

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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High School vs. Aliens (Private)
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#651 Posted: 03:28:52 06/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Elim nodded in agreement, finally finding the correct key and unlocking the storage closet. The boy was still unconscious. Good. Still looking at the unconscious boy in his closet, his usual demeanor returning, he murmured, "And that is why the Brotherhood is making a mistake." Turning to Morph, he gestured him over. The sooner they rendered this boy under their complete control, the sooner he could start working on 'convincing' the principal that the boy's trip to the emergency room had occurred.
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#652 Posted: 03:36:35 06/04/2014
Seytrius laughed at the events that had been going on. "Well, I chat dance that well, yet I still do it." He said clapping and laughing as Zurgon was dancing. "Nice moves." He told the boy who was obviously unashamed of what he was doing in front of all these people.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#653 Posted: 04:03:59 06/04/2014
Syndral gave a content smile, once her sunglasses had showed her that the robotic bug had done it's job. With the parents now unconscious for the time being, the little beetle returned to it's master. She held out her hand and it landed there. The bug beeped happily and she patted its little head gently with her finger. She then put him in her pocket, and pulled out a much smaller robotic bug, this one resembling a tick of sorts. Syndral activated it, and waved her hand over it's face, then a holographic screen popped up. Touching the screen, she gave the bug it's orders. It beeped happily and flew off to do it's job.

The little robotic tick flew inside the house and went to one of the unconscious parents, starting with the father. The invention appeared to shrink itself down further, and then crawled into the human's nose, heading on up to the brain. Syndral could see everything with her sunglasses. Once the tick had made its way to the brain, it discharged a microscopic chip. Then it crawled back out through the nose, and went to do the same to the mother.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#654 Posted: 04:09:29 06/04/2014
Morph took the tranquilizer from his backpack. "It's as simple as this," he started as he walked up to the unconscious boy, "you find a spot with good grip and blood flow," he takes the human's arm, rolling up the sleeve of his t-shirt, "and plug it in." He did just that, inserting the device just where the shoulder gave way to the forearm, close to the armpit. "He'll be out until it's removed."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:11:02 03/05/2016 by Waaksian
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#655 Posted: 05:22:38 06/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Elim nodded thoughtfully, stealing a glance towards the classroom door to make sure no one had been there to witness the scene. Satisfied that their little operation had gone unnoticed by anyone, he stuffed the student back into the closet and locked the door. Turning to Morph once he was certain that the door would not be opening anytime soon, he told him, "You'd best get down to the lunchroom. They will be expecting you there." Making a noise that was something akin to a snort, he added, "Though I doubt they've noticed your absence."
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#656 Posted: 05:29:03 06/04/2014
Once Syndral's robotic tick had inserted the microscopic chips into the brains of the parents, it flew out and returned to its master. She then put it in her pocket. Then Syndral moved her hands to each side of the sunglasses, each lens showing her the mind of a different parent. Using a simple button system on the side of the sunglasses, she used the chips to activate a 'menu' screen of sorts that showed a series of memories that each parent had. Very carefully, she can began to scan through them for anything she would need to alter or erase.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#657 Posted: 08:00:00 06/04/2014
P3 realized that the sensor she had installed in her suit (which told her when a human would go to the restroom) was going off. It sent a slight vibration that only she could hear. She said to Brittany, "Gotta go!" And rushed off.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#658 Posted: 18:18:07 06/04/2014
"Actually, I think they would. I did technically send somebody to the hospital, so I probably won't be forgotten any time soon." He gave a pained sigh, still regretful of his rash behavior. "Hopefully they won't try to rough anyone up anymore. At least not around me," he said as he briskly made way to the exit.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:14:33 03/05/2016 by Waaksian
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#659 Posted: 19:08:32 06/04/2014
Syndral scanned the 'memory menu' for the appropriate memories to alter. Once she had found the right ones, she went to work. Very carefully, she edited out any part about their son getting hurt in gym class, or even being in a fight. They would no longer have any knowledge of the incident. Instead, she used the boy's background as an athlete to come up with a different reason why he wouldn't be home.

The boy would be busy with practice, staying later at the school than normal, and would hitch a ride with a friend, spending the night at his house. She set their memories to make them think that this could go on a couple of days, if need be, just in case. His parents wouldn't suspect a thing, and would have no reason to call anyone.

In case they felt the need to call anyone's parent to ask questions, she gave them her own number, where her robot mother would answer the phone and deal with the parents, easily being able to disguise her voice. So that was also taken care of.

Syndral sighed, and glanced at the time that appeared on her screen. She couldn't stay here too long. Satisfied with her job, she sent her robot tick to retrieve the chips in their brains. Then she began quickly heading back to the school. On the way, she was coming up with a story as to why she wasn't already in the lunchroom, in case anyone asked.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#660 Posted: 21:04:13 07/04/2014
As Mort walked along the hallway to the cafeteria, that girl Allison passed by just in time for him to notice that she was going towards the bathroom stalls. To an alien like him, the human excretory system was bizarre and rather unsanitary. Kwueks rid themselves of waste products in a much simpler way. It was always in a gaseous form, and easily exited the body by tiny, microscopic pores all across the body that worked like the stomata in plants. It was gradual, unnoticeable, odorless-- a flush sounded in the stalls behind him, and he shuddered-- soundless, and much more hygienic. It was almost like breathing, and it wasn't controlled by the Kwuerk or noticed. But the way humans had to do it, to him, seemed uncomfortable and time-consuming. He never had to stop what he was doing just to pass waste. He was grateful for that. However, he'd have to make a few "trips" in order to appear more normal.

Finally, Mort entered the school cafeteria. It was loud, obnoxious, and... loud. Very loud. But this was one of the first things about the school that he felt familiar to. Back at his home planet, everyone would go to such large buildings to have their meals. You could hear the talk, the shouts, the laughs from so far away... it was comforting. It felt very much like home.
A few faces stood out to him in the mass; that Shane kid, that Rachel kid, a few others that were vaguely familiar, and... oh great, that intrusive female was there, too.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:21:06 03/05/2016 by Waaksian
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#661 Posted: 21:16:21 07/04/2014
Syndral managed to quietly sneak back inside the school unnoticed. She headed down the hallway, heading towards the cafeteria. She was walking slower now, not in any hurry to get there. So many people would be there. Large crowds of social human parasites, making tons of noise, possibly making a huge mess of the place, and just behaving all around barbaric. Syndral groaned audibly at the mere thought of being there. It sounded like a nightmare, an absolute nightmare.

Maybe I should eat in my car instead. She thought. She then shook her head. No. I am here on a job. Part of that job is pose as a human and do typical things that a human teenager does. One of them being to attend lunch at this cafeteria, no matter how torturous it may be. I can't rise suspicion by not being there, even if no one will notice my absence.

She sighed as she continued her trek, noticing her pace get gradually slower the closer she got. She knew she was heading the right way, because the obnoxious noise grew louder. Syndral took another deep breath. She was absolutely dreading this, but she had to keep up appearances. As she reached the cafeteria, she slowly reached out a hand to open up the door. She hesitantly stepped inside, seeing everyone and plainly hearing all the noise. Then Syndral made an immediate u-turn, quickly heading out the door before it could even close behind her.

Oh, my goodness, no. Too much infernal racket, too many parasites for my liking. I simply can't stand it. On second thought, there will be a change of plans. I will be eating in my car from here on out.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#662 Posted: 00:31:33 08/04/2014
OOC: OK, forgive me, but this RP has being getting a bit too slow for my liking. Maybe I'm just too paranoid, since HSvsA means a lot to me right now, but I'm going to do something that'll spice up the moment. Hm... well, there can't be a food fight just yet. The characters already got into too much trouble. How about some classic high school drama? I've been waiting for a moment where these jerky kids come up and start teasing the "weirdies".
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#663 Posted: 00:38:38 08/04/2014
//I feel the same, I've been trying to think of something relevant to contribute, but I can't, I agree we need to think of something interesting.//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#664 Posted: 00:43:05 08/04/2014
ooc: Yeah, spicing things up would be nice, but we don't need to get everyone into more trouble on the first day. So simple teasing, instead of actual violence like before, could work. Just to let you know, though, I would be very careful about teasing Syndral, if anyone has plans for that. Despite her tough, uncaring exterior, she would be more sensitive to teasing than you might think. And she was one of the first ones to get violent earlier in the gym. But it also could reveal more about her past.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#665 Posted: 01:44:08 08/04/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: I agree, and I'm sorry that the roleplay is in fact going a bit slow. In all honesty, I didn't expect the first day to last this long. I feel that it's good that it has, though. It's given everyone time to settle in and introduce their characters, as well as form relationships between said characters. Still, it has become rather monotonous. I hadn't really wanted anything to happen on the first day, just because there's some stubborn part of me that says things shouldn't happen so quickly. But then, I had no idea that the first day would last this long. So I'll have to come up with some things to make things epic. smilie))

Elim nodded to Morph and watched him leave, presumably to the cafeteria, then started making his own way towards the office. He needed to ‘convince’ some people that a few certain things had happened, namely the boy’s trip to the hospital. Stepping into what seemed to be a most dreaded place among students, he spotted the secretary at her desk. Though she was still at her work area – to answer the phone, no doubt – she had her lunch with her, something that the alien could not identify.

Upon his arrival, the woman looked up at him, smiling upon realization that it was just another teacher and not a student being sent to the office. “So how’s your first day coming?” she asked conversationally when he didn’t make any move to speak.

“As expected,” Mr. White replied, moving to take a seat in front of her desk. Elaborating a bit, he continued, “The children are rather.. boisterous.. after the summer.”

“They always are,” she replied with a knowing smile, having worked at this school long enough to know how its students behaved throughout the year.

He nodded. Elim would have to take this slowly, patiently, if this was to work. He did not exactly have the option of rendering this woman unconscious and changing her memories, not in this public place. There were other methods, of course. But they would require a bit of skill and patience on his part, both of which he possessed.
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#666 Posted: 01:51:49 08/04/2014
OOC: @Lunarz: I'm good at making seemingly boring situations fun, so I'll just have to sleep on it a little bit.
@Cynder09: Yeah, even the unintentional teasing... *wink wink*
@Wylrin: I was actually gonna propose an idea to help give the RP another jumpstart. I'll PM it to you. smilie
Also, I think you may have missed my previous PM response. Just a heads up.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#667 Posted: 02:33:52 08/04/2014 | Topic Creator

For any of you who are new to the roleplay and are reading through the past posts to familiarize yourself with the plot, you can stop here and skip forward to post #710. What lies between posts #667 and #710 is bad decision-making on my part, and it is not considered canonical to the roleplay. It's probably better if you just not read it at all. smilie

((OOC: Hmm... I have an idea that I've been considering, though I'm not sure if I want to carry through with it or not. I'll ask you guys this: Are any of you opposed to.. some more extreme forms of violence?))
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:44:02 08/02/2016 by Wylrin
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#668 Posted: 02:39:14 08/04/2014
(Not me. I don't really care.))
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#669 Posted: 02:39:56 08/04/2014
OOC: VIOLENCE VIOLENCE VIOLENCE!! *ahem* Yeah, that's fine.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#670 Posted: 02:49:34 08/04/2014
ooc: Nope. I don't mind. And Syndral is just waiting for a chance to shoot someone with her laser gun. x3
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#671 Posted: 02:56:02 08/04/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: Okay, then. :3 I'm going to wait for Lunarz to ask him if I can make use of his janitor. He is essential to the PLAN. smilie))
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#672 Posted: 03:21:10 08/04/2014
//That's fine, but if you wanna kill the Janitor, I'd prefer against it, I like Rping him, he's so lovable and clueless (Or is he? smilie)//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#673 Posted: 03:21:45 08/04/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: I'm not going to kill the janitor, I promise. smilie))
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#674 Posted: 11:09:44 08/04/2014
OOC: No one's gonna die, are they? Or is it a secret?
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#675 Posted: 23:16:21 08/04/2014
Ooc: violence is fun. Just... Your not gonna kill a controlled character, right?
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#676 Posted: 23:20:30 08/04/2014
OOC: She probably won't without asking. I was just wondering if anyone would die, even a faceless, random character.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#677 Posted: 02:11:05 11/04/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: Oh, no! No one's characters are going to die. A nameless, faceless person might, might die, but nobody's characters. smilie))
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#678 Posted: 02:12:25 11/04/2014
OOC: Didn't think so; we're just curious. But I guess we'll see when it comes around. Post away! smilie

"Well, I'll just let you kids socialize a bit. I need to catch up with all the teacher drama." Ms. E said with finality before striding, nearly skipping off. She wasn't a typical teacher, that was for sure.

"Thank gosh, I thought she would never leave," Mort said as Ms. Espinoza left, arriving at the "Table of the Champions" with a plastic tray of his meal. "So what did I miss, Shane?"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:15:35 11/04/2014 by Waaksian
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#679 Posted: 02:31:20 11/04/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: I shall! I hope it isn't too.. weird. smilie But I promise, it isn't as crazy as it sounds.))

“Dang kids and their puke,” the janitor said as he rolled his cart down the hallways and towards the school’s back double doors. “Why can’t they keep it in the toilet?” Stopping to open the doors, he retrieved his cart again and continued to head outside. “I’d make my job a lot –“ He stopped. Blocking his way outside were several black robed, hooded men standing at the door. The looked at him nonchalantly, and he stared back.

“Woah, what grade are you guys in?” he asked, gaping at their height. The ‘students’ said nothing in return. They merely looked at each other in a silent way of saying, Is this guy nuts?!

“Now you young’uns get yourselves back to class, you hear?” he instructed them, taking his cart and moving along past them. They allowed him, the group parting down the middle to let him through the doors. They glanced at each other again, then shrugged. That had been easy. Silent as the night, they slipped into the school.

Some of them parted from the group and went off in different directions, while most seemed to have one destination in mind.

- - -

Elim was about to continue his conversation with the secretary when three hooded men stepped into the office. Neither of them had a chance to process this before the strange men pulled out some form of blade – utility knives, they looked like – and ordered them, in a firm yet strangely collected tone, “Over by the wall. Now.”

- - -

A gunshot rang out in the cafeteria. The panic and terror it caused was immediately silenced by another warning gunshot. Most of the hooded figures had assembled in the lunchroom, having followed their leader, who was seemingly the only one with an actual firearm, and the only one with his hood down. He was a far older gentleman, his hair having gone grey and his form more vulnerable than the others’. This did nothing to quell the fire and determination in his eyes, however.

Despite the fact that he had just fired two bullets at the ceiling inside a school building, he seemed almost.. polite in his mannerisms. He smiled calmly at the crowd of students – no trace of malice behind it – saying, “I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment…”
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#680 Posted: 02:31:38 11/04/2014
Syndral sighed, leaning against the wall just outside the cafeteria. She knew she should go in and keep up appearances, but the idea of being in that room with so many noisy, social people just seemed like a nightmare to her. She didn't know how she would ever be able to handle it. She wanted to run, head to her car and just stay there, alone. But she knew she couldn't. She wanted to leave, but she knew she should be in that dreaded room with all the people.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#681 Posted: 02:32:58 11/04/2014
//Sorry for my short posts, I've been out of it a bit lately, been staying up late and having to learn lines and stuff and it's just taking a lot out of me.//

Zurgon greeted his friend from before, he had cheered up immensely since he had begun to dance. "Not too much, Morty, I danced a bit, it was quite good." Zurgon wondered if Mort could dance, before's they could be dance partners if Rachel didn't want to.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:33:24 11/04/2014 by Lunarz
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#682 Posted: 02:46:58 11/04/2014
OOC: @Wylrin: I've never had that in my schools, but it's not too weird. I mean, there's aliens running around in Edgar suits, y'know? smilie
@Lunarz: I would recommend just getting more rest. We'll keep the RP's slower for you when you're not around, so you don't get too far behind. smilie

"So you dance?" Mort inquired. Dancing was nothing particularly new to him, but he wondered what a human looked like when they danced. Probably ridiculous. "What did you da-"

The gunshots rang out.

"DANGITWHUT?!?" he shrieked, practically clambering on the table, as if looking desperately for high ground. Why was it that the school grounds claimed to be child safe when people were coming out trying to shoot their guts and beat them to a pulp?! He had yet to realize that the intruders were merely standing in their positions, the shots only fired in the ceiling.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#683 Posted: 02:56:04 11/04/2014
While trying to decide on what to do, Syndral nearly jumped as she heard the gunshots coming from the cafeteria. That doesn't sound good... She thought, narrowing her gaze. She then burst through the doors of the cafeteria to see what was going on. She saw the hooded men with guns. At the back table, she spotted Mort and the others. She then turned her attention back to the men, wishing she had her laser gun with her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#684 Posted: 02:58:55 11/04/2014
Zurgon had been one, if not the only kid in the cafeteria to not get down to the ground or under a table or against a wall when the gun shots fired off, he seemed un-phased by the shots. "Hm? Why is everyone so frightened all of a sudden? Are we all partaking in a school event?" Zurgon whipped his head around to see the source of the gun-shot, the hooded men, Zurgon thought they were staff or something, so with a smile on his face he approached the men, obviously not thinking that he might be shot. "Hello there, I am Shane, you are new here I presume, welcome to our school!" he pointed to the table he was just at. "That's our table, that's Mort, that's Nathan, and that's Rachel, Hi Guys!" he waved to his friends. "Would you care to sit with us, friends?" He was so incredibly and stupidly oblivious.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#685 Posted: 03:10:09 11/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"Well, it seems at least one of you is brimming with hospitality," the older gentleman said, a small smile still on his face. That smile faded, however, into a more saddened expression as he went on. "It is that hospitality.. coupled with ignorance.. that will soon be our downfall. That's right!" He looked to the students, sweeping his gaze across the cafeteria, before he continued, "We have known of this day.. for many years.. my children and I." He gestured to the cultists behind him.

"Today.. is the day that they walk the Earth. They walk among us, but they are not one of us. They bring with them the end times! Destruction of man!" His arms were raised to the heavens now, as if he was preaching to the cafeteria-full of students. Lowering his arms, he continued, "I.. have no intention of letting that happen, however. That is why I've brought my children, you see. We will root out the disease that plagues world, the foreign contaminant that comes not from here, but the stars themselves."

Narrowing his gaze now, he said, "So... Which of you are not at all what you appear to be, hm? Unfortunately, that's what we've yet to find out."
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#686 Posted: 03:19:04 11/04/2014
OOC: Oh wow. THE CULTS HAVE ARRIVED! Too bad I gotta go to bed now... G'night, star-plauges!

Mort had knocked the table down with his weight when he clambered onto it in his sudden panic. He was know lying on the ground, pulling himself up to his knees. Now he realized that there was only one gun in sight among the trespasser- erm, cults, now that he heard the older man's speech. But that very speech made him cringe and tremble. They knew...

Mort started to crawl under the now broken table, not caring if he ruined his clothes with the food from the other students' lunches that fell. If he had a human excretory system, he would have already soiled his pants...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#687 Posted: 03:20:53 11/04/2014
Syndral narrowed her gaze on these men. She knew what they were talking about, and she had to find a way to stop them somehow. She couldn't let them talk about aliens and rally the humans against herself and her comrades. She would not fail in her mission. Still, she had to think of a way to stop them without blowing her cover.

Syndral quickly and quietly went over to a lunch table and hid under it, before she could be spotted and called out on. She had to pretend she was human, and just as afraid as the others. But she also needed a plan. While hiding under the table, she got out her high-tech phone, which was more than meets the eye. She quickly typed up a message, sending it to Elim.

Elim. Crisis in the cafeteria. There are hooded men with guns. I think they know about us.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#688 Posted: 03:27:29 11/04/2014
Zurgon laughed at the men. "You guys are quite funny, I do like your hoods though, very nice, where did you get them? What's your name? Do you like fish? i like fish, What plague are you speaking of? Is it the black plague? Is that still a thing?" The questions kept piling up, he would never get an answer to all of his questions as he spoke too quickly. He was circling the other hooded men now, checking out there robes, not sure what the guy was talking about, he thought it was a part of the school day, like every other day, perhaps it was a play? Zurgon liked plays, this was the favorite part of his day.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#689 Posted: 03:38:00 11/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"Stay behind me," Mr. White instructed quietly to the secretary, who had all but broken down into a nervous wreck. It wasn't necessary for him to try to calm her down and protect her, but for the sake of his mission, and for the sake of keeping the hooded men unprovoked, he tried to do just that. Besides, it wouldn't do for him to have a mentally instable human interfering with anything he might try to do.

Suddenly something flicked across the insides of his lenses. Adjusting his glasses, he read the message Syndral had sent him. So they were in the cafeteria too, it seemed. And they were aware of them? How was this possible? How could they have suspected, or have access to such knowledge? At the moment, it didn't matter. What did matter was that they needed to make sure that none of these people revealed who they were.

Adjusting his glasses again in a discreet motion, he brought up a messaging interface on the insides of his lenses. Mentally 'clicking' on certain symbols and letters - in a manner that was something akin to human texting - he replied via message, There are some of them in the office as well. They seem to have the building under their control.
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#690 Posted: 03:41:00 11/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"What are you doing?" Rachel hissed at Shane, terrified. He was acting as if everything was normal, which was most certainly not the case. She herself was hiding under a lunch table - if it could be called hiding. The girl was scared out of her mind. Nothing the man had said had really gotten through to her. All that she could think of was that there were men with guns in her school and oh how she wished for once in her life that she had a phone!
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#691 Posted: 03:50:29 11/04/2014
Syndral received the message on her phone and read what Elim's response was. Her eyes widened, so they weren't just in the cafeteria. They seemed to know what they were doing, but how did they have any suspicion about aliens? Syndral gritted her teeth. She refused to fail because of this. If only she had brought her laser gun with her, she could vaporize them on the spot. Sure, it would look a little suspicious, but at least they would be gone.

But why? How do they even know anything? Elim, what are we going to do? We have to stop them somehow.

Syndral then looked up, seeing that Zurgon was quite possibly doing the dumbest thing in existence. She sighed at his idiocy. She was sure he was going to get himself in more trouble.

Elim, there's something else. There's this human, a Shane Blair, I believe. He is acting most strange. He approached these men, and is talking to them as if they are his friends. He doesn't seem fully aware of the danger he is in.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#692 Posted: 11:51:07 11/04/2014
Mort was clutching the broken pole of the table, clinging harder when the cultist's gaze briefly swept over them. How did they find out about them? The Order specifically told them that the humans were not aware of extraterrestrial life. But these humans didn't seem to be of the government; they were too informal with their form of dress, they possessed only one firearm, and there weren't any helicopters or tanks rumbling in the schoolyard. Perhaps they were merely common cultists. Even so, that didn't make them any less dangerous.

Mort was shocked by Shane's hospitable reaction to the cultists. The rest of the humans were huddled under the tables or by the wall in fear, but what was this one doing? A thought occurred to him, but then he immediately dismissed it. Shane couldn't be part of the Brotherhood; any alien wouldn't treat an obvious threat to their existence with such kindness. Morph mentally told himself to stop being so paranoid. Shane was just as much of a human as all the others, ambit very stupid.

"Shane, are you out of your mind?!" Mort whispered loudly and desperately.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#693 Posted: 23:41:41 11/04/2014
Seytrius had just been about to say something, when he heard the gunshots. "****." He said as he listened to the cult's leader give his mini speech. How'd they know about us aliens? When did they find out? Was there a spy from one of the factions working with the humans? This was all that was going through his mind at the moment. Until he realized what Zurgon was doing. "Idiot." He muttered to himself.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#694 Posted: 00:05:51 12/04/2014
P3 was sneaking towards the cafeteria. She had a knife made out of data made physical in her hand, and was actually quite nervous. She approached the door to the cafeteria, and peeked inside. The men with guns looked.... Like cultists. And most cultists made missions dangerous. She quickly pressed a button on a device in her pocket, and a second knife was summoned, positioned in her pocket.
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#695 Posted: 20:37:00 13/04/2014
Zurgon turned around to look at Rachel, she was near the table they were sitting at and she seemed scared. "I'm just conversing with my new friends, why are you frightened so? Did I do something wrong?" His confusion was growing, why was everyone so scared of these men? they were not harming anyone, was it because of the loud noise from the gun shot? He didn't know, but he believed that they were harmless.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#696 Posted: 21:09:32 13/04/2014
"I know, right?" Mort said in reply to Nathan's insult. His name was mentioned while he came up to their table, before the chaos happened. He gripped the post harder, nervous. "What the heck are they rambling about? Are they religious extremists or something?" He knew perfectly well what the cultist was talking about. He was certain that they were fixing to search the whole cafeteria, every student, for any alien spy. Either he was going to have to play dumb pretty dang good, or get the heck out of there.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#697 Posted: 23:53:26 13/04/2014
Allison/P3 looked at Shane. Her eyes begged for him to look at her, realize how entirely stupid he was acting, the like. Maybe if she could identify the leader, he could make for a good human shield.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#698 Posted: 19:29:15 18/04/2014
//Just bumping this so people don't forget about it, we're a bit stuck without Wylrin so hopefully she will be back here sometime soon.//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#699 Posted: 21:54:22 19/04/2014
Ooc: and I was so worried Wylrin would get back while I was gone. Wylrin! Please!
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#700 Posted: 00:23:54 25/04/2014
OOC: To keep the RP at least partly active until Wylrin's return, maybe we should have a chat about it. Do you like the direction it's going in? Any character development so far? Wish for more interactions between certain characters? Anyone want late-night pancakes?
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