(( @Storm You did
Shadowstar walked back under the tree she was previously sitting under.
"Everyone's going to be fine," Iceheart said from beside her.
"I know, and I do trust my warriors, it's just that, i don't want anything bad to happen to them. You see how ShadowClan is still as independent as ever, and the Dark Forest cats still have control over us." she replied sadly, "why won't those fuzzbrains accept the alliance? We'll all die soon if they continue like this, as much as i hate to admit it." Iceheart nodded silently.
"what i don't understand is, the Dark Forest cats could kill us all right now if they wanted to, but they haven't."
"What are you talking about?" Shadowstar questioned.
"Those dark cats are planning something for us all. If we are still alive then they're toying with us..."
That's... possible... Shadowstar thought.