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Legend of the living Dead (OC/FC RP) [~PRIVATE~] [CLOSED]
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#51 Posted: 01:59:52 17/09/2015
(You guys should seriously wait for BlackWing117 to reply, after all, my question hasn't been answered, and I don't want Polar to yelp in pain if it isn't his tail who was stepped on. And I think StormDragon21 is also waiting too.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#52 Posted: 07:13:10 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
[[@Stormdragon: PM, please.
@Theuone: Polar's tail.
@Skylanderspyro: Can you attempt to make your posts more understandable?
Also, @everyone, please respect the timezones of other players and don't post too often. Thanks]]
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#53 Posted: 11:15:31 17/09/2015
OoC: I only posted once! Apologies for its length. Aeran and Gravel are conscious. smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#54 Posted: 11:57:33 17/09/2015
Polar woke up in a jolt, yelping in pain. The ice griffin flicked his tail, which was cause of the pain, "Alright, what's going on? And who stepped on my tail?"

Mystic yawned, looking around at the cage they were in, "I ... have no idea. Where are we?"

Flare blinked in surprise, "Uhhhh, this is new."
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#55 Posted: 12:11:25 17/09/2015
T'sara opened her eyes. And closed them. And opened them again. Where was she? Apparently a cage with about ten million others. "Who daresss to put me in here?" she hissed. She stepped on someone's fluffy tail, but no way was she going to apologize. Until she was knocked down with that same fluffy tail. Note to self: Fluffy tails can hurt. She glared at the criminal, who glared back with glowing eyes.
"What was that for?" the glowing-eyes creature demanded.
"That wasss becaussse we're trapped in here, and I can't take two sssteps without ssstepping on sssomething," T'sara replied.
"Oh. Well, my name's Skychaser." By now, T'sara's eyes had adjusted and she could see the gryphon in front of her. The colors were muted, but she could see, and that was what mattered.
"Ssskychassser," T'sara mused. "Well, I've never heard of you. The name'sss T'sssara."
"Fine then," Skychaser sighed. "Hey, why do you talk funny?"
T'sara extended her claws with a flash. As fast as lightning, she slashed Skychaser's chest. Her claws hit armor, though, and all that was left was a dent in the gryphon's armor.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#56 Posted: 12:50:36 17/09/2015
((Welll i have .... ill read this at home))

Noises, rumbles, groaning, everything that was unpleasantly disturbing for any kind of situation. During sleeping hours the most. It wasn't a surprise for ShadowStorm to twitch his his tail in trepidation. Even now, while his body had turned itself to stand-by. His brain being the only part that was being fully active, had already noted the surrounding area, even if it wasn't for him to be awake.

As ShadowStorm's body started to wake itself up, his sleep wasn't his issue any longer.
Something was wrong. The bed he was laying on was far too hard for him, this wasn't his bed at least. And it was... It felt.... ShadowStorm's eyes shot open. This wasn't right, and ShadowStorm's heart rose painfully in his chest. His vision a blur and hazy. ShadowStorm was forced to lay back down, even if his mind was rebelling, as it kept on pleading for energy and attention. But to no avail.
He tried opening his eyes, but it took him all the energy to do so. it was at that moment were he started to become aware of all the noises around himself. They were all unrecognizable, and sounded muffled. I'm not alone here.. ShadowStorm thought to himself, anxiety rising without even noticing it. All ShadowStorm could thinko ff, was the fear of being....... Lost...
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:15:15 17/09/2015 by ShadowStorm
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#57 Posted: 15:02:59 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Devilee got up. She darted around to look at the others. "Please, everyone, calm down." She tried to inform everyone. "If we make ourself hear-able that...that THING will come in any second. I can asure you, you won't like tha-"

"Speak for yourself Devilee."
A voice came from out the corner of the room. "I already noticed you all were awake. No need to hide it..."
A figure walked out of the dark corner and stared with her gleaming eyes at the creatures inside. "My minions have misunderstood me. I told them to put you down in this room, not in a cage inside of this room. My apologies. "
A smug grinn appeared onto the creature's face, as if she was lying yet no one could see it. "Make yourselves at home." She said as she opened the cage.
Devilee didn't move, and stared at the opening.

"So, now that I've given my apology. I am Lost Alvira. And you all are...?"
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#58 Posted: 15:05:50 17/09/2015
"Im Zuro..Zuro said."Uh...Nice to meet you" Zuro said sounding nervous and worried
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#59 Posted: 15:20:58 17/09/2015
ShadowStorm shot a angry glare towards..... Lost..... "Oh great, have you gone Turbo again?" He said in irritation. "Cause seriously, this again...... No it's not worth my time." ShadowStorm tried to stand up again. But felt getting uneasy, on the realization that he was still far too weak to even sit up without falling back onto the hardened ground.
ShadowStorm grunted as he spoke with gritted teeth. "Just screw off and let me go back to my home."
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#60 Posted: 16:51:36 17/09/2015
Polar blinked in surprise, "I'm Polar, an ice griffin."

"Mystic is my name." The purple dragon wasn't sure what to make of the situation.

"I'm Flare Blueclaw, or just Flare, and I would love to know how I was took out of Warfang safely." Flare said.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#61 Posted: 17:03:24 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Lost grinned. "It's a talent." She said before walking over to ShadowStorm. She grabbed him by the face and mad ehim stare at her eyes. "I am not doing a thing to you!" she hissed. "Asumer!" She continued before letting go off ShadowStorm's face and turning back to the others. "Don't mind that one. He and I had scuffles before."

"Right....." Devilee said. She had pushed herself up into the corner, seemingly afraid.

"Oh please, all, there's no reason to fear me..." Lost said. "-yet..." She whispered to herself straight after.
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#62 Posted: 18:01:20 17/09/2015
ShadowStorm growled in pure irritation. At this point, it wouldn't take long before something would turn out to go terribly wrong.
"Watch it you numskull. Acid may be your source of insanity. But that's you, not me." he turned to the others. "Please... All, she won't do shiz if we don't do shiz...." ShadowStorm looked down, before exhaling deeply as he turned his head back up to face the others again

ShadowStorms eyes then moved over to Devilee...
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#63 Posted: 18:14:21 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Lost silently listened to what ShadowStorm said. She shrugged and went out of the room. She locked the door behiend her though.

"What" Devilee said with a rather annoyed tone.
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#64 Posted: 18:17:13 17/09/2015
"I-.." ShadowStorm looked back. "Yeah, nice freedom you jerk!" He shouted towards the now locked door. "This is not making me feel at home jackass!" He took a moment to calm himself down, turning back at Devilee as he did so. "H-hi... I... I know you from somewhere.. You're voice..." ShadowStorm pauzed. "Your voice, just sounds familiar.."
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#65 Posted: 18:22:22 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Devile groaned. "Seriously! That's your concern right now!?"

Lost sat down in front of the door, banging her head down onto the now locked door. "Aagh! How stupid could I even be! I told them so NOT to take the purple darnhead! UUugh great this way I'll never get help... First they jack it off by putting everyone in a cage and now this! I'm so done! It's litterly getting up to my fuse here!"
Lost bucked the door in rage. In fact, she lost control over it and litterly burned the door open.

"See. I told you doing notthing wouldn't make a difference...right?" Devilee said quickly getting up. "We need to get out of here..."

"None of you will! If you all are destend to die SO IT WILL BE!" Lost's voice echoed.

Devilee backed off into the corner once more.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#66 Posted: 18:24:56 17/09/2015
Flare sighed, not sure what to do.

Mystic frowned, "Shadowstorm, huh? You should tell us what you know."

(Probably should wait for the others.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#67 Posted: 18:27:21 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
[[Yeah, was about to ask if we could slow down.]]

Lost calmed down soon later and stared with big eyes at the crowd. Yes good job flipping this off by showing off your anger. Ugh. Just remove yourself from here. They'll catch up to you eventually anyways.
With that, Lost turned around and vanished.

Devilee stared at ShadowStorm. "Ugh, fine, tell me what you know about her. Now I'm curious."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:29:19 17/09/2015 by BlackWing116
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#68 Posted: 18:27:49 17/09/2015
((Was already planning for it, thanks for mentioning though)
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:28:19 17/09/2015 by ShadowStorm
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#69 Posted: 19:08:26 17/09/2015
Kihei knew that voice "Wait... Tyla!" He said as he ran up to the door "Its me Kihei!" He yelled down the hall "What would your sister think of this?" He asked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#70 Posted: 19:09:08 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
[[Lost already dissapeared.]]
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#71 Posted: 19:19:56 17/09/2015
[[Excuse me.. i cannot hold it]]

ShadowStorm turned to Kihei before shouting. "Shut up fool... Do you want to atract insanity back to our already unstable place? Think for a moment, if you want to run us into lava, fine be my guest. But I do not participate in that event if so!" he than turned back to Devileee

[[OKAY NOW I"LL seriously wait.. I couldn't help it smilie]]
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#72 Posted: 19:49:51 17/09/2015
Kihei looked at ShadowStorm "That's my sister-in-law you're talking about" He said "She would never hurt me"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#73 Posted: 20:31:55 17/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Lost quickly stood still. She could hear an echo running through the tunnel. A voice of one of the prisoners. It felt like a challange to her. She turned back and started to shift through the shadows once more. Eventually getting back upon the room. She appeared straight behiend Kihei. "That's a challange... correct?" She asked with a sleek grin. "Fine. So be it. I'm not a nice person... I was going to... but you fools messed up... All of you should die or swear loyalty to me!"
With that, Lost took strong hold onto Kihei's throat and dragged him to the wall, only to be followed by severall strong slashes with in flames covered claws. Upon that being done, she held the now damaged Kihei by his throat and lifted him up. "Do not messs with me!"
She let go of Kihei and turned to the others. "Any of you! Ever!"
After that, she dissapeared once more.

[[Okay now seriously WAIT for the otthers.]]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#74 Posted: 20:54:53 17/09/2015
A powerful fire blast came from Garchomp who was mega evolved. "I challenge you to a fight!" The fire blast hit the wall just as Lost disappeared. "Dang! You coward! Fight like a man!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:49:50 18/09/2015 by Spyroconvexity
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#75 Posted: 21:37:36 17/09/2015
((Sorry, Convexity, but I don't think that's happening.))

"Who doesss that thing think ssshe isss?" T'sara hissed. "Up to me, I'd fight her, but only if it wasss up to me. And it'sss not, ssseeing that we're ssstill in here."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#76 Posted: 00:10:46 18/09/2015
Kihei coughed hard "Why? We're friends" He said as he tried to get his breath back
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#77 Posted: 01:43:04 18/09/2015
Gravel and Aeran watched the encounter with the one who called herself Lost Alvira. Both Catalysts figured it would be wise to not reveal any info their captor demanded, for now. Gravel noticed that Lost seemed to have some conflict with the purple creature. Then the purple creature started yelling at the blue dragon, and it seemed that suddenly there was blood on the ground. Gravel closed his eyes, troubled. "Wasn't counting on it," he mumbled to the space where Lost once was.
"What's that?" Aeran had exited the cage and gone into the room. Gravel shook his head and followed her out. "Do not worry about it. But come, Aeran. We have things to discuss, and you are the only one I can trust."
Aeran's warm brown eyes were wary all the same. Gravel had chosen loyalty to Kaltath, after all, while Aeran had remained with Lythios. There was plenty reason for her to be mad. But Gravel hoped that they could settle their differences, at least until they got out of here.
Gravel sat down in a dry but dark corner, and Aeran sat cross-legged nearby. "Right," Gravel started. "How could this…Lost Alvira have found us? It wasn't as if we were together."
"We were." Aeran's voice was dark. "You don't remember the battle?"
Realization struck Gravel like a lightning bolt. Lythios had attacked, and the Catalysts fought each other. The torn battlefield would have left them vulnerable…vulnerable enough to be kidnapped by a demon with a sick agenda.
"I…I suppose that would make sense." Gravel rubbed his facial stubble in thought. "Alright. My mistake."
Aeran snorted as if to say, "Your mistake indeed."
"With that over with, we need to get out of here." Gravel's gaze drifted to the injured dragon. It looked heavily damaged. Was that what they were up against?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#78 Posted: 01:55:36 18/09/2015
"She's not a nice person," Skychaser sighed, shaking her head. "Shads, if you don't mind me calling you that…you messed up. Big-time. I've fought soldiers twice my size, but I can just tell. Just tell."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#79 Posted: 02:06:44 18/09/2015
"I think we got that idea already lizard." Garchomp said.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#80 Posted: 02:08:47 18/09/2015
"Lizard?" Skychaser hissed. "I'm a pureblooded gryphon! Are you blind?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#81 Posted: 02:24:23 18/09/2015
"Pah! Gryphon lizard same thing." Garchomp said.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#82 Posted: 02:49:08 18/09/2015
Frost immediately glared at Garchomp, "Excuse me?" He said as coldly as possible. Mystic and Flare weren't too happy with the comparison either.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#83 Posted: 02:54:17 18/09/2015
"Yah. Got a problem?" Garchomp said.
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#84 Posted: 02:58:14 18/09/2015
"Dude........Calm down".Zuro muttered
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#85 Posted: 05:10:20 18/09/2015
ShadowStorm had blinked at Kihei's injured body. "Those who don't dare to behave get punished by the gods." He mumbled before attempting to stand up for the 4th time. Fortunate enough, he managed to - slowly get back up. Yet it took him effort to do so, but still he succeeded.

He proceeded to walk to Devilee, who was still seemingly anxious for no-particular reason. At least, none other than the location they were held captive.

"I don't know why," ShadowStorm started as he put on a neutral,yet frightful tone as he continued. "But I do know that we are not going to leave any time soon." He pauze as the last words echoed from what it seemed to be endlessly against the hardened walls that had completely surrounded the group.
It made him shiver very uneasily, and it took a lot of willpower to continue with his speech. "W-we do not have the strength nor power to take her down." He said, looking at the location that now contained a scourged mark on its place, it had been struck by a fireball not too long ago, and the smoldering sound of hissing could still be heard faintly in the gasps of wind that rushed through the room. "So please, do not even think about taking her on. Unless you pray death upon your soul." ShadowStorm's tone turned cold, as the last words came out in trepidation. "We just have to.... Wait and see what-" ShadowStorm's atention turned away, he could hear faint voices coming from a different room. ShadowStorm raised his voice as he called to out. "-and keeping things to yourself is not going to allow us to escape any time sooner!" His voice yet again, echoing endlessly against the stone walls....
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#86 Posted: 05:42:12 18/09/2015 | Topic Creator
For once, Devilee agreed. "Purple Dragon is correct. Let's not do this to ourselves yet. Unless you wish to end up like blue dragon over there. Now, for one, if we do encounter Lost Alvira once more, it's best to put everything and anything with water in front of us. It won't stop her, but it will defenetly scare her. Again, don't count on only Lost Alvira either. This cave is filled with any type of fire scum and stuff like that everywhere."

Devilee looked into the distance. "You see, I used to live here as well."
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#87 Posted: 11:12:36 18/09/2015
"Look," Skychaser growled. "Feathers. A beak. Ears. Fluffy tail. No scales. No spikes. No leathery wings. Not a lizard."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#88 Posted: 15:51:16 18/09/2015
ShadowStorm looked around. "And where are we supposed to yield water from? this place is dry as a new sponge..." A look of unease clearly visible.
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#89 Posted: 15:52:15 18/09/2015 | Topic Creator
[[Closing this for a reason for now. Re-opening later on. maybe]]
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#90 Posted: 15:56:31 18/09/2015
((Why would you close it??))
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
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