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The one thing you like the least in Superchargers
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#51 Posted: 05:33:15 27/02/2016
after game content is poor. There should have at least been arenas.
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#52 Posted: 15:33:49 27/02/2016
Game-freezing glitches for one thing. They happen when you least suspect.
blastermindROB Yellow Sparx Gems: 1216
#53 Posted: 00:30:35 28/02/2016
I have few solutions for some of these problems
"Kaigan: Grimm! (Door creaking open) Kokoro no door! Hiraku dōwa! (Suspenseful music; pages flapping)"
Tamez Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#54 Posted: 07:44:52 28/02/2016
Lack of a raised level cap.
Trap Team also failed in this regard, but I hoped that VV would fix this.
My favorite Skylanders from each game: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#55 Posted: 11:31:49 28/02/2016
Quote: Tamez
Lack of a raised level cap.
Trap Team also failed in this regard, but I hoped that VV would fix this.

They already confirmed that they'll never raise it again, because it's apparently too hard to balance. Of course, that's because of the inherent problem that levels only give more HP and nothing else meaning enemies have to start dealing and taking more and more damage to keep up; if it started raising other stats it wouldn't be much of a problem.
(What I need is never what I want)
Barrysun Gold Sparx Gems: 2106
#56 Posted: 02:14:38 29/02/2016
I think one of the main things we've been forgetting... the magic item! they've been reduced from helpful battle items to just decorations at the academy. (altho, most of them give out daily treasure) I want to see them back to their original use in the next game!
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#57 Posted: 02:23:17 29/02/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Tamez
Lack of a raised level cap.
Trap Team also failed in this regard, but I hoped that VV would fix this.

They already confirmed that they'll never raise it again, because it's apparently too hard to balance. Of course, that's because of the inherent problem that levels only give more HP and nothing else meaning enemies have to start dealing and taking more and more damage to keep up; if it started raising other stats it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Where was this confirmed?
Echo2VX Gold Sparx Gems: 2918
#58 Posted: 05:30:50 29/02/2016
Oddly enough, my biggest disappointment was not even in-game. It's the design of the general figures and portal. The portal is much cheaper than the older ones. Worse than that though, are the bases on the figures!!
1) The rift engines are tacky.
2) The bases have a defined direction for which way the figure is facing front. The old figures kind of let you decide where you want the front to be. This makes organizing them harder, especially in tight areas.
3) The bases are not stable on some elements. Just the slightest touch will make them roll backwards.
Together, we can stop sheep abuse!
Top 10: smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#59 Posted: 06:57:04 29/02/2016
Quote: Echo2VX
Oddly enough, my biggest disappointment was not even in-game. It's the design of the general figures and portal. The portal is much cheaper than the older ones. Worse than that though, are the bases on the figures!!
1) The rift engines are tacky.
2) The bases have a defined direction for which way the figure is facing front. The old figures kind of let you decide where you want the front to be. This makes organizing them harder, especially in tight areas.
3) The bases are not stable on some elements. Just the slightest touch will make them roll backwards.

It's funny because Swappers also had a base with a defined direction thanks to the medals.

I agree entirely, they went waaaay too far from that point of view as well without really improving anything and simply to satisfy a need of "new, cool and shiny" which I frankly think they were the only ones to feel.

Think the same about the general designs as well: 10 out of 10 (and even 20 out of 20 considering reposes and Skymiibos) characters are upright and only one of them doesn't have legs.
Absolutely no need to do that unlike with the Swappers...

Not my least favorite things but still something I'd like to not see again.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#60 Posted: 10:43:49 29/02/2016
Quote: GigaCamo

Where was this confirmed?

It's been 10 months, I won't remember the specific interview,but I know people asked Guha Bala at least twice about the level cap, and he pulled the excuse that it's easier to balance at 20 but our new and innovative Superchargers go to level 21 when with their vehicle.

The villains escaping isn't even explained. Kaos is the only one that leaves, in a way that at least makes sense,but the villain vault is just mentioned in passing after that in the comic; and suddenly it pops out of existence in SC. Seems almost out of spite since its spot gets replaced by the modding station.

Also, something more meta that in face of the game is hardly the worse part but needs to be changed stat; please get rid of the stupid marketing for next game. We aren't stupid, we know Guha Bala will repeat the same dumb crap in every interview he's allowed to(in fact VV just take him out of PR) and just waste everybody's time. Everyone saw Cloud Kingdom footage at reveal and Treehouse, showing it two months straight won't make anyone like it more. Keeping tight lipped about things that don't matter one bit to talk about how cooler vehicles are is also distant and makes the teams look pretentious over a kids' game.
And last but not least, shut up about the buzzwords. Vehicle fantasy, over the top, innovative and new, really put a lot of effort into this, I don't care, nor will the kids, just say real words about your own game and don't read it off the product description PLEASE. Paul Reiche is usually good at that but anyone else just sounds ignorant about their own thing if they can't find new words.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 11:02:01 29/02/2016 by Bifrost
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#61 Posted: 12:01:56 29/02/2016
Aaaaah yes they definitely need to learn the meaning of "modesty" along the one of "subtle".

Not to mention each time I hear Guha talk about their over-the-top vehicle fantasy I kinda fear for Skylanders 7: he really sounds like SuperChargers was V.V. dream all along and my concern is that they don't know what to do now that they can't cause more damag... *AHEM* I mean, take this concept further.

TfB seems to be very "open-minded" from this point of view since they appear to never put a true objective for Skylanders as a whole and prefer to keep the story going and decide what to do each year.

I would love if they could stop talking about how they were the first to do that certain thing (like how Guha talks about the Light Vehicle Gate as something "new, mind blowing and never seen before" when there was an entire level with that concept in Trap Team) and start trying to be the best team instead of self-convincing themselves they are.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#62 Posted: 13:51:56 29/02/2016
TFB is super chill, I love watching the interviews with them especially with Lou included. I-Wei, Alex Ness, Paul or Mike Stout as well, they all feel like people and devs when talking and not PR or entertainment makers(Mike especially with "Eruptor,who's a pimp" and "we'll have no ****ing idea of who you have on the portal, so we can't guess" even if it wasn't on an official Skylanders presentation), and every time they get asked the same stuff they'll answer it slightly different like someone who knows their own game and doesn't need to memorize a speech.
Even from VV, you can see there's people there too - based David is based, Nice Suit Gameplay Guy is really fun to listen to even if he gets a whole lot of 10 seconds to talk,and of course Lou always makes sure to keep people looking at both his info and the game. Which is why I ask why you put Guha Bala and that other guy who's clearly from Acti and knows nothing about the game on the events - just do like TT which in my opinion had the best marketing, interview people on the office or on Skype/Discord calls, bring the actual devs to show off the game on SDCC down to the concepts, have community involved like the cosplay contest.
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#63 Posted: 14:16:46 29/02/2016
Quote: Bifrost
TFB is super chill, I love watching the interviews with them especially with Lou included. I-Wei, Alex Ness, Paul or Mike Stout as well, they all feel like people and devs when talking and not PR or entertainment makers(Mike especially with "Eruptor,who's a pimp" and "we'll have no ****ing idea of who you have on the portal, so we can't guess" even if it wasn't on an official Skylanders presentation), and every time they get asked the same stuff they'll answer it slightly different like someone who knows their own game and doesn't need to memorize a speech.
Even from VV, you can see there's people there too - based David is based, Nice Suit Gameplay Guy is really fun to listen to even if he gets a whole lot of 10 seconds to talk,and of course Lou always makes sure to keep people looking at both his info and the game. Which is why I ask why you put Guha Bala and that other guy who's clearly from Acti and knows nothing about the game on the events - just do like TT which in my opinion had the best marketing, interview people on the office or on Skype/Discord calls, bring the actual devs to show off the game on SDCC down to the concepts, have community involved like the cosplay contest.

I agree with you. TfB is great interview wise. VV can be great with David and NSG. Karthik and Guha Bala have their moments, but there's something about TfB that seems like they'd be a great company to work for (I'm sure VV is awesome too). If I had a choice, I'd work at TfB. I love VV and I'd love to work for them too, but TfB allows dogs and I love my doggies.

Although, not sure what Id do. Maybe a play tester, Voice actor or maybe even a director who just tells people what to do.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#64 Posted: 14:22:33 29/02/2016
TFB allows dogs and has a tiki themed office; though after so many years they might've changed it to something else for this game.
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#65 Posted: 14:30:34 29/02/2016
Quote: Bifrost
TFB allows dogs and has a tiki themed office; though after so many years they might've changed it to something else for this game.

I also have a love for tikis.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#66 Posted: 14:40:19 29/02/2016
Wait, really? So if I were an employee at TFB I could bring in a chihuahua?
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#67 Posted: 14:45:06 29/02/2016
Quote: AdamGregory03
Wait, really? So if I were an employee at TFB I could bring in a chihuahua?

Yes, same for Labradors (Like my Black lab), all other breeds (Although Pits might have to be tester for their behavior first, even though I think Paul has a Pit.) and even mutts (Like my mutt)
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#68 Posted: 15:22:54 29/02/2016
Wow. In that case TFB's my definite favorite of the two developers now.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#69 Posted: 16:41:15 29/02/2016
Quote: Bifrost
TFB allows dogs and has a tiki themed office; though after so many years they might've changed it to something else for this game.

Oh, they've really stepped into it THIS time. hehe.
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