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Overdrive Apocalypse (A Sonic RP) [CLOSED]
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#51 Posted: 07:46:15 15/09/2015
Tails and Amy

"Argh I never expected anyone else over today." Amy said as she walked over to the door "Especially tonight!" She opened the door to find Jet, Silver and Shadow.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#52 Posted: 08:28:40 15/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow
"Knuckles is here too, and that is why we are here" Shadow said. "We had some strange occurrences today". "Yeah, there has been noises at Knuckle's house, and we can't seem to figure it out" Silver added. "I also just found out Silver's Neighbor has a bunker at my house!" Jet concluded.
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#53 Posted: 08:35:37 15/09/2015
Tails and Amy

"Cool!" said Tails. "No, it's not cool." Amy told Tails angrily and quickly. "I only wanted you to come over so you could tell me about Son..." She stopped and turned to the group at the door. She smiled sheepishly. "How about you all come inside and we can talk then. OK?"


"m,mm... must... fii.. nd" Sonic was muttering in his sleep "iii, ... iit." He was beginning to sweat.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#54 Posted: 08:46:34 15/09/2015 | Topic Creator
"Sorry Tails, but the guy who made the bunker is evil" Jet said. "We won't be using it anytime soon
either". "His name is Overdrive, and he called Jet evil" Silver said. "I've never met him before" Jet added. The group turned to here a knock at the door.
****ing hell its been a long time
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:46:59 15/09/2015 by LittleWizard
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#55 Posted: 11:29:58 15/09/2015
Tails and Amy

"Shadow, You go and get that" said Amy cautiously. "Man, why do these thing always happen at my place" She pulled out her Hammer. Tails hid under the table. He pushed a button on his watch "Blue leader? Blue Leader do you copy?"


"Over Blue Leader do you copy" said a voice on Sonics watch. "ssss..... stop..... pp..ple...ase....." Sonic muttered in his sleep. He was soaked in sweat and he was twitching. He rolled over, back and forth, breathing heavily. "noo... nnnoooooo" He sprang from his bed "NOOOOOOOO!" Sonic woke up. He panted heavily for a few seconds.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#56 Posted: 11:33:26 15/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow

Shadow opened the door, and an Old Tiger walked inside. He quickly placed sacks over their heads, and ripped Tails' watch off. They woke up, in a mysterious techno city.
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#57 Posted: 11:42:50 15/09/2015

After Sonic finally calmed down, "Wow, that was some nightmare." He sighed "but it felt so real" He rolled back into bed but he couldn't get to sleep. "argh, I'll head to Tails' house. He'll know what to do" So he Ran out the door to Tails' Workshop.

Tails + Amy

"argh man, another kidnapping" Tails sighed. He saw Amy. "Psst, Amy get up" Amy woke startled "Tails, what." she moaned. "Well, I think you might want to see this." said Tails. "Tails, if this is another silly invention then I'm going to wack you wi..." She look around. "What is this place."
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#58 Posted: 11:57:17 15/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow
"It looks like we're in some Technologically Advanced City" Jet said. "But why would that Tiger Guy leave us on the street?" Silver said. They looked around. Loads of people were walking in and out of shops. Suddenly, they realised that they won't be on the steet for long.
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#59 Posted: 12:06:58 15/09/2015

"Tails.... Tails?" Sonic was looking for Tails at his house. "hmmm, maybe he's still at Amy's." Sonic ran to Amy's house. "Amy... Tails? Where are you guys." Sonic stood on something. He looked down and picked it up. It was Tails' watch. Sonic shivered "AMY! TAILS! He yelled. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

Tails and Amy

"Technologically advanced city?" said Tails to Jet. "I've all respect to you and your extreme gear but city looks like something I could make if I had the time" "Tails, don't be so rude." said Amy "Well, lets do a headcount. We have Tails, Jet, Shadow, Silver and Knuckles. Wait where is Sonic?" "I'll call him" Tails looked at his wrist. "Wait, where is my watch? Amy, MY WATCH IS MISSING." "WHAT!!!" shouted Amy.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#60 Posted: 12:15:41 15/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow
"Wait, we saw Sonic walking to his house when we came to yours!" Shadow said. "He must be there!" Silver shouted. "The one problem is, we are tied up!" Jet shouted. The whole gang looked down. "Oh No!" Shadow shouted. Just then, a bunch of hedgehogs in Yellow and Red Buissness suits walked up to them.
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#61 Posted: 12:22:43 15/09/2015
(can you be more specific with things happening, like what's keeping the group tied up?)


Sonic has ran across the town. He's visited all his friends and he couldn't find Tails or Amy. He stopped and sat down on a bench near the park. "Where are you guys" he muttered. A single tear rolled off his face.

tails and amy

"You guys keep them busy, I'll get us out of these things binding us." Tails said. Amy nodded
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#62 Posted: 10:43:16 16/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow
"Hey guys, how ya doing?" Silver said. "Why'd you leave us on the street guys?" Silver asked. Two of them looked at each other, and then one hit a button on a remote. Suddenly, the pavement where the group was laying on fell down.
****ing hell its been a long time
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#63 Posted: 10:45:07 16/09/2015

Knuckles was shocked when the ground fell beneath him.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#64 Posted: 10:56:46 16/09/2015
(Still not answering my question)

Well, I don't know what to do. Tails and Amy are falling and Sonic has nothing to go on, so... I'll wait. (Forget about the Sonic part)
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#65 Posted: 11:07:31 16/09/2015 | Topic Creator
((Oh, sorry. Rope is what is keeping them tied. But Sonic could go and try to find the Techno City.))
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#66 Posted: 11:22:32 16/09/2015
( I know what Sonic will be doing)


As the group was falling, Tails was able to break free and fly upwards. He saw his friends falling down. "I've gotta help them" He said. He looked to the side and saw a vent. He crawled inside.


Amy was falling (Better be something soft to land on)


After Sonic calmed down he ran to Amy's house to investigate further.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
LittleWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1715
#67 Posted: 18:50:51 05/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Jet, Silver, and Shadow
The gang fell on a cloud like pillow, and the tiger man walked out. "I am Dominion!" he shouted. Dominion was wearing a black gi when he kidnapped them, but was now wearing a red and yellow one. "Well, looks like your yellow friend escaped! Dominion said angrily.
****ing hell its been a long time
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#68 Posted: 02:23:21 06/10/2015
"Yea, and he's going to get back up, so you better be ready"

He was crawling around the vents but he could hear the conversation. "I'm way ahead of you Amy"

Sonic examined Amy's house, trying to find clues. He stumbled across a book.
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
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