Quote: BlackWing116Quote: ImDoubleTrouble
I can understand what your feeling, A reason of my departure from the site months ago was because of depression and having no will to live on, but I got through this with the help of my family and friends by me. We're here if you need to talk.
Th-that's realy kind of you.
I decided to stay after I found some "cartain" person ripto'd. Yay!
Quote: Lunarz
If you're planning on killing yourself, don't you dare. Send me a PM and talk to me.
Sigh... I guess I stay... though my mind is still giving me darn mental images
Quote: thumperDoes anyone know why DimitriDM was ripto'd? Did he request it?
No he did not. Lets keep it as short as possible
He hacked into my account. Three times
Why did he hack you of all users?
I believe they were boyfriend and girlfriend.