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Apocolypse Released! [Open!] [CLOSED]
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#51 Posted: 00:57:51 25/02/2014
OOC: Thanks for waiting on me. I kinda led my character away from the main "action" by accident. I'll just improvise.

Pehcook was still rather confused about the native's request. It felt off... he couldn't really describe the sensation any other way. As he continued about through the village, he took note of the abundance of rain barrels and creatures planting long metal poles in the ground, perhaps makeshift lightning rods. The village was surprisingly energetic, given the circumstances and the times. The people, although generally loud and jovial, were still wary, and many wore various weapons among with other accessories. No doubt because of the strange monster that appeared from the meteorite. They described it as a "Luiga"... whatever that could be. There's practically no telling what the natives meant by-
"Captain! We're getting a reading!"
Pehcook immediately clutched his head in pain, his hearing organs ringing. Why did the communicator always have to re-adjust itself to blow his ear canals out? "*Urrrk*... what are we getting?"
"Something outside the village came up."
"Describe it, please."
"Well, it has wings, and it's purple. At least that what is looked like on the satellite cam-"
"Where is it?"
"We saw it by a small hole just on the outskirts-"
"I'm on my way," Pehcook said bluntly, putting the search for the mother's son aside and galloping out towards the village's exit.
"Um, Captain? We're not sure if this is the exact creature that's been terrorizing the planet. After all, the natives' description was very diffused."
"No chances!- *trip*- We can't take any chances!"
"Suit yourself, Captain," the communicator clicked off.
After toppling over fruit stands and nearly impaling himself with one of the metal poles (it was still being carried by two men), Pehcook managed to exit the village without causing noteworthy damage of property or citizen injury, and entered a green, grassy field. His checkpoint device led him to where the unidentified creature had been spotted, past the occasional shrub and ruminant-eater. At last, he arrived at a small hole in the ground. The dirt around it was devoid of roots and seemed very unstable.
After a long moment it dawned on him that the monster previously in question, as opposed to the creature the satellite had found, probably could not fit in such a miniscule opening. He himself wasn't the ideal size to even go inside and check. Berating himself for his stupidity, he started to turn away, unwary of the ground beneath his feet that was fit to crumble at any minute...
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#52 Posted: 14:31:19 08/03/2014
OOC: *coughcough*
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