

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#551 Posted: 23:27:18 23/03/2012
ive seen alot of wave 3 recently but no cynder since i found her at future and they only had one has antibody else seen her recently?
Green Bean Machine
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#552 Posted: 23:34:18 23/03/2012
I just read on another forum that some people have found Dragon's Peak in Ontario. Markville mall and Richmond Hill TRU.

I called the Whitby TRU and they haven't had anything new lately. Had 2 Darklight Crypts.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#553 Posted: 23:36:55 23/03/2012
maybe i will have to check tru tomorrow anyway thanks for the info
Green Bean Machine
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#554 Posted: 14:25:31 24/03/2012
My Toys R Us keeps getting in Skylanders...actually three times this week! March 18-24
But it's all old stuff, nice to see the old adventure packs in stock.
Still not sure when wave 4 will hit?????????
Northern Ontario
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#555 Posted: 15:20:50 24/03/2012
My TRU doesn't have anything and no sign of dragon's peak. That makes me think there will be nothing new on sunday, otherwise they would have it in stock already.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#556 Posted: 15:29:15 24/03/2012
No totally true^ Think Legendary Trigger Happy came out on a weird day?
Can not remember but think it was a week-end!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#557 Posted: 16:27:27 24/03/2012
It figures the one day I don't check, they get a large shipment. I talked to the clerk and they had empire of ice but it was long gone. They had a full stock of wave 3, complete with pirates seas and the crypt. Oh well. So maybe there is hope for something tomorrow.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#558 Posted: 19:38:25 24/03/2012
dargons peak is comeing to canada on the 30th this is info is from toysrus
Green Bean Machine
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#559 Posted: 19:40:40 24/03/2012
I'd prefer a legitimate source of the date instead of just regurgitating what you may have read on the forums.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#560 Posted: 21:08:08 24/03/2012 | Topic Creator
So i guess canadian toys r us isn't doing the big Skylander sunday thing huh.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#561 Posted: 00:20:54 25/03/2012
nope but maybe the 30th hopefully
Green Bean Machine
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#562 Posted: 00:22:36 25/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
dargons peak is comeing to canada on the 30th this is info is from toysrus

my toysrus guy told me the same thing. they had them in stock i could see them on the shelf in the back room but he refused to sell me one. told me the street date was the 30th and to be there before store opens to get a ticket.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#563 Posted: 00:39:37 25/03/2012
i will have to ask at my tru tommorow i only heard it was the 30th nothing about tickets hmmm
Green Bean Machine
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#564 Posted: 00:42:16 25/03/2012
yeah you should ask. he told me they were expecting a line up and wouldn't even put them on the shelves. limit of one and only if you have a ticket.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#565 Posted: 00:43:09 25/03/2012
do you know if they will have zook and lightning rod?
Green Bean Machine
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#566 Posted: 00:46:59 25/03/2012
he said most likely this week sometime but didn't know 100%
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#567 Posted: 01:02:02 25/03/2012
My Toys R US said maybe this week for wave 4 too....but do they really know???
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#568 Posted: 01:44:34 25/03/2012
i will have to ask tomorrow
Green Bean Machine
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#569 Posted: 02:25:44 25/03/2012
No, they don't really know. The clerks there have no clue what's going on.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#570 Posted: 03:00:14 25/03/2012
That's because their shipments just come in by Purolator....could come in any day!
I find Tuesdays and Thursdays the best tho!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#571 Posted: 12:37:48 25/03/2012
that is true when wave 3 first came out they had them on a tuesday but so thursday will hopefully be true and i wil find dragons peak
Green Bean Machine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:37:59 25/03/2012 by zook it up
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#572 Posted: 13:00:23 25/03/2012
Empire of Ice and the older adventure packs are in stock on, but the shipping went up by$4 >.>'
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#573 Posted: 14:07:11 25/03/2012
Was at tru on merivale rd Ottawa ON. when they opened and nothing just starters. The lady did say that the walmart off of merivale got a shipment in last night and had lots of singles.
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#574 Posted: 14:13:20 25/03/2012
^ was just at walmart and they do still have lots of singles, got my chopchop. The singles are all from wave 1-3 but no cynders.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#575 Posted: 14:22:50 25/03/2012
Ordered Empire of Ice from website, thanks for posting that. I'm leaving now to be at store when it opens today.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#576 Posted: 15:05:51 25/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Hey Fellow Canadians!
If anyone finds ANY of the new skylander wave please post. But like other canadians have been saying i think the 30th will be our release date i really hope were wrong about that But i have never seen to many shipments come in on a sunday in canada or ontario at least. But like isaid before i really hope i'm wrong :-)

Good luck out there. OH! and bring protection if you do see them it might be a fight to the death for them :-) LOL
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#577 Posted: 15:09:32 25/03/2012
One lonely Stump Smash at my TRU right now. Nothing new.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#578 Posted: 15:29:42 25/03/2012
I just received email that my empire of ice is on back order. How stupid. Why even bother having a stock status if it is wrong.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:31:33 25/03/2012 by Zing
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#579 Posted: 15:49:58 25/03/2012
^yah they seem to do that a probably says out of stock now on their web site too!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#580 Posted: 16:18:57 25/03/2012
i might go to tru just to ask about the 30th and has anybody got cynder from a store when i got mine they only had one and i have not seen another since
Green Bean Machine
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#581 Posted: 16:25:39 25/03/2012
^ I havnt seen any cynders yet and the places I get my skylanders when I ask they say they havnt recieved any, so Im just waiting for the 3 pack.

Same thing happened with double trouble 1st single I have seen was today at wally mart, I bought the 3 pack shortly after it came out and ended up with an extra drill, and whirl.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:27:59 25/03/2012 by Brutungo
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#582 Posted: 16:30:20 25/03/2012
i got cynder at my tru last week.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#583 Posted: 16:34:38 25/03/2012
I have a spare Cynder, possibly two if I am able to get the triple pack sometime over the next week. I am keeping them unopened since I need all three in the triple pack (zook, lightning rod, cynder).
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#584 Posted: 17:26:06 25/03/2012
just got back from tru they knew nothing about this 30th thing so ill have to wait and se
Green Bean Machine
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#585 Posted: 17:34:35 26/03/2012
Has any Canadian city gotten Zook or Lightning Rod yet?
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#586 Posted: 19:49:23 26/03/2012
I just came back from Walmart. Full stock of wave 3, and even an Empire of Ice! I picked it up and cancelled my online order.

No Wave 4 yet anywhere.

Called TRU and nothing came in today.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#587 Posted: 20:07:45 26/03/2012
i did not see anything at anywhere today hmm Friday seems to be the day to check
Green Bean Machine
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#588 Posted: 22:07:21 26/03/2012
HUGE news!Just found 5 dragons peaks at toys r us!I guess this means Wave 4 is out!
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#589 Posted: 22:08:34 26/03/2012
where do you live superbill28
Green Bean Machine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:08:56 26/03/2012 by zook it up
LunarEclipse83 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1096
#590 Posted: 22:28:04 26/03/2012
I was at TRU on Friday and they were putting out Dragon's Peak on the shelves, so I picked it up. Got to the check out and there system said it was street dated for March 30th and they wouldn't sell it to me. It had no street date on the box, just in their system. I work in retail myself and understand street dates it's an understandable mistake since nothing was on the box, and they did take them off the shelf. I wasn't happy about it but I understood. But with all the reports of people getting them if this store sells them before Friday I will be pissed.
evil spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1350
#591 Posted: 22:39:18 26/03/2012
Quote: LunarEclipse83
...system said it was street dated for March 30th and they wouldn't sell it to me.

i was told the same thing. luckily my sister got me one in the states yesterday smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#592 Posted: 23:54:13 26/03/2012
so superbill28 did you actually buy dragons peak or would they not let you
Green Bean Machine
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#593 Posted: 00:46:58 27/03/2012
I've been finding them back in stores, finally. Only at EB Games and Future Shop so far. Nothing from Wave 4.
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#594 Posted: 01:54:17 27/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
so superbill28 did you actually buy dragons peak or would they not let you

I did buy it
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#595 Posted: 01:55:14 27/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
where do you live superbill28

I live in B.C.
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#596 Posted: 02:03:22 27/03/2012
Quote: superbill28
Quote: zook it up
where do you live superbill28

I live in B.C.

Wut. Me too. I'm guessing that was the TRU in Metrotown? It must have been an important location, to say the least. My local store hasn't got anything in yet in weeks!
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#597 Posted: 02:04:04 27/03/2012
Well,whats funny is that I went to another toys r us today and found another dragons peak!I was hoping for something like the
cynder/zook/lightning rod 3 pack,But this time they wouldn't let me buy it.They told me that I could come back on Friday and that it's
only there to show other people what it was like smilie.So I didn't know what was up...I guess I got lucky and my toys r us decided to
give them out early.
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#598 Posted: 02:07:36 27/03/2012
Quote: Capoeira
Quote: superbill28
Quote: zook it up
where do you live superbill28

I live in B.C.

Wut. Me too. I'm guessing that was the TRU in Metrotown? It must have been an important location, to say the least. My local store hasn't got anything in yet in weeks!

Actually,the one I went to was in Langley.The other one I went to was Surrey.I checked Metrotown yesterday,And Guess What?Nothing at Metrotown!smilie
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#599 Posted: 02:08:09 27/03/2012
Quote: superbill28
Well,whats funny is that I went to another toys r us today and found another dragons peak!I was hoping for something like the
cynder/zook/lightning rod 3 pack,But this time they wouldn't let me buy it.They told me that I could come back on Friday and that it's
only there to show other people what it was like smilie.So I didn't know what was up...I guess I got lucky and my toys r us decided to
give them out early.

>it's only there to show other people what it was like

Lol, what trolls!
Capoeira Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#600 Posted: 02:09:24 27/03/2012
Quote: superbill28
Quote: Capoeira
Quote: superbill28

I live in B.C.

Wut. Me too. I'm guessing that was the TRU in Metrotown? It must have been an important location, to say the least. My local store hasn't got anything in yet in weeks!

Actually,the one I went to was in Langley.The other one I went to was Surrey.I checked Metrotown yesterday,And Guess What?Nothing at Metrotown!smilie

I'm sure Metrotown would sell out in less than an hour. It's nice to know they're out there, at least.
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