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Dragon's ovaries' products! [CLOSED]
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#801 Posted: 20:03:58 19/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: katkerrykat
Quote: Cynderfyre

From what I've seen on the internet I feel a bit like every other part of europe is populated by bold warrior-people who could brave anything and then you have England which is a place populated by polite little wimps surrounded by chavs.

Bwaha, it does seem like that right? XD Sometimes it feels like the UK have all the scummy people though - atleast some places in Europe have their acts together, and have a crime force in action etc....

Though to be fair to us, we're very accepting, generally. I'm aware that not all countries are as accepting of different groups as we are. So we're pretty good in that way.

Yeah, suppose..but, well up here the police don't bother, so it's not too friendly a place most of the time..
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#802 Posted: 20:05:40 19/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: Spyro-Fan
*English, I meant only on people within ENGLAND. XD

And one time my teacher broke a leg while trying to get to school... we still had class. XD

From what I've seen on the internet I feel a bit like every other part of europe is populated by bold warrior-people who could brave anything and then you have England which is a place populated by polite little wimps surrounded by chavs.

Don't worry, he have chavs and wimps too. ._.
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#803 Posted: 20:12:30 19/11/2013
New page atlast~

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 20:41:32 25/11/2013 by katkerrykat
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#804 Posted: 20:13:19 19/11/2013
Quote: Spyro-Fan
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: Spyro-Fan
*English, I meant only on people within ENGLAND. XD

And one time my teacher broke a leg while trying to get to school... we still had class. XD

From what I've seen on the internet I feel a bit like every other part of europe is populated by bold warrior-people who could brave anything and then you have England which is a place populated by polite little wimps surrounded by chavs.

Don't worry, he have chavs and wimps too. ._.

I think everywhere has chavs.

They're like a plague. A pandemic.

You go down to the depths of the pacific ocean and you'll find chavs.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#805 Posted: 20:14:11 19/11/2013 | Topic Creator
I thought Kerry said, ''New page, you atheists!'' XD

I know.
We should throw all the chavs into the ocean.
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#806 Posted: 20:16:57 19/11/2013
Couldn't have described that better CF. XD
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#807 Posted: 20:22:22 19/11/2013
Forgot we were on a new page.

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]

Agreed, we should throw all the chavs in the ocean. And have a peaceful Earth forever more. Especially on weekends at night.
Sitan ali dinamitan
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#808 Posted: 20:25:16 19/11/2013
Yush, especially at weekend nights...god, then life would be better for us all
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#809 Posted: 20:29:15 19/11/2013 | Topic Creator
And hope they grow fins so they may never return to land again.

I hate Friday nights/morning. When all drunk people come out and sing as loudly as possible some stupid patriotic songs under my window.
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#810 Posted: 20:31:00 19/11/2013
Yesh, de-evolution.

God, screw that. I know the towns near me get pretty bad on friday nights.. I just steer clear.

Also, why is it always us lot that go off topic on both topics. I feel bad for the FR people now. XD
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#811 Posted: 20:32:33 19/11/2013 | Topic Creator
That's because none of them want to buy our dragons, so they must suffer. XD
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#812 Posted: 20:33:35 19/11/2013
Fair do's. XD

I'm off now - see ya tomorrow~
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#813 Posted: 20:40:57 19/11/2013
Goodnight Kerry!

The ocean would be a good place. It's massive and I suspect if we let them loose in it they'd breed a lot. There'd hopefully be enough space for them and none of our land being taken up by more rough people. Plus there are occasionally things like oil spills. That would get rid of a few of them.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#814 Posted: 21:06:42 19/11/2013 | Topic Creator
I like your way of thinking, CF. XD
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#815 Posted: 23:30:19 19/11/2013
Quote: weebbby
Quote: weebbby
+1 Success

12 Success
5 Kill
5 Repulse

EDIT: Updated again.

And again. >.>
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#816 Posted: 01:41:05 20/11/2013
'_' new face discovery!
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#817 Posted: 21:13:47 20/11/2013
Wait... don't throw them in the ocean - thats where my water army live D; *shot*
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#818 Posted: 21:20:08 20/11/2013
whoops. let two eggs die

/sobs secretly
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#819 Posted: 21:21:30 20/11/2013
Tut tut wild.

That's what you get for leaving us

*gives evil eyes*
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#820 Posted: 21:23:16 20/11/2013
they died today too :| i was too late to save them

w-well!! /roams around thread
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#821 Posted: 21:27:47 20/11/2013
We shall hold a funeral for them .__.

Lets see how long you stay this time *sulks* ¬¬
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#822 Posted: 04:25:48 21/11/2013
Got some eggs today. Too lazy to post them... maybe tomorrow...
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#823 Posted: 16:53:21 21/11/2013
Oooh, managed to trade this;

[User Posted Image]

For these~

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image]

Not too bad
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#824 Posted: 13:36:38 22/11/2013
Quote: weebbby
Quote: weebbby
Quote: weebbby
+1 Success

12 Success
5 Kill
7 Repulse

EDIT: Updated again.

And again. >.>

And again...
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#825 Posted: 21:20:22 22/11/2013

How is everyone?
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#826 Posted: 21:32:32 22/11/2013
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#827 Posted: 21:37:07 22/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Catching Fire has been out for a week. :|
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#828 Posted: 22:02:26 22/11/2013
+1 Success

13 Success
5 Kill
7 Repulse
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#829 Posted: 22:04:31 22/11/2013
Quote: Spyro-Fan
Catching Fire has been out for a week. smilie

Not for the US. It came out 8:00 last night.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#830 Posted: 10:32:23 23/11/2013
I might go see it~ I have a cinema voucher, and am going in on sunday anyways~

Is it good?
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:32:38 23/11/2013 by katkerrykat
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#831 Posted: 18:57:39 23/11/2013
+1 Success

14 Success
5 Kill
7 Repulse
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#832 Posted: 03:16:13 24/11/2013
[User Posted Image] got this gold but it's not CB ;-;
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#833 Posted: 07:05:38 24/11/2013

Dragon cave competitor
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#834 Posted: 12:00:04 24/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

Dragon cave competitor

B!tch please, that's a watered down version of GPX+ which was as popular as DC, and probably still is~ Don't think anyone bothered making another topic on here because most people that went on it stuck to the GPX+ forums instead
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#835 Posted: 21:32:33 24/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

Dragon cave competitor

Dragons are better than Pokemon. :3

- - -
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#836 Posted: 16:20:45 25/11/2013

Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#837 Posted: 16:33:05 25/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

Dragon cave competitor

screw that >:0

Edit: #4 [User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:35:11 25/11/2013 by willspyro
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#838 Posted: 20:45:32 25/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]


It's like an army of ballet dancers.
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#839 Posted: 20:48:50 25/11/2013
Did you forget about DC? D;
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#840 Posted: 13:01:03 26/11/2013
+1 Success
+1 Repulse

15 Success
5 Kill
8 Repulse
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#841 Posted: 18:13:24 26/11/2013
Quote: katkerrykat
Quote: Cynderfyre

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]


It's like an army of ballet dancers.

They must look elegant when they enter battle. It shows their superiority in every aspect to the foes.
Sitan ali dinamitan
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#842 Posted: 18:48:56 26/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: katkerrykat
Quote: Cynderfyre

[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]


It's like an army of ballet dancers.

They must look elegant when they enter battle. It shows their superiority in every aspect to the foes.

Do they tap their tiny toes to the beat of the Nutcracker as they march on into battle? *shot*
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#843 Posted: 19:06:27 26/11/2013 | Topic Creator
katkerrykat Platinum Sparx Gems: 6033
#844 Posted: 19:13:53 26/11/2013
Gotta deal with many farts and many burps. ~ Tenaman
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#845 Posted: 21:43:48 26/11/2013
[User Posted Image]

*dives in* *places egg* *scoots out*
Sitan ali dinamitan
Yoshi Emerald Sparx Gems: 3062
#846 Posted: 23:04:18 26/11/2013
Hey guys! Did ya miss me?

[User Posted Image]
Such signature
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#847 Posted: 23:14:32 26/11/2013
Repulse seems to be common lately.
+1 Repulse

15 Success
5 Kill
9 Repulse
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