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The Throne of the Dragon (A Magic:The Gathering Role Play) [CLOSED]
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#51 Posted: 03:08:10 24/08/2015
As Xavros approached, his hand on the hilt of the Mage Slayer blade at his side, he slowed as he began to see a being that resembled a gray man... one that was built as a warrior much like himself. As the spiders began to flee, he slowed his approach to a walk, although he didn't quite remove his hand from the sheathed blade.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:06:33 24/08/2015 by Wolfgang
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#52 Posted: 04:27:27 24/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: Alright. I changed mine as well.
Turtle Power.
KilaIesha Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#53 Posted: 05:00:23 24/08/2015
Marumi braces for the goblin's attack, but lowers his arms when it doesn't come. He opens his eyes slowly and finds himself in a dark alley, surrounded by the lively noises of a market. Marumi braces himself against the alley's wall. "Jasu!? Mervara!? On no..." He puts his head in his hands and slides down to a sitting position. "Where am I? What the hell happened?" he whispers to himself.
Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#54 Posted: 12:22:19 25/08/2015
OOC: If you're waiting for me, I'm having second thoughts on this RP. I'm in a lot of RPs at the moment and I'm not entirely sure I want to be in this one as well. Plus I'm still waiting for a good moment to insert my character.

Also, the correct order is Dragons > Werewolves > Everything else > Humans.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:12:26 25/08/2015 by MugoUrth
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#55 Posted: 14:40:21 25/08/2015
((Werewolves > Humans/Vampires. Anyway, I'm assuming Kari was accepted. If not, then let me know what I need to do.))

Kari ran through the forest, not even bothering to look back. It would slow her down, and with hunters on her tail, that was the last thing she needed. She scurried up a tree, and started jumping from tree to tree. Her path was jagged and curving, hopefully making it harder for them the follow her.

As she jumped, she had a strange falling feeling. Then she was gone, and landed somewhere in a cavern. "I thought there weren't any caverns around here…" she growled. She lashed her tail angrily.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#56 Posted: 22:40:45 25/08/2015
ooc: I'm out.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#57 Posted: 23:25:54 25/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: To StormDragon, I said, "Innistrad was awesome. Humans > werewolves/vampires. All Accepted. We will start today." So, yeah your character is accepted. Also, No Humans > Vampires. All day, er' day.

To MugoUrth, I understand that. You have informed me that you are hesitant about this role play. I don't blame you. Honestly, I didn't expect that many people to join anyway. I was looking forward to a Rhox character though.

Vato frowned as Xavros approaches. Clearly this Creature wasn't a beast. It wore clothes and approached with it's hand on it's blade. Which didn't please Vato at all. Vato held his hand out and the fire brightened, "Leave me. I'm not in the mood for a fight."
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#58 Posted: 00:10:19 26/08/2015
"Nor am I" Xavros said, a tinge of relief to his voice, as his hand left the blade's hilt, rising to a tuft of fur on his chin, which he stroked with his claws. " see, I am rather unfamiliar with this place, and would rather have allies than enemies... you wouldn't happen to be acquainted with the wilds here, would you?"
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#59 Posted: 12:14:58 26/08/2015
OOC: Okay, I've decided I'll stay afterall. Also, I'm sorry but on the grand scale of how cool all creatures living and mythical are, dragons come first, and humans ALWAYS come dead last, even when the world is inhabited by sapient <something grody> demons. smilie

A large Rhox had just found his way to a plane called Demoara through means he could not explain. While most creatures had a direction, this creature seemed almost angry, but at the same time patient. The creature was recently fighting a large army of Nezumi in his home land. The last thing the large bystander remembered was having a spell cast on him and then he charged at the Nezumi mage and, all of a sudden, he wound up in a place he had no idea where. This creature, a Rhox named Thyradon, had eyes that were used to steady lighting, so the bright light of Demoara hurt his eyes. With this in mind, he decided to wait for someone to come to his location. Many passed by, but no one payed notice to him.

OOC: Speaking of Nezumi, I'm actually kind of tempted to make a Nezumi character as well.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 22:33:00 27/08/2015 by MugoUrth
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#60 Posted: 20:36:07 26/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: Well, you see my friend, this is where I disagree. Blame my upbringing, but I'll always put humans on top. I've been reading the stories of Sigurd The Dragon slayer, Cu Chulainn the war dog of Ulster, Sinbad the sailor, etc. Since I was a child. When I was a kid, Dragons were fire-breathing demons or ancient Spirits, much different than the way people talk about them now. Inspiring legends of men and women, encountering great beasts and trials. That's where it's at. ALSO you started in demoara. It isn't dark there.
Turtle Power.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#61 Posted: 22:19:23 26/08/2015
OOC: Yeah, but dragons don't drive cars, wield guns, destroy wildlife, drive animals to extinction, make slaves of other creatures, or other nasty stuff. ...Because they don't exist. Dragons are bound by the person who is writing the dragon. ...Plus, humans are just plain boring to look at. Yes, I'm jaded. But more or less, I mostly meant my comments to be playful. I'm not trying to push it onto anyone else. Just playfully putting in my two cents. No hard feelings, and it'd probably be best to just leave it here that people have different opinions. Also, like I said, I'm not a huge Magic expert so I'm not entirely sure.

Edit: Eh, I deleted the last two comments in the first sentence. I felt like I was pushing it a bit too far with them.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:13:13 27/08/2015 by MugoUrth
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#62 Posted: 02:28:27 27/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: You weren't bothering me by having different opinions than me. I find it entertaining. I thought we were just playfully teasing. Sorry if I offended you. Once again, Demoara isn't dark. I'm wondering why your character is in the dark. That's kinda why I haven't moved the role play forward.
Turtle Power.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#63 Posted: 12:04:08 27/08/2015
OOC: Huh? I thought Thyradon was supposed to be where everyone else is, in a dark forest in Merikara. Thyradon would likely be used to the bright environment of his home land, so a darker environment would take a while to adjust to his pitch black eyes.

Edit: I edited my RP post a bit, hoping I fleshed it out a bit more.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:10:04 27/08/2015 by MugoUrth
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#64 Posted: 15:54:10 27/08/2015
((For me, dragons rule, with werewolves as a close second. Humans aren't at rock bottom, but I don't want to offend anyone by saying what is.))

"Hello?" Kari called, sweeping her reptilian head from side to side. "Anyone here?" She breathed a blast of flame, lighting up her surroundings temporarily. The fire caught on a dry stick, and soon the cave was filled with a warm glow. There didn't seem to be any hostile creatures, but Kari kept alert anyway.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#65 Posted: 19:16:01 27/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: No MugoUrth, remember the very beginning post. You pick your starting area, that's where you end up at the beginning. You picked Demoara, so you are in the same area as Orion. Me and Wolfgang are in the Golrest forest, KilaIesha is at Havengard, and Stormdragon is in the scarred caverns.
Turtle Power.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#66 Posted: 22:15:40 27/08/2015
OOC: Okay, then I edited my post again.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#67 Posted: 23:20:06 27/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: SWEET! All right, time to get the show on the road. It may take a day or two for this next post, so everybody be patient.
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#68 Posted: 20:54:58 29/08/2015
((I've been thinking on seeing what a character with a sci-fi background would be like in a fantasy setting))

Name: "Saint"
Age: "Has been dead a long time", Active for about a year since revival
Gender: Male
Color alignment: White/Red
Abilities: Enhanced strength and resilience. Shaping light into a protective dome that shields his allies and blinds enemies brave enough to venture within. Can channel emotions through his weapons as spells/ammunition (although he has yet to discover this). Doesn't quite know how to use magic, although he has the potential to learn.
Equipment/Artifacts: Wields a variety of ranged weaponry (mainly guns), as well as armor infused with Light.
Appearance: A male Exo. Helmeless.
Bio: Originally revived to defend the lone standing city in a war-wracked solar system, Saint is no stranger to travel between worlds... although learning of the existence of other planes of existence came as quite a shock to him. He tells the others of his final battle, against a "Kell" that went by the name of "Skolas", one who sought to pull an army from the past and future of his House's warriors, and recounts how the great Kell, in the heat of the battle, threw him through a portal of glass, one through which he saw his enemies united under The Traveler, the great machine that had enlightened his kind in the first place. Overtaken by these enemies, he held a wish close to his heart, a chance to fight alongside fellow Guardians one last time, before a spark of light even stronger than those from The Traveler igited within him, whisking him away. Finding himself on a new world, with no Ship to explore in, nor his Ghost to guide him, for the first time, Saint feels truly, truly lost.
Planeswalker or Legend: Planeswalker
Area: Havengard
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#69 Posted: 21:46:01 29/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: I don't know if a character with guns can fit inside of the world of magic. How does his guns react with the other characters? Whenever he shoots them, will it be lethal?
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#70 Posted: 22:00:22 29/08/2015
((I was sort of mulling that over, actually... and I've had a few thoughts... maybe he'd completely run out of ammunition during his last battle, and only has the equivalent of a pistol now, useful just for focusing/aiming spells but otherwise ineffective, switching over to a native-forged shield as his main weapon.))
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#71 Posted: 04:47:13 30/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: AH. That might work.
Turtle Power.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#72 Posted: 06:31:41 31/08/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: I'm going to accept. Sorry It's taking me so long, My computer deleted my post. Gotta re-do it.
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#73 Posted: 07:07:36 31/08/2015
((OOC: Thanks for accepting, and sorry about losing the post... Hopefully it will be a quick rewrite.))
((Also, I've been occupying my time making custom cards of Xavros and Saint))
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:23:32 31/08/2015 by Wolfgang
Orion Green Sparx Gems: 464
#74 Posted: 20:36:20 31/08/2015
OCC: whoa that's really cool. How do you make your own custom cards?
"Ideals without strength are nothing."
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#75 Posted: 19:01:14 01/09/2015
((OOC: I use Magic Set Editor 2. If you guys would like, I could try making customs if given artwork and a basic idea of what you want on the card, but requests like those are probably best kept to my guestbook to avoid going too off topic.))
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#76 Posted: 08:38:27 02/09/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC; I'll wait to do something in Havengard until you make a post for Saint.

*splish, splash. splish* A series of splashes can be heard in the cavern. a small cloaked creature waddles up to Kari. It lifts a staff and flames burst at it's tip, spreading light into the cave. It looks up to Kari and whispers, "You are not safe here. Come with Emeq." Emeq turns and splish-splashes off into the tunnels.

A giant of a man with a sack over his head passes through the market, looking around for something. another strange thing to notice is that the man has a strange, finely woven collar with black shriveled feathers. Otherwise he wore only straw sandals, stained and matted shorts, and a loose white sleeveless shirt. The people of the market fall silent as he passes though. a few whispers can be heard, "It's him... Scarecrow is here... " He notices Thyradon and walks up quietly. He crouches down and sits there quietly. As he speaks the market seems to breath a sigh of relief and it returns to it's bustling self, "You are not from around here are you?" His deep, rich voice is calm and eloquent. His voice is akin to the rumbling of a tiger. "Are you from Havengard?" He sees Sakaar wondering around and calls to him, "YOU. Come here."

Tavo looks around and sighs, "I am not. Where have you come from?" Tavo puts out the fire in his hand and looks up, "I am familiar with the wilds though. Not these specifically, but all wilds share characteristics."
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#77 Posted: 09:39:12 02/09/2015
((I'll work on Saint's introduction pretty soon))

"A kindred spirit, I hope. The towering trees, beasts that stalk others like prey, and men that have emerged from the wilds greater than anything they were before... quite a bit is shared between every wilderness I've seen. Where I've most recently come from, though, is a land of ice and mountains, where humans, elementals, and what I can only call houndmen work together in order in a daily struggle for survival, where shamans could whisper to the souls of the dead in request for aid, rather than dragging them forcefully from the Eternal Sleep. Where people sought to channel the strength of powerful bears, rather than shunning the idea of embracing an animal from within." Xavros said, describing his time among the Temur, in a dragonless Tarkir. "Needless to say, it was a rather, er, good place for introspection, for in a land like that, there was no place to dwell on mistakes of the past, for surviving in the present took every waking moment. If I may ask, though... from where might you be?"
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#78 Posted: 11:18:57 02/09/2015
"What?" Kari asked. "How do I know I can trust you?" The answer came to her in a second. "Mostly because I can crush you if you even try to betray me." Since she was feeling quite smug, she followed the mysterious stranger deep into the tunnels.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#79 Posted: 17:21:33 02/09/2015

As Saint's eyes flicked open, that was the first thing that registered... he was in a place filled with shadows, a dark corridor, the purple light from his helmet and the soft blue glow of his armor providing enough light to get his bearings by. Turning around, he saw the definite glow of sunlight, as he realized what he was standing in, an abandoned alleyway with the light mostly blocked out by the surrounding buildings.

"Strange..." he said, as he looked at his motion tracker, seeing the little blips surrounding him move in road-like patterns. None of them were marked as hostile signatures, but he couldn't quite be sure. "Ghost, give me a full analysis of the area." he said, casting his arm out, as one would if they were releasing something gently. He looked expectantly for the familiar white shape to appear in his palm, but... his Ghost didn't respond.

"That's... that's right..." he continued, as faint details of his fight with Skolas came to mind. While his voice was artificial, the cadence of emotions, of fear and sadness in his voice was anything but robotic. "Okay, I guess I'll have to do this manually... running diagnostics..." he said, overviewing a list of components his armor and weapons provided. While most of it looked clear... it appeared that his reserve ammunition systems were malfunctioning... his trusty pistol, the Fatebringer, only down to a single magazine, and the chambers of his other weapons pitifully empty. Frustrated, he holstered it at his side, not quite used to having to conserve his ammunition.

Walking to the edge of the alleyway, Saint hesitated briefly, his hand leaving the pistol's side before walking out into the light.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#80 Posted: 21:59:16 02/09/2015
Thyradon looks up to the man in the alley, unfamiliar with his identity. He was unsure what he should say to the man, but as a whole, Tyradon was not exactly in a good mood. "I don't know who you are, but I will be demanding some answers in the next few minutes," Thyradon started. "Who are you, for starters? Where am I? How did I get here? Where is that filthy Nezumi? Answers better start pouring out of your mouth soon if you are one to provide them." Thyradon was not exactly the most warming creature in the alley.
KilaIesha Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#81 Posted: 09:52:15 03/09/2015
Marumi takes a deep breath and stands up. He pats his cheeks gently and shakes his head. "Alright. Just go out there and see if anyone can explain this. Simple." Marumi takes soft strides to the alleyway entrance and walks out into the bustling market. He looks around, noting all of the different creatures when his eyes land on something, or someone, a few paces away. This person in particular was very much out of place. Marumi began to walk towards them. 'Please have an idea of what's going on...'
Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:56:35 04/09/2015 by KilaIesha
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#82 Posted: 13:52:52 03/09/2015
OOC: I'm not going to be on much today, so don't go too far without me please.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#83 Posted: 08:05:49 04/09/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: Wolfgang, Saint is not in Demoara, with Thyradon and Sakar. He's in Havengard with Marumi Daesan, KilaIesha's character.
Turtle Power.
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#84 Posted: 17:53:01 04/09/2015
((I never said he was in Demoara... I just assumed that MugoUrth's character was in Havengard because he heavily implied he was talking to my character. Fixing right now, though...))

As Saint looked around at the markets and buildings nearby, seeing people bustling nearby without conflict, that this must be a City of some sort... a place of peace, akin to the lone city on his home planet. He lifted his helmet and held it firmly in his arm, revealing a face with human-like, albeit mechanical-looking features, as he turned to look back into the alley he'd woken in, to see a blue-eyed figure emerge. Well, as good a place to start as any. he thought, as he walked into speaking proximity (a rather short distance, given the noise from the nearby markets).

"Excuse me, but, er, are you from around here?" he asked timidly, the yellow lights that formed his eyes quivering ever so slightly as he spoke. While his voice sounded rather artificial, there was a very 'human' quality to his speech.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 19:15:08 04/09/2015 by Wolfgang
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#85 Posted: 22:56:57 04/09/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: He was talking to an NPC. It's all good. We just need to wait for Orion to post.
Turtle Power.
Orion Green Sparx Gems: 464
#86 Posted: 21:26:32 05/09/2015
OCC: My apologies, been kinda busy with school, house, and band stuff.

Sakar hears the man calling for her and walks over to him. "Can I help you with something?" She says to the man.
"Ideals without strength are nothing."
KilaIesha Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#87 Posted: 08:46:26 06/09/2015
Marumi jumps slightly. He stares for a moment then clears his throat, "Ahem. Uh... N-no, I'm not. Truth be told, I'm not even sure how I got here. I take it that you aren't from here either?"
Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#88 Posted: 07:23:03 10/09/2015 | Topic Creator
OCC: Tis my turn. Give me some time please.
Turtle Power.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#89 Posted: 13:13:43 17/09/2015
OOC: Bump.
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