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Dragon Wars: Elemental Unbalance [CLOSED]
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#901 Posted: 00:53:04 13/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Occ: Hey guys my mom is letting me to borrow her computer so I can continue to RPing

Sky sense Shadmé's mental guard slip, He quickly expand his darkness element to her to mentally guard her in case Chromatus is awaiting to try to attack. Shadmé's Darkness element may be stronger than Sky's Darkness element. But he's Mental Guard wasn't weak. It took him years of experience to train himself to guard and use his elements. "Shadmé careful you need to stay focus" Sky sent his thoughts to her shooting his sapphire eyes to her. "You got to remain focus on one thing if you want to make your guard unbreakable. You Darkness element is more powerful than my because of the Darkness Orb. Thus your Mental Defenses are more stronger than my but none of that will matter if you don't stay focus" he mentally advise her, his thoughts weren't harsh or scolding, but instead they were kind like an teacher instructing his student.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#902 Posted: 01:57:53 13/09/2014
"What are you thinking about?" Shade asked.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#903 Posted: 03:24:19 13/09/2014
((Can Blitz find Isis soon? Also, Makil needs to be healed))

Isis cried "This was a waste of time, he hates me anyway" She said to herself

Makil looked at the group "I know that our new friend is interesting, but we need to focus on regrouping and reviving Kihei before continuing" He said weakly, clinging to what life he had left
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#904 Posted: 03:31:34 13/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Occ: Blitz isn't looking for Isis and isn't Stormcrusher healing Makil
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#905 Posted: 03:34:38 13/09/2014
((I meant can Blitz just fly by or something? I'm out of ideas here. I'm not sure about Stonecrusher and Makil))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#906 Posted: 04:20:39 13/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Suddenly there was a bright lights and explosions in the distance. The earth rumbles to life, as a amazing large Flaming Vortex filled the sky before be dispatch with a large and power orange blast of Chaotic energy. Something crimson was falling out of the sky as something quite large was punching and kicking him up and down in the defenseless dragon until it blast it back to earth causing a large explosions.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#907 Posted: 04:36:39 13/09/2014
Isis looked up at the fight and flew over to where the dragon landed and stood between the fighting creatures "What's going on here?" She asked the large thing
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#908 Posted: 04:50:16 13/09/2014 | Topic Creator
"Move out of the way you foolish child" said the mysterious large dragon as he unleash a blast of chaotic energy. As the blast was coming at Isis the dragon behind her sweeps kicks her legs out from under her causing the attack to miss her by mere inches.

"You fool Get out of here!" coughed the wounded dragon as he stood up bleeding. The voice of the Dragon belonged to no other than the Demon Dragon himself....Blitz.


Suddenly Sky's mind rippled and the colors in his mind flash from black, white, yellow, dark blue, grey, green, red, and light blue. Pain was the only thing registering in the Primal Dragon's mind as he's defenses around his mind crumbles. Through his mental link with Shadmé the images of Blitz in pain flooded as to Sky's pain. With a roar of pain so sudden Sky crumble to the ground. The pain was so ferice that it force tears out of Sky's eyes. His body and muscles cringe as the pain filled him. His mind was running on primal instinct to survive lashing out mentally to anyone that is near. He didn't know what was going on but one thing is for sure. Blitz is endanger, But how could he be so link to his most hated enemy?
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#909 Posted: 12:46:30 13/09/2014
"No Blitz! I'm not leaving! I've been looking for you so I could do this" Isis said before grabbing Blitz and running away as fast as she could "Blitz... There's something I have to tell you"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#910 Posted: 12:51:35 13/09/2014
Yeah, uh sorry. I'll remember that. She slipped the dark mist up more. Now what you were saying-
She looked up at Shade again, cutting off her words. "Oh! I was just thinking about...the Darkness Orb. I can't believe I didn't die trying to obtain it." It wasn't a complete lie- discussion of how to improve her guard was linked to the Darkness Orb's power, right?
A flash entered her mind, and terrible images of Blitz and Sky, together, in pain blended together and screeched in her head. She gasped and tumbled to the ground as well, barely realizing the same thing was happening to Sky. Her ears flattened as she squeezed her eyes shut, the turmoil entering her brain and not leaving.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#911 Posted: 14:31:41 13/09/2014
"Shadmé!!" Shade rushed to her side. "Are you ok?"
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#912 Posted: 14:34:39 13/09/2014
Stonecrusher flew over to Shadmé. "What happened here?" he growled.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#913 Posted: 02:01:07 14/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Sky roared in pain, getting up a white aura surrounds him. "MAKE IT STOP!!" he roared as his elemental powers shot into the sky. He flew away from the group. Madden by pain and rage. His emotions mix and turn. What is going on? where is he going?

Blitz growls, "I don't care what you have to say! Get out of here and warn the others!" he growls as a black aura surrounds him. "Get Sky Tell him that Grandpa is back" he said as he push her away.

The larger dragon laughs, "This is too good HAHAHAHA! Run little one run! Let this hunt be fun" he said as he fired off chaotic energy at them.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#914 Posted: 02:09:52 14/09/2014
Isis looked at Blitz "Blitz, I'm in love with you! I don't care what you've done to me and my friends, I just want you to know that someone cares about you... And it's me" She yelled before shooting a beam of light at the large dragon and flying away faster than she knew how to control

Makil looked up "Guys... This might be it for me... Just tell Isis that... I'm proud of her............." He said before going limp, about to die from his injuries
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#915 Posted: 03:18:10 14/09/2014
Shadmé, also affected by Sky's memories, flailed in the dirt for a few moments before rightening herself and shooting into the sky after Sky. Her head was throbbing as colors flashed in her vision, making her flight wobbly.

Wisp looked around at everyone, unsure of his place in the situation.

Meanwhile, a certain dragon watched Sky take off from inside a cave in a canyon. Zak chuckled to himself. The Primal dragon still may be weak from his injuries, and this madness he is suffering makes it worse for him...and all the better for me. He opened his wings and used the Wind element to create a swirling gust that entrapped Sky and threw him against the other side of the canyon.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#916 Posted: 04:42:25 14/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Sky hit the canyon head first, the impact made his mind fall silent and calm. The sky blue dragon fell out of the sky heading toward the ground. He landed with a hard crack of the earth below.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#917 Posted: 05:03:10 14/09/2014
Isis heard a crash and headed to where it happened, upon seeing Sky, she landed next to him "Let's see, my Bromilotoxin should heal his injuries to a good enough extent so he can do everything he needs to, but he'd be sore all over" She said to herself before calmly biting Sky's neck so the Bromilotoxin could enter his bloodstream faster "Stay with me Sky, remember everything we've been through. Whether it was us finding you, our friends getting mortally wounded, you were always the level-headed one. Please don't die" She cried as she held Sky
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#918 Posted: 12:30:28 14/09/2014
Fire blazed around Isis and Sky as Zak dropped down. He'd lit the area on fire. Seeing as the mysterious new dragon was at least partly of the Ice element, it should wear her down quickly. "Fool," he growled. "Go. Away."

Something red and orange filled Shadmé's vision, and the distraction made her flying go all kinds of loopy. But thankfully, Sky had seemed to calm down, straightening her mind out as well. She veered back just before she flew straight into the fire. Shutting her connection to Sky off she dropped to the ground, panting.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#919 Posted: 13:29:11 14/09/2014
"No way are you going to die." Stonecrusher growled. He rubbed some healing herbs on Makil's wounds.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:22:52 14/09/2014 by StormDragon21
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#920 Posted: 14:43:25 14/09/2014
((Whose wounds?))

Isis looked at Zak "Please, stop this fire... You're hurting me" She said

Makil slowly awoke from the herbs "Thanks Stonecrusher, we need to go to the Far North, to the Kingdom of the Ice dragons, Kihei's mother Queen Lira will heal him" He said weakly, his strength was starting to return, but the road to recovery has only started
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:57:53 14/09/2014 by EyeBrawler2014
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#921 Posted: 16:48:37 14/09/2014
Then a huge blast of light hit Zak. Shade then came flying from above. He used his powerful wings to put out the fires. He quickly landed next to Shadmé. "Are you ok?" He then looked at Zak. "Who are you?"
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#922 Posted: 20:57:43 14/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Sky groans as his wounds started to heal, green mist hiss out of his wounds as his body rejects Isis's poison. His Earth element was starting to heal him. Although he could not see, he could feel the heat of the flames. As much as he wanted to he couldn't move. His body refuse to obey him. He became a prisoner inside his own unconscious body.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#923 Posted: 21:16:18 14/09/2014
((Sky, Shade blew out the flames))

Isis started to recover because of Shade blowing out the fire "Thanks Shade, let's get Sky out of here, then I'll explain what's going on" She said as she picked up Sky
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#924 Posted: 21:36:34 14/09/2014
"No You get Sky out of here I'll deal with this guy Isis." He then stood over Shadmé protecting her and growled at Zak.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#925 Posted: 22:31:27 14/09/2014
Isis nodded as she picked up Sky and flew into a nearby cave "Sky, wake up, your grandfather's back and Blitz is in danger!" She said as she shook Sky gently to wake him up
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#926 Posted: 18:29:22 15/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Her words fell upon deafen ears, for Sky was still unconscious.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#927 Posted: 19:11:48 15/09/2014
Stonecrusher hovered over Sky, the sound of his wing-beats steady. "Wake up!" he growled. "Aren't you the dragon of that legend? A legendary dragon can't just be sleeping and things like that."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#928 Posted: 21:20:17 15/09/2014
"Sky! Am I useless!? I am not even going to ask, I am useless." screams Stormy.
Weekly Question: Would You Choose Cat Or Dog For Splatfest In Splatoon? (Post Your Answer On My Wall)
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StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#929 Posted: 21:43:01 15/09/2014
"Calm down, little guy." Stonecrusher told Stormy. "He's unconscious."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#930 Posted: 23:29:28 15/09/2014
Isis looked at Sky "This is all my fault, if I just would have kept running while I had Blitz in my hands, Sky wouldn't have gotten hurt" She cried as she picked up Sky and held him
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#931 Posted: 16:12:23 16/09/2014
Chromatus greeted Stonecrusher and Spiral kindly then looked over as Shadme's guard went down, he didn't intrude, but in the small gap he heard someone say something about him, just a brief snatch, but just enought to know they didn't trust him, then the link flare with color to his eyes, even though none could see it, let alone its contents, and he felt the pain and madness flow through the link from Sky and affect Shadmé too. They were effected by it in similar ways. Chromatus wanted to reach out and stomp out the link, ending at least Shadmé's pain, but knew that it would double up for Sky, possible killing him. He watched as they both shot into the air and then Sky was batted against the cavern wall. That wasn't his doing.

A half-poison half-ice champion descended from the sky, he could tell she was a Champion as her power levels were the same as Wisp's and he was a champion. Isis picked up Sky and Stonecrusher hurried to him, a small dragon was screaming something but Chromatus ignored him, he rushed over to Shade's side and landed, skidding round, he closed his 10 eyes for a second, then opened them, each set glowing, five intertwining beams shot from each head, of; darkness, electricity, fire, earth and ice. They twisted through the air and barreled into Zak's side like an almighty punch.

Chromatus glowered menacingly at Zak, then looked at Shade, "What should we do with him? he asked, pointing a claw at Zak, he only spoke with his main head, the ice one, as anything would disconcert just about anyone.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:56:32 17/09/2014 by Eternal Sunfury
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#932 Posted: 16:41:18 16/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Occ: @Eternal Sunfury Could you rephrase you reply? It kind of sounds that you controling ShadowMewX's character to me at least
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#933 Posted: 18:24:37 16/09/2014
OoC: Umm, I'm not sure what you mean... not being rude or anything just want clarification of where so I can change it

EDIT: Done
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:47:31 18/09/2014 by Eternal Sunfury
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#934 Posted: 18:28:26 16/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Occ: where the attack hits Zak and sending him sprawling on to the ground
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#935 Posted: 18:47:35 16/09/2014
"I've got this. I want to see his power." Shade said still standing over Shadmé protecting her.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#936 Posted: 19:25:47 16/09/2014
((Isis is also part Light btw))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#937 Posted: 23:43:21 16/09/2014
Stonecrusher stood over Zak in case he got up. "What's this guy's name?" he asked.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#938 Posted: 06:48:25 18/09/2014
Nefarian landed next to Chromatus, "I have no idea," he said in response to Stonecrusher's question, "I've never seen him before"
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#939 Posted: 16:03:01 18/09/2014
The combination of attacks served in sending Zak flying a fair distance, his body scorched and smoking from the damage. Zak wheezed and coughed, trying to steady himself. The Primal Dragon had allies, that was for sure. He had assumed that in this state, his target would be an easy picking. He'd been wrong. Using his Wind element to give him breath he lofted himself up and stared at Isis, ignoring the others. Any information about his motives would be set upon with malice and no chance of redemption. "Give me...the Primal Dragon..."

Shadmé looked up at Shade, utterly weakened by the series of events. "Sh-Shade..." she whispered.

Wisp and Spiral followed the others, Wisp beginning to generate a little wind to bar Zak's escape to the sky, if he were to do so.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#940 Posted: 16:23:59 18/09/2014
Shade looked at Shadmé. "Shadmé you're ok!" He gently nosed her.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#941 Posted: 18:55:20 18/09/2014
Isis held Sky close "Please wake up, Blitz needs you, we need you, the world needs you!" She cried
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#942 Posted: 19:39:20 18/09/2014
Shadmé smiled at Shade's show of affection. "Y-yeah, I guess. That was was like..." She frowned as she remembered Shade's reactions before the incident. "I'm sorry Shade...I didn't tell you everything. Sky and I were talking through out darkness powers. Something happened that caused a memory flash, and since we were connected it affected me too."

"Separate, fool dragon," Zak repeated in a gravelly voice that hid any emotion.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#943 Posted: 19:53:05 18/09/2014
"No! I won't give you Sky!" Isis said before shooting a beam of light in Zak's eyes and flying away "Blitz will know what to do Sky, he has to, he's your brother" She said to Sky as she landed near where she saw Blitz last
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#944 Posted: 19:59:50 18/09/2014
Zak merely closed his eyes, the skull covering his head protecting from most of the damage. Even if he was temporarily blinded, the dragon's distress was making her fly with a lot of sound. He lofted up and tracked her wing-beats. Forcing his yellow eyes open, he flew beside her. "Going somewhere? I've given you enough chances." With no warning he spat more fire at the Poison Champion.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#945 Posted: 20:16:43 18/09/2014
Isis blasted some of the fire before getting hit by a lucky shot "Why do you want Sky so badly?" She asked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8986
#946 Posted: 20:33:49 18/09/2014
Then suddenly a blast of water blocked Zak's fire attack. "Oh no you don't!!" It was Crystal and she came to protect Sky and Isis. "I cannot let you harm them!!"

"What happened Shadmé?" Shade said as he gently helped her up.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8437
#947 Posted: 21:14:23 18/09/2014
Zak was silent as Crystal arrived, flapping his wings to direct the wind, driving the water into Isis.

"Um...I think it had to do with...with Blitz," Shadmé revealed.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#948 Posted: 23:11:39 18/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Sky fell out of Isis's grasp and fell to the ground, The limp body laid there. But a muffle groan slips through his lips. Mentally cursing himself for not being able to wake he laid there trap within his mind.

Suddenly the ground shift under Nefarian's feet soon the earth risen under him like a gaping mouth and closed around him dragging him underground. It seems to travel extremely fast as if the earth itself is being control by another. Someone that is immensely powerful with the earth element.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#949 Posted: 00:10:57 19/09/2014
((Sky, did you see my last PM))

Isis wasn't phased by the water, it was actually quite refreshing. She picked up Sky once again "This is my only chance at impressing Blitz! I have to do this right!" She said before she hugged Sky and whispered into his ear "Please wake up"

Makil slowly made his way over to the area Zak and Isis were in "Leave my daughter alone!" He growled at Zak
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
OshawottAC19 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#950 Posted: 01:13:43 19/09/2014
"Hmm... I do not like my name. Stormy, Stormy, hmm." wonders Stormy
"How about, Pecker! decides Stormy (Pecker) still thinking about others names.
"What do you think everyone!" asks Stormy.
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