instant fifth degree burns to that area of the body. Hee hee hoo hoo, isn't that just fascinating?!" He stares at the wall of red light intently.

"Maaaaaaan, I knew this was total bogus." Weebbby sighed. "Let's just throw in the, like, towel, bros. We're done for!"

"Nonsense! We can break through this." Bash assures. "I just need about six pounds of nitroglycerine, and I could invent an explosive device!"

"Uh, those have been invented already." Paris points out. "They're called bombs."

"Really?" Bash gasps. "Darn it!"

"I vote that we hurl Ash into the light wall. If she doesn't break it, we don't have to deal with her anymore." Slambam suggests.

"Oh! That sounds like fun." She agrees, jumping up and down excitedly. Meanwhile, willspyro approaches the metal wall next to the cell. He presses a hand up against the cell and mutters something under his breath. Suddenly, the containment field disappears.

"Leik omg, wtf, bbq!" Seiki gasps as he steps out of the cell. CG turns and looks over at willspyro.

"Say, that was pretty nifty. How did you do that?" He asks.

"The spirits wanted that I disrupt the bad energy containing your essences." He explains.


Play & Repeat

"Attention, attention, security breech detected in Detention Block Alpha. All personnel respond immediately." A female AI states through the loudspeakers as a series of sirens loudly wail and red lights flash throughout the corridor.

"Aw, cripes, we've tripped the fuzz!" HCI gasps. "Let's vamoose, buckos." He grabs his hat and makes a mad dash, only to see a wall of robots heading in his direction.

"Th-That's not good! Brace yourselves, guys." Cynderfan squeals.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10922 Posted: 00:58:01 22/11/2013
Welcome to Day 1!
Today's game mode is... Lie Detector!

In order to escape the prison, you're going to need to show that you know right from wrong. Below are five questions. Each question has three statements. Two of the statements are true, and one of them is false. It is your jobs to guess the statements that are false.

PM only your answers to me. In previous seasons, players would copy-paste all the questions and put their answers along with them. That makes doing results frustrating, and with up to 20 of you, I'm not going to tolerate it. You will be penalized if you don't just submit the answers.

Since this is the first challenge, I'm going to be sympathetic and say you have 45 hours from the time of this post to submit answers. You MAY change your answers before the deadline, but if you do, you must resubmit ALL of the answers. I will only count the last PM I receive from you. Good luck!

Subject: Historical Firsts
A) The first woman to receive a major party vice-presidential nominee was Geraldine Ferraro.
B) The current Pope is the first ever Pope from the Holy Cross religious congregation of the Catholic Church
C) The first artificial Earth satellite was Sputnik

Subject: Mascots with attitude?
A) Sonic the Hedgehog’s personality is partially based off President Bill Clinton.
B) Sony Computer Entertainment owns the publishing rights to the first 3 Spyro the Dragon games.
C) Rayman 2: The Great Escape has been released on 5 different platforms

Subject: Of course you realize this means war!
A) The Russo-Japanese War took place in 1905.
B) In addition to being a strategy board game, Risk is a DC Comics character.
C) One of the lesser Axis members in World War II was Yugoslavia.

Subject: Fast Fallout Facts
A) Contract Killer is a Fallout: New Vegas Perk
B) Science is one of the skills/attributes found in the Fallout series
C) A different version of Fallout 3 was in production by Black Isle Studios, but was cancelled

Subject: Start your engines!
A) In spite of its name, Mario Kart 8 is actually the 11th Mario Kart game. I guess counting just isn’t Nintendo’s thing. *shrug*
B) F-Zero GX actually runs on an enhanced version of the engine used for Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
C) The original Gran Turismo took 5 years to develop
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#10923 Posted: 01:04:30 22/11/2013
Oh my.
I know like, 1 or 2 lol.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#10924 Posted: 01:07:19 22/11/2013
HIR HIR HIR I'm so sorry I couldn't respond! Do I get handicapped? (hopes not to)

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#10925 Posted: 01:13:45 22/11/2013
Sent in my answers.
My reasoning is horrible smilie
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#10926 Posted: 01:15:06 22/11/2013
Quote: HIR
The following people have not confirmed: Cynderfan507, MagicFizz, and Ninpire. Additionally, HCI will be penalized for the first challenge due to his trolling behavior.

Pre-game flavor text will be up later tonight. Don't freak out if you're not in it. This is going to bridge the season 3 storyline into this season's storyline, so it will feature users from season 3. Flavor text will be accompanied by flavor music. It is the music that I personally have up in the background while writing it, and recommend you listen to to get the best entertainment value.

Quote: hardcoreignitor
HIR HIR HIR I'm so sorry I couldn't respond! Do I get handicapped? (hopes not to)

Gay 4 GARcher
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#10927 Posted: 01:15:29 22/11/2013
Ditto CG.
I like my heroic nature in this. Springin yàll from the joint,... ME COWBOYSTA!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#10928 Posted: 01:46:37 22/11/2013
Well, I used reasoning. Might change later though.

I like how my personality is in this, man.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:48:46 22/11/2013 by weebbby
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#10929 Posted: 01:47:36 22/11/2013
Awww where was I D: Did i die?
Gay 4 GARcher
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10930 Posted: 01:48:11 22/11/2013
Quote: DragonCamo
Awww where was I D: Did i die?

You'll have to stay tuned to find out! ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10931 Posted: 01:51:14 22/11/2013
I'm scared....
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6683
#10932 Posted: 01:54:54 22/11/2013
Oh god, I'm not his maid again are i?
Gay 4 GARcher
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10933 Posted: 01:58:09 22/11/2013
I guessed. On all of them smilie
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#10934 Posted: 01:58:17 22/11/2013
OK..but howw exactly am I handicappped? (Like what happnes?)

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10935 Posted: 02:12:47 22/11/2013
Quote: hardcoreignitor
OK..but howw exactly am I handicappped? (Like what happnes?)

You start out with -2 points today. Don't worry, you're not alone.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10936 Posted: 02:17:40 22/11/2013
Oh great. What does THAT mean.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10937 Posted: 02:23:47 22/11/2013
As long as you confirmed, you're fine.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10938 Posted: 02:36:57 22/11/2013
I confirmed.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10939 Posted: 02:38:12 22/11/2013
Oh ok, that's good....
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10940 Posted: 02:43:56 22/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
Oh ok, that's good....

I honestly knew one of them, had a strong feeling about another, and blindly guessed the other 3 without thinking. smilie

Remember, no googling, or any internet browser-ing!
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#10941 Posted: 02:44:42 22/11/2013
Oh dear, well these are tricky.... Especially sinc eI know nothing about Fallout.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10942 Posted: 02:47:32 22/11/2013
Wait, aren't these icebreakers?
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10943 Posted: 02:48:22 22/11/2013
Quote: Troll Slug
Quote: Bash28
Oh ok, that's good....

I honestly knew one of them, had a strong feeling about another, and blindly guessed the other 3 without thinking. smilie

Remember, no googling, or any internet browser-ing!

I know. I wouldn't .-. I completely guessed. I don't know any. I know that one of the one that's true but that's it. Oh well. At least I thought about it for awhile....

Quote: Seiki
Oh dear, well these are tricky.... Especially sinc eI know nothing about Fallout.

Me too. Idk it.

I'll be happy to get 3 correct ^.^
Or even 2.

I would die if I got 4 though smilie
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:50:39 22/11/2013 by Bash28
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10944 Posted: 02:58:32 22/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
Quote: Troll Slug
Quote: Bash28
Oh ok, that's good....

I honestly knew one of them, had a strong feeling about another, and blindly guessed the other 3 without thinking. smilie

Remember, no googling, or any internet browser-ing!

I know. I wouldn't .-. I completely guessed. I don't know any. I know that one of the one that's true but that's it. Oh well. At least I thought about it for awhile....

Quote: Seiki
Oh dear, well these are tricky.... Especially sinc eI know nothing about Fallout.

Me too. Idk it.

I'll be happy to get 3 correct ^.^
Or even 2.

I would die if I got 4 though smilie

I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the other people that may do it.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10945 Posted: 03:08:59 22/11/2013
Oh ok ^.^
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10946 Posted: 03:12:34 22/11/2013
Wait, how will they settle immunity? What if there is like, a 10 way tie?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#10947 Posted: 03:12:51 22/11/2013
Some of you are not reading over the rules very well. Remember, each question is composed of 2 truths and 1 lie (like that icebreaker game everyone always plays). You're submitting the statement in each question you think is the lie.

You are lucky this is Day 1, because in the future, I'm not going to tell you that YOU DUN GOOF'D. ^.^;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10948 Posted: 03:13:40 22/11/2013
Idk. I hope I don't lose on Day 1.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#10949 Posted: 03:15:41 22/11/2013
Did I goof up?
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#10950 Posted: 03:18:04 22/11/2013
Quote: HIR
Some of you are not reading over the rules very well. Remember, each question is composed of 2 truths and 1 lie (like that icebreaker game everyone always plays). You're submitting the statement in each question you think is the lie.

You are lucky this is Day 1, because in the future, I'm not going to tell you that YOU DUN GOOF'D. ^.^;

B-but I did think those were the false answers smilie

Now I'm questioning my whole way of life.....
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
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