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Legend of Orion: Dark Times (open) [CLOSED]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1001 Posted: 17:57:23 01/09/2018
Latnok's laughter didn't go unnoticed by Angora. She gave him a brief glare, knowing that he was practically making fun of her and Maverick, but once more, she focused solely on what was important.
"Judge, please reconsider about the dragon. As you can see, there has been no fatalities from his part. We promise we will train to be more tamer. We can even do it away from Aelinon if you want so that there won't be any more risks and misunderstandings, but don't punish him. He was acting out of loyalty. He doesn't attack for the mere sake of it. He just does out out of protection and self defense. If we can teach him to control his emotions more and demonstrate him that not everybody that is armed means us harm, I can guarantee misunderstandings like this can be avoided." Angora begged, having promised Shade that he would be alright, and that was a promise she intended to keep.

After having been quiet for a while, Maverick wanted to add his part.
"Señor por favor. Release our dragon friend. What the troll explained is the truth. Even when he's defending us, he doesn't kill our attackers. Like us, he just wants to have a peaceful life. He just needs a little training and therapy to control his emotions, nothing more. We're just traveling the world and selling stuff. We don't mean to cause any trouble anywhere." Maverick assured, also wanting Shade to be released. Like Angora, he also thought he shouldn't be punished for acting in such a way, especially when he hasn't caused any deaths. The galuds looked rather shaken when Shade attacked them, but they weren't seriously hurt.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1002 Posted: 19:01:22 01/09/2018
As the case went on, it had only become more clear just how much control these people liked to control both their people and their creatures. Angora, on the count of being a troll, became a pet to Maverick-- and relatively normal albeit hybrid human. Shade, on the other hand, was reduced to that of a mount or even worse-- a wild creature. Part of him wondered how the people here saw him-- was he considered a pet or mount to the Guardians? He was pleased to see that Maverick would likely go free and with him; Angora as well. He worried about Shade though and knew that being put in the arena would be his equivalent of a life sentence or worse.

What's worse, they were even considering neutering the poor Shade and even though it would at least mean he was free-- it would change him forever and would act as permanent reminder of his actions. He was partly relieved when Latnok and Sere had adjusted proper restraining instead-- likely to please court while still giving Shade his freedom without any permanent scars. As someone who was raised along a dog, he knew that many owners opted for the Neuter treatment and knew that those that went through it naturally became less aggressive as a result. He continued to hope for the best and was at pleased that the court wasn't asking for Shade to be put down.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1003 Posted: 19:41:44 01/09/2018
The judge listened to the pleas of the defendants, then turned to face the whole court. "I will make my judgement now," he announced loudly so everyone could hear.
"To start with, it is quite clear, based on word both from people we have generally trusted and our own citizens and soldiers, that it would be extremely uncharacteristic for the human Maverick to have ordered any sort of attack. Moreover, as careless as it was, we have nothing to suggest that the troll Angora taking a walk on the battlefield had any sort of malicious intent. It is quite clear that there was no intention to abuse the trust given by other authorities in order to execute an attack on Aelinonian soldiers. Therefore, the charge of perfidy cannot apply.
"Then, there is the matter of the dragon Shade having attacked the two galuds as they performed their duties. As potentially reckless and stupid as it was, based on the circumstances, I cannot fault him for his immediate action in that situation; furthermore, the fact that he did not attack using claws or fire, or inflict any serious wounds on the soldiers, would indicate that he had no desire to injure or kill the soldiers. Therefore, I will not punish him for that with anything other than a warning.
"However, there are a few concerns that I will address. First, as was pointed out to me, Angora, being a troll, may potentially feel inclined to act against Aelinon based on the nature of the current conflict. Moreover, it is highly likely that she may be attacked by soldiers who mistake her as hostile. In order to prevent either of those things from happening, I am ordering that Angora remain reasonably close to Maverick at all times while in Aelinon territory, on pain of imprisonment for a mimimum of one year for both parties.
"Furthermore, due to Shade's noncompliance when addressed by Captain Wayson and his men, there would appear to be a pattern of hostility and disregard towards authority. In order to minimize the potential dangers, I am ordering that Shade stay grounded - that is, not flying any more than about twice the height of a man - until further notice, except when given special authorization, OR when accompanied by someone we deem a qualified beast master, on pain of imprisonment for his owner for a minimum of one year. In addition, he is to comply with all authorities, and avoid hostile action, on pain of death for his owner.
"That is my judgment. You are all dismissed."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1004 Posted: 20:17:10 01/09/2018
The two companions let out a sigh of relief, knowing that this was the best they could get out of this situation. There was some justice in there after all. They knew Shade wasn't going to like being unable to fly freely, but at least his life was spared and they will be able to travel again, even if it's not the same way as before. They both hoped, especially Angora, that Shade had learned his lesson and avoid being too loose with his aggressiveness. From now on, he had to control himself.
"Thank you your honor. We promise that we will do our best to teach our dragon to control his temper. We will help him earn his right to fly again, and not to cause fear." Angora assured, relieved that this nightmare was over. She wanted nothing more than to be reunited with Shade and continue their quest, even if it couldn't be through flight.

And as always, once Angora was done talking, Maverick took his turn.
"Muchas gracias your honor. We're truly touched that you could understand what happened. I can guarantee you that all we want is peace. We want nothing to do with this war. Angorita is a troll, but her own kind doesn't want her for being that size, so she has no business being part of this war. If you can please find it in your heart to let the soldiers of Aelinon know that she doesn't mean any harm. And if they can leave us alone, the dragon won't feel the urge to think he needs to protect us." Maverick begged, believing that if he didn't make the request now, he would miss the chance. He wanted the warriors to leave them alone to prevent any more misunderstandings.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1005 Posted: 20:36:31 01/09/2018
As Angora and Maverick gave out a sigh of relief, so too did Raclaw. The prosecuted trio wouldn't be completely free, but at least they still had their lives-- and without any cruel surgery or near permanent restraints. It wasn't entirely ideal, but Angora and Mav had to pleased with the verdict; even if it meant a grounded Shade. "Well-- that could've been a lot worse.," he said relieved as everyone was dismissed. And despite the circumstances, he was glad to see his former companions.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:39:33 01/09/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1006 Posted: 21:57:07 01/09/2018
"Unfortunately, my power is limited to enforcing the laws of the land, and issuing court orders to that end," the judge told Maverick. "That is one of the reasons I am ordering you to keep Angora near you - it will reduce the chance of any misunderstandings, and make it highly unlikely that anything like ehat happened last week ever happens again. However, once you feel that the court orders are no longer necessary, you can see myself or another judge to contest them. I wish you the best of luck on your travels. Our laws are unforgiving - however, we will not seek punishment unless you have clearly committed a crime. Keep that in mind, and follow the court orders, and you should not have any more troubles in these land.
"Once you are done here, return to the gate, and the men will return your possessions to you. Let us know if you believe anything is missing - we take theft of personal property entrusted with government or military personnel very seriously, and will show absolutely no clemency to those who engage in such."

Sere and Latnok gave a massive sigh of relief themselves. With the judgment that the attack was not something which was facilitated by Sere's trust in Angora and Maverick, any diplomatic issues which could have happened were averted. Moreover, the court orders imposed by the judge would make it very difficult for the group to cause any more trouble.
"Gods, I was sweating bricks..." Latnok said.
"Well, that ends that..." Sere said. "Now all that is left is get Raclaw registered to fly here. Once he can fly, we will be able to make it to Redwater before too long."

"Big man of the Guardians wants those two free, and they go free... imagine that..." one of the galud soldiers said to the others.
"King is so deep in their pocket that he could build a new castle there..."
"Suck it up," Laszur said. "The judge made his decision. His explanation made perfect sense. Our law holds firm."
"Must be nice to have your job, only attacking targets you can beat..." one of the soldiers retorted. "Try fighting in the field and see how ridiculous this whole ordeal is."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1007 Posted: 22:18:55 01/09/2018
"I... fine. I will do as you say. But... can I at least ask permission to let them and myself act in self defense when it's absolutely necessary? Like I said, we don't want any trouble, but there are some people that might. That thief that attacked me in the lake had every intention to kill me only because he thought I didn't have anything valuable. I tried to resolve the matter peacefully, but it took my friends to save my life." Maverick said before he could be escorted away, showing his neck wound and wanting to let the judge know beforehand that in case of a future attack, it would be exclusively as self defense and/or rescue not a premeditated attack.

Angora waited for Maverick to be done with his request, but it was clear that she was desperate to leave that awful place. She wanted to avoid eye contact with the Guardians, especially Latnok, but she did looked at Raclaw. Despite not having the best of relationships, she did missed the silly fur dragon a lot, and regretted not having spoken to him more before, even if Latnok had interfered with their chance of a conversation and mutual understanding.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1008 Posted: 22:27:58 01/09/2018
"Our laws permit you to act in self-defense, reasonably of course," the judge assured. "Fighting a bandit who is attacking you would be reasonable. Attacking soldiers who are accosting you, however, does not fall within that line. Keep that in mind. Also, you must fight with the intent to defend yourself; that is, you can fight until the threat is either incapacitated or has retreated."

Upon the judgment, the mage ordered several men to begin removing Shade's bonds and muzzle, which they did. "You will not leave until your owner comes to pick you up," the mage said. "However, we will not keep you in chains after the judge's decision."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1009 Posted: 22:38:44 01/09/2018
"I understand your honor, and thank you. Now, if you could only provide us with a map to know what is Aelinon territory and to navigate better on these lands should we decide to stay longer..." Maverick asked, that being his final request. He wanted to be more familiarized with Aelinon to be better prepared in the places they visited and know what lands were war zones and what were not. Angora was about to say to him that she already had a map, but it was possible the judge had a newer and updated version. Now that they finally went through that storm, all they had to do is make sure to avoid soilders at all costs. Even though this trial was bound to make the trio recognized, she didn't want to risk encountering a bully who might abuse his or her position to cause them trouble. After looking at Raclaw for a while, she looked at Captain Wayson, then at Ilasi, feeling grateful for their help, especially the mermaid. She was quite a nice lady, but wondered if she felt a little too smitten with Maverick the she talked about him. Then again, that would be no cause for surprise.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:44:55 01/09/2018 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1010 Posted: 22:44:04 01/09/2018
As Angora stared at Raclaw-- he stared back having fond memories of their previous interactions. Once their paths were one and they had almost even mutually understood each other, but now their paths had separated. Angora had Mav and Shade now, while he had the Guardians. Furthermore, Shade was now officually grounded while he was about to be registered. 'Probably as a pet to the Guardians...,' he thought to himself. He nodded as Sere mentioned Redwater. It was obvious that he still had some lingering feelings for the Troll.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:46:13 01/09/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1011 Posted: 22:59:11 01/09/2018
After looking at some of the trial goers, Angora focused her attention once more to the fluffy dragon. Since she didn't want to have any regrets or anything pending, she approached the griffin like friend.
"Well... everything's... well for you, I guess? Better than us I gather..." Angora asked to Raclaw as she stood beside him, hating that their former traveling companions had to see them again in such humiliating and unfair conditions. Even though the trial was over and they were finally free, the fact remained that they were still detained and treated like criminals. It was for injustice like this that she wondered if the world deserved being saved.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1012 Posted: 23:01:54 01/09/2018
As everyone started to disperse, Ilasi crawled out of the pool, to meet Maverick. As he was speaking with the judge, however, she waited patiently for him to finish.
"We are currently in the process of making maps which are more suited to display the current territorial situation," the judge told Maverick. "Previously, our border extended from Orcford River to the sea by Redwater. However, due to the danger outside forces pose, the king has seen it fit to expand our territory in order to protect our existence. For now, you can assume that any land not claimed by any major nation, that lies between us and those nations, is either under our control or soon will be."

"Hey, Mav," Latnok called out to Maverick, "can we speak when we're done? Just me and you." Though Latnok was not concerned for Angora, Maverick was really someone he would like to see avoid getting into trouble, and he would see what help he could offer to that end...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1013 Posted: 23:16:18 01/09/2018
"Alright then, so if I could just get a little insight of the territory and the possibly future acquirements to help us out with our journey. And maybe even a scroll that explains the laws and jurisdictions of this land so that we can better prepared and prevent incidents like this from ever happening again." Maverick explained, knowing that their lack of knowledge about the highly political and judgmental Aelinon was what got them into trouble in the first place. The rest of the places they had visited were either free countries or didn't have laws so strict, so a place with such highly political law enforcements like Aelinon really took them by surprise.
"Be right with you señor Latnok. Just a moment." he replied to the young guardian as he waited for the judge to give him the information he needed. But as he said that, he noticed Ilasi and knew she also wanted to speak with him, so he would go to her first after he was done with the judge.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1014 Posted: 23:16:18 01/09/2018
While Latnok talked with Mav, Raclaw turned his attention towards Angora once again.
Quote: Felines
After looking at some of the trial goers, Angora focused her attention once more to the fluffy dragon. Since she didn't want to have any regrets or anything pending, she approached the griffin like friend.
"Well... everything's... well for you, I guess? Better than us I gather..." Angora asked to Raclaw as she stood beside him, hating that their former traveling companions had to see them again in such humiliating and unfair conditions. Even though the trial was over and they were finally free, the fact remained that they were still detained and treated like criminals. It was for injustice like this that she wondered if the world deserved being saved.

"I've... I've been well.," Raclaw said awkwardly responding to the small talk at first. "I've now closer than ever to discovering my true past and I even have a fancy new hyperspace bag thing.," he then said with a grin happy to be talking to Angora again-- no matter how brief. He touched his collar pointing out the new bright green gem that now adorned it, matching the color of his eyes.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1015 Posted: 23:25:45 01/09/2018
"As I have explained, the territory situation is highly volatile right now - not being a member of the military myself, I would not have much more knowledge than you," the judge said. "I have explained to you, however, the places you can expect to eventually be under our control - everything between Aelinon's current border at Orcford River, where the fortress is, and territory which is controlled by races other than orcs or trolls or goblins. As for the laws of the land... I only have my personal copy here. If you wish to get your own, however, you may head to the town hall, where you may pick up both the full version, and the abridged version - it is very important to us that everyone be able to understand the laws, so the abridged version breaks down most of the legal speak into easy to understand terms."
As the judge spoke to Maverick, Latnok and Ilasi waited patiently for him to be done. Sere, not having much other business in the courtroom, left for the town hall himself, with Veris remaining somewhere near the courthouse.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1016 Posted: 23:34:03 01/09/2018
"Alright then, thank you once more your honor. That would be all. I'll see myself out now." Maverick said with a bow, being very thankful for his help. He was glad that the judge was a reasonable authority figure, and could comprehend last week's incident and the understandable reason behind it.

Now that he was finally done with him, Maverick went to meet with Ilasi.
"Hey my fair lady. I want to thank you for your testimony today. You really helped us out. I hope this doesn't cause trouble for you in the community, but now that our names have been cleared, I expect that wouldn't be a problem. So really, gracias." Maverick said with a bow and the most adorable smile that could come out from him. He was a man, but he really looked like a little boy who never got accustomed to his tall body. He knew that Ilasi's testimony was vital for them, and that the trial would've probably played differently if it wasn't for her. The fact that she got out of her watery element to testify in that court today really said a lot about her gentle character.

Quote: redwes
"I've... I've been well.," Raclaw said awkwardly responding to the small talk at first. "I've now closer than ever to discovering my true past and I even have a fancy new hyperspace bag thing.," he then said with a grin happy to be talking to Angora again-- no matter how brief. He touched his collar pointing out the new bright green gem that now adorned it, matching the color of his eyes.

"Oh, well lucky you. Although it doesn't surprise me that the Guardians have stuff like that." Angora expressed, knowing that it was them after all the ones that provided Aelinon with all their murderous, advanced weapons.
"I guess there's progress with your quest. So far, we haven't succeeded with Shade, but I don't think that even matters to him anymore." she then expressed, having realized that that her and Maverick's protection was his top priority now, to the point where he even exaggerated.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1017 Posted: 23:56:17 01/09/2018
"He has grown on you. Now that he has a family-- he no longer feels like he has to go after his own. It's admirable.," Raclaw said responding to Angora and pointing out his observations on the dark dragolet. As Latnok waited for Maverick to finish up, he noticed Sere leaving and knew that they didn't have much more time. "It-- it was nice seeing you again. I wish you well on your future journeys and with Shade. When you see him again, please tell him that I wish him well.," he then added with a big grin. At least one good thing came out of the court case and the related trouble, even if they hadn't planned it.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:58:39 01/09/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1018 Posted: 23:58:25 01/09/2018
Ilasi beamed. "Oh, it was no trouble at all, really," she insisted. "Anyone in their right mind would have done the same thing. The laws here can be pretty harsh - but they protect us. Moreover, despite the penalties, the judges are actually pretty good about only punishing people that are clearly guilty. I'm really glad you made it out - it would've been a shame to see someone who has been so kind get executed for something they couldn't reasonably do anything about." After a brief pause, she asked "So... what will you do now that you're free, and your dragon can't fly right now?"
Latnok was somewhat frustrated that Ilasi started speaking to Maverick before he got the chance to, just for the sake of minor chit-chat, when he had expressed his intent to speak and had something actually important to discuss. However, he continued to wait patiently, figuring that such things were probably typical among so-called 'normal' people.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1019 Posted: 00:19:13 02/09/2018
"I'm not really sure. I want to consult it with my friends. I was thinking of leaving this place to avoid more trouble, but this city seems like it has much to offer, so after taking the necessary precautions and educating ourselves more about this place, we might stay for a while longer." Maverick said rather embarrassingly, still not certain on what they were going to do now. Ilasi looked interested in having him stay for a while, and since he didn't want to risk not seeing her again, he wanted to try staying in Aelinon even after this shameful incident.

Quote: redwes
"He has grown on you. Now that he has a family-- he no longer feels like he has to go after his own. It's admirable.," Raclaw said responding to Angora and pointing out his observations on the dark dragolet. As Latnok waited for Maverick to finish up, he noticed Sere leaving and knew that they didn't have much more time. "It-- it was nice seeing you again. I wish you well on your future journeys and with Shade. When you see him again, please tell him that I wish him well.," he then added with a big grin. At least one good thing came out of the court case and the related trouble, even if they hadn't planned it.

Angora was about to let them leave, but after seeing Maverick talking to Ilasi, she figured he was going to remain there a while. She knew how much he loved to sweet talk women, and figured this was going to be no exception. So instead of waiting there, she decided to go with Sere and Raclaw to the courthouse for a while.
"Hey, wait... is... is Veris with you? I would... I would like to see him again." Angora said shyly, feeling rather embarrassed to admit that she actually missed someone. As annoying as Veris could be with his gluttonous nature, he had been a very dear friend to her in the past, and kept her company when nobody else in the group wanted to.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1020 Posted: 00:30:04 02/09/2018
"Uh-- yeah. He's right outside actually.," Raclaw said with a smile as Angora followed him. "I think the town hall will want to see me, but I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. And if you want to wait for us to return-- I'll actually be able to translate his thoughts for you. I'm sure he'll a lot to say to you after everything.," he then added as they proceeded towards the town hall. He was rather proud of that new ability and the fact that he was now able to successfully bridge the gap between Wyverns and their Guardian Masters.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1021 Posted: 00:54:17 02/09/2018
"Well," Ilasi said, becoming notably more excited, "Orcford may not be that big, but there can be quite a bit to do here! If you're looking to meet people and have a good time, there are various pubs here which travelers into the country visit. There's also quite the fishing scene here... oh, and wyvern riders often practice by flying in formation and doing various cool tricks and the like! Plus, if you are looking to sell things, the steady stream of travelers means that you shouldn't run out of people to sell to! I'm not quite sure where you land-dwellers would choose to stay, but there is a dwelling under one of the lakes here that we stay in." Ilasi waited patiently for Maverick's response.

Sere listened as Raclaw and Angora spoke. Knowing Angora's opinion of the Guardians, he decided not to intervene - he would, however, give Angora the chance to talk to Veris later, should she wish. As they entered the town hall, they were greeted by a human receptionist.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1022 Posted: 00:59:44 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade streched his wings and shook himself off. “That feels better.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1023 Posted: 01:05:02 02/09/2018
"Well, I guess I could stay for a few days. I can visit the pubs, and that place under the lake sounds interesting. Maybe afterwards, you can even show me the best fishing spots... after we train that rascal friend of ours that is. Although, maybe Angorita can do me that favor. The dragon listens more to her anyway." Maverick said, visibly blushing. He really wanted to stay in that city for a while despite the initial cold reception, mostly to spend time with the beautiful Ilasi.

Angora followed Raclaw and Sere quietly, not wanting to draw attention to herself, although after this heated trial, that was near impossible. Not even her small size would be enough for her to draw attention away. Still, she was willing to wait for Sere to do whatever he had to do before reuniting with Veris. She wondered if the wyvern remembers her, and if he did, if he missed her...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1024 Posted: 01:14:27 02/09/2018
As other citizens passed by, one child pointed at Angora. "Look, Daddy, it's a real life goblin!"
"What have I told you about pointing?" his father scolded, before the two walked past.
Sere walked up to the counter. "Good morning," he greeted. "I am here to register this dragon - Raclaw, R A C L A W - for flight. I believe you are familiar with me?"
"Yes, right away," said the clerk, writing something down. "...pardon me, that's a dragon?"
"Yes, he is," Sere said.
"Very well. I will just need a sca... er, a few hairs from him, then."
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1025 Posted: 01:20:03 02/09/2018
Raclaw pulled a few hairs from under his collar and handed them to the poor confused clerk. He merely smiled with the most adorable expression ever. He was well aware at just how confused the human was by his appearance and personally found the whole thing kind of funny.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1026 Posted: 01:30:43 02/09/2018
The clerk took the hairs, looking at them for a brief moment, then looking back at Raclaw, then the hairs. "Okay, then..." he said. "We'll register him, leave the rest to me."
"Thank you," Sere said. "Okay, that's all dealt with. I believe you wanted to speak to Veris, now..."

"Well, there is something I can do to show you the place I live in... but that is something we can do when you're less busy," Ilasi offered. "As much as I would love to continue talking, it seems that this gentleman over here is currently waiting to talk to you."
"Yes, I am. Thank you very much..." Latnok said, trying to hide his impatience. "Ilasi, was it? I'm Latnok."
"Nice to meet you, Latnok. Don't let me stop you," Ilasi said, moving to the side.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1027 Posted: 01:41:18 02/09/2018
"Right. So sorry for keeping you waiting señor Latnok. I was busy thanking the lady." Maverick excused, knowing that the conversation would've probably lasted longer if Ilasi hadn't dismissed it.
"Anyway, let's go." the young man said, ready to follow Latnok and discuss whatever he needed to say.

Angora watched with amusement how confused the clerk looked, but even with the entertainment, she couldn't stop looking at the child that confused her for a goblin. Her species was still mistaken even today, and just like before, she seemed to attract children, much to her annoyance.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1028 Posted: 01:56:03 02/09/2018
"Ah, yes, Maverick," Latnok said, as he began walking outside the courtyard, "thank you for finally remembering me. Anyway, it's quite clear that... you may have your hands somewhat full with the responsibilities you've been given. I feel like there may be something I can do to help in that regard. But first..." Latnok said, as he began reaching into his pack for something, "...has Angora been practicing her magic?"

Sere led the group outside of the town hall, to the outside of the courthouse, where Veris was waiting. "Raclaw, welcome back!" Veris greeted. "I've been getting a bit hungry waiting for everyone, and- oh, is that Angora? It's been so long! Is she going to give me more food?!"
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1029 Posted: 02:01:29 02/09/2018
"Angora? Do I have permission to relay his thoughts to you?," Raclaw gently asked Angora as Veris quickly greeted them.
"No food-- but she wants to talk to you. I'm going to share your thoughts and you two will be able to talk.," he said over the links.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:02:12 02/09/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1030 Posted: 02:17:23 02/09/2018
"Oh... yeah, about that..." Maverick began to say, knowing that he was a lousy liar. He didn't want to tell Latnok the whole truth, but he decided to come clean.
"Well, she actually tried for a while, but the spells she came up with didn't convinced her, so she stopped. Saying she wanted to live her life the normal way." Maverick explained, remembering how much Latnok hated wasted potential. He didn't know she practiced her magic while he was imprisoned, and she didn't tell him while with him either.

Angora looked at Veris, and couldn't help but smile. As goofy and annoying the oversized wyvern was, she really did missed him. As she looked up at him, she took out the tooth he gifted her, which she had kept as a necklace ever since she left the main group. She had been so happy to see him that she didn't hear what Raclaw said.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1031 Posted: 02:28:00 02/09/2018
Latnok sighed, a sigh of frustration, though he did not seem surprised at all. "Well, I don't think she'll quite forget the magic just yet," he said. "Magic is amazing - once you realize just how much potential it unlocks, you never just completely forget about it. She will get curious some other time. Now, when that happens, give this to her."
Latnok handed Maverick a simple scroll case. "They're instructions on how to use telepathy. The sooner she learns how to use such a thing, the easier it will be for her to let you know where she is at all times. She won't take it from me, though, so just tell her you bought it, or something. Just do what you have to do to minimize the risk to yourself."

Veris smiled heartily at Angora. "Wow! You actually remembered!" he said, counting on Raclaw to be able to convey his thoughts as he gave Angora a solid lick.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1032 Posted: 02:31:54 02/09/2018
As Veris immediately started speaking-- Raclaw enabled the process and started sending the Wyvern's thoughts to Angora. He was sure that Angora wouldn't take offense from the action. "The new voice is Ve ris.," he also said out loud with a smile.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1033 Posted: 02:40:02 02/09/2018
"If will give it to her, but I don't think she will be thrilled about it, especially coming from you." Maverick warned, having noticed the tension she still felt back in the cell. And Latnok's testimony was rather harsh too, so that didn't helped matters either.

"Voice? Veris? What are you talking about?" Angora asked, as she annoyingly cleaned the affectionate wyvern's enormous drool. Veris could never talk before, so she was really confused...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1034 Posted: 02:42:18 02/09/2018
"Veris-- say hello.," Raclaw simply said over the links which was now also temporarily audible to Angora as well.
He smiled hoping to surprise the troll.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:43:09 02/09/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1035 Posted: 02:47:48 02/09/2018
"Like I said, don't tell her it came from me," Latnok said. "Don't be dumb. This is for your own good. You saw what lack of communication resulted in - you getting thrown in a dungeon. We Guardians learn telepathy because keeping in touch with each other in the heat of the moment is an invaluable skill. You would do well to make sure that someone who has a tendency to wander off at least learns how to use it."

"Hello? ...oh, yes, that is a greeting people say!" Veris said excitedly. "Hello, Angora! It is good to see you again! Is Maverick still afraid of me?"
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1036 Posted: 02:55:25 02/09/2018
"Hmm, alright, I think I know what to tell her. Thank you for your help señor Latnok. I know you aren't very fond of Angorita, but I'm grateful that you're trying to help her nonetheless." Maverick expressed, not feeling the little resentment he once felt for Latnok for being so mean to Angora. His anger never lasted too long.

"Eh... him..." Angora said, needing a few minutes to comprehend what was going on. She then proceeded to answer Veris.
"Um, no, I don't think Maverick will be afraid of you. Spending time with Shade made him lose his fear of dragons." she answered the wyvern, looking at Raclaw with a scowl. Just how long has this been happening?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1037 Posted: 02:59:12 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Ooc: did everyone forget about Shade?
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1038 Posted: 03:01:19 02/09/2018
"I've been linked to Latnok ever since Shade-- and added Veris to the links only a couple days ago.," Raclaw explained knowing that Angora was curious. He would continue to relay Velis' thoughts.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1039 Posted: 03:13:54 02/09/2018
OOC: I posted something about Shade earlier.

"Well, I know you're quite.. fond of her," Latnok said. "Nevertheless, I think you can lead her in the right direction and inspire her. You're the one who encouraged her to go along with learning magic in the first place - knowing that such a tool may be useful in the future and may help her avoid things like that may come in handy. Besides that... just be careful," Latnok said. "I don't count on you doing anything reckless - except not fight when you should - but you have those two to look out for, and it's on you if they do anything dumb. As much as they're free spirits, there's a time and a place for that sort of thing - make sure they don't do anything they'll regret. Being here isn't my idea of passing the time." Latnok started walking away, but then came right back. "Oh, yeah, you may want to get your bag. And try not to drown while joy-riding with mermaids or whatever it is you do in your free time nowadays."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1040 Posted: 03:17:54 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Ooc: I replyed.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1041 Posted: 03:29:37 02/09/2018
OOC: A Guy left you a post. I need to see what number it is though.
Edit: Never mind smilie

"I know. I'm on it. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience. As you could see, this trial was all due to a misunderstanding, nothing more. All in all Angorita and Shade have done very well. They can still be impulsive, especially our Shady, but I'm... we're trying to correct that. After I give Angorita this scroll, perhaps we can avoid trouble." Maverick expressed, evading the mermaid subject.

Quote: redwes
"I've been linked to Latnok ever since Shade-- and added Veris to the links only a couple days ago.," Raclaw explained knowing that Angora was curious. He would continue to relay Velis' thoughts.

"Hmm? I see. Interesting. How come we never thought about that before?" Angora expressed, remembering the experience with the storm claw, yet not even herself thought about the possibility of trying it with Veris as well. She had always wondered what Veris' thoughts and opinions would be, and now she had the opportunity to know.
"Well then, I can understand you, and you can understand me too. Tell me, did you... miss me? Or did you only missed the food?" Angora asked sassily to the wyvern, knowing how happy eating made him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:30:30 02/09/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1042 Posted: 03:45:23 02/09/2018
"Well," the mage said, "don't get too comfortable. As per the judge, you are not to fly, at least not until we have sufficient reason to believe that you can control yourself and aren't going to rush in impulsively and hurt others. This is on pain of death for your owner - if you value his life, I would not do what you've done ever again." The case done, the mage put away his orb. "It's almost breakfast time for you, so my men will be bringing you food and water soon, if these guys don't pick you up beforehand."

"Wonderful," Latnok said. "Remember, you didn't get it from me - she won't accept it otherwise." Latnok told himself that he didn't really care about what happened to Angora, that this was only for Maverick - yet he wondered... just how far could she take her potential, if she actually tried?

"Both, of course!" Veris said excitedly. "Giving food is an act of kindness. You going out and hunting for me like that... it showed me just how much you truly cared about me! You're not my human, or under orders from my human - but you did it anyway. I was so touched!" Veris wasn't completely aware of everything involved in the hunting incident, but appreciated what he did know about it.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1043 Posted: 03:58:14 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded. He looked outside the window waiting for Angora and Maverick to come get him.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1044 Posted: 04:00:27 02/09/2018
"Thank you once more for all your services señor Latnok. I know it hasn't always been easy, but it's really nice to have the Guardians looking out for us." Maverick said, about to leave, but then remembered he didn't know his way around.
"Can you take me where my bag is? I want to pick it up right away so I can go look for Shady immediately. Poor guy must've had a rough night yesterday and I want to let him know we're alright and free." Maverick asked, happy that the ordeal was over. He wanted to have his valuable bag and then go ahead and meet with Shade. He just wanted to give him a big hug... or at least as big as he could with his size. He must've been terrified all night being all alone in whatever place they put him in. He didn't know that he was outside already waiting for him. He imagined that his happiness was going to be a little painful for them.

"Well, sorry I can't feed you all the time. I will have to leave soon, and I don't have anything with me right now. Perhaps another time. Just please remember that not everything in life is food." Angora pleaded, though more as a joke than an actual advice. Veris' personality was nearly exactly as she imagined. She was glad that he liked her, even if it was for the feeding alone.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:01:41 02/09/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1045 Posted: 04:07:25 02/09/2018
"Sure," Latnok said, as he started moving. "I'm just waiting on Godfather Sere anyway." As they continued heading towards the gate, Latnok decided to have a bit of a conversation to pass the time. "Things were rather uneventful for us, ironically. Mostly just getting prepared for Redwater, getting Raclaw a new toy. What about you? What was the whole ordeal with that wyvern captain? And what about the mermaid? Seems that nobody had any shortage of good things to say about you. Though I really do advise that you accept that people who are out to kill you deserve whatever they have coming to them."

"That's okay," Veris said. "I understand. You are a little small, though - maybe you should eat more yourself!" That was likely the closest thing that Veris was going to be able to manage to a joke.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1046 Posted: 04:29:37 02/09/2018
"I really don't like violence señor Latnok, but you're right. I can be kind, but now I see it will just get people to take advantage. That thief that Captain Wayson excecuted was really out to kill me, all because he thought I was tricking him with my bag. He saw me take something from it and when he came to steal it from me and saw nothing, he didn't take it nicely. He simply didn't know how a hyperspace bag worked, so he thought I was making a fool out of him." Maverick explained, also looking to kill some time while Latnok escorted him to his bag.
"Oscurito... I mean, Shade saw him cutting my neck with his sword, and, well you know the rest. The thief's possessions ended up falling on the lake, and that's when we met Ilasi..." he continued, visibly blushing at the mentioning of her name. Now he just wanted to pick his bag and go to Shade to avoid further embarrassment.

"Hah, trust me, I could eat a whale and I will still remain this size. It's genetics my dear Veris. Can't be helped." Angora kindly explained to the wyvern, getting lost in the conversation. She wanted to talk to him and make up for the time she couldn't understand him when they were on the quest to destroy the Darkmatter.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:35:30 02/09/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1047 Posted: 04:55:29 02/09/2018
"Ah... I see," Latnok said in understanding. "You know, I'll never quite have the sort of experiences you have in that regard. I've lost my humanity long ago. The only bonds I typically build are those with allies who I can count on to have my back in a fight. The thing that gives me the most satisfaction in life is becoming more powerful... and making my allies more powerful. And truth be told... I don't take pleasure in the suffering of my enemies. I do, however, take pleasure in fighting them, seeing their fear, striking them down. In the struggle. In being victorious over them. In coming close to death, yet overcoming it... That is the sort of person I have become...
"I have two jobs. Be a teacher. And be a weapon. Nothing else. Unfortunately, it isn't something I can really explain as well as I want to. Sure, I still feel many emotions - most of them take a backseat to the more aggressive ones, however. It is for that reason that I know my fate is to die on a battlefield of some sort, not lying in bed with some family. And yet, knowing what I've come from, having a purpose like that satisfies me. I am much more than I ever was. I will never be a real human, but I will be what I am good at, and leave all the real 'humaning' to the rest of you."

"Ah, genetics, you say...? I cannot say that I can empathize," Veris said. "I was bred to be one of the biggest, meanest wyverns around. I am very often called a perfect creation by my human and the other Guardians. They treat me amazingly, other wyverns fear me... it's quite an amazing life! All I have to do is fly - which I love to do - and do some fighting every now and then, and I get everything I can possibly want! Food, mates, humans catering to every need I have, just for doing some simple tasks! I can't imagine a better existence!"
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1048 Posted: 05:12:10 02/09/2018
Maverick listened with some concern, realizing now just how different he and Latnok really were. Even though he wasn't a bad person, Latnok was however, a rather unstable one, with ideals too different from his. Still, he was glad that Latnok trusted him enough to share with him something so sensitive, even if it wasn't that pleasant. Despite their differences, Maverick hoped they could still be friends and contact each other from time to time.
"Well, we are very different, but I guess everyone contributes to the world in their own special way. Our roads are different, but they seem to interwine from time to time. Honestly, the Guardian's life isn't the kind of world for me, but I do hope we can continue talking to each other and be just friends. I do intend to go the Guardian's base someday, but only as a visitor if you don't mind." Maverick explained as he went to get his bag, the Guardian's base being a place he didn't want to live in, but it did sounded impressive enough to visit as a tourist. As he walked with Latnok, he noticed Laszur, and felt very uneasy. He was the one who so stealthily captured him on that beach, and made him feel very nervous and cautious.

As Veris explained, Angora could understand now that he didn't want to change his life. Even if Angora had went with her original plan of releasing him, she was now convinced that he wouldn't have followed her, being too find of the life he knew.
"Well that's... very good for you. I'm glad you have a very pleasant life. At least genetically speaking you're great. I... I was a joke to my family. Just another piece of meat to consume. Your family thinking that way about you can do things to you..." Angora confessed, though she knew Veris probably heard her confession back at the void where Darkmatter was. Still, she really trusted this wyvern.
"But hey, I have a better life now. A real family this time. And I got to see you again, my only real friend in that long journey from the past." the little troll then said, wanting Veris to know how much his friendship meant to her, even if he only loved her for the food.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:34:12 02/09/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1049 Posted: 05:31:50 02/09/2018
"Well, our base is made to be quite the livable place," Latnok said. "It is designed to be capable of sustaining a very large population within the cave network in an apocalyptic scenario. You see... we can never be too ready for those sorts of things. Because the day something like that happens, and we're not ready, we're all dead. If you want to visit, you're perfectly free to. And you still do need to get that horse..." The group was nearing the gate, as Laszur looked on. What have this human, and the troll, done to encourage such interest from the Ardent Guardians? Were they really only set free because Sere wanted them to be free? As much as he thought on these things, his only loyalty was to his leaders. He couldn't afford to think and act based on what his opinions were - that lead to chaos and disorder, and that was dangerous.

"I am very happy that the feeling is reciprocated!" Veris said. "I do wish that you and the others got along better, though. I was really sad when my human made me avoid you because he thought you would encourage me to betray him. I think such a thing is ridiculous - they are the ones who take so much care of me - but I can see why he would fear that. I am glad you found some friends, though! I am never lonely - I think it's a shame for others to be lonely.
"Last I saw you, you cast magic. How has that been going for you? All who ride wyverns like us in the Guardians are required to have a solid grasp of magic - the Guardians want to ensure that we are as protected as possible when we fly. I wish I could cast magic - but I trust my human to do that for me. His command of magic is excellent, and he can even magic up some water for me if need be - his magic helps me so much!"
Veris' tone always lit up when he spoke about Sere - evident that his bond with Sere was very strong.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1050 Posted: 05:48:28 02/09/2018
Finally reaching to where his bag was, Maverick accepted it while avoiding eye contact with Laszur. He didn't even check if everything was in there, having way too much stuff, but he did checked if his precious mandolin was there. He was rather disappointed when he saw that it was somewhat scratched on the back, which he correctly assumed happened when the high ranked galud kidnapped him, but at least the instrument could still play.
"Well, that's everything I guess. Now then, take me to where our Shady is waiting. I can't wait to see him again. He has always shown affection with some nuzzles, but I wonder if he may get too overexcited and start with licks." Maverick wondered as he followed Latnok to meet with Shade. It would feel quite weird if that happens, but still, Maverick was willing to tolerate it if it meant Shade was happy again.
"Afterwards, I would like to speak with señor a Sere and thank him for his help personally. Also to see his wyvern if he brought him. I want to show him the scale and demonstrate to him I'm not afraid anymore. I bet Angorita will be happy to see him." Maverick expressed, u aware that the meeting already happened.

"Well, you don't need magic with those claws and teeth, and of course, your friends. I do, although I must say I haven't practiced it very often. Spent so much time without it that it feels weird using it." Angora admitted, seemingly Latnok not being the only one interested in her potential. But before Veris could comment on that, there was something that was really aching her.
"By the way, I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you before. I realize I might've caused some tension between you and your human. If only we could've talked sooner like this, then we could've probably avoided many fights." Angora admitted, knowing that a talking Veris would've been ideal in her journey with the main group.
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