

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Get the Gem!
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#751 Posted: 11:15:26 07/01/2014
*Eats explosion and gem*
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#752 Posted: 12:19:06 07/01/2014
*Eats CH*
S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#753 Posted: 18:55:02 07/01/2014
*Eats Ninjask and throws up gem*
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#754 Posted: 19:00:18 07/01/2014
*Stabs from the inside*

S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#755 Posted: 19:04:48 07/01/2014
What? Furfrou?
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#756 Posted: 19:06:19 07/01/2014
I will take that gem! IN THE NAME OF FURFROU!
S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#757 Posted: 19:10:05 07/01/2014
Ok... In the name of a poodle thing.
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#758 Posted: 19:20:16 07/01/2014
You will not understand....
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#759 Posted: 19:37:40 07/01/2014
*steals gem while NINJAsk11 and S P Y R O fight*
you never saw me
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#760 Posted: 19:42:57 07/01/2014
I'm not even in the mood for this....smilie
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#761 Posted: 23:01:47 09/01/2014
Kil- you know what? I'm just gonna...
*politely hands gem to next user to post*
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#762 Posted: 23:05:15 09/01/2014

*runs away with gem*
you never saw me
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#763 Posted: 00:29:59 11/01/2014
*catches up to you and takes gem*


hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#764 Posted: 03:26:10 11/01/2014
(follows darkWolf, steals the gem, eats the gem, poops it out)

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#765 Posted: 05:14:38 11/01/2014
*Picks up gem with shovel*


*tosses gem into backpack, and walks into a dark cave*
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8144
#766 Posted: 03:45:01 12/01/2014
*throws planet at cave, crushing it*
*digs through remains and takes gem*
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#767 Posted: 04:30:30 12/01/2014
*whistles casually and takes the gem*
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#768 Posted: 14:05:02 12/01/2014
*tackles and takes gem*
you never saw me
winx club Red Sparx Gems: 60
#769 Posted: 20:07:19 28/01/2014
trip on i-brawer and graps the gem and makes a run for the cruch.
I hope you have a good day!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#770 Posted: 20:40:52 28/01/2014
Ooc: umm...what?

*Eats gem*
winx club Red Sparx Gems: 60
#771 Posted: 22:22:58 28/01/2014
kills ninja and skies the gem out of him.
I hope you have a good day!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8144
#772 Posted: 03:31:05 29/01/2014
Uses magic to teleport gem into my hand.
Then uses magic to teleport away where I can't be found. >:3
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#773 Posted: 06:38:10 30/01/2014
((Im a goddammit girl))

*Is at same place* Hi*snags gem and poofs to palutena's place*
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8144
#774 Posted: 23:18:27 30/01/2014
*rams Lightning Chariot into palace and swipes Gem*
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#775 Posted: 02:13:06 31/01/2014
*grabs the gem*

See ya!

*teleports to a hidden shelter deep in a forest*

They'll never find me here...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:13:53 31/01/2014 by darkwolf
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#776 Posted: 06:59:25 31/01/2014
*Flies by and snags gem* FORCES OF NATURE FTW!!!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8144
#777 Posted: 15:33:55 01/02/2014
*hijacks an Aurum spaceship*
*flies by NINJAsk*
Hi there! smilie
*snatches Gem*
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#778 Posted: 15:42:27 01/02/2014
NOOO! *Rams into spaceship with LIghting Chariot and snatches gem*
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#779 Posted: 13:54:33 11/03/2014
*runs into NINJAsk and slips gem into pocket*
Sorry. My mistake.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#780 Posted: 14:09:23 11/03/2014
*destroys weebbby*
*takes gem*
Take that mutha****er!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#781 Posted: 14:10:21 11/03/2014
*is resurrected*
While you're standing there saying that, I'll just take this. *grabs*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#782 Posted: 14:16:11 11/03/2014
*shoots with bow*
*grabs gem*
*runs far, far away*
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#783 Posted: 17:11:28 11/03/2014
*gets gem*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#784 Posted: 17:13:13 11/03/2014
*uses roar of time*
*takes gem*
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#785 Posted: 17:15:10 11/03/2014
*takes gem and kindly gives to nest user*
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#786 Posted: 17:28:10 11/03/2014
*takes gem*

*jumps in fighter jet and flies away*

You're gonna get shot with a missile if you try to take the gem! smilie
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#787 Posted: 17:33:37 11/03/2014
*shoots lightning bolt at jet*
*gem falls from sky*
*catches gem*
*digs under ground*
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#788 Posted: 17:39:34 11/03/2014
*deploys parachute*
*pulls out handgun and walks in to the hole*
*shoots and takes gem*
*runs away*
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#789 Posted: 17:40:16 11/03/2014
*takes and gives to next user*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#790 Posted: 17:44:19 11/03/2014
Thank you.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#791 Posted: 17:53:25 11/03/2014
You're welcome.
*gives to next user*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#792 Posted: 18:05:28 11/03/2014
Thank you kind sir
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#793 Posted: 18:07:10 11/03/2014
*takes and smashes gem*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#794 Posted: 19:03:29 11/03/2014
NOOOOOOOOOO! Game over wah wah wah.
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#795 Posted: 19:05:57 11/03/2014
*gets new gem*
*drops it in a volcano*

Go find it! smilie
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#796 Posted: 19:16:53 11/03/2014
*jumps in volcano*
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:17:16 11/03/2014 by Rickorio
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#797 Posted: 19:33:16 11/03/2014
*uses crane to rescue gem*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#798 Posted: 20:00:33 11/03/2014
*is dead*
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#799 Posted: 20:01:30 11/03/2014
*throws gem at dead body*
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#800 Posted: 20:02:33 11/03/2014
*is dead on page*
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