
Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Spyro: A Hero's Tail [CLOSED]
PrincessPeachie Green Sparx Gems: 232
#51 Posted: 09:55:12 06/12/2006
Spyro. It changes his appearance, so that he looks like Ember or Flame. But he still keeps his own voice- it's really creepy playing Ember because she still has a guy's voice!!! LMAO
<3 Spyro <3
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#52 Posted: 14:30:02 06/12/2006
lol, ahh i see. so in other words it is a different character, except half-way thought out by the developers? lol
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
PrincessPeachie Green Sparx Gems: 232
#53 Posted: 09:12:14 07/12/2006
Yes haha!! But they all use the same attacks as Spyro etc. The onyl change is the appearance. I wish they could have at least bothered to change the voice... T___T;;
<3 Spyro <3
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#54 Posted: 21:47:00 08/12/2006
e_e like that would happen.

Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
PrincessPeachie Green Sparx Gems: 232
#55 Posted: 09:10:19 09/12/2006
Haha, suuuuuuure you do. *puts on pink-tinted glasses* Well, actually... maybe.... =_=
<3 Spyro <3
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#56 Posted: 17:40:02 09/12/2006
Your avatar is king of a demonstration of an Ember-looking Spyro
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#57 Posted: 18:59:22 09/12/2006
yeah, id say. your avatar rocks peachie!!!!!! nice photo-shop work!
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
PrincessPeachie Green Sparx Gems: 232
#58 Posted: 10:39:40 10/12/2006
Hehehe awww thank you! ^__^ <3

Haha my avatar could be a perception of an alternative Spyro universe where Spyro falls madly in love with Ember and joins the Ember fan club where you have to dye yourself pink and wear pretty sequins all over you and fly around in a pink girly castle!!!
*gasps for air*
....yeah. smilie
<3 Spyro <3
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#59 Posted: 19:14:28 10/12/2006
i said your avatar was good,lets not get carried away. lol, just playin
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#60 Posted: 22:01:08 16/12/2006
Cool new avatar, Volteer! But I think we need to get back on topic here..

I thought the graphics were awesome, the playable critters were cool and the music rocked!!
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#61 Posted: 22:57:42 16/12/2006
well, i will find out about it this christmas, when i get it!!!1 lol, what avatar? ive changed it sooo many times today
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#62 Posted: 23:21:38 16/12/2006
Me too. Anyway, I thought that this is the second best game in the series; ANB is the first.
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#63 Posted: 00:15:01 18/12/2006
lol, cool!!! and i get them in 7 days!!!! yes!!!
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#64 Posted: 23:14:14 21/12/2006
This game was good I guess, BUT NO SPYRO GAME would be good as the classics! (OK, ANB would be pretty close)
p.s. Volteer you should also get YOTD and GTG along with AHT and ANB ( If you can't get YOTD or GTG get them off amazon after christmas, trust me you will LOVE them)

Rathecat Fodder
#65 Posted: 02:03:48 23/12/2006
Help,, I had to go back from reds lab to collect more gems , but i haft to find a teleporter so i haft to get past dark mine but i cant, at some point of the game I cant fly pass some pipes .. to get to a highér lever to go through a opening... I just cant its totaly blocket... have anyone had this problem?
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#66 Posted: 01:20:05 24/12/2006
Yeah... Anyway I give this game 7.5/10
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#67 Posted: 02:12:51 24/12/2006
I give it 9.9/10.
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#68 Posted: 02:58:27 24/12/2006
My top 5:
YOTD 10/10
ANB 9.999,999,999,999
STD 9.6
RR 9.2
AOTR 8.9
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#69 Posted: 03:02:08 24/12/2006
On anb wouldn't it be 9.9 wid that one bar above it? (meaning that the .9 goes on 4eva...?)
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#70 Posted: 03:23:33 24/12/2006
Uh... that means that ANB is SUPER close!
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#71 Posted: 23:33:03 27/12/2006
Yeah! ANB is (in MY opinion) WAAY better than YOTD. Anyway, I thought that the graphics were kick-butt in this game and the gameplay is fun! smilie
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#72 Posted: 00:45:59 28/12/2006
These are the resons why this game is not my favorite:
-Spyro's voice sux
-Sparx is arrogant
-Hunter is arrogant
-Egg theives are too easy to catch
-Almost no veichle driving
- Graphix look too....... bright
-(For me) No replayability
-I miss Sparx's normal,buzzy voice
-You don't get you're gems back
-The music is not anything like Spyro (I miss Stewart Copeland!)
-A bit too childish (But I also thought YOTD was a bit childish)

However this game........
-Had good graphix
-The ball gadget was fun
-You get to torch moneybags!
-Is that it?! (In my opinion) Heh.

It's still good!! It's just that it's not anything like the other Spyro games...... Now I usually play the classics ALOT. They had so much replayability..... But once I completed AHT (Before my game got corrupted) I never played it again.. I mean pink gnorcs!?!?!? The characters were not great ATT ALL. I mean SPARX IS ARROGANT!?!?!? Moneybags is a russian gypsy?!?!?! THAT'S ABSOULUTLEY CR@_@ZY!! If they just brought insomniac back..............Let's just say ALL MY DREAMS WOULD COME TRUE!! smilie If you are a die-hard insomniac fan (like me) You should rent this game before buying..... You will be surprised how different (In a bad way) It is compared to the classics. If you are new to Spyro and you've never tried the classics,you will absolutley LOVE this game.However if you are a TRUE fan of Spyro who loved the classics, I suggest you rent this game to see if you like it or not. Dragginwings I'm not saying you are not a true fan of Spyro i'ts just that....... you should like the classics a bit more. The only way if you are not a TRUE Spyro fan is that if you hated Insomniac. (Who would hate insomniac?!?!?!)

Closing Comments:
Gameplay: 7.0/10| Still pretty fun... but the minigames are boring.
Graphix: 8.5/10| Very good.
Sound: 4.0/10| Ugh! They need to stick with Stewart Copeland!
Charachters: 3.5/10| Horrible- just plain horrible.
Replayability: 2.5/10| No replayability.
Voices: 5.0/10|Only a few people had good voices.
Lastability: 9.0/10| Yay! A good thing! Pretty long lasting!
Error-Freeness: 9.5/10| Almost no glitches!
Collecting: 7.5/10| Not alot of fun....BUT STILL GOOD!
Story: 3.5/10| WTH?! We don't know anything!

Overall: 6.0/10-Fair
A good video game but a bad Spyro game. You know what I mean?

Last edited at 00:46:35 28/12/2006 by spyroandsparx
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#73 Posted: 04:13:35 28/12/2006
Yes, I don't really like the classics as much as this one but....I think that the classics are a tad too BABYISH, you know. Soz, that's STRICTLY my opinion. Soz, the music I think in the classics was a tad babyish, too, and my dad even commented on the music in AHT. Yes, he said it's not your average video game music (in a VERY GOOD way).
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#74 Posted: 17:20:14 28/12/2006
OK let's talk about something else in this game.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#75 Posted: 02:56:26 29/12/2006
Yeah, oh and this might be JUST me, but I think that Spyro runs relatively quickly in this game.... (especially compared to anb)
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#76 Posted: 05:13:28 29/12/2006
To me. he stayed the same speed.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#77 Posted: 15:19:15 29/12/2006
Wow, I must play ANB too much or AHT too little....

(wait, you can NEVER have or play too many video games...)
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#78 Posted: 10:39:17 30/12/2006
ha!your right Dragginwings!
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#79 Posted: 23:11:36 04/01/2007
Of COURSE I am, I am always right!! I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. smilie But not to get off topic or anything, I though the music was also faster than ANB.
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#80 Posted: 18:41:50 07/01/2007
wait a sec. i thought i was always right! lol
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#81 Posted: 21:43:13 09/01/2007
You guys HAVE to admit the enemies are dumber than a potato.
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#82 Posted: 21:49:14 09/01/2007
Quote: spyroandsparx
This game was good I guess, BUT NO SPYRO GAME would be good as the classics! (OK, ANB would be pretty close)
p.s. Volteer you should also get YOTD and GTG along with AHT and ANB ( If you can't get YOTD or GTG get them off amazon after christmas, trust me you will LOVE them)


my parents secretly got me RR (GTG) for christmas!!! the music is so dreamy, i almost fell asleep, lol. and umm with my money i ordered YOTD on the internet. i now own all of them (handhelds dont count) except ETD, and i hope to get it too. it looks fun.
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
PrincessPeachie Green Sparx Gems: 232
#83 Posted: 11:39:56 10/01/2007
YAY!! Now Volteer won't miss out on the classics!! smilie (the very best, in my opinion)
<3 Spyro <3
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#84 Posted: 23:33:22 10/01/2007
yay!!!! lol, yes i am playingYOTD now, just got here. and i hope to get ETD sometime.
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#85 Posted: 15:28:14 15/01/2007
Quote: spyroandsparx
You guys HAVE to admit the enemies are dumber than a potato.

Hey!! Potatoes ain't dumb!! They're good!!! But yeah, the enimies are pretty dumb.....
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#86 Posted: 19:35:52 20/01/2007
Yes,they were. Though,there is nothing wrong w/ this game besides the screwed-up characters and lack of storyline.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#87 Posted: 20:33:17 20/01/2007
Yeah, I agree wid you there, but I really like the gameplay........(of Spyro)
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#88 Posted: 20:37:20 20/01/2007
It was fun,but I prefer Hunter.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#89 Posted: 20:39:08 20/01/2007
Hunter comes in 2nd place for me. (I thought you'd say Sparx!! That had to hurt...)
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#90 Posted: 20:43:42 20/01/2007
Yup...:'( Even though Sparx was my favorite character,I didn't like to play as him. TOOOOOO HARD! I prefer playing as him in YOTD.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#91 Posted: 21:28:58 20/01/2007
Yeah, but I'm not n2 the old school games...
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#92 Posted: 21:32:49 20/01/2007
Ha,me neither....OOOHH!!!That reminds me! I'm gonna start a new board on YOTD! I'ts gonna be 'List your fav playable characters from greatest 2 least' Expect it coming soon!! smilie
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#93 Posted: 01:53:27 21/01/2007
It already did smilie
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12495
#94 Posted: 00:38:34 11/03/2007
This game loox good
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#95 Posted: 12:25:03 11/03/2007
I hope this game is compatible with the Playstation 3. It will get a boost in graphics if it is.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#96 Posted: 11:19:38 19/01/2008
my brother gave me this game along wiv ETD witch was rubbish but i say THIS GAME RULES!!!!!!! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie :bently:
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