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Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone [CLOSED]
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#51 Posted: 23:51:49 19/01/2010 | Topic Creator
New one Saturday at latest.. smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#52 Posted: 01:54:14 21/01/2010 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 9
Guilty Strokes


Helgar looked out into the horizon as he felt the great presence grow nearer. Ancestral ties were greater with this than any he had ever felt before, much greater than Jayde’s even. Actually as he examined the anomaly more he could feel that Jayde’s essence was there with it. Whatever the other thing was Helgar could feel her deep appreciation for her company.

“Send out a welcome party for them, but be cautious of the strange dragon.” He told one of the guards who had called him to the watch tower; his orders were immediately carried out.

“Why don’t you just kill him if you are so afraid of him?”

“Because he could be of great importance for our war whatever he is.”

“I doubt it; he’s just one of my agents.”


Spyro saw a group of five take off from the rapidly approaching city. “Do you know these guys?" he asked her.

“They are just part of the city watch. They greet all incoming traffic regardless.” She said out with noticeably less nerve. She even made eye contact this time, but quickly withdrew it.

“They are of no threat then?”

She fully turned her head to him. “No, and even if they were, they wouldn’t be with you.”

Spyro felt obliged to return the contact and entertain a possibility of relationship between the two if only to give himself a greater influence upon her. “The power I once had is no more.” He replied in a somber tone. Intellect is my greatest weapon now.”



Later was later now in the day, Spyro and Jayde sat in Jayde’s home with the company of Shandy and Barvin now. Spyro could nearly smell the two female’s feelings towards him. Maybe it wasn’t the greatest of ideas to make him their age, but then again this would give him more of an influence. It made him more uncomfortable nonetheless.

“Jayde, what are your plans with attacking Warfang?” he asked interrupting a long period of silence.


“I was hoping that you were going to attack them soon as their defenses seem to be at a weak point now. Now is as great a chance as ever.” He lied to her out of necessity. His goal was not an honest one, but it was a necessary one. Time was the greatest enemy of the resistance.

“Well, I guess we could do that if the board agreed.”

“Good, we need to go now. This is why I have come here to help at last. As I said I haven’t much time to waste now”

“Oh, you should have said something sooner. We better go now and get this show going.” She replied without much of a thought. She had placed her trust within Spyro now and she would bend to his desire up until the point that she had given everything away.

The whole gang exited the home and took to the air. The short flight seamed to take forever in terms of the ancestral world where everything happened instantly. Working to get somewhere was unusual for Spyro now, but he enjoyed it more this way.

The flight landed and was first met by Jayde’s father who seemed to have left the meeting and stood outside.

He glanced at them in question, and was only responded to by Jayde’s thumbs up.

They walked into the meeting like nothing was going on stopping the speaker mid-sentence. Suddenly all of the room was focused upon them in the back.

“We must fight now. This deliberating may go on for days and by then the window of opportunity will have shut and left us out of options and without my assistance. I understand that some of you may have your doubts but you must trust me. This is the best course of action, and possibly the only in this entire generation. You must trust me in this.”

The members of the board deliberated to one another for a few moments before Helgar stepped to the front and beat on the podium. “All right, let’s get this over with them. Against attack?”

A few hands came up shyly.


All most the entire assembly raised their hands immediately. They too had a trust for him. It seemed that his entire plan had worked out perfectly to this point.

“All right, fair enough, first light tomorrow we must assemble at lakes edge and set out together for this the greatest battle of your time!”


Jayde slept alone in her bed. Spyro dozed on the floor just below her with his legs flowing underneath her bed. Hours had gone by and she still could not fall asleep. Those memories of her mother and the traumatic situation she had just been put through with her father made her very wary about the situation at hand. She did not believe that a fight was necessary to take back Warfang and free those who were trapped within the Dio’s grasp.

Spyro might know military tactics, but he had never really tried to solve a situation without violence. Maybe, he didn’t know as much as she did. After all how long had he been dead?

She glanced over the side of her mattress and gazed upon his body as it rest gently. The relentless master of all elements, the most handsome of all male dragons who had ever lived, slept mere feet away from her in her own bedroom. Before the day had started she never would have believed it could happen, but now it seemed nothing more than stimulating.

Forgetting the events that were to transpire in the morning she privately stroked herself. With the strong muscles that protruded from his body, the beautiful hue of his scales and the great clearness with which they reflected the dim night light. No visible flaws disgraced his pictures body, maybe it was that the ultimate vision of beauty was based off of him. Then again this pointed out the way that other’s probably felt about her. This turned her on more and she brought up the intensity of her strokes.

Suddenly Spyro’s eyes popped open

A/N: If you have read this please leave your comments... thanks.. Updates are actually going to happen now so stay posted..
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#53 Posted: 07:02:34 21/01/2010
Oh no, this could end in a number of situations D8
However, good chapter
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#54 Posted: 21:07:24 26/01/2010 | Topic Creator
working on the next chapter now smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#55 Posted: 22:11:16 26/01/2010
O.K. smilie

Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#56 Posted: 20:21:42 28/01/2010 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone

Chapter 10

“Hey,” Spyro whispered at the sight of Jayde looking over the edge of the bed at him, something wild was happening within her eyes and he read it immediately. The last time he had ever seen that look was when he last copulated with Cynder all of those many years before, then the eyes had been older and more accustomed to the feelings being experienced, these eyes were relatively virgin to it.

He decided to act oblivious to it, even though eventually she’d arrive at the conclusion otherwise, for the time being she didn’t have to know the truth. He extended his legs and wings outward away from her in an extended sigh. He glanced away briefly as to allow her the time to re-gather herself from the unexpected outburst. Through the window he saw where the sun eclipsed the horizon and birthed the land into a new light, the soft rays shining out the darkness of the night. Memories of his final minutes upon the Earth returned to him along with those first from the world after, he and Cynder’s manifestation destroying all opposition to it.

He at last glanced back at the young girl in the room and saw as the feeling dissolved from her face quickly in self-apprehension. “The first morning light breaks Jayde, will you fight it, or will you embrace it on this: the last of days in hiding?”

Jayde blushed at the realization, but the implications of words said perked her up from her bed. “I think I’m ready to embrace it,” she replied bravely.


Helgar arrived at the assembly just in time to no be left behind. His night of rest had been far from a good one, the Dio screaming in his ear all night in the most obnoxious manner possible was not the easiest thing to drift off to, even after laying down early.

“This is possibly the best thing that you guys could be doing for me right now, packing up and handing your entire residence to me on a silver platter. You know, this Spyro guy seems to be on my side of this disagreement, after all he is a purple dragon the same as me. Oh, and so is his closest resemblance in this refuge.”

“You know,” Helgar replied in a rebellion the repelled the presence from his mind once and for all, “You don’t even seem to be that strong.”


Spyro watched as the battle group assembled around him providing him with an opportune chance to speak with Ignitus and receive the plans he had not been given to previously. “What am I supposed to do from here?” he asked cerebrally.

“Lead them east, lead them east until the peak of Mount Malefor pokes up above the horizon directly shielding you from the blunt of the morning sun. The shade will provide you protection from watch outs at the front of the city allowing you all to enter the eastern entry to the mountain.

“Ignitus, you know that I cannot go in there without the dark powers possessing me, surely you won’t send me into there. Or is this the plan that you haven’t been wanting to tell me all of this time?”

“No, no, you will not go into the mountain. Only Jayde will go.”

“You mean?!”

“It is what must be done”


“Spyro what is it?” Jayde asked him caringly; still not completely convinced that she could not get with him despite the obvious reasons that she wouldn’t.

Spyro glanced at her from the corner of his eyes unable to look at her now knowing what would become of her at his choice. “Nothing, it’s just that I never did like warfare.”

“Oh, the ancestors are big on that are they? Is this how it was in past times?”

He smiled at the past. The past was always embellished by those who had lived it as to make it seem greater than what it truly had been, but this was far and beyond the truth. “The general consensus on war I think is that it is a necessary part of life, and should you feel strongly enough about something that you find it a worthwhile endeavor then it shall be done.”

“Is this how you feel?”

“I suppose it is, after being submerged in such a society it’s hard to not allow it to wear off on you.”


“We fly east from here to arrive at the city of our ancestors: Warfang. There we will find a mountain and we may hide in its shade in order to prevent us from being seen in the city. Jayde and I will enter the mountain and confront the Dio as he absorbs the power of the dark crystals as he does religiously every morning. In the meantime the rest of you will disperse into attack on the city. Know that the force you fight is fighting you against their will. Should any of them offer their surrender accept it and kindly encourage all of those around to do the same using the subject as an example. The opposition may appear overwhelming at first, but the number of those who owe true allegiance to the Dio is few, and in the end this will be the only force you will have to fight.

“Fly with haste, as this time tomorrow we need to arrive there. I will assist in this endeavor using my dragon time upon occasion. The rest you will have to make upon your own wing power. My time passed along time ago. This will be your war, and you alone determine its outcome. The outcome of this battle lies within the resiliency of your own heart, and there is nothing else that can win this fight.”

With this the masses took to the air in a simultaneous flap of the wings and explosion of leg power. Spyro however elected to stay Earthbound momentarily.

He glanced away from the group as he absorbed the lies he had fed to the people who had entrusted him with their lives. The power to win the battle was not within them all, but rather with one hatchling dragoness who’s own emotions were not always within her control due to the darkness she was being delivered to.

The common people were all most assuredly going to win their fight, only to find their freedom short lived.

“I am sure that you don’t understand now, but once you return to this world you will.”

A/N: I worked forever to make this one sound right in places.. lol.. well there it was.. comments please smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#57 Posted: 20:59:25 28/01/2010
A very good chapter
You are very good at creating detail smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#58 Posted: 03:07:12 30/01/2010 | Topic Creator
lol, thanks.. I tried to do a little different style on that chapter actually.. lol.. I'm writing a new one when this is done that will be fit to pot here.. that will probably be my last one though..
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#59 Posted: 03:18:41 30/01/2010 | Topic Creator
I'm beginning to think you are the onl reader here lol smilie oh well.. I got 2 or 3 on Fan Fiction... The Greatest Weapon n there is like amazingly popular though.. lol.. like 300 readers a month..
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#60 Posted: 09:40:11 30/01/2010
I've been reading your other fanfics too and I must say, they are excellent
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#61 Posted: 20:20:58 30/01/2010 | Topic Creator
lol, thanks.. smilie Feel Free to review them over there too, lol.. tons of people read them over there and don't review.. lol.. oh well.. I'm glad you like them smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
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