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The Official All Purpose Amiibo topic! [CLOSED]
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1001 Posted: 04:22:21 05/03/2015
Quote: Seiki
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: Seiki
Meta Knight & Shulk?



Not gonna lie.... Thought Dedede was new too and I may have looked back a page at the last pic....

Meh, doesn't matter. You still win my fake cookie.
OnionCakes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1810
#1002 Posted: 16:09:06 05/03/2015
While i have a bitter resentment for amiibos I was happy to find my sister and I a Sonic today :3
Check out my boyfriends Skylander ARTWORK
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1003 Posted: 02:54:12 06/03/2015
I JUST GOT CAPTAI FLACON FROM BEST BUY!!!!!!! My face when I got it:

[User Posted Image]
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1004 Posted: 03:01:25 06/03/2015
Just picked up Mega Man and Sonic from my nearby GameStop.
epicLLOYD Yellow Sparx Gems: 1893
#1005 Posted: 06:09:26 06/03/2015
Saving up money to get Sonic, after that I will save up for Sheik. My collection of amiibo are coming along nicely, I still don't have any wave two one's though.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#1006 Posted: 05:01:19 07/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Well some leaks have been showing up recently showing that the Male and Female Inklings from Splatoon, Greninja, and Jigglypuff could get some Amiibo's soon. This is not confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt, but it's still interesting to speculate on...

Leak Link.



Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#1007 Posted: 16:43:54 07/03/2015
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1008 Posted: 17:04:55 07/03/2015
Quote: Skylanders fan

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#1009 Posted: 17:48:22 07/03/2015
Should I set foot in amiibo? Should I get some?
dark52 let me change my username you coward
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1010 Posted: 18:49:57 07/03/2015
Quote: Sleepy0429
Should I set foot in amiibo? Should I get some?

it depends...

do you have a wii u or new 3ds xl?

are there any characters in SSB4 you like/main/want as a figure?

do you want to face the end of the world?
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1011 Posted: 20:50:57 07/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Skylanders fan

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.

It could, Nintendo should stop this artificial scarcity **** in the first place.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#1012 Posted: 21:46:40 07/03/2015
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Skylanders fan

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.

It could, Nintendo should stop this artificial scarcity **** in the first place.

It isn't just Nintendo, though. The port strikes are also to blame.

Nintendo is a Japan-based company, so it's obvious that they care for their "home base" more than the rest of the world, even though Japan is way smaller than the US. Nintendo also shows this "error" with Pokemon; there are dozens of event exclusive Pokemon that were only given away in Japan.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:22 07/03/2015 by Matteomax
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#1013 Posted: 22:57:01 07/03/2015
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: Sleepy0429
Should I set foot in amiibo? Should I get some?

it depends...

do you have a wii u or new 3ds xl?

are there any characters in SSB4 you like/main/want as a figure?

do you want to face the end of the world?

1. Yes
2.Sonic only him
3. Don't care about SMB line.
BTW: Got sonic!
dark52 let me change my username you coward
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1014 Posted: 01:01:18 08/03/2015
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Skylanders fan

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.

It could, Nintendo should stop this artificial scarcity **** in the first place.

But Nintendo of America don't manufacture them, nor do they have any say over what NoJ does (NoA have a lot less control then they really should have). So this petition would not accomplish anything.

Also Nintendo aren't creating artificial scarcity, they just don't care to produce as much of certain figures (e.g. why bother printing loads of the more detailed "Rosalina & Luma" Smash figure, when they can just produce loads of the more simplistic "Rosalina" Super Mario figure instead, since they do the same thing in-game?).
"My memories will be part of the sky."
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#1015 Posted: 03:10:28 08/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: sonicbrawler182

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.

It could, Nintendo should stop this artificial scarcity **** in the first place.

It isn't just Nintendo, though. The port strikes are also to blame.

Nintendo is a Japan-based company, so it's obvious that they care for their "home base" more than the rest of the world, even though Japan is way smaller than the US. Nintendo also shows this "error" with Pokemon; there are dozens of event exclusive Pokemon that were only given away in Japan.

Nintendo doesn't cover these events though. The Pokemon Company International is in charge of what event Pokemon get distributed. Nintendo just mass-promotes it.
words. letters. filler.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1016 Posted: 03:48:35 08/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: sonicbrawler182

This won't do anything, because Nintendo of America don't manufacture Amiibos.

It could, Nintendo should stop this artificial scarcity **** in the first place.

It isn't just Nintendo, though. The port strikes are also to blame.

Nintendo is a Japan-based company, so it's obvious that they care for their "home base" more than the rest of the world, even though Japan is way smaller than the US. Nintendo also shows this "error" with Pokemon; there are dozens of event exclusive Pokemon that were only given away in Japan.

Didn't the port strike end though?

That's not exactly the case here. It's more of poor planning and assuming their all star line up is the only thing that will sell, so they somewhat neglected the others at first. But instead of issuing more of the rare ones, they're more focused on newer things. I wouldn't say they intentionally created artificial scarcity so much as lacked the foresight to prevent it. I also don't think they're playing favorites with countries as the issue is everywhere it seems; the same may not be rare everywhere but everywhere does have rare ones.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1017 Posted: 08:50:14 08/03/2015
^The port strikes did technically end but it'll probably be weeks or months before we see any difference. And the effect they had on amiibo are somewhat questionable.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#1018 Posted: 00:26:29 10/03/2015 | Topic Creator

Nintendo, why?

The list of Amiibo's compatible with Mario Party 10 is confirmed.

[User Posted Image]

*sad wah noises

Time to bring back the signature...
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#1019 Posted: 00:29:08 10/03/2015
Yeesh, Nintendo is really ****ing up lately.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1020 Posted: 00:36:19 10/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Yeesh, Nintendo is really ****ing up lately.

Really... So much money they're losing from not making Waluigi.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#1021 Posted: 00:46:09 10/03/2015
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Matteomax
Yeesh, Nintendo is really ****ing up lately.

Really... So much money they're losing from not making Waluigi.

Waluigi has a bigger fanbase than Wario himself, even.

And they also lost out a bit on Daisy, but it's understandable.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#1022 Posted: 00:47:15 10/03/2015 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1023 Posted: 01:01:26 10/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Matteomax
Yeesh, Nintendo is really ****ing up lately.

Really... So much money they're losing from not making Waluigi.

Waluigi has a bigger fanbase than Wario himself, even.

And they also lost out a bit on Daisy, but it's understandable.

Wario has his own franchise and actually has some degree of a fleshed out character. Waluigi is not, and will never be more popular than Wario, and only exists to play second banana to Wario.

I mean, Waluigi is funny and goofy and all, and I think he will get an Amiibo. But let's not pretend he's more than he actually is.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1024 Posted: 01:02:47 10/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Matteomax
Yeesh, Nintendo is really ****ing up lately.

Really... So much money they're losing from not making Waluigi.

Waluigi has a bigger fanbase than Wario himself, even.

And they also lost out a bit on Daisy, but it's understandable.

Exactly. Wario is ew no, but still has some fans from his WarioWare games. Waluigi is Waluigi tho. How can you not love him.

I might've bought a Daisy and will admit there is some loss of money there, but still nowhere near as much desire out there for her as there is for Waluigi.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#1025 Posted: 02:48:32 10/03/2015
Waluigi exists to be in the extra spot for tennis.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1026 Posted: 03:39:38 10/03/2015
Quote: LunarDistortion

Nintendo, why?

The list of Amiibo's compatible with Mario Party 10 is confirmed.

[User Posted Image]

*sad wah noises

Time to bring back the signature...

TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#1027 Posted: 04:55:59 10/03/2015
Maybe Waluigi and Daisy will get amiibo, but a patch will add them to the game to keep it from being revealed this soon?
words. letters. filler.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#1028 Posted: 06:17:27 10/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Why wouldn't they just release them now then? It's not like anything is holding them back, and I doubt they'll make a wave of just Waluigi, Daisy, Toadette, and Spike. Maybe they just think Waluigi and Daisy don't have enough fans to warrant an Amiibo or something to that effect...

Which is definitely why Wii Fit Trainer gets one instead. <.<

I'm sorry if I come off as really annoyed right now, but this is one of my favorite characters from back when I was first introduced to video games, so I get pretty heated whenever Nintendo ignores him for no reason whatsoever. Mario Kart 7 was bad enough (Why put in one of Waluigi's best tracks if you don't make him playable? Oh, and who replaced him in that game? None other than the one off Queen Bee from Galaxy 1!) A major reason of why many believe Waluigi is a bad character is because he doesn't do anything, he worthless to a lot of people. He's just Wario sidekick/Luigi's rival with a few goofy lines and characteristics. It doesn't have to be that way though, he has so much untapped potential that by simply giving Waluigi his own game you could flesh out the character to be one of the more complex characters in the series. He could be a misunderstood wanna-be criminal with a heart of gold; He could be a greedy cheater, despite the fact that isn't all that good at it; he could be an insane villain who only wants to bring chaos and have fun doing it; he could be a hopeless romantic who knows that his crush on Daisy will probably not work out, but will do his best to save her from evil when the time comes and the other hero's are busy doing there own thing. Point is is that Waluigi has too much potential and a growing fanbase, so it sucks that he gets denied any chance of this by everyone at Nintendo, instead using him as a filler roster slot in Sports and Party games.

Wow, sorry about the paragraph. I just get really heated about when Waluigi is left out in the cold.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1029 Posted: 08:58:47 10/03/2015
I doubt they'll make a wave of just Waluigi, Daisy, Toadette, and Spike.

They would probably come out with Wario, DK, and Rosalina.

Another thing worth noting though is that these Amiibos aren't "Mario Party" Amiibos, they are "Super Mario" Amiibos, meaning they encompass the entire Mario series and will likely see a lot of use in the future. Just because Waluigi or whoever else don't get a figure now for Mario Party, doesn't mean they can't get one later to coincide with another game. If Next Level Games are working on another Mario Strikers or something, and it has substantial Amiibo support, you can be sure Waluigi will get an Amiibo then, since he's their favourite character.

Which is definitely why Wii Fit Trainer gets one instead. <.<

hav u ever been on rule 34?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1030 Posted: 18:49:55 10/03/2015
Take the following with a grain of salt

So a random CPSIA certification popped up yesterday, and this time with no photo or name attached like gold and silver Mario did. People on the subreddit were already able to deduce from the item number that it's a figure in the Smash line rather than the Super Mario line:

"Super Mario Set of Amiibo figure's use the Item Number: NVL C AB
Super Smash Set of Amiibo figure's use the Item Number: NVL C AA
The (unknown) figure uses: NVL C AA"

But someone went a step further, analyzed the number and compared it to other figures in the line so far, trying to predict where the remaining characters could land (including this mystery figure), the results of which you can see here. Judging by his predictions, this mystery figure is most likely a Pokemon. So with Greninja and Jigglypuff potentially being leaked, we can assume it's one of them and call it a day right? Not quite.

Personal opinions incoming: Personally, I noticed that wave 3 and 4 figures tended to get certified around the same time as all the others in their respective wave. And wave 4 was only recently certified; it wouldn't make sense for a wave 5 figure to be certified so soon, especially when as of right now we don't know who would also be in wave 5 along with those two. This figure seems to be all on its own; separate from wave 4 and probably coming before wave 5.

With that in mind there's only one possible solution: This figure is Mewtwo. Now let's ignore how the idea of a Mewtwo amiibo releasing soon would guarantee his development is almost done, and focus on something else. This figure was certified after wave 4, before wave 5 is even announced, and, most importantly less than a month before Club Nintendo announces its elite rewards. While Club Nintendo has largely ruled out the possibility of physical rewards by claiming elite rewards will be a variety of digital titles to choose from, it could be fairly easy for them to backtrack and claim "we never explicitly said there wouldn't be a physical reward". I'm not saying to count on any of it (I'm not), but it admittedly feels rather coincidental to happen now of all times.

So in the end my money is on this mystery figure being Mewtwo, with it being a sign that his release is imminent, and with a slim chance that the figure could be exclusive to Club Nintendo.

Quote: Seiki
Exactly. Wario is ew no, but still has some fans from his WarioWare games. Waluigi is Waluigi tho. How can you not love him.

I don't really like Waluigi because I find him kind of annoying and pointless. Mind you I don't really like Wario either. Mind you mind you I don't have strong opinions for any Mario characters aside from a liking for Luigi and Rosalina, and strong dislike for Birdo.

I'm sure Waluigi will get an amiibo. They should be able to patch support for future amiibo. I think Waluigi, Daisy, and Toadette will be a wave 3 for the Mario line.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:50:52 10/03/2015 by CAV
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#1031 Posted: 19:48:39 10/03/2015
To be honest, Wario was SO much better in the Wario Land titles. He wasn't gross, was much beefier, more serious, and more adventurous than Mario. I have no clue how he got his knack for being a disgusting slob in the WarioWare games.

Waluigi.. Ehh. I like how goofy he is, but Nintendo barely gives him any love. He deserves his own game, seriously.

Daisy is basically stuck as a side game character, and they'll probably never give her the starring role in a game. I still have my copy of Super Mario Land for the Game Boy, and I can still remember when I beat Tatanga for the first time..


[User Posted Image]

Good God, Gold Mario looks perfect.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:30:15 10/03/2015 by Matteomax
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#1032 Posted: 23:53:17 10/03/2015
Bowser is huge o-o
words. letters. filler.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#1033 Posted: 00:02:49 11/03/2015
Gosh, there are so many Mario amiibos on the shelf at my Toys R Us today that I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, amiibo's slogan would change from "Your favorite Nintendo characters come to life!" to "Your favorite Mario characters come to life!" Also, when the time comes, can anyone post what happens when you scan gold mario in smash or MP10? I'm assuming it'll just bring up regular Mario but I'm curious.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:04:42 11/03/2015 by TrapShadowFan
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1034 Posted: 00:22:56 11/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
To be honest, Wario was SO much better in the Wario Land titles. He wasn't gross, was much beefier, more serious, and more adventurous than Mario. I have no clue how he got his knack for being a disgusting slob in the WarioWare games.

Waluigi.. Ehh. I like how goofy he is, but Nintendo barely gives him any love. He deserves his own game, seriously.

Daisy is basically stuck as a side game character, and they'll probably never give her the starring role in a game. I still have my copy of Super Mario Land for the Game Boy, and I can still remember when I beat Tatanga for the first time..



Good God, Gold Mario looks perfect.

Waluigi & Daisy are rather stuck like that. Popular enough that they have a high chance (but apparently not high enough for a guarantee MK7 >.>) for being in most side games like Kart, Party, and Tennis, though it's doubtful they'll ever get enough love to feature enough of them to flesh out the character and expand the potential they hold. Pauline really gets overlooked alot. Aside from being in the classic Donkey Kong, she mostly gets ignored aside from the Mario vs DK Minis games. Would love to see her in a MarioKart game.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1035 Posted: 00:42:01 11/03/2015
Daisy actually can't appear in a main series game for legal reasons.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1036 Posted: 01:12:13 11/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Daisy actually can't appear in a main series game for legal reasons.

Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#1037 Posted: 01:22:21 11/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Daisy actually can't appear in a main series game for legal reasons.

Legal reasons? Uh.... care to explain?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#1038 Posted: 01:27:30 11/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Daisy actually can't appear in a main series game for legal reasons.

Her name is copyrighted right? Seems like a common domain.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#1039 Posted: 01:33:36 11/03/2015
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Daisy actually can't appear in a main series game for legal reasons.

Legal reasons? Uh.... care to explain?

A small bit of googling doesn't give much answer other than she wasn't made by Shigeru Miyamoto. Could be that he lacks the rights to use her in a main-series Mario game.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#1040 Posted: 01:41:18 11/03/2015
Daisy is owned by Gunpei Yokoi who is now deceased.

She was originally made as a replacement for Peach in Super Mario Land. This was also for legal reasons, as Yokoi didn't have the rights to use anything other than Mario for Super Mario Land. This is why everything in the game is replaced by some kind of equivalent (Sarrassaland instead of Mushroom Kingdom, Daisy instead of Peach, etc).

Daisy was literally only meant to be used in that game, but after Yokoi passed away, he still held the copyright for the character. However, Nintendo wanted to use her as a female friend for Peach, as well as to pay tribute to Yokoi. So as a compromise, she only gets used in spin-offs since they don't do much with her character, and is kept out of bigger games because they would tamper with whatever vision Yokoi originally had for the character.

Basically, Daisy's creator passed away, and since he was a well respected employee (creator of the original Game Boy) and because of legal reasons, Daisy is relegated to minor spin off appearances only.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:44:57 11/03/2015 by sonicbrawler182
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#1041 Posted: 02:01:43 11/03/2015
Very interesting!
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#1042 Posted: 02:24:42 11/03/2015
yeah never knew that but what about waluigi?
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#1043 Posted: 02:36:42 11/03/2015
If it makes you feel any better Sakurai has trouble buying the Amiibos that he wants.

This gold Mario is gonna be painted in chrome making children cry everywhere.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:14:20 11/03/2015 by somePerson
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#1044 Posted: 03:27:41 11/03/2015
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Also, when the time comes, can anyone post what happens when you scan gold mario in smash or MP10? I'm assuming it'll just bring up regular Mario but I'm curious.

It'll just bring up Mario. It looks simply like a Mario figure with gold paint.

I think at most you'll have a little tag that says "gold" on it but that's a stretch.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#1045 Posted: 21:36:53 11/03/2015
[User Posted Image]
- - -
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#1046 Posted: 22:15:37 11/03/2015
Quote: somePerson
[User Posted Image]
- - -

thats a nice custom
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#1047 Posted: 01:30:21 12/03/2015
If only it could actually give Mario the cool distorted voice Metal Mario gets. I'd buy that in a heartbeat. XP
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1048 Posted: 01:33:49 12/03/2015
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#1049 Posted: 03:12:44 12/03/2015
Golden Mario amiibo was delayed this morning to April 3rd, but was confirmed a mistake. Stores will still be getting it on March 20th, with all stores having a 2 per person limit until the line disburses and if there is any stock left. It will go to the shelf where it will have no limit. All online orders won't be affected.
words. letters. filler.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:17:05 12/03/2015 by TacoMakerSkys
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1050 Posted: 03:34:17 12/03/2015
Quote: ZapNorris

I don't remember where I found it, I think it was Reddit, but Marth's re-release is coming in April.
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