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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Forum Games > You capture above avatar irl... keep them, free them, give them away, sell them?
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You capture above avatar irl... keep them, free them, give them away, sell them? [CLOSED]
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9207
#51 Posted: 22:09:04 23/03/2014
Free her, because I'm scared she'll chop my testicles off if I don't.
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:14:51 23/03/2014 by Skyhunter
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8865
#52 Posted: 23:50:58 23/03/2014 | Topic Creator
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#53 Posted: 23:57:24 23/03/2014
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8865
#54 Posted: 12:32:05 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Free? ...a 100 x 100 square?
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
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