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The truth [CLOSED]
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#51 Posted: 11:12:00 05/02/2009
This what I think. It has change a little bit. DOTD is still one off my best Spyro games. But AHT is now starting to take the cake (I just came up with that XP) BTW, I'm 12 years old so you might not agree with me....

Combat: It was good. I liked how they change it alot and its not the same as ANB and TEN. I liked how you pick the enemy up into the air and smash them up. But still, it got boring for a little while. I hardly use the powerful but slow attack. The amount off button mashing was good, but some off the enemys were too easy. The only ones that were hard was the giant, blue monster things in Burned lands and those flying red things. Also, I agree with the review about the eleit enemys. Someone who battled them for the first time would have know idea how to kill them. They would think they are unstopible. They should off at list give the player one small hint on how to defeat it, like Zelda: Twilight princess. I'm not quit sure if some off those things have anything to do with combat....

Flying: It was great. I thought it was about time Spyro used his wings and fly. But what I didn't like is that you can't full off the ege and die. I thought that was what made the Spyro games harder and without that, I can wiz through them. Also, I think you couldn't go that high. In the other games when you get to have free flight for a limeted time, you get to go really high and explore alot more in the sky. Also, I think its hard to attack in the air. But its still great and fun. I spent about over an hour in Avalar just flying around.

Co-up: That was one off the best things in the game! I always wanted to play two player in Spyro! My sister played as Spyro and I played as Cynder. It was alot more fun with her. But in single player, it wasn't all that good. The computer was dum. It only attacked the enemy a couple of times. Also, eveytime I attacked an enemy, it always comes to help me and the other enemys then suround me. And by the time it the computer gets to me to help me, I would have already killed it! Also, the eneyms act as if the other player isn't there. They go strate for me and attack me. It would of been better and easer if they attacked both off us so I get a bit of room to fight. I can't attack them if about 12 enemys are attacking from behind me. Also, the computer seems to get stuck in some places. But it is funny because when I jump and fly from vine to vine and clime up it, the other charactor always dosn't make it. smilie And one more thing, I don't like the idea "when you run out off health, you die". In single player, I think you should altomacticly switch to the other charactor and play until she/he runs out off health too. And with co-up, the other player should keep on going until her/his charactor runs out off health too. Also, I think in about a couple off minets, the other charactor will somehow, magically, pop up next to you with half off her/his health back. smilie So basicly, the two player was fantastic, but the single player in battle was a let down.

Elements: Cynder's elements were really great. I used all off them and at list one will always help me out in a level. When fighting large enemys, I would use the secondary poisen attack to attack it. Then when it is about to attack, I use shadow to disipear and then pop up after when it brainlesly attacks the spot were I was befor and attack it. I would use the poisen blob thingys to attack it from far away. And I would use shadowfire and fear to attack from above. I don't find wind any use with the large enemys. But if the enemys are small, then I do use it alot to keep them away from me. I also use wind to nock them off the ege. I also use it for combos and stuff like that. If I'm out numbered by tinny monsters, I use shadow or fear to keep them back. Then I use poisen to attack them like crazy. Spyro's elements are great to. Fire breath was exerlant. I use that breath to attack all enemys. Since my sister always plays as Spyro in co-up, she would use eletric to keep the enemys still, then I would go up and attack it to death. In single player, I can't do it because Cynder just keeps still and dosn't move a muscle antil I got up to it and attack it smilie. The earth breath wasn't all that good. I use it to defend myself. But it takes up too much manner. I use ice breath when I get surounded by enemys.

Music: The music was great. It suited the levels perfictly. But all of it was used from ANB and TEN. The Avalar music kepted me pasent when I couldn't find medow. I loved the Burned Lands music. The music when the Golem shows up for the first time was weird... When my mum came in she said "Very kiddyish music (insert name here)" XP

And thats just about it. Sorry about my spelling. I'm trying to improve it.... but I'm not having that much luck....
The Doom Song
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Please read my story!
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
#52 Posted: 23:04:31 05/02/2009
Quote: Cloudtail4ever
Quote: DarkSpyro58
I think that Dawn of The Dragon was the best game in the TLOS series.

I would have to agree, I really enjoyed the game. I'm looking forward to the next one that comes out!

I have two questions to ask the "TRUTH SPEAKING PEOPLE".(the ones who are COMPLAINING) If this is a Spyro website that is dedicated to ALL SPYRO GAMES. Then why are ya'll complaining about them? Also if all ya'll do is complain about everyone that comes out. Why are ya'll even on this website? Opinions are fine, in their proper places. Be it a disagreement like "I enjoyed the game, but It could have been longer by expanding the story and giving the characters more lines." That is not a complaint, that is a TRUE OPINION. But when you say "This game had a stupid story, very bad graphics, lowsy movies, stupid fighting programs" and you keep going. That is not a opinion, that is a very picky individual that can never be happy with anything. If you want to complain so much, why not find a SpyroHaters website and join them. As for me, I'll continue to buy and play Spyro games.

Just because I don't like ONE Spyro game, it doesn't make me a Spyro hater. Ask yourself this: Do all users on here ABSOLUTELY LOVE every Spyro game? Face it: Probably about 5% of us don't have any complaints for any of the games. Everyone has their opinions, if you can't accept those then ignore them.

Opinions are one thing, but when you completely down grade a game because it doesn't meet your Expectations. Then that's a complaint.
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
#53 Posted: 23:12:50 05/02/2009
Quote: Aqua-Dragoness
It seemed that some of the new scores were just nice remixes of the Guide You Home song. =P I mean, sure, they're beautifully orchastrased (sp?) but do they really need to use the track over and over?

Ah well.

For the game, It's cool. 'Yet should have had more levels and new tracks and less button-mashing.

Really--I missed the O button's breath attack. When I first played DotD on my PS2, I was so frustrated with the change. But I got over it and played it. I enjoyed it, and it was a nice game.

^This is a Opinion! Notice how the individual shows the game's faults, but also shows the good points. Also the individual show the game's problem with the O button, but also shows that the problem wasn't really serious and they adjusted to the different button settings. That is a TRUE BONAFID OPINION!!!
EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#54 Posted: 03:22:41 06/02/2009
I believe it's "an opinion" and "bonafid" isn't a word either. >_> Anyway, opinions can be negative... JUST negative. Why, just the other day I had a very heated debate with my atheist friend, Raquel. She was very negative toward religion... and all forms of it.

As such, any human being reserves the right to be negative toward 100% of the games aspects (the one good thing being the nice visuals). The combat was just boring and repetitive. It was so un-enjoyable, it sent me into a fit of rage/boredom that could only be satisfied by mindlessly bashing demons in an actually superb combat game or blowing things up in a First Person Shooter like Call of Duty 4. e_e
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#55 Posted: 05:07:53 06/02/2009
Quote: HIR
I believe it's "an opinion" and "bonafid" isn't a word either. smilie Anyway, opinions can be negative... JUST negative. Why, just the other day I had a very heated debate with my atheist friend, Raquel. She was very negative toward religion... and all forms of it.

As such, any human being reserves the right to be negative toward 100% of the games aspects (the one good thing being the nice visuals). The combat was just boring and repetitive. It was so un-enjoyable, it sent me into a fit of rage/boredom that could only be satisfied by mindlessly bashing demons in an actually superb combat game or blowing things up in a First Person Shooter like Call of Duty 4. e_e

xD Sounds much better than DotD.
EL, honestly, put some FUN and DIFFICULTY into the game.

...Spyro FPS smilie THAT would be a weird game...
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#56 Posted: 05:58:37 06/02/2009
Quote: DarkSpyro58
Why? I'm perfectly fine. I'm not the one threating to kick people in the head with animals that are more superior than I'm! Besides I was just "GIVING MY OPINION". Is that a Problem?

Yes, if you're going to try and use "facts" and be wrong.

Quote: Vampireluvr13
I agree! I bought that game..... what a waste of money. I didn't even finish it because it got so boring.

o3o Whoa

Quote: Cynder_543
Co-up: That was one off the best things in the game! I always wanted to play two player in Spyro! My sister played as Spyro and I played as Cynder. It was alot more fun with her. But in single player, it wasn't all that good. The computer was dum. It only attacked the enemy a couple of times. Also, eveytime I attacked an enemy, it always comes to help me and the other enemys then suround me. And by the time it the computer gets to me to help me, I would have already killed it! Also, the eneyms act as if the other player isn't there. They go strate for me and attack me. It would of been better and easer if they attacked both off us so I get a bit of room to fight. I can't attack them if about 12 enemys are attacking from behind me. Also, the computer seems to get stuck in some places. But it is funny because when I jump and fly from vine to vine and clime up it, the other charactor always dosn't make it. XD And one more thing, I don't like the idea "when you run out off health, you die". In single player, I think you should altomacticly switch to the other charactor and play until she/he runs out off health too. And with co-up, the other player should keep on going until her/his charactor runs out off health too. Also, I think in about a couple off minets, the other charactor will somehow, magically, pop up next to you with half off her/his health back. ;) So basicly, the two player was fantastic, but the single player in battle was a let down.

;~; Not all of us have someone to play with.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#57 Posted: 09:49:00 06/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Quote: DarkSpyro58
Why? I'm perfectly fine. I'm not the one threating to kick people in the head with animals that are more superior than I'm! Besides I was just "GIVING MY OPINION". Is that a Problem?

Yes, if you're going to try and use "facts" and be wrong.

Quote: Vampireluvr13
I agree! I bought that game..... what a waste of money. I didn't even finish it because it got so boring.

o3o Whoa

Quote: Cynder_543
Co-up: That was one off the best things in the game! I always wanted to play two player in Spyro! My sister played as Spyro and I played as Cynder. It was alot more fun with her. But in single player, it wasn't all that good. The computer was dum. It only attacked the enemy a couple of times. Also, eveytime I attacked an enemy, it always comes to help me and the other enemys then suround me. And by the time it the computer gets to me to help me, I would have already killed it! Also, the eneyms act as if the other player isn't there. They go strate for me and attack me. It would of been better and easer if they attacked both off us so I get a bit of room to fight. I can't attack them if about 12 enemys are attacking from behind me. Also, the computer seems to get stuck in some places. But it is funny because when I jump and fly from vine to vine and clime up it, the other charactor always dosn't make it. smilie And one more thing, I don't like the idea "when you run out off health, you die". In single player, I think you should altomacticly switch to the other charactor and play until she/he runs out off health too. And with co-up, the other player should keep on going until her/his charactor runs out off health too. Also, I think in about a couple off minets, the other charactor will somehow, magically, pop up next to you with half off her/his health back. smilie So basicly, the two player was fantastic, but the single player in battle was a let down.

;~; Not all of us have someone to play with.

^ I know. I think its a bit unfair really.... smilie
The Doom Song
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Please read my story!
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#58 Posted: 13:12:30 06/02/2009
If that part about the edit button was a shot at how I spelled God, it was on purpose. If you are wondering why, I said something similar on another site with the proper spelling and someone was offended. Some religious fanatic concerned about "using the Lord's name in vain".
P.S. It me, SpyroLUVA. I made a new account because I lost my login information.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#59 Posted: 14:06:25 06/02/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Co-up: That was one off the best things in the game! I always wanted to play two player in Spyro! My sister played as Spyro and I played as Cynder. It was alot more fun with her. But in single player, it wasn't all that good. The computer was dum. It only attacked the enemy a couple of times. Also, eveytime I attacked an enemy, it always comes to help me and the other enemys then suround me. And by the time it the computer gets to me to help me, I would have already killed it! Also, the eneyms act as if the other player isn't there. They go strate for me and attack me. It would of been better and easer if they attacked both off us so I get a bit of room to fight. I can't attack them if about 12 enemys are attacking from behind me. Also, the computer seems to get stuck in some places. But it is funny because when I jump and fly from vine to vine and clime up it, the other charactor always dosn't make it. smilie And one more thing, I don't like the idea "when you run out off health, you die". In single player, I think you should altomacticly switch to the other charactor and play until she/he runs out off health too. And with co-up, the other player should keep on going until her/his charactor runs out off health too. Also, I think in about a couple off minets, the other charactor will somehow, magically, pop up next to you with half off her/his health back. smilie So basicly, the two player was fantastic, but the single player in battle was a let down.

Then you used it wrong in single player. You should manually swich over when a dragon is low on health, and thus you have two lives. Also if you equip them with the health regeration armor they will heal. The game only attacks when you attack in melee. In return, they are not only not attacked but they cannot be hurt (therefore it would be pointless for them to be attacked). Best to let them be Cynder with the silver armor set on, as then the enemies will get poisoned whenever the AI attacks dealing continuous damage.

The reason they do not disappear and reappear is beause they are dead.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:10:54 06/02/2009 by Gwenio
ConvexitySpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1018
#60 Posted: 16:07:32 06/02/2009
Why do you (almost) all called Dawn of the Dragon? Be happy about what you have, the truth can not be longer to repair. In my opinion, Dawn of the Dragon is a really good game, for example, flying is a real freedom. You are called Dawn of the Dragon, please stop it, and fear then they are old games that are''better''. If the games are no longer think that good, so do not click. Now I do not mean that their opinion should not say, namely, this is my own opinion.

I said it said, I would not want that comments on a sixth-degree dispute.
It's not a lake, it's an ocean.
My deviantART
smiliesmilie Best buddies forevah! \o/
Cynder girl Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#61 Posted: 20:41:43 06/02/2009
Quote: Shrazer320
Quote: Cynder_Rox
Quote: Shenzi
The combat in the first two games was fine, but I always pulled myself out of a melee whenever *mimics Shadow now* that DAMN slow-mo came on!

Yep, and we already had a general idea of what would happen.

Graphics were great, but in some parts, like the water, ETD's water graphics were better.

...Kinda. The music wasn't very original, for me.

It was the only game I played when I was nine, really. I didn't have much games back then that actually worked or was interesting. After finishing it twenty times IT GETS OLD.
I loved the slow-mo's...smilie Spyro meets Matrix.

Especially if you watched Lord of the Rings...TT Must have been an easy to memorize those lines, Elijah, since you've already done them, huh?

...Now that I think about it, when I turned down the evil HD crap, it looked HELL lot better.

True. It's music wasn't as good as the first two. Mainly, because we have heard most of the scores before...<<;

Much? *slaps* That should be MANY! TT
I forgot again that you're still young... smilie

TT What lines?


TT Yep.

Quote: Cynder girl
i dont care wht you guys say that game is ****in awesome to me

o3o Considering you're probably not over ten, that effin' freaked me out.

Quote: Tango
I'm sick of people complaining.

Why do you make these topics? There not going to get rid of Spyro. There not going to change Spyro. There only going to cause a fight.

So why bother? Do you want to fight and make people upset?

Get over it; that's how people doing things wrong in politics and everything at impeached.

No, but we have every right to.

Without that, we'd ALL be in anarchy, which means there'd be riots 24/7.

Quote: ivanus777
ps: and it's in human nature to complain and argue about rthings they can't change.

P.S.: USE the edit button.

I think that Dawn of The Dragon was the best game in the TLOS series.

It could have been, but they kept up with the "new game every year" trend... :/ They needed at least two years.

Quote: DarkSpyro58
I have two questions to ask the "TRUTH SPEAKING PEOPLE".
  • If this is a Spyro website that is dedicated to ALL SPYRO GAMES. Then why are ya'll complaining about them? Also if all ya'll do is complain about everyone that comes out.
  • Why are ya'll even on this website? Opinions are fine, in their proper places. Be it a disagreement like "I enjoyed the game, but It could have been longer by expanding the story and giving the characters more lines." That is not a complaint, that is a TRUE OPINION. But when you say "This game had a stupid story, very bad graphics, lowsy movies, stupid fighting programs" and you keep going. That is not a opinion, that is a very picky individual that can never be happy with anything. If you want to complain so much, why not find a SpyroHaters website and join them. As for me, I'll continue to buy and play Spyro games.

  • Because we're talking about ONE game, dilweed.

    ...So we have to like every ----ing thing in the universe? No; go see a psychiatrist and have the problem with your mind diagnosed. I had no real problems with the previous games, and if I did, I pointed it out, and the good parts; DotD just LACKS in everything for me. Now, go to the doctor.

    im 15 thank you very much smilie and so what if i like the game it's my ****in opinion(sry for the language im just really pissed off
    My spore account--
    Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
    #62 Posted: 01:32:43 07/02/2009
    Quote: Gwenio
    Quote: Cynder_543
    Co-up: That was one off the best things in the game! I always wanted to play two player in Spyro! My sister played as Spyro and I played as Cynder. It was alot more fun with her. But in single player, it wasn't all that good. The computer was dum. It only attacked the enemy a couple of times. Also, eveytime I attacked an enemy, it always comes to help me and the other enemys then suround me. And by the time it the computer gets to me to help me, I would have already killed it! Also, the eneyms act as if the other player isn't there. They go strate for me and attack me. It would of been better and easer if they attacked both off us so I get a bit of room to fight. I can't attack them if about 12 enemys are attacking from behind me. Also, the computer seems to get stuck in some places. But it is funny because when I jump and fly from vine to vine and clime up it, the other charactor always dosn't make it. smilie And one more thing, I don't like the idea "when you run out off health, you die". In single player, I think you should altomacticly switch to the other charactor and play until she/he runs out off health too. And with co-up, the other player should keep on going until her/his charactor runs out off health too. Also, I think in about a couple off minets, the other charactor will somehow, magically, pop up next to you with half off her/his health back. smilie So basicly, the two player was fantastic, but the single player in battle was a let down.

    Then you used it wrong in single player. You should manually swich over when a dragon is low on health, and thus you have two lives. Also if you equip them with the health regeration armor they will heal. The game only attacks when you attack in melee. In return, they are not only not attacked but they cannot be hurt (therefore it would be pointless for them to be attacked). Best to let them be Cynder with the silver armor set on, as then the enemies will get poisoned whenever the AI attacks dealing continuous damage.

    The reason they do not disappear and reappear is beause they are dead.

    I guess it is sorta good. But its a bit hard to attack because they all go after me and there is hardly any space to attack.... I prefure if the computer player has a brain....
    The Doom Song
    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
    Please read my story!
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #63 Posted: 03:20:40 07/02/2009
    Quote: Cloudtail4ever
    Quote: HIR
    I believe it's "an opinion" and "bonafid" isn't a word either. >_> Anyway, opinions can be negative... JUST negative. Why, just the other day I had a very heated debate with my atheist friend, Raquel. She was very negative toward religion... and all forms of it.

    As such, any human being reserves the right to be negative toward 100% of the games aspects (the one good thing being the nice visuals). The combat was just boring and repetitive. It was so un-enjoyable, it sent me into a fit of rage/boredom that could only be satisfied by mindlessly bashing demons in an actually superb combat game or blowing things up in a First Person Shooter like Call of Duty 4. e_e

    xD Sounds much better than DotD.
    EL, honestly, put some FUN and DIFFICULTY into the game.

    ...Spyro FPS XD THAT would be a weird game...

    XD that sounds like a good idea! n.n
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
    #64 Posted: 03:28:25 07/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: Cynder_Rox
    Quote: Shenzi
    The combat in the first two games was fine, but I always pulled myself out of a melee whenever *mimics Shadow now* that DAMN slow-mo came on!

    Yep, and we already had a general idea of what would happen.

    Graphics were great, but in some parts, like the water, ETD's water graphics were better.

    ...Kinda. The music wasn't very original, for me.

    It was the only game I played when I was nine, really. I didn't have much games back then that actually worked or was interesting. After finishing it twenty times IT GETS OLD.
    I loved the slow-mo's...XD Spyro meets Matrix.

    Especially if you watched Lord of the Rings...TT Must have been an easy to memorize those lines, Elijah, since you've already done them, huh?

    ...Now that I think about it, when I turned down the evil HD crap, it looked HELL lot better.

    True. It's music wasn't as good as the first two. Mainly, because we have heard most of the scores before...<<;

    Much? *slaps* That should be MANY! TT
    I forgot again that you're still young... XD

    TT What lines?


    TT Yep.

    I was weird then...XD Like I'm not now, though...O.o;
    MY GOD! I've posted it like a billion times and you STILL can't get it through you thick skull?! DAMN!

    Lines, Shenzi, LINES!!!


    Another thing about the music is how REPETITIVE it is! Same music for elite enemies, same level music, it drove me up the WALL!O.o;
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:28:37 07/02/2009 by Cynder_Rox
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #65 Posted: 03:33:54 07/02/2009
    Indeed. p_o (about the music comment).
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
    #66 Posted: 03:59:47 07/02/2009
    Quote: Cynder_543
    ^ I know. I think its a bit unfair really.... :\

    :/ Yeah

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    If that part about the edit button was a shot at how I spelled God, it was on purpose. If you are wondering why, I said something similar on another site with the proper spelling and someone was offended. Some religious fanatic concerned about "using the Lord's name in vain".
    P.S. It me, SpyroLUVA. I made a new account because I lost my login information.

    Can you be bothered to tell me what the heck you're talking about? :/

    Quote: Cynder girl
    im 15 thank you very much >:( and so what if i like the game it's my ****in opinion(sry for the language im just really pissed off

    Doesn't mean you act like it. :/

    Uhh, get over it. Life is full of dissappointment.

    Quote: Cynder_Rox
    I was weird then...XD Like I'm not now, though...O.o;
    MY GOD! I've posted it like a billion times and you STILL can't get it through you thick skull?! DAMN!

    Lines, Shenzi, LINES!!!


    Another thing about the music is how REPETITIVE it is! Same music for elite enemies, same level music, it drove me up the WALL!O.o;

    XD Screaming profanity at me doesn't help very much.

    o3o *starts drawing lines all over laptop screen*

    oo XD?

    o3o I never noticed.... I never have the volume too loud... XD
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #67 Posted: 13:45:51 07/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: Spyro LUVA
    GOOD GAWD! Shrazer320, you are one of the worst offenders I've ever seen when it comes to such closed mindedness and one-sided opinions. I could care less if you don;t like the game much but to say that someone should be kicked in the head BY A HORSE?!!?!? That is just plain rude, for lack of a better word.

    Unless someone actually fancies that sort of game, I'll let them live in their own, as I see it, corrupted world.

    And y'know, I really don't care what you have to say about me. And can't you be bothered to put on some glasses and see the edit button?

    That's what I'm talking about. that comment about the edit button. You were reffering to my deliberate mispelling of the word God right? Or is it the accidental semicolon where an apostrophy should have been?

    Also, to say that a DotD fan's world is corrupted is a bit much don't you think?
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Spyro 666 Green Sparx Gems: 326
    #68 Posted: 19:58:26 07/02/2009
    Quote: Spyroboy
    Quote: Cynder girl
    i dont care wht you guys say that game is ****in awesome to me

    I agree completely smilie

    Me too!She stole the words right out of my.......keyboard.(smilie)
    Waiting for the new smilie game and movie.(Its gonna be a loooong wait smilie) smilie
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #69 Posted: 20:10:43 07/02/2009
    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: Spyro LUVA
    GOOD GAWD! Shrazer320, you are one of the worst offenders I've ever seen when it comes to such closed mindedness and one-sided opinions. I could care less if you don;t like the game much but to say that someone should be kicked in the head BY A HORSE?!!?!? That is just plain rude, for lack of a better word.

    Unless someone actually fancies that sort of game, I'll let them live in their own, as I see it, corrupted world.

    And y'know, I really don't care what you have to say about me. And can't you be bothered to put on some glasses and see the edit button?

    That's what I'm talking about. that comment about the edit button. You were reffering to my deliberate mispelling of the word God right? Or is it the accidental semicolon where an apostrophy should have been?

    Also, to say that a DotD fan's world is corrupted is a bit much don't you think?

    Actually, "gawd" is very frequently used on the interwebs. I believe that that "don;t" looks incredibly suspicious of careless typing, however. >_>
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #70 Posted: 21:29:33 07/02/2009
    ^well excuse me! It's not like I'm the only one who makes mistakes. I was multi tasking at the time too I think.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
    #71 Posted: 22:53:05 07/02/2009
    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    That's what I'm talking about. that comment about the edit button. You were reffering to my deliberate mispelling of the word God right? Or is it the accidental semicolon where an apostrophy should have been?

    Also, to say that a DotD fan's world is corrupted is a bit much don't you think?

    No, you double posted, I believe. I'm not gonna go look. But, I use that mispelling as well.

    I never said DotD was, just the minds of those who liked it a whole lot.

    Quote: HIR
    Actually, "gawd" is very frequently used on the interwebs. I believe that that "don;t" looks incredibly suspicious of careless typing, however. >_>

    pwn'd XD

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    ^well excuse me! It's not like I'm the only one who makes mistakes. I was multi tasking at the time too I think.

    So? I multitask all the time and can be bothered to check my grammar and spelling. I rarely make a mistake that I know is wrong and post it without noticing.
    Cynder girl Blue Sparx Gems: 523
    #72 Posted: 23:14:13 07/02/2009
    what ever happened to "everyone is entitled to their opinions" huh? i dont judge your opinions so stop judging mines
    My spore account--
    Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
    #73 Posted: 00:11:00 08/02/2009
    Quote: Spyro 666
    Quote: Spyroboy
    Quote: Cynder girl
    i dont care wht you guys say that game is ****in awesome to me

    I agree completely smilie

    Me too!She stole the words right out of my.......keyboard.(smilie)

    I agree too!
    The Doom Song
    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
    Please read my story!
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #74 Posted: 02:12:14 08/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    That's what I'm talking about. that comment about the edit button. You were reffering to my deliberate mispelling of the word God right? Or is it the accidental semicolon where an apostrophy should have been?

    Also, to say that a DotD fan's world is corrupted is a bit much don't you think?

    No, you double posted, I believe. I'm not gonna go look. But, I use that mispelling as well.

    I never said DotD was, just the minds of those who liked it a whole lot.

    Quote: HIR
    Actually, "gawd" is very frequently used on the interwebs. I believe that that "don;t" looks incredibly suspicious of careless typing, however. smilie

    pwn'd smilie

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    ^well excuse me! It's not like I'm the only one who makes mistakes. I was multi tasking at the time too I think.

    So? I multitask all the time and can be bothered to check my grammar and spelling. I rarely make a mistake that I know is wrong and post it without noticing.

    Sheesh...I didn't realise spelling and grammar was such a sensitive topic. Seriously Shrazer320, if you honestly can't handle simple, common errors and if you're gonna get this upset, get off the internet! I mean c'mon! It was one tiny, itsy-bitsy, insignificant little mistake! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #75 Posted: 02:17:04 08/02/2009
    <.< <.< >.> >.>

    The smileys are getting very scared. 0.0 *flees*
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
    #76 Posted: 03:09:57 08/02/2009
    Quote: Cynder girl
    what ever happened to "everyone is entitled to their opinions" huh? i dont judge your opinions so stop judging mines

    Because it makes no sense to me how I could hate it so much when so many people would die for it.

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Sheesh...I didn't realise spelling and grammar was such a sensitive topic. Seriously Shrazer320, if you honestly can't handle simple, common errors and if you're gonna get this upset, get off the internet! I mean c'mon! It was one tiny, itsy-bitsy, insignificant little mistake! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!

    Spelling and grammar is English, which typically (more than not) displays your intelligence ("text" talk is different, but not a whole lot of "smart" people use it). Get upset? No, when I get upset, it's a whole lot different; this is just a small irritation that I'm getting sick of but can't do a damn about because no one can handle some critique about daily things.

    Quote: HIR
    <.< <.< >.> >.>

    The smileys are getting very scared. 0.0 *flees*

    *licks* XD
    DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
    #77 Posted: 03:58:48 08/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: Cynder girl
    what ever happened to "everyone is entitled to their opinions" huh? i dont judge your opinions so stop judging mines

    Because it makes no sense to me how I could hate it so much when so many people would die for it.

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Sheesh...I didn't realise spelling and grammar was such a sensitive topic. Seriously Shrazer320, if you honestly can't handle simple, common errors and if you're gonna get this upset, get off the internet! I mean c'mon! It was one tiny, itsy-bitsy, insignificant little mistake! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!

    Spelling and grammar is English, which typically (more than not) displays your intelligence ("text" talk is different, but not a whole lot of "smart" people use it). Get upset? No, when I get upset, it's a whole lot different; this is just a small irritation that I'm getting sick of but can't do a damn about because no one can handle some critique about daily things.

    Quote: HIR
    <.< <.< >.> >.>

    The smileys are getting very scared. 0.0 *flees*

    *licks* smilie

    Intelligence! Where!/Runs outside house and starts yelling/ Intelligence, Where are YOU! /Runs back inside house, grabs spriti from fridge(Refrigerator), runs back to the computer./ Guys and Gals we have a problem. THERE'S NO INTELLIGENCE IN THIS WORLD!!!/Starts crying/ BUT I WANT SOME!!!

    I'm fine now..... What were we talking about again?
    EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #78 Posted: 13:03:45 08/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Sheesh...I didn't realise spelling and grammar was such a sensitive topic. Seriously Shrazer320, if you honestly can't handle simple, common errors and if you're gonna get this upset, get off the internet! I mean c'mon! It was one tiny, itsy-bitsy, insignificant little mistake! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!

    Spelling and grammar is English, which typically (more than not) displays your intelligence ("text" talk is different, but not a whole lot of "smart" people use it). Get upset? No, when I get upset, it's a whole lot different; this is just a small irritation that I'm getting sick of but can't do a damn about because no one can handle some critique about daily things.

    Excuse me?! I make a simple typing mistake; a mere "slip of the fingers" if you will, and you make comments on my intelligence?
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
    #79 Posted: 19:11:54 08/02/2009
    People, calm down! Let's not start a fight here, everybody makes mistakes. Weither it's a simple typing error or spliting the wrong wire and shuting down a whole factory. I can sometimes type incorrectly, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. It just means I need to practice typing more. So let's act like we have intelligence and drop the subject!
    EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
    SpyroGirlCazy Emerald Sparx Gems: 4436
    #80 Posted: 20:01:28 08/02/2009
    agreed ^
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #81 Posted: 20:22:19 08/02/2009
    Thank you.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #82 Posted: 21:05:07 08/02/2009
    Now that I think of it... the semi-colon and apostrophe keys are next to each other. <.<;
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
    #83 Posted: 21:51:18 08/02/2009
    Now! Back to business! The game was good, but I was thinking maybe they should have added some more armors or make them customizable. Maybe even add a armor that turns Spyro or Cynder into their DARK FORMS!

    The Addition of a Bonus Stage or an Extra Movie that shows what to expect in the Next Spyro Game. We all know Spyro and Cynder lived, but whats going to happen next. Any of you Agree?
    EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #84 Posted: 21:59:52 08/02/2009
    I don't care much for extras... I would've scrapped a few of the ideas of DotD, like flying for example. The game eliminated the platformer aspect of Spyro by making it so that you fly everywhere. And you couldn't fall to your death or anything. Even the first two Legend games had some decent platforming in them. This one? Zilch, zip, nada, nothing. =_=
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #85 Posted: 22:04:09 08/02/2009
    I like platforming too.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
    #86 Posted: 22:48:25 08/02/2009
    Quote: DarkSpyro58
    Intelligence! Where!/Runs outside house and starts yelling/ Intelligence, Where are YOU! /Runs back inside house, grabs spriti from fridge(Refrigerator), runs back to the computer./ Guys and Gals we have a problem. THERE'S NO INTELLIGENCE IN THIS WORLD!!!/Starts crying/ BUT I WANT SOME!!!

    I'm fine now..... What were we talking about again?

    o3o wtf...

    *hands you a chill pill*

    Oh, and just for easier reading, you should use astericks ( * ) for actions. 8D

    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Quote: Shrazer320
    Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
    Sheesh...I didn't realise spelling and grammar was such a sensitive topic. Seriously Shrazer320, if you honestly can't handle simple, common errors and if you're gonna get this upset, get off the internet! I mean c'mon! It was one tiny, itsy-bitsy, insignificant little mistake! No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!

    Spelling and grammar is English, which typically (more than not) displays your intelligence ("text" talk is different, but not a whole lot of "smart" people use it). Get upset? No, when I get upset, it's a whole lot different; this is just a small irritation that I'm getting sick of but can't do a damn about because no one can handle some critique about daily things.

    Excuse me?! I make a simple typing mistake; a mere "slip of the fingers" if you will, and you make comments on my intelligence?

    Actually, yes. Sometimes people make mistakes because they think they're actually right, but without that, there's really no excuse for not proof reading.

    Quote: DarkSpyro58
    People, calm down! Let's not start a fight here, everybody makes mistakes. Weither it's a simple typing error or spliting the wrong wire and shuting down a whole factory. I can sometimes type incorrectly, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. It just means I need to practice typing more. So let's act like we have intelligence and drop the subject!

    Too late. -__-

    Quote: HIR
    Now that I think of it... the semi-colon and apostrophe keys are next to each other. <.<;

    ...wha? oo What's that have to do with any of this?

    Quote: HIR
    I don't care much for extras... I would've scrapped a few of the ideas of DotD, like flying for example. The game eliminated the platformer aspect of Spyro by making it so that you fly everywhere. And you couldn't fall to your death or anything. Even the first two Legend games had some decent platforming in them. This one? Zilch, zip, nada, nothing. =_=

    They should have made them die if they fell and landed from a distence, or die if they were falling into a pit. If they tried to open their wings and fly while falling to fast, their wings would've snapped. >.< And then if you were falling from even a little bit of height, it'd be difficult to start flying with control, too.

    Now, diving/going-down in flight is different, though.
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #87 Posted: 00:24:06 09/02/2009
    Tell me, was that comment just a comment or an insult?

    Btw, not everyone has time to proof read leisurely(sp?) conversations. We shouldn't have to either. The whole point of this this site is to have entertaining discussions about games and such; minor errors shouldn't matter as long as the message can be understood.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
    #88 Posted: 01:31:09 09/02/2009
    You tell me; you're the one who insists that laziness is an excuse.

    I don't really know the spelling on that, but you didn't even use it right! It should've been "leisure conversations". And don't go on about what matters anymore; there're so few people that type correctly, like I and HIR do, that I don't remember anyone but them. Everyone else like you is just a grain of sand on the beach while the others are pebbles, to me. (Hint for those that don't like riddles: Pebbles are easier to see than grains of sand)

    Oh, and y'know, Cynder girl exploded like you did, but she had enough dignity and honor to apologize. I'm not doing anything wrong that should force you to do what you're doing.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:32:24 09/02/2009 by Shrazer320
    wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
    #89 Posted: 02:04:29 09/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    You tell me; you're the one who insists that laziness is an excuse.

    I don't really know the spelling on that, but you didn't even use it right! It should've been "leisure conversations". And don't go on about what matters anymore; there're so few people that type correctly, like I and HIR do, that I don't remember anyone but them. Everyone else like you is just a grain of sand on the beach while the others are pebbles, to me. (Hint for those that don't like riddles: Pebbles are easier to see than grains of sand)

    Oh, and y'know, Cynder girl exploded like you did, but she had enough dignity and honor to apologize. I'm not doing anything wrong that should force you to do what you're doing.

    It's a spelling mistake. What's the big deal? EVERYBODY makes mistakes!
    supermalefor Green Sparx Gems: 148
    #90 Posted: 02:05:44 09/02/2009
    Quote: wanderist
    Quote: Shrazer320
    You tell me; you're the one who insists that laziness is an excuse.

    I don't really know the spelling on that, but you didn't even use it right! It should've been "leisure conversations". And don't go on about what matters anymore; there're so few people that type correctly, like I and HIR do, that I don't remember anyone but them. Everyone else like you is just a grain of sand on the beach while the others are pebbles, to me. (Hint for those that don't like riddles: Pebbles are easier to see than grains of sand)

    Oh, and y'know, Cynder girl exploded like you did, but she had enough dignity and honor to apologize. I'm not doing anything wrong that should force you to do what you're doing.

    It's a spelling mistake. What's the big deal? EVERYBODY makes mistakes!

    YEAH! What makes you think you are so perfect?
    DarkSpyro58 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1814
    #91 Posted: 02:09:31 09/02/2009
    *sign*(I used the *, happy) Can we not go back into that subject! I want to know the TRUTH, How old are you people? Let's act like we have intelligence and drop it.

    Shrazer320 having perfect typing skills is a very rare talent and helping people with theirs is not a bad talent. But correcting people needs to be done in a nice and polite manner. I can accept correction better if someone is pointing it out nicely, but if they point it out and make fun of it! That makes Me want to do it just to make them mad. Like when your parents correct you; do you accept it better when they yell and scream at you or if they sit you down and explain it nicely?

    New_SpyroLUVA, Calm Down Man! Keeping a cool and calm head is a very rare talent that people are not born with, they have to earn it. I have been corrcted by people that I didn't believe were worth my time. But I know that as a person that deals with people all the time, it's better not to start a argument over something silly. Because it doesn't just make them look immature, but it also makes you look immature. Believe you me! I ain't telling ya'll this from a Book, I'm telling ya'll this FROM EXPERIENCE!

    I have my failures and my down falls, but my talent is that no matter how big the problem might be. When you keep a Cool and Calm thought process, you can easily think out the problem and solve it. So let's get back to the topic and continue on with our opinions.

    HIR if this is not truly a platformer, then what kind a game is it listed as?
    I think that falling off would have made a big problem, the cameras were always in difficult positions. So you would have probably fallen off several times.
    EVIL, and PROUD OF IT!!! I am Dark58!!!
    wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
    #92 Posted: 02:13:10 09/02/2009
    Quote: DarkSpyro58
    *sign*(I used the *, happy) Can we not go back into that subject! I want to know the TRUTH, How old are you people? Let's act like we have intelligence and drop it.

    Shrazer320 having perfect typing skills is a very rare talent and helping people with theirs is not a bad talent. But correcting people needs to be done in a nice and polite manner. I can accept correction better if someone is pointing it out nicely, but if they point it out and make fun of it! That makes Me want to do it just to make them mad. Like when your parents correct you; do you accept it better when they yell and scream at you or if they sit you down and explain it nicely?

    New_SpyroLUVA, Calm Down Man! Keeping a cool and calm head is a very rare talent that people are not born with, they have to earn it. I have been corrcted by people that I didn't believe were worth my time. But I know that as a person that deals with people all the time, it's better not to start a argument over something silly. Because it doesn't just make them look immature, but it also makes you look immature. Believe you me! I ain't telling ya'll this from a Book, I'm telling ya'll this FROM EXPERIENCE!

    I have my failures and my down falls, but my talent is that no matter how big the problem might be. When you keep a Cool and Calm thought process, you can easily think out the problem and solve it. So let's get back to the topic and continue on with our opinions.

    HIR if this is not truly a platformer, then what kind a game is it listed as?
    I think that falling off would have made a big problem, the cameras were always in difficult positions. So you would have probably fallen off several times.

    Your right. I think that this game is AWESOME!!!
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:13:33 09/02/2009 by wanderist
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #93 Posted: 03:06:36 09/02/2009
    Quote: DarkSpyro58
    HIR if this is not truly a platformer, then what kind a game is it listed as?
    I think that falling off would have made a big problem, the cameras were always in difficult positions. So you would have probably fallen off several times.

    It's not a platformer. In platformers, you DIE if you fail to JUMP across obstacles... the basic premise of platforming is JUMPING ACROSS HAZARDS/OBSTACLES. There's NOOOOONE of that in DotD! Why? Because you could fly for as long as you want, thus allowing you to bypass the use of the ground entirely (that includes avoiding ground based foes and their attacks). The only thing keeping you out of the air is the fact that combating whilst flying SUCKS even more than the ground combat, so when you hit a point where you MUST defeat enemies to proceed, you have to land so you can engage them in pointless combat.

    Since you are required to beat enemies to advance, this game is classified as either a beat 'em up or a fighting game... but it sucks as either of those two. The combat is repetitive, lacks creativity, and is BORING. The enemies aren't challenging, your AI partner is useless and more of a hazard than anything else, and the boss battles are so disgraceful. I was so appalled by the combat in DotD I immediately had to switch in my Devil May Cry 4 disk and rack up loads of SSS combos in order to quell my thirst for GOOD fighting action!
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
    #94 Posted: 09:26:57 09/02/2009
    Quote: wanderist
    Quote: Shrazer320
    You tell me; you're the one who insists that laziness is an excuse.

    I don't really know the spelling on that, but you didn't even use it right! It should've been "leisure conversations". And don't go on about what matters anymore; there're so few people that type correctly, like I and HIR do, that I don't remember anyone but them. Everyone else like you is just a grain of sand on the beach while the others are pebbles, to me. (Hint for those that don't like riddles: Pebbles are easier to see than grains of sand)

    Oh, and y'know, Cynder girl exploded like you did, but she had enough dignity and honor to apologize. I'm not doing anything wrong that should force you to do what you're doing.

    It's a spelling mistake. What's the big deal? EVERYBODY makes mistakes!

    It is just a spelling mistake. But sometimes you can't understand what the person is saying. Pointing the spelling mistakes is a good thing because then you can spell that word corectly and people can understand you alot better. But still, you should really be nice when you do things like that... Some people, like me, get angry when there spelling gets juged (no offence). And your right, EVERYBODY makes mistakes. And KNOWBODY isn't perfict Shrazer320.

    Okay, has the fighting stoped now? Yes? No?
    The Doom Song
    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
    Please read my story!
    Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
    #95 Posted: 16:38:33 09/02/2009
    Think it has.

    On the topic of flying. I thought it wasn't done well. I didn't like the fact you couldn't fall to your death, it was one of the things that made Spyro Spyro. I wouldn't mind if you could snap out your wings and fly out of the danger, but autuomaticly flying? Nah.

    I also wish they had a flight meter. As you fly, the meter goes down. You have to land for it to climb back up. It would also be intrestinging if you could use your spare spirit gemes to buy upgrades for the meter, so it goes down slower or is longer.
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #96 Posted: 17:06:02 09/02/2009
    Quote: Shrazer320
    You tell me; you're the one who insists that laziness is an excuse.

    I don't really know the spelling on that, but you didn't even use it right! It should've been "leisure conversations". And don't go on about what matters anymore; there're so few people that type correctly, like I and HIR do, that I don't remember anyone but them. Everyone else like you is just a grain of sand on the beach while the others are pebbles, to me. (Hint for those that don't like riddles: Pebbles are easier to see than grains of sand)

    Oh, and y'know, Cynder girl exploded like you did, but she had enough dignity and honor to apologize. I'm not doing anything wrong that should force you to do what you're doing.

    Why should I apoligize? you insulted me. Mistakes are nothing to be ashamed of, nor is my behavior. You are insulting me and making a mountain out of a mole hill. I'm not saying lazieness is an excuse, I just don't think we should all start worrying over minor details like an innocent mistake. Also, I agree with anyone who says you're not as perfect as you say. And it's just ignorant and rude to not remember those who don't have brilliant typing skills. I don't do much typing at all, so I'm actually doing pretty good considering my lack of expierience. And as for exploding, that is far from what I am doing. What is it you think I'm doing anyway? I'm only defending my right to be treated with respect and decency. Now yhat i cleared that up, I'm done fighting if Shrazer320 is.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:08:28 09/02/2009 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
    HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
    #97 Posted: 03:44:36 10/02/2009
    Quote: Tango
    Think it has.

    On the topic of flying. I thought it wasn't done well. I didn't like the fact you couldn't fall to your death, it was one of the things that made Spyro Spyro. I wouldn't mind if you could snap out your wings and fly out of the danger, but autuomaticly flying? Nah.

    I also wish they had a flight meter. As you fly, the meter goes down. You have to land for it to climb back up. It would also be intrestinging if you could use your spare spirit gemes to buy upgrades for the meter, so it goes down slower or is longer.

    BRILLIANT IDEA! *hands over cookie*
    Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
    crashpro Gold Sparx Gems: 2027
    #98 Posted: 05:17:41 10/02/2009
    Quote: BLOWHARD
    I think that Dawn of The Dragon was the best game in the TLOS series.

    The TLOS series wasn't even good to begin with, so who cares?
    NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
    #99 Posted: 12:15:29 10/02/2009
    Has anyone ever played a Spiderman game? I was thinking it would be great if the flight feature in Spyro gave you the same feeling of sheer freedom and joy when airborn. It would also be cool if you could do a lot more movement and acrobatics in airborn combat. In the LOS sreies you just knock the bad guy into the air, jump, and strike three times on the spot. I enjoyed it for the most part, but it was still pretty boring.
    3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
    "Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
    Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
    #100 Posted: 17:44:18 10/02/2009
    Quote: HIR
    Quote: Tango
    Think it has.

    On the topic of flying. I thought it wasn't done well. I didn't like the fact you couldn't fall to your death, it was one of the things that made Spyro Spyro. I wouldn't mind if you could snap out your wings and fly out of the danger, but autuomaticly flying? Nah.

    I also wish they had a flight meter. As you fly, the meter goes down. You have to land for it to climb back up. It would also be intrestinging if you could use your spare spirit gemes to buy upgrades for the meter, so it goes down slower or is longer.

    BRILLIANT IDEA! *hands over cookie*

    Yay! Cookies!
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