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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE
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Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE [CLOSED]
Plaag Emerald Sparx Gems: 4339
#1001 Posted: 01:45:59 02/07/2012
Large thing on the side and I found them in the chip aisles - no endcap or promotional thing (not to say it wont happen when the 9th rolls around). You can feel the card inside the bag though like others have said - course all the bags that I grabbed had them inside I did not check the rest on the shelf.

Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#1002 Posted: 01:54:06 02/07/2012
Found them in the chip aisle, and a large display in entryway where the shopping carts are.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
Dunkin Yellow Sparx Gems: 1066
#1003 Posted: 02:53:14 02/07/2012
I found mine in walmart on the Chip aisle, there was no display or anything that I saw. And the purple bags were the only ones with the promotion on them.
I <3 all Spyro games!smilie
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#1004 Posted: 03:33:19 02/07/2012
Can't wait to get my first one. So, which sidekick is this week?
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#1005 Posted: 03:53:23 02/07/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487

Oh yeah, going off of what Postal said; did you guys who bought the bags see the ones that had those little sticker looking things on them, or are they all like that? (with the large thing on the side)

And especially to those who bought the bags; where are they in general location? Chip Aisle, front of the store, near electronics, random display in the middle of the aisle, etc?

My Walmart doesn't have the Sidekicks promo yet, but they had the non-promo flavor assortments in the chip aisle. The last promo with the $1 coupon was in electronics. No idea where they'll be this year.

Has anyone seen the adorable sidekick-shaped mini displays that were shown on the concept sheet?
They were too cute to not make D:
#all Spyros are valid
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#1006 Posted: 05:59:44 02/07/2012
Found 8 (blue and purple) bags for sidekicks at Albertson's grocery store. I wrote 8 $2 checks and sent them in separate envelopes just to be sure. One form is good for one figure. No photocopies allowed. You have to send the UPC too. You mark on the form which figure you want from 1 for most to 4 for least. I'm hoping being early should help me get a complete set before they run out of a character. Limit 4 per household.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:02:30 02/07/2012 by Joker Bingo
Madel Blue Sparx Gems: 584
#1007 Posted: 14:06:23 02/07/2012
Guess I need to start searching for the bags. ;_________;
That's why all the Gryffindors sing: Weasley is our king.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1008 Posted: 14:17:47 02/07/2012
I might go to Walmart this fourth to find the sidekicks bags. Got a purple at albertsons and there was no order fourm.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#1009 Posted: 16:13:08 02/07/2012
Seems to me that TFB needed to spend more time working out glitches in the game than they did programming in stupid extras like sidekicks.

But that's just me.
therealklanked Green Sparx Gems: 301
#1010 Posted: 16:37:42 02/07/2012
Add 2 more Flocked Stumps to the tally. I called in twice, no code, and won per the automated phone service. Finally....I received 2 itty bitty boxes, both containing a flocked stump smash. So it seems that they still might be trickling out to other winners.
HAVE - smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#1011 Posted: 17:10:50 02/07/2012
Quote: Himewad
Seems to me that TFB needed to spend more time working out glitches in the game than they did programming in stupid extras like sidekicks.

But that's just me.

This post is full of epicness. Activision only cares about money. Not about releasing patches for an 'older' product. It is a shame.
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:11:24 02/07/2012 by Trexroarr
hannerz Gold Sparx Gems: 2281
#1012 Posted: 19:03:46 02/07/2012
Been searching for the promo bags but still nothing around my area, the search continues! haha
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1013 Posted: 21:01:25 02/07/2012
I wouldn't mail the cards in yet.

I called the 866 number today, due to having some questions for them before I mail mine out, and the automated machine said the number wasn't in service. So, while it said to call back during business hours yesterday, it now changed to the number's not in service.

I am waiting until I can contact one of them, before mailing mine out.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1014 Posted: 23:28:31 02/07/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
I wouldn't mail the cards in yet.

I called the 866 number today, due to having some questions for them before I mail mine out, and the automated machine said the number wasn't in service. So, while it said to call back during business hours yesterday, it now changed to the number's not in service.

I am waiting until I can contact one of them, before mailing mine out.

July 9th. That's when the phone line will soon be up.
skylndrelements Red Sparx Gems: 20
#1015 Posted: 00:08:58 03/07/2012
The next Frito-Lay Snack promotion is started. I bought the special variety pack yesterday with the Sidekicks mail in form - all the details and what it costs are at

There are pictures of what the pack looks like and what the mail in certificate looks like too. Found them in SweetBay supermarket in Florida. Also checked the Walmart - only non promo packaging still in there. Hoping to go back and look for more tonight.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:16:46 03/07/2012 by skylndrelements
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#1016 Posted: 00:56:58 03/07/2012
So can we find anyone of the sidekicks in the bag or is it a certain one?
bonziebonzie Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#1017 Posted: 01:11:56 03/07/2012
The sidekicks are already out?
My first Spyro game was Spyro Orange so make that what you will.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#1018 Posted: 01:13:19 03/07/2012
Quote: Rand O M
So can we find anyone of the sidekicks in the bag or is it a certain one?

Please read the prior messages. There is no actual toy in the bag.

You merely send the UPC code with a form and $2 to an address. The form you filled in orders your preference of which toy you will receive (numbered 1 to 4) but you are not guaranteed of getting your first preference.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
skylndrelements Red Sparx Gems: 20
#1019 Posted: 01:21:59 03/07/2012
I saw a post somewhere in here that said that there were 10 sidekicks - That is incorrect - according to the mail in card in the Frito Pack there is only the four - Trigger Snappy, Terrabite, Whisper Elf and Gil Runt.

You mail it in with $2 and the UPC code off the package, and in 8-10 weeks you get your sidekick. USA only - only 4 per household and no photocopies of the mail in certificate - I'm sure that they will be available to people on secondary market as there will be a lot of people getting them to sell on ebay or amazon.
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#1020 Posted: 05:03:01 03/07/2012
Quote: chaosworrier
Quote: Rand O M
So can we find anyone of the sidekicks in the bag or is it a certain one?

Please read the prior messages. There is no actual toy in the bag.

You merely send the UPC code with a form and $2 to an address. The form you filled in orders your preference of which toy you will receive (numbered 1 to 4) but you are not guaranteed of getting your first preference.

Thank you pointing it out. Well guess I am going chip hunting again...
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2667
#1021 Posted: 05:28:37 03/07/2012
so how is someone going to get all 4 if they have a 1-4 choice and youre not guaranteed the one you want first? so i buy 4 of those 20 packs of chips. get 4 order forms, write the ones i want in a 1-4 order. send a check and the upc. and in 8 weeks i will get a sidekick of not necessarily my choosing? thats just sucky.
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
L-Sunburn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1739
#1022 Posted: 05:30:35 03/07/2012
Well if you just get tons of forms you will probably get doubles of each, btw do these sidekicks even attack?
Favorties smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
lucidity0001 Blue Sparx Gems: 885
#1023 Posted: 05:45:51 03/07/2012
Quote: exosquad
so how is someone going to get all 4 if they have a 1-4 choice and youre not guaranteed the one you want first? so i buy 4 of those 20 packs of chips. get 4 order forms, write the ones i want in a 1-4 order. send a check and the upc. and in 8 weeks i will get a sidekick of not necessarily my choosing? thats just sucky.

Yeah Im confused too
~yeah for the time being, at least~
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#1024 Posted: 05:52:18 03/07/2012
To L-Sunburn

^ No, they just follow you around.


I just bought two bags from my local Albertsons in WA; they had only a few left. My local Haggen and Target didn't have any promotional bags but I wouldn't rule out those stores (especially Target). I wonder if you can send two of the Sidekick forms to Frito-Lay at once in the same envelope with two $2.00 checks instead of having to send each form individually. Has anyone tried this yet?
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:52:44 03/07/2012 by OpalOsprey
L-Sunburn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1739
#1025 Posted: 11:05:05 03/07/2012
What a waste of a promo, atleast the figures are nice..
Favorties smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#1026 Posted: 14:24:02 03/07/2012
In reality, we are actually paying about the same amount for a regular Skylander.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1027 Posted: 14:57:34 03/07/2012
I think the reason they don't gaurentee the character of your choice, is for people who get in on the promotion late. However, those who mail in when the promo actually starts (866 number in service), should get the characters they want. If not, I call a sham, because being first come first serve, and they have probably the same amount of each character, then people should have no trouble getting 1 of each.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
hannerz Gold Sparx Gems: 2281
#1028 Posted: 15:39:15 03/07/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
I think the reason they don't gaurentee the character of your choice, is for people who get in on the promotion late. However, those who mail in when the promo actually starts (866 number in service), should get the characters they want. If not, I call a sham, because being first come first serve, and they have probably the same amount of each character, then people should have no trouble getting 1 of each.

This is what I'm guessing too, I think if we can mail in the cards early then there should be no reason why they wouldn't give you the ones that you wanted.
On a side note, the bags finally showed up here in Texas, but it was only the flavor mix bag not the original mix haha regardless only bought one for now since we really like the original mix better xD So more chip hunting for me! smilie
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."
Madel Blue Sparx Gems: 584
#1029 Posted: 16:37:26 03/07/2012
I just want to say that I opened a Flocked Stumpy yesterday and he is so soft! :3
That's why all the Gryffindors sing: Weasley is our king.
octaneblue Yellow Sparx Gems: 1227
#1030 Posted: 17:16:38 03/07/2012
I got my Flocked Stump Smash today! This was a win from a call.

The shipping label misspelled my first name as "Johnson" (my name is Jonathan). At least they got the address right...
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#1031 Posted: 18:14:37 03/07/2012
There's no way to get doubles unless you have four going to another address. It's 4 per address according to the rules that were posted before.

It'd be nice if they could give you some sort of confirmation on what you're getting rather than having to wait for 8-10 weeks until you open your boxes and find 4 Whisper Elves.

Speaking of that time length, I don't believe anyone should be seeing them until September.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
skittles4890 Blue Sparx Gems: 770
#1032 Posted: 18:31:25 03/07/2012
I'm still hunting for the bags has anyone seen them in Michigan yet
Suzie-Q Green Sparx Gems: 317
#1033 Posted: 18:40:07 03/07/2012
My husband just texted me that we got a Flocked Stumpy!!! I didn't even realize I had won one, I thought we were only getting randoms! I am so excited!
37/37 +BB+WERDS+FSS+all 4 side kicks
Willing to help non U.S members get U.S only promotion items, P.M. me
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#1034 Posted: 18:56:59 03/07/2012
Add another Flocked Stump Smash to the total! Got mine in the mail today. Won it with the phone number. What a relief.

I'm still waiting on a random (Boomer or Wrecking Ball, I'm sure) to arrive.
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#1035 Posted: 19:52:08 03/07/2012
Finally got my flocked stumpy. It looks better than the original one.

@ chaos : PM RE: sidekicks
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
RidgeRat517 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#1036 Posted: 19:58:02 03/07/2012
I found Sidekick bags at Stater Bros. (grocery store) and Kmart here in So. California.
FlowxEhtxEbirt Blue Sparx Gems: 817
#1037 Posted: 21:15:05 03/07/2012
Are you talking about that guy that posted claiming he was with frito-lay? Maybe he doesn't really work with them? maybe he only found the bags early aswell? We wont know if the whole 4 per house is a fact or not till the numbers are working really. I myself have not found any bags, by the way. And; I live in florida. Casselbarry. Though, I managed to get 2 cards off of ebay for a cheap price. After talking the seller into lowering the price from 18 dollars to something reasonable. Though, I'm not shipping my cards until the phone works either. As for FFS. I'm still waiting for a second FSS, and my little brother is waiting for his own.

Oops. Forgot to quote the thing. <.< New to the whole forum thing. the first part of the comment was toward spyro flame. The stuff regarding my second FSS and the sidekick cards was just a general thing toward anyone reading.
Do you even pose?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:17:48 03/07/2012 by FlowxEhtxEbirt
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#1038 Posted: 21:21:38 03/07/2012
Nope, I wanted to double check myself, but dbaez2 stated that it says 4 per household on the card.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
FlowxEhtxEbirt Blue Sparx Gems: 817
#1039 Posted: 21:26:42 03/07/2012
Oh. Well, if I get doubles.. I'ma end up crying. Lol. How I'ma mark the cards is. 1. terrabite. 2. Gill Runt. 3. Trigger snappy. 4. Whisper elf. Then for the second I'll put terrabite at the bottom, and repeat from gill runt. Then put gill runt at the bottom, ect.. So, if I do get a double. It'll be off of the fourth card if anything. If I get two doubles. Then I'm SERIOUSLY unlucky.
Do you even pose?
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1040 Posted: 21:31:47 03/07/2012
I finally received a couple flocked Stumpy's. I am sure that I probably won more of them, as well as more of the random figures, but at this point I am just glad that I got 2-3 of each. Now on to a chip hunt...

♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1041 Posted: 21:45:14 03/07/2012
It's simple to get more than one set. You use different addresses. Well, those of us who live on our own, or work in a business where we can get our own mail.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
RetroMe91 Blue Sparx Gems: 539
#1042 Posted: 22:18:27 03/07/2012
Has anyone tried returning one of their extras to a store? I have an extra Wrecking Ball and would like to return it, but if I can't, I may just keep it.
MrsAlvarado26 Green Sparx Gems: 147
#1043 Posted: 22:23:07 03/07/2012
my sister just called.and said Stumpy Came! my son is soo happy. Hopefilly i get the others ones so i can open one
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#1044 Posted: 23:12:46 03/07/2012
Hooray!!! Went to my local A&P and found Sidekick bags!! NOTE: I live in New Jersey, so most likely they are everywhere now, except for certain states..

They had about 8 of them out in the snack/chip aisle..

EDIT: Walmart and Target may put them out later than certain food stores/super markets.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:15:11 04/07/2012 by Matteomax
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#1045 Posted: 00:02:16 04/07/2012
Quote: RidgeRat517
I found Sidekick bags at Stater Bros. (grocery store) and Kmart here in So. California.

Ok I am in so. cal and my stater bros had nothing yesterday. Did they just get it?
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1046 Posted: 00:50:02 04/07/2012
They've reached Kroger and Walmart in the DFW area. Now to be forever the life of the party, pre-stocked with bag after bag of salty, chippy goodness, because with a supply like this, there's no way V and I could hope to handle them ourselves.
joedelta Green Sparx Gems: 418
#1047 Posted: 01:12:06 04/07/2012
picked up to frito lay bags.

1 stump out of like 5+
the box it came in looked like ace venture delievered it smilie
Need Dark Spyro or $$$$$$. 36 out of 37 Baby
johnnyb771 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#1048 Posted: 04:00:00 04/07/2012
Just received my first Flocked Stump Smash today! (YEAH) I only needed one of these so I am extremely happy. Still waiting on more to arrive as I have only received 4 (The other three were Wrecking Balls) and won several. I won all of mine on phone calls. Going grocery shopping on the 11th and I will be sure and look for the promo bags, have to go several places so hopefully I'll find at least 4 so I can order the Sidekicks. Hopefully we'll all get at least one set. Has anyone tried Flocked Stump Smash in the game yet? I haven't and was wondering if he is different. I'll post more prizes as soon as they arrive. Good Luck everyone and God bless!

Johnny B
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#1049 Posted: 06:27:59 04/07/2012
found many bags at the walmart in oregon. btw, add 2 for stumpy.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
skylndrelements Red Sparx Gems: 20
#1050 Posted: 07:12:10 04/07/2012
There is a picture of the card at you can see on the bottom of the card it says limit a total of 4 per household.
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