Quote: GameMaster78Yeah I'm actually sick of all of these series 2, 3, 4, etc. just do like the competition and release more unique characters rather than alternate versions of characters from 4 years ago, er 5.
That has been their fault from the beginning. They made all of our characters from the first game meaningless. Skylanders always had the advantage of being the originator and the one who gives you original characters and story. Infinity just makes you run around a world you already know and never even gave you a storyline for every character like Kingdom Hearts did. So Skylanders should have seen this potential and run with it and made our original characters mean something. Take them further in line, make a few new friends, allow people who never got old characters ACTUALLY get them so they can experience the fun in an ever expanding new world and plot. But no, Activision had to just keep pumping out more and more figures, reposes, chase variants, light-cores, gimmicks, Eon's elites, etc... All of this just to make an extra buck while they are always stuck with the leftovers. They never listened to us scream and rant that all their initial sales were scalpers. So they figured just keep releasing more and more new and they would keep making money with characters always flying off the shelves. Then what scalpers stopped, supply increased and now stores don't want skylanders on their shelves anymore. Yet instead of making things worthwhile they keep pumping it out.
Make us a game we want to play again, have us dust off the old favorites instead of buying Eon's Elites, and make a game about all of the figures we have bought up to this point. We have spent the money, give us our due. Give us what every fan has wanted since the beginning, a worthwhile game with cool characters that come to life. Not rushed games with an ever expanding list of characters we can't keep up with, and never have a chance to fall in love with because the next set is already there. If you really want to make this game Pokemon where we have to collect them all then stop giving up on every game's characters so quick. How many people couldn't finish their trap collection because they NEVER gave us the yawns or the single tech totem, or more dark and light traps. How many people won't have all the adventure packs because Darklight Crypt is GONE!
If Activision was smart they could have kept selling the characters for every game, not reposed them, which means paying for new designs and models. They could have instead kept selling the old characters and only make a few new characters to go with the game, while increasing level cap, difficulty, plot development to further the enjoyment of each and every game so that people would be begging for the franchise to never end as opposed to now. If they just allowed everyone to actually get their hands on the characters they want from any game without there being a ridiculous amount to choose from because EVERY game has to have 20 or more new characters. They could have continued to make money the smart way instead of just trying to force people to buy constantly new characters. Greed never pays in the end, and I hope Activision reaps what they sow, and someone smart finally takes the reins and sees all of the misguided actions are just continuing to hurt them.