

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#701 Posted: 11:46:54 31/03/2012
just found a lightning rod 3 pack, lightning rod singles, and ignitor at walmart smilie
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#702 Posted: 12:03:44 31/03/2012
Quote: evil spyro
just found a lightning rod 3 pack, lightning rod singles, and ignitor at walmart smilie

I'm leaving my house now!

joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#703 Posted: 12:12:28 31/03/2012 | Topic Creator
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#704 Posted: 13:04:18 31/03/2012
it was in stoney creek. got the last ones from wave 4 smilie they had a few cynders left though.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#705 Posted: 13:05:41 31/03/2012
i am going to look for dragons peak today i hope they will have it
Green Bean Machine
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#706 Posted: 13:07:36 31/03/2012
not likely but good luck
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#707 Posted: 13:11:46 31/03/2012
i found nothin smilie

zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#708 Posted: 13:25:15 31/03/2012
i do think it is more likely my store did not get dragons peak yesterday so i guess there was a shipping mistake
Green Bean Machine
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#709 Posted: 17:08:44 31/03/2012
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character 3 Pack - Zap/Hex/Dino-Rang back on at Toys R Us .ca
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#710 Posted: 17:13:14 31/03/2012
i found smilie at a tru far away from me they had ten left i am so mad my local tru did have dp on friday but they sold them all in the morning when they said they were not getting any
Green Bean Machine
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#711 Posted: 06:19:51 01/04/2012
[User Posted Image]

So yeah. It seems TRU was waiting for Friday the 30th to release the Dragon's Peak. Pic related. Note the flyer ad for it on the left. (The Hex is a replacement for my old one, which I sold during the Skylander drought.)

Thoughts on this package? I like the new level. It's still kinda short, but the level is big and bright and you get to fly around on a red dragon. (Too bad Activision will never patch his voice glitch.) Also, it's a shame that there isn't a boss fight. You sure get led to believe there will be one. Ah well.
Sunburn is pretty weak so far. Here's hoping he gets a lot better when he's powered up.
The boots are pretty useful, but they don't last very long. Still, it's like giving a skateboard to your character. I'm sure there are a few bugs that can be exploited with it. The dragonfly is useful enough. It shoots at enemies.
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#712 Posted: 06:23:35 01/04/2012
^ There's a "voice glitch"? Is it something only in the UK version because I haven't experienced anything like that on my US Dragon's Peak version?
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#713 Posted: 06:29:17 01/04/2012
Quote: Capoeira
[User Posted Image]

So yeah. It seems TRU was waiting for Friday the 30th to release the Dragon's Peak. Pic related. Note the flyer ad for it on the left. (The Hex is a replacement for my old one, which I sold during the Skylander drought.)

Thoughts on this package? I like the new level. It's still kinda short, but the level is big and bright and you get to fly around on a red dragon. (Too bad Activision will never patch his voice glitch.) Also, it's a shame that there isn't a boss fight. You sure get led to believe there will be one. Ah well.
Sunburn is pretty weak so far. Here's hoping he gets a lot better when he's powered up.
The boots are pretty useful, but they don't last very long. Still, it's like giving a skateboard to your character. I'm sure there are a few bugs that can be exploited with it. The dragonfly is useful enough. It shoots at enemies.
how many did Victoria have
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#714 Posted: 14:44:32 01/04/2012
Dragon's Peak is actually a relatively long level if you take the optional flight paths.

As for the "voice glitch", it doesn't exist on the Wii. I think its yet another Xbox 360 bug.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#715 Posted: 15:37:37 01/04/2012
dragons peak was so fun i play it over and over again
Green Bean Machine
l_Eden_l Green Sparx Gems: 124
#716 Posted: 19:16:33 01/04/2012
It seems like my Wal-Mart still doesn't have many; the only Skylanders available are Drobot, Bash, Stealth Elf, Zook, and Lightning Rod.

I bought Bash, but at this rate I won't have the ones I want for a long, long time.
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#717 Posted: 00:09:38 02/04/2012
Quote: Flamethrower
Quote: Capoeira
[User Posted Image]

So yeah. It seems TRU was waiting for Friday the 30th to release the Dragon's Peak. Pic related. Note the flyer ad for it on the left. (The Hex is a replacement for my old one, which I sold during the Skylander drought.)

Thoughts on this package? I like the new level. It's still kinda short, but the level is big and bright and you get to fly around on a red dragon. (Too bad Activision will never patch his voice glitch.) Also, it's a shame that there isn't a boss fight. You sure get led to believe there will be one. Ah well.
Sunburn is pretty weak so far. Here's hoping he gets a lot better when he's powered up.
The boots are pretty useful, but they don't last very long. Still, it's like giving a skateboard to your character. I'm sure there are a few bugs that can be exploited with it. The dragonfly is useful enough. It shoots at enemies.
how many did Victoria have

I think they had about 30 at the start of the day. They had about 6 left when I got there. I think I got there an hour or so after they opened. Also, I was at a toy fair today where one table was selling some new Skylander items. They had a few DP's for sale. I wonder if they came from the same TRU.

As for the voice glitch, I notice that the red dragon guy will often keep saying his phrases when flying around with him. He'll just say one right after another, non-stop.
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#718 Posted: 12:02:53 02/04/2012
Zap and boomer 3 pack + single eruptor available at
Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#719 Posted: 15:14:28 02/04/2012
I have an Extra Dragons Peak if to trade for a zook/L-rod/cynder 3pack if anyone has an extra
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#720 Posted: 15:39:05 02/04/2012
Do you guys think Canada will have some sort of Blue Bash release?

Or was that it for us? :/
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#721 Posted: 15:47:07 02/04/2012
Actually Blue bash started showing up in Canada first! Was not full-blown like Legendary trigger-Happy!
Check page 10 of this thread.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:49:24 02/04/2012 by JAP28
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#722 Posted: 15:50:38 02/04/2012
Yeah, I know he's been here.

I just wonder if the ones that got released were an early error. I'm pretty sure my TRU never got them.
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#723 Posted: 19:13:53 02/04/2012
What are the best days of the week to check for stock usually?
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#724 Posted: 21:18:55 02/04/2012
I usually Call Eb Tuesday, Wednsday,and Friday.
And I call TRU on thursday because thats when they get their stock.
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#725 Posted: 01:48:01 03/04/2012
Blue Bash is out already? Huh. Guess I missed out on that one. I'm OK with that though.
Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they re-release some more.
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#726 Posted: 05:45:58 03/04/2012
^ Toys'R'us claims that they will re-release Blue Bash sometime in June.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#727 Posted: 12:39:33 03/04/2012
My local EB claimed they had wave 4 individual figures arrive the other day. Specifically mentioned Ignitor.
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#728 Posted: 13:10:10 03/04/2012

Mwa ha ha, my EB games was unpacking mass amounts of boxes when I went in on my lunch break and I snagged an Ignitor. They still had a ton of boxes to unpack, so looks like supplies will be decent. I am just happy to be done (for now)... The girl working the counter mentioned that Skylander Giants is already in their system and they are taking pre-orders lol...
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:27:39 03/04/2012 by Grandlethal
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#729 Posted: 19:16:45 03/04/2012
Hopefully this flood of stock continues through wave 4. One last triple-pack and a single to go!
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#730 Posted: 19:40:34 03/04/2012
Hey Canada! Keep us updated on when/where you find Camo & Warnado. They are both on ebay.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:45:26 03/04/2012 by dman08
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#731 Posted: 19:59:39 03/04/2012
I just saw that... interesting turn of events as I wasn't expecting to see them for at least a month (was actually expecting a June release). Will be nice to finally see the 100% in the game. Just missing the 32 skylanders and complete 32 heroics on one skylander accolades and I'll be all done smilie And considering I have 27 skylanders at 28 heriocs right now, both accolades should be quick to get once I get my hands on Camo, Warnado and Wham Shell smilie
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#732 Posted: 20:12:38 03/04/2012
camo warnado maybe wham shell is coming in his own wave
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#733 Posted: 21:13:46 03/04/2012
Just put Eruptor on hold at EB games!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:19:52 03/04/2012 by Mr-McChicken22
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#734 Posted: 21:20:17 03/04/2012
My eb games had cynder double trouble whilwind drill sergeant bash drobot flamethrower
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#735 Posted: 22:35:13 03/04/2012
Do in Calgary cause my Eb games just had all of those..
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#736 Posted: 22:40:30 03/04/2012
no i do not that is kinda weird
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#737 Posted: 22:54:14 03/04/2012
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#738 Posted: 23:07:20 03/04/2012
well i guess they were sent the same shipments my cynder count is now at 3
Green Bean Machine
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#739 Posted: 23:24:47 03/04/2012
wow this sounds great. anyone in ontario been seeing any of this?

Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#740 Posted: 23:26:14 03/04/2012
Okay More weird. I have.also seen 3 cynders =-O
They seem UNRARE now.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#741 Posted: 23:58:37 03/04/2012
Yes, wave 3 is overstocked now. You can walk into any EB near me and pick them up at your leisure.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#742 Posted: 00:04:55 04/04/2012
The three were the one i got at futre shop [it was the last on] The one i got in my smilie smilie smilie three pack and the one i saw at eb games today
Green Bean Machine
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#743 Posted: 01:12:09 04/04/2012
Awwwwwwww Yeah.

[User Posted Image]

1 of 2 that TRU got in today. I'm so freakin' pumped~!

Also, I overheard a manager-type mention Legendary Trigger Happy. It's back and has a street date, much like Dragon's Peak. I'm guessing he'll be put up for sale this Friday. (Don't quote me though.)
All I'm currently looking for now is a blue Bash. Any silvers or golds I can find would be nice as well.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#744 Posted: 02:04:14 04/04/2012
Good find!!
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#745 Posted: 02:15:16 04/04/2012
Thanks. smilie
I also found a broken Drill Sergeant today that was still in it's case. Check this out.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#746 Posted: 02:20:08 04/04/2012
Huh, weird.
Theres been alot of sightings of Broken skylanders latley...
Activision Might have pulled a big uh-oh!
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#747 Posted: 16:08:36 04/04/2012
Nice to hear L.Trigger Happy is being released again... I missed his release last time and figure he'll be one that I want to get. I still haven't seen/heard much from any of the stores around me about Camo and Warnado. Would be nice to add a couple more to the collection. Last night I went home and got Ignitor to lvl 10 and just missing 2 upgrades (went soul flame path or whatever the mortar style atack is). We also have all but 3 (so 26 characters) of the main collection up to 29/29 heroic challenges... just need to work on Prism Break, Ignitor and Lightning Rod (who my daughter took as hers, so he is only level 4 lol).

I'll let everyone know if I see anything in my travels today.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#748 Posted: 16:21:26 04/04/2012
Doesn't everyone have all but three of the characters? smilie

Actually, I am still waiting for the triple pack before I snag Ignitor. Although, this means waiting for that pack to also pick up Camo and Warnado. I have no doubt that if I see either of those two in singles first, I will abandon my wait for the triple pack.

I'm not going to bother checking stores until there are first-hand reports from the USA on this forum. We seem to be about a week behind.
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#749 Posted: 16:56:18 04/04/2012
lol, it took me a lot of hunting ot track down all but 3 characters smilie We started a little late so missed some of the earlier ones. Then when we did start, We didn't realize what sort of demand there would be, so we were only picking up the ones we thought looked kinda cool. I think as of Christmas we only had 12 skylanders and were pretty content, aside from not having an Air one to open the gates. So we started hunting for Sonic Boom, only to realize that almost everything was hard to find. We found Sonic in a 3 pack, so managed to add 3 more to the list in January. Then it wasn't until early March that we tacked down Drill Seargent and Flame Slinger at Walmart (we actually went because a friend of my daughters got Whirlwind there earlier, but they were all sold out). Over the course of the month we have managed to track down the rest of what we needed though smilie We also have the legendary 3-pack and a couple duplicates at this point... but it has been a crazy month lol.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#750 Posted: 20:02:20 04/04/2012
The local wal mart in Oakville got a bunch of wave 4 single packs in today. Unable to find the new triple pack I anywhere I finally gave in and bought Lighting rod, Zook and Ignitor.

Now I I just need to find Cynder somehow and Wave 5 to finish my collection.
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