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nightpelt destined for atventure - warriors-(baced on lightning clan rp) [CLOSED]
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#51 Posted: 04:15:15 27/02/2010 | Topic Creator
OOC: hmm maby its causing the block... nope! it to cute to cause a block!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#52 Posted: 05:52:37 27/02/2010
O__________________________________________O no comment...
--- this supposed to be my signature?
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#53 Posted: 06:11:54 27/02/2010
hiya i found ur topic smilie THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM MEEEEEE
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#54 Posted: 00:29:34 08/03/2010
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#55 Posted: 01:26:39 11/04/2010 | Topic Creator

"starkit, i reseved a proficy, we have to find thunder clan!" nitkit squeeked

" me to!" starkit replied.

"i will pack some herbs, then we go" nightkit replied.
"ok" starkit replied

OOC: sorry it supper short. i will continue chapter three soon.
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#56 Posted: 04:37:28 16/06/2010 | Topic Creator
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#57 Posted: 22:19:30 17/06/2010
hi. how's it goin?
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#58 Posted: 03:56:44 18/06/2010 | Topic Creator
good, u?
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#59 Posted: 19:02:26 18/06/2010
pretty good. although i'm going to camp in two days, and for some reason i want to stay here.
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#60 Posted: 22:56:09 17/07/2010 | Topic Creator

nightkit searched until she found the traveling herbs. she put them in her leaf sack and went to starkit. and so they headed off into the night.

"lets rest here" starkit suggested

"shure" nightkit replied,plopping down. she closed her eyes. she reopened them, where she saw a forest, and saw a she- cat aproach her.

"i am spottedleaf, i will help you train to be a medicin cat" spottedleaf said.

nightkit nodded. together they went over the herbs and what they were for. when she awoke, she was by starkit, it was sunhigh.

starkit yawned. "i could have slept for a moon!"

"beilieve me, with your eagerness, it would have been less than a minuete!" nightpelt replied. and the started walking again.

what ya think? oh, and hears a glossary so far....
(i got this from the book secret of the clans)
a moon = i month
sunhigh= morning
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
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