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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE
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Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE [CLOSED]
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#851 Posted: 13:22:07 25/06/2012
Nice. I was really hoping the figures would be in the bags. Of course "With purchase" could have many meanings. Does it mean with purchase in the bag? With purchase you get a code to redeem?
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#852 Posted: 13:36:05 25/06/2012
Thanks dark,

It looks like we are getiing two promotions again. The second set of bagss clearly says win on them (the ones with Spyro, Gill Grunt). You have no idea idea how happy I am with the fact they may be in the bags after all. The ony issue is two sets of promos indicate another possible store/chain exclusive.
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#853 Posted: 15:06:58 25/06/2012
Anyone notice that both bags come with the same chips. smilie
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
SteveW Blue Sparx Gems: 964
#854 Posted: 21:05:40 25/06/2012
I sure hope they are in the package, I don't trust sending away for them and having to wait 6 to 8 weeks because if you never get it then it's too late to buy another pack.

I have a feeling that we will have to send in for them because it doesn't say "inside each pack" or something similar...

I just sent them an e-mail, I'll post here when I get a reply.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:10:59 25/06/2012 by SteveW
applenut Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#855 Posted: 22:18:39 25/06/2012
Okay, I work for Frito-Lay, we just started delivering these packs in my area today (Philadelphia, PA). The deal is you need to buy the bag, send in the form thats in the bag along with $2 shipping, and then they'll send you a figure in 6-8 weeks. I haven't seen the form yet, but I'm hoping you get to choose which one you want as the fine print says there is a limit of four sidekicks per household. Also, these are not going to be chain specific.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#856 Posted: 22:57:33 25/06/2012
Quote: applenut
Okay, I work for Frito-Lay, we just started delivering these packs in my area today (Philadelphia, PA). The deal is you need to buy the bag, send in the form thats in the bag along with $2 shipping, and then they'll send you a figure in 6-8 weeks. I haven't seen the form yet, but I'm hoping you get to choose which one you want as the fine print says there is a limit of four sidekicks per household. Also, these are not going to be chain specific.

AW YEAH.....
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#857 Posted: 23:36:40 25/06/2012

Send in forum (if there's 4 per house, then I can say "GIMME ALL THEM" or my sister would say "GIVE ME ALL THE FREAKING WHISPER ELVES")
Get the toys.

I dunno how many you can get per forum.

But I I can get 4 per forum,
I get 2 multipacks
Send 4 to meh
4 to my friend
Get the 4 from meh friend
And give them to the people who want them, but live outside of the area where the promo is.

So all. Need is two.

6 to 8 weeks later and I am DONE!

(then I will go hunting again for giants.)
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#858 Posted: 00:38:51 26/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: ZapNorris

Send in forum (if there's 4 per house, then I can say "GIMME ALL THEM" or my sister would say "GIVE ME ALL THE FREAKING WHISPER ELVES")
Get the toys.

I dunno how many you can get per forum.

But I I can get 4 per forum,
I get 2 multipacks
Send 4 to meh
4 to my friend
Get the 4 from meh friend
And give them to the people who want them, but live outside of the area where the promo is.

So all. Need is two.

6 to 8 weeks later and I am DONE!

(then I will go hunting again for giants.)

I doubt they are gonna let people order all 4 on one form. All we can do is wait. Remember, this is a FRITO LAY promo, they want to sell their product...the more they get us to purchase, the more profit they make.
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
matthewgerber Blue Sparx Gems: 662
#859 Posted: 00:53:05 26/06/2012
Quote: Postalgoddess
I doubt they are gonna let people order all 4 on one form. All we can do is wait. Remember, this is a FRITO LAY promo, they want to sell their product...the more they get us to purchase, the more profit they make.

Too true.

What will a sidekick cost?

(1) Multi-bag of Frito-Lay chips.............$8.00
Check to cover shipping........................$2.00
Stamp and envelope to mail request.....$0.75
Cost of each Sidekick............................$10.75

These things won't be cheap! They're certainly not free no matter how you look at it!

^Remember you get chips too.

Cost of each Sidekick............................$10.75
Minus the value of the chips..................$0.01
Final cost of each Sidekick....................$10.74

Portal Master Blaze Brightsun @ Skylanders:Universe
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:13:35 26/06/2012 by matthewgerber
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#860 Posted: 01:09:07 26/06/2012
^Remember you get chips too.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#861 Posted: 02:12:47 26/06/2012 | Topic Creator
So appx $40 for, hopefully, a full set of sidekicks and 80 snack bags of chips. They'll probably be selling for more than that on eBay. Let's just hope it's as easy as it sounds. A BIG thank you for the inside info from the Frito Lay rep. I am just wondering, Frito Lay does not fess up to the FSS promo being "chain specific", how do we know there won't be a third promo?? They cover all markets with the "generic" promo, and customer service did not even seem to know there were several variations. We found random bags and coupon bags on every corner of the US, it was the THIRD promo that was the lucrative one!! In round one, they blanketed our walmarts with the rock bottom offer...then covered our grocery stores and targets with the second best promo, why FSS was targeted into one chain...I have no idea. I really hope they don't use the same strategies for round two, as we all experienced....they were not very effective.
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
Kesrael Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#862 Posted: 04:40:34 26/06/2012
Actually, I'm a fan of the $2 charge. 1) it's kind of a 'guarantee' you're going to receive something and 2) if you send a check, you can sort of 'track' that and know when they cash it/when your figure might show up. After its cashed, something had better show up.

But yea, I'm wondering too how they're going to decide which figure you're going to get. With this 'waves' thing, is each form going to be only for a certain figure and you're going to have to blindly buy bags hoping the form inside is for the next figure i.e. 'wave'? Like, you'd buy a bag, wait 2 weeks, buy another bag and just hope it's not a left over from the last wave?
I'm Kesrael_V on Lost Islands! Add me!!
sekretskwerl Green Sparx Gems: 196
#863 Posted: 15:05:56 26/06/2012
Do you really want to know???
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:14:11 26/06/2012 by sekretskwerl
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#864 Posted: 15:51:29 26/06/2012
^Fixed Looks like they come with codes.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:52:59 26/06/2012 by AJAwesome
Graz73 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3215
#865 Posted: 17:59:19 26/06/2012
Who posted that youtube clip? They look more like full-skylanders than I expected. I thought they'd be more like Sparks the dragonfly... Tiny accessories. Cool

I just called that prize phone number. They said I've got one more package on the way. Hopefully it's a FSS, since they have not sent me one yet. If I get this prize, I'll have a total of 4. Far less than the 9 or 10 that I supposedly won on that phone line, but I'm not complaining.
For Trade: EyeSmall, Punch Pop Fizz, Lava Barf Eruptor(black): PM to deal!
sunburn22 Green Sparx Gems: 475
#866 Posted: 18:06:06 26/06/2012
what is the number you called to see?
RidgeRat517 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#867 Posted: 18:30:03 26/06/2012
I just called this number: 1-800-646-2904 and was told that I only had 3 wins when I know I had a few more then that. I'm a bit bummed because I know that I had 2 wins with codes and at least 5 wins through the call in. As it turns out I received my two CODE wins and only 1 CALL in win. Oh well....
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#868 Posted: 18:35:58 26/06/2012
sweet. just hope i will get to them before the scalpers do or that there are so many they can't buy em all
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Skybagel Gold Sparx Gems: 2092
#869 Posted: 20:31:04 26/06/2012
Uggghhh... I just called for a "status update" and they didn't have me down for a winner after I had won 2 months back! Now I have to wait ANOTHER 6-8 weeks to even get a single random figure!!! Seriously, Activision, Toys for Bob and Frito Lays!? Uggggghhh!!!
Whoop whoop! Yellow Sparx on the day of Swap Force's release!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#870 Posted: 23:23:23 26/06/2012
Quote: AJAwesome
^Fixed Looks like they come with codes.


I bet you could nickname them and buy them upgrades.
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#871 Posted: 10:06:29 27/06/2012
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: AJAwesome
^Fixed Looks like they come with codes.


I bet you could nickname them and buy them upgrades.

They're not Skylanders, they're magic items like anvil rain or the dragon treasure chest... magic items come with web codes too.

They will 100% not be upgradable.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
Jack Sinatra Green Sparx Gems: 315
#872 Posted: 17:51:03 27/06/2012
Three flocked Stumpys today....
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2667
#873 Posted: 19:25:32 27/06/2012
finally i also got 1 flocked stumpy!!!!!!!!! i opened it so i hope i get one to keep in the package. but hes so fuzzzzzzzzzzzy YAY
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
sunburn22 Green Sparx Gems: 475
#874 Posted: 19:37:00 27/06/2012
has anyone found the sidekicks bags in Minnesota yet?or other states close?
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#875 Posted: 19:41:49 27/06/2012
Quote: sunburn22
has anyone found the sidekicks bags in Minnesota yet?or other states close?

I do not believe anyone has found the bags anywhere yet. Its still early, the bags should be reaching the local distribution centers anytime now. Expect to see them on shelves in between 5-10 days
jdiknght24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1979
#876 Posted: 20:40:50 27/06/2012
has anyone called in to say they won but didn't, and did you get a skylander. I always see fishy things with promotions
davesmsperfect Blue Sparx Gems: 930
#877 Posted: 21:34:15 27/06/2012
Got 1 of my 2 Stump Smashes today. Glad to see them being received again. smilie
bensdady Yellow Sparx Gems: 1702
#878 Posted: 23:31:52 27/06/2012
got my second stump smash today.
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#879 Posted: 23:58:41 27/06/2012
I finally called customer service today and found out we only won once???!!! We should have had 3 or 4 or 5 in the system. I can't remember how many times I called in for the random. I won Flocked smilie and my wife won Flocked smilie . They only had 1 entry in the system for us. When I got home I found it in the mailbox. The guy had no clue what happened to the others. We used the same address so that could explain it.
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:59:42 27/06/2012 by Toleroh
kevinsm2769 Blue Sparx Gems: 760
#880 Posted: 00:58:01 28/06/2012
Got 2 Flocked Stump Smash delivered at work today and figured i should have more when i got home and sure enough I got home and had 4 more Flocked Stump Smash...I didn't think i was going to get any as it took so long, i live in Milwaukee, WI by the way. They are pretty cool looking.
Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of others.
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2667
#881 Posted: 01:41:19 28/06/2012
great news, my mom get 1 fuzzy stump smash today! so now i have 2 total! i am happy. i hope everyone that entered gets at least 1. but i think 8 weeks still brings us into july. so they got till then for the rest to get here.
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#882 Posted: 01:58:03 28/06/2012
Found bags of Sidekicks Frito Lay promotion today @ Walmart in Oregon. Comes with card that must be filled out ranking preference of Sidekick 1-4. Besides filled out card, promotion requires actual UPC code from outer bag and a $2.00 check/money order for shipping/handling per entry. Promotion good thru November...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
SkyWarrior23 Green Sparx Gems: 294
#883 Posted: 02:26:23 28/06/2012
I received 2 Flocked Stump Smashes today, but I won via phone 8 or 9 times. I'm wondering if this will be it for the FSS.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#884 Posted: 02:51:12 28/06/2012
Quote: DluA
Found bags of Sidekicks Frito Lay promotion today @ Walmart in Oregon. Comes with card that must be filled out ranking preference of Sidekick 1-4. Besides filled out card, promotion requires actual UPC code from outer bag and a $2.00 check/money order for shipping/handling per entry. Promotion good thru November...

EPIC FREAKING FIND BRO. POST THE PICS. How many sidekicks did you get? Who did you get?

And it goes instill November. That's after FREAKING GIANTS comes out.

SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#885 Posted: 03:13:24 28/06/2012
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: DluA
Found bags of Sidekicks Frito Lay promotion today @ Walmart in Oregon. Comes with card that must be filled out ranking preference of Sidekick 1-4. Besides filled out card, promotion requires actual UPC code from outer bag and a $2.00 check/money order for shipping/handling per entry. Promotion good thru November...

EPIC FREAKING FIND BRO. POST THE PICS. How many sidekicks did you get? Who did you get?

And it goes instill November. That's after FREAKING GIANTS comes out.


THATS AWESOME. wait WHAT WALMART?!?!?!?? i live near oregon. and i didnt know the promo even started yet? please answer!

btw, am i the only one that is slightly irritated by the fact that NONE of my skylanders arrived yet? im sure its been more than 8 weeks.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#886 Posted: 03:19:51 28/06/2012
Quote: SparCrux1101
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: DluA
Found bags of Sidekicks Frito Lay promotion today @ Walmart in Oregon. Comes with card that must be filled out ranking preference of Sidekick 1-4. Besides filled out card, promotion requires actual UPC code from outer bag and a $2.00 check/money order for shipping/handling per entry. Promotion good thru November...

EPIC FREAKING FIND BRO. POST THE PICS. How many sidekicks did you get? Who did you get?

And it goes instill November. That's after FREAKING GIANTS comes out.


THATS AWESOME. wait WHAT WALMART?!?!?!?? i live near oregon. and i didnt know the promo even started yet? please answer!

btw, am i the only one that is slightly irritated by the fact that NONE of my skylanders arrived yet? im sure its been more than 8 weeks.

I am MAD TOO THAT NONE OF MY FUZZYS HAVENT ARRIVED! Also a check really????? Yeah like my mom will let me use 4 of her checks smilie
words. letters. filler.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#887 Posted: 03:26:22 28/06/2012
I'm curious. Can you send in one form, 4 UPCs and a check for $8 in one envelope?
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#888 Posted: 03:59:03 28/06/2012
How many sidekicks did you get? Who did you get?

- The promotion is a mail in promotion. Must fill out Game card, include acutal UPC label from bag, include $2.00 check/money order for shipping. NO FIGURES IN THE BAGS! Says "Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery." Seems like I've heard that before!!! smilie

THATS AWESOME. wait WHAT WALMART?!?!?!?? i live near oregon. and i didnt know the promo even started yet? please answer!

- Found the bags at a Walmart "Marketplace" in Beaverton, OR.

I'm curious. Can you send in one form, 4 UPCs and a check for $8 in one envelope?

- I'm sure you could, and I thought about doing that, BUT considering the issues people have had getting their supposed prizes- I didn't want to take the chance. I would be concerned that the recipient would lose a UPC label or something if sent as a bundle...

REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#889 Posted: 04:02:11 28/06/2012
Quote: DluA
Found bags of Sidekicks Frito Lay promotion today @ Walmart in Oregon. Comes with card that must be filled out ranking preference of Sidekick 1-4. Besides filled out card, promotion requires actual UPC code from outer bag and a $2.00 check/money order for shipping/handling per entry. Promotion good thru November...

and my personal hunt will apparently start in the morning. I am honestly debating how much money I will be investing in this endeavor. A single set is going to cost between $32 and $40 depending on where you buy the chips. It looks like I am getting a single set for myself and maybe one to sit on. I was a little generous with my spare flock smashes and I already have some requests for sidekicks but I do not see a return on this big an investmemt outside of ebay.
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#890 Posted: 04:27:24 28/06/2012
Hope this clarifies all of your questions:

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
ToxicFate Yellow Sparx Gems: 1137
#891 Posted: 05:26:42 28/06/2012
Where were the bags located in Walmart (with the chips or somewhere else) and did they have them in that bus display we saw?

Oh and how much were they?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:28:11 28/06/2012 by ToxicFate
Kesrael Gold Sparx Gems: 2507
#892 Posted: 05:39:04 28/06/2012
What's the expiration date on the chips? The stores around me are already up to August expiration and I've seen no sign of the Skylanders promo. Thanks!!
I'm Kesrael_V on Lost Islands! Add me!!
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#893 Posted: 05:39:13 28/06/2012
The bags were down the chip aisle.. keep in mind it was a Walmart Marketplace (grocery only). There was no promotional endcap or other sales eye catcher that I saw. I believe the bags were $6.98 each.

The expiration date is labeled with a sticker: Best sold by Aug. 14.
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:45:35 28/06/2012 by DluA
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#894 Posted: 06:14:03 28/06/2012
^ I wonder if they were mistakenly put out early.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#895 Posted: 07:27:35 28/06/2012
Quote: applenut Posted: 22:18:39 25/06/2012

Okay, I work for Frito-Lay, we just started delivering these packs in my area today (Philadelphia, PA). The deal is you need to buy the bag, send in the form thats in the bag along with $2 shipping, and then they'll send you a figure in 6-8 weeks. I haven't seen the form yet, but I'm hoping you get to choose which one you want as the fine print says there is a limit of four sidekicks per household. Also, these are not going to be chain specific.

Not according to applenut. Apparently these were being delivered starting this week...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#896 Posted: 08:00:23 28/06/2012
20 chip bags per bag? And you need at least 4 of them? Time to troll my family.

$2 sucks, but I guess they had to do that with all the people that took advantage of the toll line in the last promo...
#all Spyros are valid
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#897 Posted: 12:56:27 28/06/2012

It looks like I need to send in a barcode, the card, and 2 dollars to that place.

And if I can fill out my least favorite and most favorite sidekick?

I want gill runt first

And do you send 4 of those forums in?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:14:18 28/06/2012 by ZapNorris
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