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Legend of Orion: Dark Times (open) [CLOSED]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#601 Posted: 01:21:21 22/08/2018
Latnok had no words to say at the moment. In all his life, he had gotten a lot of reactions - from people trying to kill him to people praising him - but never, ever, had he gotten an apology from anyone. And now, to hear Angora of all people offer one?
"...well, uh..."
His usual bearing was completely compromised. How was he supposed to respond to this?

Latnok took his helmet off. There would be no hiding behind its faceless visage. Despite his last words, ironically, he knelt to meet Angora face-to-face, as best as he could with the height difference anyway.
"Well, listen, troll - no, I'm sorry. Listen, Angora. When I was first told by Godfather Sere that I would have to work with you, I strongly disliked the idea. Figured that doing such a thing was an insult to everything I knew. You want to know the truth? My first encounter with a troll was exactly what I have talked about. Ripping a little girl's leg off before tossing her to the ground, cracking her skull. Every encounter I've had with them - whenever we were too late or otherwise failed our mission - was something similar.
"Figured that that was what I was going to have to work with. That kind of personality. You attempting to stop me from taking the scale didn't help that perception. As we continued to work, what I got was something different. Not the barbaric, brainless monster I thought - something different. Something I also detested. But something else, too.
"I saw someone who was given a gift, but was wasting it. Wasted potential is something I cannot stand. I got to where I am by working hard, doing my best to realize my potential. That's what I think we should all do. But perhaps... perhaps I lost faith a little too soon. After you walked away yet again, from me denying you the dragon tooth because I was trying to research it, I figured you would just be petty, and would be completely unreliable. I had lost so much faith in that moment that I made an attempt to get Neo to see the same thing I saw in you - hatred, spitefulness. So much so, that I was willing to die for it - something caused in no small part by guilt I had when I had let my allies die because I wasn't willing to do what needed to be done.
"But... even if I didn't think everything you accomplished was of your own doing, I always thought you could be more. Do you think I would bother to teach magic to any random brain-dead troll that I thought had no capability to learn? No. The most frustrating part of the ordeal to me was that, though you cast various spells, I just didn't see you with enough discipline to cast the one spell. Things like that - that made me believe that you weren't trying to do anything at all. It was hard for me to accept that you were doing anything if you apparently didn't want to put the effort into it.
"Looking back, there were probably several things I did wrong. Maybe I should have tried to be more empathetic - that's never really been my strong suit, though. I don't really know anyone well except other Guardians. I grew up one way - I expected everyone who grew up a similar way to have similar results, and I saw anything short of that as a failure. Perhaps I should have tried to understand the effects I would leave on you with my initial bad impression.
"Do you know how proud I was when I saw you finally cast a force bolt? That validated the work I had done to teach you, showed me that it wasn't a waste. And what you did just now took a lot of courage. Hell, even if you don't believe a word of it, it still takes a courage. Probably even more, in that case - no one wants to say they're wrong when they think they're right. Either way, I'm amazed.
"So to that I say, I apologize as well. Maybe you just need a bit of time. Maybe the others are a lot better at seeing those sorts of things than I am. I apologize that I was more of an enemy to you than the thing we just fought.
"But you have potential. Don't waste it - please. That's something I cannot stand. So I would encourage you to continue to work to improve yourself. Do more studying of magic when you can. And go take that award that Godfather Sere has granted you - you earned it. It's not something he gives out freely, and it certainly would go a long way in making sure that others know what you're worth, and what you're capable of. I can forget about the past - I would like to see that you're working towards a better future, though. Taking what is yours, what you've earned, acknowledging the hard work that you've put in - that would be a good first step."

Now it was Sere's turn to be left speechless by his companion's response. That sort of speech? The most he'd ever give out was typically along the lines of "I know you can do this, I have faith in all of you." He gripped the medallion again, ready to offer it again should Angora choose to accept it.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#602 Posted: 01:47:53 22/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade stood in shock as well. He didn’t believe what he was hearing.

Orion simply smiled. He saw she has finally broken through her own pride.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#603 Posted: 01:51:16 22/08/2018
Maverick remained silent for a while, hoping Angora would respond. But she said nothing. Instead, she breathed heavily, as if she had been choking all this time and was finally able to inhale the fresh air. As Latnok finished his speech, Angora had a low head, avoiding eye contact at all time, even when Latnok tried to look at her at eye level. She had nothing else to say to him. She did nothing. Even when Sere offered her the medallion again, she remained silent and motionless. Maverick was still quite upset with Latnok, but at least he has been man enough to apologize to Angora as well. He had hurt her in so many ways. He not only shattered her pride. He destroyed her very dignity as well. Latnok made it sound as if Angora has been such a horrible creature. Moody, bitter and rude? Maverick had no doubt Angora had been all of those things, but that wasn't so bad to be considered the monster Latnok wanted her to be before.

When the speech was finished and Maverick saw that Angora wasn't taking the medallion, he offered to take it in her place.
"Can I carry it for a while señor Sere? Until she's ready to wear it?" he politely asked the old Guardian, doubting Angora was ready to accept it right now.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#604 Posted: 01:58:24 22/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Neo again appeared before Angora and put a hand on her shoulder. He lifted her head up. “And that’s why I chose you. Your courage, strength, potential and heart.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#605 Posted: 02:09:33 22/08/2018
Sere, hearing Maverick repeat his request, thought for a moment once again, considering the situation. The situation had changed - but Angora hadn't yet willingly accepted the reward. "Normally, I will not grant it to someone who does not take it freely... but I think I'll defer this time. Latnok... what do you think we should do?"
Latnok stood up, turning back to face Sere. "Go ahead," he said lethargically, as he put his helmet back on and walked back to his side. His monologue had taken him quite a bit out of his comfort zone. "I'd recommend that she keep working on her magic. And don't get yourselves killed. If you ever need help from us, well, you have that now, you just have to find us." Nodding in acknowledgement of Latnok, Sere offered the medallion to Maverick instead.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#606 Posted: 02:25:21 22/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Orion nodded. “I will remain here and watch over you all.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#607 Posted: 02:38:15 22/08/2018
Angora was quiet still after Neo spoke to her. She has been certain he has chose her because if she had died, nobody would've missed a troll. But perhaps Neo saw something in her that she didn't see and that Latnok had refused to see. It was precisely that heart, that nobility, that Maverick grew so attached to when he was getting to know her. Neo knew. Maverick took the medallion, putting it in his bag, and ready to give it to Angora once she was ready to use it and finally acknowledge what she did. He then took Angora's hand, ready to lead her out of the way.
"We... can say goodbye to everyone if you want." he then suggested, knowing that somewhere deep inside, she would miss them all. So with a gentle, almost still nod, Angora agreed. She said goodbye to everybody, even the members she interacted with the less like Darkheart and the Pokemon, especially Star and his strange little device. She even gave a small nod to the greedy little Dex, knowing she would miss even him. She got to Orion, wished him luck in this new realm and bowed to him, with Maverick prompting to do the same. He was slowly admitting to himself that this was indeed the Galaxy dragon himself.

The most touching goodbyes however, was when she got to Raclaw and Veris. She approached the fur dragon first, and after recovering most of her voice, she spoke.
"Just so you know, I forgave you a long time ago for the way you treated me back then. I realized now that I had no right to mount you that way." she said meekly, knowing that his anger had been justified. Maverick gave aside glances in embarrassment, wanting to keep it a secret that he mounted him when he was in that sleep.

When it was Veris turn, she didn't know what to say at first to the wyvern. It wasn't as if he could understand her anyway, but maybe he could feel enough.
"Well, so long you greedy beast. You won't have to see me again." she said jokingly to the wyvern, but she knew she really was going to miss this overly gluttonous dragon. When Latnok made her feel lousy, he had been the only one to show her any kind of sympathy.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:39:22 22/08/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#608 Posted: 02:57:42 22/08/2018
Veris drooped his head, letting out a low grunt. "Don't worry, Veris... I'm sure they'll come back to the stronghold to visit you some time," Sere said. "But you have done well. You are extremely valuable to me, and I would not trade you for anything. It is time we made our way back to the stronghold. Dex, Raclaw, Shade - are you ready? If you wish, Dex, you may stick around with us for a bit longer, and continue getting paid; as for the rest of you, I think two months would be a suitable amount of time to make some arrangements for the ship, and it will give Latnok and myself more than enough time to recover from the brew."
"I'm all ready," Latnok said. "Just got to find a catwolf on the way home for the feast..."
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#609 Posted: 03:33:19 22/08/2018
As Angora approached Raclaw, the fur dragon was still somewhat in shock over everything that happened. "Thank-you... thank-you for understanding. Just know that I appreciate everything you've done and I wish you well on your travels-- both of you. Take care of each other. I'll miss you... we'll all miss you.," Raclaw said admitting his feelings now that most of the group's feelings were out in the open. Raclaw didn't pay much attention to the hybrid's side glances and was still blissfully unaware that Maverick had once mounted him however briefly. As Sere spoke up, Raclaw gave a simple nod.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:35:23 22/08/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#610 Posted: 03:53:43 22/08/2018
Angora said nothing else. She just wanted to leave silently and avoid obliterating her pride far more than she has already done. As she and Maverick were about to leave, she was quite relieved Veris didn't lick her again. It was quite uncomfortable and disgusting, but she was going to miss that dumb wyvern very much. He supported her quite a lot, and comforted her when nobody else did. So much she shared with him. She even recalled the silly time when she asked him to eat her once everything was over. Man was she really depressed that time to have said something so absurd! Right now however, she was slowly grasping to new hope. What else there was but to hope that her future would be far better than the horrendous past?

As she left, she realized she really was going to miss everyone... except maybe Latnok. Deep inside, she still felt cold towards him, but at least she managed to get that weight off her chest that was tearing her apart. She didn't looked back, but as they were face to face with the exit, it was Maverick who turned back. He wondered... if somebody would follow them. He was ready to accept anyone who would be willing to be part of their new family. He looked especially at Shade, who was deeply fond of her, but Angora doubted he would come. After all, Sere promised him they would find others of his kind, and he was more suited for that than the two of them. She simply wanted to leave and try to forget this painful traveling...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#611 Posted: 04:17:31 22/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Orion bowed back as well. “May Neo and the great kings watch over you.”

“Angora! Wait!” It was indeed Shade who came running up to her. “I want to go with you. I want to travel with you.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#612 Posted: 04:40:42 22/08/2018
Angora flinched at his response. Maverick simply smiled.
"Shade? Why? Why you? Weren't you going with Sere to find others of your kind? We can't possibly do something like that." Angora reminded, wondering why Shade would want to travel with them when he made it clear many times how much he wished to find others like him. Maverick said nothing about it, but if what Angora said was true, he wanted to believe they would randomly find someone like him somewhere.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#613 Posted: 09:30:48 22/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“I couldn’t knowing you were without me.” Shade said as he nuzzles her. “You helped me so much I could never repay you.”
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#614 Posted: 10:07:54 22/08/2018
First Dex walked to Angora and Shade. He had no idea why it was not like him but somehow he just felt like it " Accept the offer. I think he has found his kind and I am not talking about race here. And think a troll with someone like him (points at Shade). I think nobody can bully you ever again. When happiness is at the door you open." Dex said to Angora with a calm but determined voice. Then he looked at Shade and gave the Kindest smile he had done in before this group ever.

" Thats my way to say I am Sorry I guess. Nothing I would normally do. So troll dont fail it" Dex thought. He was somehow feeling bad because he had joined Shade when he was controlled, but being who he is there was no way he would say it.

Then he walked back to answer Sere. His movents where like nothing had happend, he was his cold quiet self again. " Thats sounds like the best offer I have right now, so yes I will take it. When we get back we can try to find something you need done, that fits my skills better then this warrior mission" Dex said giving nod of acceptance to Sere then taking a place with Sere and Latnok which would show clearly that right now he was one of them.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:10:04 22/08/2018 by cyndego
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#615 Posted: 12:37:40 22/08/2018
Maverick was ecstatic to have Shade onboard. A big, scary dragon, and he was actually a softie when it came to Angora. He never interacted that much with him, but now he would have more than enough time for that. Now Angora and him won't be so alone in the world. They would have a dragon of all creatures as a friend and protector. And better yet, if he was in the mood, maybe he could fly them to places and Maverick would finally experience what it was like to see the world from the skies.

When he saw Dex approaching Angora, smiling and saying those words, he couldn't help but to feel all mushy inside.
"Aww, don't worry fox. She has the two of us now." Maverick said in regards to Angora, being very happy that someone unexpected was encouraging her and wishing her luck in her journey. He even petted Dex hardly as if he was a little doggy, messing up all his fur. Everybody was going their separate ways now, and even though Angora didn't want to encounter anybody again and go through the same, farewell experience, Maverick hoped they would see each other again. He would especially miss Raclaw. He took quite a liking to him, and felt sorry he didn't get a chance to know him better. He said one last goodbye to him before returning to Shade and Angora's side, ready to leave this realm for good and head into the unknown...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#616 Posted: 15:13:03 22/08/2018
"Well... that certainly simplifies things," Latnok said, seeing Shade leave them to join Angora and Maverick. "That means we just have to head to Falcon's Beak and see what we can find."
"It means our boat doesn't have to be as big, and we won't need as many supplies or as much crew," Sere noted. He was relieved himself - tracking down the dragolets who disappeared would essentially be a wild goose chase at this point. "Well, if that is everything, then we should be headed back to the stronghold."
The job was done. Now was the time to rest. But they would have to be prepared for the challenges ahead. Whatever it was, Latnok and Sere were certain that they would make it out - just like they had already.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#617 Posted: 15:34:38 22/08/2018
It was time. Shade, Angora and Maverick disappeared into the gate, returning to the bizzare realm with the strange fauna. The didn't see the group anymore. They continued walking, without looking back. Maverick's life has changed completely. Just when he thought nothing could be any more different than the life he took when he was finally free of the pirate ship, it takes yet another turn. He found his beloved friend after so many years, and how he had a dragon of all creatures to get to know of and lose the fear. Likewise, Angora's life has changed. She wasn't a lonely, nomadic thief anymore. She just saved the world. She had a family. One that loved her this time and that meant her no harm. They both had so much to look forward to. It didn't take them long to find the other exit, one that would take them to the world and dimension they knew. Now it was really time to keep moving forward.

"Adelante mi familia! Onward to adventure! We'll be our own society. One that accepts each other for who we are. We'll have nothing but happiness. We'll be each other's support. Onward to a better future." Maverick said excitedly, jumping like a grasshopper. Angora shook her head and smirked at how cheesy and ridiculous he was. Maverick was quite a silly, naive man, but if anybody had to be honest, she had no doubt the world needed more people like him.

Maverick had so many plans for the future. He would keep his traveling merchant business, but at the same time, he was thinking of becoming a bard to sing about Angora's heroic deed. A troll hero was something nobody has ever heard of, and he wanted to make sure such an intriguing true story went down in history. Likewise, he would teach her to be more polite and treat people better. Another objective was getting to know Shade better, and every day what magnificent creatures dragons were, and also teach him to eat fish to vary his diet, if he hasn't already. So much to look forward to! Life just got better than any of them could ever wish for.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:39:46 22/08/2018 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#618 Posted: 00:40:59 23/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Hehe onward to adventure!” Shade said.

(We can time skip)
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#619 Posted: 01:15:25 23/08/2018
Several days later...

The return trip was no doubt much easier than the original trip. Latnok didn't have to deal with any pushing presence against his mind. Veris was hungry as ever, but there was plenty of food to be found along the way - including another catwolf, which Latnok made the effort to save. It wasn't long before the group was out of the dead zone, and from there it was a simple flight back to the cave.
Latnok was at one of the many tables of the conference room, eating some of the catwolf meat he had acquired and shared with everyone else. Sere was also at the table, as were some of the Adjudicators. Latnok would typically prefer to be among his own peers, but the situation, having had him work directly with Sere, saw him like this. He would, however, take the opportunity to visit some other tables. Latnok, to complement the food, was sipping on a glass of sweet, red wine.
"And then, she actually cast one - a force bolt! I couldn't believe it myself!" Latnok said, as he poured another glass.
"Remember not to get TOO drunk now," Sere said. "You still have to accept the Pioneer medal in about half an hour. Just drunk enough so that you can speak your mind and be somewhat entertaining."
"Sure, I - hey, are you trying to say I'm boring?!" Latnok said, in mock outrage.
"Not right now, you aren't!" Adjudicator Bier - responsible for many things involving personnel management and distribution - said. "Telling quite some story - you teaching a troll to cast magic?! You sure you haven't had too much to drink?"
"He hasn't - I saw it myself," Sere said. "Probably the funniest part of the whole ordeal - if you could call anything about it 'funny' - was Veris attempting to eat the creature when we killed it shortly afterward, and then spitting the meat back out." Sere, after taking a sip of wine, made some gagging noises in imitation of Veris. The rest of the group laughed.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#620 Posted: 02:00:06 23/08/2018
As the days turned to weeks, the trio went to all kind of places, from snowy mountains to arid deserts, exploring, collecting and selling things from their travels. Shade would remain in the woods when Angora and Maverick arrived to towns so the people wouldn't get scared. They would just stay for a while to sell merchandise and listen to bards and bands for Maverick to learn from them. Angora would keep watch to make sure nobody would pickpocket them. On ocassions, Maverick would surround himself by women, just like he did on his pirate days, only this time, he didn't have his father scaring them away. He loved the attention. Some things just never changed. As for Angora, she would pretend to be a deformed goblin once more, for she knew the world wasn't quite ready for a troll like her. Very few has ever recognize her as such, but thankfully, all of them have been pacifists. She even changed her rags to more appropriate clothing to look more civilized. Even though her attitude has improved greatly, she still had her temper and threw the occasional tantrum, but despite the flaws, having a real family has done wonders for her.

When traveling with Shade, the three of them would usually do it at night to make the dragolet blend with his surroundings. When in the mood, he would fly them to places. It was thanks to him that Maverick finally experienced his first flight, and got so obsessed with it, he would usually try to convince or bribe Shade into giving him extra rides. As he promised himself, he would teach the giant to add fish to his diet, though he wasn't quite fond of it.
"Maybe we just haven't found the right kind of fish." he would always say, never giving up.

When away from towns, the trio would make a campfire, tell stories, and even scare each other up. Angora in particular, was quite a prankster, Shade usually being the target. She loved his reaction more. During meal time, the dragolet was usually the one to do the hunting and cook the meat with his fire, though the resulting food was always for him and Angora. Maverick would just go fishing and collect fruit and vegetables, and the occasional precious stone to sell. It was a nice life. They were all happy, just as Maverick had said. Angora finally had traveling companions who didn't hate or criticize her, Shade had friends, and Maverick enjoyed the freedom and land life he always craved. All was well for them.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:03:42 23/08/2018 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#621 Posted: 02:03:48 23/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Angora do you think of the others sometimes?” Shade said. “Like how they are doing.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#622 Posted: 02:30:28 23/08/2018
Angora blinked at his comment, having almost forgotten about them.
"Not... really. I'd rather leave that in the past where it belongs." she replied, shrinking her shoulders. She had room many ill memories from Latnok to want to remember ever being part of that group. Not even the Darkmatter traumatized her as much as Latnok's insults.

"Well, I do. I wish I could've joined sooner. I could've known them better. I miss them all, especially that furry dragon. He looked so nice." Maverick said, being his turn to reply. He then remembered what he had in his bag. He took out Angora's medallion and showed to her, but it was clear from her face that she still wasn't ready to wear it, so he put it away, but not before realizing he had grabbed something else along with it. It was Veris' scale. How afraid he was of him back then. But thanks to Shade, he lost all fear of dragons. How he wished he could see him and his owners once more. He chuckled at the memories, imagining the wyvern was somewhere begging for food.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#623 Posted: 02:32:31 23/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“I miss Raclaw too.”
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:19:24 23/08/2018 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#624 Posted: 02:56:32 23/08/2018
OOC: Sayan? Wrong RP smilie

Angora wanted to change the subject, but before she could, she saw what Maverick was grasping.
"Veris' scale? He gave you a scale?" Angora asked, taking Veris' gift for her.
"A tooth? Wow, do they come off easily? Heh, I guess the wyvern liked us both." Maverick commented with a smile, glad to know they had a gift in common that wasn't the medallion. He remembered how cool it was when he saw Sere take on the skies on that wyvern, but now, he and Angora had their own dragon. He wasn't a pet or a mount. He was a friend, which made things much better.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:31:33 23/08/2018 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#625 Posted: 03:12:29 23/08/2018
As Raclaw traveled back with the Guardians and left the trio to their own devices-- he too thought of them. He hadn't expected Shade to leave with them and had almost thought about going himself. However, the Guardians were the key to finding his family and (unlike Angora) he had even grown fond of the Guardian called Latnok. Her and Latnok and fought to the very end and though no action of his own-- they had finally found peace with each other. Furthermore, she now had a family of which both the fluffy Maverick and the no longer corrupted Shade were happily part of. The goodbye had been a bittersweet one and he was at least content that he was on the path to finding his family. Soon the cave was in sight and knowing Latnok, celebrations were bound to happen...

Quote: A Guy
"And then, she actually cast one - a force bolt! I couldn't believe it myself!" Latnok said, as he poured another glass.
"Remember not to get TOO drunk now," Sere said. "You still have to accept the Pioneer medal in about half an hour. Just drunk enough so that you can speak your mind and be somewhat entertaining."
"Sure, I - hey, are you trying to say I'm boring?!" Latnok said, in mock outrage.
"Not right now, you aren't!" Adjudicator Bier - responsible for many things involving personnel management and distribution - said. "Telling quite some story - you teaching a troll to cast magic?! You sure you haven't had too much to drink?"
"He hasn't - I saw it myself," Sere said. "Probably the funniest part of the whole ordeal - if you could call anything about it 'funny' - was Veris attempting to eat the creature when we killed it shortly afterward, and then spitting the meat back out." Sere, after taking a sip of wine, made some gagging noises in imitation of Veris. The rest of the group laughed.

Raclaw smiled and laughed as his two companions retold the story in their own unique way-- making some parts sound more exciting and leaving out of the less exciting parts, just as he expected the drunk Guardians to do. He looked across the table at Godfather Sere and at the nearby Adjudicator Vellune who happily drinking and listening to the tale. Between taking bites of the catwolf meat, he wondered what the other Guardians could tell him about Executioner Narril. He wanted to know about the Guardians of his past-- or his potential past. "So-- Adjudicator Vellune.," he said casually bringing up the topic. "I was wondering what you could tell me about a Executioner Narril? I know this may be a sore subject, but he may have been a part of my distant past and I wish to know about him.," he asked hoping perhaps the Guardian, and the one who had unlocked his collar, would be able to tell him more.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#626 Posted: 03:25:18 23/08/2018
Vellune, who had been laughing and joking around before, suddenly fell silent, as did much of the table. "Narrill... he was part of a program designed to facilitate cohabitation between dragons and humans," he said. "From what I recall, he was asked by a family hosting a hatchling to help find him one day. Dueing his search, he engaged the forces of a lich which happened to ambush him. Though he destroyed them all - including a death knight, a significant victory - he died of his wounds shortly after. Adjudicator Bier would know more."
"He had shown quite a talent for raising wyverns, something which he enjoyed doing, so we decided to have him be part of the hatchling program," Bier added. "Unfortunately, that sort of talent is not very easily replaced, so we had a void in his position for a while. I know, however, that he treated hatchlings like the children he never had. He would have had no regrets. He certainly wouldn't want us to dwell on it."
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#627 Posted: 03:45:26 23/08/2018
"I'm sorry for asking and I'm sorry for your loss-- all your losses. It sounds like he was a good man and like many of you... cared deeply both for humanity as well as my own kind. And if he cared for and protected my kind as much as it sounds like he, than he was a good man indeed. And thank-you for the catwolf meat... it's very delicious.," Raclaw respectfully responding speaking in a quieter tone. He always felt bad about bringing others down and he was sure he had brought up many memories at that very moment, both good and bad. He looked at the numerous Guardians surrounding him at the table and around the room-- and briefly looked down. And with that many people in the same room, he could feel the overall vibe and emotion of the room change.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#628 Posted: 03:47:26 23/08/2018
As Angora, Shade and Maverick talked about their past adventures, the troll soon grew tired of the subject.
"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm thirsty. I heard a waterfall not far from here. I'm go look for it." she said as she got up and left. Even though she really was thirsty, she was glad to have an excuse to get out of that conversation. She then went to look for the water source, wanting to do something herself for once. She would usually get Shade to find everything for the, and save time, but she wanted to explore that foliage.

Maverick didn't stop her. Just shook his head.
"Oh that Angorita. She really wants to forget that trip. I thought it was because of that horrible dragon monster, but I guess it's because of señor Latnok. He was quite mean to her after all." Maverick said, still regretting not having joined the group sooner. He could've defended her, and at the same time try to teach Latnok what he saw in her. He still remembered how Angora snapped and apologized to him, and Maverick still firmly believed the young Guardian should've been the one with the first move. He didn't hated Latnok, but kinda resented him for bringing his beloved friend to such a state back then.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#629 Posted: 03:58:49 23/08/2018
"Any time," Latnok said, happy that others enjoyed his cooking. "Definitely one good thing to come of that place! We will have to see how we can work it into the training regimen. Perfect for survival training, if you ask me."
Sere could identify Raclaw's guilt - it wasn't his fault, however. He shouldn't feel bad for what had happened. "Now, Raclaw, This is a time of celebration. Our allies have fallen, but in doing so, they pave the way for our success - and our future. And that is something to celebrate!" Sere lifted up his glass to toast, and all those who could reach him responded in kind. "Latnok, are you ready for your award?"
"Think I should probably do that before I finish the rest of the bottle," Latnok said. Getting up, staggering slightly initially but stabilizing himself, he made his way to the podium.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#630 Posted: 04:34:08 23/08/2018
"You're right-- I'm sorry.," Raclaw said with a faint smile as he watched Latnok stagger up the podium. He didn't know why, but he felt oddly at home so deep within the Guardian base. Reading the surface thoughts of the numerous minds in the room-- he could tell that most of the men were genuinely good people and truly believed in their cause. Perhaps it was everything he had learned thus far or perhaps it was his still-intact link with Latnok. All he knew was that despite the fact that he wasn't entirely used to being around so many people at one time; he felt somewhat at peace here. Perhaps it was the present company and the possibility that he had developed some kind of bond with the now drunk Latnok. Or perhaps it was the numerous emotions in the room. "Good luck.," he telepathically spoke to Latnok as he approached the podium.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:15:40 23/08/2018 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#631 Posted: 12:11:50 23/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“I know but I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for her saving my life and helping me the entire way. Not to mention she saved the universe.” Shade said. “You think I can reach Rayclaw from this distance? I mean telepathy reach him?”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#632 Posted: 14:22:52 23/08/2018
Latnok stepped onto the podium, followed shortly by Sere and Bier, who he saluted. Godfather Sere and Bier returned the salute, and Bier began reading from a lectern, which he tried his best to do well despite his inebriation.
"To all who are present... we are awarding Executioner Latnok the... Pioneer medal for his efforts which have been crucial to the... discovery and documentation of new lifeforms, and the manner of how to engage them. Every potential enemy we... discover and learn about is one less enemy to surprise us. For this, we and all of the Ardent Guardians thank you."
Sere handed the medal, held in a box, to Latnok. At that moment, starting softly at first but then getting louder, the room began to chant "SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!" Latnok stepped up to the edge of the podium.
"Well, thank you, ladies and gentlemen," he said, projecting his voice. "Oh, wait, just gentlemen, I forgot... yeah. Thank you, gentlemen. Well, I'm not one for speeches, at least not when I can help it anyway. As you all know, I've... I've been gone for a while. I learned some things, though. Killed some mon... monsters. Now, I'm back! Probably my favorite creature is that thing many of you are eating right now. Hmm... maybe someone more important than me can come up with a good name for it. I'm just calling it the catwolf for now. Would call it the cat-wolf-gazelle, but that doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Anyway, I tracked the thing... it was hiding in a tree. It thought it could get the jump on me. Me! I sidestepped it as it jumped down, and struck it with my axe. Simple enough.
"We also found some creature called a storm claw. Ended up killing one, trapping the other. That one actually kinda helped us out. You see, the place has some dumb weather. Dumb, dumb weather. Clear one minute, deadly storm the next. So, this thing, it can sense the storms, it can survive them, and looks for those who are taking shelter during them. Bleeds just like anything else, though.
"Finally, I found some amphibian - like a mudskipper, except much bigger and out to kill you. Stepped in the water, thing tried to drown me. Haha... thought it could, did it... nope! Pulled it right out, beat it down, though it left a nasty bite. No venom, though.
"Anyway, that's the sort of thing I found. Godfather Sere's very own wyvern, Veris, he was happy to eat all of that junk. I would like to thank those who gave me their help! Of those present, that would be Godfather Sere, the sapient fox known as Dex, and our very own fur dragon here, Raclaw!" The room began clapping in uproarious applause before Latnok could finish. It was quite evident that every man in the room was quite in the moment. After a few moments, the applause died back down to a level which allowed Latnok to be audible again.
"Without them, I definitely would have had a much harder time here. I'd have them at my back any time! Thank you all... thank you all!" The room once again started uproarious applause.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#633 Posted: 15:02:35 23/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Suddenly a portal opened up at the back of the room and Orion steeped through it. “Sorry I’m late. Duty’s come first.” He then walked up to Latnok and took his hand and shook it. “I wanted to observe and study your guild. Plus I wanted to see this for myself.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#634 Posted: 15:25:19 23/08/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
“I know but I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for her saving my life and helping me the entire way. Not to mention she saved the universe.” Shade said. “You think I can reach Rayclaw from this distance? I mean telepathy reach him?”

"I'm not sure. I know nothing about this mind talking. But perhaps Angorita can help. I haven't seen her practicing any magic, but I imagine que still has it." Maverick replied, knowing it would be amazing if Shade could contact Raclaw somehow. As he said that, he also thought about that first sentence. Angora saving a life willingly was not something she would do when he met her, so she really came a long way between the time she left the skip and found her again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#635 Posted: 15:42:24 23/08/2018
As Orion came in, his grand presence filling up much of the room, the entire room began to gasp, and erupted into a cacophony of speech. Sere raised his hand, signalling a call for silence, and the room complied after a few seconds.
"Orion! Glad to see you here!" Latnok said. "So yeah, I'm getting an award for discovering new creatures and learning how to handle them. A bit... a bit of a big deal!"
"We are honored to have you here," Sere said. "Do us a favor and try not to break too much furniture, though. Dex and Raclaw are with us, though Veris is currently being held at the wyvern pen. Feel free to help yourself to some food."
Latnok went back to facing the audience. "Ah, so yeah, this guy, this is Orion, I think you guys have seen him once before. Wonderful fellow. Say, Orion, have you tried fermented beverages before? Can dragons even get drunk? Don't quite know about that..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#636 Posted: 17:42:29 23/08/2018
In those woods, somewhere around the world, Angora found the waterfall she was seeking. It was far more beautiful than she imagined. The water splashing with the rocks made a small rainbow, and the surroundings were crowded with butterflies and dragonflies. She loved observing insects, a hobby she returned to after done traveling with the larger group, and even though she preferred tougher, scarier bugs like beetles and spiders, it was nice seeing this bunch of tiny, flying beauties. There was even the occasional herbivore coming for a drink, but luckily for them, she wasn't hungry. Holding a canteen Maverick gifted to her, she started to fill it with water as she continued observing her surroundings. The world was a messed up place, filled with hatred, greed, war, violence and evil, but it was places like this, this tiny pieces of heaven, where everything was soothing and nature was intact... these were the places that made the world worth saving.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#637 Posted: 19:40:24 23/08/2018
Dex was not with the others. He had got a Letter to answer the one he had send before they had returned.

(We are happy to know you are not dead and have not joined the brotherhood. We have put your status back to active, but having a long job. Your single target raiting in the league is 3th and you are still unrated as a group target. We are also Sorry about what happend to your hideout, but we hope it does not effect your way of doing your jobs. Welcome back.

The league of assassins main hideout)

After he had read the letter he made a small cut to himself and used his blood to make sure the letter was destroyed. Then he started to make his way back to others.

(League of assassin is a united group of individual assassins. The only workers they have are the ones working at the main hideout. They rate the members and take Jobs to give to their members. In the main hide out they have open board for Jobs which is usually used by the lower rate assassins. Higher rates get their missions usually so that they are asked to do them without any open prosses. The assassin make small payments after Jobs to the League to make sure that people working there get paid and they can keep up their work. There is only few codes. 1. Never attack others who are in the league 2. Never accept a job that would prevent others doing theirs. First is first 3. If someone gets no payment, you have to help revenge that to make sure the league members will always get paid or atleast those not paying lose their lifes.

Brotherhood of assassins is different. They all live together and give their lifes for their brotherhood, making Jobs there is done so that everything earned is for all the members. Their goal is to get their brotherhood wealth and fame. They are also known to attack people without any Jobs involved just to loot what they have for the brotherhood. The brotherhood and the league do not like eachother very much. The brotherhood thinks the league is weak and they are not giving their all to the way they live. And league thinks that the brotherhood is more of a murder community which does not value the ways of True assassins.)

I thought it would be nice to you to know what I am talking about. And these groups might make somekind of appeareance in the rp later, if I feel like doing some stuff of my own

Dex made his way back And like usually with as few persons seeing as possible. He then saw Orion but did not say anything. He just made his way close to Sere hoping that nobody was thinking Why he had not joined with them in the first place.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 19:48:17 23/08/2018 by cyndego
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#638 Posted: 21:15:26 23/08/2018
Raclaw laughed and smiled at the speech-- particularly at the mention of the catdog/catwolf meat and Veris's eager appetite. It wasn't surprising at all how Latnok, like any Guardian, boasted about the many things he had killed throughout their journey. After all, that was one thing the organization took pride in, especially Latnok as he knew very well. At the mention of Storm, he recalled how big their party once became even nearing 15 different members at one point. It was amazing just how many different races joined forces and united for one single goal. Sure-- some of them hated each other and there was even one or two assassination attempts within the party. He recalled Dex in particular and how he has chosen to spare the fox. 'And look at Dex now.,' he thought to himself. However, despite all that, it worked and they had successfully managed to rid the world of an evil against all odds.

He noticed Dex quietly scullying next to Sere, but figured that the sapient fox had simply been eating in a corner somewhere. He had always been a sneaky character-- and still very much was. As Raclaw's name was recognized and Orion made a sudden appearance, he perked up excited to see any of his old companions. "Orion! You're back!.," he said with an happy expression as he got closer to the almighty dragon.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:30:20 24/08/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#639 Posted: 00:34:48 24/08/2018
After having enough of the scenery, Angora took her canteen and left, wishing there was a way she could freeze this moment. Was there a magic that could do that? She then remembered she hasn't practiced magic all this time. She knew that if Latnok ever found out, he would get angry, but she was never going to see him again, so why should she care? It was her life, and just because he hates wasted potential, it didn't mean she would have to stick with her ideals.

After that little brainstorm, she got angry at herself for thinking about that human again, so she instead focused on heading back to her two companions and forget about the rest. This was the present, not the past, and if this new life didn't required magic, she found no reason to use it. She even gave the magic staff for Maverick to put away so she wouldn't remember the times it disobeyed her. It wasn't part of Neo anymore, so she doubted it would listen to her now.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#640 Posted: 02:01:13 24/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“Ah young Raclaw. It’s good to see you.” Orion said with a nod of his head. He then looked at Latnok. “I do not think gods can get drunk.” He said. “But I’ll try this brew.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#641 Posted: 02:12:29 24/08/2018
It didn't take long for Angora to find her way to her companions. She sneaked behind Shade and pinched his tail.
"Hey you two dumbells. Been telling stories without me? Listen, you have to go to that waterfall. It's so relaxing! Perfect for a cabin." Angora suggested, knowing that Maverick's canteen was almost empty and that Shade would need plenty of water for the journey ahead.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#642 Posted: 02:54:12 24/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade jumped. “You sneak!” Shade giggled. “Oh? Lead the way!”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#643 Posted: 03:01:37 24/08/2018
Angora was rather disappointed with his reaction. She was expecting him to be more jumpy than that, but didn't make a big deal out of it. She climbed to his head and pointed.
"Just that way Shady. With you, we should be there in two or three steps." Angora instructed as she playfully pulled his horns to lead him. Maverick would rather walk, but knowing he would be left behind, he climbed the back. Angora and the head and Maverick on the back was how they always travelled whenever Shade walked or flew them somewhere.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#644 Posted: 09:42:44 24/08/2018 | Topic Creator
“You got it!” Shade laughs a little. He then started walking the the direction of the waterfall.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#645 Posted: 10:21:08 24/08/2018
"Well, there is the whole legend of ambrosia..." Latnok said. "For someone of your size, however, we would need something insanely potent to even get you to feel anything. Feel free to have some drink, though, I'm sure the others won't complain too much."
Sere had assumed that Dex had been in the room the entire time. He thought nothing of Dex's sudden appearance by his side. Now that he was here, though, Sere handed Dex a letter, sealed with the insignia of the Ardent Guardians. "Take this to the treasury here," Sere said. "The payment should be good compensation for your services. If you're ever looking for a contract, there are some things that I think you would be perfect for; otherwise, feel free to go about your business."
I'm just... a guy...
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#646 Posted: 11:29:04 24/08/2018
Dex took the letter with his paw. It was really suprising to see a fox to handel something like that with a paw , but still looking like no problem. Dex clearly had something in his mind because he was looking kind of confused. He then put the letter to the floor and looked back at Sere "How about this? You employ me as long as even you or I want to brake the contract. I get paid regularly no matter is there much to do or not. If I think you ask too much I can brake the contract, and if you feel like my work is not good enough you can do it. If you agree I would like a small room for myself in here. Nothing big just a place to keep my own stuff and to sleep." Dex said trying to sound as professional as possible. But it was clear there was something else going on here.

Normally he would never take contract of employment like this one, it was not going to earn him as much as high rank assassin Jobs. There was a reason which he would never say, but he started to like being around others. Sere had been fair in everything so far, and even if he and Latnok did not seem to agree a lot he was kind of workmate. It was nice to be able to trust and as funny as it was to be trusted. As a cub he had the old man to look after him and to teach human way of living. After his death there had been no place he really felt belonging to, but in someway he was starting to feel like it now.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 11:35:22 24/08/2018 by cyndego
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#647 Posted: 12:29:37 24/08/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
“You got it!” Shade laughs a little. He then started walking the the direction of the waterfall.

"There's even some animals there you can hunt before we continue on our way." Angora suggested, knowing that Shade would sometimes remain hungry after a meal.

"Hey, easy. Don't ruin the trees. Trust me, we want the place to be intact." she warned, noticing the dragolet crashing with some branches. Even though he was flexible and careful, he was still very big.

"Aw come on Angorita. He's doing great for someone so big. Speaking of big, did you noticed our Shady is actually bigger than that wyvern? Veris, right? I never noticed until we got to travel with him. It's quite extraordinario." Maverick observed, never having noticed the height difference until he got more up close. Shade used to be quite distant when he was with the group, and he would usually lie down, so he Maverick didn't know the height difference until much later.

"True, true. But at least he doesn't eat nowhere near as much as that thing! I swear he gave me a stomachache just looking at him gorge down so much food as if he was never going to eat again." Angora expressed with annoyance, remembering the time she had to hunt for him and he didn't leave a thing for her. Maverick laughed at her comment, but Angora was frustrated. Once again, they talked about the group, or at least someone of it. Even if it was only the wyvern that helped her a lot, Angora still wanted to leave the experience in the past.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#648 Posted: 13:07:21 24/08/2018
Sere thought for a minute, somewhat slowed by the drink he had had so far. Having someone like Dex, much different than the Guardians or the creatures they kept, could prove to be rather useful - and perhaps, even if he wasn't the most reliable ally at the moment, he could grow to be trustworthy. He should, at the very least, answer to money. "Hmm... sounds reasonable enough," he said. "We can arrange all of the finer details tomorrow, when I can do some more thinking... for now, I'll have one of my men show you to a room after this is all over. The mess hall is run several times a day, they can tell you more about that schedule... and I will arrange some equipment to allow for long-range communication, so you have freedom to travel. Of course, you will have to return here to receive pay, but this should work out for both of us."
"Welcome aboard, Dex!" Latnok said, a huge, cheesy grin on his face. "I'm sure the others won't bother you too much. This should be an excellent place for you! Just remember to ask your guide to get you some heat protection equipment, you'll need it to enter or leave the area."
I'm just... a guy...
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#649 Posted: 00:46:53 25/08/2018
"Sounds like we have a deal then. We can talk later about details later for sure, just wanted to know do I have a real reason to stay" Dex said, without even noticing with a happy smile. When he realised that he quickly took something more of his basic grin and turned to Latnok. " Well thank you. I think others will understand that having a fox that can kill you with one bite in the team is better then having him sneaking at your back dont you think? And i think this place will be great for me! After all I just learned there is a treasury. And dont worry I might like things you think atleast as weird, but dying to heat is not one of them." Dex said with clear sarcasm in his voice.
Cogito, ergo sum.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#650 Posted: 01:00:36 25/08/2018
Raclaw remained nearby but let the others finish their trains of thought; listening to the conversation between Latnok/Orion and between Latnok/Dex. He was honestly surprised when he saw Dex turning down the letter and instead opting for regular employment alongside the Guardians. In his eyes, the sneaky fox had already redeemed himself for almost assassinating him, but this only took that redemption one step further. Dex had already almost been paid, had already helped save the world, and didn't have to stick around-- and yet chose to despite whatever past he may have had and whatever past decisions he may have made. "For what it's worth, I'm glad you're sticking around here.," Raclaw said with a faint smile looking at the sentient fox. He also gave a slight laugh at the thought of a dragon god getting drunk-- knowing that would be a sight to see for sure.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:11:54 25/08/2018 by redwes
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