Quote: UncleBobQuote: GameMaster78I will say this. And this shows what Acti is pulling when it comes to consumer confidence. I had gotten these three traps locally. I paid over 100 each to someone I assume got them from overseas. They ended up not working. Without going too far into the story, I can say that I threw them away, seeing as their website doesn't state needing to return them like figures need to be returned. I call a week after throwing them away. They say I can't get any without sending them back, yet people were calling and getting them for free, and mine needed actual replacing. I contact Acitivision Support. Was told the same thing. I say "well if people can call and get them for free, why can't I get my broke ones replaced without mailing them back?" Guess what? I was ignored.
They ignored you because your story is so farfetched...
I don't care if I'm believed or not. In fact, as soon as people started getting them for free, they should give them freely to those who ask like those who asked and received. That's called alienating.
But I'm telling the truth in my story and they wouldn't replace broke ones, but give them for free, so I took pics of all my conversations so I can help people understand what they're getting into when they buy into this brand, and believe me, I will do whatever it takes to inform the customers of this game are facing.
My right as a customer and free speech and all. So without arguing with you, which I will no longer entertain, I'll just say I don't care if you believe me or not. Bad business is still bad business. It is what it is is and they chose to do what they did.
Edit: and I was thinking what would be smart for this brand.
Since the competition is doing away with yearly starter packs, this game could do one more starter, nix the stupid pricing of products by nixing gimmicklanders, keep pricing the same and just do levels with elemental gates and other gameplay that doesn't require higher priced characters. This brand could release a mix of story packs that come with a character, magic items that aren't trash vanity items, and a story item that unlocks a few chapters. In between story chapters, they could release regular adventure packs that tell side stories throughout Skylands. Then when the times right, release another story pack to continue the story where it last left off. Sort of like some TV series. Certain episodes deal with an overall story arc, some deal with one and done stories.
Something to where we don't need a starter every year. But, Activision. They love to milk until dead. They're the James Dean of gaming. Google his motto. Anyhow, they don't want people to save money yearly. They want their customers having a starter of some form, and they will pay the price in the end. I just want to be on this planet when it happens.
The competition are making some really good choices as of late. I used to want Skylanders to succeed, but that changed when they spit in the face of customers recently. I know not everyone thinks that way and that's their opinion. I just don't support bad business practices or shunning customers on items intended for release, while others come up with excuses for their actions.