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Everything From Scratch (Dragon Role Play) (Villain Guards Are Needed) [CLOSED]
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#51 Posted: 20:38:42 21/04/2015
Ashflame opened her eyes to see Silvra staring her in the face. She jumped away, settling down a few feet away with her tail wrapped around her feet like nothing happened. She tried a growl to express her disapproval, but only strangled sounds came out.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#52 Posted: 20:53:57 21/04/2015
Sivra frowned a little, not meaning to disturb the Dark dragon. She took a few steps back, to give Ashflame some space, and looked at Ashflame again. Though she couldn't find any way to express her thoughts, there was something bugging her, like a memory she couldn't quite grasp.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#53 Posted: 21:58:07 21/04/2015
Granite was looking at Ashflame and Sivra, curious about them.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#54 Posted: 03:04:12 22/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: The writing on the wallpaper says: if you escape, you will be rewarded with a big prize!
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#55 Posted: 03:11:57 22/04/2015
Cale pulled his head out for a second, face still full of curiosity. He wobbled to stand, but managed to get up off of the floor. He jumped around Siera for a second, wanting her to get up too. Siera Lazily dropped herself to her side giving off a low yawn. Cale paused for a moment to walk around to her face and kneeled down to her. She glared at him as he tilted his head to make their eyes parallel. She sat up again and stood up to walk away, toward Spry and the writing on the wall. Cale was sure to follow.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#56 Posted: 11:45:47 22/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Dragonite's stomach startes to rumble. He jumped at the sound, and crawled over to the basket of apples. Since he didn't have teeth, he just kept licking the apple with his scratchy took about two hour for it to get eaten with some help from Spry.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#57 Posted: 01:48:05 23/04/2015
Siera tilted her head as she attempted to understand the symbols on the wall, "Ihh... Ooo... e... ex... es..." She managed a few sounds as she looked at the proposed writing, but was unsure if what she was saying was right, "Ape... Ooo... LL... B... Buhh..." The next part seemed to stump her majorly, it was much larger than the other group of symbols. Cale was watching Siera's speech attempt, but he knew not what any of it meant.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#58 Posted: 11:27:27 23/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Once Spry finished the apple, he crawled over to Siera and tripped. When he tried to get back up, suddenly, he was a little bit above ground. Spry didn't know what this was... he poked his wings.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#59 Posted: 04:35:32 29/04/2015
Name: Tars
Gender: Male
Element: Shadow
Personality: Quizzical, Ominous, Flat-Out Creepy

Bio: It's questionable whether to say this creature was born of the dark as a catalyst to an unforseen event, or as an equalizer to the light shown about him. One thing is for sure, this dragon was to be raised with utmost caution, and with much overwatch. Some say the most questionable of us, tend to have strange occurrences happen. Best to leave in the hands of a trained caretaker, never letting them out of your sight. It watches; it studies.

// Sorry about the Image link. Still re-learning Forum commands. Also, giving credit to its author where credit is due, I did not make the image. \\
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#60 Posted: 11:32:29 29/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Accepted! Also, I am going to delete Bio off the character sheet! smilie
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#61 Posted: 14:35:35 29/04/2015
A suddenly flicker of his head, and awoke did the dark fledgling amongst his kin. Lightly yawning, he awoke to the feeling of hunger, of course he would be; he had been sleeping long enough. Squinting a bit, Tars lifted his head where he could see over the rim of his little box. There was plenty of commotion, guessing he learned that he usually slept longer than his brothers and sisters. But again, reminded of his sense of hunger, he stretched a bit, flicking his tail and extending his wings, which produced a low frequency humming as they flayed over his head.
Arising, he finally caught himself over the box, accidentally tripping and falling face-first onto the floor. He gave a light puff, pushing a wing that had blinded one side of his face over the fall. Now he was a bit more awake, but then Tars spotted the box of apples, his eyes more open, with the sense to eradicate his feeling of hunger. Picking himself up, he walked between the little crowd of his siblings, and came up to the apples.
Now he had trouble. It seems his little claws could not easily pick up one of the apples.
This annoyed him, but looked as his miniscule claws, and rethought his plan to suit his hunger. The little drake pinced his three talons together and dug them into one of the apples, clenching it up and beholding it before his eyes. How delightful, it looks very nice. Of course, never seeing any form of food before this occurrence, anything would look quite scrumptious at the moment.
But now Tars came upon a new problem. His teeth had not really grown yet, and he could not possibly swallow the apple whole without choking. Focusing back to the apple, and how he would digest it, he suddenly awoken something he did not know.
As Tars fixated back to the apple, the object suddenly split apart with some dark energy ripping it apart from where his talons pierced it.
The pieces dropped to the floor, and Tars nonchalantly started eating them up.

// Oh...excuse me for the long introduction. Force of habit. \\
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#62 Posted: 04:01:25 30/04/2015
OOC: Tars seems like a rather interesting character, I would like to see him in a less limited RP(by less limited, I mean not a baby only RP ^_^)

Siera had kept trying to understand the symbols, these letters.... That's it, that what they were, letters! Her eyes widened as she realized the symbols were familiar, and she was reading them. Now if only she could get her mouth to translate it to audio. Then the smell of the apple crossed her nose, her nostrils flared as she too in the fresh scent.

She turned sharply to see Tars eating a diced apple. She began her trip over, curious of both the food and the dragon eating what seemed to be the only food in the room. When she made it over to the apples, she hopped up to place her paws on the baskets edge. Her overall weight wasn't enough to tip it over, so she took her slightly elevated position to survey the apples. Cale hadn't been left behind and popped up on the edge with Siera, their combined weight shifted the basket toward them. It roles slightly letting its contents fall out on top of the two.

Rolling over from the fall, Cale was first back on all four and pouncing on the rolling apples. Siera stared at the roof for a second before looking around as she lay on her back. A sudden pressure on her stomach made her shoot up to find Cale had placed an apple on her. The gifted apple was a green one, and was as smooth and perfect as the others. Her claws dug into its sides as she moved to over between herself and Cale. She raised the apple up, and brought it back down roughly, cutting half of it and mushing the other. It was turned into apple sauce, to an extent.

Cleaning her claws with her mouth, she picked out some of the small chunks and started eating it herself. She winced as the sudden tang of the first bite, but continued as the flavor was enjoyable. Cale joined in, figuring he was allowed to, seeing as Siera didn't fight him for any of it.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#63 Posted: 11:51:47 30/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Spry crawled away from the letters because it was boring him. He saw Tars and made a greeting face. Then, he noticed a water droplet on his forehead.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#64 Posted: 11:54:11 30/04/2015
Voltaire and Acorn walked over to the apples and joined in eating them.

Granite was continuing to look at the words; he wished he knew what they were.

Scaree was playing with an apple.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#65 Posted: 14:20:16 30/04/2015
Tars fiddled with his eyes a bit. Now the crowd came to him. Was it something he did; was he a natural attractant to his own kind? He could almost see the words he thought in his head, but he could never really understand them. But he knew what he was thinking.
He laughed a silent chuckle, just his body vibrating a bit, but no indecidable audio from his maw could be heard. Looking at his claw, he appeared to have witnessed one of his own little kinks.

Noticing the fallen basket, he started to gently claw at it. After a few strokes he could start to see some dark aura corrupting the marks from which he had created. This time he stepped back, and soon the cracks began to crack all the way around the basket.

His eyes lit up a bit, but not in a fashionable form, for a short moment, his eyes glew with a lavender flare, and the basket collapsed on itself into small pieces. He giggled a bit at this, then started pawing at the leftover pieces of weaving. He picked up with his toothless mouth and trodded silently over a foot from everyone else. He found his new toy.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#66 Posted: 19:59:27 30/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Dragonite started to squirm a lot. He crawled as quick as he could away from the rest of the dragons. He needed to go to the bathroom, yet, he didn't no where to go!
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#67 Posted: 00:51:02 01/05/2015
Cale had paused his eating to watch the basket fall apart; he was curious as to why it fell apart. Though it was interesting and unexplainable, he stuck to eating a few more bits of apple. Siera had her fill, as little as it was she didn't feel the need to eat anymore. She marched about away from the apples and over toward the writing, unknowingly actually. When she came to a halt, she dropped to role over to her side and stretched a little. The room's lighting was rather bad, but it didn't appear so to her, it was apparent when Cale bumped into almost all the apples on his way over.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#68 Posted: 01:01:36 01/05/2015
Growing bored of his little playtoy, he noticed the stumbling little brother and his sister close to a wall. But looking towards the wall he saw miscoloration within the poorly crafted wallpaper. Arising, he began his trod, though he had more luck traversing the floor than Cale had. Now standing behind Siera, he began to look up at the wall, tilting his head in a most, awkward position. His eyes appeared very slate, as if he had no pupils. He made a few dunting noises with his feet, and a few squeaks with his mouth.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#69 Posted: 01:56:32 01/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Dragonite and Spry both felt a few more water droplets on their head. It made Dragonite squirm twice as much, because of the feeling of water.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#70 Posted: 15:18:32 01/05/2015
Siera wiggled some to sit back up. Both the sound of Tars tapping and the slashing water droplets caught her attention. She looked at Dragonite as he and Spry squirmed about from the random water drops. She found I rather amusing for them to be scared of small does of falling water, but the falling water made her snap to looking at where it came from.

Cale just stared at Tars, still unsure of any of the other dragon children in the room. He crawled around to the other side of Siera, placing her between him and Tars. He doesn't quite know why, but he trusted Siera, probably because her scent was similar to the others, and his own. Siera didn't seem to notice or justify that she had noticed the light colored male crawling about.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#71 Posted: 15:27:56 01/05/2015
Tars was caught up in something that the only proper word would describe would be, a Trance.
Slowly he crept around the two, almost as if he didn't even know of their presence that moment. Now face first with the wall, he silently lifted a claw and started to draw what seemed like letters, in the same fashion as the ones above him. Though his lettering seemed darker. The letters themselves seemed to bleed some dark magic, which he unknowingly ignored.
Abruptly, he wagged his head. The orbs where his wings angled began to spin a bit, like entities on their own. Tars fell on his back, still starring up at the wall, confused on even what he just did.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#72 Posted: 11:24:33 04/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Spry noticed that the wall was leaking, and he crawled around the room to find something to hold the water. There was the basket with the apples, yet that was torn up. Spry motioned Siera to come and help him.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#73 Posted: 15:38:42 04/05/2015
Siera's attention snapped to Spry, of all the others he was the one she noticed making random motions. Probably to get someone's attention, so she got up and walked over, not quite sure what he wanted so she just watched him as she came closer.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#74 Posted: 11:37:30 11/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Spry pointed to the leak in the wall and kept looking for a place to hold the water. Dragonite kept squirming like a worm for the whole day.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#75 Posted: 13:04:23 11/05/2015
Granite also noticed Spry and walked over, curious about said brother's actions.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#76 Posted: 19:11:49 13/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Spry walked away from the leaking spot. He went over to the words on the wallpaper looking back at the big puddle formed by the leak. Dragonite continued to squirm.

Ooc: smilie lol
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#77 Posted: 00:35:55 15/05/2015
Vato creeped up to the puddle of water. He started lapping up the water, his first drink in a while. He drank half of the puddle before being sated and lumbering over to the basket of apples. He scratched and scrabbled at the fruit, although not making any progress. He sighed and plopped back down.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
LegendOfZelda Emerald Sparx Gems: 3787
#78 Posted: 00:36:57 15/05/2015
OOC: may I join here soon?
My avatar looks like crap because dark has a stupid 40KB size cap
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#79 Posted: 00:40:48 15/05/2015
Tars finally got up. And within his vision, the letters he had carved into the wall began to shape into oddly shaped symbols. By some insight, Tars could understand his own lettering, his form of communication. Tars was not able to speak, but could only drawout lettering into his own personal language. However, being in his own language, he would also have to decipher the meaning of it, but did know the words.

He tapped on the wall again, and the lettering disappeared. Snorting, Tars met a few of his kin by the little water pool and began lapping it with his forked tongue.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#80 Posted: 11:28:35 15/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: LegendOfZelda, yes, yes you may!
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#81 Posted: 04:30:51 16/05/2015
Siera watched Tars from afar, but was still rather curious about the shapes on the wall. The water didn't bother her, and she simply ignored it for the time being. Cale was rich on her tail as always, padding softly around just behind her, looking about at the dark room. The water and apple sauce smell filled the air as well as the eary quiet that seemed to befall the open space they currently, yet unknowingly, were trapped in.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#82 Posted: 16:50:07 16/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Dragonite and Spry heard footsteps by the locked door, then a familiar voice, "Harr Cat!" growled Spry. Dragonite tilted his head.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#83 Posted: 00:49:57 19/05/2015
Siera tilted her head for a second, "Cat?" She replied with a slur to hint her questioning the saying. She followed up with, "Kay Kay." She then hobbled over to Spry. Cale this time sat secluded, looking around at the others as they moved about. Cale bounced up onto his paws and started running around, pouncing on an apple here and there.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#84 Posted: 01:05:45 19/05/2015
(I haven't a clue what to type, but don't want to drop out of this either ... hmm.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#85 Posted: 11:16:00 19/05/2015 | Topic Creator
"Cat!" screamed Spry, remembering a few more things. He scratched on the door and said again, "Catr!" It was Catrina!
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:47:51 25/05/2015 by OshawottAC19
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#86 Posted: 00:48:54 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Sorry to double-post, but could someone please post something!
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
ViceEmargo Green Sparx Gems: 373
#87 Posted: 02:15:46 25/05/2015
Tars responded by the boisterous noises of his kin by running by them and towards the door, then began to scratch at it. Odd grumbles and rumbles echoed from him as he grunted and growled at the door, not even knowing what is going on, or what they are saying.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot." - Confucius
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#88 Posted: 11:32:00 01/06/2015 | Topic Creator
Suddenly, Spry felt dizzy. Dragonite felt dizzy also. It seemed as though the brainwash might have been wearing off. Someone was outside the door, screaming, "Doctor! You are useless! I wanted a permanent brainwash! Now, they'll probably have a better memory soon!"
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#89 Posted: 21:36:30 01/06/2015
Ashflame cocked her head, running toward the door. She put her horns against it, trying to pick up more of what the creatures outside were saying. She thought, Doctor…are useless…wanted…now they'll…have…better memory… She desperately wanted to tell someone, but again, when she opened her throat, only strangled noises came out.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#90 Posted: 11:27:43 02/06/2015 | Topic Creator
"Katrina, I'm sorry!" apologized the doctor. Spry's ears perked up. He remembered a lot about Katrina and how she looks. Dragonite remembered a bit too. In seemed Katrina was walking closer and closer each second.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#91 Posted: 05:41:27 04/07/2015
Siera turned sharply to the sound of voices, "Cat?" She shook her head as the weary wave of magic that blocked their brain receptors began to fade, "Cat... Katrina," she put her paws over her head, "Katrina... Mom... Mother... Dad... Father," things, images, voices flashing through her mind. Cale seemed to be un effected, only a blank motionless stare at the door. Perhaps he never forgot anything. Even if he didn't he couldn't speak even if he wanted to.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#92 Posted: 16:42:42 04/07/2015
Name: Tic (Left head) Toc (Right head)
Gender: Tic (Male) Toc (Female)
Element: Convexity
Personality: Very nice, playful
Appearance : Credit to DragonVale
Bio: It is mysterious how a rainbow dragon with 2 heads and both are different sexes was born. But you have nothing to worry about, this dragon is very playful and friendly
Other: Tic and Toc are actually brother and sister, they were fused at birth

Name: Neuro
Gender: Male
Element: Mind
Personality: Smart
Appearence: Credit to DragonVale
Bio: The element Mind is very rare, Neuro is lucky to get this element, as he can read other dragon's minds
Other: Nothing else to really say about this dragon

(You don't have to accept this one if you don't want to, I just made it because the title said it needed more villains)

Name: Drak
Gender: Male
Element: Undead
Personality: Coldhearted, Evil
Appearence: Credit to Dragon City
Bio: Nothing really mysterious or questionable about this dragon
Other: Drak is the new-born of Katrina, he sits by the box of new-borns all day and stays on guard in front of the box. Also since his mind wasn't erased, he knows how to fly and how to talk and all that stuff. Also was wondering if I can talk with Katrina sometimes when I'm using him if you accept him because he's her son.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 9 times - Last edited at 18:43:37 04/07/2015 by PwnageFTW
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#93 Posted: 01:29:07 05/07/2015
Ooc: Has the owner left this rp?....
Quote: Carmelita Fox
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#94 Posted: 01:32:51 05/07/2015
I haven't seen OshawattAC19 for a while, and I myself, have begun losing interest in this myself.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#95 Posted: 01:34:12 05/07/2015
Man, I thought this rp was really cool and I was gonna join it soon... :/

I hope he comes back
Quote: Carmelita Fox
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#96 Posted: 18:19:44 10/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: I'm so sorry! I've been so busy! PwnageFTW, your first two characters are accepted! Sorry, but the villain isn't accepted. Katrina didn't have any more baby dragons.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#97 Posted: 20:27:56 10/07/2015
Ooc: Ok, I understand. Just thought you needed more villains because of title.

Tic woke up and stood up. His sister was still asleep, so he had to drag her on the floor of the box to go get an apple. Eventually Toc woke up and also started eating an apple. Tic looked over at Ashflame. "Rawr!" he said.

Neuro was behind the pile of apples, he finally woke up and saw the apples in his way, and he pushed them away from him, making them topple over Tic and Toc. Tic then pounced on Neuro, dragging his sister behind again.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#98 Posted: 22:49:49 11/07/2015
Cale snap to shaking his attention to the twin-headed sibling as they ate some n an apple, but he soon turned back to Siera who had walked away from him again. Keeping close to her, he rubbed up under her tiny wing, "M-mom?" She was then caught off guard by Cale's touch that she almost shoved him to the ground. Cale kept his balance and came back up under her wing.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#99 Posted: 03:41:48 19/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Dragonite had a sudden flashback, he imagined a picture of his parents. "Ma Ma Da Da," he remembered his parents greeting him, "Wello! You cute one!" Dragonite was speaking very loudly, Spry stared and started to remember some things to.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
Also, Join My RP Total Drama Gaming 1!
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#100 Posted: 03:43:58 19/07/2015
Tic and Toc were started to remember to. Neuro was wondering what they were doing, staring off into space. He read their minds, and started to remember their mom and dad.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
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