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Legend of Orion: Dark Times (open) [CLOSED]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#651 Posted: 02:59:56 25/08/2018
It didn't take long for the nomadic trio to reach the waterfall Angora was talking about. As expected, the herbivores ran away as soon as Shade approached, but the rest remained intact. The dragolet had to lie down to see the waterfall in it's splendor since he was taller than most of the trees.
"Didn't I tell you? This is untouched nature." Angora said with pride, happy when finding places like this. It was better than extreme weather, like snow or desert heat, and evidently far more preferable than towns and villages full of noisy, arrogant people. Both Maverick and Angora got off Shade, and the troll went under the waterfall to bathe. Maverick imagined such a river with clear waters would be loaded with fish, and he wasn't going to miss the opportunity.
"Where are you going?" Angora asked her hybrid companion, seeing him leave.
"Just up the river Angorita. I want to see if there's a lake. Maybe there could be some new fish for Shady." Maverick said with a smile, with Angora shrinking her shoulders and letting him be.
"Don't take too long Malo. Remember that we'll be on the move again soon." she warned as he disappeared, though she knew neither of them wouldn't mind staying there for the night...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#652 Posted: 10:23:15 25/08/2018
Some time later...

Sere and Veris were returning to the wyvern pen from an exercise flight. As the massive entrance on the side of the outcrop came into view (being sealed by rock), Sere activated a spell to unseal it, causing the rock to shift and granting Veris enough space to fly through.
Once they came in, Veris landed, and Sere dismounted, as several of his men saluted him and came to attend to the wyvern. The space was absolutely massive, to accomodate all of the wyverns which had to be held in the space, and shrieks and the occasional roar could be heard. All over, men were bsuy performing various menial tasks for their care. "I take it that things all went well, Godfather?" one of his men asked.
"Excellent as always," Sere said. "I appreciate all of the effort you put into taking care of Veris."
"Why, of course. We can take him from here. Veris, I think it's time you had some lunch." Veris, predictably, became much more excited at the mention of feeding, and followed the pen hands into his holding.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#653 Posted: 12:24:27 25/08/2018
Angora closed her eyes, relaxing completely. She wasn't worried about anything. Ever since the three of them started to travel, they have encountered little trouble along the way. Muggers usually won't target them, especially if they saw Shade, but also cause Maverick's bag was so small in appearance, it fooled others into thinking he didn't have much. The only major trouble they had ran into was when some of the women Maverick spend time with turned out to have a boyfriend, prompting Angora to bail the idiot Maverick out of harm's way. Not that it has stopped that annoying habit though. At least this pure place only had the three of them, and the only trouble they could run into were stinging insects or stabbing thorns.

Maverick followed the river as he said he would, and was quite amazed with the beauty of this place. Angora was right. This was amazing. In their travels, they have seems forest, jungles and woods of all kind, but never this beautiful. And of course, this beat the endless, boring sea anytime.

After walking for what seemed like miles, Maverick came across a lake so small, you could see the circle that formed it from there. It continued along as a river, which Maverick assumed it lead to the ocean. This was as far as he would go. The lake was very dark in coloration, indicating it's deep. He couldn't see fish from there, but he assumed they were swimming below. So, Maverick took his fishing net from his magical bag and threw it as far as he could, ready to share his catches with his companions.
"Cielos santos! What is that smell?" Maverick suddenly said as he waited, a stench surrounding his nose as soon as the wind changed directions. It smelled as if something had died. Perhaps it was an animal nearby victim of a predator? He assumed that as he continued fishing, rather disappointed that the beautiful view was somewhat ruined by the sudden stench. It wasn't enough for him to leave. The net was already in the water, so he was going to wait until he had a descent amount of catches...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#654 Posted: 13:23:04 25/08/2018
Sere hadn't made it far into the stronghold before he was intercepted by one of his men. "Godfather," the man said, "there are members of the Silent Spear here to see you, waiting by your office."
The Silent Spear? An elite covert division of the Aelinonian army, composed mainly of a racenknown as galuds and the personnel supporting them - what could they want? It had to be something important. "Thank you," Sere said. "I will meet them."
After a bit of a walk through the stronghold, Sere got to his office - and, just as he was told, there they were. Three galuds - a scaly, lizard-like species, slightly shorter than a man but much longer including the tail. Long fingers with sharp claws, and somewhat webbed feet. They were all wearing wyvernhide armor, and a helmet with a visor which partly blocked out light - their eyes were so good at absorbing light, that bright daylight was harsh on their vision. They all wielded spears and a barb secured to the end of their tails.
"Godfather Sere," the center one, obviously in charge, said.
"To what do I owe the honor of your visit?" Sere asked. "Why the Silent Spear?"
"You know as well as we do what is happening," the leader said. "With the war picking up, the king himself wants to know about the status of the next shipment of phoenix steel equipment."
"Nothing has changed," Sere said. "It will be ready at the usual schedule."
"We need things to change," the leader said. "Now, of course, this isn't an order, as we have no authority over you - however, the king is looking to increase the payment on shipments by thirty percent, provided the shipments increase and they are delivered to the front lines."
"Are you really trying to make us complicit in this massacre?" Sere asked.
"S-seriously?! You as well as everyone else knows what these blighters have done. They have been nothing but a scourge. No one likes them - not the humans, not the mermen, certainly not we. Of have you suddenly gone soft on those who would have no problem destroying you were the tables turned? By helping us, not only will the fighting be over sooner, there will be fewer casualties on our side, and you will have more money. Think of what you can do with that."
While money was not something the Guardians were short of, more would always increase their capabilities - their training, their ability to acquire personnel, to maintain their holdings, and more. Sere had to think... "A moment, please."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#655 Posted: 14:16:40 25/08/2018
As he expected, Maverick caught a whole bunch of fish, some that Shade hasn't tried yet. The lake was plagued with them. Maverick didn't usually have this amount of success, so he was very happy. However, he and the fish weren't the only ones in that lake. Putting the fish away in his bag, Maverick threw the net into the lake again to get a second batch, but when he turned around to check his bag, his neck was met with the pointy end of a sword.
"Alright worm! Give me all you got in that bag, or your head will be swimming with those fishes." A man with long sideburns and a beard said, bearing a scar in his eye that reached all the way to his neck. He was slightly shorter than Maverick, but he was much better built and have all kinds of weapons, from swords, daggers and crossbows.
"Señor, I can assure you I don't have much. Por favor, I don't want a fight, just let me go." Maverick begged, completely defenseless. His shield was on his back, but he would be dead before he can reach it. The stranger pushed the sword deeper into his neck, starting to reach flesh.
"Listen you Spanish insect! You know what this sword is? It can decapitate a man with a single stab. I don't even to swipe! I saw you pull that net from that tiny bag. If it can fit that, it can fit many things, so if you don't want to meet your creator today, I suggest you give me that bag!" the man threatened, already beginning to make Maverick's neck bleed. Unable to deflect, Maverick did as he asked, with the thief inspecting the bag with one hand while pointing the sword at Maverick with the other. As the victim predicted, the thief found nothing, not even the fish Maverick had put away. A hyperspace bag works only when you're thinking on what you want and remember that you put it there. The disappointed man looked at Maverick with a death glare.
"You playing with me boy?" he said with a horrifying look, and Maverick could only lift his hand in defeat. He had no weapons, and his shield was behind him. His only chance at the moment was for this thief to understand he had nothing and to leave him alone...

Angora was having an amazing time, getting wet, bathing in the waterfall and playing hide and seek with Shade. She then suddenly felt as if her heart had sunk to her stomach. Like there was something wrong with that place. But it couldn't be, could it?
"Hey Shady! You feel that too?" she asked the dragolet, her instincts being very strong. She needed those instincts in the past to survive, and now they looked they haven't fade away. Something was wrong, she could feel it. But what could be wrong in such a beautiful place like that?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:18:08 25/08/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#656 Posted: 15:20:27 25/08/2018
"It's not as if your men care for these things anyway," the lead galud said. "I'm sure many of them would be jumping at the opportunity to help kill them."
Sere could not deny that the galud had a point. The only one in the organization that would likely have any major qualms about the deal was himself. "...very well. Let the king know that we will work to meet his request as per the deal. Though tell me, what is the status of the fighting?"
"Yesss.... the next reason I'm here." The leader was going to withdraw a map, but saw one on Sere's desk so went to that instead. "Currently, we haven't pushed much further than the area around our border. However, we galuds have been conducting night raids all over the areas the blighters currently dwell." The galud pointed to several spots on the map to illustrate the relevant locations. "We have been taking advantage of the confusion, sneaking in, starting fires, and killing those who try to flee, as well as taking out various patrols and sentinels at night. In many cases, we have planted evidence pointing to a rival faction of theirs. We have done so with minimal casualties and absolutely no fatalities so far. Humans and mermen will attempt to push in and control more land during all of this chaos."
"You know this chaos isn't going to last forever, however," Sere said. "What then? Then there will most certainly be a long, bloody fight ahead of you."
"To that end, we, the Silent Spear, have been assassinating certain leaders who seemed to have potential to unite them. However, the king is prepared to take sacrifices to secure a brighter future. Certainly you can understand that sacrifices must be made for thr greater good."
Easy to say when it's mostly humans on the front lines, Sere thought. "Very well. I see. So basically, you will want weapon shipments to move further into the continent as the war progresses."
"Yes, exactly. We, or some others, will be back with more information later. May good health lay before you!"
"And may prosperity follow in your wake," Sere said, returning their traditional greeting. The galuds walked off, leaving Sere to ponder somewhat on logistics.

Meanwhile, a Guardian left an envelope under the door to Dex's new room. The message read "We have a job which you eould be appropriate for. Meet Adjudicator Bier in the main conference room for details."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#657 Posted: 16:07:08 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Yes I feel it too! Hop on.” He said lowering himself so it would be quicker. “I saw which direction Maverick went.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#658 Posted: 16:21:11 25/08/2018
Angora wasted no time and went to his head to get a better view. It wouldn't be the first time Maverick would be in trouble, but what kind of trouble in a place like this?

Meanwhile, Maverick was still with a sword on it's throat, the man having every intention to kill him.
"You know boy, I don't like being played a fool! Where are the fish you statched in here?" he asked the choking Maverick, throwing the bag asides.
"Is this some trickery? If you have nothing valuable for me, you can say goodbye to this world." he said without mercy, extremely angry. Maverick was usually carefree and happy, but he knew how serious this situation was.
"Señor, I'm begging you. You saw it yourself. I have nothing valuable. You saw it yourself. And I have done nothing to you, so please, let me go. I promised I won't tell on you." Maverick said, really fearing for his life. This was a cruel man, who clearly seemed like someone that killed for the mere sake of it. It reminded him of his father. He then saw a reddish scale overlapping the trees at the distance, and knew immediately whom it belonged to. He wanted to cream, but he knew that would make the man insert the sword further into his neck...

Angora quietly pointed Shade the way. She saw what was happening. That was NOT normal. As she suspected, Maverick was in trouble...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#659 Posted: 17:01:23 25/08/2018
Latnok began to rouse from sleep. He was given permission to wake up much later and take it easy by Sere; however, he still had duties to attend to. He put on his armor, the same way he did every morning, from bottom to top.
Back at the mess hall, he was enjoying eating his share of steak and fruit from the Tree. While he did, he was thinking of the last mission he had; more specifically, those who weren't with the group anymore. How were they doing? His gut instinct told him that Maverick and Shade were acquiescing to Angora's rudeness and hostility, until maybe she got tired of it; he hoped, however, that she had legitimately changed. It would make his day if he were to learn that she drastically improved her magic, though he wasn't particularly counting on it.
What about Maverick? He had shown to be rather naive - a shield may have served him so far, but what would happen against a more persistent enemy, or someone who got the jump on him? Eh, they have Shade. Nothing for me to worry about.
What of Shade, though? He would certainly be seen as threatening; if they were in any of the conflict areas, wyvern riders from Aelinon would no doubt want to at least investigate him if they saw him flying. Speaking of which, trouble they caused near the Aelinon border would leave Shade in range of the Void Breaker, which would turn him into nothing but ashes. He prayed that Shade really had gotten a full hold of himself...
But that wasn't his problem anymore.
He got up, heading for the training grounds, where he would instruct some Apprentices on proper technique for engaging a basilisk.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#660 Posted: 17:02:17 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded. He quietly snuck up behind the man and grabbed him by the head and threw him into the water. “You ok maverick?” He lowered himself so Angora could get off. “Angora make sure he’s ok. I’m going to give this robber a scare.”


A telepathic link was made to Sere. ”do not make the same mistake I made millions of years ago Sere. I destroyed nearly all life on this planet because they were weak minded like these fools before you. I regret every day of it. I believe all live should be preserved. Tell them I wish to speak with their king.” Orion telepathically said.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:14:00 25/08/2018 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#661 Posted: 17:17:03 25/08/2018
The man blinked many times before he realized what was going on. One moment he had a victim at his mercy. Next thing he knew he was in the middle of the lake getting water out of his ears.
"Oh what the hell...!" he exclaimed as he lifted his head out of the water. He went to see where Maverick was... only for his eyes to meet a creature he never saw in person, but knew too well what it was. This was not an ordinary giant lizard. It was a dragon. A freaking dragon! There in those woods? How was it possible?

Angora got off Shade and went to check on Maverick.
"Hey Malo. Seems we arrived just in the nick of time." Angora said with a grin to hide her concern for his bleeding neck. Maverick couldn't talk, so his troll friend immediately went to get some bandages he had on his bag amd stopped the bleeding.
"Go ahead Shady. Give that scum a scare. Make him die of a stroke! Do what you have to!" Angora said, obliging to his demand. She was a thief before, but that was it. She never killed her victims unless they severely threatened her life. Maverick was unarmed and with his hands up, and there was nothing more she despised than a coward meaning harm to someone who had nothing to defend themselves with.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#662 Posted: 17:34:39 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded and looked at the man with an angry look on his face. He then took off into the sky and grabbed the man taking him very high. “So you think you could attack my friends? Well enjoy your fall. He then dropped him and let him fall. He then caught him before again doing the same thing. He did it a few times. “Oh I’m such a butterfingers.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#663 Posted: 17:34:51 25/08/2018
Sere, though somewhat startled by the mental link, was prepared to answer. "They have already left. Unfortunately, I do not have the capability to grant you an audience with the king; few in Aelinon know who you are, fewer know you exist, and none will respect you on account of the artifact they possess, the Void Breaker. It is said to be capable of destroying even the gods themselves; it was used to absolutely devastating effect in the battle of Vonterr; the most important holdings of Aelinon are kept in its range. I fear that there is no feasible way to stop this war other than someone else becoming king." As much as Sere wished simple diplomacy would work, the war had been building for far too long for that to be reasonable; the Aelinonians hated the 'blighters', and, in the face of what had happened, any withdrawal now would compromise the king's appearance.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#664 Posted: 17:39:38 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Very well. They haven’t gone far. I shall meet them in person. This world was created by me and I can easily take it from them.” Orion said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#665 Posted: 17:53:42 25/08/2018
"Ha ha ha! Oh boy! This is so hilarious! I could see this all day. Shady should do this more often." Angora said to Maverick, as she watched Shade using and throwing the lowlife man like a rag doll.
"Um, don't you think he's going a bit too far?" Maverick asked, recovering his voice and holding his neck.
"Come on Malo! Don't be a wimp! Is this the attitude of a former pirate? That leech was about to kill you!" Angora said furiously, unable to believe Maverick could be this merciful when that overly armored man was about to kill the defenseless him.
"I left that life behind Angorita. Besides, he was taking his time. I think I was getting through to him." he said, with the troll pulling her ears.
"You sir, are too good for your own good! Come on, the world is full of these parasites! They deserve this treatment and worse!" Angora expressed, admiring Maverick's good heart but finding it extremely annoying how naive and innocent he was. How in the world was this man still alive with such little malice?

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade nodded and looked at the man with an angry look on his face. He then took off into the sky and grabbed the man taking him very high. “So you think you could attack my friends? Well enjoy your fall. He then dropped him and let him fall. He then caught him before again doing the same thing. He did it a few times. “Oh I’m such a butterfingers.”

The man was choking, unable to beg for his life. Not only was he seeing a dragon in the flesh. This one could talk. After a few swings, he could finally recover some of his voice.
"No... now... nice... nice dragon... please don't kill me..." the thief stammered, now being him the one begging for his life. Dragons were a thing of the past, or so he thought. Now he was seeing one dead in the eye, and he didn't know what to do to have his life spared...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:57:39 25/08/2018 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#666 Posted: 18:45:40 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade looked at the man. “Tell me why should I? Why should I let you go after you harmed my friend?” He growled.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#667 Posted: 18:57:59 25/08/2018
"F... Ffff... Friend?" the man said with trembling lips and teeth, finding it hard to pull himself together. That ridiculous looking boy with the hairy arms had a dragon as a friend? What has the world come to?
"I.. I I.. I can assure you dragon... if I... had known..." the man said again, unable to finish the sentence. All the throws and tumbling made him lose all his weapons except his crossbow. Then, after distracting Shade with all his stammering, in a pure moment of desperation, he stupidly attempted to kill Shade with an arrow. It was a clear shot right to the chest. The arrow was strong enough to kill a man of hit in the right spot, but for someone like Shade, it felt more like a really painful thorn. The man knew he screwed up big time, so he pathetically attempted to explain himself.
"It was a joke... he he... I aimed somewhere else. That is... a really strong skin." he said, in a voice that was quite pitiful and funny...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#668 Posted: 18:58:51 25/08/2018
Off far in the distance, in the skies above the confrontation between the trio and the robber, a pair of wyverns, each with a human rider, flew closer. However, they reversed their direction soon after coming within visual range, as if they had suddenly changed their minds.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#669 Posted: 21:27:35 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade looked down at where the arrow had hit then back at the robber. “Did you really think that would kill me?” He growled. “But today is your lucky day. I’m a good mood. How about you apologize to my friend and I’ll let you go?” He then landed in front of Angora and Maverick. He held up the robber in his claws. “Apologize!”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#670 Posted: 21:44:56 25/08/2018
What was originally two wyverns was now a mass of at least thirty, all with riders mounted. Several of them were wielding polearms; others were wielding arbalests. They were headed in the direction of the trio - and fast. It was very clear that they intended to address the trio.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#671 Posted: 21:46:18 25/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade dropped the robber and now got in a fighting stance. “Maverick Angora get ready!”
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#672 Posted: 21:56:55 25/08/2018
As some time passed since the celebration and life mostly returned to normal for the Guardians, Raclaw was provided with his own room and accommodated as needed. For the most part-- the numerous Guardians throughout the base treated him with a certain degree of respect, which made sense seeing as he was a dragon and had helped save the world. Others more connected with his situation treated him as more of a friend or ally, while some Guardians less fond of making peace still at least treated him an equal. Occasionally, he got glances from some of the newer Guardians in training while other Guardians thought nothing of a fur dragon walking around their base. All in all, he had no complaints and had a much higher opinion of the Guardians than he once had. They had almost immediately agreed to help him, had taken him in, and we even willing to go as far to pay for a ship for something that only benefited him and perhaps the slight guilt of Sere. He had never expected some Guardians, like Latnok, to basically treat him like a brother-in-arms... and yet here he was.

After getting some well earned rest in the surprisingly comfortable bed, which seemed to be modified to better suit him, he gently awoke to the natural lights provided by the sun crystals throughout the base. The room otherwise appeared to be your normal Guardian human bedroom with the typical features of a bedroom as other features only really useful to that of your typical Guardian. He had slept in longer than he had intended, having not really seen a real bed in a long long time. It almost reminded him of being back on the farm, although this was a very much different setting. He got up and opened his door, intending to explore the Guardian base that would now become his home for at least the next month or two. As he saw various Guardians passing by go to and from their various duties, he wondered what most of them thought about living alongside a fur dragon. Nevertheless, he set off in a direction and simply took in the sights for the time being.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#673 Posted: 22:32:50 25/08/2018
Latnok's period of instruction was over. A few of the apprentices ended up fazing into the basilisk's eyes, which required the fight to be interrupted; others followed the instructions perfectly, but were simply outmatched; and some actually succeeded in all aspects of the training, after which each basilisk was retired and replaced with another one while it healed. Either way, these men would be improving.
On his way back, he decided that he would meet up with Raclaw; they, along with Sere, needed to discuss some details of the trip. Returning to the main stronghold, he headed down the various barracks corridors, looking for Raclaw's room.

As they came closer, it became apparent that most of the riders on the massive group of wyverns had arbalests aimed on all four of the people in the group, though most of them were trained on Shade. They were tipped with dragonbane; these riders clearly knew what they were up against, and came prepared. "This territory is now under control of Aelinon," one of them, presumably the leader, telepathed to the four of them. "On your knees, arms up if applicable, and prepare to identify yourselves and the reason you are here."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#674 Posted: 22:32:50 25/08/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade dropped the robber and now got in a fighting stance. “Maverick Angora get ready!”

Angora got into position, even though she did't know what this was all about. Maverick did the same, even though he was still scared. He has spotted the wyverns in the distance while Angora was too busy watching Shade torturing the mugger. The man was about to apologize, but when Shade dropped him, he tried to make a quick getaway until Angora intercepted him with a dagger.
"Where do you think you're going dipstick?" she said as she pushed him and tied his arms and legs behind his back. The man was still too afraid from his intense ride with Shade, so he couldn't defend himself from the tiny Angora. With him captured, Angora tried to see what was Shade so concerned about...

Quote: A Guy
As they came closer, it became apparent that most of the riders on the massive group of wyverns had arbalests aimed on all four of the people in the group, though most of them were trained on Shade. They were tipped with dragonbane; these riders clearly knew what they were up against, and came prepared. "This territory is now under control of Aelinon," one of them, presumably the leader, telepathed to the four of them. "On your knees, arms up if applicable, and prepare to identify yourselves and the reason you are here."

She soon got her answer when she heard the words in her mind.
"Ugh! More mind talkers." she muttered bitterly, still hating that method.

Before she or Shade could do anything, Maverick stood in front of the dragolet and spoke.
"Gentlemen, please. We mean no harm. I'm just a travelling merchant wandering around the world, and these are my friends. Por favor. We don't want any trouble." Maverick yelled as loud as his injured neck allowed, concerned about these travellers...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:08:30 25/08/2018 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#675 Posted: 23:04:02 25/08/2018
As Raclaw set out in a direction, he took mental notes of his surrounding not wanting to get lost. His room was one of many rooms, with the occasional Guardian going in or out of a room. He recalled the general direction he took being shown his room and proceeded to walk down the corridor and in a direction that he assumed led back to the other non-residential areas of the base. Something told him that this was the right direction as he did his best to stay out of the others' ways as he walked.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:07:57 25/08/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#676 Posted: 23:33:12 25/08/2018
The wyverns continued to circle overhead, the riders still having their weapons trained. "This territory now belongs to Aelinon," the leader telepathed to the four. "You will comply with the previously stated orders, and I will search your possessions, or we will be forced to escalate. You, two humans, may also explain why you are harboring a troll. Such an action, without adequate justification, may lead to severe punishments." The wyverns were headed closer to the ground, as some of the riders were nearing polearm range. "Also, explain the dragon. Our bolts are dragonbane-tipped - we will kill it, and all of you, without hesitation, should you attempt to fight us."

It wasn't long before Latnok found Raclaw - extremely conspicuous among all of the Guardians. "Hey, Raclaw," Latnok called. "We need to go see Godfather Sere about the arrangements. I hear he is currently getting a boat prepared." Latnok couldn't help but chuckle to himself at how out-of-place Raclaw looked. Regardless, all of the men were rather accepting of him, if some were a bit confused.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#677 Posted: 23:39:02 25/08/2018
"Troll?" the tied mugger repeated, now undertanding why he was so easily overpowered. No matter the size, trolls had incredible brute strength. Angora was growing desperate, but Maverick noticed the tension and immediately spoke again.
"Sir, I can assure you. The troll and the dragon are my friends. They don't want any trouble, and neither do I. We're just simple travellers." Maverick repeated calmly, wanting to avoid an unnecessary confrontation.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#678 Posted: 23:44:57 25/08/2018
"Why is the other human suppressed?" telepathed the leader, once again, as the wyverns continued to circle, coming closer and closer. "Is he your prisoner? What business would travelers have with a prisoner? As for you, hairy man. You will be free to leave, after we search your belongings and you explain the situation more thoroughly to us, including why you are harboring a troll. The dragon will not be allowed past the border without authorization from a higher authority. The troll will come with us." Even through telepathy, it was quite clear that the man was not going to compromise.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#679 Posted: 23:59:23 25/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Hey, Raclaw," Latnok called. "We need to go see Godfather Sere about the arrangements. I hear he is currently getting a boat prepared." Latnok couldn't help but chuckle to himself at how out-of-place Raclaw looked. Regardless, all of the men were rather accepting of him, if some were a bit confused.

"Of course. Lead the way.," Raclaw said with a gentle smile upon seeing Latnok. He realized that it had been his telepathic link that had led him down this particular corridor, though it wouldn't have taken much for Latnok to find him had he gone the other direction. He was a fluffy dragon in a crowd of armored humans after all-- and one of the few free non-humanoid creatures in the base.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#680 Posted: 00:08:48 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Why is the other human suppressed?" telepathed the leader, once again, as the wyverns continued to circle, coming closer and closer. "Is he your prisoner? What business would travelers have with a prisoner? As for you, hairy man. You will be free to leave, after we search your belongings and you explain the situation more thoroughly to us, including why you are harboring a troll. The dragon will not be allowed past the border without authorization from a higher authority. The troll will come with us." Even through telepathy, it was quite clear that the man was not going to compromise.

Angora was growing quite desperate. If those people could identify her as a troll, it meant they dealt with them many times, an issue to be worried about. However, she left Maverick do all the talking.
"Sir, please, I can assure you, this is all a misunderstanding. The gentlemen behind me tried to kill me, so my friends came to my rescue. That's what happened here." Maverick explained with the same calmness, lifting his neck so the man could see his injury.

"Lies! They have me here against my will..." the thief began to say, trying to bring the riders against the trio, but one deadly glare from Angora made him shut up. She wasn't doing anything to prevent the wyverns and their owners from seeing her as hostile.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#681 Posted: 00:20:47 26/08/2018
Finally, several of the wyverns touched down. Their riders trained polearms on the quartet, as the other wyverns stayed in the air, arbalests still aimed at everyone. One man pointed to Angora and the thief she held captive. "Free him, and apprehend the troll," he ordered. Two of the riders moved to comply. He pointed to Maverick's bag next - "Search it," he ordered. "Wait - a minute. The magic indicates a hyperspace bag. Hey, whoever this belongs to - withdraw the contents for us, or we will be forced to negate the magic within, which may destroy the bag as a result of its expansion. Do not think us fools - we know of this magic, and organizations who use similar magic. We will know when you have complied." His orders were as robotic as his demands of the group - clearly he had done this so many times that it was pure routine. "You still have yet to explain why you are harboring a troll. Also, explain the injury on your neck."

Once at Sere's office, Latnok just walked in with Raclaw, the door being opened. "Well, Latnok. Raclaw. It is good to see you," he said. "Are you all well and rested? With Shade not a concern, I am currently having a boat constructed. It will not take long - the main things to consider are sufficient space and accommodation for Veris. We will be making for Redwater in a few days."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#682 Posted: 00:32:47 26/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade moved in front of Angora. “You will not hurt her!” He growled. “I was protecting my friend from this lowlife!”

Suddenly Orion’s voice talked to the riders. “Stand down. These three are under the watch of Orion the Galaxy Dragon!”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#683 Posted: 00:40:38 26/08/2018
Much to Maverick's surprise, Angora didn't fight or struggled. She put her hands on her head, wanting to demonstrate she would comply without a fight.
"Just do as they say Maverick. People like this want to have their way no matter what. I told you it was a matter of time before someone destroyed our peace and happiness." the troll said in defeat, having dealt with people like this before. She then begged Shade to step down, not wanting him to get hurt. The free mugger gave a maliscious smile, very glad that the situation turned to his favor.

"I would examine the boy too. That much hair can't be normal." he said as he disappeared into the woods, wanting everyone to be perjudicated. But Maverick would have none of it.

"Gentlemen! How many times I have to tell you? The troll and the dragon are my friends. That man you just released is the one that did this to my neck! And that magical bag was a gift from a wizard. Please, you're making a big mistake!" Maverick said, as he proceeded to show the rider the medallion Sere gifted him.
"Ever heard of the Guardians? This was a gift from the Godfather himself! And if you can give me my bag for just a moment, I can show you the troll has one too! Believe it or not, she has one too, she's just too humble to wear it." Maverick said, trying to give Angora the best image possible. He recalled Sere telling him that the medallions would help them in their travels, and it really seemed like they really needed it at the moment...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:42:04 26/08/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#684 Posted: 00:54:01 26/08/2018
"Galaxy dragon? We have no fear of such a creature, and have no need to as long as we are within range of the Void Breaker," the main said, showing complete apathy for the words of Orion. The man did, however, listen as Maverick explained the situation, nodding to his men at the mention of the thief attacking Maverick, after which several of the riders still on mounts went heedlessly diving into the woods in order to apprehend the man who just escaped - the wyverns seemingly had no concern for avoiding pain or injury, as far as orders went.
"Guardians... Godfather... you mean the Ardent Guardians? Godfather Sere? Backing a troll? That is absolutely ludicrous... too ludicrous. Such a story is either the worst lie I've ever heard for someone trying to justify their presence, or too amazing to make up. And yet... that is his signature. That is the design he possesses. Pass the artifacts here, and I will test their authenticity."
"Why are we wasting our time with this, sir?" one of the men on the ground asked the leader. "No one is going to miss a troll. It's an obvious lie, anyway."
"So far, I have no evidence that they are lying," the leader said. "And if you want to kill the troll, go ahead - if their story is true, however, you will also be the first in line to explain to the king why Sere was pissed off enough to stop the shipments of phoenix steel, and why we have much fewer professional monster hunters around."
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#685 Posted: 00:59:03 26/08/2018
Back at the Guardian base...
Quote: A Guy
Once at Sere's office, Latnok just walked in with Raclaw, the door being opened. "Well, Latnok. Raclaw. It is good to see you," he said. "Are you all well and rested? With Shade not a concern, I am currently having a boat constructed. It will not take long - the main things to consider are sufficient space and accommodation for Veris. We will be making for Redwater in a few days."

"I'm doing well-- and thank-you.," Raclaw said with a humble nod. "I'm glad to hear that and as always-- I appreciate everything you've done and continue to do for me.," he then said thanking the Godfather once again. He was aware just how far the Guardians had gone for him, even though they had no obligation to and could have just as easily left it at that when they had unlocked his collar. Instead, here he was deep in the heart of the Guardian base and surrounded by new allies-- and new friends. Latnok in particular had grown on him, while he was only growing more appreciative of Sere's continuous efforts in helping him.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#686 Posted: 01:05:42 26/08/2018
"Excellent, excellent," Sere said. "I am glad to hear. While the boat is still being built, there is still the matter of crew. We should, however, have no problem finding the appropriate crew in Redwater; there are always sailors there looking for work, or other experienced sea folk who would like an opportunity to make some money. I will, of course, be coming on account of needing to find Adjudicator Julian; however, there is one more reason I will be coming..." Sere paused for a while, the next words obviously weighing on him.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#687 Posted: 01:12:48 26/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“No! I will not back down! You are my family and I will not lose again!” Shade said flaring out his wings ready to fight.

“Do not tempt fate boy. I wish to speak with your king. That weapon does not scare me!” Orion said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#688 Posted: 01:19:40 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Galaxy dragon? We have no fear of such a creature, and have no need to as long as we are within range of the Void Breaker," the main said, showing complete apathy for the words of Orion. The man did, however, listen as Maverick explained the situation, nodding to his men at the mention of the thief attacking Maverick, after which several of the riders still on mounts went heedlessly diving into the woods in order to apprehend the man who just escaped - the wyverns seemingly had no concern for avoiding pain or injury, as far as orders went.
"Guardians... Godfather... you mean the Ardent Guardians? Godfather Sere? Backing a troll? That is absolutely ludicrous... too ludicrous. Such a story is either the worst lie I've ever heard for someone trying to justify their presence, or too amazing to make up. And yet... that is his signature. That is the design he possesses. Pass the artifacts here, and I will test their authenticity."
"Why are we wasting our time with this, sir?" one of the men on the ground asked the leader. "No one is going to miss a troll. It's an obvious lie, anyway."
"So far, I have no evidence that they are lying," the leader said. "And if you want to kill the troll, go ahead - if their story is true, however, you will also be the first in line to explain to the king why Sere was pissed off enough to stop the shipments of phoenix steel, and why we have much fewer professional monster hunters around."

Maverick smiled, pleased that Sere ended up helping them with the medallions after all. After being given his bag, he took out Angora's medallion, with her name and Godfather Sere's signature, clear and authentic.
"There. Convinced now? Sir, I'm fully aware how horrible trolls can be, but the little one over there means no harm. She's friends with me and the dragon. All she wants is peace, and whatever issue you have with the rest of her kind, she wants no part of it." Maverick assured, with Angora as silent as ever. She didn't want to ruin the image Maverick was trying very hard to create. She glared at Shade, wanting him to just step down for the moment and avoid giving reasons to be attacked.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#689 Posted: 01:29:49 26/08/2018
The leader took the medallions from Maverick, and rubbed his first. As he did, a small illusion of Maverick appeared within the leader's hands, and Sere's voice began to sound. "This is granted to Maverick, the human/fawn hybrid, who, having no obligation, nevertheless selflessly offered his help in combating the vile beast known as Darkmatter. Granted by Godfather Sere of the Ardent Guardians."
"Hmm. This one is legitimate," the leader said. "The magical signature matches, as well. Now the other, this will be the moment of truth." Tossing Maverick's medallion back at him, he rubbed Angora's medallion, and her image appeared. "This is granted to Angora, the troll, for her pivotal role in wielding the weapon capable of injuring the vile beast known as Darkmatter. Granted by Godfather Sere of the Ardent Guardians."
" god. He really did grant one to this troll. Interesting." He then stepped back, and with a signal all of his men put their weapons away. "Hold here, a moment please." Going to his wyvern, he withdrew some paper and a pen from his bag, and began writing something, as his men came back with the thief in tow.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#690 Posted: 01:37:13 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Excellent, excellent," Sere said. "I am glad to hear. While the boat is still being built, there is still the matter of crew. We should, however, have no problem finding the appropriate crew in Redwater; there are always sailors there looking for work, or other experienced sea folk who would like an opportunity to make some money. I will, of course, be coming on account of needing to find Adjudicator Julian; however, there is one more reason I will be coming..." Sere paused for a while, the next words obviously weighing on him.

Raclaw could feel the heaviness, even more so than Latnok. He merely gave a gentle nod, as to encourage him and say that it was alright. He was prepared for whatever Sere had to say and knew that the Godfather had many things weighing on him. Sere had no doubt done many things in his lifetime-- and regretted many things throughout his time as the Godfather and as an Guardian in general.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:38:29 26/08/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#691 Posted: 01:48:25 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
The leader took the medallions from Maverick, and rubbed his first. As he did, a small illusion of Maverick appeared within the leader's hands, and Sere's voice began to sound. "This is granted to Maverick, the human/fawn hybrid, who, having no obligation, nevertheless selflessly offered his help in combating the vile beast known as Darkmatter. Granted by Godfather Sere of the Ardent Guardians."
"Hmm. This one is legitimate," the leader said. "The magical signature matches, as well. Now the other, this will be the moment of truth." Tossing Maverick's medallion back at him, he rubbed Angora's medallion, and her image appeared. "This is granted to Angora, the troll, for her pivotal role in wielding the weapon capable of injuring the vile beast known as Darkmatter. Granted by Godfather Sere of the Ardent Guardians."
" god. He really did grant one to this troll. Interesting." He then stepped back, and with a signal all of his men put their weapons away. "Hold here, a moment please." Going to his wyvern, he withdrew some paper and a pen from his bag, and began writing something, as his men came back with the thief in tow.

The mugger struggled, frustrated that the men that released him were the ones now holding him captive.
"What is the meaning of this? You set me free and now you got me? I demand an answer! What do you think you're doing? And why haven't you arrested that vile beast?" the thief yelled defiantly, finding it despicable that the trio was still free while he, the human, was the one treated like a criminal.

Angora put her hands down, relieved that the riders could prove the authenticity of the medallions. She gave a very sincere smile to Maverick, knowing that if he hadn't insisted Sere to let her keep the medallion, the situation right now would've been very different.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#692 Posted: 01:51:29 26/08/2018
"You see..." Sere began. "I have always hoped that I could lead us to a more peaceful future. However, I know what goes around. Many of my men doubt this vision. They doubt it - because they doubt me. More importantly, many of them see me as just using them to fuel my own grandiose desires of what I think the future should be like. They do not think I am concerned for them. Every time I spare an enemy that we would have normally killed... every time we try to make peace instead of crushing our enemies... they see someone who has forgotten what we stand for.
"I still believe in the same thing everyone else does. However, I believe that, though it is a long-term goal, we can eventually shaoe the world to be a better place by doing things somewhat differently. Sure, my men will follow my orders, without a doubt - but what happens when I'm gone? Does everything I've worked hard for go away?
"To that end, I will be going on this mission to attempt to recover Adjudicator Julian. It will, at the very least, show my men that I am still very concerned for their well-being, and will stop at nothing to look out for them. Once they see a leader who cares... maybe then will they take my words and their meaning to heart. For it is one thing to say that I care - it's another thing to show it, to show that I am in the same boat as they are."
Latnok listened attentively. Though he knew some of what was going on, he didn't imagi e how much it was weighing on Sere. "Godfather... I will always have your back. Even when I have doubts, I trust your wisdom."
"I thank you for that, Latnok," Sere said. "I will be counting on you."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#693 Posted: 02:02:01 26/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade still didn’t trust the men. He still ketp his guard up. He leaned to Angora. “I don’t trust these people.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#694 Posted: 02:08:13 26/08/2018
"Me neither, but for now, we need to keep a low profile and trust Maverick. Remember, they're already thinking of attacking us, and if you make the first move, you'll just give them a justified reason to do so." Angora whispered, warning Shade. She knew what it was like to succumb to impulses and the trouble they caused, so she wanted the dragolet to remain still and see how things played out. As powerful as Shade was, these men had weapons and wyverns at their disposal.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#695 Posted: 02:08:34 26/08/2018
The leader handed the paper to Maverick, as well as a scroll case to carry it in. The letter read "I, Captain Wayson of the Third Wyvern Division, do hereby clear Maverick the human/fawn hybrid and Angora the troll to be free to pass through Aelinonian lands within normal boundaries." His signature followed at the bottom. "The dragon is a feisty one - it would be in your best interest to make sure he doesn't try something like that again, or he might meet some soldiers with a lot less restraint," he said. "The dragon is to remain with you at all times. Anyway, troll, you are free to go." In compliance, Wayson's men released Angora.
"What should we do with this man?" one of the soldiers holding the thief asked.
"The wound on this man's neck here would corroborate his story," Wayson said. "That, and the proof from the Guardians, leaves me with no doubt in my mind as to what happened. As this is now our territory, our laws hold firm here. Marcus, what does the law say about his actions?"
One of the soldiers began to recite the laws from memory. "Any who knowingly injure or attempt to injure a sapient being with something which can reasonably be defined as a weapon, or who threatens to do such, except in self-defense or as otherwise directed or authorized by the government or military, shall suffer death or a similar punishment. Any who use force or threaten to use force in order to take the possessions of another or coerce another into giving up possessions shall suffer death or a similar punishment. Any who knowingly lie to a government or military official in an attempt to implicate another in a case of wrongdoing shall suffer death."
"There is your answer. Kill him. I don't care how."
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:09:46 26/08/2018 by A Guy
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#696 Posted: 02:13:45 26/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Wait! Don’t kill him! Look I know he attacked us but I was just giving him a scare. Teaching him a lesson not to mess with my family. These two are like family to me.” Shade said. “Look I’m not saying to change your ways I’m just saying let this one slide this once.” Shade said.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#697 Posted: 02:16:37 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
"You see..." Sere began. "I have always hoped that I could lead us to a more peaceful future. However, I know what goes around. Many of my men doubt this vision. They doubt it - because they doubt me. More importantly, many of them see me as just using them to fuel my own grandiose desires of what I think the future should be like. They do not think I am concerned for them. Every time I spare an enemy that we would have normally killed... every time we try to make peace instead of crushing our enemies... they see someone who has forgotten what we stand for.
"I still believe in the same thing everyone else does. However, I believe that, though it is a long-term goal, we can eventually shaoe the world to be a better place by doing things somewhat differently. Sure, my men will follow my orders, without a doubt - but what happens when I'm gone? Does everything I've worked hard for go away?
"To that end, I will be going on this mission to attempt to recover Adjudicator Julian. It will, at the very least, show my men that I am still very concerned for their well-being, and will stop at nothing to look out for them. Once they see a leader who cares... maybe then will they take my words and their meaning to heart. For it is one thing to say that I care - it's another thing to show it, to show that I am in the same boat as they are."
Latnok listened attentively. Though he knew some of what was going on, he didn't imagi e how much it was weighing on Sere. "Godfather... I will always have your back. Even when I have doubts, I trust your wisdom."
"I thank you for that, Latnok," Sere said. "I will be counting on you."

Raclaw listened carefully as Sere poured his heart out giving a gentle nod as the Godfather finished. "If it's any consolation, I've been around your men and I have personally seen just how far you are willing to go for those you fight aside. Your goal is a noble one and one for which I may not even be around, had you not pursued it all these many years and tried to continuously reinforce that idea. You are right in that some of your men doubt you. However, not all of them do and although some seem less willing-- others are starting to warm up to the idea. I believe that you'll be able to achieve your goal and-- and I'm not the only one. I appreciate everything you've done for me, as you know well. And.. and I'll do everything in my power to help you achieve that goal. For me, for my kind, and for the future.," he then said looking at the Godfather and showing his support for the cause.

He knew that without Sere and his idealism, that he would have never ended up in the hatchling problem and that there would've been no guarantee that he would be alive today. It was possible that he would've ended up with an originary life with his birth parents. However, it was also possible that he could've been put to death or worse. He knew now that just little the world once cared for his kind, regardless of who or what had initially caused it.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:16:59 26/08/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#698 Posted: 02:25:50 26/08/2018
"Raclaw... thank you," Sere said, nodding, his eyes closed. "I do believe that if we keep working at it, then our goal will one day be possible. This isn't something which will happen overnight, though. This is something which takes years and years of foundation building. Our next mission... that will be just one part of the foundation."
"If this is your foundation building, consider me your shovel, clearing the dirt out of the way," Latnok said. "I'll be ready whenever we have to set out."
"If that is all settled, we will move out within a week," Sere said. "Until then, perform your duties with the conditions of rest I have outlined for you, Latnok, and enjoy your time here, Raclaw. Feel free to go exploring; maybe even see Veris. You are dismissed."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#699 Posted: 02:29:06 26/08/2018
Quote: A Guy
The leader handed the paper to Maverick, as well as a scroll case to carry it in. The letter read "I, Captain Wayson of the Third Wyvern Division, do hereby clear Maverick the human/fawn hybrid and Angora the troll to be free to pass through Aelinonian lands within normal boundaries." His signature followed at the bottom. "The dragon is a feisty one - it would be in your best interest to make sure he doesn't try something like that again, or he might meet some soldiers with a lot less restraint," he said. "The dragon is to remain with you at all times. Anyway, troll, you are free to go." In compliance, Wayson's men released Angora.
"What should we do with this man?" one of the soldiers holding the thief asked.
"The wound on this man's neck here would corroborate his story," Wayson said. "That, and the proof from the Guardians, leaves me with no doubt in my mind as to what happened. As this is now our territory, our laws hold firm here. Marcus, what does the law say about his actions?"
One of the soldiers began to recite the laws from memory. "Any who knowingly injure or attempt to injure a sapient being with something which can reasonably be defined as a weapon, or who threatens to do such, except in self-defense or as otherwise directed or authorized by the government or military, shall suffer death or a similar punishment. Any who use force or threaten to use force in order to take the possessions of another or coerce another into giving up possessions shall suffer death or a similar punishment. Any who knowingly lie to a government or military official in an attempt to implicate another in a case of wrongdoing shall suffer death."
"There is your answer. Kill him. I don't care how."

Maverick was both happy and relieved that they finally had something else that could help them navigate these lands without governmental danger. He was thanking the heavens... and Sere from afar, for the medallions. He was certain they just saved their lives, or at least Angora's. After putting the document safely in his bag, he heard the mugger screaming, crying and begging for his life, and felt sorry for him.
"Gentlemen! Por favor! No need to go to that extreme. My dragon friend said so himself. He was giving him a scare earlier before you arrived. I think that with some rehabilitation and humane lessons, he can leave those dastard ways." Maverick expressed innocently, with Angora pulling her ears in frustration. Maverick was the victim, yet he was the one showing any mercy. If the thief was killed, many future lives could be saved from his murderous, thieving ways. People like him almost never changed. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything about it, worried that if she agreed with the riders on having the thief excecuted, they would see her as a merciless monster. Sure, the riders were the ones with the initiative to kill, but she didn't want to risk hypocrisy of their part.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:30:31 26/08/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#700 Posted: 02:36:31 26/08/2018
"Everyone is judged the same under our laws," Wayson said to the trio, robotically, his voice unwavering. "Our law does not compromise. The moment it does, precedent is set for some to be treated better than others. We will execute our own king if he violates such laws - in fact, we have. This man has committed multiple crimes warranting death; therefore, he will suffer death." As several of the riders restrained the thief, one of them pulled a large battle axe from his pack; clearly capable of lopping a man's head off.
I'm just... a guy...
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