

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
Angel101 Red Sparx Gems: 36
#651 Posted: 15:06:58 29/03/2012
Also stores in kelowna and Vernon have put 2 per customer limits on skylanders
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#652 Posted: 15:29:56 29/03/2012
so is anything coming out tomorrow? Should I be heading to my nearest store early in the morning? lol

Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#653 Posted: 15:31:48 29/03/2012
You should probably read the last few posts in the thread.

I'm debating if I should grab Ignitor now, or wait for the next wave's triple pack. I suspect that I won't be able to wait.
Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#654 Posted: 16:37:59 29/03/2012
Quote: Zing
Yes, I will be there at 9:15 AM for sure. My daughter will be thrilled.

Why would you get there 45 min early?
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#655 Posted: 16:43:35 29/03/2012
I'll be snagging Ignitor now (if I can) instead of waiting... he is one that I have been waiting to try out.

As far as the 9:15 thing, I know the TRU here opens at 9:30... freaking weird time to open a store, but who am I to judge?
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#656 Posted: 16:44:59 29/03/2012
they open at 10 here
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#657 Posted: 17:59:44 29/03/2012
I have no personal interest in Ignitor, but I'm sure if he is on the shelf tomorrow, I will buy. smilie

Yes, my local store opens at 9:30.
Zaptastic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1465
#658 Posted: 18:07:59 29/03/2012
Unfortunately I'm in school tomorrow when the store opens up so I can't join the mad rush. However I have both my Grandma and Dad going to 2 different TRUs before they open at 9:30 am to double my chances of getting Dragon's Peak.

Once I have that, I'll just have to wait a month or two for the last 3 Skylanders to be released smilie Then a long deserved break before Giants smilie
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#659 Posted: 19:31:37 29/03/2012
In Ottawa On. the ebgames at billings bridge got 3packs from wave 4 yesterday and today, I got 1. Trus at st laurent mall and merivale also got wave 4 3packs in today but none have gotten any wave 4 singles or cynder singles. I didnt check any other stores today. All the ebgames, walmarts, and trus, have gotten shipments of lots of older stuff all this week however.
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#660 Posted: 19:54:13 29/03/2012
Urg. Good news and bad news.

The local toys r us in Oakville says they have Dragon's Peak and will sell it as soon as the store opens tommorow.

Bad knews, they HAD some wave 4 triple packs but sold out of them already.

If they where going to hold back one part of wave 4 for Friday why not both parts? ARG
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#661 Posted: 20:22:04 29/03/2012
my store does not know anything about tomorrow so i will have to check later
Green Bean Machine
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#662 Posted: 23:49:53 29/03/2012
I've decided to check out my local TRU tomorrow before my class(college) here in Toronto. I'll report my findings! smilie

dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#663 Posted: 13:45:22 30/03/2012
Anyone out East have any luck at TRU this morning? Keep us posted on the days findings of Dragon's Peak! Good luck everyone! Almost forget the actual game is Skylanders and not the "hunt" for the characters! lol
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#664 Posted: 13:51:31 30/03/2012
The trus on merivale had dragons peak this morning, managed to get 1 there was like 20 people in line before they opened. Funny thing is they all lined up at the wrong door, the employees always open the door on the far right 1st wich made us 1st in line, lol. Everyone ended up lining up behind us at the right door.

No blue bashes though, they also had wave 4 3packs.

They made people line up outside electronics and they had 2 shopping carts of dragons peak and they handed them out as you entered. They only allowed one 3pack or adventure pack (not both) and only 3 singles. They also only let 2 people at a time into electronics.

They where telling people who called asking if they had dp that they prob wouldnt by the time they got to the store.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:49:27 30/03/2012 by Brutungo
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#665 Posted: 13:54:38 30/03/2012
I was the 7th person at my TRU. I arrived at 9:20. Everyone there was there for Dragon's Peak. Limit of one per family, but otherwise no limit on anything else.

They had a full stock of wave 3 individuals and adventure packs. No wave 4 other than a single triple pack. They had 20 Dragon's Peak behind the counter.

I only saw one obvious scalper. He grabbed some of the packs and went off to the side and checked prices on his phone.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:55:05 30/03/2012 by Zing
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#666 Posted: 14:05:12 30/03/2012
Mississauga (401 / Winston Churchill) Toys R Us had a line up going to the end of the store.

Limit of 1 character per customer.

They had maybe 16 DPs on the wall (which were gone by the time I made it to the cashier with mine) and I only saw 1 3-pack from wave 4 which went before I could get to it. They had stacks of singles from previous waves but not many seemed interested in them.
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JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#667 Posted: 14:08:58 30/03/2012
Got Dragon's Peak this morning!!! No other wave 4 stuff, tons of other characters that came in yesterday!
No limits.... people were buying them like crazy!!! Not scalpers! Moms!!!!
Northern Ontario Canada.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#668 Posted: 14:29:35 30/03/2012
Dragon's peak get.

I was about 4th in line but it was scary how long the line up ended up being something like 30 people. I think I must have been just about the youngest person in the line and one of the few buying it for myself to boot.

I'm a bit pissed since they told me yesterday they had no wave 4 3-packs but one of the employes was in line and had snagged it for herself. Bo erns.
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#669 Posted: 14:29:43 30/03/2012
so far I haven't seeen anyone say they have seen Ignitor... are we out of luck in Canada for his single pack? smilie

My Wife will be outside TRU by 9:15 (Opens at 9:30), so hopefully she can get in and get DP at least
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#670 Posted: 14:34:06 30/03/2012
got nothing at my tru this morning i was too late at 15 mins before the store opened! This is starting to be less fun.

Anyone know if walmart got a shipment in today? I could go check on my lunch break. Isn't it funny how the lines between hobby and habbit quickly become blurred.

Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#671 Posted: 14:34:39 30/03/2012
The wave 4 single packs are still not available here. Once they are, we will see Ignitor.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#672 Posted: 14:35:55 30/03/2012
Wow, where is your store that you had such a huge line to sell out 15 minute before opening?

I guess I am lucky that I am not downtown Toronto or something. I'm sure my store sold out just from the people that arrived at opening.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#673 Posted: 14:38:28 30/03/2012
Quote: gbone
got nothing at my tru this morning i was too late at 15 mins before the store opened! This is starting to be less fun.

Anyone know if walmart got a shipment in today? I could go check on my lunch break. Isn't it funny how the lines between hobby and habbit quickly become blurred.

Problem is Wal-mart will not have Dragon' Peak....exclusive for 30 days with TRU.
You could check for other wave 4 stuff???
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#674 Posted: 14:44:03 30/03/2012
Quote: Zing
Wow, where is your store that you had such a huge line to sell out 15 minute before opening?

I guess I am lucky that I am not downtown Toronto or something. I'm sure my store sold out just from the people that arrived at opening.

it wasn't so much that amount of people as it was amount of stock they had there was about 15 people in line already and they snagged all the goodies.

Quote: JAP28
Quote: gbone
got nothing at my tru this morning i was too late at 15 mins before the store opened! This is starting to be less fun.

Anyone know if walmart got a shipment in today? I could go check on my lunch break. Isn't it funny how the lines between hobby and habbit quickly become blurred.

Problem is Wal-mart will not have Dragon' Peak....exclusive for 30 days with TRU.
You could check for other wave 4 stuff???

Yeah I don't mind that I just want to look for anything I don't already have.

Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:50:45 30/03/2012 by gbone
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#675 Posted: 15:45:40 30/03/2012
At one in brampton it was lined up, about 20 ppl. I was about mid-way. They had about 9 dp on the wall and a few boxes on the side of them. Had the 2 older adventure pack and a lot of the older singles. finally got sb~
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#676 Posted: 15:52:12 30/03/2012
no ones been to a walmart yet today?

Angel101 Red Sparx Gems: 36
#677 Posted: 16:07:30 30/03/2012
Dragons peak found at toys r us in kelowna this morning when I left they where sold out
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#678 Posted: 16:11:52 30/03/2012
Quote: gbone
no ones been to a walmart yet today?

No one has been to Wal-Mart yet because I think most people want Dragon's Peak!!!!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#679 Posted: 16:12:50 30/03/2012
Got Dragon's Peak at Cross Iron Mills in Calgary this morning! I was there 35 minutes prior and 5th in line. They only got 22 in and limited 1 per person.
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#680 Posted: 16:20:32 30/03/2012
Wife got DP at the Sunridge TRU in Calgary. She was there 20 minutes early and was 7th in line. Lots of people showed up after her. Still mising Ignitor smilie I guess 28 heroic challenges per character is more than enough for now.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#681 Posted: 16:27:07 30/03/2012
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
At one in brampton it was lined up, about 20 ppl. I was about mid-way. They had about 9 dp on the wall and a few boxes on the side of them. Had the 2 older adventure pack and a lot of the older singles. finally got sb~

I almost went to the one in Brampton since it's closer to my house instead of the one in Mississauga near my office. Sounds like they had the same stock.
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jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#682 Posted: 16:29:49 30/03/2012
just got sunburn smilie ! calgary toys r us
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#683 Posted: 16:36:14 30/03/2012
I went to the Whitby store at 10:30 and they were long gone. Does nobody work in this town? lol. I guess I should have tried harder to be there for opening, but I honestly thought they'd have a better supply of them. Why advertise them in the flyer if you are only getting a few?? I hope they will get more throughout the week. Sigh.
Sunburn55 Blue Sparx Gems: 926
#684 Posted: 16:40:47 30/03/2012
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
At one in brampton it was lined up, about 20 ppl. I was about mid-way. They had about 9 dp on the wall and a few boxes on the side of them. Had the 2 older adventure pack and a lot of the older singles. finally got sb~

I was there and all of the DP was gone so I got one of the older Skylanders that I missed
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#685 Posted: 17:24:14 30/03/2012
Quote: Sunburn55
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
At one in brampton it was lined up, about 20 ppl. I was about mid-way. They had about 9 dp on the wall and a few boxes on the side of them. Had the 2 older adventure pack and a lot of the older singles. finally got sb~

I was there and all of the DP was gone so I got one of the older Skylanders that I missed

When did you get there?
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#686 Posted: 19:03:40 30/03/2012
wasn't there talk of dp releasing on 31st? What are the chances tru restocks tomorrow?

tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#687 Posted: 19:11:26 30/03/2012
Or more like - What are the chances they didn't put all of their stock out on the first day? The ad in the flyer is for the entire week, not just the first day. Wouldn't surprise me if they only bring out like 20 adventure packs per day to spread it out over the week.
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Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#688 Posted: 19:15:52 30/03/2012
Im going to TRU Market mall tomorrow!!!
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#689 Posted: 19:26:38 30/03/2012
the ad says "while they last"... i wouldn't get your hopes up lol
Sunburn55 Blue Sparx Gems: 926
#690 Posted: 19:58:46 30/03/2012
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
Quote: Sunburn55
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
At one in brampton it was lined up, about 20 ppl. I was about mid-way. They had about 9 dp on the wall and a few boxes on the side of them. Had the 2 older adventure pack and a lot of the older singles. finally got sb~

I was there and all of the DP was gone so I got one of the older Skylanders that I missed

When did you get there?

Around 10:00
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#691 Posted: 20:04:29 30/03/2012
i went to tru nothing
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#692 Posted: 21:23:01 30/03/2012
I called Eb games and they said they had Eruptor.
I got Down their and He got sold.just like that. :/
Then the Guy said You could of Asked us to put him off to the side. Oh yeah couldnt of said that on smilie
But the had 6 drobots 2 sonic booms 1 flameslinger 1 whirlwind 2 stumpsmashes and 3 bashs.
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#693 Posted: 21:47:44 30/03/2012
I pick up Sunburn and the cynder/zook/lightning rod three pack.Now I'm set and ready for wave 5!smilie
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#694 Posted: 21:51:58 30/03/2012
Durham region Walmarts got a ton of singles! Cynder, Whirwind, Zook, Lightning Rod, Chop Chop, Bash and some others.

Yippee! I was so sad for missing out on Dragon's Peak but finding Zook and LR make me feel much better smilie smilie smilie

edit: they also had a couple pirate seas I think and hex-dinorang-zap
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:53:53 30/03/2012 by keljonezie
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#695 Posted: 22:00:47 30/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Hello fellow canadian skylander fans!!!

I just came back from Wamart in Oshawa were i live and they had A bunch of singles. Ended up getting lightning rod and 2 zooks.
Butt head that came behind me came in and was talking on his cell and was grabbing like 6 of each character I'm glad i got there before him and he dident get a lightning rod i got the last one. But still it's those kind of people who piss me off they come in and take the whole shelf leaving only a drobot and some bashes.I hope the start putting a limit on them like tru has done.
But my wave 4 is complete all at retail price I resisted the SCALPERS YAYYYYY!!!! LOL

Good luck !
l_Eden_l Green Sparx Gems: 124
#696 Posted: 23:54:32 30/03/2012
When I checked Wal-Mart two days ago, they were completely sold out. But I also live in a small town, so we might be slow in getting them. The local Toys R Us and EB Games have them, though only the first two waves, and also in low quantities...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:05:51 31/03/2012 by l_Eden_l
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#697 Posted: 00:07:12 31/03/2012
Quote: l_Eden_l
When I checked Wal-Mart two days ago, they were completely sold out. But I also live in a small town, so we might be slow in getting them. The local Toys R Us and EB Games have them, thought only the first two waves, and also in low quantities...

You might want to call them again. Most of them just got them in this afternoon. Walmart that is.
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#698 Posted: 00:18:51 31/03/2012
Quote: Sunburn55
Quote: Sakura Mazaki
Quote: Sunburn55

I was there and all of the DP was gone so I got one of the older Skylanders that I missed

When did you get there?

Around 10:00

I guess, unless you get there when it opens there was noe chance smilie Doesn't help that I saw people with more than 1 pack of dragons peak. Why can't people's kids share?
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#699 Posted: 01:16:37 31/03/2012
anyone seen these two sided cardboard displays at walmart other threads are talking about in canada? might check my walmart tomorrow.

Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#700 Posted: 01:27:39 31/03/2012
Yes, I have also avoided buying anything from anywhere but retail stores. I have purchased every single one of my figures from TRU, Best Buy, Future Shop, or EB. I was lucky that my girlfriend went to Kansas to visit her family last fall and grabbed me a Whirlwind from Target there when it was exclusive.
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