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The Haven Legends (The Missing s fifth act) [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8691
#901 Posted: 02:08:01 28/04/2016
"It's almost time.," Sayan said hearing the warnings in the distance. "It sounds like he has reached the Hunted island.," he said worried.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#902 Posted: 02:10:54 28/04/2016
Ravage rested in the cave with James keeping him company. James and Ravage woke when they started to hear the commotion in the distance. they moved to the back of the cave in order to stay safe.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#903 Posted: 02:14:58 28/04/2016
"You'll protect me right Sayan?" Rose said.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8691
#904 Posted: 02:33:41 28/04/2016
"You know I will.," Sayan said prepared to defend the tiger at all costs.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#905 Posted: 02:42:57 28/04/2016
Rose hugged Sayan. "I'm glad you're my mate."

A few komodos came on Jets back and they along with Sinbad and the other sharks went to Hunted Island.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:16:47 28/04/2016 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#906 Posted: 05:47:09 28/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't even wait the shore. Once Jet was near the island, she swam the rest of the way... even passing over a few enemy sharks, showing no fear at all, which was very rare in her.
"Alright you! I know what you're up to! Where are the Komodo dragons you brought?" Sybil demanded to know, ready to take drastic measures if they didn't answer.
"Miss Sybil? What is the meaning of this?" Mambo asked, very startled. Cole hasn't returned to him, so he assumed he was still feeding, when he was actually warning the cockatoos.

At the white bird's tree, the news hit Barloc like a bag of bricks.
"I knew he was going to attack at night! That sneaky, lowlife coward!" the cockatoo leader said furiously, but then informed that the Komodo dragons haven't been near their tree... but then, both him and Cole came to the same horrifying conclusion;
"They're at Whirlpool's den! they said in unison, finding no other explanation. Whirlpool's home was the only one unprotected save from the maze of tunnels. And if they came disguised, that meant they wanted to infiltrate with the wombat's help.
"I'll go. You warn Sybil! I'll go to him!" Barloc ordered, though doubting the wombat was fooled, having too much faith in the poor creature.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#907 Posted: 09:59:45 28/04/2016
The few komodos who were at the beach turned to Sybil and smirked. H took off his paint. "Heh! You are really a fool aren't you? Lord Shadow is king! He is no fool though. Your friends in that rat cave will be harmed unless you give up and surrender to Shadow. And two you give him the tiger." He then steeped forward.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#908 Posted: 13:13:47 28/04/2016 | Topic Creator
"Rat cave?" Sybil repeated... but then she realized what he was talking about. She almost panicked again, but desisted.
"Man! I should have known! And you! You are the fool! Why is it so I,portent to follow somebody as psychotic as Shadow?" Sybil said, wondering what someone like him did to brainwash all those Komodo dragons and sharks into following him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#909 Posted: 15:09:09 28/04/2016
Shi was sleeping soundly but started to stir hearing some commotion in the distance. Jack continued to carve his wood watching the komodos carefully. Cocux was already at the shor as he bolted for the wombat den yelling "GUYS SHADOWS MEN IS HERE! THEY DISCISED THEMSELVES AS ONE OF US!" Jack heard the yell and sighed "well what did I tell yea? when I'm right I'm right." the wood was a sharp stake and he threw it at the farthest komodo from him like a throwing knife at blinding speed as it stabbed the komodo he jumped at the other one and aimed for the base of the skull as brought his knife down to kill.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#910 Posted: 20:04:30 28/04/2016
The Komodo ducked and whacked Jack with his tail knocking the knife away. "You all are so gullible." Then suddenly a few tackled and pined down Jack. "Nice work men. Lord Shadow will be pleased. Now tie them up!" Another Komodo tied up Jacks hands and feet. And tied up Whirlpool. The lead komodo smirked "that fat cork won't be able to get down here and if he harms any of us we kill one of you."

The Komodos on the beach started to move towards Sybil.

"SYBIL! Quick get on my back!" Jet said.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#911 Posted: 21:14:11 28/04/2016
Jack struggled against them. Crocux was by the entrance snaraling "DAMN THEM! if ounly Dad's fangs weren't busted then he could take care of them." Shi woke up from the commotion and quickly put two and two together "oh no! Jack! Daddy!" Crocux blocked her way "Don't sis! if you go in their you'll get hurt." Shi was crying terrified since almost half her familys lives were in danger. Crocux looked at Sozen "Sozen I have a plan but I need you to do what I say without question and trust me okay?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#912 Posted: 21:33:03 28/04/2016
"What do you have in plan?" Sozen said.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#913 Posted: 21:42:36 28/04/2016
Sunflame cringing in pain, stands up, walking past Guardian and the bound Whirlpool as well as Jack, he speaks. His amber eyes show no fear but the three can see tears running down his cheeks. Looking the leader of the komodo dragon group, he makes his move.
"Enough! If you wish to have a hostage to make sure you can escape alive, take me. I can not and will not fight, or try to escape. Just no more blood, please. If this war can be ended by someone giving themselves to the other side, then I will go. Please take me, I know currently I seem to have no value, other than as a hostage, but when I am healed, you'll see," Sunflame says, even kneeling to him, despite the pain. Though he hopes that the spy or traitor hasn't told Shadow about me, AJ, because by taking me he kills many birds with a single stone. I am far more valueable and easier prey than any of them.

Anvor tears a large tree trunk out of the sand ready to fight. Cowards, going after the healers and the patients. The traitor will pay for this.

Meanwhile in an unprotected tree, curled in a little ball, I sleep, unaware of the danger. My small size will make me an easy target for Shadow. If I am taken by Shadow, perhaps my gentle, compassionate and playful self can change him.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#914 Posted: 22:12:40 28/04/2016
Crocux smiled and said "how accurate are you with that lightning?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#915 Posted: 22:26:16 28/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Barloc reached Whirlpool's den, and was quite surprised to see such a big group in front of it.
"What is this? What are you all doing here?" he asked angrily, addressing particularly to Crocux. It was his first time seeing the crocodile, but he has heard of him a lit from the warblers that visited the island, and friend or not, he couldn't stand predators.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
The Komodo ducked and whacked Jack with his tail knocking the knife away. "You all are so gullible." Then suddenly a few tackled and pined down Jack. "Nice work men. Lord Shadow will be pleased. Now tie them up!" Another Komodo tied up Jacks hands and feet. And tied up Whirlpool. The lead komodo smirked "that fat cork won't be able to get down here and if he harms any of us we kill one of you."

The Komodos on the beach started to move towards Sybil.

"SYBIL! Quick get on my back!" Jet said.

Sybil was stubborn and impulsive, but thankfully, she wasn't stupid. She knew those Komodo dragons wouldn't hesitate to hurt her given the chance, so she did what Jet ordered her. She got on his back.
"Careful Jet. Remember that their bites are poisonous." Sybil warned, not wanting his friend to try attack them since one of them could slip him a bite.

At Whirlpool's den, he was extremely disappointed and gloomy. He had been so stupidly naïve. He hated himself for that. He let the enemy right at the heart of his home, and now, him and his beloved friends and patients were in danger because he couldn't have any sense of malice and distrust.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#916 Posted: 22:43:04 28/04/2016
"Sorry friend but I'm not taking you. Shadow needs someone Sybil knows." He looked at Whirlpool. "Ah! A perfect hostage." He grabbed him.

"I am very accurate but only up to a few feet and only if I can see them." Sozen said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#917 Posted: 22:53:02 28/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Whirlpool couldn't speak very well, so he started shrieking as only wombats could, swiping and clawing everything he could. He was small, but those large digging claws could do serious harm. His sorrow had turned to anger. He knew those dirty reptiles were going to use him to blackmail Sybil, and he didn't want to allow that. He hated the thought of leaving Jack and his patients alone, but he had to try to escape somehow and try to find help. Anyone that he could invite to his burrow and fight those Komodo dragons..

With Sybil now under the protection of Jet, she tried to reason with the Komodo crowd.
"Listen you clowns, don't you know how ridiculous you're being following someone like Shadow? Somebody who is obsessed with control and vengeance will never be satisfied any way. He will start to mistreat you once he has what he wants!" Sybil said, trying to make them open their eyes. She was still wondering how Shadow convinced so many to follow his dark, sadistic path.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#918 Posted: 22:56:49 28/04/2016
Crocux nodded and said "ok here's the plan." he quieted his voice the the enemy couldn't hear "they're bound to come out eventually. when they do I need you to hit them with everything you got. that way we can kill all of the threats and save any hostages."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#919 Posted: 23:10:43 28/04/2016
"Oh quit your struggling. You won't win." The Komodo said.

"Shadow is a great leader. He will take back what is ours!" The Komodo said on the beach.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#920 Posted: 23:30:20 28/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Whirlpool struggled and tried to get away, but it was like an insect trying to escape a Venus flytrap. Having drained most of his energy in the last weeks attending his patients, he soon got tired, and escape became impossible. He could only feel as he was being dragged away by the mighty reptile, ready to be used as blackmail.

"What is yours!? You have your own island already! Why can't you all leave us alone!?" Sybil asked furiously, but before the dragon replied, she spoke again.
"I'm warning you! I won't be as merciful as before! We defeated you all once before, and we'll do it again if we have to!" Sybil warned, her hatred for Shadow extending to his followers. She only wanted Shadow dead, but her hatred was growing so much, she was willing to have almost every of his followers killed as well if they insisted on following that sociopath.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#921 Posted: 00:12:09 29/04/2016
One of the other Komodo dragons flicks his tongue as the other deals with Whirlpool. He shakes his head flicks his tail knocking Sunflame off his feet. Dragging him back to his bed, before with his eyes, warning him not to try anything. Then placing a claw on the leader of the groups shoulder he speaks
"Captain, I heard that there is much easier prey. One that is too small to do anything to us. His name is AJ, he is a margay, and Sybil as well as everyone else will be hurt by this loss. Shadow will strike a significant blow to our enemies, the warrior says with a smile. Know this all of you, if we do not return, Shadow will send others and he will avenge us, making all of you suffer for our death."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:29:56 29/04/2016 by Wyrstel
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#922 Posted: 00:42:02 29/04/2016
The leader smirked. "Nice job. We will inform the others."

"Both islands!" The Komodo said. "Now we are being merciful. Give up and no one shall be harmed. Fight and everything you hold dear will perish." Sharks then began to surround Jet.

"I can't use my power if they have hostages. I'll risk hurting both." Sozen said.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#923 Posted: 00:44:09 29/04/2016
Guardian couldn't take it anymore and spat out his venom but even though it didn't go as far as normal nor was it as accurate but it's rang got wider.

Crocux nodded "I understand but if you're as accurate as you say you are then we might pull this off. the only reason I'm not going in their is because A I don't fit and B they have hostages. If you can't hit them without harming hostages then use it to distract them while I go save the hostages. after the hostages are safe show them no mercy okay?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:48:10 29/04/2016 by ShadeTheDragon
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#924 Posted: 00:56:02 29/04/2016
"Heh so weak. Come on boys we're leaving with our prize." The Komodo said carrying Whirlpool.

"I cannot risk it." Sozen said.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#925 Posted: 04:04:08 29/04/2016
ooc: don't forget Guardian spat at them
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#926 Posted: 10:26:35 29/04/2016
Ooc: I know the Komodo replyed to him. Remember they were too far.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#927 Posted: 15:25:14 29/04/2016
ooc: oh so the "Heh so weak" thing was towards Guardian, ok i get it now.

Guardian thought fast as said "I may not be much now but I'm still co-administrator of Haven and a very close friend to Sybil. if you think she'd be devastated by Whirlpool then just imagine what she would be like with me held hostage."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#928 Posted: 17:11:28 29/04/2016
"Shut it, Cobra. We have a much more delightful and painful target in mind. You will remain here with the others. Our target will hurt everyone not just the feline, you call your leader. With such a blow, Shadow will lead us to victory," the Komodo says with a delightful sinister smile.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#929 Posted: 18:00:43 29/04/2016
Guardian smirked "if you're referring to Rose you've come to the wrong Island. Her mate is back at haven with her. not to mention my son is head of security at Haven so if you wish to deal a painful blow to haven you'd get more leverage with me as hostage then that weak gullible wombat."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#930 Posted: 19:52:30 29/04/2016
"Ha! You think we're stupid enough to go after who is most likely the most guarded? No, you will find out soon enough just who we take, and even you will be hurt by their loss. Come on, Captian, we have a war to win and talking with fools is useless. Besides, I bet you can't, just as I can't wait to hear our enemies cry for their loss. They won't dare fight us, while we have their healer as our hostage, so we will be able to leave unharmed and make our next move," the Komodo says with a sinister smile, as he heads out with the leader and his comrades, out of Whirlpool's den.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#931 Posted: 20:12:07 29/04/2016
"Come we leave." The captain said. With Whirlpool tied up and hanging from the vines they went to the exit. "Back away all of you or your friend will get it!"
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#932 Posted: 20:51:17 29/04/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sorry for this delay. There was a power outage and I couldn't find an Internet connection anywhere smilie

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Both islands!" The Komodo said. "Now we are being merciful. Give up and no one shall be harmed. Fight and everything you hold dear will perish." Sharks then began to surround Jet.

Sybil was at a loss on what to do. Jet couldn't possibly take on all those sharks alone. Unlike last time, they were at a huge disadvantage with the orcas away. If only there was a way to warn them so that they could get there, but that would take too much time.
"Fine... I'll do what you want." Sybil responded, giving up. She knew it was both futile and useless to fight back in those circumstances since defeat was inevitable. She had however, an idea on how could she keep Rose safe, but that involved very risky moves...

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Heh so weak. Come on boys we're leaving with our prize." The Komodo said carrying Whirlpool.

Whirlpool couldn't do anything to avoid being moved away. since his body wasn't responding him. He was, however, trying to make the cobra shut up with sign languages, since all that conversation about Sybil, Rose an the Haven could give very useful information to the dragons.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#933 Posted: 21:00:33 29/04/2016
Guardian was confused and said "there's no one like that on any Island you fools." Crocux thought fast and quickly moved around the corner so when the kamodos come out they wont see him coming when he attacks. Hostage or no hostage he couldn't let them get away. he knows his plan is reckless but it was ether that or let them win.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#934 Posted: 21:33:59 29/04/2016
"Back away you croc! We will kill him if you do not move away. I can smell your sent." The caption said.

Sozen backed away. "Crocux stop! They have Whirlpool!"

"Good girl. Shadow will be pleased. Now come with us." The Komodo on the beach said. "Shadow wants to see you."

"Sybil I will not let them hurt you." Jet said knowing he was too weak to do much.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:39:27 29/04/2016 by Spyroconvexity
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#935 Posted: 22:01:36 29/04/2016
Crocux snarled and backed away. as they were leaving Guardian moved the knife within Jack's reach and Jack took it and started cutting his bindings. He made quick work of his bindings and he jumped after the komodo's and landed on the one with whirlpool in his grasp and holding the knife like a dagger he stabbed the komodo upon landing on it. "your not going anywhere!"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#936 Posted: 22:17:45 29/04/2016
OOC: Jack's hands were tied as well as his legs. He could not of freed himself. Also attacking someone that has a hostage, without having said hostage secure is a big no no. Even more so if they are in group with others. Even if you did manage to get to the one with the hostage, the other ones with him, any one of them could easily kill said hostage themselves. Rule Number One in hostage situation: Secure the hostage. And Whirlpool dies because of the reckless actions of a chimp, that wanted to play hero.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:29:46 29/04/2016 by Wyrstel
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#937 Posted: 22:34:02 29/04/2016
Ooc: let this one go Shade. I have plans later on when they free Whirlpool.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#938 Posted: 23:36:38 29/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Good girl. Shadow will be pleased. Now come with us." The Komodo on the beach said. "Shadow wants to see you."

"Sybil I will not let them hurt you." Jet said knowing he was too weak to do much.

Sybil had no other option. Either one of us would probably be killed if they did not obliged.
"I have to Jet. Don't worry about me." she said, getting off him and going to that bunch of big, drooling lizards. She was suspecting that Shadow knew about the drought and the pod leaving, so evidently, that gave him too much advantage.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8691
#939 Posted: 23:58:44 29/04/2016
Back at the den-- Sayan kept watch of their surroundings just in case trouble decided to come their way. "I hope everything's going well..," he said worried about the others and unaware of the Haven's surrender.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#940 Posted: 00:32:22 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Mambo and Cole watched, hidden by the foliage, how Sybil surrendered, and even the happy-go-lucky kea leader was beginning to panic. Soaring away from the commotion to avoid being heard, they started to discuss.
"This is bad Cole. We can't just go to the Haven and tell everyone that the islands practically belong to the enemy dragons." Mambo said, imagining that Sybil's surrender meant that she would have to gave in her leading position.
"Now now boss. Let's not panic yet. First, we have to go there and tell Mr. Sayan the news, making sure none of the warblers hear. I know that Shadow will want Rose most of all, so it's vital that we warn him." Cole said wisely, convincing his boss to fly to the Haven with him immediately, flying as high as they could to avoid detention. It was easy for them since they were nocturnal, and living in the Himalayas, they could stand the cold.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#941 Posted: 01:01:14 30/04/2016
The Komodo escorted Sybil to a waiting shark and swam off. Soon they reached the main army which was farther out at sea which consisted of a few dozen sharks and komodos. They reached a bigger whale shark that had three komodos on it and wooden armor on it. "Well well well look who came boys. Welcome to the army Sybil." Shadow said.

Ooc: the ones on the island were just a scouting party.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:14:03 30/04/2016 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#942 Posted: 01:08:42 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yes. I imagined those were not the only ones. You have to specify though, if they are further at sea, or a smaller island that it's not the Haven or Hunted island.

Sybil didn't respond, and simply glared at him, with such hatred that was very unusual in her. It was one of the few times she despised being such a small, pitiful animal. A simple civet. She wanted Shadow dead so badly, but she managed to contain her impulses.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#943 Posted: 01:18:46 30/04/2016
"Tell me are you willing to work with me? Or are you going to fight me and cause more harm than prevent? I'll tell you what allow me to take the tiger and the islands and I'll allow you to stay and be my pet. No harm will be done to anyone." Shadow said with a chuckle.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#944 Posted: 01:23:37 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Sybil flinched when Shadow made such an offer. She was very sure he was going to taunt her or maybe even kill her.
"Have you lost it!? I'm not going to work with you!" she yelled, furious that he even dared to suggest it. And as she suspected his goal was the same.
"When are you going to give up this stupid obsession!?" she then ask, needing to know why he was such insistent over such idiotic matter.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8693
#945 Posted: 01:28:53 30/04/2016
"You turn up your nose at offer? I'll tell you what give me that tiger and I will leave." Shadow said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#946 Posted: 01:36:18 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Sybil knew that was one thing he wasn't going to give up, so she thought about something fast to make him forget it.
"Well you are wasting your time. When Rose grew up, she started to turn savage... so I had to banish her." Sybil said, pretending to hold her sniffling. She was praying for Sayan to find out about Shadow's arrival in time so that he could take Rose as far away as possible.

With all that being said and done, the two keas finally arrived at the Haven, and their first move was to go to Sayan.
"Boss. You go to the flock and tell them the news. I'll go to Mr. Sayan and warn him myself." Cole said halfway to his den, and even though Mambo was the leader, he didn't hesitate to obey him. So while they went to separate ways, Cole arrived in just a couple of minutes and called.
"Mr. Sayan! Mister! Where are you! Come out! This is URGENT!" he yelled, knowing that time was precious now more than ever.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8691
#947 Posted: 01:44:08 30/04/2016
"I'm here.," Sayan said without delay immediately alerted to the kea's presence. He could already tell something was wrong.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:44:34 30/04/2016 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#948 Posted: 01:49:57 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
"Listen Mr. Sayan, Shadow's minions are at Hunted island even as we speak. I don't know what they are doing there, or what damage they caused already, but we must be prepared for when they reach here. Miss Sybil is there...but she..." he started to say, approaching Sayan to whisper and avoid any warblers from listening if they were nearby.
"... Sybil had to surrender. They were too many of them, both dragons and sharks. Miss Rose, she must be safe. I figure Shadow will be after her. Guide her somewhere safe." Cole expressed, almost as if he was answering Sybil's prayers. Shadow being after Rose was common knowledge in both islands, and they all knew the young tiger will never be safe as long as Shadow lived.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:52:50 30/04/2016 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8691
#949 Posted: 02:03:29 30/04/2016
As Cole whispered into his ear, a rather serious expression soon formed on Sayan's face. He nodded, knowing that he would have to get Rose far far away.
"Thank-you for telling me.," he quietly said looking back at Rose with concern.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#950 Posted: 02:10:25 30/04/2016 | Topic Creator
Cole was wondering where he should hide Rose, but no idea occurred to him.
"Perhaps the mountain? Sozen's home? I don't think a Komodo dragon would stand that much cold." Cole suggested, knowing that they, being reptiles were very intolerable to cold, but Rose was a Siberian tiger, so she could stand it.

There with Shadow, Sybil was pondering how she could slip away from that army, even if it was for just a little while, to hide Rose. She believed the dingos could help... but the Haven residents all believed they were still their enemies, so it had to be her the one to make the suggestion. It was really tormenting her how she couldn't, escape at the moment, or the thought of not knowing what horrors the rest of the Komodo dragons were doing back at Hunted island.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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