Quote: vinzclortho37I'm hoping this isn't an indication that Skylanders 5 will have online multiplayer. If it does, I'm out of the Skylanders game. Immediately.
Online multiplayer is the worst thing to happen to gaming since, well, ever. It sucks resources from the single player side of things, and it allows for gamers to overlook shortfalls on story, innovation, gameplay, etc. because, hey, who cares about the single player if we can play another pointless, recycled online deathmatch, right (sarcasm)?
Nothing signifies the death of a game or franchise like smashing online multiplayer into the package, whether or not it makes a damn bit of sense with the game in question. With resources diverted to some stupid online functionality, I guarantee that #5 will not only be the worst of the franchise, it will kill off the fanbase. Some will leave because we know how bad online multiplayer is for franchises and we won't want to see the carnage, others will drop when the main game turns out poorly... and it will, I promise you. We are already losing people to franchise fatigue, and a bad game will be just the excuse they need to stop caring completely.
Skylanders, to me, is a game that is defined by its characters. I love the collecting and hunting for the newest toys, but the game itself sees its strongest point in the characters. They all have different looks and powers. They all have clever little backstories and they all fall seamlessly into the concept of an ever-expanding army of warriors gathered to protect the lands they love. Online multiplayer would strip all this right out. It will become another generic game where which character you choose doesn't matter anywhere near as much as an itchy trigger finger and the ability to be racist, sexist and homophobic over an online mic. Strong characters and story is the antithesis of online multiplayer, and one cannot exist in the same space with another. If Skylanders adds online, it will simultaneously lose whatever heart and soul it has built up to this point.
So, yeah, this really saddens me. If drags me even further down to see people excited for online multiplayer, as they don't seem to realize what they will be giving up for a game mode that is pointless and doesn't fit with the series.
I don't want to sound condescending, if I come off that way, I apologize - its not the intent.
Are you crazy? Have you actually looked at the AAA titles with heavy multiplayer like CoD? Yes resources go to multi-player, but I'd wager that more resources are actually spent on the 'no one plays this' single player experience. They hire actual ACTORS.
And not even going THAT far, you do realize that while you'r bashing the multi-player experience, the reason so many resources go towards it is because *gasp* PEOPLE LIKE IT. If you go back and check this forum, I'd wager 9/10 people have asked for online multi-player at some point in the series. NOTHING adds more replay value than 'adding more people'.
And to sort of 'bash' Skylanders - you mention the individuality of the characters, yet - at least to me, Spyro is Ryu, High Five is Ken, Dro-Bot is Akuma, etc. The game is FILLED with like 100 characters, but only like 10 actual powers, just mixed and matched onto characters who have 'interesting backgrounds'...that are NEVER EXPLORED OR MENTIONED IN THE GAME. Frankly, outside of going to a web-page, I can't tell you SQUAT about any characters backstory, it's actually pretty irrelevant. Call a spade a spade, Skylanders is a kids game, it is not deep, and you get out of it what you want to get out of it. The game and series won't be worse for wear by adding in multiplayer options. Not only is the big brother to all of this Activision, who have been doing multi-player games as long as anybody, but I have to ask, what resources would be lost by looking at multi-player? The game is now at the "no FMV" point, the plot isn't exactly "Shaw Shank Redemption", realistically most of the level of effort is tied into level design and new figures.
And hey - most multi-player is BASED off EXISTING single player maps/levels
So calm down about the possible addition, it's not going to 'hurt' anything. Frankly they could give us a brand new game with NO new characdcters and a lot of us would be happy.
- Unreall