darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > The ending is not good it needs more NOT LOVE!
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The ending is not good it needs more NOT LOVE! [CLOSED]
Cyndro34 Green Sparx Gems: 160
#51 Posted: 01:24:15 26/09/2010
Your brother is on the InheritanceForums with a user name of Dragon_God? That's the creator of the thread I mentioned.
I support CynderxSpyro all the way.
Spyro needs a girlfriend who isn't a stalker!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:22:41 30/09/2010 by Cyndro34
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#52 Posted: 02:21:37 26/09/2010
Oh wait no. But on a Cynder fan site he made a thread with the exact same name. At least that's what he told me.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
Cyndro34 Green Sparx Gems: 160
#53 Posted: 01:23:28 30/09/2010
Oh... Sorry didn't think. This board confuses me sometimes though, it only just now showed your post after four days.
I support CynderxSpyro all the way.
Spyro needs a girlfriend who isn't a stalker!
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#54 Posted: 20:54:32 01/10/2010
I guess it's not too surprising if there's more than one thread with that exact name from an obsessed-Cynder-fan
Cyndro34 Green Sparx Gems: 160
#55 Posted: 04:01:30 03/10/2010
True... I should have thought it through a little more.
I support CynderxSpyro all the way.
Spyro needs a girlfriend who isn't a stalker!
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