[[I'm hghly sure the Underground is made out of earth, mud and rock. Finding a vent is going to be hard.]]
Spitfire sighted. "This whole structure is made out of who knows what!? Dead children spit!?"
"Technically, perhaps." BlackWing said, grinning. "-Or just rocks and mud..."
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Legend of the Living Dead REDONE (PRIVATE)
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#51 Posted: 14:06:52 30/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:09:22 30/09/2015 by BlackWing116
Emerald Sparx
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#52 Posted: 14:13:56 30/09/2015
((We gotta breath somehow))
Tails was still examining the area. He looked down and saw everyone. 'Where ever we are, I need to get back to Sonic and the Gang.' Tails thought.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Emerald Sparx
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#53 Posted: 15:35:13 30/09/2015
"This place is........."Strange..Zuro said
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#54 Posted: 15:43:34 30/09/2015 | Topic Creator
BlackWing stood up. "Obviously. It's being inhabited by the undead. They call themselves the 'Lost Children'."
Spitfire crossed his arms. "You know awfully alot of this place...." "Well then that is your problem. We're not going to get out any flippers time soon if we bicker up like this." BlackWing replied. Spitfire gave a yawn. "Look, if that girl is as friendly as she's trying to be, I'm willing to have a talk with her. If you're the one saying she's some serial killer with fangs as sharp as razor blades, then I don't know anymore. Like, it's not like a girl that high and friendly attitude is going to chain you up and stab your chest." BlackWing stood up. "Ask the last victem that and they'll stab YOU!" The two dragon-beings got head to head, pushing into one another, clearly not agreeing with the other indevidual. |
Emerald Sparx
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#55 Posted: 16:40:27 30/09/2015
Stop it guys!!Zuro said."We need to find a way out.
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
Emerald Sparx
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#56 Posted: 19:47:05 30/09/2015
Kihei looked around for Lost Alvira "Well, she's our best bet at getting information about this place" He said "Hello! Miss? Can we talk?" He yelled
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Emerald Sparx
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#57 Posted: 22:45:49 30/09/2015
"Hmm..." Tails said as he kept flying around. He scratched his head. "If their arnt any vents, then how can we still breath?" Tails looked down and saw the fuss going on. 'Oh man, if I don't get out of here soon...' Suddenly, he saw something that grabbed his attention. Tails flew over to it to investigate.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
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#58 Posted: 23:28:52 30/09/2015
"Enough!" Garchomp said pushing Spitfire and BlackWing away from each other. "Fighting will not help get us out."
SC |
Emerald Sparx
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#59 Posted: 23:36:16 30/09/2015
Tails went over to the strange thing. It was a small yellow light that flickered. Tails dug it out and to his surprise, it was a small, phone like device. "Hmm." Tails flew down and sat on top of a cage and began to tinker with the device.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Platinum Sparx
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#60 Posted: 23:45:46 30/09/2015
After one more lunge, T'sara was free. She stumbled from the momentum, and landed flat on her face close by another dragon. "Finally," she hissed. "Now who locked me up? Can I fight them?"
"If what this bipedal dragon said is true, I'm guessing you might not want to try…" Skychaser recommended. "Here, could you give me some help with my chain?" "Nope." T'sara twisted her head away. "You underessstimate me. I can learn anything. Really, any dragon can learn any element if they try hard enough, but it comesss naturally to me. But you probably don't know that." "You're too proud for your own good," Skychaser scolded. "Ssso?" T'sara retorted. "When you get your rear end kicked from here to your home, I'm not healing you."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
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#61 Posted: 23:51:06 30/09/2015
"I'll help you." Shade said slowly walking over to Skychaser.
SC |
Yellow Sparx
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#62 Posted: 00:42:39 01/10/2015
(Hello all and yes I got an invite from blackwing)
Name/Number: Nathan "Rip Cord" Kain Gender: Male element:Air Powers/Modifications: using a ripcord on his wrist he can injure himself and use his blood as weapons and projectiles, Appearance: A black Haired male with slicked back longer black hair, brown eyes about 6'2 wearing mostly black with a trench coat to hide his rip cord. univers: Lab42 fears: losing control. Other:He is known for brutalizing opponents more than direct killing to give them a chance to yield over death. Generally known as Rip Cord as his means of releasing his blood for use is a metal rip cord, will stay out of your way as long as you stay out of his way, His mentality is almost animalistic in nature, he often acts before he thinks being very instinctive.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 20:00:32 01/10/2015 by jokerstix66
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#63 Posted: 04:49:33 01/10/2015 | Topic Creator
(I have a hard time understanding shapeshifting. Do you have a character that is a little more simple?)
BlackWing walked away and leaned down on the wall. "Or best bet is to ram the wall all at once." Spitgire looked for a crack in the wall. "Maybe we can do it here..." he pointed at a large crack in the wall. "Or we need someone who can fig without getting their claws broken." Spitfire said suddenly. |
Yellow Sparx
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#64 Posted: 05:40:36 01/10/2015
the only thing that actually changes is the mask, but yes, give me a moment))
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#65 Posted: 06:08:13 01/10/2015
"And, done!" Tails exclaimed. The phone like object turned into a devise ((I'll not mention usage or name. I'll say when the time is right.))
He looked up happily and saw the commotion with the group. He flew over to investigate.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Emerald Sparx
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#66 Posted: 18:57:12 01/10/2015
Kihei was still looking around for Lost Alvira "Ma'am?" He asked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#67 Posted: 19:35:52 01/10/2015 | Topic Creator
[[EB, Lost Alvira has yet to mention her name to you. Kihei should have no idea about her name.]]
Spitfire started to push the wall. It gave way by just little. Now, Spitfire could look through a hole within the wall. His mouth dropped as soon as he looked through it. He quickly stepped. "What's the matter?" BlackWing asked. "That, was scary." Spitfire admitted. "That girl watched me straight in the eyes! How does she know I made a gap!?" The girl pushed the wall further away and poked her head into the room. "Can you please not destroy my hard work?" She asked with a kind voice. "Just sit here for a little longer please." BlackWing hissed. "You're just going to behead us, not?" The girl looked at BlackWing. "No. Just keeping you here before the Pyrill dó behead you. they're dumasses and they think you all are food. You're sitting in this room for your own safety." BlackWing shrugged. "Whatever you say." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:47:38 01/10/2015 by BlackWing116
Yellow Sparx
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#68 Posted: 20:01:05 01/10/2015
fixed i think))
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#69 Posted: 20:15:34 01/10/2015 | Topic Creator
[[Accapted. However, remember the rules about violence and gore. I like the idea, but don't overdo it. Also, your character sounds overpowered. Perhaps give a recoil damage effect? I'd apriciate that. Thank you]]
Platinum Sparx
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#70 Posted: 21:28:31 01/10/2015
"Sure," Skychaser nodded. "At least you're more polite then this other dragon."
"I'm taking offenssse to that!" T'sara growled. "If the armor fits," Skychaser retorted, "wear it." "I'm too powerful to need armor," T'sara bragged. "If you don't get an ages-old saying, I'm not going to even try." Skychaser turned her head away again. "Oh, you mean like if something dessscribesss you, just go with it?" T'sara asked. "Yeah." "My homeland doesssn't have a sssaying for that."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
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#71 Posted: 21:37:11 01/10/2015
"Stop fighting you two!" Shade said as he got to work on Skychaser's chains.
SC |
Emerald Sparx
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#72 Posted: 21:40:14 01/10/2015
((Well, I put it down so everyone would know who he wants to find. He still knows nothing))
Kihei walked over to the girl "Hey, can I speak with you ma'am?" He asked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Emerald Sparx
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#73 Posted: 23:46:41 01/10/2015
'Hmm, I see.' Tails thought. This was still very strange for him, he's still trying to get around the fact that he was captured and not Sonic. The fastest thing alive.
Could it be because of a possibility that he has something inside him that holds more potential than Sonic. His mind was still very fuzzy since he was captured but he remembered that he had something very important to do. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Yellow Sparx
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#74 Posted: 01:59:56 02/10/2015
(you got it ill put in repercussions for using his powers.)
waking up he stretched and winced, sleeping on a metal ground wasnt kind to him "damn, did I pass out during the experiments again..." opening his eyes he realized he wasnt where he thought he was, this place even smelled different, it smelled of earth, and metal. "where am I..." he got up and went to the door; he shook it a little. "hello? is anyone out there" it was dark to him, and he couldn't see much. but he heard talking, and that was a start.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#75 Posted: 11:05:38 02/10/2015 | Topic Creator
"Are you wondering something, fox?" The girl asked as she got through the hole and walked over. She patted Tails over the head. "Look, everyone. I'm sorry for the inconfenience. I didn't mean to harm any of you like this. I'm seriously sorry."
Spitfire looked quite happy. "If you just tell us why we are here..." "Yeah!" BlackWing pushed into the situation. "Spill the beans!" "Well.... I...eehhh...." The girl began to stress a little. "It's...ehhh..." "Well!?" BlackWing pushed onto it a bit more. "It's because...." The girl turned around, her face away from the group, then smirked. "You are from the living, the surface. Different places of surface.... It's notthing more but a test... of life and death." Upon that, the friendly picture of the girl dissapeared completely as she turned back at the group with a maniacal smirk. "You all find out, soon enough. As for you-" She walked over to kihei. "I hate talking." She gave Kihei a hard slap in the face, then dissapeared. "See! I told you guys so many times NOT to trust her!" BlackWing shouted severall seconds later. "Okay, I suppose you're right...." Spitfire admitted. "So now what?" He then asked. "We are going to escape." BlackWing said. "If we all just ram into that wall at the same time we can break it and make a run for it." "Okay!" Spitfire said, readying himself to dash into the walls. "On three! One, two, THREE!" Spitfire and BlackWing banged themselves into the walls. |
Emerald Sparx
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#76 Posted: 12:50:21 02/10/2015
Tails growled when she patted his head. He hated being treated like a kid, but he took it to not make a scene. Last thing he wanted was a gang up on him.
After hearing what the Girl said he took it all down. A battle of life and death! Even the words made him shiver, but he had to be brave. He decided to help out never the less, so he turned on his enderbeam and flinged it onto the wall, and he began to pull.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Emerald Sparx
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#77 Posted: 15:47:49 02/10/2015
Zuro was surpised."Yellow dude,you keep getting us out of here??Cant you fly us???/Zuro knew that it would a no.But he wanted to escape.
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#78 Posted: 15:52:59 02/10/2015 | Topic Creator
BlackWing turned around. "You'd expect me to fly straight through the celling? No, that, and I can only carry one person at a time. That's gonna take ages! Just help us take on the wall, please."
Spitfire banged into the wall once more with great speeds. "Yeah. Let's just get this wall down!" |
Emerald Sparx
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#79 Posted: 15:54:22 02/10/2015
Zuro rolled his eyes and prepared to bang into the wall.
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
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#80 Posted: 16:11:01 02/10/2015
Soon Shade broke the chains holding Skychaser down. "You're free."
"Out of my way everyone!" Garchomp said as he mega evolved and slamed into the wall with great force.
SC |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#81 Posted: 16:14:47 02/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Spitfire and BlackWing quickly got out of the way. the wall gave way soon after as well.
"That's the way to Fuel the Fire!" Sptifire cheered. "Lets get the heck out of here aaaaannn....." His mouth dropped upon seeing a good amound of tunnels and pathways. "How are we supposed to find or way!?" He complained. BlackWing looked around too. "I have no idea...." |
Platinum Sparx
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#82 Posted: 16:23:10 02/10/2015
(Ack! Why haven't I been replying as much? I'm going to try and change that.)
Mystic had easily escaped his cage and freed Polar and Flare, whom had had more trouble with getting free. They had then followed the others, and all the while, Flare had been wondering what exactly was the reason that they were in this place. When they had broken through the wall, Mystic said, "This could take a while."
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo! Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol. |
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#83 Posted: 16:23:47 02/10/2015
"Skychaser they need my help." Shade said. He then slowly walked up to the group. "I can sense auras. Perhaps I can use my ability to sense the way out." He said. "But for my ability to work I need light of some sort.
SC |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#84 Posted: 16:35:01 02/10/2015 | Topic Creator
BlackWing thought quietly to herself. "Perhaps any fire based power or light based magic could leed our ways out. So...eehhh... Spitfire? Right, that was your name right?"
Spitfire nodded. "Yep, I'm Spitfire. And you are?" "Havn't I told before my name was BlackWing?" BlackWing replied. Spitfire chuckled. "Yeah. Though I don't know the names of the others." Spitfire said as he looked at the group. "So, I'm Spitfire. and you all are?" |
Platinum Sparx
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#85 Posted: 16:38:40 02/10/2015
"I am Mystic, a purple dragon specializing in various kinds of magic." Said dragon gave a bow.
"Polar, just your average ice griffin" Polar shrugged. "And I'm Flare Blueclaw, or just Flare, a blue fire dragoness from the city of Warfang." Flare replied.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo! Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol. |
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#86 Posted: 16:39:15 02/10/2015
"Shade." He simply said.
"Garchomp." He said as he returned to his normal appearance.
SC |
Emerald Sparx
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#87 Posted: 19:03:57 02/10/2015
"Zuro.Just Zuro.No fancy name.Just Zuro.Zuro said.
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#88 Posted: 19:15:14 02/10/2015 | Topic Creator
((Skylanderspyro@: I hate to push generall RP rules into peoples faces, but please mind the quality of your posts. I dont like to say this, but otherwise I am going to take action... sorry))
Platinum Sparx
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#89 Posted: 21:30:38 02/10/2015
((Just wondering if I could add a third character. I already wanted to add one in my original post, but the RP started before I could post the character sheet..))
"Thanks," Skychaser nodded. "My name's Skychaser, leader of the…Sky-chasers, an elite group of gryphons who specialize in…well, flying. No cowardly magic powers, just strength and speed. Don't know how I got here, but I know I want to get myself out!" T'sara knew that creature that came in here needed to be put in her place. She hissed slightly at the thought of it. Who was she to think the was the greatest? "My name'sss T'sssara, for thossse of you who don't know. I am a unique dragon who is attuned to all of the elements. This means that I can learn practically any power, given enough time."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Emerald Sparx
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#90 Posted: 23:46:07 02/10/2015
"And I'm Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails." Tails pulled out the device he made. "I'm an ingenious inventor and expert pilot. I made this with a piece of scrap I found on the wall." Tails pushed the button. "It's a tracker."
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Emerald Sparx
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#91 Posted: 02:15:31 03/10/2015
Kihei rubbed his cheek "Something seemed... Familiar about that slap..." He thought as he walked to the group "I'm Kihei. I hope we can get out of here soon, I have a family to look after" He said
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Yellow Sparx
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#92 Posted: 04:15:42 03/10/2015
(sorry if im not on all the time i had to work a lot today and yesterday...)
nathan struggled at the door and shook it hard "HELLO?!" he panicked a bit, he felt like a caged animal, he was a caged animal... he sat down and contemplated how to get out he touched his neck and realized his collar that kept his abilities to a minimum of making drops float... was gone. "maybe... no, i cant do anything that intricate..." he looked at the locked door got up and put his head against it. "what do I do?"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
Emerald Sparx
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#93 Posted: 05:57:25 03/10/2015
Tails herd a cry for help, so he sprang into action and flew over to the noise. He noticed that there was still some else to set free.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#94 Posted: 06:11:58 03/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Spitfire and BlackWing looked at Tails as he set off for the door again. "What are you going to do?" Spitfire asked.
BlackWing looked away again and stared at the various tunnels. |
Emerald Sparx
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#95 Posted: 06:18:35 03/10/2015
Tails saw the being in the cage. He shrugged his shoulders and began picking the lock. 'He seems friendly' Tails thought.
((Thats Nathan's cage BTW))
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Yellow Sparx
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#96 Posted: 06:40:39 03/10/2015
seeing the small yellow fox Nathans eyes saw what he was doing, he was fixated by him, "thank you" he whispered. Although he wasnt actually sure what he was, he hadnt seen anything like him before' he had seen many strange things, but this was new. "Where are we?" Nathan asked '"I wonder what else is here" he thought he stood a bit back from the door, he was tense, this he couldnt deny, it was natural for him to be defensive he spent his memorable life being experimented on and tested and prodded... he kept his eyes on the fox unsure of anything, except that he was genuinely helping him.
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#97 Posted: 06:47:23 03/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Spitfire decided to come over as well, attempting to help Tails. "Need help?" He asked, holding his hands up in a generours manner.
Emerald Sparx
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#98 Posted: 06:50:17 03/10/2015
"No need." I replied. Then the lock broke. I spun the spanner around my hand before placing it on my belt. "An inventor always carry his tools." I looked at Nathan. "Your welcome."
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art = |
Yellow Sparx
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#99 Posted: 06:58:00 03/10/2015
as he stepped out of his cage he looked at spitfire and Nathan Tensed again "thank you again" he stepped back away from spitfire. "whats going on?" he instinctively reached for his rip-cord but his logical thoughts kicked in and he stopped. 'Keep your head on Nathan' "sorry for being cautious... but who are you people?"
Everyone should go check out Aether :city in teh sky. its an awesome roleplay and will hep my friend finish his book. |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#100 Posted: 07:00:55 03/10/2015 | Topic Creator
"I'm Spitfire!" Spitfire said with a grinn. "The rest's over there if you'd like to meet more people." Spitfire went off towards the rest of the group, then waved at Nathan.
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