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To Beat a Horror (MLP RP) [CLOSED]
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#651 Posted: 05:57:12 16/04/2013
"I never... never said anything." Hellena objected, though she didn't press on the point. Something was beginning to irritate her.
It might just be horn, the tip must've cracked on the ground, she thought. I'll have a look at that later.
Just keep on thinking that.
"As for bandages... need to get the glass out, and the-then, I will bandage myself. Trust only gets you so fa-far before... you get a knife in the back. Literally. Anyway... Where's Loony?"
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:50:44 16/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#652 Posted: 06:21:51 16/04/2013
I smile at Pepperwing.

"I have the strength to do whatever has to be done. I will see this terror gone and this place freed."
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#653 Posted: 14:38:31 16/04/2013
OOC: "Or dog food" Gulaven

Colton's smile faded, "Uh, thanks I guess..." he leaned back a bit, "I try not to think about it really. I keep myself away from their machines, but I do forge panels and frames. I let them do everything else, and I keep to myself."

Clayton groans, "You know what? Fine, fine. I'll do this, just because I'm not a pure breed monster." he turned back to the broken shop to head inside. He came to the door, "I'm not fixing you out in the dirt and glass."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#654 Posted: 14:43:08 16/04/2013
Sicolus walked(or more of a limp) back to the shop. 'Pretty ironic, I broke his windows and got into a fight and now everypony is on board' he thought to himself 'BRILLIANT!'. He entered the shop and looked for a place to sit when a thought crossed him 'where is sada?'
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#655 Posted: 21:46:20 16/04/2013
Hellena hesitated, sceptical of going into a confined place with a psychopath. "'Pure-breed monster?'" she muttered. "That's a new one. Maybe the psycho is, but I'm not." She snickered painfully, heading towards the door.
self professed austGAYlian
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#656 Posted: 21:53:49 16/04/2013
"Oh come on Hellena" sicolus said cheerfully "believe it or not I'm the most trustworthy person here. I mean I'm not motivated by money or long life. I'm motivated by honor and what honor would I gain through deception."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#657 Posted: 22:09:08 16/04/2013
"'Trustworthy.' Yeah, well, not in my eyes. Who knows who might end up being the traitor?" the firebug's voice was bitter, and there was a hint of resent there. "It always was the Pyro's job to seek out the traitor. Well, I usually found the roasted bug, but..."
self professed austGAYlian
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#658 Posted: 22:38:12 16/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"C'mon Colton." Steel motioned to the shop. "You guys have any food to spare? I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse." he joked as he trotted to the door.

Pepperwing looked at some hoofprints in the dirt. "She went willingly, alone. She should be alright."

Slendermane tapped its hoof impatiently. A pair of eyes could be seen in the bushes, watching it.
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#659 Posted: 02:05:23 17/04/2013
"Your logic doesn't necessarily apply to a mad pony" sicolus said "they cooked ponies into the food at the factory once, it was surprisingly sweeter than what we usually had " he said as if making small talk. Sicolus looked at his vest 'i haven't had this for 30 minutes and its already torn to shreds' he smiled 'i like it'. He took off his vest and sat away from the furniture as not to bloody anything important. It was dark, he enjoyed that, it felt like having a blanket, a safe haven from the eyes of others and the perfect place to launch an attack.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#660 Posted: 03:03:23 17/04/2013
OOC: 1: I've been left defenseless/useless twice
2: Raptor was in the forest with slender and the maskies... I've gotten nothing for her a bit

Colton swung his sword around to land it in its sheath, "Well we did just get some previsions from the forest before the rain. Some apples and berries, not the evil kind though," he walked in avoiding the broken glass along the way. Going to a basket at the far end of the room, "Yeah, there's enough here to get you out of a hungry state, but not enough to fill everypony." he picked it up to bring it over to the middle of the room.

Clayton came back into the room with the medical box, "Who's first?" he asked dryly.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#661 Posted: 03:40:18 17/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Defenseless/Useless? And as for Raptor, I was kinda waiting for the whole, "cut the bridge and drop to your supposed doom, but actually survive" bit. Unless you weren't going for that. :/

"You're a lifesaver, Colton." Steel praised before picking three berries from the basket. He balanced one on the edge of his muzzle before snapping it up like a dog. "So," Steel mused, chewing." About our armament situation."

Some Maskies came close to the edge of the bridge, pleading with Raptor to play games with them. The Slendermane began to slip back into the trees, barely visible in the canopy-obstructed moonlight.
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#662 Posted: 03:42:53 17/04/2013
I nod at her comment.

"We shall wait here until she returns and then we must immediately search for that page."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:51:13 17/04/2013 by Wyrstel
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#663 Posted: 06:35:18 17/04/2013
"As I stated before, I'll do myself." Hellena wheezed, shifting her front leg uncomfortably. "But, um... I guess it's been a long time since, well..." she trailed off, laughing nervously. "I think my leg's broken, or at the very least sprained. So, yeah..."
"I get it; you're trying to asking for help." Loony voiced coldly, from a shadowed corner. "There's only one stallion you'd even ask help from, and rarely. I'm surprised, Hellena. I honestly am."
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:03:31 17/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#664 Posted: 10:25:10 17/04/2013
"Don't worry guys I can feed myself" sicolus said as he pulled some scarri-berries out. He went to eat them then stopped "you know maybe this isn't such a good idea".
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#665 Posted: 13:01:03 17/04/2013 | Topic Creator
Steel eyed Sicolus intently before looking at the sickly yellow berries. "What's wrong with 'em, Sic? Did they spoil?" He tossed the second berry into the air and caught it in his mouth.

Pepperwing cautiously pushed Zecora's door, opening it slowly with a creak. "C'mon. I don't think she'll mind if we sit down."
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#666 Posted: 14:36:42 17/04/2013
"No, the last time I ate them I was almost put into a coma" sicolus said showing off the berries "they are the reason slendermane is here. He is a phantasm that feeds off fear. The more there is the stronger he gets, so much now that he has a physical form. They are a hallucinogen or something similar, they caused everypony else to go crazy. The only reason it caused me so much pain is because of all the drugs the factory pumped me with to ensure my survival, to make me deadlier, more energy, quicker healing rate. Its not like super strength or anything, just enough to make sure I can keep going for a week."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#667 Posted: 15:19:52 17/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"That's whatcha' get for mixing drugs, Sic. They probably won't sit well with my anti-psychotics." He added, popping the third berry into his trap. "So you're really from the Factory, huh? They were nice enough to hold our Class-three nuclear fission bomb for us."
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#668 Posted: 17:01:24 17/04/2013
"Wasn't necessarily my choice. I mean when they put you under and pump you full of drugs, what am I suppose to do. And how was I suppose to know the berries would effect me so badly." Sicolus said defensively. "But this proves my point. We need to banish fear to defeat slendermane."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#669 Posted: 21:12:15 17/04/2013
I nod and step into our house before sitting on the couch with Pepperwing.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#670 Posted: 21:15:50 17/04/2013
"I wouldn't eat those." Loony stated, though he still stared at Hellena. "They'll make bad things happen regardless. I watched."
"Loony, look, I had to do this sooner of later." the gaunt mare finally forced out. "Better I control it rather than it controls me. I'll make it up to you, alright?" She sighed, settling herself down gently. "I don't care what you eat, as long as you don't start stabbing me again."
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:39:12 17/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#671 Posted: 02:33:04 18/04/2013
Sicolus laughed "that's the spirit 'lena. Don't let your inner demons get you down". He looked at the berries in his (ooc: I meant hoof, I could change it but this is just one of those moments) hand(ooc:these are the moments in my life I go "sandman you really suck) and put them back in his pocket. He then looked at loony "who are you?"
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:33:10 18/04/2013 by SandmanOfTexas
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#672 Posted: 07:19:50 18/04/2013
"A figment of a certain pony's twisted imagination." Loony stated simply. "I came to life when she needed a friend most. She went off to kill, and then she met that Conagher colt. He hell of a lot made my job easier, I must say."
"Loony, please- Hang on." Hellena turned to Sicolus, then back to Loony. "You can see him? You can hear him?"
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:54:02 18/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#673 Posted: 10:14:37 18/04/2013
Sicolus looked back and forth a little confused at first. "HA! So not only do you hear voices you see them to" sicolus said gleefully "and now its something tangible, something that can be touched. That's amazing!"
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#674 Posted: 10:39:34 18/04/2013
"He used to corporeal in my eyes only. I don't know why he's here now." Hellena muttered. "Imagination magic has always been hard to figure out. And Loony was the product of a pained filly's desperate plea for help, while unicorns who study the subject can't even give something a basic sentience. Hilarious."
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:34:08 18/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#675 Posted: 12:30:53 18/04/2013
"When I lost my sanity I started to hear a voice" sicolus said "named him sada. It turned out he was an entire different conscience and would know what was going on around me even if I didn't. Only thing I can explain is you subconsciencously created something inside you. But yours seems more powerful than mine. Perhaps because you take care of yourself better than I do."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#676 Posted: 12:49:11 18/04/2013
"Perhaps, perhaps not." Loony answered dully. "I get the vibe that you both run headlong into danger. It hurts."
"Loony Hellena, Hellena is Loony." Hellena snickered to herself. "The truth all comes around in unusual ways, doesn't it?"
self professed austGAYlian
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#677 Posted: 14:29:33 18/04/2013
Sicolus began pulling glass out of his coat "some ideas sound better in the moment". He looked "got any gauze. I need to stop the bleeding."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#678 Posted: 15:43:34 18/04/2013
OOC: hand?

Colton lifted a red apple out, a bit uneven in shape, but edible, "I've never been good at playing doctor. Clayton has had experience with our father though. Wasn't his special talent though, but it is one of his minor skills." Clayton only grunted roughly at the comment. Pulling medicine tubes and a clean rag out first, Clayton walked over to Sicolus.

Lowering he supplies to the floor in front of Sicolus awaiting his response or showing of major injury.
Raptor watched the children, "Do you not trust me? I only wish that you are unharmed." she was just about to the other side of the bridge now, "The old ruins would be a good place for safety, and it's quite well hidden." she looked around to see if Slendermane was still around, but he had vanished from sight.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:34:01 18/04/2013 by SpyroD
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#679 Posted: 16:01:28 18/04/2013
Ooc: what do you mean hand? And he already removed his vest

sicolus wave him off "no look after her first. All I need is some gauze. trust me when I tell you I have had some experience with medical supplies" he said remembering the time he locked himself in a hospital room at the factory. "But that's a story for another day."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#680 Posted: 16:32:11 18/04/2013
OOC: you said he put the berries in his pocket, so I assumed he was wearing something else.

"What ever." Clayton picked the stuff back up and approached Hellena, "You going to turn me away too?"
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#681 Posted: 18:19:22 18/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"Its probably a good idea to get some rest." Steel said suddenly, on his own train of thought. "Two injured unicorns, a figment of the imagination, monsters, evil kids, zebras...this had been one hay of a night."

The children slowly began following Raptor over the bridge, making it sway gently.

Zecora left her hiding place in the bushes, relieved the children were being taken away from the demon. She turned to leave, when she ran smack into a black suit jacket.
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#682 Posted: 18:46:47 18/04/2013
As I fall into a gentle slumber, I have a vision of my sister and Slendermane. He has found her and we must save her before it is too late. I jolt upright and grab Pepperwing shaking her.

"My sister's in trouble. Come on. Slendermane has found her. We must save her, before its too late," I say urgently.
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#683 Posted: 21:21:07 18/04/2013
Sicolus wasted no time in pulling out the glass and throwing them in a pile. 'Huh. Those made an effective weapon. Perhaps I should keep them. Another trick up my sleeve slendermane won't see coming. It would make quick work of the maskies. I wouldn't even have to kill them just cut some ligaments' he thought to himself. Once all the glass was out he began neatly wrapping himself in gauze, something he had seen doctors do to his victims and he had done a few times for himself. He smiled as he finished and shook " ooh. I love the feeling of gauze on fresh wounds. They feel like scars, which feels like good memories."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#684 Posted: 21:22:03 18/04/2013
"Just for the leg," Hellena said quietly, motioning to the limb spread out in front of her. "For the cuts, I've dealt with a lot worse. I'll share my war stories some other time, or maybe not."
"Problem?" Loony quipped at Steel. "There've been many others like me before now. One, apparently, is quite prevalent in Equestrian history, and not for his origins."
self professed austGAYlian
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#685 Posted: 02:22:40 19/04/2013
"If your leg was broken, you'd know it. Just sprained. May broose by sunrise, but I have some painkillers." Clayton offered, "Then again that is up to you." he went to putting some sterilizing ointment on the cuts over her leg, "Either way, it needs to be kept straight for a few hours before use." he began wrapping her hoof in the gauze.
"We can play latter. I'm sorry that I am too busy to play now, but I promise I will. Only after Celestia lowers the shield and the sun shines brightly." she stopped backing away taking one step forward.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#686 Posted: 06:13:56 19/04/2013
"Thank you for your help." Hellena said quietly. Her horn flickered again, glowing brightly along the crack. She grunted before continuing. "At least it hasn't broken apart. Anyway, I'll pass on the painkillers though. So easy to switch them for, uh, something else, if you catch my drift." She snickered uneasily, shifting slightly.
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:13:51 19/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#687 Posted: 12:50:12 19/04/2013 | Topic Creator
The Maskies stopped, keeping their distance from Raptor.

Steel raised an eyebrow at Hellena, but said nothing. He slipped off his jumpsuit with ease and folded it in a neat rectangle.

Pepperwing pressed Zendral back down. "Calm down! It was just a dream."
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#688 Posted: 14:29:19 19/04/2013
Sicolus walked over to his now torn vest and cleaned it off. He put it back "alright let's get gone."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#689 Posted: 17:17:32 19/04/2013
"You've yet to eat. Are you not hungry, or not satisfied with what we have?" Colton asked aliasing the basket closer to Sicolus.

"I have the injectible kind. Makes it a little numb, but it helps with the healing process." Clayton added.
Raptor tilted her head, "Do not be afraid, these teeth aren't for you. They are my protection against the reap evil ones." she said kindly(like an adult to a child or pet) taking another step toward them, expecting them to cooperate without aggression.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#690 Posted: 17:25:49 19/04/2013
"No, I just find it difficult to eat. I'm not taking anymore drugs either, I hate needles." Sicolus said "I guess I could eat an apple, I do need some more calories for energy."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#691 Posted: 22:13:16 19/04/2013
I sit back down but then my zebra senses are start tingling.

"I'm not quite sure my zebra senses are going wild right now. Maybe we should go check this out, just to be safe?"
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#692 Posted: 22:22:11 19/04/2013
Hellena thought for a while. "...Alright, I'll take it." she finally responded. "There might be something I can do to make up for this, but I'm just a lost little firebug."
self professed austGAYlian
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#693 Posted: 08:05:12 21/04/2013
"Nothing you can help me with..." Clayton stepped away to retrieve the liquidized pain killer, "And since you are as you say, "A murderer" I suggest you turn yourself in or bring back those of innocence you've killed, get out of Ponyville either way." he replied stripping the nettle of its plastic safety cap, "I know your trying to be nice right now, and my attitude would upset you, but I'm not the one who has shed blood in any form." he raised his hoof to her casted leg to push the tip through the cloth.

Colton looked around, "Does having your own things, that are given away or sold, used as weapons count?"
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#694 Posted: 09:44:18 21/04/2013
"Work is work." Hellena pointed out simply. "No matter how bloody it is. I know what it feels like to die. We all do. And then that brilliant piece of machinery drags us back." She sighed. "Maybe I chose to do what I do, and I fully admit it. Maybe I was never innocent. But some of my colleagues really had no choice. Families to feed and care for. Escape from constant ridicule of his hybrid nature. The only thing he could do to evade a life imprisonment after a deadly accident. Honestly, what would you do if you were in any of those situations?"
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:50:00 21/04/2013 by ReshiramForever
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#695 Posted: 12:50:28 21/04/2013
"Ya I know what dieing feels like" sicolus spoke up "once you get pass the pain its quite liberating. I'm a bit of a murder myself, but unlike 'lena here I don't have an excuse. I do it for the hell of it, because its fun. So don't give her such a hard time about killing when its the psychopath you should worry about".
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#696 Posted: 12:58:50 21/04/2013
"It's always the experience to feel the cold, empty void, then get dragged back to the start. Wonderful inventor, Radigan was." her ears flattened slightly. "And did I mention I had an excuse? I don't. I don't think I have any family left, I'm not a hybrid, and I'm not a drunk."
self professed austGAYlian
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#697 Posted: 13:54:49 21/04/2013
"Oh please 'lena you make excuses all the time. Example: 'its a job', or how about 'i can't change who I am'." Sicolus said "and nopony cares about your family. Dead or alive."
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
Nyght Gold Sparx Gems: 2765
#698 Posted: 20:21:31 21/04/2013 | Topic Creator
Steel cleared his throat loudly, in an attempt to prevent rising tension. "Everypony here has differing opinions, but one thing stays a constant." He paused. "Slendermane is keeping you here by continuing to live. The sooner we kill this thing, the sooner we can all trot about our merry ways."
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down!
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5151
#699 Posted: 20:48:35 21/04/2013
Hellena snorted coldly. "I'll go with whatever gets me out faster." she sighed angrily, resting her head in her hoof. "I don't care for who I have to side with, what I have to do, but I need to return to the South."
self professed austGAYlian
SandmanOfTexas Gold Sparx Gems: 2334
#700 Posted: 21:07:21 21/04/2013
"Trust me 'lena, you want the psychopath on your side" sicolus winked "I'm a monster's nightmare".
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride!
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